diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/models/version_check.js b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/models/version_check.js
index 5dd25cab176..2b05fb87b3c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/models/version_check.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/models/version_check.js
@@ -7,6 +7,21 @@
@module Discourse
Discourse.VersionCheck = Discourse.Model.extend({
+ noCheckPerformed: function() {
+ return this.get('updated_at') === null;
+ }.property('updated_at'),
+ dataIsOld: function() {
+ return moment().diff(moment(this.get('updated_at')), 'hours') >= 48;
+ }.property('updated_at'),
+ staleData: function() {
+ return ( this.get('dataIsOld') ||
+ (this.get('installed_version') !== this.get('latest_version') && this.get('missing_versions_count') === 0) ||
+ (this.get('installed_version') === this.get('latest_version') && this.get('missing_versions_count') !== 0) );
+ }.property('dataIsOld', 'missing_versions_count', 'installed_version', 'latest_version'),
upToDate: function() {
return this.get('missing_versions_count') === 0 || this.get('missing_versions_count') === null;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/templates/dashboard.js.handlebars b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/templates/dashboard.js.handlebars
index 4454abff599..d58362cc607 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/templates/dashboard.js.handlebars
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/templates/dashboard.js.handlebars
@@ -49,29 +49,50 @@
{{i18n admin.dashboard.version}} |
{{ versionCheck.installed_version }} |
- {{ versionCheck.latest_version }} |
- {{#if versionCheck.upToDate }}
- ☻
+ {{#if versionCheck.noCheckPerformed}}
+ | |
+ ☹
+ |
+ {{i18n admin.dashboard.no_check_performed}}
+ |
+ {{else}}
+ {{#if versionCheck.staleData}}
+ |
+ ☹
+ |
+ {{i18n admin.dashboard.stale_data}}
+ |
- {{#if versionCheck.behindByOneVersion}}
- ☺
+ {{ versionCheck.latest_version }} |
+ {{#if versionCheck.upToDate }}
+ ☻
- ☹
+ {{#if versionCheck.behindByOneVersion}}
+ ☺
+ {{else}}
+ ☹
+ {{/if}}
+ |
+ {{#if versionCheck.upToDate }}
+ {{i18n admin.dashboard.up_to_date}}
+ {{else}}
+ {{i18n admin.dashboard.critical_available}}
+ {{i18n admin.dashboard.updates_available}}
+ {{i18n admin.dashboard.please_upgrade}}
+ {{/if}}
+ |
- {{#if versionCheck.upToDate }}
- {{i18n admin.dashboard.up_to_date}}
- {{else}}
- {{i18n admin.dashboard.critical_available}}
- {{i18n admin.dashboard.updates_available}}
- {{i18n admin.dashboard.please_upgrade}}
- {{/if}}
- |
+ {{/if}}
diff --git a/app/models/discourse_version_check.rb b/app/models/discourse_version_check.rb
index 803e7cee3d6..657f01ddc1d 100644
--- a/app/models/discourse_version_check.rb
+++ b/app/models/discourse_version_check.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class DiscourseVersionCheck
include ActiveAttr::MassAssignment
include ActiveModel::Serialization
- attr_accessor :latest_version, :critical_updates, :installed_version, :installed_sha, :missing_versions_count
+ attr_accessor :latest_version, :critical_updates, :installed_version, :installed_sha, :missing_versions_count, :updated_at
def active_model_serializer
diff --git a/app/serializers/discourse_version_check_serializer.rb b/app/serializers/discourse_version_check_serializer.rb
index 91adad35397..73cf1e6965c 100644
--- a/app/serializers/discourse_version_check_serializer.rb
+++ b/app/serializers/discourse_version_check_serializer.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class DiscourseVersionCheckSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
- attributes :latest_version, :critical_updates, :installed_version, :installed_sha, :missing_versions_count
+ attributes :latest_version, :critical_updates, :installed_version, :installed_sha, :missing_versions_count, :updated_at
self.root = false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/locales/client.en.yml b/config/locales/client.en.yml
index e991aeec8b5..fdc9eb154f1 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.en.yml
@@ -1000,6 +1000,8 @@ en:
critical_available: "A critical update is available."
updates_available: "Updates are available."
please_upgrade: "Please upgrade!"
+ no_check_performed: "A check for updates have not been performed. Ensure clockwork and sidekiq are running."
+ stale_data: "A check for updates has not been performed lately. Ensure clockwork and sidekiq are running."
installed_version: "Installed"
latest_version: "Latest"
problems_found: "Some problems have been found with your installation of Discourse:"
diff --git a/lib/discourse_updates.rb b/lib/discourse_updates.rb
index ea902d5078e..200aed138e7 100644
--- a/lib/discourse_updates.rb
+++ b/lib/discourse_updates.rb
@@ -3,14 +3,30 @@ module DiscourseUpdates
class << self
def check_version
- DiscourseVersionCheck.new(
- latest_version: latest_version || Discourse::VERSION::STRING,
- critical_updates: critical_updates_available?,
- installed_version: Discourse::VERSION::STRING,
- installed_sha: (Discourse.git_version == 'unknown' ? nil : Discourse.git_version),
- missing_versions_count: missing_versions_count || nil
- # TODO: more info, like links and release messages
- )
+ version_info = if updated_at.nil?
+ DiscourseVersionCheck.new(
+ installed_version: Discourse::VERSION::STRING,
+ installed_sha: (Discourse.git_version == 'unknown' ? nil : Discourse.git_version),
+ updated_at: nil
+ )
+ else
+ DiscourseVersionCheck.new(
+ latest_version: latest_version,
+ critical_updates: critical_updates_available?,
+ installed_version: Discourse::VERSION::STRING,
+ installed_sha: (Discourse.git_version == 'unknown' ? nil : Discourse.git_version),
+ missing_versions_count: missing_versions_count,
+ updated_at: updated_at
+ )
+ end
+ if version_info.updated_at.nil? or
+ (version_info.missing_versions_count == 0 and version_info.latest_version != version_info.installed_version)
+ # Version check data is out of date.
+ Jobs.enqueue(:version_check, all_sites: true)
+ end
+ version_info
def latest_version
@@ -25,6 +41,15 @@ module DiscourseUpdates
($redis.get(critical_updates_available_key) || false) == 'true'
+ def updated_at
+ t = $redis.get(updated_at_key)
+ t ? Time.zone.parse(t) : nil
+ end
+ def updated_at=(time_with_zone)
+ $redis.set updated_at_key, time_with_zone.as_json
+ end
['latest_version', 'missing_versions_count', 'critical_updates_available'].each do |name|
eval "define_method :#{name}= do |arg|
$redis.set #{name}_key, arg
@@ -45,5 +70,9 @@ module DiscourseUpdates
def missing_versions_count_key
+ def updated_at_key
+ 'last_version_check_at'
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/jobs/version_check.rb b/lib/jobs/version_check.rb
index b952f588f1b..61632f61f1f 100644
--- a/lib/jobs/version_check.rb
+++ b/lib/jobs/version_check.rb
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ module Jobs
class VersionCheck < Jobs::Base
def execute(args)
- if SiteSetting.version_checks
+ if SiteSetting.version_checks and (DiscourseUpdates.updated_at.nil? or DiscourseUpdates.updated_at < 1.minute.ago)
json = DiscourseHub.discourse_version_check
DiscourseUpdates.latest_version = json['latestVersion']
DiscourseUpdates.critical_updates_available = json['criticalUpdates']
DiscourseUpdates.missing_versions_count = json['missingVersionsCount']
+ DiscourseUpdates.updated_at = Time.zone.now
rescue => e
raise e unless Rails.env == 'development' # Fail version check silently in development mode
diff --git a/spec/components/discourse_updates_spec.rb b/spec/components/discourse_updates_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..203a895427f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/components/discourse_updates_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+require_dependency 'discourse_updates'
+describe DiscourseUpdates do
+ def stub_data(latest, missing, critical, updated_at)
+ DiscourseUpdates.stubs(:latest_version).returns(latest)
+ DiscourseUpdates.stubs(:missing_versions_count).returns(missing)
+ DiscourseUpdates.stubs(:critical_updates_available?).returns(critical)
+ DiscourseUpdates.stubs(:updated_at).returns(updated_at)
+ end
+ before do
+ Jobs::VersionCheck.any_instance.stubs(:execute).returns(true)
+ end
+ subject { DiscourseUpdates.check_version.as_json }
+ context 'a good version check request happened recently' do
+ context 'and server is up-to-date' do
+ before { stub_data(Discourse::VERSION::STRING, 0, false, 12.hours.ago) }
+ it 'returns all the version fields' do
+ subject['latest_version'].should == Discourse::VERSION::STRING
+ subject['missing_versions_count'].should == 0
+ subject['critical_updates'].should == false
+ subject['installed_version'].should == Discourse::VERSION::STRING
+ end
+ it 'returns the timestamp of the last version check' do
+ subject['updated_at'].should be_within_one_second_of(12.hours.ago)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'and server is not up-to-date' do
+ before { stub_data('0.9.0', 2, false, 12.hours.ago) }
+ it 'returns all the version fields' do
+ subject['latest_version'].should == '0.9.0'
+ subject['missing_versions_count'].should == 2
+ subject['critical_updates'].should == false
+ subject['installed_version'].should == Discourse::VERSION::STRING
+ end
+ it 'returns the timestamp of the last version check' do
+ subject['updated_at'].should be_within_one_second_of(12.hours.ago)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'a version check has never been performed' do
+ before { stub_data(nil, nil, false, nil) }
+ it 'returns the installed version' do
+ subject['installed_version'].should == Discourse::VERSION::STRING
+ end
+ it 'indicates that version check has not been performed' do
+ subject.should have_key('updated_at')
+ subject['updated_at'].should == nil
+ end
+ it 'does not return latest version info' do
+ subject.should_not have_key('latest_version')
+ subject.should_not have_key('missing_versions_count')
+ subject.should_not have_key('critical_updates')
+ end
+ it 'queues a version check' do
+ Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:version_check, anything)
+ subject
+ end
+ end
+ context 'installed version is newer' do
+ before { stub_data('0.9.3', 0, false, 28.hours.ago) }
+ it 'queues a version check' do
+ Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:version_check, anything)
+ subject
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/controllers/admin/dashboard_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/admin/dashboard_controller_spec.rb
index f46054d4d40..6cf637c3d4d 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/admin/dashboard_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/admin/dashboard_controller_spec.rb
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ describe Admin::DashboardController do
#NOTE: Rails.cache should be blanked between tests, at the moment we can share state with it
# that is seriously bust on quite a few levels
+ Jobs::VersionCheck.any_instance.stubs(:execute).returns(true)
it "is a subclass of AdminController" do
diff --git a/spec/controllers/admin/versions_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/admin/versions_controller_spec.rb
index a8eea59741a..13e0cad7b06 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/admin/versions_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/admin/versions_controller_spec.rb
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ require_dependency 'version'
describe Admin::VersionsController do
before do
+ DiscourseUpdates.stubs(:updated_at).returns(2.hours.ago)
diff --git a/test/javascripts/models/version_check_test.js b/test/javascripts/models/version_check_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4b6d2b57eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/javascripts/models/version_check_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+test('dataIsOld', function() {
+ var dataIsOld = function(args, expected, message) {
+ equal(Discourse.VersionCheck.create(args).get('dataIsOld'), expected, message);
+ };
+ dataIsOld({updated_at: moment().subtract('hours', 2).toJSON()}, false, '2 hours ago');
+ dataIsOld({updated_at: moment().subtract('hours', 49).toJSON()}, true, '49 hours ago');
+test('staleData', function() {
+ var updatedAt = function(hoursAgo) {
+ return moment().subtract('hours', hoursAgo).toJSON();
+ };
+ var staleData = function(args, expected, message) {
+ equal(Discourse.VersionCheck.create(args).get('staleData'), expected, message);
+ };
+ staleData({missing_versions_count: 0, installed_version: '0.9.3', latest_version: '0.9.3', updated_at: updatedAt(2)}, false, 'up to date');
+ staleData({missing_versions_count: 0, installed_version: '0.9.4', latest_version: '0.9.3', updated_at: updatedAt(2)}, true, 'installed and latest do not match, but missing_versions_count is 0');
+ staleData({missing_versions_count: 1, installed_version: '0.9.3', latest_version: '0.9.3', updated_at: updatedAt(2)}, true, 'installed and latest match, but missing_versions_count is not 0');
+ staleData({missing_versions_count: 0, installed_version: '0.9.3', latest_version: '0.9.3', updated_at: updatedAt(50)}, true, 'old version check data');