Update Translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -402,8 +402,6 @@ ar:
title: "الأعضاء"
likes_given: "الإعجابات المعطاة"
likes_received: "الإعجابات المستلمة"
topics_entered: "المواضيع المدخلة"
topics_entered_long: "المواضيع المدخلة"
time_read: "وقت القراءة"
topic_count: "المواضيع"
topic_count_long: "المواضيع المضافة"
@ -2703,7 +2701,6 @@ ar:
deactivate_explanation: "المستخدم الغير نشط يحب أن يتأكد من البريد الالكتروني"
suspended_explanation: "المستخدم الموقوف لايملك صلاحية تسجيل الدخول"
block_explanation: "المستخدم الموقوف لايستطيع أن يشارك"
stage_explanation: "العضو المنظم يمكنه فقط النشر عن طريق البريد الالكتروني في المواضيع المخصصه ."
trust_level_change_failed: "هناك مشكلة في تغيير مستوى ثقة المستخدم "
suspend_modal_title: "حظر المستخدم"
trust_level_2_users: "أعضاء مستوى الثقة 2."
@ -286,8 +286,6 @@ bs_BA:
title: "Korisnici"
likes_given: "Dato"
likes_received: "Primljeno"
topics_entered: "Posjećeno"
topics_entered_long: "Upisano Tema"
time_read: "Pročitano puta"
topic_count: "Teme"
topic_count_long: "Kreirano Temi"
@ -448,6 +446,7 @@ bs_BA:
muted_users: "Utišani"
muted_users_instructions: "Odbij sve notifikacije od ovih korisnika."
muted_topics_link: "Prikaži utišane teme"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Automatski otkači temu kada dođem do dna"
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flagged_posts: "flagged posts"
@ -1098,7 +1097,6 @@ bs_BA:
create: "Sorry, there was an error creating your post. Please try again."
edit: "Sorry, there was an error editing your post. Please try again."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
file_too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Sorry, you can only upload one file at a time."
upload_not_authorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extension: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sorry, new users can not upload images."
@ -1380,7 +1378,6 @@ bs_BA:
30_days_ago: "30 Days Ago"
all: "All"
view_table: "View as Table"
view_chart: "View as Bar Chart"
latest_changes: "Latest changes: please update often!"
by: "by"
@ -303,8 +303,6 @@ cs:
title: "Uživatelé"
likes_given: "Rozdáno"
likes_received: "Obdrženo"
topics_entered: "Navštíveno"
topics_entered_long: "Témat navštíveno"
time_read: "Čas strávený čtením"
topic_count: "Témata"
topic_count_long: "Témat vytvořeno"
@ -1270,9 +1268,7 @@ cs:
create: "Bohužel nastala chyba při vytváření příspěvku. Prosím zkuste to znovu."
edit: "Bohužel nastala chyba při editaci příspěvku. Prosím zkuste to znovu."
upload: "Bohužel nastala chyba při nahrávání příspěvku. Prosím zkuste to znovu."
file_too_large: "Omlouváme se, ale soubor, který se snažíte nahrát, je příliš veliký (maximální velikost je {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Bohužel, najednou smíte nahrát jen jeden soubor."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Eh, pardon, ale můžete najednou nahrát nanejvýš 10 souborů."
upload_not_authorized: "Bohužel, soubor, který se snažíte nahrát, není povolený (povolené přípony: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Bohužel, noví uživatelé nemohou nahrávat obrázky."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Bohužel, noví uživatelé nemohou nahrávat přílohy."
@ -1725,7 +1721,6 @@ cs:
30_days_ago: "Měsíc"
all: "Celkem"
view_table: "tabulka"
view_chart: "sloupcový graf"
refresh_report: "Obnovit hlášení"
start_date: "Datum začátku"
end_date: "Datum konce"
@ -285,8 +285,6 @@ da:
title: "Brugere"
likes_given: "Givet"
likes_received: "Modtaget"
topics_entered: "Besøgte"
topics_entered_long: "Emner besøgt"
time_read: "Læsetid"
topic_count: "Emner"
topic_count_long: "Emner oprettet"
@ -1315,9 +1313,7 @@ da:
create: "Beklager, der opstod en fejl under oprettelsen af dit indlæg. Prøv venligst igen."
edit: "Beklager, der opstrod en fejl under redigeringen af dit indlæg. Prøv venligst igen."
upload: "Beklager, der opstod en fejl ved upload af filen. Prøv venligst igen."
file_too_large: "Beklager, filen, som du forsøger at uploade, er for store (den maksimale størrelse er {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
too_many_uploads: "Beklager, men du kan kun uploade én fil ad gangen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Beklager, du kan kun drag & drope'e op til 10 filer af gangen."
upload_not_authorized: "Beklager, filen, som du forsøger at uploade, er ikke godkendt (godkendte filendelser: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Beklager, nye brugere kan ikke uploade billeder."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Beklager, nye brugere kan ikke uploade vedhæftede filer."
@ -1756,7 +1752,6 @@ da:
30_days_ago: "30 dage siden"
all: "Alle"
view_table: "tabel"
view_chart: "søjle diagram"
refresh_report: "Genopfrisk rapporten"
start_date: "Start dato"
end_date: "Slut dato"
@ -298,8 +298,6 @@ de:
title: "Benutzer"
likes_given: "Gegeben"
likes_received: "Erhalten"
topics_entered: "Betrachtet"
topics_entered_long: "Betrachtete Themen"
time_read: "Lesezeit"
topic_count: "Themen"
topic_count_long: "Erstellte Themen"
@ -675,12 +673,6 @@ de:
one: "Beitrag erstellt"
other: "Beiträge erstellt"
one: "Like gegeben"
other: "Likes gegeben"
one: "Like bekommen"
other: "Likes bekommen"
one: "Tag vorbeigekommen"
other: "Tage vorbeigekommen"
@ -1052,9 +1044,6 @@ de:
one: "Du hast <b>ein</b> Thema ausgewählt."
other: "Du hast <b>{{count}}</b> Themen ausgewählt."
change_tags: "Tags ändern"
choose_new_tags: "Wähle neue Tags für diese Themen:"
changed_tags: "Die Tags dieser Themen wurden geändert."
unread: "Du hast alle Themen gelesen."
new: "Es gibt für dich keine neuen Themen."
@ -1368,9 +1357,7 @@ de:
create: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Anlegen des Beitrags. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
edit: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Beitrags. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
upload: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
file_too_large: "Entschuldige, die Datei, die du hochladen wolltest, ist zu groß (Maximalgröße {{max_size_kb}} KB)."
too_many_uploads: "Entschuldige, du darfst immer nur eine Datei hochladen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Entschuldige, du kannst Drag & Drop gleichzeitig nur für bis zu 10 Dateien benutzen."
upload_not_authorized: "Entschuldige, die Datei, die du hochladen wolltest, ist nicht erlaubt (erlaubte Endungen: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Entschuldige, neue Benutzer dürfen keine Bilder hochladen."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Entschuldige, neue Benutzer dürfen keine Dateien hochladen."
@ -1404,7 +1391,7 @@ de:
other: "Willst du auch die {{count}} direkten Antworten auf diesen Beitrag löschen?"
yes_value: "Ja, auch die Antworten löschen"
no_value: "Nein, nur diesen Beitrag"
admin: "Aktionen für Administratoren"
admin: "Administrative Aktionen"
wiki: "Wiki erstellen"
unwiki: "Wiki entfernen"
convert_to_moderator: "Mitarbeiter-Einfärbung hinzufügen"
@ -1805,7 +1792,6 @@ de:
30_days_ago: "vor 30 Tagen"
all: "Gesamt"
view_table: "Tabelle"
view_chart: "Balkendiagramm"
refresh_report: "Bericht aktualisieren"
start_date: "Startdatum"
end_date: "Enddatum"
@ -2207,8 +2193,6 @@ de:
grant_moderation: "Moderation gewähren"
revoke_moderation: "Moderation entziehen"
backup_operation: "Backup läuft"
deleted_tag: "Tag löschen"
renamed_tag: "Tag umbenennen"
title: "Gefilterte E-Mails"
description: "Wenn jemand ein Konto erstellt, werden die folgenden E-Mail-Adressen überprüft und es wird die Anmeldung blockiert oder eine andere Aktion ausgeführt."
@ -2380,7 +2364,6 @@ de:
deactivate_explanation: "Ein deaktivierter Benutzer muss seine E-Mail-Adresse erneut bestätigen."
suspended_explanation: "Ein gesperrter Benutzer kann sich nicht anmelden."
block_explanation: "Ein geblockter Benutzer kann keine Themen erstellen oder Beiträge veröffentlichen."
stage_explanation: "Ein vorbereiteter Benutzer kann nur via E-Mail zu bestimmten Themen beitragen."
trust_level_change_failed: "Beim Wechsel der Vertrauensstufe ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."
suspend_modal_title: "Benutzer sperren"
trust_level_2_users: "Benutzer mit Vertrauensstufe 2"
@ -2704,30 +2687,3 @@ de:
<button class="btn btn-primary">Google</button>
all_tags: "Alle Tags"
selector_all_tags: "Alle Tags"
changed: "Tags geändert:"
tags: "Tags"
choose_for_topic: "Wähle optional Tags für dieses Thema"
topics_tagged: "Themen getaggt mit <span class='discourse-tag'>{{tag}}</span>"
delete_tag: "Tag löschen"
delete_confirm: "Bist du sicher, dass du das Tag löschen möchtest?"
rename_tag: "Tag umbenennen"
rename_instructions: "Wähle einen neuen Namen für das Tag:"
sort_by: "Sortieren nach:"
sort_by_count: "Anzahl"
sort_by_name: "Name"
title: "Beobachten"
description: "Du wirst automatisch alle neuen Themen dieses Tags beobachten. Du wirst über jeden neuen Beitrag und jedes neue Thema benachrichtigt. Die Anzahl der ungelesenen und neuen Beiträge wird neben dem Thema erscheinen."
title: "Verfolgen"
description: "Du wirst automatisch alle neuen Themen dieses Tags verfolgen. Die Anzahl der ungelesenen und neuen Beiträge wird neben dem Thema erscheinen."
title: "Normal"
description: "Du wirst benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet."
title: "Stummgeschaltet"
description: "Du erhältst keine Benachrichtigungen über neue Themen mit diesem Tag und es wird nicht in deiner Liste ungelesener Tags erscheinen."
@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ es:
google+: 'comparte este enlace en Google+'
email: 'comparte este enlace por email'
public_topic: "hizo este tema público %{when}"
private_topic: "hizo este tema privado %{when}"
split_topic: "separó este tema %{when}"
invited_user: "invitó a %{who} %{when}"
removed_user: "eliminó a %{who} %{when}"
@ -134,6 +136,8 @@ es:
disabled: 'quitado de la lista, invisible %{when}'
topic_admin_menu: "acciones de administrador para el tema"
emails_are_disabled: "Todos los emails salientes han sido desactivados por un administrador. No se enviará ninguna notificación por email."
bootstrap_mode_enabled: "Para lanzar tu nuevo sitio más fácilmente, estás en modo de arranque. A todos los nuevos usuarios se les concederá el nivel 1 de confianza y recibirán resúmenes diarios por email. Esto se desactivará automáticamente cuando el número total de usuarios exceda los %{min_users}."
bootstrap_mode_disabled: "El modo de arranque se desactivará en las próximas 24 horas."
us_east_1: "US East (N. Virginia)"
@ -298,8 +302,6 @@ es:
title: "Usuarios"
likes_given: "Dados"
likes_received: "Recibidos"
topics_entered: "Vistos"
topics_entered_long: "Temas vistos"
time_read: "Tiempo de Lectura"
topic_count: "Temas"
topic_count_long: "Temas creados"
@ -702,6 +704,8 @@ es:
top_links: "Top enlaces"
no_links: "No hay enlaces aún."
most_liked_by: "Los que dieron más me gusta"
most_liked_users: "De quien recibió más Me gusta"
most_replied_to_users: "A quienes más respondió"
no_likes: "No hay me gusta aún."
associated_accounts: "Inicios de sesión"
@ -1060,8 +1064,8 @@ es:
one: "Has seleccionado <b>1</b> tema."
other: "Has seleccionado <b>{{count}}</b> temas."
change_tags: "Cambiar etiquetas"
choose_new_tags: "Elegir nuevas etiquetas para estos temas:"
changed_tags: "Las etiquetas de estos temas fueron cambiadas."
choose_new_tags: "Elige nuevas etiquetas para estos temas:"
changed_tags: "Las etiquetas de esos temas fueron cambiadas."
unread: "No hay temas que sigas y que no hayas leído ya."
new: "No tienes temas nuevos por leer."
@ -1216,6 +1220,8 @@ es:
invisible: "Hacer invisible"
visible: "Hacer visible"
reset_read: "Restablecer datos de lectura"
make_public: "Convertir en tema público"
make_private: "Convertir en Mensaje Privado"
pin: "Destacar tema"
unpin: "Dejar de destacar tema"
@ -2111,6 +2117,7 @@ es:
test_error: "Hubo un error al enviar el email de prueba. Por favor, revisa la configuración de correo, verifica que tu servicio de alojamiento no esté bloqueando los puertos de conexión de correo, y prueba de nuevo."
sent: "Enviado"
skipped: "Omitidos"
bounced: "Rebotado"
received: "Recibidos"
rejected: "Rechazados"
sent_at: "Enviado a"
@ -2390,10 +2397,18 @@ es:
block_failed: 'Ha habido un problema bloqueando el usuario.'
block_confirm: '¿Seguro que quieres bloquear a este usuario? No podrá crear nuevos temas ni publicar posts.'
block_accept: 'Sí, bloquear este usuario'
bounce_score: "Puntuación de rebote"
label: "Restablecer"
title: "Restablece la puntuación de rebote de nuevo a 0"
deactivate_explanation: "Un usuario desactivado debe rehabilitar su dirección de correo."
suspended_explanation: "Un usuario suspendido no puede ingresar al sitio."
block_explanation: "Un usuario bloqueado no puede publicar posts ni crear temas."
stage_explanation: "Un usuario provisional sólo puede publicar por email en temas específicos."
staged_explanation: "Un usuario provisional solo puede publicar por email en temas específicos."
none: "No se han recibido rebotes recientemente desde ese email."
some: "Se han recibido algunos rebotes recientemente desde ese email."
threshold_reached: "Se recibieron muchos rebotes desde ese email."
trust_level_change_failed: "Ha habido un problema cambiando el nivel de confianza del usuario."
suspend_modal_title: "Suspender Usuario"
trust_level_2_users: "Usuarios del nivel de Confianza 2"
@ -2509,6 +2524,7 @@ es:
login: "Login"
plugins: "Plugins"
user_preferences: "Preferencias de los Usuarios"
tags: "Etiquetas"
title: Distintivos
new_badge: Nuevo distintivo
@ -2724,12 +2740,15 @@ es:
tags: "Etiquetas"
choose_for_topic: "elegir etiquetas para este tema (opcional)"
delete_tag: "Eliminar etiqueta"
delete_confirm: "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta etiqueta?"
delete_confirm: "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esa etiqueta?"
rename_tag: "Renombrar etiqueta"
rename_instructions: "Elige un nuevo nombre para la etiqueta:"
sort_by: "Ordenar por:"
sort_by_count: "volumen"
sort_by_count: "contador"
sort_by_name: "nombre"
without_category: "%{filter} %{tag} temas"
with_category: "%{filter} %{tag} temas en %{category}"
title: "Vigilar"
@ -2746,21 +2765,21 @@ es:
unread: "No tienes temas sin leer."
new: "No hay temas nuevos."
new: "No tienes nuevos temas."
read: "Aún no has leído ningún tema."
posted: "Aún no has publicado en ningún tema."
posted: "Aún no has publicado ningún tema."
latest: "No hay temas recientes."
hot: "No hay temas candentes"
bookmarks: "Aún no has guardado temas en marcadores."
hot: "No hay temas populares."
bookmarks: "No hay temas guardados en marcadores aún."
top: "No hay temas top."
search: "No hay resultados resultados de búsqueda."
search: "No hay resultados de búsqueda."
latest: "No hay más temas recientes."
hot: "No hay más temas candentes."
posted: "No hay más temas en los que hayas publicado."
read: "No hay más temas que hayas leído."
hot: "No hay más temas populares."
posted: "No hay más temas publicados."
read: "No hay más temas leídos."
new: "No hay más temas nuevos."
unread: "No hay más temas sin leer."
top: "No hay más temas top."
bookmarks: "No hay más temas en marcadores."
bookmarks: "No hay más temas guardados en marcadores."
search: "No hay más resultados de búsqueda."
@ -298,8 +298,6 @@ fi:
title: "Käyttäjät"
likes_given: "Annetut"
likes_received: "Saadut"
topics_entered: "Avatut"
topics_entered_long: "Avattuja ketjuja"
time_read: "Lukuaika"
topic_count: "Ketjut"
topic_count_long: "Luotuja ketjuja"
@ -1019,9 +1017,6 @@ fi:
one: "Olet valinnut <b>yhden</b> ketjun."
other: "Olet valinnut <b>{{count}}</b> ketjua."
change_tags: "Muuta tagit"
choose_new_tags: "Valitse uudet tagit näille aiheille:"
changed_tags: "Aiheiden tagit on vaihdettu."
unread: "Sinulla ei ole lukemattomia ketjuja."
new: "Sinulla ei ole uusia ketjuja."
@ -1335,9 +1330,7 @@ fi:
create: "Pahoittelut, viestin luonti ei onnistunut. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
edit: "Pahoittelut, viestin muokkaus ei onnistunut. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
upload: "Pahoittelut, tiedoston lähetys ei onnistunut. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
file_too_large: "Pahoittelut, tiedosto jonka latausta yritit on liian suuri ( suurin tiedostokoko on {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Pahoittelut, voit ladata vain yhden tiedoston kerrallaan."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Pahoittelut, voit raahata korkeintaan 10 tiedostoa kerrallaan."
upload_not_authorized: "Pahoittelut, tiedostomuoto ei ole sallittu (sallitut tiedostopäätteet: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Pahoittelut, uudet käyttjät eivät saa ladata kuvia."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Pahoittelut, uudet käyttäjät eivät saa ladata liitteitä."
@ -1776,7 +1769,6 @@ fi:
30_days_ago: "30 päivää sitten"
all: "Kaikki"
view_table: "taulukko"
view_chart: "pylväsdiagrammi"
refresh_report: "Päivitä raportti"
start_date: "Alkupäivämäärä"
end_date: "Loppupäivämäärä"
@ -2169,8 +2161,6 @@ fi:
grant_moderation: "myönnä valvojan oikeudet"
revoke_moderation: "peru valvojan oikeudet"
backup_operation: "varmuuskopiointi"
deleted_tag: "poistettu tagi"
renamed_tag: "uudelleennimetty tagi"
title: "Seulottavat sähköpostiosoitteet"
description: "Uuden käyttäjätunnuksen luonnin yhteydessä annettua sähköpostiosoitetta verrataan alla olevaan listaan ja tarvittaessa tunnuksen luonti joko estetään tai suoritetaan muita toimenpiteitä."
@ -2342,7 +2332,6 @@ fi:
deactivate_explanation: "Käytöstä poistetun käyttäjän täytyy uudelleen vahvistaa sähköpostiosoitteensa."
suspended_explanation: "Hyllytetty käyttäjä ei voi kirjautua sisään."
block_explanation: "Estetty käyttäjä ei voi luoda viestejä tai ketjuja."
stage_explanation: "Automaattisesti luotu käyttäjä voi vastata sähköpostilla vain erikseen määritettyihin ketjuihin."
trust_level_change_failed: "Käyttäjän luottamustason vaihtamisessa tapahtui virhe."
suspend_modal_title: "Hyllytä käyttäjä"
trust_level_2_users: "Käyttäjät luottamustasolla 2"
@ -2662,25 +2651,4 @@ fi:
all_tags: "Kaikki tagit"
changed: "muutetut tagit:"
tags: "Tagit"
choose_for_topic: "valitse sopivat tagit aiheelle"
topics_tagged: "Aiheet tagattu <span class='discourse-tag'>{{tag}}</span>"
delete_tag: "Poista tagi"
delete_confirm: "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tagin?"
rename_tag: "Uudelleennimeä tagi"
rename_instructions: "Valitse tagin uusi nimi:"
title: "Tarkkaile"
description: "Saat ilmoituksen kaikista uusista viesteistä ja ketjuista jotka käyttää tätä tagia. Uusien ja lukemattomien määrä näkyy ketjun yhteydessä."
title: "Seuraa"
description: "Seuraat automaattisesti tämän tagin ketjuja ja viestejä. Uusien ja lukemattomien määrä näkyy ketjun yhteydessä."
title: "Tavallinen"
description: "Saat ilmoituksen kun joku mainitsee @nimesi tai vastaa ketjuun."
title: "Vaimenna"
description: "Et saa ilmoituksia, eikä se näy lukemattomissa."
sort_by_name: "nimi"
@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ fr:
google+: 'partager ce lien sur Google+'
email: 'envoyer ce lien dans un courriel'
public_topic: "rendre ce sujet publique %{when}"
private_topic: "rendre ce sujet privé %{when}"
split_topic: "a scindé ce sujet %{when}"
invited_user: "a invité %{who} %{when}"
removed_user: "a retiré %{who} %{when}"
@ -134,6 +136,8 @@ fr:
disabled: 'délisté %{when}'
topic_admin_menu: "actions administrateur pour ce sujet"
emails_are_disabled: "Le courriel sortant a été désactivé par un administrateur. Aucune notification courriel ne sera envoyée."
bootstrap_mode_enabled: "Pour rendre le lancement de votre site plus facile, vous êtes en mode 'bootstrap'. Tout nouveau utilisateur sera accordé le niveau de confirance 1 et aura les résumés par courriel hebdomadaires activés. Ceci cessera d'être le cas lorsque le nombre d'utilisateurs dépassera %{min_users}."
bootstrap_mode_disabled: "Le mode Bootstrap sera désactivé dans les prochaines 24 heures."
us_east_1: "US Est (N. Virginia)"
@ -298,8 +302,6 @@ fr:
title: "Utilisateurs"
likes_given: "Donnés"
likes_received: "Reçus"
topics_entered: "Visités"
topics_entered_long: "Sujets visités"
time_read: "Temps de lecture"
topic_count: "Sujets"
topic_count_long: "Sujets créés"
@ -702,6 +704,8 @@ fr:
top_links: "Liens les plus suivis"
no_links: "Pas encore de lien."
most_liked_by: "Les plus aimés par"
most_liked_users: "Plus Aimé"
most_replied_to_users: "Ayant le plus de réponses"
no_likes: "Pas encore de j'aime."
associated_accounts: "Connexions"
@ -1059,8 +1063,8 @@ fr:
one: "Vous avez sélectionné <b>1</b> sujet."
other: "Vous avez sélectionné <b>{{count}}</b> sujets."
change_tags: "Modifier les tags"
choose_new_tags: "Choisir de nouveaux tags pour ces sujets :"
change_tags: "Changer les Tags"
choose_new_tags: "Choisir les nouveaux tags pour ces sujets :"
changed_tags: "Les tags de ces sujets ont été modifiés."
unread: "Vous n'avez aucun sujet non lu."
@ -1216,6 +1220,8 @@ fr:
invisible: "Retirer de la liste des sujets"
visible: "Afficher dans la liste des sujets"
reset_read: "Réinitialiser les lectures"
make_public: "Rendre sujet publique"
make_private: "Rendre sujet privé"
pin: "Épingler la discussion"
unpin: "Désépingler la discussion"
@ -2111,6 +2117,7 @@ fr:
test_error: "Il y a eu un problème avec l'envoi du courriel de test. Veuillez vérifier vos paramètres, que votre hébergeur ne bloque pas les connections aux courriels, et réessayer."
sent: "Envoyés"
skipped: "Ignorés"
bounced: "Rejeté"
received: "Reçus"
rejected: "Rejetés"
sent_at: "Envoyer à"
@ -2390,10 +2397,18 @@ fr:
block_failed: 'Problème rencontré lors du blocage de l''utilisateur.'
block_confirm: 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir bloquer cet utilisateur? Ils ne pourront plus créer de sujet ou message.'
block_accept: 'Oui, bloquer cet utilisateur'
bounce_score: "Compteur de rejects"
label: "Réinitialiser"
title: "Réinitialiser compteur de rejets à 0"
deactivate_explanation: "Un utilisateur désactivé doit revalider son adresse de courriel."
suspended_explanation: "Un utilisateur suspendu ne peut pas se connecter."
block_explanation: "Un utilisateur bloqué ne peut pas écrire de message, ni créer de sujet."
stage_explanation: "Un utilisateur en attente ne peut envoyer des messages que par courriel et sur des sujets spécifiques."
staged_explanation: "Un utilisateur en attente ne peut envoyer des messages par courriel que pour des sujets spécifiques."
none: "Aucune rejet récent pour cette adresse courriel."
some: "Quelques rejets récents pour cette adresse courriel."
threshold_reached: "Trop de rejets récents pour cette adresse courriel."
trust_level_change_failed: "Il y a eu un problème lors de la modification du niveau de confiance de l'utilisateur."
suspend_modal_title: "Suspendre l'utilisateur"
trust_level_2_users: "Utilisateurs de niveau de confiance 2"
@ -2509,6 +2524,7 @@ fr:
login: "Connexion"
plugins: "Plugins"
user_preferences: "Préférences"
tags: "Tags"
title: Badges
new_badge: Nouveau Badge
@ -2718,24 +2734,34 @@ fr:
all_tags: "Tous les tags"
changed: "tags modifiés:"
all_tags: "Tous les Tags"
selector_all_tags: "tous les tags"
changed: "tags modifiés :"
tags: "Tags"
choose_for_topic: "choisissez des tags pour ce sujet (optionnel)"
delete_tag: "Supprimer ce tag"
choose_for_topic: "choisir des tags optionnels pour ce sujet"
delete_tag: "Supprimer le Tag"
delete_confirm: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce tag ?"
rename_tag: "Renommer ce tag"
rename_instructions: "Choisissez un nouveau nom pour le tag :"
rename_tag: "Renommer le Tag"
rename_instructions: "Choisir un nouveau nom pour le tag :"
sort_by: "Trier par :"
sort_by_count: "nombre"
sort_by_name: "nom"
without_category: "%{filter} %{tag} sujets"
with_category: "%{filter} %{tag} sujets dans %{category}"
title: "Surveiller"
description: "Vous surveillerez automatiquement les nouveaux sujets portant ce tag. Vous serez averti de tous les nouveaux messages et sujets. De plus, le nombre de messages non lus et nouveaux apparaîtra en regard du sujet."
title: "Suivre"
description: "Vous suivrez automatiquement les nouveaux sujets portant ce tag. Le nombre de messages non lus et nouveaux apparaîtra en regard du sujet."
title: "Suivie"
description: "Vous serez automatiquement abonné aux nouveaux sujets de ces catégories. Vous serez notifié de tous les nouveaux messages et sujets, et le décompte des messages non-lus et nouveaux aussi à côté de chaque sujet."
title: "Normal"
title: "Habitué"
description: "Vous serez averti si quelqu'un mentionne votre @pseudo ou répond à votre message."
title: "Silencieux"
description: "Vous ne recevrez aucune notification des sujets portant ce tag, et ils n'apparaîtront pas dans votre onglet non lus."
description: "Vous ne recevrez aucune notification sur les sujets de ces catégories, et ils n'apparaîtront pas dans votre onglet \"non-lus\"."
unread: "Vous n'avez aucun sujet non lu."
new: "Vous n'avez aucun nouveau sujet."
read: "Vous n'avez lu aucun sujet pour le moment."
posted: "Vous n'avez écrit aucun message pour le moment."
@ -298,8 +298,6 @@ gl:
title: "Usuarios"
likes_given: "Dados"
likes_received: "Recibidos"
topics_entered: "Introducidos"
topics_entered_long: "Temas introducidos"
time_read: "Tempo de lectura"
topic_count: "Temas"
topic_count_long: "Temas creados"
@ -1331,9 +1329,7 @@ gl:
create: "Sentímolo pero produciuse un erro creando a publicación. Téntao de novo."
edit: "Sentímolo pero produciuse un erro editando a publicación. Téntao de novo."
upload: "Sentímolo pero produciuse un erro enviando a publicación. Téntao de novo."
file_too_large: "Sentímolo pero o ficheiro é demasiado grande (o tamaño máximo son {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Sentímolo pero só podes enviar un ficheiro de cada vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sentímolo pero só podes arrastrar e soltar até 10 ficheiros dunha vez."
upload_not_authorized: "Sentímolo pero o ficheiro que tentas enviar non está autorizado (extensións autorizadas: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sentímolo pero os novos usuarios non poden subir imaxes."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sentímolo pero os novos usuarios non poden subir anexos."
@ -1771,7 +1767,6 @@ gl:
30_days_ago: "Hai 30 días"
all: "Todo"
view_table: "táboa"
view_chart: "gráfica de barras"
refresh_report: "Actualiza informe"
start_date: "Data de inicio"
end_date: "Data de remate"
@ -2335,7 +2330,6 @@ gl:
deactivate_explanation: "Un usuario desactivado debe revalidar o seu correo-e."
suspended_explanation: "Un usuario suspendido non pode iniciar sesión."
block_explanation: "Un usuario bloquedo non pode publicar nin iniciar temas."
stage_explanation: "Un usuario transitorio só pode publicar por correo electrónico en temas específicos."
trust_level_change_failed: "Produciuse un problema cambiando o nivel de confianza do usuario."
suspend_modal_title: "Suspender usuario"
trust_level_2_users: "Usuarios con nivel 2 de confianza"
@ -291,8 +291,6 @@ he:
title: "משתמשים"
likes_given: "ניתנ/ו"
likes_received: "התקבל/ו"
topics_entered: "כניסות"
topics_entered_long: "פוסטים אליהם נכנסת"
time_read: "זמן קריאה"
topic_count: "פוסטים"
topic_count_long: "פוסטים שנוצרו"
@ -1226,9 +1224,7 @@ he:
create: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה ביצירת ההודעה שלך. אנא נסה שנית."
edit: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה בעריכת ההודעה שלך. אנא נסה שנית."
upload: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה בהעלאת הקובץ שלך. אנא נסה שנית"
file_too_large: "מצטערים, הקובץ שאתם מנסים להעלות גדול מידי (הגודל המקסימלי המותר הוא {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "סליחה, אך ניתן להעלות רק קובץ אחת כל פעם."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "מצטערים, אתם יכולים לגרור ולהניח עד 10 קבצים בכל פעם."
upload_not_authorized: "סליחה, אך סוג הקובץ שאתה מנסה להעלות אינו מורשה (סיומות מורשות: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "סליחה, משתמשים חדשים לא יכולים להעלות תמונות."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "סליחה, משתמשים חדשים לא יכולים להעלות קבצים."
@ -1636,7 +1632,6 @@ he:
30_days_ago: "לפני 30 ימים"
all: "הכל"
view_table: "טבלא"
view_chart: "תרשים בר"
refresh_report: "רענון דו\"ח"
start_date: "תאריך התחלה"
end_date: "תאריך סיום"
@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ it:
google+: 'Condividi questo link su Google+'
email: 'invia questo collegamento via email'
public_topic: "ha reso questo argomento pubblico %{when}"
private_topic: "ha reso questo argomento privato %{when}"
split_topic: "ha separato questo argomento %{when}"
invited_user: "Invitato %{who} %{when}"
removed_user: "rimosso %{who} %{when}"
@ -134,11 +136,14 @@ it:
disabled: 'delistato %{when}'
topic_admin_menu: "azioni amministrative sull'argomento"
emails_are_disabled: "Tutte le email in uscita sono state disabilitate a livello globale da un amministratore. Non sarà inviata nessun tipo di notifica via email."
bootstrap_mode_enabled: "Per aiutarti ad avviare il tuo nuovo sito, adesso sei in modalità bootstrap. Tutti i nuovi utenti saranno automaticamente promossi al livello 1 e riceveranno il riassunto quotidiano degli aggiornamenti via email. Questa modalità sarà disattivata automaticamente quando avrai più di %{min_users} utenti."
bootstrap_mode_disabled: "La modalità bootstrap sarà disattivata entro 24 ore."
us_east_1: "Stati Uniti Est (Virginia del Nord)"
us_west_1: "Stati Uniti Ovest (California del Nord)"
us_west_2: "Stati Uniti Ovest (Oregon)"
us_gov_west_1: "AWS GovCloud (US)"
eu_west_1: "Europa (Irlanda)"
eu_central_1: "Europa (Francoforte)"
ap_southeast_1: "Asia Pacifico (Singapore)"
@ -297,8 +302,6 @@ it:
title: "Utenti"
likes_given: "Dati"
likes_received: "Ricevuti"
topics_entered: "Inseriti"
topics_entered_long: "Argomenti Inseriti"
time_read: "Tempo di Lettura"
topic_count: "Argomenti"
topic_count_long: "Argomenti Creati"
@ -407,7 +410,7 @@ it:
username: "nome utente"
trust_level: "TL"
read_time: "durata lettura"
topics_entered: "argomenti creati"
topics_entered: "argomenti visualizzati"
post_count: "n° messaggi"
confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Sicuro di voler cancellare questi account?"
@ -604,7 +607,7 @@ it:
other: "Sei sicuro di voler essere avvisato via email per ogni nuovo post?<br><br> Questo significherà approssimativamente <b>{{somma}} emails</b> ogni giorno."
label: "Considera un argomento \"nuovo\" se"
not_viewed: "non l'ho ancora letto"
not_viewed: "non ancora visti"
last_here: "è stato creato dopo la mia ultima visita"
after_1_day: "creato nell'ultimo giorno"
after_2_days: "creato negli ultimi 2 giorni"
@ -637,7 +640,7 @@ it:
pending: "Inviti in sospeso"
pending_tab: "In sospeso"
pending_tab_with_count: "In sospeso ({{count}})"
topics_entered: "Argomenti Letti"
topics_entered: "Argomenti Visti"
posts_read_count: "Messaggi Letti"
expired: "L'invito è scaduto."
rescind: "Rimuovi"
@ -674,12 +677,21 @@ it:
one: "messaggio creato"
other: "messaggi creati"
one: "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i> assegnato"
other: "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i> assegnati"
one: "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i> ricevuto"
other: "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i> ricevuti"
one: "Giorno visitato"
other: "Giorni Frequenza"
one: "messaggio letto"
other: "messaggi letti"
one: "segnalibro"
other: "segnalibri"
top_replies: "Migliori Risposte"
no_replies: "Ancora nessuna risposta."
more_replies: "Altre Risposte"
@ -1344,9 +1356,7 @@ it:
create: "Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore nel creare il tuo messaggio. Prova di nuovo."
edit: "Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore nel modificare il tuo messaggio. Prova di nuovo."
upload: "Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento del file. Prova di nuovo."
file_too_large: "Spiacenti, il file che stai cercando di caricare è troppo grande (la grandezza massima è {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Spiacenti, puoi caricare un solo file per volta."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Spiacenti, puoi trascinare e rilasciare solo 10 file alla volta."
upload_not_authorized: "Spiacenti, il file che stai cercando di caricare non è autorizzato (estensioni autorizzate: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Spiacenti, i nuovi utenti non possono caricare immagini."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Spiacenti, i nuovi utenti non possono caricare allegati."
@ -1636,7 +1646,7 @@ it:
one: "visita"
other: "visite"
replies: "Risposte"
views_long: "questo argomento è stato visualizzato {{number}} volte"
views_long: "questo argomento è stato visto {{number}} volte"
activity: "Attività"
likes: "Mi piace"
@ -1781,7 +1791,6 @@ it:
30_days_ago: "30 Giorni Fa"
all: "Tutti"
view_table: "tabella"
view_chart: "grafico a barre"
refresh_report: "Aggiorna Rapporto"
start_date: "Data Inizio"
end_date: "Data Fine"
@ -2370,8 +2379,8 @@ it:
visits: "Visite"
days: "giorni"
topics_replied_to: "Argomenti Risposti A"
topics_viewed: "Argomenti Visualizzati"
topics_viewed_all_time: "Argomenti Visualizzati (di sempre)"
topics_viewed: "Argomenti Visti"
topics_viewed_all_time: "Argomenti Visti (di sempre)"
posts_read: "Messaggi Letti"
posts_read_all_time: "Messaggi Letti (di sempre)"
flagged_posts: "Messaggi Segnalati"
@ -277,8 +277,6 @@ nb_NO:
title: "Brukere"
likes_given: "Gitt"
likes_received: "Mottatt"
topics_entered: "Lest"
topics_entered_long: "Emner lest"
time_read: "Tid lest"
topic_count: "Emner"
topic_count_long: "Emner startet"
@ -899,9 +897,6 @@ nb_NO:
one: "Du har valgt <b>1</b> emne."
other: "Du har valgt <b>{{count}}</b> emner."
change_tags: "Endre emneord"
choose_new_tags: "Velg nye emneord for disse emnene:"
changed_tags: "Emneord for disse emnene ble endret."
unread: "Du har ingen uleste emner å lese."
new: "Du har ingen nye emner å lese."
@ -1182,9 +1177,7 @@ nb_NO:
create: "Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved å publisere ditt innlegg. Vennligst prøv igjen."
edit: "Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved redigeringen av ditt innlegg. Vennligst prøv igjen."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
file_too_large: "Beklager, filen du prøver å laste opp er for stor (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Beklager, du kan bare laste opp ett bilde om gangen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Beklager, du kan bare flytte opp til 10 filer om gangen."
upload_not_authorized: "Beklager, filen du prøver å laste opp er ikke godkjent (godkjente filtyper: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Beklager, nye brukere kan ikke laste opp bilder"
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Beklager, nye brukere kan ikke laste opp vedlegg."
@ -1604,7 +1597,6 @@ nb_NO:
30_days_ago: "30 Dager Siden"
all: "Alle"
view_table: "tabell"
view_chart: "stolpediagram"
refresh_report: "Refresh Rapport"
start_date: "Startdato"
end_date: "Sluttdato"
@ -1953,8 +1945,6 @@ nb_NO:
roll_up: "rull opp IP-blokker"
delete_category: "slett kategori"
create_category: "opprett kategori"
deleted_tag: "Slettet emneord"
renamed_tag: "Endret emneord"
title: "Kontrollerte e-poster"
description: "Når noen forsøker å lage en ny konto, vil de følgende e-postadressene bli sjekket, og registreringen vil bli blokkert, eller en annen handling vil bli utført."
@ -2379,25 +2369,3 @@ nb_NO:
name: Annet
name: Posting
all_tags: "Alle emneord"
changed: "emneord endret:"
tags: "Emneord"
choose_for_topic: "velg ekstra emneord for dette emnet"
delete_tag: "Slett emneord"
delete_confirm: "Er du sikker påat du ønsker å slette dette emneordet?"
rename_tag: "Endre emneord"
rename_instructions: "Velg et nytt navn på dette emneordet:"
title: "Følger"
description: "Du vil automatisk følge alle nye emner med dette emneordet. Du vil bli varslet om alle nye innlegg og emner samt at antallet uleste og nye innlegg vil vises sammen med emneoppføringen."
title: "Følger"
description: "Du vil automatisk følge alle nye emner med dette emneordet. Antallet uleste og nye innlegg vil vises sammen med emneoppføringen."
title: "Vanlig"
description: "Du vil bli varslet om noen nevnet ditt @navn eller svarer på din post."
title: "Dempet"
description: "Du vil ikke bli varslet om noe vedrørende disse emneneordene og de vil ikke vises i din ulest-liste."
@ -298,8 +298,6 @@ pt_BR:
title: "Usuários"
likes_given: "Dados"
likes_received: "Recebidos"
topics_entered: "Registrados"
topics_entered_long: "Tópicos Registrados"
time_read: "Tempo Lido"
topic_count: "Tópicos"
topic_count_long: "Tópicos Criados"
@ -674,12 +672,6 @@ pt_BR:
one: "post criado"
other: "posts criados"
one: "curtida dada"
other: "curtidas dadas"
one: "curtida recebida"
other: "curtidas recebidas"
one: "dia visitado"
other: "dias visitados"
@ -1049,9 +1041,6 @@ pt_BR:
one: "Você selecionou <b>1</b> tópico."
other: "Você selecionou <b>{{count}}</b> tópicos."
change_tags: "Alterar Tags"
choose_new_tags: "Escolha novas tags para estes tópicos:"
changed_tags: "As tags desses tópicos foram alteradas."
unread: "Não há nenhum tópico não lido."
new: "Não há tópicos novos."
@ -1352,9 +1341,7 @@ pt_BR:
create: "Desculpe, houve um erro ao criar sua resposta. Por favor, tente outra vez."
edit: "Desculpe, houve um erro ao editar sua resposta. Por favor, tente outra vez."
upload: "Desculpe, houve um erro ao enviar esse arquivo. Por favor, tente outra vez."
file_too_large: "Desculpe, o arquivo que você está tentando enviar é muito grande (o tamanho máximo permitido é {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
too_many_uploads: "Desculpe, você pode enviar apenas um arquivos por vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Desculpe, você pode arrastar & soltar apenas 10 arquivos por vez."
upload_not_authorized: "Desculpe, o tipo de arquivo que você está tentando enviar não está autorizado (extensões autorizadas: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Desculpe, novos usuário não podem enviar imagens."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Desculpe, usuários novos não podem enviar anexos."
@ -1788,7 +1775,6 @@ pt_BR:
30_days_ago: "30 Dias Atrás"
all: "Tudo"
view_table: "tabela"
view_chart: "Gráfico de barras"
refresh_report: "Atualizar Relatório"
start_date: "Data de Início"
end_date: "Data do Final"
@ -2151,8 +2137,6 @@ pt_BR:
block_user: "bloquear usuário"
unblock_user: "desbloquear usuário"
backup_operation: "operação de backup"
deleted_tag: "tag removida"
renamed_tag: "tag renomeada"
title: "Emails Filtrados"
description: "Quando alguém tenta cria uma nova conta, os seguintes endereços de email serão verificados e o registro será bloqueado, ou outra ação será executada."
@ -2633,50 +2617,3 @@ pt_BR:
<button class="btn btn-primary">Google</button>
all_tags: "Todas as Tags"
selector_all_tags: "todas as tags"
changed: "tags alteradas:"
tags: "Tags"
choose_for_topic: "escolha tags opcionais para este tópico"
delete_tag: "Remover Tag"
delete_confirm: "Você tem certeza que quer remover essa tag?"
rename_tag: "Renomear Tag"
rename_instructions: "Escolha um novo nome para a tag:"
sort_by: "Ordenar por:"
sort_by_count: "número"
sort_by_name: "nome"
title: "Observando"
description: "Você vai observar automaticamente todos os novos tópicos dessa tag. Você será notificado de todas as novas mensagens e tópicos, e uma contagem de novas respostas será mostrada ao lado do tópico."
title: "Monitorando"
description: "Você vai monitorar automaticamente todos os novos tópicos dessa tag. Uma contagem de novas respostas será mostrada ao lado do tópico."
title: "Normal"
description: "Você será notificado se alguém mencionar o seu @nome ou responder à sua mensagem."
title: "Silenciado"
description: "Você nunca será notificado sobre novos tópicos nessa tag, e eles não aparecerão na sua aba não lidas."
unread: "Você não possui tópicos não lidos."
new: "Você não possui novos tópicos."
read: "Você não leu nenhum tópico ainda."
posted: "Você não postou em nenhum tópico ainda."
latest: "Não há tópicos mais recentes."
hot: "Não há tópicos quentes."
bookmarks: "Você não possui tópicos favoritos ainda."
top: "Não há melhores tópicos."
search: "Nenhum resultado encontrado."
latest: "Não há mais tópicos mais recentes."
hot: "Não há mais tópicos quentes."
posted: "Não há mais tópicos postados."
read: "Não há mais tópicos lidos."
new: "Não há mais tópicos novos."
unread: "Não há mais tópicos não lidos."
top: "Não há mais melhores tópicos."
bookmarks: "Não há mais tópicos favoritos."
search: "Não há mais resultados de busca."
@ -351,8 +351,6 @@ ru:
title: "Пользователи"
likes_given: "Отправлено"
likes_received: "Получено"
topics_entered: "Посещено тем"
topics_entered_long: "Посещено тем"
time_read: "Время чтения"
topic_count: "Тем"
topic_count_long: "Тем создано"
@ -880,9 +880,7 @@ te:
create: "క్షమించాలి. మీ టపా సృష్టించుటలో దోషం. దయచేసి మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి. "
edit: "క్షమించాలి. మీ టపా సవరించుటలో దోషం. మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి"
upload: "క్షమించాలి. దస్త్రం ఎగుమతించుటలో దోషం. దయచేసి మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి. "
file_too_large: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు ఎగుమతించ ప్రయత్నిస్తున్న దస్త్రం మరీ పెద్దది. (గరిష్ట పరిమాణ పరిమితి {{max_size_kb}}కేబీ)."
too_many_uploads: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు ఒకసారి ఒక దస్త్రం మాత్రమే ఎగుమతించగలరు"
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు కేవలం 10 దస్త్రాల వరకు మాత్రమే ఒకేమారు లాగి వదలగలరు. "
upload_not_authorized: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు ఎగుమతించాలనుకుంటున్న దస్త్రం అధీకృతమైనది కాదు. (అధీకృత పొడిగింతలు:{{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "క్షమించాలి. కొత్త సభ్యులు బొమ్మలు ఎగుమతి చేయలేరు."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "క్షమించాలి. కొత్త సభ్యులు జోడింపులు ఎగుమతి చేయలేరు."
@ -1218,7 +1216,6 @@ te:
30_days_ago: "ముప్పై రోజుల క్రితం"
all: "అన్ని"
view_table: "టేబుల్"
view_chart: "బార్ పట్టిక"
refresh_report: "రిపోర్టు తాజాపరుచు"
start_date: "ఆరంభ తేదీ"
end_date: "ముగింపు తేదీ"
@ -272,8 +272,6 @@ tr_TR:
title: "Kullanıcılar"
likes_given: "Verilen"
likes_received: "Alınan"
topics_entered: "Açıldı"
topics_entered_long: "Açılan Konular"
time_read: "Okuma Zamanı"
topic_count: "Konular"
topic_count_long: "Oluşturulan Konular"
@ -540,6 +538,7 @@ tr_TR:
title: "Beğenildiğinde bildir"
always: "Her zaman"
first_time: "İlk ileti beğenisi"
never: "Asla"
unless_emailed: "daha önce gönderilmediyse"
@ -627,14 +626,12 @@ tr_TR:
other: "oluşturulan konular"
other: "oluşturmuş gönderiler"
other: "verilen beğeniler"
other: "alınan beğeniler"
other: "ziyaret edilen günler"
other: "okunmuş yazılar"
other: "yer imleri"
top_replies: "Başlıca Yanıtları"
no_replies: "Henüz yanıt bulunmuyor."
more_replies: "Diğer Yanıtları"
@ -644,6 +641,8 @@ tr_TR:
top_badges: "Başlıca Rozetleri"
no_badges: "Henüz rozet bulunmuyor."
more_badges: "Diğer Rozetleri"
top_links: "Önemli Bağlantılar"
most_liked_users: "Popüler Beğenmeler"
associated_accounts: "Girişler"
title: "Son IP Adresi"
@ -992,9 +991,7 @@ tr_TR:
choose_new_category: "Konular için yeni bir kategori seçin:"
other: "<b>{{count}}</b> konu seçtiniz."
change_tags: "Etiketleri değiştir"
choose_new_tags: "Bu konular için yeni etiket seç:"
changed_tags: "Seçtğiniz konular için etiketler değiştirildi."
change_tags: "Etiketleri Değiştir"
unread: "Okunmamış konunuz yok."
new: "Yeni konunuz yok."
@ -1286,9 +1283,7 @@ tr_TR:
create: "Üzgünüz, gönderiniz oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
edit: "Üzgünüz, gönderiniz düzenlenirken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin. "
upload: "Üzgünüz, dosya yüklenirken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
file_too_large: "Üzgünüz, yüklemeye çalıştığınız dosya çok büyük. (en fazla boyut {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Üzgünüz, aynı anda birden fazla dosya yükleyemezsiniz."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Üzgünüz, sürükle bırak ile tek seferde en fazla 10 dosya yükleyebilirsiniz"
upload_not_authorized: "Üzgünüz, yüklemeye çalıştığınız dosya tipine izin verilmiyor. (izin verilen uzantılar: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Üzgünüz, yeni kullanıcılar resim yükleyemiyorlar."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Üzgünüz, yeni kullanıcılar dosya ekleyemiyorlar."
@ -1696,7 +1691,6 @@ tr_TR:
30_days_ago: "30 Gün Önce"
all: "Hepsi"
view_table: "tablo"
view_chart: "sütunlu grafik"
refresh_report: "Raporu Yenile"
start_date: "Başlangıç tarihi"
end_date: "Bitiş Tarihi"
@ -2085,8 +2079,6 @@ tr_TR:
grant_moderation: "moderasyon yetkisi ver"
revoke_moderation: "moderasyon yetkisini kaldır"
backup_operation: "yedek operasyonu"
deleted_tag: "silinmiş etiket"
renamed_tag: "yeniden adlandırılmış etiket"
title: "Taranmış E-postalar"
description: "Biri yeni bir hesap oluşturmaya çalıştığında, aşağıdaki e-posta adresleri kontrol edilecek ve kayıt önlenecek veya başka bir aksiyon alınacak."
@ -2563,25 +2555,3 @@ tr_TR:
<button class="btn btn-primary">Google</button>
all_tags: "Tüm etiketler"
changed: "Etiketler değişti:"
tags: "Etiketler"
choose_for_topic: "Bu konu için opsiyonel olarak bir etiket seçin"
delete_tag: "Etiketi sil"
delete_confirm: "Bu etiketi kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?"
rename_tag: "Etiketi yeniden adlandır"
rename_instructions: "Etiket için yeni bir ad girin:"
title: "Gözleniyor"
description: "Bu etikette ki her yeni gönderi için bir bildirim alacaksınız. Okunmamış ve yeni gönderilerin sayısı konunun yanında belirecek."
title: "Takip Ediliyor"
description: "Bu etikette ki her yeni gönderi takip edilecek. Okunmamış ve yeni gönderilerin sayısı konunun yanında belirecek."
title: "Standart"
description: "Biri @isim şeklinde sizden bahsederse ya da gönderinize cevap verirse bildirim alacaksınız."
title: "Susturuldu"
description: "Bu etiket okunmamışlar sekmenizde belirmeyecek, ve hakkında hiç bir bildirim almayacaksınız."
@ -272,8 +272,6 @@ vi:
title: "Thành viên"
likes_given: "Đưa ra"
likes_received: "Đã nhận"
topics_entered: "Được nhập"
topics_entered_long: "Chủ đề được nhập"
time_read: "Thời gian đọc"
topic_count: "Chủ đề"
topic_count_long: "Chủ đề đã được tạo"
@ -640,10 +638,6 @@ vi:
other: "Chủ đề đã được tạo"
other: "Bài viết đã được tạo"
other: "Đã like"
other: "Like đã nhận"
other: "Ngày đã ghé thăm"
@ -1301,9 +1295,7 @@ vi:
create: "Xin lỗi, có lỗi xảy ra khi tạo bài viết của bạn. Vui lòng thử lại."
edit: "Xin lỗi, có lỗi xảy ra khi sửa bài viết của bạn. Vui lòng thử lại."
upload: "Xin lỗi, có lỗi xảy ra khi tải lên tập tin này. Vui lòng thử lại."
file_too_large: "Xin lỗi, tập tin của bạn tải lên quá lớn (kích thước tối đa là {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Xin lỗi, bạn chỉ có thể tải lên 1 file cùng 1 lúc."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Xin lỗi, bạn chỉ có thể kéo và thả 10 tập tin cùng lúc."
upload_not_authorized: "Xin lỗi, tập tin của bạn tải lên chưa được cho phép (định dạng cho phép: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Xin lỗi, tài khoản mới không thể tải lên ảnh."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Xin lỗi, tài khoản mới không thể tải lên đính kèm."
@ -1713,7 +1705,6 @@ vi:
30_days_ago: "30 Ngày trước"
all: "Tất cả"
view_table: "bảng"
view_chart: "biểu đồ bar"
refresh_report: "Làm mới báo cáo"
start_date: "Từ ngày"
end_date: "Đến ngày"
@ -2274,7 +2265,6 @@ vi:
deactivate_explanation: "Tài khoản chờ kích hoạt phải xác thực email của họ."
suspended_explanation: "Tài khoản tạm khóa không thể đăng nhập."
block_explanation: "Tài khoản bị khóa không thể đăng bài hoặc tạo chủ đề."
stage_explanation: "Người dùng có cấp bậc chỉ có thể gửi bài qua email trong các chủ đề cụ thể."
trust_level_change_failed: "Có lỗi xảy ra khi thay đổi mức độ tin tưởng của tài khoản."
suspend_modal_title: "Tạm khóa Thành viên"
trust_level_2_users: "Độ tin cậy tài khoản mức 2"
@ -272,8 +272,6 @@ zh_TW:
title: "用戶"
likes_given: "送出的"
likes_received: "收到的"
topics_entered: "已讀"
topics_entered_long: "已閱讀的討論話題"
time_read: "閱讀多少次"
topic_count: "話題"
topic_count_long: "討論話題已建立"
@ -1080,9 +1078,7 @@ zh_TW:
create: "抱歉,建立你的文章時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
edit: "抱歉,編輯你的文章時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
upload: "抱歉,上傳你的檔案時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
file_too_large: "抱歉,你想上傳的檔案太大 (最大限制為 {{max_size_kb}} kb)。"
too_many_uploads: "抱歉,一次只能上傳一個檔案。"
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "抱歉,一次最多只能拖放 10 個檔案"
upload_not_authorized: "抱歉,你想上傳的是不允許的檔案 (允許的副檔名: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "抱歉,新用戶不可上傳圖片。"
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "抱歉,新用戶不可上傳附件。"
@ -1470,7 +1466,6 @@ zh_TW:
30_days_ago: "30 天前"
all: "全部"
view_table: "表格"
view_chart: "柱狀圖"
refresh_report: "重新整理報告"
start_date: "開始日期"
end_date: "結束日期"
Reference in New Issue