diff --git a/config/locales/server.en.yml b/config/locales/server.en.yml
index b00d9832e85..6e787d72654 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.en.yml
@@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ en:
     detailed_404: "Provides more details to users about why they can’t access a particular topic. Note: This is less secure because users will know if a URL links to a valid topic."
     enforce_second_factor: "Forces users to enable two-factor authentication. Select 'all' to enforce it to all users. Select 'staff' to enforce it to staff users only."
     force_https: "Force your site to use HTTPS only. WARNING: do NOT enable this until you verify HTTPS is fully set up and working absolutely everywhere! Did you check your CDN, all social logins, and any external logos / dependencies to make sure they are all HTTPS compatible, too?"
-    same_site_cookies: "Use same site cookies, they eliminate all vectors Cross Site Request Forgery on supported browsers (Lax or Strict). Warning: Strict will only work on sites that force login and use an external auth method."
+    same_site_cookies: "Use same site cookies, they eliminate all Cross Site Request Forgery vectors on supported browsers (Lax or Strict). Warning: Strict will only work on sites that force login and use an external auth method."
     summary_score_threshold: "The minimum score required for a post to be included in 'Summarize This Topic'"
     summary_posts_required: "Minimum posts in a topic before 'Summarize This Topic' is enabled. Changes to this setting will be applied retroactively within a week."
     summary_likes_required: "Minimum likes in a topic before 'Summarize This Topic' is enabled. Changes to this setting will be applied retroactively within a week."