diff --git a/plugins/automation/admin/assets/javascripts/admin/components/automation-field.gjs b/plugins/automation/admin/assets/javascripts/admin/components/automation-field.gjs
index 56e8576ec5c..9aeb2db0237 100644
--- a/plugins/automation/admin/assets/javascripts/admin/components/automation-field.gjs
+++ b/plugins/automation/admin/assets/javascripts/admin/components/automation-field.gjs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import DaCustomFields from "./fields/da-custom-fields";
import DaDateTimeField from "./fields/da-date-time-field";
import DaEmailGroupUserField from "./fields/da-email-group-user-field";
import DaGroupField from "./fields/da-group-field";
+import DaGroupsField from "./fields/da-groups-field";
import DaKeyValueField from "./fields/da-key-value-field";
import DaMessageField from "./fields/da-message-field";
import DaPeriodField from "./fields/da-period-field";
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ const FIELD_COMPONENTS = {
"trust-levels": DaTrustLevelsField,
category: DaCategoryField,
group: DaGroupField,
+ groups: DaGroupsField,
choices: DaChoicesField,
category_notification_level: DaCategoryNotificationlevelField,
email_group_user: DaEmailGroupUserField,
diff --git a/plugins/automation/admin/assets/javascripts/admin/components/fields/da-groups-field.gjs b/plugins/automation/admin/assets/javascripts/admin/components/fields/da-groups-field.gjs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5324e66bd59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/automation/admin/assets/javascripts/admin/components/fields/da-groups-field.gjs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking";
+import { hash } from "@ember/helper";
+import { action } from "@ember/object";
+import Group from "discourse/models/group";
+import GroupChooser from "select-kit/components/group-chooser";
+import BaseField from "./da-base-field";
+import DAFieldDescription from "./da-field-description";
+import DAFieldLabel from "./da-field-label";
+export default class GroupsField extends BaseField {
+ @tracked allGroups = [];
+ constructor() {
+ super(...arguments);
+ Group.findAll({
+ ignore_automatic: this.args.field.extra.ignore_automatic ?? false,
+ }).then((groups) => {
+ if (this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.allGroups = groups;
+ });
+ }
+ get maximum() {
+ return this.args.field.extra.maximum ?? 10;
+ }
+ @action
+ setGroupField(groupIds) {
+ this.mutValue(groupIds);
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/automation/app/models/discourse_automation/field.rb b/plugins/automation/app/models/discourse_automation/field.rb
index 567598fc251..4dea55a2b26 100644
--- a/plugins/automation/app/models/discourse_automation/field.rb
+++ b/plugins/automation/app/models/discourse_automation/field.rb
@@ -188,6 +188,12 @@ module DiscourseAutomation
"type" => "integer",
+ "groups" => {
+ "value" => {
+ "type" => "array",
+ "items" => [{ type: "integer" }],
+ },
+ },
"email_group_user" => {
"value" => {
"type" => "array",
diff --git a/plugins/automation/config/locales/client.en.yml b/plugins/automation/config/locales/client.en.yml
index 28224d80fc0..9af98e2c8c5 100644
--- a/plugins/automation/config/locales/client.en.yml
+++ b/plugins/automation/config/locales/client.en.yml
@@ -156,6 +156,9 @@ en:
label: Group
description: Optional, will trigger only if the post's topic is a private message in this group's inbox
+ restricted_groups:
+ label: Groups
+ description: Optional, will trigger only if the post's topic is a private message in one of the group inboxes
label: Ignore group members
description: Skip the trigger if sender is a member of the Group specified above
diff --git a/plugins/automation/db/migrate/20240906142121_migrate_fields_from_group_to_groups.rb b/plugins/automation/db/migrate/20240906142121_migrate_fields_from_group_to_groups.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10c6d708d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/automation/db/migrate/20240906142121_migrate_fields_from_group_to_groups.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class MigrateFieldsFromGroupToGroups < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
+ def up
+ # correct a previous erroneous migration which was converting `{}` to `{"value": [null]}`
+ execute <<-SQL
+ UPDATE discourse_automation_fields
+ metadata = '{}'::jsonb
+ metadata = '{"value": [null]}'::jsonb
+ AND component = 'groups'
+ AND name = 'restricted_groups';
+ execute <<-SQL
+ UPDATE discourse_automation_fields
+ component = 'groups',
+ name = 'restricted_groups',
+ metadata = CASE
+ WHEN metadata != '{}'::jsonb THEN jsonb_set(metadata, '{value}', to_jsonb(ARRAY[(metadata->>'value')::int]))
+ ELSE metadata
+ FROM discourse_automation_automations
+ WHERE discourse_automation_fields.automation_id = discourse_automation_automations.id
+ AND discourse_automation_automations.trigger = 'post_created_edited'
+ AND discourse_automation_fields.name = 'restricted_group'
+ AND discourse_automation_fields.component = 'group';
+ end
+ def down
+ raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
+ end
diff --git a/plugins/automation/lib/discourse_automation/event_handlers.rb b/plugins/automation/lib/discourse_automation/event_handlers.rb
index cd0b8d75d43..3e3133024fa 100644
--- a/plugins/automation/lib/discourse_automation/event_handlers.rb
+++ b/plugins/automation/lib/discourse_automation/event_handlers.rb
@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ module DiscourseAutomation
next if (restricted_tags["value"] & topic.tags.map(&:name)).empty?
- restricted_group_id = automation.trigger_field("restricted_group")["value"]
- if restricted_group_id.present?
+ restricted_group_ids = automation.trigger_field("restricted_groups")["value"]
+ if restricted_group_ids.present?
next if !topic.private_message?
target_group_ids = topic.allowed_groups.pluck(:id)
- next if restricted_group_id != target_group_ids.first
+ next if (restricted_group_ids & target_group_ids).empty?
- ignore_group_members = automation.trigger_field("ignore_group_members")
- next if ignore_group_members["value"] && post.user.in_any_groups?([restricted_group_id])
+ ignore_group_members = automation.trigger_field("ignore_group_members")["value"]
+ next if ignore_group_members && post.user.in_any_groups?(restricted_group_ids)
ignore_automated = automation.trigger_field("ignore_automated")
diff --git a/plugins/automation/lib/discourse_automation/triggers/post_created_edited.rb b/plugins/automation/lib/discourse_automation/triggers/post_created_edited.rb
index 9735a55efcc..9bf62631592 100644
--- a/plugins/automation/lib/discourse_automation/triggers/post_created_edited.rb
+++ b/plugins/automation/lib/discourse_automation/triggers/post_created_edited.rb
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ DiscourseAutomation::Triggerable.add(DiscourseAutomation::Triggers::POST_CREATED
field :restricted_category, component: :category
field :restricted_tags, component: :tags
- field :restricted_group, component: :group
+ field :restricted_groups, component: :groups
field :ignore_automated, component: :boolean
field :ignore_group_members, component: :boolean
field :valid_trust_levels, component: :"trust-levels"
diff --git a/plugins/automation/spec/triggers/post_created_edited_spec.rb b/plugins/automation/spec/triggers/post_created_edited_spec.rb
index 159377400b2..363171eea28 100644
--- a/plugins/automation/spec/triggers/post_created_edited_spec.rb
+++ b/plugins/automation/spec/triggers/post_created_edited_spec.rb
@@ -164,30 +164,50 @@ describe "PostCreatedEdited" do
context "when group is restricted" do
fab!(:target_group) { Fabricate(:group, messageable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) }
+ fab!(:another_group) { Fabricate(:group, messageable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) }
before do
- "restricted_group",
- "group",
- { value: target_group.id },
+ "restricted_groups",
+ "groups",
+ { value: [target_group.id, another_group.id] },
target: "trigger",
- it "fires the trigger" do
- list =
- capture_contexts do
- PostCreator.create(
- user,
- basic_topic_params.merge(
- target_group_names: [target_group.name],
- archetype: Archetype.private_message,
- ),
- )
- end
+ context "when PM is not sent to the group" do
+ it "doesnt fire the trigger" do
+ list =
+ capture_contexts do
+ PostCreator.create(
+ user,
+ basic_topic_params.merge(
+ target_group_names: [Fabricate(:group).name],
+ archetype: Archetype.private_message,
+ ),
+ )
+ end
- expect(list.length).to eq(1)
- expect(list[0]["kind"]).to eq("post_created_edited")
+ expect(list.length).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when PM is sent to the group" do
+ it "fires the trigger" do
+ list =
+ capture_contexts do
+ PostCreator.create(
+ user,
+ basic_topic_params.merge(
+ target_group_names: [target_group.name],
+ archetype: Archetype.private_message,
+ ),
+ )
+ end
+ expect(list.length).to eq(1)
+ expect(list[0]["kind"]).to eq("post_created_edited")
+ end
context "when the topic is not a PM" do
diff --git a/plugins/automation/test/javascripts/integration/components/da-groups-field-test.js b/plugins/automation/test/javascripts/integration/components/da-groups-field-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..07fd87fcde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/automation/test/javascripts/integration/components/da-groups-field-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import { getOwner } from "@ember/owner";
+import { render } from "@ember/test-helpers";
+import { hbs } from "ember-cli-htmlbars";
+import { module, test } from "qunit";
+import { setupRenderingTest } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test";
+import pretender, { response } from "discourse/tests/helpers/create-pretender";
+import selectKit from "discourse/tests/helpers/select-kit-helper";
+import AutomationFabricators from "discourse/plugins/automation/admin/lib/fabricators";
+module("Integration | Component | da-groups-field", function (hooks) {
+ setupRenderingTest(hooks);
+ hooks.beforeEach(function () {
+ this.automation = new AutomationFabricators(getOwner(this)).automation();
+ pretender.get("/groups/search.json", () => {
+ return response([
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ name: "cats",
+ flair_url: "fa-bars",
+ flair_bg_color: "CC000A",
+ flair_color: "FFFFFA",
+ },
+ {
+ id: 2,
+ name: "dogs",
+ flair_url: "fa-bars",
+ flair_bg_color: "CC000A",
+ flair_color: "FFFFFA",
+ },
+ ]);
+ });
+ });
+ test("set value", async function (assert) {
+ this.field = new AutomationFabricators(getOwner(this)).field({
+ component: "groups",
+ });
+ await render(
+ hbs``
+ );
+ await selectKit().expand();
+ await selectKit().selectRowByValue(1);
+ assert.deepEqual(this.field.metadata.value, [1]);
+ });
+ test("supports a maxmimum value", async function (assert) {
+ this.field = new AutomationFabricators(getOwner(this)).field({
+ component: "groups",
+ extra: { maximum: 1 },
+ });
+ await render(
+ hbs``
+ );
+ await selectKit().expand();
+ await selectKit().selectRowByValue(1);
+ assert.deepEqual(this.field.metadata.value, [1]);
+ await selectKit().expand();
+ await selectKit().selectRowByValue(2);
+ assert.deepEqual(this.field.metadata.value, [2]);
+ });