diff --git a/spec/components/email/receiver_spec.rb b/spec/components/email/receiver_spec.rb
index 71bc6a4d504..c5ef25543ec 100644
--- a/spec/components/email/receiver_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/components/email/receiver_spec.rb
@@ -8,124 +8,225 @@ describe Email::Receiver do
before do
SiteSetting.reply_by_email_address = "reply+%{reply_key}@appmail.adventuretime.ooo"
SiteSetting.email_in = false
+ SiteSetting.title = "Discourse"
- describe 'invalid emails' do
+ describe 'parse_body' do
+ def test_parse_body(mail_string)
+ Email::Receiver.new(nil).parse_body(Mail::Message.new mail_string)
+ end
it "raises EmptyEmailError if the message is blank" do
- expect { Email::Receiver.new("").process }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmptyEmailError)
+ expect { test_parse_body("") }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmptyEmailError)
it "raises EmptyEmailError if the message is not an email" do
- expect { Email::Receiver.new("asdf" * 30).process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmptyEmailError)
+ expect { test_parse_body("asdf" * 30) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmptyEmailError)
- it "raises EmailUnparsableError if there is no reply content" do
- expect { Email::Receiver.new(fixture_file("emails/no_content_reply.eml")).process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailUnparsableError)
+ it "raises EmptyEmailError if there is no reply content" do
+ expect { test_parse_body(fixture_file("emails/no_content_reply.eml")) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmptyEmailError)
- end
- describe "with multipart" do
- let(:reply_below) { fixture_file("emails/multipart.eml") }
- let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(reply_below) }
- it "processes correctly" do
- expect { receiver.process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailLogNotFound)
- expect(receiver.body).to eq(
-"So presumably all the quoted garbage and my (proper) signature will get
-stripped from my reply?")
+ pending "raises EmailUnparsableError if the headers are corrupted" do
+ expect { ; }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailUnparsableError)
- end
- describe "html only" do
- let(:reply_below) { fixture_file("emails/html_only.eml") }
- let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(reply_below) }
- it "processes correctly" do
- expect { receiver.process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailLogNotFound)
- expect(receiver.body).to eq("The EC2 instance - I've seen that there tends to be odd and " +
- "unrecommended settings on the Bitnami installs that I've checked out.")
+ it "can parse the html section" do
+ test_parse_body(fixture_file("emails/html_only.eml")).should == "The EC2 instance - I've seen that there tends to be odd and " +
+ "unrecommended settings on the Bitnami installs that I've checked out."
- end
- describe "it supports a dutch reply" do
- let(:dutch) { fixture_file("emails/dutch.eml") }
- let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(dutch) }
- it "processes correctly" do
- expect { receiver.process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailLogNotFound)
- expect(receiver.body).to eq("Dit is een antwoord in het Nederlands.")
+ it "supports a Dutch reply" do
+ test_parse_body(fixture_file("emails/dutch.eml")).should == "Dit is een antwoord in het Nederlands."
- end
- describe "It supports a non english reply" do
- let(:hebrew) { fixture_file("emails/hebrew.eml") }
- let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(hebrew) }
- it "processes correctly" do
+ it "supports a Hebrew reply" do
- expect { receiver.process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailLogNotFound)
- expect(receiver.body).to eq("שלום")
+ # The force_encoding call is only needed for the test - it is passed on fine to the cooked post
+ test_parse_body(fixture_file("emails/hebrew.eml")).force_encoding("UTF-8").should == "שלום"
- end
- describe "It supports a non UTF-8 reply" do
- let(:big5) { fixture_file("emails/big5.eml") }
- let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(big5) }
- it "processes correctly" do
+ it "supports a BIG5-encoded reply" do
- expect { receiver.process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailLogNotFound)
- expect(receiver.body).to eq("媽!我上電視了!")
+ # The force_encoding call is only needed for the test - it is passed on fine to the cooked post
+ test_parse_body(fixture_file("emails/big5.eml")).force_encoding("UTF-8").should == "媽!我上電視了!"
- end
- describe "via" do
- let(:wrote) { fixture_file("emails/via_line.eml") }
- let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(wrote) }
+ it "removes 'via' lines if they match the site title" do
+ SiteSetting.title = "Discourse"
- it "removes via lines if we know them" do
- expect { receiver.process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailLogNotFound)
- expect(receiver.body).to eq("Hello this email has content!")
+ test_parse_body(fixture_file("emails/via_line.eml")).should == "Hello this email has content!"
- end
- describe "if wrote is on a second line" do
- let(:wrote) { fixture_file("emails/multiline_wrote.eml") }
- let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(wrote) }
- it "processes correctly" do
- expect { receiver.process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailLogNotFound)
- expect(receiver.body).to eq("Thanks!")
+ it "removes the 'Previous Discussion' marker" do
+ test_parse_body(fixture_file("emails/previous.eml")).should == "This will not include the previous discussion that is present in this email."
- end
- describe "remove previous discussion" do
- let(:previous) { fixture_file("emails/previous.eml") }
- let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(previous) }
- it "processes correctly" do
- expect { receiver.process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailLogNotFound)
- expect(receiver.body).to eq("This will not include the previous discussion that is present in this email.")
- end
- end
- describe "multiple paragraphs" do
- let(:paragraphs) { fixture_file("emails/paragraphs.eml") }
- let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(paragraphs) }
- it "processes correctly" do
- expect { receiver.process}.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::EmailLogNotFound)
- expect(receiver.body).to eq(
+ it "handles multiple paragraphs" do
+ test_parse_body(fixture_file("emails/paragraphs.eml")).
+ should == (
"Is there any reason the *old* candy can't be be kept in silos while the new candy
is imported into *new* silos?
The thing about candy is it stays delicious for a long time -- we can just keep
it there without worrying about it too much, imo.
-Thanks for listening.")
+Thanks for listening."
+ )
+ describe "posting replies" do
+ let(:reply_key) { raise "Override this in a lower describe block" }
+ let(:email_raw) { raise "Override this in a lower describe block" }
+ # ----
+ let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(email_raw) }
+ let(:post) { create_post }
+ let(:topic) { post.topic }
+ let(:posting_user) { post.user }
+ let(:replying_user_email) { 'jake@adventuretime.ooo' }
+ let(:replying_user) { Fabricate(:user, email: replying_user_email, trust_level: 2)}
+ let(:email_log) { EmailLog.new(reply_key: reply_key,
+ post: post,
+ post_id: post.id,
+ topic_id: post.topic_id,
+ email_type: 'user_posted',
+ user: replying_user,
+ user_id: replying_user.id,
+ to_address: replying_user_email
+ ) }
+ before do
+ email_log.save
+ end
+ # === Success Posting ===
+ describe "valid_reply.eml" do
+ let!(:reply_key) { '59d8df8370b7e95c5a49fbf86aeb2c93' }
+ let!(:email_raw) { fixture_file("emails/valid_reply.eml") }
+ it "creates a post with the correct content" do
+ start_count = topic.posts.count
+ receiver.process
+ topic.posts.count.should == (start_count + 1)
+ topic.posts.last.cooked.strip.should == fixture_file("emails/valid_reply.cooked").strip
+ end
+ end
+ describe "paragraphs.eml" do
+ let!(:reply_key) { '59d8df8370b7e95c5a49fbf86aeb2c93' }
+ let!(:email_raw) { fixture_file("emails/paragraphs.eml") }
+ it "cooks multiple paragraphs with traditional Markdown linebreaks" do
+ start_count = topic.posts.count
+ receiver.process
+ topic.posts.count.should == (start_count + 1)
+ topic.posts.last.cooked.strip.should == fixture_file("emails/paragraphs.cooked").strip
+ topic.posts.last.cooked.should_not match /
+ Upload.find_by(sha1: upload_sha).should_not be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ # === Failure Conditions ===
+ describe "too_short.eml" do
+ let!(:reply_key) { '636ca428858779856c226bb145ef4fad' }
+ let!(:email_raw) {
+ fixture_file("emails/too_short.eml")
+ .gsub("TO", "reply+#{reply_key}@appmail.adventuretime.ooo")
+ .gsub("FROM", replying_user_email)
+ .gsub("SUBJECT", "re: [Discourse Meta] eviltrout posted in 'Adventure Time Sux'")
+ }
+ it "raises an InvalidPost error" do
+ SiteSetting.min_post_length = 5
+ expect { receiver.process }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::InvalidPost)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "too_many_mentions.eml" do
+ let!(:reply_key) { '636ca428858779856c226bb145ef4fad' }
+ let!(:email_raw) { fixture_file("emails/too_many_mentions.eml") }
+ it "raises an InvalidPost error" do
+ SiteSetting.max_mentions_per_post = 10
+ (1..11).each do |i|
+ Fabricate(:user, username: "user#{i}").save
+ end
+ expect { receiver.process }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::InvalidPost)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "posting a new topic" do
+ let(:category_destination) { raise "Override this in a lower describe block" }
+ let(:email_raw) { raise "Override this in a lower describe block" }
+ let(:allow_strangers) { false }
+ # ----
+ let(:receiver) { Email::Receiver.new(email_raw) }
+ let(:user_email) { 'jake@adventuretime.ooo' }
+ let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, email: user_email, trust_level: 2)}
+ let(:category) { Fabricate(:category, email_in: category_destination, email_in_allow_strangers: allow_strangers) }
+ before do
+ SiteSetting.email_in = true
+ user.save
+ category.save
+ end
+ describe "too_short.eml" do
+ let!(:category_destination) { 'incoming+amazing@appmail.adventuretime.ooo' }
+ let(:email_raw) {
+ fixture_file("emails/too_short.eml")
+ .gsub("TO", category_destination)
+ .gsub("FROM", user_email)
+ .gsub("SUBJECT", "A long subject that passes the checks")
+ }
+ it "does not create a topic if the post fails" do
+ before_topic_count = Topic.count
+ expect { receiver.process }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::InvalidPost)
+ Topic.count.should == before_topic_count
+ end
+ end
+ end
def fill_email(mail, from, to, body = nil, subject = nil)
result = mail.gsub("FROM", from).gsub("TO", to)
if body
@@ -181,12 +282,6 @@ greatest show ever created. Everyone should watch it.
expect(receiver.body).to eq(reply_body)
expect(receiver.email_log).to eq(email_log)
- attachment_email = fixture_file("emails/attachment.eml")
- attachment_email = fill_email(attachment_email, "test@test.com", to)
- r = Email::Receiver.new(attachment_email)
- expect { r.process }.to_not raise_error
- expect(r.body).to match(/here is an image attachment\n\n/)
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/emails/boundary.eml b/spec/fixtures/emails/boundary.eml
index 92eb4347f9c..1250fe498b0 100644
--- a/spec/fixtures/emails/boundary.eml
+++ b/spec/fixtures/emails/boundary.eml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
I'll look into it, thanks!
-On Wednesday, June 19, 2013, jake via Adventure Time wrote:
+On Wednesday, June 19, 2013, jake via Discourse wrote:
> jake mentioned you in 'peppermint butler is missing' on Adventure
> Time:
@@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ p>
ime.ooo/user_preferences" target=3D"_blank">user preferences.
-- So presumably all the quoted garbage and my (proper) signature will - get stripped from my reply?Han Solo just sent you a private message
-I got it here! Yay it worked!
-Please visit this link to respond: http://darthvader.ca/t/regarding-your-post-in-site-customization-not-working/7641/2
-To unsubscribe from these emails, visit your user - preferences.
-- -Anakin Skywalker | `One of the main causes of the fall of -evildad@darthvader.ca | the Roman Empire was that, lacking zero, - | they had no way to indicate successful - | termination of their C programs.' - Firth -- - - ---------------070503080300090900010604-- diff --git a/spec/fixtures/emails/paragraphs.cooked b/spec/fixtures/emails/paragraphs.cooked new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..da83260e09c --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/fixtures/emails/paragraphs.cooked @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +
Is there any reason the old candy can't be be kept in silos while the new candy +is imported into new silos?
+ +The thing about candy is it stays delicious for a long time -- we can just keep +it there without worrying about it too much, imo.
+ +Thanks for listening.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/spec/fixtures/emails/too_many_mentions.eml b/spec/fixtures/emails/too_many_mentions.eml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9cc7b75c94f --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/fixtures/emails/too_many_mentions.eml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +Return-Path: