diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb
index 373db6e755b..639b51d7852 100644
--- a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3.rb
@@ -1,486 +1,29 @@
-require "mysql2"
-require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb")
-class ImportScripts::PhpBB3 < ImportScripts::Base
- PHPBB_DB = "phpbb"
- BATCH_SIZE = 1000
- ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX = "oldsite.example.com/forums" # without http(s)://
- NEW_SITE_PREFIX = "http://discourse.example.com" # with http:// or https://
- # Set PHPBB_BASE_DIR to the base directory of your phpBB installation.
- # When importing, you should place the subdirectories "files" (containing all
- # attachments) and "images" (containing avatars) in PHPBB_BASE_DIR.
- # If nil, [attachment] tags and avatars won't be processed.
- # If you used ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR before, e.g. ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR = '/var/www/phpbb/files/'
- # would become PHPBB_BASE_DIR = '/var/www/phpbb'
- # now.
- PHPBB_BASE_DIR = '/var/www/phpbb'
- AUTHORIZED_EXTENSIONS = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'zip', 'rar', 'pdf']
- # Avatar types to import.:
- # 1 = uploaded avatars (you should probably leave this here)
- # 2 = hotlinked avatars - WARNING: this will considerably slow down your import
- # if there are many hotlinked avatars and some of them unavailable!
- # 3 = galery avatars (the predefined avatars phpBB offers. They will be converted to uploaded avatars)
- def initialize
- super
- @client = Mysql2::Client.new(
- host: "localhost",
- username: "root",
- #password: "password",
- database: PHPBB_DB
- )
- phpbb_read_config
- end
- def execute
- import_users
- import_categories
- import_posts
- import_private_messages
- import_attachments unless PHPBB_BASE_DIR.nil?
- suspend_users
- end
- def import_users
- puts '', "creating users"
- total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count
- FROM phpbb_users u
- JOIN phpbb_groups g ON g.group_id = u.group_id
- WHERE g.group_name != 'BOTS'
- AND u.user_type != 1;").first['count']
- batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset|
- results = mysql_query(
- "SELECT user_id id, user_email email, username, user_regdate, group_name, user_avatar_type, user_avatar
- FROM phpbb_users u
- JOIN phpbb_groups g ON g.group_id = u.group_id
- WHERE g.group_name != 'BOTS'
- AND u.user_type != 1
- ORDER BY u.user_id ASC
- OFFSET #{offset};")
- break if results.size < 1
- create_users(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |user|
- { id: user['id'],
- email: user['email'],
- username: user['username'],
- created_at: Time.zone.at(user['user_regdate']),
- moderator: user['group_name'] == 'GLOBAL_MODERATORS',
- admin: user['group_name'] == 'ADMINISTRATORS',
- post_create_action: proc do |newmember|
- if not PHPBB_BASE_DIR.nil? and IMPORT_AVATARS.include?(user['user_avatar_type']) and newmember.uploaded_avatar_id.blank?
- path = phpbb_avatar_fullpath(user['user_avatar_type'], user['user_avatar'])
- if path
- begin
- upload = create_upload(newmember.id, path, user['user_avatar'])
- if upload.persisted?
- newmember.import_mode = false
- newmember.create_user_avatar
- newmember.import_mode = true
- newmember.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id)
- newmember.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id)
- else
- puts "Error: Upload did not persist!"
- end
- rescue SystemCallError => err
- puts "Could not import avatar: #{err.message}"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- }
- end
- end
- end
- def import_categories
- results = mysql_query("
- SELECT forum_id id, parent_id, left(forum_name, 50) name, forum_desc description
- FROM phpbb_forums
- ORDER BY parent_id ASC, forum_id ASC
- ")
- create_categories(results) do |row|
- h = {id: row['id'], name: CGI.unescapeHTML(row['name']), description: CGI.unescapeHTML(row['description'])}
- if row['parent_id'].to_i > 0
- h[:parent_category_id] = category_id_from_imported_category_id(row['parent_id'])
- end
- h
- end
- end
- def import_posts
- puts "", "creating topics and posts"
- total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count from phpbb_posts").first["count"]
- batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset|
- results = mysql_query("
- SELECT p.post_id id,
- p.topic_id topic_id,
- t.forum_id category_id,
- t.topic_title title,
- t.topic_first_post_id first_post_id,
- p.poster_id user_id,
- p.post_text raw,
- p.post_time post_time
- FROM phpbb_posts p,
- phpbb_topics t
- WHERE p.topic_id = t.topic_id
- OFFSET #{offset};
- ")
- break if results.size < 1
- create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |m|
- skip = false
- mapped = {}
- mapped[:id] = m['id']
- mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(m['user_id']) || -1
- mapped[:raw] = process_phpbb_post(m['raw'], m['id'])
- mapped[:created_at] = Time.zone.at(m['post_time'])
- if m['id'] == m['first_post_id']
- mapped[:category] = category_id_from_imported_category_id(m['category_id'])
- mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(m['title'])
- else
- parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(m['first_post_id'])
- if parent
- mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id]
- else
- puts "Parent post #{m['first_post_id']} doesn't exist. Skipping #{m["id"]}: #{m["title"][0..40]}"
- skip = true
- end
- end
- skip ? nil : mapped
- end
- end
- end
- def import_private_messages
- puts "", "creating private messages"
- total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count from phpbb_privmsgs").first["count"]
- batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset|
- results = mysql_query("
- SELECT msg_id id,
- root_level,
- author_id user_id,
- message_time,
- message_subject,
- message_text
- FROM phpbb_privmsgs
- ORDER BY root_level ASC, msg_id ASC
- OFFSET #{offset};
- ")
- break if results.size < 1
- create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |m|
- skip = false
- mapped = {}
- mapped[:id] = "pm:#{m['id']}"
- mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(m['user_id']) || -1
- mapped[:raw] = process_phpbb_post(m['message_text'], m['id'])
- mapped[:created_at] = Time.zone.at(m['message_time'])
- if m['root_level'] == 0
- mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(m['message_subject'])
- mapped[:archetype] = Archetype.private_message
- # Find the users who are part of this private message.
- # Found from the to_address of phpbb_privmsgs, by looking at
- # all the rows with the same root_level.
- # to_address looks like this: "u_91:u_1234:u_200"
- # The "u_" prefix is discarded and the rest is a user_id.
- import_user_ids = mysql_query("
- SELECT to_address
- FROM phpbb_privmsgs
- WHERE msg_id = #{m['id']}
- OR root_level = #{m['id']}").map { |r| r['to_address'].split(':') }.flatten!.map! { |u| u[2..-1] }
- mapped[:target_usernames] = import_user_ids.map! do |import_user_id|
- import_user_id.to_s == m['user_id'].to_s ? nil : User.find_by_id(user_id_from_imported_user_id(import_user_id)).try(:username)
- end.compact.uniq
- skip = true if mapped[:target_usernames].empty? # pm with yourself?
- else
- parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("pm:#{m['root_level']}")
- if parent
- mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id]
- else
- puts "Parent post pm:#{m['root_level']} doesn't exist. Skipping #{m["id"]}: #{m["message_subject"][0..40]}"
- skip = true
- end
- end
- skip ? nil : mapped
- end
- end
- end
- def suspend_users
- puts '', "updating banned users"
- where = "ban_userid > 0 AND (ban_end = 0 OR ban_end > #{Time.zone.now.to_i})"
- banned = 0
- failed = 0
- total = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM phpbb_banlist WHERE #{where}").first['count']
- system_user = Discourse.system_user
- mysql_query("SELECT ban_userid, ban_start, ban_end, ban_give_reason FROM phpbb_banlist WHERE #{where}").each do |b|
- user = find_user_by_import_id(b['ban_userid'])
- if user
- user.suspended_at = Time.zone.at(b['ban_start'])
- user.suspended_till = b['ban_end'] > 0 ? Time.zone.at(b['ban_end']) : 200.years.from_now
- if user.save
- StaffActionLogger.new(system_user).log_user_suspend(user, b['ban_give_reason'])
- banned += 1
- else
- puts "Failed to suspend user #{user.username}. #{user.errors.try(:full_messages).try(:inspect)}"
- failed += 1
- end
- else
- puts "Not found: #{b['ban_userid']}"
- failed += 1
- end
- print_status banned + failed, total
- end
- end
- def process_phpbb_post(raw, import_id)
- s = raw.dup
- # :) is encoded as
- s.gsub!(/]+) \/>/, '\1')
- # Internal forum links of this form: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=3412
- s.gsub!(/viewtopic(?:.*)t=(\d+)<\/a>/) do |phpbb_link|
- replace_internal_link(phpbb_link, $1, import_id)
- end
- # Some links look like this: http://www.onegameamonth.com
- s.gsub!(/(.+)<\/a>/, '[\2](\1)')
- # Many phpbb bbcode tags have a hash attached to them. Examples:
- # [url=https://google.com:1qh1i7ky]click here[/url:1qh1i7ky]
- # [quote="cybereality":b0wtlzex]Some text.[/quote:b0wtlzex]
- s.gsub!(/:(?:\w{8})\]/, ']')
- s = CGI.unescapeHTML(s)
- # phpBB shortens link text like this, which breaks our markdown processing:
- # [http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 223AAkkPli](http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070920134223AAkkPli)
- #
- # Work around it for now:
- s.gsub!(/\[http(s)?:\/\/(www\.)?/, '[')
- # Replace internal forum links that aren't in the format
- s.gsub!(internal_url_regexp) do |phpbb_link|
- replace_internal_link(phpbb_link, $1, import_id)
- end
- # convert list tags to ul and list=1 tags to ol
- # (basically, we're only missing list=a here...)
- s.gsub!(/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list:u\]/m, '[ul]\1[/ul]')
- s.gsub!(/\[list=1\](.*?)\[\/list:o\]/m, '[ol]\1[/ol]')
- # convert *-tags to li-tags so bbcode-to-md can do its magic on phpBB's lists:
- s.gsub!(/\[\*\](.*?)\[\/\*:m\]/, '[li]\1[/li]')
- s
- end
- def replace_internal_link(phpbb_link, import_topic_id, from_import_post_id)
- results = mysql_query("select topic_first_post_id from phpbb_topics where topic_id = #{import_topic_id}")
- return phpbb_link unless results.size > 0
- linked_topic_id = results.first['topic_first_post_id']
- lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(linked_topic_id)
- return phpbb_link unless lookup
- t = Topic.find_by_id(lookup[:topic_id])
- if t
- "#{NEW_SITE_PREFIX}/t/#{t.slug}/#{t.id}"
- else
- phpbb_link
- end
- end
- def internal_url_regexp
- @internal_url_regexp ||= Regexp.new("http(?:s)?://#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}/viewtopic\\.php?(?:\\S*)t=(\\d+)")
- end
- # This step is done separately because it can take multiple attempts to get right (because of
- # missing files, wrong paths, authorized extensions, etc.).
- def import_attachments
- setting = AUTHORIZED_EXTENSIONS.join('|')
- SiteSetting.authorized_extensions = setting if setting != SiteSetting.authorized_extensions
- r = /\[attachment=[\d]+\]<\!-- [\w]+ --\>([^<]+)<\!-- [\w]+ --\>\[\/attachment\]/
- user = Discourse.system_user
- current_count = 0
- total_count = Post.count
- success_count = 0
- fail_count = 0
- puts '', "Importing attachments...", ''
- Post.find_each do |post|
- current_count += 1
- print_status current_count, total_count
- new_raw = post.raw.dup
- new_raw.gsub!(r) do |s|
- matches = r.match(s)
- real_filename = matches[1]
- # note: currently, we do not import PM attachments.
- # If this should be desired, this has to be fixed,
- # otherwise, the SQL state coughs up an error for the
- # clause "WHERE post_msg_id = pm12345"...
- next s if post.custom_fields['import_id'].start_with?('pm:')
- sql = "SELECT physical_filename,
- mimetype
- FROM phpbb_attachments
- WHERE post_msg_id = #{post.custom_fields['import_id']}
- AND real_filename = '#{real_filename}';"
- begin
- results = mysql_query(sql)
- rescue Mysql2::Error => e
- puts "SQL Error"
- puts e.message
- puts sql
- fail_count += 1
- next s
- end
- row = results.first
- if !row
- puts "Couldn't find phpbb_attachments record for post.id = #{post.id}, import_id = #{post.custom_fields['import_id']}, real_filename = #{real_filename}"
- fail_count += 1
- next s
- end
- filename = File.join(PHPBB_BASE_DIR+'/files', row['physical_filename'])
- if !File.exists?(filename)
- puts "Attachment file doesn't exist: #{filename}"
- fail_count += 1
- next s
- end
- upload = create_upload(user.id, filename, real_filename)
- if upload.nil? || !upload.valid?
- puts "Upload not valid :("
- puts upload.errors.inspect if upload
- fail_count += 1
- next s
- end
- success_count += 1
- html_for_upload(upload, real_filename)
- end
- if new_raw != post.raw
- PostRevisor.new(post).revise!(post.user, { raw: new_raw }, { bypass_bump: true, edit_reason: 'Migrate from PHPBB3' })
- end
- end
- puts '', ''
- puts "succeeded: #{success_count}"
- puts " failed: #{fail_count}" if fail_count > 0
- puts ''
- end
- # Read avatar config from phpBB configuration table.
- # Stored there: - paths relative to the phpBB install path
- # - "salt", i.e. base filename for uploaded avatars
- #
- def phpbb_read_config
- results = mysql_query("SELECT config_name, config_value
- FROM phpbb_config;")
- if results.size<1
- puts "could not read config... no avatars and attachments will be imported!"
- return
- end
- results.each do |result|
- if result['config_name']=='avatar_gallery_path'
- @avatar_gallery_path = result['config_value']
- elsif result['config_name']=='avatar_path'
- @avatar_path = result['config_value']
- elsif result['config_name']=='avatar_salt'
- @avatar_salt = result['config_value']
- end
- end
- end
- # Create the full path to the phpBB avatar specified by avatar_type and filename.
- #
- def phpbb_avatar_fullpath(avatar_type, filename)
- case avatar_type
- when 1 # uploaded avatar
- filename.gsub!(/_[0-9]+\./,'.') # we need 1337.jpg, not 1337_2983745.jpg
- path=@avatar_path
- PHPBB_BASE_DIR+'/'+path+'/'+@avatar_salt+'_'+filename
- when 3 # gallery avatar
- path=@avatar_gallery_path
- PHPBB_BASE_DIR+'/'+path+'/'+filename
- when 2 # hotlinked avatar
- begin
- hotlinked = FileHelper.download(filename, SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes, "discourse-hotlinked")
- rescue StandardError => err
- puts "Error downloading avatar: #{err.message}. Skipping..."
- return nil
- end
- if hotlinked
- if hotlinked.size <= SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes
- return hotlinked
- else
- Rails.logger.error("Failed to pull hotlinked image: #{filename} - Image is bigger than #{@max_size}")
- nil
- end
- else
- Rails.logger.error("There was an error while downloading '#{filename}' locally.")
- nil
- end
- else
- puts 'Invalid avatar type #{avatar_type}, skipping'
- nil
- end
- end
- def mysql_query(sql)
- @client.query(sql, cache_rows: false)
- end
+if ARGV.length != 1 || !File.exists?(ARGV[0])
+ STDERR.puts '', 'Usage of phpBB3 importer:', 'bundle exec ruby phpbb3.rb '
+ STDERR.puts '', "Use the settings file from #{File.expand_path('phpbb3/settings.yml', File.dirname(__FILE__))} as an example."
+ exit 1
+module ImportScripts
+ module PhpBB3
+ require_relative 'phpbb3/support/settings'
+ require_relative 'phpbb3/database/database'
+ @settings = Settings.load(ARGV[0])
+ # We need to load the gem files for ruby-bbcode-to-md and the database adapter
+ # (e.g. mysql2) before bundler gets initialized by the base importer.
+ # Otherwise we get an error since those gems are not always in the Gemfile.
+ require 'ruby-bbcode-to-md' if @settings.use_bbcode_to_md
+ begin
+ @database = Database.create(@settings.database)
+ rescue UnsupportedVersionError => error
+ STDERR.puts '', error.message
+ exit 1
+ end
+ require_relative 'phpbb3/importer'
+ Importer.new(@settings, @database).perform
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..731f05b8a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+require 'mysql2'
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class Database
+ # @param database_settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::DatabaseSettings]
+ def self.create(database_settings)
+ Database.new(database_settings).create_database
+ end
+ # @param database_settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::DatabaseSettings]
+ def initialize(database_settings)
+ @database_settings = database_settings
+ @database_client = create_database_client
+ end
+ # @return [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_0 | ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_1]
+ def create_database
+ version = get_phpbb_version
+ if version.start_with?('3.0')
+ require_relative 'database_3_0'
+ Database_3_0.new(@database_client, @database_settings)
+ elsif version.start_with?('3.1')
+ require_relative 'database_3_1'
+ Database_3_1.new(@database_client, @database_settings)
+ else
+ raise UnsupportedVersionError, "Unsupported version (#{version}) of phpBB detected.\n" \
+ << 'Currently only 3.0.x and 3.1.x are supported by this importer.'
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def create_database_client
+ Mysql2::Client.new(
+ host: @database_settings.host,
+ username: @database_settings.username,
+ password: @database_settings.password,
+ database: @database_settings.schema
+ )
+ end
+ def get_phpbb_version
+ table_prefix = @database_settings.table_prefix
+ @database_client.query(<<-SQL, cache_rows: false, symbolize_keys: true).first[:config_value]
+ SELECT config_value
+ FROM #{table_prefix}_config
+ WHERE config_name = 'version'
+ end
+ end
+ class UnsupportedVersionError < RuntimeError;
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database_3_0.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database_3_0.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4115cc38e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database_3_0.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+require_relative 'database_base'
+require_relative '../support/constants'
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class Database_3_0 < DatabaseBase
+ def count_users
+ count(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_users u
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_groups g ON g.group_id = u.group_id
+ WHERE u.user_type != #{Constants::USER_TYPE_IGNORE}
+ end
+ def fetch_users(offset)
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT u.user_id, u.user_email, u.username, u.user_regdate, u.user_lastvisit, u.user_ip,
+ u.user_type, u.user_inactive_reason, g.group_name, b.ban_start, b.ban_end, b.ban_reason,
+ u.user_posts, u.user_website, u.user_from, u.user_birthday, u.user_avatar_type, u.user_avatar
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_users u
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_groups g ON (g.group_id = u.group_id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN #{@table_prefix}_banlist b ON (
+ u.user_id = b.ban_userid AND b.ban_exclude = 0 AND
+ (b.ban_end = 0 OR b.ban_end >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP())
+ )
+ WHERE u.user_type != #{Constants::USER_TYPE_IGNORE}
+ ORDER BY u.user_id ASC
+ LIMIT #{@batch_size}
+ OFFSET #{offset}
+ end
+ def count_anonymous_users
+ count(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT post_username) AS count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_posts
+ WHERE post_username <> ''
+ end
+ def fetch_anonymous_users(offset)
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT post_username, MIN(post_time) AS first_post_time
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_posts
+ WHERE post_username <> ''
+ GROUP BY post_username
+ ORDER BY post_username ASC
+ LIMIT #{@batch_size}
+ OFFSET #{offset}
+ end
+ def fetch_categories
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT f.forum_id, f.parent_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_name, f.forum_desc, x.first_post_time
+ FROM phpbb_forums f
+ SELECT MIN(topic_time) AS first_post_time, forum_id
+ FROM phpbb_topics
+ GROUP BY forum_id
+ ) x ON (f.forum_id = x.forum_id)
+ WHERE f.forum_type != #{Constants::FORUM_TYPE_LINK}
+ ORDER BY f.parent_id ASC, f.left_id ASC
+ end
+ def count_posts
+ count(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_posts
+ end
+ def fetch_posts(offset)
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT p.post_id, p.topic_id, t.forum_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_first_post_id, p.poster_id,
+ p.post_text, p.post_time, p.post_username, t.topic_status, t.topic_type, t.poll_title,
+ CASE WHEN t.poll_length > 0 THEN t.poll_start + t.poll_length ELSE NULL END AS poll_end,
+ t.poll_max_options, p.post_attachment
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_posts p
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_topics t ON (p.topic_id = t.topic_id)
+ ORDER BY p.post_id ASC
+ LIMIT #{@batch_size}
+ OFFSET #{offset}
+ end
+ def get_first_post_id(topic_id)
+ query(<<-SQL).first[:topic_first_post_id]
+ SELECT topic_first_post_id
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_topics
+ WHERE topic_id = #{topic_id}
+ end
+ def fetch_poll_options(topic_id)
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT poll_option_id, poll_option_text, poll_option_total
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_options
+ WHERE topic_id = #{topic_id}
+ ORDER BY poll_option_id
+ end
+ def fetch_poll_votes(topic_id)
+ # this query ignores votes from users that do not exist anymore
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT u.user_id, v.poll_option_id
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_votes v
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_users u ON (v.vote_user_id = u.user_id)
+ WHERE v.topic_id = #{topic_id}
+ end
+ def count_voters(topic_id)
+ # anonymous voters can't be counted, but lets try to make the count look "correct" anyway
+ count(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT MAX(count) AS count
+ FROM (
+ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT vote_user_id) AS count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_votes
+ WHERE topic_id = #{topic_id}
+ SELECT MAX(poll_option_total) AS count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_options
+ WHERE topic_id = #{topic_id}
+ ) x
+ end
+ def get_max_attachment_size
+ query(<<-SQL).first[:filesize]
+ SELECT IFNULL(MAX(filesize), 0) AS filesize
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_attachments
+ end
+ def fetch_attachments(topic_id, post_id)
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT physical_filename, real_filename
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_attachments
+ WHERE topic_id = #{topic_id} AND post_msg_id = #{post_id}
+ ORDER BY filetime DESC, post_msg_id ASC
+ end
+ def count_messages(use_fixed_messages)
+ if use_fixed_messages
+ count(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs
+ else
+ count(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_messages(use_fixed_messages, offset)
+ if use_fixed_messages
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT m.msg_id, i.root_msg_id, m.author_id, m.message_time, m.message_subject, m.message_text,
+ IFNULL(a.attachment_count, 0) AS attachment_count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs i ON (m.msg_id = i.msg_id)
+ SELECT post_msg_id, COUNT(*) AS attachment_count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_attachments
+ WHERE topic_id = 0
+ GROUP BY post_msg_id
+ ) a ON (m.msg_id = a.post_msg_id)
+ ORDER BY i.root_msg_id ASC, m.msg_id ASC
+ LIMIT #{@batch_size}
+ OFFSET #{offset}
+ else
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT m.msg_id, m.root_level AS root_msg_id, m.author_id, m.message_time, m.message_subject,
+ m.message_text, IFNULL(a.attachment_count, 0) AS attachment_count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m
+ SELECT post_msg_id, COUNT(*) AS attachment_count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_attachments
+ WHERE topic_id = 0
+ GROUP BY post_msg_id
+ ) a ON (m.msg_id = a.post_msg_id)
+ ORDER BY m.root_level ASC, m.msg_id ASC
+ LIMIT #{@batch_size}
+ OFFSET #{offset}
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_message_participants(msg_id, use_fixed_messages)
+ if use_fixed_messages
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT m.to_address
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs i ON (m.msg_id = i.msg_id)
+ WHERE i.msg_id = #{msg_id} OR i.root_msg_id = #{msg_id}
+ else
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT m.to_address
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m
+ WHERE m.msg_id = #{msg_id} OR m.root_level = #{msg_id}
+ end
+ end
+ def calculate_fixed_messages
+ drop_temp_import_message_table
+ create_temp_import_message_table
+ fill_temp_import_message_table
+ drop_import_message_table
+ create_import_message_table
+ fill_import_message_table
+ drop_temp_import_message_table
+ end
+ def count_bookmarks
+ count(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_bookmarks
+ end
+ def fetch_bookmarks(offset)
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT b.user_id, t.topic_first_post_id
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_bookmarks b
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_topics t ON (b.topic_id = t.topic_id)
+ ORDER BY b.user_id ASC, b.topic_id ASC
+ LIMIT #{@batch_size}
+ OFFSET #{offset}
+ end
+ def get_config_values
+ query(<<-SQL).first
+ (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'version') AS phpbb_version,
+ (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'avatar_gallery_path') AS avatar_gallery_path,
+ (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'avatar_path') AS avatar_path,
+ (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'avatar_salt') AS avatar_salt,
+ (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'smilies_path') AS smilies_path,
+ (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'upload_path') AS attachment_path
+ end
+ protected
+ def drop_temp_import_message_table
+ query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp")
+ end
+ def create_temp_import_message_table
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ CREATE TABLE #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp (
+ root_msg_id MEDIUMINT(8) NOT NULL,
+ recipient_id MEDIUMINT(8),
+ normalized_subject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (msg_id)
+ )
+ end
+ # this removes duplicate messages, converts the to_address to a number
+ # and stores the message_subject in lowercase and without the prefix "Re: "
+ def fill_temp_import_message_table
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ INSERT INTO #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp (msg_id, root_msg_id, recipient_id, normalized_subject)
+ SELECT m.msg_id, m.root_level,
+ CASE WHEN m.root_level = 0 AND INSTR(m.to_address, ':') = 0 THEN
+ ELSE NULL END AS recipient_id,
+ LOWER(CASE WHEN m.message_subject LIKE 'Re: %' THEN
+ SUBSTRING(m.message_subject, 5)
+ ELSE m.message_subject END) AS normalized_subject
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs x
+ WHERE x.msg_id < m.msg_id AND x.root_level = m.root_level AND x.author_id = m.author_id
+ AND x.to_address = m.to_address AND x.message_time = m.message_time
+ )
+ end
+ def drop_import_message_table
+ query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs")
+ end
+ def create_import_message_table
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ CREATE TABLE #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs (
+ root_msg_id MEDIUMINT(8) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (msg_id),
+ INDEX #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_root_msg_id (root_msg_id)
+ )
+ end
+ # this tries to calculate the actual root_level (= msg_id of the first message in a
+ # private conversation) based on subject, time, author and recipient
+ def fill_import_message_table
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ INSERT INTO #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs (msg_id, root_msg_id)
+ SELECT m.msg_id, CASE WHEN i.root_msg_id = 0 THEN
+ SELECT a.msg_id
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs a
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp b ON (a.msg_id = b.msg_id)
+ WHERE ((a.author_id = m.author_id AND b.recipient_id = i.recipient_id) OR
+ (a.author_id = i.recipient_id AND b.recipient_id = m.author_id))
+ AND b.normalized_subject = i.normalized_subject
+ AND a.msg_id <> m.msg_id
+ AND a.message_time < m.message_time
+ ORDER BY a.message_time ASC
+ ), 0) ELSE i.root_msg_id END AS root_msg_id
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp i ON (m.msg_id = i.msg_id)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database_3_1.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database_3_1.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf13546e2d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database_3_1.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+require_relative 'database_3_0'
+require_relative '../support/constants/constants'
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class Database_3_1 < Database_3_0
+ def fetch_users(offset)
+ query(<<-SQL)
+ SELECT u.user_id, u.user_email, u.username, u.user_regdate, u.user_lastvisit, u.user_ip,
+ u.user_type, u.user_inactive_reason, g.group_name, b.ban_start, b.ban_end, b.ban_reason,
+ u.user_posts, f.pf_phpbb_website AS user_website, f.pf_phpbb_location AS user_from,
+ u.user_birthday, u.user_avatar_type, u.user_avatar
+ FROM #{@table_prefix}_users u
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_profile_fields_data f ON (u.user_id = f.user_id)
+ JOIN #{@table_prefix}_groups g ON (g.group_id = u.group_id)
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN #{@table_prefix}_banlist b ON (
+ u.user_id = b.ban_userid AND b.ban_exclude = 0 AND
+ (b.ban_end = 0 OR b.ban_end >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP())
+ )
+ WHERE u.user_type != #{Constants::USER_TYPE_IGNORE}
+ ORDER BY u.user_id ASC
+ LIMIT #{@batch_size}
+ OFFSET #{offset}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database_base.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database_base.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c8b4b37181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/database/database_base.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class DatabaseBase
+ # @param database_client [Mysql2::Client]
+ # @param database_settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::DatabaseSettings]
+ def initialize(database_client, database_settings)
+ @database_client = database_client
+ @batch_size = database_settings.batch_size
+ @table_prefix = database_settings.table_prefix
+ end
+ protected
+ # Executes a database query.
+ def query(sql)
+ @database_client.query(sql, cache_rows: false, symbolize_keys: true)
+ end
+ # Executes a database query and returns the value of the 'count' column.
+ def count(sql)
+ query(sql).first[:count]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importer.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..28c2ed6fa63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+require_relative '../base'
+require_relative 'support/settings'
+require_relative 'database/database'
+require_relative 'importers/importer_factory'
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class Importer < ImportScripts::Base
+ # @param settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Settings]
+ # @param database [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_0 | ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_1]
+ def initialize(settings, database)
+ @settings = settings
+ super()
+ @database = database
+ @php_config = database.get_config_values
+ @importers = ImporterFactory.new(@database, @lookup, @uploader, @settings, @php_config)
+ end
+ def perform
+ super if settings_check_successful?
+ end
+ protected
+ def execute
+ puts '', "importing from phpBB #{@php_config[:phpbb_version]}"
+ import_users
+ import_anonymous_users if @settings.import_anonymous_users
+ import_categories
+ import_posts
+ import_private_messages if @settings.import_private_messages
+ import_bookmarks if @settings.import_bookmarks
+ end
+ def get_site_settings_for_import
+ settings = super
+ max_file_size_kb = @database.get_max_attachment_size
+ settings[:max_image_size_kb] = [max_file_size_kb, SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb].max
+ settings[:max_attachment_size_kb] = [max_file_size_kb, SiteSetting.max_attachment_size_kb].max
+ settings
+ end
+ def settings_check_successful?
+ true
+ end
+ def import_users
+ puts '', 'creating users'
+ total_count = @database.count_users
+ importer = @importers.user_importer
+ batches do |offset|
+ rows = @database.fetch_users(offset)
+ break if rows.size < 1
+ create_users(rows, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |row|
+ importer.map_user(row)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def import_anonymous_users
+ puts '', 'creating anonymous users'
+ total_count = @database.count_anonymous_users
+ importer = @importers.user_importer
+ batches do |offset|
+ rows = @database.fetch_anonymous_users(offset)
+ break if rows.size < 1
+ create_users(rows, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |row|
+ importer.map_anonymous_user(row)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def import_categories
+ puts '', 'creating categories'
+ rows = @database.fetch_categories
+ importer = @importers.category_importer
+ create_categories(rows) do |row|
+ importer.map_category(row)
+ end
+ end
+ def import_posts
+ puts '', 'creating topics and posts'
+ total_count = @database.count_posts
+ importer = @importers.post_importer
+ batches do |offset|
+ rows = @database.fetch_posts(offset)
+ break if rows.size < 1
+ create_posts(rows, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |row|
+ importer.map_post(row)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def import_private_messages
+ if @settings.fix_private_messages
+ puts '', 'fixing private messages'
+ @database.calculate_fixed_messages
+ end
+ puts '', 'creating private messages'
+ total_count = @database.count_messages(@settings.fix_private_messages)
+ importer = @importers.message_importer
+ batches do |offset|
+ rows = @database.fetch_messages(@settings.fix_private_messages, offset)
+ break if rows.size < 1
+ create_posts(rows, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |row|
+ importer.map_message(row)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def import_bookmarks
+ puts '', 'creating bookmarks'
+ total_count = @database.count_bookmarks
+ importer = @importers.bookmark_importer
+ batches do |offset|
+ rows = @database.fetch_bookmarks(offset)
+ break if rows.size < 1
+ create_bookmarks(rows, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |row|
+ importer.map_bookmark(row)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def update_last_seen_at
+ # no need for this since the importer sets last_seen_at for each user during the import
+ end
+ def use_bbcode_to_md?
+ @settings.use_bbcode_to_md
+ end
+ def batches
+ super(@settings.database.batch_size)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/attachment_importer.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/attachment_importer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e41ca7a1209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/attachment_importer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class AttachmentImporter
+ # @param database [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_0 | ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_1]
+ # @param uploader [ImportScripts::Uploader]
+ # @param settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Settings]
+ # @param phpbb_config [Hash]
+ def initialize(database, uploader, settings, phpbb_config)
+ @database = database
+ @uploader = uploader
+ @attachment_path = File.join(settings.base_dir, phpbb_config[:attachment_path])
+ end
+ def import_attachments(user_id, post_id, topic_id = 0)
+ rows = @database.fetch_attachments(topic_id, post_id)
+ return nil if rows.size < 1
+ attachments = []
+ rows.each do |row|
+ path = File.join(@attachment_path, row[:physical_filename])
+ filename = CGI.unescapeHTML(row[:real_filename])
+ upload = @uploader.create_upload(user_id, path, filename)
+ if upload.nil? || !upload.valid?
+ puts "Failed to upload #{path}"
+ puts upload.errors.inspect if upload
+ else
+ attachments << @uploader.html_for_upload(upload, filename)
+ end
+ end
+ attachments
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/avatar_importer.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/avatar_importer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3db8b701004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/avatar_importer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class AvatarImporter
+ # @param uploader [ImportScripts::Uploader]
+ # @param settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Settings]
+ # @param phpbb_config [Hash]
+ def initialize(uploader, settings, phpbb_config)
+ @uploader = uploader
+ @settings = settings
+ @uploaded_avatar_path = File.join(settings.base_dir, phpbb_config[:avatar_path])
+ @gallery_path = File.join(settings.base_dir, phpbb_config[:avatar_gallery_path])
+ @avatar_salt = phpbb_config[:avatar_salt]
+ end
+ def import_avatar(user, row)
+ avatar_type = row[:user_avatar_type]
+ return unless is_avatar_importable?(user, avatar_type)
+ filename = row[:user_avatar]
+ path = get_avatar_path(avatar_type, filename)
+ return if path.nil?
+ begin
+ filename = "avatar#{File.extname(path)}"
+ upload = @uploader.create_upload(user.id, path, filename)
+ if upload.persisted?
+ user.import_mode = false
+ user.create_user_avatar
+ user.import_mode = true
+ user.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id)
+ user.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id)
+ else
+ Rails.logger.error("Could not persist avatar for user #{user.username}")
+ end
+ rescue SystemCallError => err
+ Rails.logger.error("Could not import avatar for user #{user.username}: #{err.message}")
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def is_avatar_importable?(user, avatar_type)
+ is_allowed_avatar_type?(avatar_type) && user.uploaded_avatar_id.blank?
+ end
+ def get_avatar_path(avatar_type, filename)
+ case avatar_type
+ when Constants::AVATAR_TYPE_UPLOADED then
+ filename.gsub!(/_[0-9]+\./, '.') # we need 1337.jpg, not 1337_2983745.jpg
+ get_uploaded_path(filename)
+ when Constants::AVATAR_TYPE_GALLERY then
+ get_gallery_path(filename)
+ when Constants::AVATAR_TYPE_REMOTE then
+ download_avatar(filename)
+ else
+ Rails.logger.error("Invalid avatar type #{avatar_type}. Skipping...")
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Tries to download the remote avatar.
+ def download_avatar(url)
+ max_image_size_kb = SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes
+ begin
+ avatar_file = FileHelper.download(url, max_image_size_kb, 'discourse-avatar')
+ rescue StandardError => err
+ warn "Error downloading avatar: #{err.message}. Skipping..."
+ return nil
+ end
+ if avatar_file
+ if avatar_file.size <= max_image_size_kb
+ return avatar_file
+ else
+ Rails.logger.error("Failed to download remote avatar: #{url} - Image is larger than #{max_image_size_kb} KB")
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ Rails.logger.error("There was an error while downloading '#{url}' locally.")
+ nil
+ end
+ def get_uploaded_path(filename)
+ File.join(@uploaded_avatar_path, "#{@avatar_salt}_#{filename}")
+ end
+ def get_gallery_path(filename)
+ File.join(@gallery_path, filename)
+ end
+ def is_allowed_avatar_type?(avatar_type)
+ case avatar_type
+ when Constants::AVATAR_TYPE_UPLOADED then
+ @settings.import_uploaded_avatars
+ when Constants::AVATAR_TYPE_REMOTE then
+ @settings.import_remote_avatars
+ when Constants::AVATAR_TYPE_GALLERY then
+ @settings.import_gallery_avatars
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/bookmark_importer.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/bookmark_importer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..febc8ab8697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/bookmark_importer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class BookmarkImporter
+ def map_bookmark(row)
+ {
+ user_id: row[:user_id],
+ post_id: row[:topic_first_post_id]
+ }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/category_importer.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/category_importer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..65eeb4097e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/category_importer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class CategoryImporter
+ # @param lookup [ImportScripts::LookupContainer]
+ # @param text_processor [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::TextProcessor]
+ def initialize(lookup, text_processor)
+ @lookup = lookup
+ @text_processor = text_processor
+ end
+ def map_category(row)
+ {
+ id: row[:forum_id],
+ name: CGI.unescapeHTML(row[:forum_name]),
+ parent_category_id: @lookup.category_id_from_imported_category_id(row[:parent_id]),
+ post_create_action: proc do |category|
+ update_category_description(category, row)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ protected
+ # @param category [Category]
+ def update_category_description(category, row)
+ return if row[:forum_desc].blank? && row[:first_post_time].blank?
+ topic = category.topic
+ post = topic.first_post
+ if row[:first_post_time].present?
+ created_at = Time.zone.at(row[:first_post_time])
+ topic.created_at = created_at
+ topic.save
+ post.created_at = created_at
+ post.save
+ end
+ if row[:forum_desc].present?
+ changes = {raw: @text_processor.process_raw_text(row[:forum_desc])}
+ opts = {revised_at: post.created_at, bypass_bump: true}
+ post.revise(Discourse.system_user, changes, opts)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/importer_factory.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/importer_factory.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4b793a153ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/importer_factory.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+require_relative 'attachment_importer'
+require_relative 'avatar_importer'
+require_relative 'bookmark_importer'
+require_relative 'category_importer'
+require_relative 'message_importer'
+require_relative 'poll_importer'
+require_relative 'post_importer'
+require_relative 'user_importer'
+require_relative '../support/smiley_processor'
+require_relative '../support/text_processor'
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class ImporterFactory
+ # @param database [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_0 | ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_1]
+ # @param lookup [ImportScripts::LookupContainer]
+ # @param uploader [ImportScripts::Uploader]
+ # @param settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Settings]
+ # @param phpbb_config [Hash]
+ def initialize(database, lookup, uploader, settings, phpbb_config)
+ @database = database
+ @lookup = lookup
+ @uploader = uploader
+ @settings = settings
+ @phpbb_config = phpbb_config
+ end
+ def user_importer
+ UserImporter.new(avatar_importer, @settings)
+ end
+ def category_importer
+ CategoryImporter.new(@lookup, text_processor)
+ end
+ def post_importer
+ PostImporter.new(@lookup, text_processor, attachment_importer, poll_importer, @settings)
+ end
+ def message_importer
+ MessageImporter.new(@database, @lookup, text_processor, attachment_importer, @settings)
+ end
+ def bookmark_importer
+ BookmarkImporter.new
+ end
+ protected
+ def attachment_importer
+ AttachmentImporter.new(@database, @uploader, @settings, @phpbb_config)
+ end
+ def avatar_importer
+ AvatarImporter.new(@uploader, @settings, @phpbb_config)
+ end
+ def poll_importer
+ PollImporter.new(@lookup, @database, text_processor)
+ end
+ def text_processor
+ @text_processor ||= TextProcessor.new(@lookup, @database, smiley_processor, @settings)
+ end
+ def smiley_processor
+ SmileyProcessor.new(@uploader, @settings, @phpbb_config)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/message_importer.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/message_importer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6200b0b0230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/message_importer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class MessageImporter
+ # @param database [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_0 | ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_1]
+ # @param lookup [ImportScripts::LookupContainer]
+ # @param text_processor [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::TextProcessor]
+ # @param attachment_importer [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::AttachmentImporter]
+ # @param settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Settings]
+ def initialize(database, lookup, text_processor, attachment_importer, settings)
+ @database = database
+ @lookup = lookup
+ @text_processor = text_processor
+ @attachment_importer = attachment_importer
+ @settings = settings
+ end
+ def map_message(row)
+ user_id = @lookup.user_id_from_imported_user_id(row[:author_id]) || Discourse.system_user.id
+ attachments = import_attachments(row, user_id)
+ mapped = {
+ id: "pm:#{row[:msg_id]}",
+ user_id: user_id,
+ created_at: Time.zone.at(row[:message_time]),
+ raw: @text_processor.process_private_msg(row[:message_text], attachments)
+ }
+ if row[:root_msg_id] == 0
+ map_first_message(row, mapped)
+ else
+ map_other_message(row, mapped)
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def import_attachments(row, user_id)
+ if @settings.import_attachments && row[:attachment_count] > 0
+ @attachment_importer.import_attachments(user_id, row[:msg_id])
+ end
+ end
+ def map_first_message(row, mapped)
+ mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(row[:message_subject])
+ mapped[:archetype] = Archetype.private_message
+ mapped[:target_usernames] = get_usernames(row[:msg_id], row[:author_id])
+ if mapped[:target_usernames].empty? # pm with yourself?
+ puts "Private message without recipients. Skipping #{row[:msg_id]}: #{row[:message_subject][0..40]}"
+ return nil
+ end
+ mapped
+ end
+ def map_other_message(row, mapped)
+ parent_msg_id = "pm:#{row[:root_msg_id]}"
+ parent = @lookup.topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(parent_msg_id)
+ if parent.blank?
+ puts "Parent post #{parent_msg_id} doesn't exist. Skipping #{row[:msg_id]}: #{row[:message_subject][0..40]}"
+ return nil
+ end
+ mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id]
+ mapped
+ end
+ def get_usernames(msg_id, author_id)
+ # Find the users who are part of this private message.
+ # Found from the to_address of phpbb_privmsgs, by looking at
+ # all the rows with the same root_msg_id.
+ # to_address looks like this: "u_91:u_1234:u_200"
+ # The "u_" prefix is discarded and the rest is a user_id.
+ import_user_ids = @database.fetch_message_participants(msg_id, @settings.fix_private_messages)
+ .map { |r| r[:to_address].split(':') }
+ .flatten!.uniq.map! { |u| u[2..-1] }
+ import_user_ids.map! do |import_user_id|
+ import_user_id.to_s == author_id.to_s ? nil : @lookup.find_user_by_import_id(import_user_id).try(:username)
+ end.compact
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/poll_importer.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/poll_importer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..665aae94e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/poll_importer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class PollImporter
+ # @param lookup [ImportScripts::LookupContainer]
+ # @param database [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_0 | ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_1]
+ # @param text_processor [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::TextProcessor]
+ def initialize(lookup, database, text_processor)
+ @lookup = lookup
+ @database = database
+ @text_processor = text_processor
+ poll_plugin = Discourse.plugins.find { |p| p.metadata.name == POLL_PLUGIN_NAME }.singleton_class
+ @default_poll_name = poll_plugin.const_get(:DEFAULT_POLL_NAME)
+ @polls_field = poll_plugin.const_get(:POLLS_CUSTOM_FIELD)
+ @votes_field = poll_plugin.const_get(:VOTES_CUSTOM_FIELD)
+ end
+ # @param poll [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Poll]
+ def map_poll(topic_id, poll)
+ options = get_poll_options(topic_id)
+ poll_text = get_poll_text(options, poll)
+ extracted_poll = extract_default_poll(topic_id, poll_text)
+ update_poll(extracted_poll, options, topic_id, poll)
+ mapped_poll = {
+ raw: poll_text,
+ custom_fields: {}
+ }
+ add_polls_field(mapped_poll[:custom_fields], extracted_poll)
+ add_vote_fields(mapped_poll[:custom_fields], topic_id, poll)
+ mapped_poll
+ end
+ protected
+ def get_poll_options(topic_id)
+ rows = @database.fetch_poll_options(topic_id)
+ options_by_text = {}
+ rows.each do |row|
+ option_text = @text_processor.process_raw_text(row[:poll_option_text]).delete("\n")
+ if options_by_text.key?(option_text)
+ # phpBB allows duplicate options (why?!) - we need to merge them
+ option = options_by_text[option_text]
+ option[:ids] << row[:poll_option_id]
+ option[:votes] += row[:poll_option_total]
+ else
+ options_by_text[option_text] = {
+ ids: [row[:poll_option_id]],
+ text: option_text,
+ votes: row[:poll_option_total]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ options_by_text.values
+ end
+ # @param options [Array]
+ # @param poll [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Poll]
+ def get_poll_text(options, poll)
+ poll_text = "#{poll.title}\n"
+ if poll.max_options > 1
+ poll_text << "[poll type=multiple max=#{poll.max_options}]"
+ else
+ poll_text << '[poll]'
+ end
+ options.each do |option|
+ poll_text << "\n- #{option[:text]}"
+ end
+ poll_text << "\n[/poll]"
+ end
+ def extract_default_poll(topic_id, poll_text)
+ extracted_polls = DiscoursePoll::Poll::extract(poll_text, topic_id)
+ extracted_polls.each do |poll|
+ return poll if poll['name'] == @default_poll_name
+ end
+ end
+ # @param poll [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Poll]
+ def update_poll(default_poll, imported_options, topic_id, poll)
+ default_poll['voters'] = @database.count_voters(topic_id) # this includes anonymous voters
+ default_poll['status'] = poll.has_ended? ? :open : :closed
+ default_poll['options'].each_with_index do |option, index|
+ imported_option = imported_options[index]
+ option['votes'] = imported_option[:votes]
+ poll.add_option_id(imported_option[:ids], option['id'])
+ end
+ end
+ def add_polls_field(custom_fields, default_poll)
+ custom_fields[@polls_field] = {@default_poll_name => default_poll}
+ end
+ # @param custom_fields [Hash]
+ # @param poll [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Poll]
+ def add_vote_fields(custom_fields, topic_id, poll)
+ rows = @database.fetch_poll_votes(topic_id)
+ warned = false
+ rows.each do |row|
+ option_id = poll.option_id_from_imported_option_id(row[:poll_option_id])
+ user_id = @lookup.user_id_from_imported_user_id(row[:user_id])
+ if option_id.present? && user_id.present?
+ key = "#{@votes_field}-#{user_id}"
+ if custom_fields.key?(key)
+ votes = custom_fields[key][@default_poll_name]
+ else
+ votes = []
+ custom_fields[key] = {@default_poll_name => votes}
+ end
+ votes << option_id
+ else !warned
+ Rails.logger.warn("Topic with id #{topic_id} has invalid votes.")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Poll
+ attr_reader :title
+ attr_reader :max_options
+ def initialize(title, max_options, end_timestamp)
+ @title = title
+ @max_options = max_options
+ @end_timestamp = end_timestamp
+ @option_ids = {}
+ end
+ def has_ended?
+ @end_timestamp.nil? || Time.zone.at(@end_timestamp) > Time.now
+ end
+ def add_option_id(imported_ids, option_id)
+ imported_ids.each { |imported_id| @option_ids[imported_id] = option_id }
+ end
+ def option_id_from_imported_option_id(imported_id)
+ @option_ids[imported_id]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/post_importer.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/post_importer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..be0daebbf22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/post_importer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class PostImporter
+ # @param lookup [ImportScripts::LookupContainer]
+ # @param text_processor [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::TextProcessor]
+ # @param attachment_importer [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::AttachmentImporter]
+ # @param poll_importer [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::PollImporter]
+ # @param settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Settings]
+ def initialize(lookup, text_processor, attachment_importer, poll_importer, settings)
+ @lookup = lookup
+ @text_processor = text_processor
+ @attachment_importer = attachment_importer
+ @poll_importer = poll_importer
+ @settings = settings
+ end
+ def map_post(row)
+ imported_user_id = row[:post_username].blank? ? row[:poster_id] : row[:post_username]
+ user_id = @lookup.user_id_from_imported_user_id(imported_user_id) || Discourse.system_user.id
+ is_first_post = row[:post_id] == row[:topic_first_post_id]
+ attachments = import_attachments(row, user_id)
+ mapped = {
+ id: row[:post_id],
+ user_id: user_id,
+ created_at: Time.zone.at(row[:post_time]),
+ raw: @text_processor.process_post(row[:post_text], attachments)
+ }
+ if is_first_post
+ map_first_post(row, mapped)
+ else
+ map_other_post(row, mapped)
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def import_attachments(row, user_id)
+ if @settings.import_attachments && row[:post_attachment] > 0
+ @attachment_importer.import_attachments(user_id, row[:post_id], row[:topic_id])
+ end
+ end
+ def map_first_post(row, mapped)
+ mapped[:category] = @lookup.category_id_from_imported_category_id(row[:forum_id])
+ mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(row[:topic_title]).strip[0...255]
+ mapped[:pinned_at] = mapped[:created_at] unless row[:topic_type] == Constants::POST_NORMAL
+ mapped[:pinned_globally] = row[:topic_type] == Constants::POST_GLOBAL
+ add_poll(row, mapped) if @settings.import_polls
+ mapped
+ end
+ def map_other_post(row, mapped)
+ parent = @lookup.topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(row[:topic_first_post_id])
+ if parent.blank?
+ puts "Parent post #{row[:topic_first_post_id]} doesn't exist. Skipping #{row[:post_id]}: #{row[:topic_title][0..40]}"
+ return nil
+ end
+ mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id]
+ mapped
+ end
+ def add_poll(row, mapped_post)
+ return if row[:poll_title].blank?
+ poll = Poll.new(row[:poll_title], row[:poll_max_options], row[:poll_end])
+ mapped_poll = @poll_importer.map_poll(row[:topic_id], poll)
+ if mapped_poll.present?
+ mapped_post[:raw] = mapped_poll[:raw] << "\n" << mapped_post[:raw]
+ mapped_post[:custom_fields] = mapped_poll[:custom_fields]
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/user_importer.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/user_importer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0a9ba8c45be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/importers/user_importer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+require_relative '../support/constants'
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class UserImporter
+ # @param avatar_importer [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::AvatarImporter]
+ # @param settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Settings]
+ def initialize(avatar_importer, settings)
+ @avatar_importer = avatar_importer
+ @settings = settings
+ end
+ def map_user(row)
+ is_active_user = row[:user_inactive_reason] != Constants::INACTIVE_REGISTER
+ {
+ id: row[:user_id],
+ email: row[:user_email],
+ username: row[:username],
+ name: @settings.username_as_name ? row[:username] : '',
+ created_at: Time.zone.at(row[:user_regdate]),
+ last_seen_at: row[:user_lastvisit] == 0 ? Time.zone.at(row[:user_regdate]) : Time.zone.at(row[:user_lastvisit]),
+ registration_ip_address: (IPAddr.new(row[:user_ip]) rescue nil),
+ active: is_active_user,
+ trust_level: row[:user_posts] == 0 ? TrustLevel[0] : TrustLevel[1],
+ approved: is_active_user,
+ approved_by_id: is_active_user ? Discourse.system_user.id : nil,
+ approved_at: is_active_user ? Time.now : nil,
+ moderator: row[:group_name] == Constants::GROUP_MODERATORS,
+ admin: row[:group_name] == Constants::GROUP_ADMINISTRATORS,
+ website: row[:user_website],
+ location: row[:user_from],
+ date_of_birth: parse_birthdate(row),
+ post_create_action: proc do |user|
+ suspend_user(user, row)
+ @avatar_importer.import_avatar(user, row) if row[:user_avatar_type].present?
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def map_anonymous_user(row)
+ username = row[:post_username]
+ {
+ id: username,
+ email: "anonymous_no_email_#{username}",
+ username: username,
+ name: '',
+ created_at: Time.zone.at(row[:first_post_time]),
+ active: true,
+ trust_level: TrustLevel[0],
+ approved: true,
+ approved_by_id: Discourse.system_user.id,
+ approved_at: Time.now,
+ post_create_action: proc do |user|
+ row[:user_inactive_reason] = Constants::INACTIVE_MANUAL
+ row[:ban_reason] = 'Anonymous user from phpBB3' # TODO i18n
+ suspend_user(user, row, true)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ protected
+ def parse_birthdate(row)
+ return nil if row[:user_birthday].blank?
+ Date.strptime(row[:user_birthday].delete(' '), '%d-%m-%Y') rescue nil
+ end
+ # Suspends the user if it is currently banned.
+ def suspend_user(user, row, disable_email = false)
+ if row[:user_inactive_reason] == Constants::INACTIVE_MANUAL
+ user.suspended_at = Time.now
+ user.suspended_till = 200.years.from_now
+ ban_reason = row[:ban_reason].blank? ? 'Account deactivated by administrator' : row[:ban_reason] # TODO i18n
+ elsif row[:ban_start].present?
+ user.suspended_at = Time.zone.at(row[:ban_start])
+ user.suspended_till = row[:ban_end] > 0 ? Time.zone.at(row[:ban_end]) : 200.years.from_now
+ ban_reason = row[:ban_reason]
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ if disable_email
+ user.email_digests = false
+ user.email_private_messages = false
+ user.email_direct = false
+ user.email_always = false
+ end
+ if user.save
+ StaffActionLogger.new(Discourse.system_user).log_user_suspend(user, ban_reason)
+ else
+ Rails.logger.error("Failed to suspend user #{user.username}. #{user.errors.try(:full_messages).try(:inspect)}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/settings.yml b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/settings.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b591d39646b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/settings.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# This is an example settings file for the phpBB3 importer.
+ type: MySQL # currently only MySQL is supported - more to come soon
+ host: localhost
+ username: root
+ password:
+ schema: phpbb
+ table_prefix: phpbb # Usually all table names start with phpbb. Change this, if your forum is using a different prefix.
+ batch_size: 1000 # Don't change this unless you know what you're doing. The default (1000) should work just fine.
+ # Enable this option if you want to have a better conversion of BBCodes to Markdown.
+ # WARNING: This can slow down your import.
+ use_bbcode_to_md: false
+ # This is the path to the root directory of your current phpBB installation (or a copy of it).
+ # The importer expects to find the /files and /images directories within the base directory.
+ # This is only needed if you want to import avatars, attachments or custom smilies.
+ phpbb_base_dir: /var/www/phpbb
+ site_prefix:
+ # this is needed for rewriting internal links in posts
+ original: oldsite.example.com/forums # without http(s)://
+ new: http://discourse.example.com # with http:// or https://
+ avatars:
+ uploaded: true # import uploaded avatars
+ gallery: true # import the predefined avatars phpBB offers
+ remote: false # WARNING: This can considerably slow down your import. It will try to download remote avatars.
+ # When true: Anonymous users are imported as suspended users. They can't login and have no email address.
+ # When false: The system user will be used for all anonymous users.
+ anonymous_users: true
+ # By default all the following things get imported. You can disable them by setting them to false.
+ bookmarks: true
+ attachments: true
+ private_messages: true
+ polls: true
+ # This tries to fix Private Messages that were imported from phpBB2 to phpBB3.
+ # You should enable this option if you see duplicate messages or lots of related
+ # messages as topics with just one post (e.g. 'Importer', 'Re: Importer', 'Re: Importer'
+ # should be one topic named 'Importer' and consist of 3 posts).
+ fix_private_messages: false
+ # When true: each imported user will have the original username from phpBB as its name
+ # When false: the name of each user will be blank
+ username_as_name: false
+ # Map Emojis to smilies used in phpBB. Most of the default smilies already have a mapping, but you can override
+ # the mappings here, if you don't like some of them.
+ # The mapping syntax is: emoji_name: 'smiley_in_phpbb'
+ # Or map multiple smilies to one Emoji: emoji_name: ['smiley1', 'smiley2']
+ emojis:
+ # here are two example mappings...
+ smiley: [':D', ':-D', ':grin:']
+ heart: ':love:'
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/constants.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/constants.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af7482d5da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/constants.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class Constants
+ INACTIVE_REGISTER = 1 # Newly registered account
+ INACTIVE_PROFILE = 2 # Profile details changed
+ INACTIVE_MANUAL = 3 # Account deactivated by administrator
+ INACTIVE_REMIND = 4 # Forced user account reactivation
+ # https://wiki.phpbb.com/Table.phpbb_users
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/settings.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/settings.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a0c36ee199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/settings.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+require 'yaml'
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class Settings
+ def self.load(filename)
+ yaml = YAML::load_file(filename)
+ Settings.new(yaml)
+ end
+ attr_reader :import_anonymous_users
+ attr_reader :import_attachments
+ attr_reader :import_private_messages
+ attr_reader :import_polls
+ attr_reader :import_bookmarks
+ attr_reader :import_uploaded_avatars
+ attr_reader :import_remote_avatars
+ attr_reader :import_gallery_avatars
+ attr_reader :fix_private_messages
+ attr_reader :use_bbcode_to_md
+ attr_reader :original_site_prefix
+ attr_reader :new_site_prefix
+ attr_reader :base_dir
+ attr_reader :username_as_name
+ attr_reader :emojis
+ attr_reader :database
+ def initialize(yaml)
+ import_settings = yaml['import']
+ @import_anonymous_users = import_settings['anonymous_users']
+ @import_attachments = import_settings['attachments']
+ @import_private_messages = import_settings['private_messages']
+ @import_polls = import_settings['polls']
+ @import_bookmarks = import_settings['bookmarks']
+ avatar_settings = import_settings['avatars']
+ @import_uploaded_avatars = avatar_settings['uploaded']
+ @import_remote_avatars = avatar_settings['remote']
+ @import_gallery_avatars = avatar_settings['gallery']
+ @fix_private_messages = import_settings['fix_private_messages']
+ @use_bbcode_to_md =import_settings['use_bbcode_to_md']
+ @original_site_prefix = import_settings['site_prefix']['original']
+ @new_site_prefix = import_settings['site_prefix']['new']
+ @base_dir = import_settings['phpbb_base_dir']
+ @username_as_name = import_settings['username_as_name']
+ @emojis = import_settings.fetch('emojis', [])
+ @database = DatabaseSettings.new(yaml['database'])
+ end
+ end
+ class DatabaseSettings
+ attr_reader :type
+ attr_reader :host
+ attr_reader :username
+ attr_reader :password
+ attr_reader :schema
+ attr_reader :table_prefix
+ attr_reader :batch_size
+ def initialize(yaml)
+ @type = yaml['type']
+ @host = yaml['host']
+ @username = yaml['username']
+ @password = yaml['password']
+ @schema = yaml['schema']
+ @table_prefix = yaml['table_prefix']
+ @batch_size = yaml['batch_size']
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/smiley_processor.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/smiley_processor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f79a24c4659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/smiley_processor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class SmileyProcessor
+ # @param uploader [ImportScripts::Uploader]
+ # @param settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Settings]
+ # @param phpbb_config [Hash]
+ def initialize(uploader, settings, phpbb_config)
+ @uploader = uploader
+ @smilies_path = File.join(settings.base_dir, phpbb_config[:smilies_path])
+ @smiley_map = {}
+ add_default_smilies
+ add_configured_smilies(settings.emojis)
+ end
+ def replace_smilies(text)
+ # :) is encoded as
+ text.gsub!(//) do
+ smiley = $1
+ @smiley_map.fetch(smiley) do
+ upload_smiley(smiley, $2, $3, $4) || smiley_as_text(smiley)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def add_default_smilies
+ {
+ [':D', ':-D', ':grin:'] => ':smiley:',
+ [':)', ':-)', ':smile:'] => ':smile:',
+ [';)', ';-)', ':wink:'] => ':wink:',
+ [':(', ':-(', ':sad:'] => ':frowning:',
+ [':o', ':-o', ':eek:'] => ':astonished:',
+ [':shock:'] => ':open_mouth:',
+ [':?', ':-?', ':???:'] => ':confused:',
+ ['8-)', ':cool:'] => ':sunglasses:',
+ [':lol:'] => ':laughing:',
+ [':x', ':-x', ':mad:'] => ':angry:',
+ [':P', ':-P', ':razz:'] => ':stuck_out_tongue:',
+ [':oops:'] => ':blush:',
+ [':cry:'] => ':cry:',
+ [':evil:'] => ':imp:',
+ [':twisted:'] => ':smiling_imp:',
+ [':roll:'] => ':unamused:',
+ [':!:'] => ':exclamation:',
+ [':?:'] => ':question:',
+ [':idea:'] => ':bulb:',
+ [':arrow:'] => ':arrow_right:',
+ [':|', ':-|'] => ':neutral_face:'
+ }.each do |smilies, emoji|
+ smilies.each { |smiley| @smiley_map[smiley] = emoji }
+ end
+ end
+ def add_configured_smilies(emojis)
+ emojis.each do |emoji, smilies|
+ Array.wrap(smilies)
+ .each { |smiley| @smiley_map[smiley] = ":#{emoji}:" }
+ end
+ end
+ def upload_smiley(smiley, path, alt_text, title)
+ path = File.join(@smilies_path, path)
+ filename = File.basename(path)
+ upload = @uploader.create_upload(Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, path, filename)
+ if upload.nil? || !upload.valid?
+ puts "Failed to upload #{path}"
+ puts upload.errors.inspect if upload
+ html = nil
+ else
+ html = embedded_image_html(upload, alt_text, title)
+ @smiley_map[smiley] = html
+ end
+ html
+ end
+ def embedded_image_html(upload, alt_text, title)
+ image_width = [upload.width, SiteSetting.max_image_width].compact.min
+ image_height = [upload.height, SiteSetting.max_image_height].compact.min
+ %Q[]
+ end
+ def smiley_as_text(smiley)
+ @smiley_map[smiley] = smiley
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/text_processor.rb b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/text_processor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c0e99e4dd2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/import_scripts/phpbb3/support/text_processor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+module ImportScripts::PhpBB3
+ class TextProcessor
+ # @param lookup [ImportScripts::LookupContainer]
+ # @param database [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_0 | ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Database_3_1]
+ # @param smiley_processor [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::SmileyProcessor]
+ # @param settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::Settings]
+ def initialize(lookup, database, smiley_processor, settings)
+ @lookup = lookup
+ @database = database
+ @smiley_processor = smiley_processor
+ @new_site_prefix = settings.new_site_prefix
+ create_internal_link_regexps(settings.original_site_prefix)
+ end
+ def process_raw_text(raw)
+ text = raw.dup
+ text = CGI.unescapeHTML(text)
+ clean_bbcodes(text)
+ process_smilies(text)
+ process_links(text)
+ process_lists(text)
+ text
+ end
+ def process_post(raw, attachments)
+ text = process_raw_text(raw)
+ text = process_attachments(text, attachments) if attachments.present?
+ text
+ end
+ def process_private_msg(raw, attachments)
+ text = process_raw_text(raw)
+ text = process_attachments(text, attachments) if attachments.present?
+ text
+ end
+ protected
+ def clean_bbcodes(text)
+ # Many phpbb bbcode tags have a hash attached to them. Examples:
+ # [url=https://google.com:1qh1i7ky]click here[/url:1qh1i7ky]
+ # [quote="cybereality":b0wtlzex]Some text.[/quote:b0wtlzex]
+ text.gsub!(/:(?:\w{8})\]/, ']')
+ end
+ def process_smilies(text)
+ @smiley_processor.replace_smilies(text)
+ end
+ def process_links(text)
+ # Internal forum links can have this forms:
+ # for topics: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=3412
+ # for posts: viewtopic.php?p=1732#p1732
+ text.gsub!(@long_internal_link_regexp) do |link|
+ replace_internal_link(link, $1, $2)
+ end
+ # Some links look like this: http://www.onegameamonth.com
+ text.gsub!(/(.+)<\/a>/i, '[\2](\1)')
+ # Replace internal forum links that aren't in the format
+ text.gsub!(@short_internal_link_regexp) do |link|
+ replace_internal_link(link, $1, $2)
+ end
+ # phpBB shortens link text like this, which breaks our markdown processing:
+ # [http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 223AAkkPli](http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070920134223AAkkPli)
+ #
+ # Work around it for now:
+ text.gsub!(/\[http(s)?:\/\/(www\.)?/i, '[')
+ end
+ def replace_internal_link(link, import_topic_id, import_post_id)
+ if import_post_id.nil?
+ replace_internal_topic_link(link, import_topic_id)
+ else
+ replace_internal_post_link(link, import_post_id)
+ end
+ end
+ def replace_internal_topic_link(link, import_topic_id)
+ import_post_id = @database.get_first_post_id(import_topic_id)
+ return link if import_post_id.nil?
+ replace_internal_post_link(link, import_post_id)
+ end
+ def replace_internal_post_link(link, import_post_id)
+ topic = @lookup.topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(import_post_id)
+ topic ? "#{@new_site_prefix}#{topic[:url]}" : link
+ end
+ def process_lists(text)
+ # convert list tags to ul and list=1 tags to ol
+ # list=a is not supported, so handle it like list=1
+ # list=9 and list=x have the same result as list=1 and list=a
+ text.gsub!(/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list:u\]/mi, '[ul]\1[/ul]')
+ text.gsub!(/\[list=.*?\](.*?)\[\/list:o\]/mi, '[ol]\1[/ol]')
+ # convert *-tags to li-tags so bbcode-to-md can do its magic on phpBB's lists:
+ text.gsub!(/\[\*\](.*?)\[\/\*:m\]/mi, '[li]\1[/li]')
+ end
+ # This replaces existing [attachment] BBCodes with the corresponding HTML tags for Discourse.
+ # All attachments that haven't been referenced in the text are appended to the end of the text.
+ def process_attachments(text, attachments)
+ attachment_regexp = /\[attachment=([\d])+\]([^<]+)\[\/attachment\]?/i
+ unreferenced_attachments = attachments.dup
+ text = text.gsub(attachment_regexp) do
+ index = $1.to_i
+ real_filename = $2
+ unreferenced_attachments[index] = nil
+ attachments.fetch(index, real_filename)
+ end
+ unreferenced_attachments = unreferenced_attachments.compact
+ text << "\n" << unreferenced_attachments.join("\n") unless unreferenced_attachments.empty?
+ text
+ end
+ def create_internal_link_regexps(original_site_prefix)
+ host = original_site_prefix.gsub('.', '\.')
+ link_regex = "http(?:s)?://#{host}/viewtopic\\.php\\?(?:\\S*)(?:t=(\\d+)|p=(\\d+)(?:#p\\d+)?)"
+ @long_internal_link_regexp = Regexp.new(%Q||, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
+ @short_internal_link_regexp = Regexp.new(link_regex, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
+ end
+ end