to rails, you are likely much better off with our **[Discourse Vagrant Developer Guide](**.
4. Create development and test databases in postgres.
5. Copy `config/database.yml.sample' and `config/redis.yml.sample` to `config/database.yml` and `config/redis.yml.sample` and input the correct values to point to your postgres and redis instances.
6. We recommend starting with seed data to play around in your development environment. [Download Seed SQL Data]( Install it into postgres using a command like this: `psql -d discourse_development < dev-discourse-seed.sql`.
## Before you start Rails
1.`bundle install`
2.`rake db:migrate`
3.`rake db:test:prepare`
4. Try running the specs: `bundle exec rspec`
5.`bundle exec rails server`
You should now be able to connect to rails on http://localhost:3000 - try it out! The seed data includes a pinned topic that explains how to get an admin account, so start there! Happy hacking!
Here are the steps we used to create the **[Vagrant Virtual Machine](**. They might be useful if you plan on setting up an environment from scratch on Linux: