mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:34:35 +00:00
Merge pull request #3682 from riking/dark-theme-fix
Dark theme fix, part 5
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,93 @@
<div class="greyexplain">
Various greys used throught the UI.
<div><div class="cboxcontainer primary">
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<div class="dbox0"></div>
{{#if colors.length}}
<table class="table colors">
@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ function setupNotifications() {
if (document) {
document.addEventListener("scroll", resetIdle);
window.addEventListener("mouseover", resetIdle);
PageTracker.on("change", resetIdle);
@ -1693,3 +1693,59 @@ table#user-badges {
.mobile-view .full-width {
margin: 0;
.cboxcontainer {
display: inline-block;
padding: 8px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
* {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid $tertiary;
&.primary {
background: $primary;
&.secondary {
background: $secondary;
.cbox0 { background: blend-primary-secondary(0%); }
.cbox10 { background: blend-primary-secondary(10%); }
.cbox20 { background: blend-primary-secondary(20%); }
.cbox30 { background: blend-primary-secondary(30%); }
.cbox40 { background: blend-primary-secondary(40%); }
.cbox50 { background: blend-primary-secondary(50%); }
.cbox60 { background: blend-primary-secondary(60%); }
.cbox70 { background: blend-primary-secondary(70%); }
.cbox80 { background: blend-primary-secondary(80%); }
.cbox90 { background: blend-primary-secondary(90%); }
.cbox100 { background: blend-primary-secondary(100%); }
.cbox5 { background: blend-primary-secondary(5%); }
.cbox7 { background: blend-primary-secondary(7%); }
.cbox15 { background: blend-primary-secondary(15%); }
.cbox17 { background: blend-primary-secondary(17%); }
.cbox25 { background: blend-primary-secondary(25%); }
.cbox95 { background: blend-primary-secondary(95%); }
.cbox85 { background: blend-primary-secondary(85%); }
.cbox75 { background: blend-primary-secondary(75%); }
.dbox0 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 0%, -0%); }
.dbox10 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 10%, -10%); }
.dbox20 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 20%, -20%); }
.dbox30 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 30%, -30%); }
.dbox40 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 40%, -40%); }
.dbox50 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 50%, -50%); }
.dbox60 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 60%, -60%); }
.dbox70 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 70%, -70%); }
.dbox80 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 80%, -80%); }
.dbox90 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -90%); }
.dbox100 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 100%, -100%); }
.dbox5 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 5%, -5%); }
.dbox15 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 15%, -15%); }
.dbox25 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 25%, -25%); }
.dbox95 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 95%, -95%); }
.dbox85 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 85%, -85%); }
.dbox75 { background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 75%, -75%); }
@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ aside.onebox {
a[href] {
color: scale-color($tertiary, $lightness: -20%);
color: dark-light-choose(scale-color($tertiary, $lightness: -20%), $tertiary);
text-decoration: none;
a[href]:visited {
color: scale-color($tertiary, $lightness: -20%);
color: dark-light-choose(scale-color($tertiary, $lightness: -20%), $tertiary);
img {
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin: 30px 0 10px; }
h1 { line-height: 1em; } /* normalize.css sets h1 font size but not line height */
a { word-wrap: break-word; }
ins { background-color: dark-light-choose(scale-color($success, $lightness: 90%), scale-color($success, $lightness: -60%)); }
del { background-color: dark-light-choose(scale-color($danger, $lightness: 90%), scale-color($danger, $lightness: -60%)); }
@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ pre {
display: block;
padding: 5px 10px;
color: $primary;
background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 97%, -65%);
background: blend-primary-secondary(5%);
max-height: 500px;
@ -265,9 +265,9 @@
&.clicks {
font-weight: normal;
background-color: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 85%, -65%);
background-color: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 85%, -60%);
top: -1px;
color: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 50%, -45%);
color: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 50%, -20%);
position: relative;
margin-left: 2px;
border: none;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
// This file:
// Copyright (c) 2013 Takeru Suzuki
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// https://github.com/terkel/mathsass
// Constants
$E: 2.718281828459045;
$PI: 3.141592653589793;
$LN2: 0.6931471805599453;
$SQRT2: 1.4142135623730951;
@function error($message) {
@warn "#{_error("The direction used does not exist")}";
@return null;
// Returns the factorial of a non-negative integer.
// @param {Number} $x A non-negative integer.
// @return {Number}
// @example
// fact(0) // 1
// fact(8) // 40320
@function fact ($x) {
@if $x < 0 or $x != floor($x) {
@warn "Argument for `fact()` must be a positive integer.";
@return null;
$ret: 1;
@while $x > 0 {
$ret: $ret * $x;
$x: $x - 1;
@return $ret;
// Returns a two-element list containing the normalized fraction and exponent of number.
// @param {Number} $x
// @return {List} fraction, exponent
@function frexp ($x) {
$exp: 0;
@if $x < 0 {
$x: $x * -1;
@if $x < 0.5 {
@while $x < 0.5 {
$x: $x * 2;
$exp: $exp - 1;
} @else if $x >= 1 {
@while $x >= 1 {
$x: $x / 2;
$exp: $exp + 1;
@return $x, $exp;
// Returns $x * 2^$exp
// @param {Number} $x
// @param {Number} $exp
@function ldexp ($x, $exp) {
$b: if($exp >= 0, 2, 1 / 2);
@if $exp < 0 {
$exp: $exp * -1;
@while $exp > 0 {
@if $exp % 2 == 1 {
$x: $x * $b;
$b: $b * $b;
$exp: floor($exp * 0.5);
@return $x;
// Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
// @param {Number} $x
// @example
// log(2) // 0.69315
// log(10) // 2.30259
@function log ($x) {
@if $x <= 0 {
@return 0 / 0;
$k: nth(frexp($x / $SQRT2), 2);
$x: $x / ldexp(1, $k);
$x: ($x - 1) / ($x + 1);
$x2: $x * $x;
$i: 1;
$s: $x;
$sp: null;
@while $sp != $s {
$x: $x * $x2;
$i: $i + 2;
$sp: $s;
$s: $s + $x / $i;
@return $LN2 * $k + 2 * $s;
@function ipow($base, $exp) {
@if $exp != floor($exp) {
@return error("Exponent for `ipow()` must be an integer.");
$r: 1;
$s: 0;
@if $exp < 0 {
$exp: $exp * -1;
$s: 1;
@while $exp > 0 {
@if $exp % 2 == 1 {
$r: $r * $base;
$exp: floor($exp * 0.5);
$base: $base * $base;
@return if($s != 0, 1 / $r, $r);
// Returns E^x, where x is the argument, and E is Euler's constant, the base of the natural logarithms.
// @param {Number} $x
// @example
// exp(1) // 2.71828
// exp(-1) // 0.36788
@function exp ($x) {
$ret: 0;
@for $n from 0 to 24 {
$ret: $ret + ipow($x, $n) / fact($n);
@return $ret;
// Returns base to the exponent power.
// @param {Number} $base The base number
// @param {Number} $exp The exponent to which to raise base
// @return {Number}
// @example
// pow(4, 2) // 16
// pow(4, -2) // 0.0625
// pow(4, 0.2) // 1.31951
@function pow ($base, $exp) {
@if $exp == floor($exp) {
@return ipow($base, $exp);
} @else {
@return exp(log($base) * $exp);
// Returns the square root of a number.
// @param {Number} $x
// @example
// sqrt(2) // 1.41421
// sqrt(5) // 2.23607
@function sqrt ($x) {
@if $x < 0 {
@return error("Argument for `sqrt()` must be a positive number.");
$ret: 1;
@for $i from 1 through 24 {
$ret: $ret - (pow($ret, 2) - $x) / (2 * $ret);
@return $ret;
@ -98,5 +98,5 @@
// Stuff we repeat
@mixin post-aside {
border-left: 5px solid dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -85%);
background-color: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 97%, -75%);
background-color: blend-primary-secondary(5%);
@ -30,56 +30,37 @@ $base-font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default;
/* These files don't actually exist. They're injected by DiscourseSassImporter. */
@import "theme_variables";
@import "plugins_variables";
@import "common/foundation/math";
// Color Utilities
// Square Root function
// http://codepen.io/Designer023/pen/DkEtw
@function approximateSq($num, $approx) {
$root : (( $num / $approx ) + $approx) / 2;
@return $root;
@function sqrt($num) {
$testRoot : 0.001;
$upperBounds : round($num / 2) + 1; //never need over half the main number. Add one just to be sure!
$loops : $upperBounds;
@for $test from 2 through $upperBounds {
$sq : $test * $test;
@if $sq <= $num {
$testRoot : $test;
$root : (approximateSq($num, $testRoot));
@return $root;
// w3c definition of color brightness
@function brightness($color) {
@return ((red($color) * .299) + (green($color) * .587) + (blue($color) * .114));
// Replaces dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 50%, -50%)
// Uses an approximation of sRGB blending, GAMMA=2 instead of GAMMA=2.2
@function choose-grey($percent) {
@function srgb-scale($foreground, $background, $percent) {
$ratio: ($percent / 100%);
$iratio: 1 - $ratio;
$pr2: red($primary) * red($primary);
$pg2: green($primary) * green($primary);
$pb2: blue($primary) * blue($primary);
$sr2: red($secondary) * red($secondary);
$sg2: green($secondary) * green($secondary);
$sb2: blue($secondary) * blue($secondary);
$rr2: $pr2 * $ratio + $sr2 * $iratio;
$rg2: $pg2 * $ratio + $sg2 * $iratio;
$rb2: $pb2 * $ratio + $sb2 * $iratio;
$rr: sqrt($rr2);
$rg: sqrt($rg2);
$rb: sqrt($rb2);
@return rgb($rr, $rg, $rb);
$f_r2: red($foreground) * red($foreground);
$f_g2: green($foreground) * green($foreground);
$f_b2: blue($foreground) * blue($foreground);
$b_r2: red($background) * red($background);
$b_g2: green($background) * green($background);
$b_b2: blue($background) * blue($background);
$r_r2: $f_r2 * $ratio + $b_r2 * $iratio;
$r_g2: $f_g2 * $ratio + $b_g2 * $iratio;
$r_b2: $f_b2 * $ratio + $b_b2 * $iratio;
$r_r: sqrt($r_r2);
$r_g: sqrt($r_g2);
$r_b: sqrt($r_b2);
@return rgb($r_r, $r_g, $r_b);
// Replaces dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 50%, -50%)
@function blend-primary-secondary($percent) {
@return srgb-scale($primary, $secondary, $percent);
@function dark-light-diff($adjusted-color, $comparison-color, $lightness, $darkness) {
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ a.star {
.topic-map {
margin: 20px 0 0 0;
background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 97%, -75%);
background: blend-primary-secondary(5%);
border: 1px solid dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -65%);
border-top: none; // would cause double top border
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ a.star {
border: 0;
padding: 0 23px;
color: dark-light-choose(scale-color($primary, $lightness: 60%), scale-color($secondary, $lightness: 40%));
background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 97%, -75%);
background: blend-primary-secondary(5%);
border-left: 1px solid dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -65%);
border-top: 1px solid dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -65%);
&:hover {
@ -626,13 +626,13 @@ blockquote {
.quote {
&>blockquote {
.onebox-result {
background-color: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 97%, -45%);
background-color: blend-primary-secondary(5%);
aside {
.quote, .title, blockquote, .onebox, .onebox-result {
background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 97%, -45%);
background: blend-primary-secondary(5%);
border-left: 5px solid dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -65%);
@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ display: none !important; // can be removed if inline JS CSS is removed from com
display: none !important; // can be removed if inline JS CSS is removed from composer-popup
input {
background: $secondary;
color: $primary;
border-color: blend-primary-secondary(15%);
#reply-control {
// used for upload link
.composer-bottom-right {
@ -172,7 +178,7 @@ display: none !important; // can be removed if inline JS CSS is removed from com
background-color: dark-light-choose(scale-color($primary, $lightness: 75%), scale-color($secondary, $lightness: 25%));
.wmd-input {
color: darken($primary, 40%);
color: dark-light-choose(darken($primary, 40%), blend-primary-secondary(90%));
.wmd-input {
bottom: 35px;
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ a.star {
.topic-map {
margin: 10px 0;
background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 97%, -45%);
background: blend-primary-secondary(5%);
border: 1px solid dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -65%);
border-top: none; // would cause double top border
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ a.star {
border: 0;
padding: 0 15px;
color: $primary;
background: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 97%, -75%);
background: blend-primary-secondary(5%);
border-left: 1px solid dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -65%);
border-top: 1px solid dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -65%);
.fa {
@ -399,11 +399,11 @@ iframe {
float: left;
width: 97%;
padding-left: 3%;
background-color: dark-light-diff($tertiary, $secondary, 85%, -65%);
background-color: srgb-scale($tertiary, $secondary, 15%);
.btn {
margin-bottom: 10px;
color: $secondary;
background: scale-color($tertiary, $lightness: 50%);
background: $tertiary;
clear: both;
p {
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ button.select-post {
position: absolute;
z-index: 401; // 400 is the reply-to tab
left: 200px;
background-color: scale-color($tertiary, $lightness: 50%);
background-color: srgb-scale($tertiary, $secondary, 60%);
color: $secondary;
padding: 5px;
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
.details {
padding: 15px 15px 4px 15px;
background-color: rgba($primary, .9);
background-color: dark-light-choose(rgba($primary, .9), rgba($secondary, .9));
h1 {
font-size: 2.143em;
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
width: 100%;
position: relative;
float: left;
color: dark-light-diff($secondary, $primary, 75%, 0%);
color: dark-light-choose(scale-color($secondary, $lightness: 75%), blend-primary-secondary(90%));
h1 {font-weight: bold;}
@ -362,14 +362,14 @@
.secondary { display: none; }
.profile-image {
height: 0;
.profile-image {
height: 0;
.details {
padding: 12px 15px 2px 15px;
margin-top: 0;
background: rgba($primary, 1);
background: dark-light-choose(rgba($primary, 1), blend-primary-secondary(5%));
.bio { display: none; }
.primary {
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
.notification {
&.unread {
background-color: dark-light-diff($tertiary, $secondary, 85%, -65%);
background-color: dark-light-choose(scale-color($tertiary, $lightness: 85%), srgb-scale($tertiary, $secondary, 15%));
li { display: inline-block; }
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
require_dependency 'sass/discourse_sass_importer'
require 'pathname'
module Sass::Script::Functions
def _error(message)
raise Sass::SyntaxError, mesage
class DiscourseSassCompiler
def self.compile(scss, target, opts={})
Reference in New Issue
Block a user