diff --git a/app/models/theme.rb b/app/models/theme.rb
index 73225814553..2f11abcf2c4 100644
--- a/app/models/theme.rb
+++ b/app/models/theme.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ class Theme < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :child_components
- @cache = DistributedCache.new("theme:compiler:#{BASE_COMPILER_VERSION}")
+ def self.cache
+ @cache ||= DistributedCache.new("theme:compiler:#{BASE_COMPILER_VERSION}")
+ end
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :color_scheme
@@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ class Theme < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.get_set_cache(key, &blk)
- @cache.defer_get_set(key, &blk)
+ cache.defer_get_set(key, &blk)
def self.theme_ids
@@ -337,12 +339,7 @@ class Theme < ActiveRecord::Base
return "" if theme_id.blank?
theme_ids = !skip_transformation ? transform_ids(theme_id) : [theme_id]
- cache_key = "#{theme_ids.join(",")}:#{target}:#{field}:#{Theme.compiler_version}"
- get_set_cache(cache_key) do
- target = target.to_sym
- resolve_baked_field(theme_ids, target, field) || ""
- end.html_safe
+ (resolve_baked_field(theme_ids, target.to_sym, field) || "").html_safe
def self.lookup_modifier(theme_ids, modifier_name)
@@ -358,7 +355,7 @@ class Theme < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.clear_cache!
- @cache.clear
+ cache.clear
def self.targets
@@ -421,25 +418,71 @@ class Theme < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.resolve_baked_field(theme_ids, target, name)
- if target == :extra_js
- require_rebake =
- ThemeField.where(theme_id: theme_ids, target_id: Theme.targets[:extra_js]).where(
- "compiler_version <> ?",
- Theme.compiler_version,
- )
- require_rebake.each { |tf| tf.ensure_baked! }
- require_rebake
- .map(&:theme_id)
- .uniq
- .each { |theme_id| Theme.find(theme_id).update_javascript_cache! }
- caches = JavascriptCache.where(theme_id: theme_ids)
- caches = caches.sort_by { |cache| theme_ids.index(cache.theme_id) }
- return caches.map { |c| <<~HTML.html_safe }.join("\n")
+ target = target.to_sym
+ name = name&.to_sym
+ target = :mobile if target == :mobile_theme
+ target = :desktop if target == :desktop_theme
+ case target
+ when :extra_js
+ get_set_cache("#{theme_ids.join(",")}:extra_js:#{Theme.compiler_version}") do
+ require_rebake =
+ ThemeField.where(theme_id: theme_ids, target_id: Theme.targets[:extra_js]).where(
+ "compiler_version <> ?",
+ Theme.compiler_version,
+ )
+ ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+ require_rebake.each { |tf| tf.ensure_baked! }
+ Theme.where(id: require_rebake.map(&:theme_id)).each(&:update_javascript_cache!)
+ end
+ caches =
+ JavascriptCache
+ .where(theme_id: theme_ids)
+ .index_by(&:theme_id)
+ .values_at(*theme_ids)
+ .compact
+ caches.map { |c| <<~HTML.html_safe }.join("\n")
+ end
+ when :translations
+ theme_field_values(theme_ids, :translations, I18n.fallbacks[name])
+ .to_a
+ .select(&:second)
+ .uniq { |((theme_id, _, _), _)| theme_id }
+ .flat_map(&:second)
+ .join("\n")
+ else
+ theme_field_values(theme_ids, [:common, target], name).values.compact.flatten.join("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ def self.theme_field_values(theme_ids, targets, names)
+ cache.defer_get_set_bulk(
+ Array(theme_ids).product(Array(targets), Array(names)),
+ lambda do |(theme_id, target, name)|
+ "#{theme_id}:#{target}:#{name}:#{Theme.compiler_version}"
+ end,
+ ) do |keys|
+ keys = keys.map { |theme_id, target, name| [theme_id, Theme.targets[target], name.to_s] }
+ keys
+ .map do |theme_id, target_id, name|
+ ThemeField.where(theme_id: theme_id, target_id: target_id, name: name)
+ end
+ .inject { |a, b| a.or(b) }
+ .each(&:ensure_baked!)
+ .map { |tf| [[tf.theme_id, tf.target_id, tf.name], tf.value_baked || tf.value] }
+ .group_by(&:first)
+ .transform_values { |x| x.map(&:second) }
+ .values_at(*keys)
- list_baked_fields(theme_ids, target, name).map { |f| f.value_baked || f.value }.join("\n")
def self.list_baked_fields(theme_ids, target, name)
diff --git a/lib/distributed_cache.rb b/lib/distributed_cache.rb
index b041b39d1d4..bc710f26564 100644
--- a/lib/distributed_cache.rb
+++ b/lib/distributed_cache.rb
@@ -20,6 +20,24 @@ class DistributedCache < MessageBus::DistributedCache
+ def defer_get_set_bulk(ks, key_blk, &blk)
+ found_keys, missing_keys = ks.partition { |k| hash.key?(key_blk.call(k)) }
+ found_hash = found_keys.map { |key| [key, self[key_blk.call(key)]] }.to_h
+ if missing_keys.present?
+ missing_values = blk.call(missing_keys.freeze)
+ missing_hash = missing_keys.zip(missing_values).to_h
+ Scheduler::Defer.later("#{@key}_bulk_set") do
+ missing_hash.each { |key, value| self[key_blk.call(key)] = value }
+ end
+ ks.zip(missing_hash.merge(found_hash).values_at(*ks)).to_h
+ else
+ found_hash
+ end
+ end
def clear(after_commit: true)
if after_commit && !GlobalSetting.skip_db?
DB.after_commit { super() }
diff --git a/spec/models/theme_spec.rb b/spec/models/theme_spec.rb
index 5f81715b4ac..b7f58f0d852 100644
--- a/spec/models/theme_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/theme_spec.rb
@@ -1093,4 +1093,104 @@ HTML
expect(messages.count).to eq(0)
+ describe "#lookup_field when a theme component is used in multiple themes" do
+ fab!(:theme_1) { Fabricate(:theme, user: user) }
+ fab!(:theme_2) { Fabricate(:theme, user: user) }
+ fab!(:child) { Fabricate(:theme, user: user, component: true) }
+ before_all do
+ theme_1.add_relative_theme!(:child, child)
+ theme_2.add_relative_theme!(:child, child)
+ end
+ it "efficiently caches fields of theme component by only caching the fields once across multiple themes" do
+ child.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "World")
+ child.save!
+ expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :desktop, "header")).to eq("World")
+ expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_2.id, :desktop, "header")).to eq("World")
+ expect(
+ Theme.cache.defer_get_set("#{child.id}:common:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
+ ).to eq(["World"])
+ expect(
+ Theme.cache.defer_get_set("#{child.id}:desktop:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
+ ).to eq(nil)
+ expect(
+ Theme
+ .cache
+ .defer_get_set("#{theme_1.id}:common:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
+ ).to eq(nil)
+ expect(
+ Theme
+ .cache
+ .defer_get_set("#{theme_1.id}:desktop:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
+ ).to eq(nil)
+ expect(
+ Theme
+ .cache
+ .defer_get_set("#{theme_2.id}:common:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
+ ).to eq(nil)
+ expect(
+ Theme
+ .cache
+ .defer_get_set("#{theme_2.id}:desktop:header:#{Theme.compiler_version}") { raise },
+ ).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ it "puts the parent value ahead of the child" do
+ theme_1.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "theme_1")
+ theme_1.save!
+ child.set_field(target: :common, name: "header", value: "child")
+ child.save!
+ expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :desktop, "header")).to eq("theme_1\nchild")
+ end
+ it "puts parent translations ahead of child translations" do
+ theme_1.set_field(target: :translations, name: "en", value: <<~YAML)
+ en:
+ theme_1: "test"
+ theme_1.save!
+ theme_field = ThemeField.order(:id).last
+ child.set_field(target: :translations, name: "en", value: <<~YAML)
+ en:
+ child: "test"
+ child.save!
+ child_field = ThemeField.order(:id).last
+ expect(theme_field.value_baked).not_to eq(child_field.value_baked)
+ expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :translations, :en)).to eq(
+ [theme_field, child_field].map(&:value_baked).join("\n"),
+ )
+ end
+ it "prioritizes a locale over its fallback" do
+ theme_1.set_field(target: :translations, name: "en", value: <<~YAML)
+ en:
+ theme_1: "hello"
+ theme_1.save!
+ en_field = ThemeField.order(:id).last
+ theme_1.set_field(target: :translations, name: "es", value: <<~YAML)
+ es:
+ theme_1: "hola"
+ theme_1.save!
+ es_field = ThemeField.order(:id).last
+ expect(es_field.value_baked).not_to eq(en_field.value_baked)
+ expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :translations, :en)).to eq(en_field.value_baked)
+ expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :translations, :es)).to eq(es_field.value_baked)
+ expect(Theme.lookup_field(theme_1.id, :translations, :fr)).to eq(en_field.value_baked)
+ end
+ end