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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:35 +00:00
FEATURE: Badge query validation, preview results, and EXPLAIN
Upon saving a badge or requesting a badge result preview, BadgeGranter.contract_checks! will examine the provided badge SQL for some contractual obligations - namely, the returned columns and use of trigger parameters. Saving the badge is wrapped in a transaction to make this easier, by raising ActiveRecord::Rollback on a detected violation. On the client, a modal view is added for the badge query sample run results, named admin-badge-preview. The preview action is moved up to the route. The save action, on failure, triggers a 'saveError' action (also in the route). The preview action gains a new parameter, 'explain', which will give the output of an EXPLAIN query for the badge sql, which can be used by forum admins to estimate the cost of their badge queries. The preview link is replaced by two links, one which omits (false) and includes (true) the EXPLAIN query. The Badge.save() method is amended to propogate errors. Badge::Trigger gets some utility methods for use in the BadgeGranter.contract_checks! method. Additionally, extra checks outside of BadgeGranter.contract_checks! are added in the preview() method, to cover cases of null granted_at columns. An uninitialized variable path is removed in the backfill() method. TODO - it would be nice to be able to get the actual names of all columns the provided query returns, so we could give more errors
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ['modal'],
sample: Em.computed.alias('model.sample'),
errors: Em.computed.alias('model.errors'),
count: Em.computed.alias('model.grant_count'),
count_warning: function() {
if (this.get('count') <= 10) {
return this.get('sample.length') !== this.get('count');
} else {
return this.get('sample.length') !== 10;
}.property('count', 'sample.length'),
has_query_plan: function() {
return !!this.get('model.query_plan');
query_plan_html: function() {
var raw = this.get('model.query_plan'),
returned = "<pre>";
_.each(raw, function(linehash) {
returned += Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(linehash["QUERY PLAN"]);
returned += "<br>";
returned += "</pre>";
return returned;
processed_sample: Ember.computed.map('model.sample', function(grant) {
var i18nKey = 'admin.badges.preview.grant.with',
i18nParams = { username: Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(grant.username) };
if (grant.post_id) {
i18nKey += "_post";
i18nParams.link = "<a href='/p/" + grant.post_id + "' data-auto-route='true'>" + Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(grant.title) + "</a>";
if (grant.granted_at) {
i18nKey += "_time";
i18nParams.time = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(moment(grant.granted_at).format(I18n.t('dates.long_with_year')));
return I18n.t(i18nKey, i18nParams);
@ -78,21 +78,6 @@ export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
actions: {
preview: function(badge) {
// TODO wire modal and localize
Discourse.ajax('/admin/badges/preview.json', {
method: 'post',
data: {sql: badge.query, target_posts: !!badge.target_posts}
} else {
bootbox.alert(json.grant_count + " badges to be assigned");
Create a new badge and select it.
@ -128,16 +113,21 @@ export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
'enabled', 'show_posts',
'target_posts', 'name', 'description',
'icon', 'query', 'badge_grouping_id',
'trigger', 'badge_type_id'];
'trigger', 'badge_type_id'],
self = this;
if (this.get('selectedItem.system')){
var protectedFields = this.get('protectedSystemFields');
fields = _.filter(fields, function(f){
return !_.include(protectedFields,f);
this.get('selectedItem').save(fields).catch(function(error) {
// this shows the admin-badge-preview modal with the error
// kinda weird, but it consolidates the display logic for badge errors
self.send('saveError', error);
@ -15,8 +15,39 @@ Discourse.AdminBadgesRoute = Discourse.Route.extend({
actions: {
editGroupings: function(model){
editGroupings: function(model) {
Discourse.Route.showModal(this, 'admin_edit_badge_groupings', model);
saveError: function(jqXhr) {
if (jqXhr.status === 422) {
Discourse.Route.showModal(this, 'admin_badge_preview', jqXhr.responseJSON);
} else {
preview: function(badge, explain) {
var self = this;
badge.set('preview_loading', true);
Discourse.ajax('/admin/badges/preview.json', {
method: 'post',
data: {
sql: badge.query,
target_posts: !!badge.target_posts,
trigger: badge.trigger,
explain: explain
}).then(function(json) {
badge.set('preview_loading', false);
Discourse.Route.showModal(self, 'admin_badge_preview', json);
}).catch(function(error) {
badge.set('preview_loading', false);
bootbox.alert("Network error");
@ -76,7 +76,12 @@
{{#if hasQuery}}
<a href="/admin/badges/preview" {{action preview this}}>{{i18n admin.badges.preview}}</a>
<a href {{action preview this "false"}}>{{i18n admin.badges.preview.link_text}}</a>
<a href {{action preview this "true"}}>{{i18n admin.badges.preview.plan_text}}</a>
{{#if preview_loading}}
{{i18n loading}}...
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
<div class="badge-query-preview">
{{#if errors}}
<p class="error-header">{{i18n admin.badges.preview.sql_error_header}}</p>
<div class="badge-errors">
TODO we want some help pages for this, link to those instead
{{i18n admin.badges.preview.error_help}}
<li><a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/triggered-custom-badge-queries/19336">https://meta.discourse.org/t/triggered-custom-badge-queries/19336</a></li>
<p class="grant-count">{{{i18n admin.badges.preview.grant_count count=count}}}</p>
{{#if count_warning}}
<div class="count-warning">
<p class="heading"><i class="fa fa-warning"></i> {{i18n admin.badges.preview.bad_count_warning.header}}</p>
<p class="body">{{i18n admin.badges.preview.bad_count_warning.text}}</p>
{{#if sample}}
<p class="sample">
{{i18n admin.badges.preview.sample}}
{{#each html in processed_sample}}
{{#if has_query_plan}}
<div class="badge-query-plan">
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Discourse.AdminBadgePreviewView = Discourse.ModalBodyView.extend({
templateName: 'admin/templates/modal/admin_badge_preview',
title: I18n.t('admin.badges.preview.modal_title')
@ -146,10 +146,10 @@ Discourse.Badge = Discourse.Model.extend({
self.set('savingStatus', I18n.t('saved'));
self.set('saving', false);
return self;
}, function(error){
self.set('savingStatus', '');
}).catch(function(error) {
self.set('savingStatus', I18n.t('failed'));
self.set('saving', false);
throw error;
@ -419,6 +419,38 @@ section.details {
.badge-query-preview {
.grant-count, .sample, .error-header {
margin-left: 10px;
.badge-query-plan, .badge-errors {
padding: 4px;
background-color: scale-color-diff();
.badge-query-plan {
font-size: 80%;
.badge-errors {
font-family: monospace;
.count-warning {
background-color: dark-light-diff(rgba($danger,.7), $secondary, 50%, -60%);
margin: 0 0 7px 0;
padding: 10px 20px;
p {
margin: 0;
.heading {
color: $danger;
font-weight: bold;
// Customise area
.customize {
.nav.nav-pills {
@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ class Admin::BadgesController < Admin::AdminController
def preview
render json: BadgeGranter.preview(params[:sql], target_posts: params[:target_posts] == "true")
render json: BadgeGranter.preview(params[:sql],
target_posts: params[:target_posts] == "true",
explain: params[:explain] == "true",
trigger: params[:trigger].to_i)
def badge_types
@ -53,9 +56,28 @@ class Admin::BadgesController < Admin::AdminController
def update
badge = find_badge
render_serialized(badge, BadgeSerializer, root: "badge")
error = nil
Badge.transaction do
# Perform checks to prevent bad queries
BadgeGranter.contract_checks!(badge.query, { target_posts: badge.target_posts, trigger: badge.trigger })
rescue => e
# noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable
error = e.message
raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
if error
render_json_error error
render_serialized(badge, BadgeSerializer, root: "badge")
def destroy
@ -31,6 +31,18 @@ class Badge < ActiveRecord::Base
PostRevision = 2
TrustLevelChange = 4
UserChange = 8
def self.is_none?(trigger)
[0].include? trigger
def self.uses_user_ids?(trigger)
[4, 8].include? trigger
def self.uses_post_ids?(trigger)
[1, 2].include? trigger
module Queries
@ -132,9 +132,38 @@ class BadgeGranter
# Options:
# :target_posts - whether the badge targets posts
# :trigger - the Badge::Trigger id
def self.contract_checks!(sql, opts = {})
return unless sql.present?
if Badge::Trigger.uses_post_ids?(opts[:trigger])
raise "Contract violation:\nQuery triggers on posts, but does not reference the ':post_ids' array" unless sql.match /:post_ids/
if Badge::Trigger.uses_user_ids?(opts[:trigger])
raise "Contract violation:\nQuery triggers on users, but does not reference the ':user_ids' array" unless sql.match /:user_ids/
if opts[:trigger] && !Badge::Trigger.is_none?(opts[:trigger])
raise "Contract violation:\nQuery is triggered, but does not reference the ':backfill' parameter.\n(Hint: if :backfill is TRUE, you should ignore the :post_ids/:user_ids)" unless sql.match /:backfill/
# TODO these three conditions have a lot of false negatives
if opts[:target_posts]
raise "Contract violation:\nQuery targets posts, but does not return a 'post_id' column" unless sql.match /post_id/
raise "Contract violation:\nQuery does not return a 'user_id' column" unless sql.match /user_id/
raise "Contract violation:\nQuery does not return a 'granted_at' column" unless sql.match /granted_at/
# Options:
# :target_posts - whether the badge targets posts
# :trigger - the Badge::Trigger id
# :explain - return the EXPLAIN query
def self.preview(sql, opts = {})
params = {user_ids: [], post_ids: [], backfill: true}
BadgeGranter.contract_checks!(sql, opts)
# hack to allow for params, otherwise sanitizer will trigger sprintf
count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM (#{sql}) q WHERE :backfill = :backfill"
grant_count = SqlBuilder.map_exec(OpenStruct, count_sql, params).first.count.to_i
@ -156,23 +185,34 @@ class BadgeGranter
query_plan = nil
query_plan = ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql("EXPLAIN #{sql}", params) if opts[:explain]
sample = SqlBuilder.map_exec(OpenStruct, grants_sql, params).map(&:to_h)
{grant_count: grant_count, sample: sample}
sample.each do |result|
raise "Query returned a non-existent user ID:\n#{result[:id]}" unless User.find(result[:id]).present?
raise "Query did not return a badge grant time\n(Try using 'current_timestamp granted_at')" unless result[:granted_at]
if opts[:target_posts]
raise "Query did not return a post ID" unless result[:post_id]
raise "Query returned a non-existent post ID:\n#{result[:post_id]}" unless Post.find(result[:post_id]).present?
{grant_count: grant_count, sample: sample, query_plan: query_plan}
rescue => e
{error: e.to_s}
{errors: e.message}
def self.backfill(badge, opts=nil)
return unless badge.query.present? && badge.enabled
post_ids = user_ids = nil
post_ids = opts[:post_ids] if opts
user_ids = opts[:user_ids] if opts
post_ids = nil unless post_ids.present?
user_ids = nil unless user_ids.present?
# safeguard fall back to full backfill if more than 200
if (post_ids && post_ids.length > MAX_ITEMS_FOR_DELTA) ||
(user_ids && user_ids.length > MAX_ITEMS_FOR_DELTA)
@ -180,6 +220,9 @@ class BadgeGranter
user_ids = nil
post_ids = nil unless post_ids.present?
user_ids = nil unless user_ids.present?
full_backfill = !user_ids && !post_ids
post_clause = badge.target_posts ? "AND (q.post_id = ub.post_id OR NOT :multiple_grant)" : ""
@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ en:
disable: "Disable"
undo: "Undo"
revert: "Revert"
failed: "Failed"
close: "Dismiss this banner."
@ -2024,7 +2025,6 @@ en:
target_posts: Query targets posts
auto_revoke: Run revocation query daily
show_posts: Show post granting badge on badge page
preview: Preview badge
trigger: Trigger
none: "Update daily"
@ -2032,6 +2032,25 @@ en:
post_revision: "When a user edits or creates a post"
trust_level_change: "When a user changes trust level"
user_change: "When a user is edited or created"
link_text: "Preview granted badges"
plan_text: "Preview with query plan"
modal_title: "Badge Query Preview"
sql_error_header: "There was an error with the query."
error_help: "See the following links for help with badge queries."
header: "WARNING!"
text: "There are missing grant samples. This happens when the badge query returns user IDs or post IDs that do not exist. This may cause unexpected results later on - please double-check your query."
zero: "No badges to be assigned."
one: "<b>1</b> badge to be assigned."
other: "<b>%{count}</b> badges to be assigned."
sample: "Sample:"
with: <span class="username">%{username}</span>
with_post: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link}
with_post_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link} at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
with_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
download: "download"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user