Improve the italic and bold buttons on multiline selections.

This misuses the system that Pagedown has set up somewhat, but it has to in order to affect the content inside the selection. The end behaviour seems to me to be non-buggy and much more obvious to an end user.

Essentially, instead of performing the operation to surround characters on one line, it splits the selection into lines the loops the operation. But usually a single "chunk" is returned with some replacement text and markdown to insert before and after the text. Because we're replacing text inside the selections the before and after are left blank and the selection contains all the changed markdown.
This commit is contained in:
Ben Hadley-Evans 2015-03-20 16:46:03 +00:00
parent 605fe4b11d
commit 229e1850ab
1 changed files with 50 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -1542,57 +1542,75 @@
commandProto.doBold = function (chunk, postProcessing) {
return this.doBorI(chunk, postProcessing, 2, this.getString("boldexample"));
return this.doSurroundLines(chunk, postProcessing, 2, this.getString("boldexample"));
commandProto.doItalic = function (chunk, postProcessing) {
return this.doBorI(chunk, postProcessing, 1, this.getString("italicexample"));
return this.doSurroundLines(chunk, postProcessing, 1, this.getString("italicexample"));
// chunk: The selected region that will be enclosed with */**
commandProto.doSurroundLines = function(realChunk, postProcessing, nStars, fallbackText) {
// Look for stars before and after, absorb them into the selection.
var starsBefore = /(\**$)/.exec(realChunk.before)[0];
var starsAfter = /(^\**)/.exec(realChunk.after)[0];
realChunk.before = realChunk.before.replace(/(\**$)/, "");
realChunk.after = realChunk.after.replace(/(^\**)/, "");
var lines = (starsBefore + realChunk.selection + starsAfter).split("\n");
// Don't show the fallback text if more than one line is selected,
// it's probably a break between paragraphs.
if(lines.length > 1) {
fallbackText = ""
for(var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
// Split before, selection and after up.
var lineMatch = lines[i].match(/^(\**)(.*?)(\**)$/);
var newChunk = new Chunks();
newChunk.before = lineMatch[1];
newChunk.selection = lineMatch[2];
newChunk.after = lineMatch[3];
this.doSurroundLine(newChunk, postProcessing, nStars, fallbackText);
lines[i] = newChunk.before + newChunk.selection + newChunk.after;
realChunk.selection = lines.join("\n");
// chunk: The selected region that will be enclosed with * or **
// nStars: 1 for italics, 2 for bold
// insertText: If you just click the button without highlighting text, this gets inserted
commandProto.doBorI = function (chunk, postProcessing, nStars, insertText) {
// Get rid of whitespace and fixup newlines.
// fallbackText: If you just click the button without highlighting text, this gets inserted
commandProto.doSurroundLine = function (chunk, postProcessing, nStars, fallbackText) {
// Get rid of whitespace
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n");
// Look for stars before and after. Is the chunk already marked up?
// note that these regex matches cannot fail
var starsBefore = /(\**$)/.exec(chunk.before)[0];
var starsAfter = /(^\**)/.exec(chunk.after)[0];
var prevStars = Math.min(starsBefore.length, starsAfter.length);
var minStars = Math.min(chunk.before.length, chunk.after.length);
// Remove stars if we have to since the button acts as a toggle.
if ((prevStars >= nStars) && (prevStars != 2 || nStars != 1)) {
if ((minStars >= nStars) && (minStars != 2 || nStars != 1)) {
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(re("[*]{" + nStars + "}$", ""), "");
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(re("^[*]{" + nStars + "}", ""), "");
else if (!chunk.selection && starsAfter) {
// It's not really clear why this code is necessary. It just moves
// some arbitrary stuff around.
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^([*_]*)/, "");
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\s?)$/, "");
var whitespace = re.$1;
chunk.before = chunk.before + starsAfter + whitespace;
else {
// In most cases, if you don't have any selected text and click the button
// you'll get a selected, marked up region with the default text inserted.
if (!chunk.selection && !starsAfter) {
chunk.selection = insertText;
if (!chunk.selection && !chunk.after) {
chunk.selection = fallbackText;
// Only operate if it's not a blank line
if(chunk.selection) {
// Add the true markup.
var markup = nStars <= 1 ? "*" : "**"; // shouldn't the test be = ?
var markup = nStars === 1 ? "*" : "**";
chunk.before = chunk.before + markup;
chunk.after = markup + chunk.after;
commandProto.stripLinkDefs = function (text, defsToAdd) {