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# frozen_string_literal: true
class PostAlerter
def self.post_created(post, opts = {})
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
PostAlerter.new(opts).after_save_post(post, true)
def self.post_edited(post, opts = {})
PostAlerter.new(opts).after_save_post(post, false)
def initialize(default_opts = {})
@default_opts = default_opts
def not_allowed?(user, post)
user.blank? ||
2019-03-11 19:58:14 -04:00
user.bot? ||
user.id == post.user_id
def all_allowed_users(post)
@all_allowed_users ||= post.topic.all_allowed_users.reject { |u| not_allowed?(u, post) }
2015-05-25 13:15:00 -04:00
def allowed_users(post)
@allowed_users ||= post.topic.allowed_users.reject { |u| not_allowed?(u, post) }
2015-05-25 13:15:00 -04:00
def allowed_group_users(post)
@allowed_group_users ||= post.topic.allowed_group_users.reject { |u| not_allowed?(u, post) }
def directly_targeted_users(post)
allowed_users(post) - allowed_group_users(post)
def indirectly_targeted_users(post)
def only_allowed_users(users, post)
return users unless post.topic.private_message?
users.select { |u| all_allowed_users(post).include?(u) }
2017-09-19 09:51:10 -04:00
def notify_about_reply?(post)
# small actions can be whispers in this case they will have an action code
# we never want to notify on this
post.post_type == Post.types[:regular] ||
(post.post_type == Post.types[:whisper] && post.action_code.nil?)
2017-09-19 09:51:10 -04:00
def after_save_post(post, new_record = false)
notified = [post.user, post.last_editor].uniq
# mentions (users/groups)
mentioned_groups, mentioned_users = extract_mentions(post)
if mentioned_groups || mentioned_users
mentioned_opts = {}
editor = post.last_editor
if post.last_editor_id != post.user_id
# Mention comes from an edit by someone else, so notification should say who added the mention.
mentioned_opts = { user_id: editor.id, original_username: editor.username, display_username: editor.username }
if mentioned_users
mentioned_users = only_allowed_users(mentioned_users, post)
notified += notify_users(mentioned_users - notified, :mentioned, post, mentioned_opts)
expand_group_mentions(mentioned_groups, post) do |group, users|
users = only_allowed_users(users, post)
notified += notify_users(users - notified, :group_mentioned, post, mentioned_opts.merge(group: group))
# replies
reply_to_user = post.reply_notification_target
2017-09-19 09:51:10 -04:00
if new_record && reply_to_user && !notified.include?(reply_to_user) && notify_about_reply?(post)
notified += notify_non_pm_users(reply_to_user, :replied, post)
# quotes
quoted_users = extract_quoted_users(post)
notified += notify_non_pm_users(quoted_users - notified, :quoted, post)
# linked
linked_users = extract_linked_users(post)
notified += notify_non_pm_users(linked_users - notified, :linked, post)
# private messages
if new_record
if post.topic.private_message?
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
notify_pm_users(post, reply_to_user, notified)
elsif notify_about_reply?(post)
notify_post_users(post, notified, new_record: new_record)
sync_group_mentions(post, mentioned_groups)
if new_record && post.post_number == 1
topic = post.topic
if topic.present?
watchers = category_watchers(topic) + tag_watchers(topic) + group_watchers(topic)
notify_first_post_watchers(post, watchers)
def group_watchers(topic)
group_id: topic.allowed_groups.pluck(:group_id),
notification_level: GroupUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post]
def tag_watchers(topic)
.where(notification_level: TagUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post])
def category_watchers(topic)
.where(notification_level: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post])
def notify_first_post_watchers(post, user_ids)
return if user_ids.blank?
# Don't notify the OP
user_ids -= [post.user_id]
users = User.where(id: user_ids)
2018-05-07 05:44:29 -04:00
DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, users, post)
each_user_in_batches(users) do |user|
create_notification(user, Notification.types[:watching_first_post], post)
def sync_group_mentions(post, mentioned_groups)
GroupMention.where(post_id: post.id).destroy_all
return if mentioned_groups.blank?
now = Time.zone.now
# insert_all instead of insert_all! since multiple post_alert jobs might be
# running concurrently
mentioned_groups.map do |group|
post_id: post.id,
group_id: group.id,
created_at: now,
updated_at: now,
def unread_posts(user, topic)
.where('post_number > COALESCE((
SELECT last_read_post_number FROM topic_users tu
WHERE tu.user_id = ? AND tu.topic_id = ? ),0)',
user.id, topic.id)
.where('reply_to_user_id = :user_id
OR exists(SELECT 1 from topic_users tu
WHERE tu.user_id = :user_id AND
tu.topic_id = :topic_id AND
notification_level = :topic_level)
OR exists(SELECT 1 from category_users cu
WHERE cu.user_id = :user_id AND
cu.category_id = :category_id AND
notification_level = :category_level)
OR exists(SELECT 1 from tag_users tu
WHERE tu.user_id = :user_id AND
tu.tag_id IN (SELECT tag_id FROM topic_tags WHERE topic_id = :topic_id) AND
notification_level = :tag_level)',
user_id: user.id,
topic_id: topic.id,
category_id: topic.category_id,
topic_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching],
category_level: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching],
tag_level: TagUser.notification_levels[:watching]
.where(topic_id: topic.id)
def first_unread_post(user, topic)
unread_posts(user, topic).order('post_number').first
def unread_count(user, topic)
unread_posts(user, topic).count
def destroy_notifications(user, types, topic)
return if user.blank?
return unless Guardian.new(user).can_see?(topic)
User.transaction do
notification_type: types,
topic_id: topic.id
# Reload so notification counts sync up correctly
].map { |t| Notification.types[t] }
def group_stats(topic)
sql = <<~SQL
JOIN topic_allowed_groups g ON g.group_id = :group_id AND g.topic_id = t.id
LEFT JOIN group_archived_messages a ON a.topic_id = t.id AND a.group_id = g.group_id
WHERE a.id IS NULL AND t.deleted_at is NULL AND t.archetype = 'private_message'
topic.allowed_groups.map do |g|
group_id: g.id,
group_name: g.name,
inbox_count: DB.query_single(sql, group_id: g.id).first.to_i
def notify_group_summary(user, post)
@group_stats ||= {}
stats = (@group_stats[post.topic_id] ||= group_stats(post.topic))
return unless stats
group_id = post.topic
.where(group_id: user.groups.pluck(:id))
stat = stats.find { |s| s[:group_id] == group_id }
2016-01-27 07:13:37 -05:00
return unless stat && stat[:inbox_count] > 0
notification_type = Notification.types[:group_message_summary]
DistributedMutex.synchronize("group_message_notify_#{user.id}") do
Notification.where(notification_type: notification_type, user_id: user.id).each do |n|
n.destroy if n.data_hash[:group_id] == stat[:group_id]
notification_type: notification_type,
user_id: user.id,
data: {
group_id: stat[:group_id],
group_name: stat[:group_name],
inbox_count: stat[:inbox_count],
username: user.username_lower
# TODO decide if it makes sense to also publish a desktop notification
def should_notify_edit?(notification, post, opts)
notification.created_at < 1.day.ago ||
notification.data_hash["display_username"] != (opts[:display_username].presence || post.user.username)
def should_notify_like?(user, notification)
return true if user.user_option.like_notification_frequency == UserOption.like_notification_frequency_type[:always]
return true if user.user_option.like_notification_frequency == UserOption.like_notification_frequency_type[:first_time_and_daily] && notification.created_at < 1.day.ago
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
def should_notify_previous?(user, post, notification, opts)
case notification.notification_type
when Notification.types[:edited] then should_notify_edit?(notification, post, opts)
when Notification.types[:liked] then should_notify_like?(user, notification)
else false
2018-12-24 06:44:50 -05:00
def create_notification(user, type, post, opts = {})
opts = @default_opts.merge(opts)
DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notification, user, type, post, opts)
return if user.blank? || user.bot? || post.blank?
return if (topic = post.topic).blank?
is_liked = type == Notification.types[:liked]
return if is_liked && user.user_option.like_notification_frequency == UserOption.like_notification_frequency_type[:never]
# Make sure the user can see the post
return unless Guardian.new(user).can_see?(post)
return if user.staged? && topic.category&.mailinglist_mirror?
notifier_id = opts[:user_id] || post.user_id # xxxxx look at revision history
# apply muting here
return if notifier_id && MutedUser.where(user_id: user.id, muted_user_id: notifier_id)
.where('NOT admin AND NOT moderator')
# apply ignored here
return if notifier_id && IgnoredUser.where(user_id: user.id, ignored_user_id: notifier_id)
.where('NOT admin AND NOT moderator')
# skip if muted on the topic
return if TopicUser.where(
topic: topic,
user: user,
notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted]
# skip if muted on the group
if group = opts[:group]
return if GroupUser.where(
group_id: opts[:group_id],
user_id: user.id,
notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted]
existing_notifications = user.notifications
.order("notifications.id DESC")
topic_id: post.topic_id,
post_number: post.post_number
# Don't notify the same user about the same type of notification on the same post
existing_notification_of_same_type = existing_notifications.find { |n| n.notification_type == type }
if existing_notification_of_same_type && !should_notify_previous?(user, post, existing_notification_of_same_type, opts)
# linked, quoted, mentioned may be suppressed if you already have a reply notification
if type == Notification.types[:quoted] || type == Notification.types[:linked] || type == Notification.types[:mentioned]
return if existing_notifications.find { |n| n.notification_type == Notification.types[:replied] }
notification_data = {}
if is_liked &&
existing_notification_of_same_type &&
existing_notification_of_same_type.created_at > 1.day.ago &&
user.user_option.like_notification_frequency ==
data = existing_notification_of_same_type.data_hash
notification_data["username2"] = data["display_username"]
notification_data["count"] = (data["count"] || 1).to_i + 1
# don't use destroy so we don't trigger a notification count refresh
Notification.where(id: existing_notification_of_same_type.id).destroy_all
collapsed = false
destroy_notifications(user, COLLAPSED_NOTIFICATION_TYPES, topic)
collapsed = true
original_post = post
2018-12-24 06:44:50 -05:00
original_username = opts[:display_username].presence || post.username
if collapsed
post = first_unread_post(user, topic) || post
count = unread_count(user, topic)
if count > 1
I18n.with_locale(user.effective_locale) do
opts[:display_username] = I18n.t('embed.replies', count: count)
UserActionManager.notification_created(original_post, user, type, opts[:acting_user_id])
topic_title = topic.title
# when sending a private message email, keep the original title
if topic.private_message? && modifications = post.revisions.map(&:modifications)
if first_title_modification = modifications.find { |m| m.has_key?("title") }
topic_title = first_title_modification["title"][0]
notification_data.merge!(topic_title: topic_title,
original_post_id: original_post.id,
original_post_type: original_post.post_type,
original_username: original_username,
revision_number: opts[:revision_number],
display_username: opts[:display_username] || post.user.username)
if group = opts[:group]
notification_data[:group_id] = group.id
notification_data[:group_name] = group.name
if opts[:skip_send_email_to]&.include?(user.email)
skip_send_email = true
elsif original_post.via_email && (incoming_email = original_post.incoming_email)
skip_send_email =
incoming_email.to_addresses_split.include?(user.email) ||
skip_send_email = opts[:skip_send_email]
# Create the notification
created = user.notifications.create!(
notification_type: type,
topic_id: post.topic_id,
post_number: post.post_number,
post_action_id: opts[:post_action_id],
data: notification_data.to_json,
skip_send_email: skip_send_email
if created.id && existing_notifications.empty? && NOTIFIABLE_TYPES.include?(type) && !user.suspended?
create_notification_alert(user: user, post: original_post, notification_type: type, username: original_username)
created.id ? created : nil
def create_notification_alert(user:, post:, notification_type:, excerpt: nil, username: nil)
if post_url = post.url
payload = {
notification_type: notification_type,
post_number: post.post_number,
topic_title: post.topic.title,
topic_id: post.topic.id,
excerpt: excerpt || post.excerpt(400, text_entities: true, strip_links: true, remap_emoji: true),
username: username || post.username,
post_url: post_url
DiscourseEvent.trigger(:pre_notification_alert, user, payload)
MessageBus.publish("/notification-alert/#{user.id}", payload, user_ids: [user.id])
push_notification(user, payload)
DiscourseEvent.trigger(:post_notification_alert, user, payload)
def push_notification(user, payload)
2020-12-18 10:03:51 -05:00
return if user.do_not_disturb?
if user.push_subscriptions.exists?
Jobs.enqueue(:send_push_notification, user_id: user.id, payload: payload)
if SiteSetting.allow_user_api_key_scopes.split("|").include?("push") && SiteSetting.allowed_user_api_push_urls.present?
clients = user.user_api_keys
.where("user_api_key_scopes.name IN ('push', 'notifications')")
.where("push_url IS NOT NULL AND push_url <> ''")
.where("position(push_url IN ?) > 0", SiteSetting.allowed_user_api_push_urls)
.where("revoked_at IS NULL")
.order(client_id: :asc)
.pluck(:client_id, :push_url)
if clients.length > 0
Jobs.enqueue(:push_notification, clients: clients, payload: payload, user_id: user.id)
def expand_group_mentions(groups, post)
return unless post.user && groups
Group.mentionable(post.user, include_public: false).where(id: groups.map(&:id)).each do |group|
next if group.user_count >= SiteSetting.max_users_notified_per_group_mention
yield group, group.users
# TODO: Move to post-analyzer?
def extract_mentions(post)
mentions = post.raw_mentions
return if mentions.blank?
groups = Group.where('LOWER(name) IN (?)', mentions)
mentions -= groups.map(&:name).map(&:downcase)
groups = nil if groups.empty?
if mentions.present?
users = User.where(username_lower: mentions).where.not(id: post.user_id)
users = nil if users.empty?
[groups, users]
# TODO: Move to post-analyzer?
# Returns a list of users who were quoted in the post
def extract_quoted_users(post)
post.raw.scan(/\[quote=\"([^,]+),.+\"\]/).uniq.map do |m|
User.find_by("username_lower = :username AND id != :id", username: m.first.strip.downcase, id: post.user_id)
def extract_linked_users(post)
users = post.topic_links.where(reflection: false).map do |link|
linked_post = link.link_post
if !linked_post && topic = link.link_topic
linked_post = topic.posts.find_by(post_number: 1)
(linked_post && post.user_id != linked_post.user_id && linked_post.user) || nil
DiscourseEvent.trigger(:after_extract_linked_users, users, post)
# Notify a bunch of users
def notify_non_pm_users(users, type, post, opts = {})
return [] if post.topic&.private_message?
2015-05-25 13:15:00 -04:00
notify_users(users, type, post, opts)
def notify_users(users, type, post, opts = {})
users = [users] unless users.is_a?(Array)
users.reject!(&:staged?) if post.topic&.private_message?
2015-05-25 13:15:00 -04:00
DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, users, post)
users.each do |u|
create_notification(u, Notification.types[type], post, opts)
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
def notify_pm_users(post, reply_to_user, notified)
return unless post.topic
# Users who interacted with the post by _directly_ emailing the group
FEATURE: Use group SMTP settings for sending user notification emails (initial) (#13220) This PR changes the `UserNotification` class to send outbound `user_private_message` using the group's SMTP settings, but only if: * The first allowed_group on the topic has SMTP configured and enabled * SiteSetting.enable_smtp is true * The group does not have IMAP enabled, if this is enabled the `GroupSMTPMailer` handles things The email is sent using the group's `email_username` as both the `from` and `reply-to` address, so when the user replies from their email it will go through the group's SMTP inbox, which needs to have email forwarding set up to send the message on to a location (such as a hosted site email address like meta@discoursemail.com) where it can be POSTed into discourse's handle_mail route. Also includes a fix to `EmailReceiver#group_incoming_emails_regex` to include the `group.email_username` so the group does not get a staged user created and invited to the topic (which was a problem for IMAP), as well as updating `Group.find_by_email` to find using the `email_username` as well for inbound emails with that as the TO address. #### Note This is safe to merge without impacting anyone seriously. If people had SMTP enabled for a group they would have IMAP enabled too currently, and that is a very small amount of users because IMAP is an alpha product, and also because the UserNotification change has a guard to make sure it is not used if IMAP is enabled for the group. The existing IMAP tests work, and I tested this functionality by manually POSTing replies to the SMTP address into my local discourse. There will probably be more work needed on this, but it needs to be tested further in a real hosted environment to continue.
2021-06-03 00:47:32 -04:00
# via the group's email_username which is configured via SMTP/IMAP.
# This excludes people who replied via email to a user_private_message
# notification email which will have a PostReplyKey. These people should
# not be emailed again by the user_private_message notifications below.
FEATURE: Use group SMTP settings for sending user notification emails (initial) (#13220) This PR changes the `UserNotification` class to send outbound `user_private_message` using the group's SMTP settings, but only if: * The first allowed_group on the topic has SMTP configured and enabled * SiteSetting.enable_smtp is true * The group does not have IMAP enabled, if this is enabled the `GroupSMTPMailer` handles things The email is sent using the group's `email_username` as both the `from` and `reply-to` address, so when the user replies from their email it will go through the group's SMTP inbox, which needs to have email forwarding set up to send the message on to a location (such as a hosted site email address like meta@discoursemail.com) where it can be POSTed into discourse's handle_mail route. Also includes a fix to `EmailReceiver#group_incoming_emails_regex` to include the `group.email_username` so the group does not get a staged user created and invited to the topic (which was a problem for IMAP), as well as updating `Group.find_by_email` to find using the `email_username` as well for inbound emails with that as the TO address. #### Note This is safe to merge without impacting anyone seriously. If people had SMTP enabled for a group they would have IMAP enabled too currently, and that is a very small amount of users because IMAP is an alpha product, and also because the UserNotification change has a guard to make sure it is not used if IMAP is enabled for the group. The existing IMAP tests work, and I tested this functionality by manually POSTing replies to the SMTP address into my local discourse. There will probably be more work needed on this, but it needs to be tested further in a real hosted environment to continue.
2021-06-03 00:47:32 -04:00
# This also excludes people who emailed the group by one of its incoming_email
# addresses, e.g. somegroup+support@discoursemail.com, which is part of the
# normal group email flow and has nothing to do with SMTP/IMAP.
emails_to_skip_send = notify_group_direct_emailers(post)
# Users that aren't part of any mentioned groups and who did not email
FEATURE: Use group SMTP settings for sending user notification emails (initial) (#13220) This PR changes the `UserNotification` class to send outbound `user_private_message` using the group's SMTP settings, but only if: * The first allowed_group on the topic has SMTP configured and enabled * SiteSetting.enable_smtp is true * The group does not have IMAP enabled, if this is enabled the `GroupSMTPMailer` handles things The email is sent using the group's `email_username` as both the `from` and `reply-to` address, so when the user replies from their email it will go through the group's SMTP inbox, which needs to have email forwarding set up to send the message on to a location (such as a hosted site email address like meta@discoursemail.com) where it can be POSTed into discourse's handle_mail route. Also includes a fix to `EmailReceiver#group_incoming_emails_regex` to include the `group.email_username` so the group does not get a staged user created and invited to the topic (which was a problem for IMAP), as well as updating `Group.find_by_email` to find using the `email_username` as well for inbound emails with that as the TO address. #### Note This is safe to merge without impacting anyone seriously. If people had SMTP enabled for a group they would have IMAP enabled too currently, and that is a very small amount of users because IMAP is an alpha product, and also because the UserNotification change has a guard to make sure it is not used if IMAP is enabled for the group. The existing IMAP tests work, and I tested this functionality by manually POSTing replies to the SMTP address into my local discourse. There will probably be more work needed on this, but it needs to be tested further in a real hosted environment to continue.
2021-06-03 00:47:32 -04:00
# the group directly at the group's email_username.
users = directly_targeted_users(post).reject { |u| notified.include?(u) }
DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, users, post)
users.each do |user|
notification_level = TopicUser.get(post.topic, user)&.notification_level
if reply_to_user == user || notification_level == TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching] || user.staged?
create_notification(user, Notification.types[:private_message], post, skip_send_email_to: emails_to_skip_send)
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
FEATURE: Use group SMTP settings for sending user notification emails (initial) (#13220) This PR changes the `UserNotification` class to send outbound `user_private_message` using the group's SMTP settings, but only if: * The first allowed_group on the topic has SMTP configured and enabled * SiteSetting.enable_smtp is true * The group does not have IMAP enabled, if this is enabled the `GroupSMTPMailer` handles things The email is sent using the group's `email_username` as both the `from` and `reply-to` address, so when the user replies from their email it will go through the group's SMTP inbox, which needs to have email forwarding set up to send the message on to a location (such as a hosted site email address like meta@discoursemail.com) where it can be POSTed into discourse's handle_mail route. Also includes a fix to `EmailReceiver#group_incoming_emails_regex` to include the `group.email_username` so the group does not get a staged user created and invited to the topic (which was a problem for IMAP), as well as updating `Group.find_by_email` to find using the `email_username` as well for inbound emails with that as the TO address. #### Note This is safe to merge without impacting anyone seriously. If people had SMTP enabled for a group they would have IMAP enabled too currently, and that is a very small amount of users because IMAP is an alpha product, and also because the UserNotification change has a guard to make sure it is not used if IMAP is enabled for the group. The existing IMAP tests work, and I tested this functionality by manually POSTing replies to the SMTP address into my local discourse. There will probably be more work needed on this, but it needs to be tested further in a real hosted environment to continue.
2021-06-03 00:47:32 -04:00
# Users that are part of all mentioned groups.
users = indirectly_targeted_users(post).reject { |u| notified.include?(u) }
DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, users, post)
users.each do |user|
case TopicUser.get(post.topic, user)&.notification_level
when TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]
# only create a notification when watching the group
create_notification(user, Notification.types[:private_message], post, skip_send_email_to: emails_to_skip_send)
when TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]
notify_group_summary(user, post)
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
def group_notifying_via_smtp(post)
return nil if !SiteSetting.enable_smtp || !SiteSetting.enable_imap || post.post_type != Post.types[:regular]
post.topic.allowed_groups.where(smtp_enabled: true, imap_enabled: true).first
def notify_group_direct_emailers(post)
email_addresses = []
emails_to_skip_send = []
group = group_notifying_via_smtp(post)
return emails_to_skip_send if group.blank?
# If the post already has an incoming email, it has been set in the
# Email::Receiver or via the GroupSmtpEmail job, and thus it was created
# via the IMAP/SMTP flow, so there is no need to notify those involved
# in the email chain again.
if post.incoming_email.blank?
email_addresses = post.topic.incoming_email_addresses(group: group)
if email_addresses.any?
Jobs.enqueue(:group_smtp_email, group_id: group.id, post_id: post.id, email: email_addresses)
FEATURE: Use group SMTP settings for sending user notification emails (initial) (#13220) This PR changes the `UserNotification` class to send outbound `user_private_message` using the group's SMTP settings, but only if: * The first allowed_group on the topic has SMTP configured and enabled * SiteSetting.enable_smtp is true * The group does not have IMAP enabled, if this is enabled the `GroupSMTPMailer` handles things The email is sent using the group's `email_username` as both the `from` and `reply-to` address, so when the user replies from their email it will go through the group's SMTP inbox, which needs to have email forwarding set up to send the message on to a location (such as a hosted site email address like meta@discoursemail.com) where it can be POSTed into discourse's handle_mail route. Also includes a fix to `EmailReceiver#group_incoming_emails_regex` to include the `group.email_username` so the group does not get a staged user created and invited to the topic (which was a problem for IMAP), as well as updating `Group.find_by_email` to find using the `email_username` as well for inbound emails with that as the TO address. #### Note This is safe to merge without impacting anyone seriously. If people had SMTP enabled for a group they would have IMAP enabled too currently, and that is a very small amount of users because IMAP is an alpha product, and also because the UserNotification change has a guard to make sure it is not used if IMAP is enabled for the group. The existing IMAP tests work, and I tested this functionality by manually POSTing replies to the SMTP address into my local discourse. There will probably be more work needed on this, but it needs to be tested further in a real hosted environment to continue.
2021-06-03 00:47:32 -04:00
# Add the group's email_username into the array, because it is used for
# skip_send_email_to in the case of user private message notifications
# (we do not want the group to be sent any emails from here because it
# will make another email for IMAP to pick up in the group's mailbox)
emails_to_skip_send = email_addresses.dup if email_addresses.any?
emails_to_skip_send << group.email_username
def notify_post_users(post, notified, group_ids: nil, include_topic_watchers: true, include_category_watchers: true, include_tag_watchers: true, new_record: false)
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
return unless post.topic
condition = +<<~SQL
users.id IN (
SELECT id FROM users WHERE false
if include_topic_watchers
condition.sub! "/*topic*/", <<~SQL
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
SELECT user_id
FROM topic_users
WHERE notification_level = :watching
AND topic_id = :topic_id
if include_category_watchers
condition.sub! "/*category*/", <<~SQL
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
SELECT cu.user_id
FROM category_users cu
LEFT JOIN topic_users tu ON tu.user_id = cu.user_id
AND tu.topic_id = :topic_id
WHERE cu.notification_level = :watching
AND cu.category_id = :category_id
AND (tu.user_id IS NULL OR tu.notification_level = :watching)
tag_ids = post.topic.topic_tags.pluck('topic_tags.tag_id')
if include_tag_watchers && tag_ids.present?
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
condition.sub! "/*tags*/", <<~SQL
SELECT tag_users.user_id
FROM tag_users
LEFT JOIN topic_users tu ON tu.user_id = tag_users.user_id
AND tu.topic_id = :topic_id
WHERE tag_users.notification_level = :watching
AND tag_users.tag_id IN (:tag_ids)
AND (tu.user_id IS NULL OR tu.notification_level = :watching)
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
notify = User.where(condition,
2018-05-15 03:51:32 -04:00
watching: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching],
topic_id: post.topic_id,
category_id: post.topic.category_id,
tag_ids: tag_ids
if group_ids.present?
notify = notify.joins(:group_users).where("group_users.group_id IN (?)", group_ids)
if post.topic.private_message?
notify = notify.where(staged: false).staff
exclude_user_ids = notified.map(&:id)
notify = notify.where("users.id NOT IN (?)", exclude_user_ids) if exclude_user_ids.present?
DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, notify, post)
already_seen_user_ids = Set.new TopicUser.where(topic_id: post.topic.id).where("highest_seen_post_number >= ?", post.post_number).pluck(:user_id)
each_user_in_batches(notify) do |user|
notification_type = !new_record && already_seen_user_ids.include?(user.id) ? Notification.types[:edited] : Notification.types[:posted]
opts = {}
opts[:display_username] = post.last_editor.username if notification_type == Notification.types[:edited]
create_notification(user, notification_type, post, opts)
def warn_if_not_sidekiq
Rails.logger.warn("PostAlerter.#{caller_locations(1, 1)[0].label} was called outside of sidekiq") unless Sidekiq.server?
def each_user_in_batches(users)
# This is race-condition-safe, unlike #find_in_batches
users.pluck(:id).each_slice(USER_BATCH_SIZE) do |user_ids_batch|
User.where(id: user_ids_batch).each { |user| yield(user) }