copyedit on topic template modify warn

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Jeff Atwood 2019-09-18 16:31:53 -07:00
parent f64c9f37fa
commit 7ad338e3e6
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1621,12 +1621,12 @@ en:
title_missing: "Title is required"
title_too_short: "Title must be at least {{min}} characters"
title_too_long: "Title can't be more than {{max}} characters"
post_missing: "Post can't be empty"
post_missing: "Post cant be empty"
post_length: "Post must be at least {{min}} characters"
try_like: "Have you tried the {{heart}} button?"
category_missing: "You must choose a category"
tags_missing: "You must choose at least {{count}} tags"
topic_template_not_modified: "You have not modified the topic template. Please update the topic."
topic_template_not_modified: "Please add details and specifics to your topic by editing the topic template."
save_edit: "Save Edit"
overwrite_edit: "Overwrite Edit"