Merge pull request #1155 from ZogStriP/remove-auto-link-images-wider-than-setting

removed auto_link_images_wider_than setting
This commit is contained in:
Robin Ward 2013-07-06 17:12:11 -07:00
commit 337f393af5
19 changed files with 30 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ class SiteSetting < ActiveRecord::Base
setting(:max_flags_per_day, 20) setting(:max_flags_per_day, 20)
setting(:max_edits_per_day, 30) setting(:max_edits_per_day, 30)
setting(:max_favorites_per_day, 20) setting(:max_favorites_per_day, 20)
setting(:auto_link_images_wider_than, 50)
setting(:email_time_window_mins, 10) setting(:email_time_window_mins, 10)

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base
def create_thumbnail! def create_thumbnail!
return unless SiteSetting.create_thumbnails? return unless SiteSetting.create_thumbnails?
return if SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads? return if SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads?
return unless width > SiteSetting.auto_link_images_wider_than return if width < SiteSetting.max_image_width
return if has_thumbnail? return if has_thumbnail?
thumbnail = OptimizedImage.create_for(self, width, height) thumbnail = OptimizedImage.create_for(self, width, height)
optimized_images << thumbnail if thumbnail optimized_images << thumbnail if thumbnail

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@ -624,7 +624,6 @@ cs:
max_mentions_per_post: "Maximální počet zmínek přes @name, které mohou být použity v jednom příspěvku" max_mentions_per_post: "Maximální počet zmínek přes @name, které mohou být použity v jednom příspěvku"
create_thumbnails: "Vytvářet náhledy pro obrázky v lightboxu" create_thumbnails: "Vytvářet náhledy pro obrázky v lightboxu"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Obrázky širší než tato hodnota v pixelech budou odkazovány do lightboxu"
email_time_window_mins: "Kolik minut se čeká než se uživateli zašle email, aby měl možnost obsah vidět sám od sebe" email_time_window_mins: "Kolik minut se čeká než se uživateli zašle email, aby měl možnost obsah vidět sám od sebe"
flush_timings_secs: "Jak často se vynulují časovací data na serveru, v sekundách" flush_timings_secs: "Jak často se vynulují časovací data na serveru, v sekundách"

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@ -411,8 +411,6 @@ da:
basic_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a new user must read before promotion to basic (1) trust level" basic_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a new user must read before promotion to basic (1) trust level"
basic_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many minutes a new user must read posts before promotion to basic (1) trust level" basic_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many minutes a new user must read posts before promotion to basic (1) trust level"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Images wider than this, in pixels, will get auto link and lightbox treatment"
email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first" email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first"
flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds" flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds"
max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title" max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title"

View File

@ -580,8 +580,6 @@ de:
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maximale Zahl der @Namens-Erwähnungen, die neue Benutzer in Beiträgen nutzen dürfen." newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maximale Zahl der @Namens-Erwähnungen, die neue Benutzer in Beiträgen nutzen dürfen."
max_mentions_per_post: "Maximale Zahl der @Namens-Erwähnungen, die man in einem Beitrag nutzen kann." max_mentions_per_post: "Maximale Zahl der @Namens-Erwähnungen, die man in einem Beitrag nutzen kann."
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Pixelbreite, ab der Bilder automatisch verlinkt und verkleinert in einer Lightbox dargestellt werden."
email_time_window_mins: "Minuten Wartezeit, bevor eine Mail an Nutzer verschickt wird, um ihnen die Chance zu geben, eine Neuigkeit zuerst zu sehen." email_time_window_mins: "Minuten Wartezeit, bevor eine Mail an Nutzer verschickt wird, um ihnen die Chance zu geben, eine Neuigkeit zuerst zu sehen."
flush_timings_secs: "Sekunden, nach denen Zeiteinstellungen auf den Server übertragen werden." flush_timings_secs: "Sekunden, nach denen Zeiteinstellungen auf den Server übertragen werden."
max_word_length: "Maximale Wortlänge in Zeichen in Thementiteln." max_word_length: "Maximale Wortlänge in Zeichen in Thementiteln."

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@ -602,7 +602,6 @@ en:
max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications you can use in a post" max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications you can use in a post"
create_thumbnails: "Create thumbnails for lightboxed images" create_thumbnails: "Create thumbnails for lightboxed images"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Images wider than this, in pixels, will get auto link and lightbox treatment"
email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first" email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first"
flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds" flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds"

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@ -399,8 +399,6 @@ es:
basic_requires_read_posts: "Cuantos post debe un usuario leer antes de ser promocionado al nivel básico (1) de confianza" basic_requires_read_posts: "Cuantos post debe un usuario leer antes de ser promocionado al nivel básico (1) de confianza"
basic_requires_time_spent_mins: "Cuantos minutos un usuario debe leer posts antes de ser promocionado al nivel básico (1) de confianza" basic_requires_time_spent_mins: "Cuantos minutos un usuario debe leer posts antes de ser promocionado al nivel básico (1) de confianza"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Imágenes más amplias que esto, en píxeles, tendrán un tratamiento de lightbox y auto link"
email_time_window_mins: "Cuantos minutos esperamos antes de enviar un mail a un usuario, para darles la oportunidad de verlo antes" email_time_window_mins: "Cuantos minutos esperamos antes de enviar un mail a un usuario, para darles la oportunidad de verlo antes"
flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds" flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds"
max_word_length: "La máxima longitud de palabra permitida, en caracteres en el título de un topic" max_word_length: "La máxima longitud de palabra permitida, en caracteres en el título de un topic"

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@ -570,8 +570,6 @@ fr:
regular_requires_likes_given: "Combien de j'aime un utilisateur doit donner pour être promu au niveau régulier (2)" regular_requires_likes_given: "Combien de j'aime un utilisateur doit donner pour être promu au niveau régulier (2)"
regular_requires_topic_reply_count: "Combien de réponses un utilisateur doit donner pour être promu au niveau régulier (2)" regular_requires_topic_reply_count: "Combien de réponses un utilisateur doit donner pour être promu au niveau régulier (2)"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Les images en lien automatiques doivent êtres plus larges que préciser"
email_time_window_mins: "Combien de minutes attendre avant d'envoyer un mail à l'utilisateur, pour lui donner une chance de voir lui-même avant l'envoi." email_time_window_mins: "Combien de minutes attendre avant d'envoyer un mail à l'utilisateur, pour lui donner une chance de voir lui-même avant l'envoi."
flush_timings_secs: "A quelle fréquence requêter les données de timing au serveur, en secondes." flush_timings_secs: "A quelle fréquence requêter les données de timing au serveur, en secondes."
max_word_length: "Le nombre maximum de mots dans un titre de discussion" max_word_length: "Le nombre maximum de mots dans un titre de discussion"

View File

@ -411,8 +411,6 @@ id:
basic_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a new user must read before promotion to basic (1) trust level" basic_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a new user must read before promotion to basic (1) trust level"
basic_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many minutes a new user must read posts before promotion to basic (1) trust level" basic_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many minutes a new user must read posts before promotion to basic (1) trust level"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Images wider than this, in pixels, will get auto link and lightbox treatment"
email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first" email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first"
flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds" flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds"
max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title" max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title"

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@ -548,8 +548,6 @@ it:
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Numero massimo di menzioni @name che un nuovo utente può fare in un post" newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Numero massimo di menzioni @name che un nuovo utente può fare in un post"
max_mentions_per_post: "Numero massimo di menzioni @name che un utente può fare in un post" max_mentions_per_post: "Numero massimo di menzioni @name che un utente può fare in un post"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Immagini più larghe di questo valore (in pixel) verranno visualizzate tramite lightbox"
email_time_window_mins: "Quanti minuti prima che una email venga mandata all'utente, per dare la possibilità di controllarla" email_time_window_mins: "Quanti minuti prima che una email venga mandata all'utente, per dare la possibilità di controllarla"
flush_timings_secs: "Frequenza di aggiornamento dati temporali (su server), in secondi" flush_timings_secs: "Frequenza di aggiornamento dati temporali (su server), in secondi"
max_word_length: "Numero massimo di caratteri che compongono una parola del titolo di un topic" max_word_length: "Numero massimo di caratteri che compongono una parola del titolo di un topic"

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@ -574,8 +574,6 @@ nl:
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum aantal @naam notificaties dat een nieuw lid in een bericht kan gebruiken" newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum aantal @naam notificaties dat een nieuw lid in een bericht kan gebruiken"
max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum aantal @naam notificaties dat je in een bericht kan gebruiken" max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum aantal @naam notificaties dat je in een bericht kan gebruiken"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Afbeeldingen breder dan dit, in pixels, krijgen automatisch een link naar een lightbox"
email_time_window_mins: "Hoeveel minuten we wachten met het sturen van een e-mail naar een persoon, om ze een kans te geven het eerst op de site te kunnen lezen." email_time_window_mins: "Hoeveel minuten we wachten met het sturen van een e-mail naar een persoon, om ze een kans te geven het eerst op de site te kunnen lezen."
flush_timings_secs: "Hoe vaak we timing-data naar de server sturen, in seconden." flush_timings_secs: "Hoe vaak we timing-data naar de server sturen, in seconden."
max_word_length: "De maximumlengte van een woord in een topictitel" max_word_length: "De maximumlengte van een woord in een topictitel"

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@ -657,8 +657,6 @@ pseudo:
ůšéř čáɳ ůšé íɳ á ƿóšť ]]' ůšéř čáɳ ůšé íɳ á ƿóšť ]]'
max_mentions_per_post: '[[ Ϻáхíɱůɱ ɳůɱƀéř óƒ @ɳáɱé ɳóťíƒíčáťíóɳš ýóů čáɳ ůšé íɳ max_mentions_per_post: '[[ Ϻáхíɱůɱ ɳůɱƀéř óƒ @ɳáɱé ɳóťíƒíčáťíóɳš ýóů čáɳ ůšé íɳ
á ƿóšť ]]' á ƿóšť ]]'
auto_link_images_wider_than: '[[ Íɱáǧéš ŵíďéř ťĥáɳ ťĥíš, íɳ ƿíхéłš, ŵíłł ǧéť áůťó
łíɳǩ áɳď łíǧĥťƀóх ťřéáťɱéɳť ]]'
email_time_window_mins: '[[ Ĥóŵ ɱáɳý ɱíɳůťéš ŵé ŵáíť ƀéƒóřé šéɳďíɳǧ á ůšéř ɱáíł, email_time_window_mins: '[[ Ĥóŵ ɱáɳý ɱíɳůťéš ŵé ŵáíť ƀéƒóřé šéɳďíɳǧ á ůšéř ɱáíł,
ťó ǧíνé ťĥéɱ á čĥáɳčé ťó šéé íť ƒířšť ]]' ťó ǧíνé ťĥéɱ á čĥáɳčé ťó šéé íť ƒířšť ]]'
flush_timings_secs: '[[ Ĥóŵ ƒřéƣůéɳťłý ŵé ƒłůšĥ ťíɱíɳǧ ďáťá ťó ťĥé šéřνéř, íɳ flush_timings_secs: '[[ Ĥóŵ ƒřéƣůéɳťłý ŵé ƒłůšĥ ťíɱíɳǧ ďáťá ťó ťĥé šéřνéř, íɳ

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@ -339,8 +339,6 @@ pt:
basic_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a user needs to have read to be promoted to basic level" basic_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a user needs to have read to be promoted to basic level"
basic_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many mins a user needs to have spent reading posts to be promoted to basic level" basic_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many mins a user needs to have spent reading posts to be promoted to basic level"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "How wide does an image need to be, to be considered for auto link and lightbox treatment"
email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first." email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first."
flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds." flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds."

View File

@ -625,7 +625,6 @@ ru:
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: Максимальное число упоминаний по @name , которое новый пользователь может использовать в сообщении newuser_max_mentions_per_post: Максимальное число упоминаний по @name , которое новый пользователь может использовать в сообщении
max_mentions_per_post: Максимальное число упоминаний по @name , которое новый пользователь может использовать в сообщении max_mentions_per_post: Максимальное число упоминаний по @name , которое новый пользователь может использовать в сообщении
create_thumbnails: Создать миниатюры для изображений create_thumbnails: Создать миниатюры для изображений
auto_link_images_wider_than: Изображение, шириной более чем указанное значение в пикселях, получит автоматическую ссылку и обработку lightbox
email_time_window_mins: Сколько минут нужно подождать перед отсылкой письма пользователя, чтобы дать ему шанс сперва его увидеть email_time_window_mins: Сколько минут нужно подождать перед отсылкой письма пользователя, чтобы дать ему шанс сперва его увидеть
flush_timings_secs: Как часто мы отправляем временные данные на сервер, в секундах flush_timings_secs: Как часто мы отправляем временные данные на сервер, в секундах
max_word_length: Максимальная длина слов в названии темы, в символах max_word_length: Максимальная длина слов в названии темы, в символах

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@ -468,8 +468,6 @@ sv:
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications a new user can use in a post" newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications a new user can use in a post"
max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications you can use in a post" max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications you can use in a post"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "Images wider than this, in pixels, will get auto link and lightbox treatment"
email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first" email_time_window_mins: "How many minutes we wait before sending a user mail, to give them a chance to see it first"
flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds" flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds"
max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title" max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title"

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@ -563,8 +563,6 @@ zh_CN:
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "一个访问者可以在一个帖子里使用 @name 提及的最大数量" newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "一个访问者可以在一个帖子里使用 @name 提及的最大数量"
max_mentions_per_post: "你可以在一个帖子里使用 @name 提及的最大数量" max_mentions_per_post: "你可以在一个帖子里使用 @name 提及的最大数量"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "图片宽度超过此设定像素值的将被自动附加一个链接并且使用灯箱lightbox来展示"
email_time_window_mins: "等待多少分钟才给用户发送通知电子邮件,好让他们有机会自己来浏览" email_time_window_mins: "等待多少分钟才给用户发送通知电子邮件,好让他们有机会自己来浏览"
flush_timings_secs: "刷新时间数据的频率,以秒为单位" flush_timings_secs: "刷新时间数据的频率,以秒为单位"
max_word_length: "在主题的标题中,允许的词语长度的最大字符数" max_word_length: "在主题的标题中,允许的词语长度的最大字符数"

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@ -546,8 +546,6 @@ zh_TW:
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "一個訪問者可以在一個帖子裏使用 @name 提及的最大數量" newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "一個訪問者可以在一個帖子裏使用 @name 提及的最大數量"
max_mentions_per_post: "你可以在一個帖子裏使用 @name 提及的最大數量" max_mentions_per_post: "你可以在一個帖子裏使用 @name 提及的最大數量"
auto_link_images_wider_than: "圖片寬度超過此設定像素值的將被自動附加一個鏈接並且使用燈箱lightbox來展示"
email_time_window_mins: "等待多少分鍾才給用戶發送通知電子郵件,好讓他們有機會自己來浏覽" email_time_window_mins: "等待多少分鍾才給用戶發送通知電子郵件,好讓他們有機會自己來浏覽"
flush_timings_secs: "刷新時間數據的頻率,以秒爲單位" flush_timings_secs: "刷新時間數據的頻率,以秒爲單位"
max_word_length: "在主題的標題中,允許的詞語長度的最大字符數" max_word_length: "在主題的標題中,允許的詞語長度的最大字符數"

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Post processing that we can do after a post has already been cooked. For # Post processing that we can do after a post has already been cooked.
# example, inserting the onebox content, or image sizes. # For example, inserting the onebox content, or image sizes.
require_dependency 'oneboxer' require_dependency 'oneboxer'
@ -16,14 +16,13 @@ class CookedPostProcessor
end end
def post_process def post_process
return unless @doc.present?
post_process_images post_process_images
post_process_oneboxes post_process_oneboxes
end end
def post_process_images def post_process_images
images = @doc.css("img") - @doc.css(".onebox-result img") images = @doc.css("img") - @doc.css(".onebox-result img") - @doc.css(".quote img")
return unless images.present? return if images.blank?
images.each do |img| images.each do |img|
# keep track of the original src # keep track of the original src
@ -109,13 +108,13 @@ class CookedPostProcessor
def convert_to_link!(img, upload=nil) def convert_to_link!(img, upload=nil)
src = img["src"] src = img["src"]
return unless src.present?
width, height = img["width"].to_i, img["height"].to_i width, height = img["width"].to_i, img["height"].to_i
return unless src.present? && width > SiteSetting.auto_link_images_wider_than
original_width, original_height = get_size(src) original_width, original_height = get_size(src)
return unless original_width.to_i > width && original_height.to_i > height return unless original_width.to_i > width && original_height.to_i > height
return if original_width < SiteSetting.max_image_width
parent = img.parent parent = img.parent
while parent while parent

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
require 'spec_helper' require 'spec_helper'
require 'cooked_post_processor' require 'cooked_post_processor'
describe CookedPostProcessor do describe CookedPostProcessor do
@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ describe CookedPostProcessor do
@topic = Fabricate(:topic) @topic = Fabricate(:topic)
@post =, topic: @topic, user: @topic.user) @post =, topic: @topic, user: @topic.user)
@cpp =, image_sizes: {'' => {'width' => 111, 'height' => 222}}) @cpp =, image_sizes: {'' => {'width' => 111, 'height' => 222}})
end end
it "doesn't call image_dimensions because it knows the size" do it "doesn't call image_dimensions because it knows the size" do
@ -134,6 +132,7 @@ describe CookedPostProcessor do
let(:processor) { } let(:processor) { }
before do before do
FastImage.stubs(:size).returns([1000, 1000]) FastImage.stubs(:size).returns([1000, 1000])
processor.post_process_images processor.post_process_images
end end
@ -155,13 +154,8 @@ describe CookedPostProcessor do
SiteSetting.stubs(:crawl_images?).returns(true) SiteSetting.stubs(:crawl_images?).returns(true)
end end
let :post_with_img do let(:post_with_img) {, cooked: '<p><img src=""></p>') }, cooked: '<p><img src=""></p>') let(:cpp_for_post) { }
let :cpp_for_post do
it 'convert img tags to links if they are sized down' do it 'convert img tags to links if they are sized down' do
cpp_for_post.expects(:get_size).returns([2000,2000]).twice cpp_for_post.expects(:get_size).returns([2000,2000]).twice
@ -177,31 +171,32 @@ describe CookedPostProcessor do
end end
context 'image_dimensions' do context "image_dimensions" do
it "returns unless called with a http or https url" do it "returns unless called with a http or https url" do
cpp.image_dimensions('/tmp/image.jpg').should be_blank cpp.image_dimensions("/tmp/image.jpg").should be_blank
end end
context 'with valid url' do context "with valid url" do
before do
@url = ''
it "doesn't call fastimage if image crawling is disabled" do let(:url) { "" }
it "doesn't call FastImage if image crawling is disabled" do
SiteSetting.expects(:crawl_images?).returns(false) SiteSetting.expects(:crawl_images?).returns(false)
FastImage.expects(:size).never FastImage.expects(:size).never
cpp.image_dimensions(@url) cpp.image_dimensions(url)
end end
it "calls fastimage if image crawling is enabled" do it "calls FastImage if image crawling is enabled" do
SiteSetting.expects(:crawl_images?).returns(true) SiteSetting.expects(:crawl_images?).returns(true)
FastImage.expects(:size).with(@url) FastImage.expects(:size).with(url)
cpp.image_dimensions(@url) cpp.image_dimensions(url)
end end
end end
context 'is_valid_image_uri?' do end
context "is_valid_image_uri?" do
it "needs the scheme to be either http or https" do it "needs the scheme to be either http or https" do
cpp.is_valid_image_uri?("").should == true cpp.is_valid_image_uri?("").should == true
@ -212,25 +207,25 @@ describe CookedPostProcessor do
cpp.is_valid_image_uri?("/tmp/image.png").should == false cpp.is_valid_image_uri?("/tmp/image.png").should == false
end end
it "doesn't throw exception with a bad URI" do it "doesn't throw an exception with a bad URI" do
cpp.is_valid_image_uri?("http://do<").should == nil cpp.is_valid_image_uri?("http://do<").should == nil
end end
end end
context 'get_filename' do context "get_filename" do
it "returns the filename of the src when there is no upload" do it "returns the filename of the src when there is no upload" do
cpp.get_filename(nil, "").should == "image.png" cpp.get_filename(nil, "").should == "image.png"
end end
it "returns the original filename of the upload when there is an upload" do it "returns the original filename of the upload when there is an upload" do
upload =, { original_filename: "upload.jpg" }) upload = build(:upload, { original_filename: "upload.jpg" })
cpp.get_filename(upload, "").should == "upload.jpg" cpp.get_filename(upload, "").should == "upload.jpg"
end end
it "returns a generic name for pasted images" do it "returns a generic name for pasted images" do
upload =, { original_filename: "blob.png" }) upload = build(:upload, { original_filename: "blob.png" })
cpp.get_filename(upload, "").should == I18n.t('upload.pasted_image_filename') cpp.get_filename(upload, "").should == I18n.t('upload.pasted_image_filename')
end end