Update Translations

This commit is contained in:
Arpit Jalan 2014-11-17 21:35:06 +05:30
parent 216a5a87cb
commit dbd5823881
47 changed files with 1546 additions and 1038 deletions

View File

@ -267,7 +267,6 @@ cs:
location_not_found: (neznámá)
organisation: Organizace
phone: Telefon
other_accounts: Další účty s touto IP adresou
no_other_accounts: (žádné)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -353,7 +352,6 @@ cs:
title: "Emailová adresa"
instructions: "Nikdy nebude zveřejněno."
ok: "To vypadá dobře. Zašleme vám email s potvrzením."
invalid: "Prosím zadejte platnou emailovou adresu."
authenticated: "Vaše emailová adresa byla autorizována přes službu {{provider}}."
frequency: "Budeme vás informovat emailem pouze pokud jste se na našem webu dlouho neukázali a pokud jste obsah, o kterém vás chceme informovat, doposud neviděli."
@ -603,8 +601,6 @@ cs:
reply_here: "Odpovědět sem"
reply: "Odpovědět"
cancel: "Zrušit"
create_topic: "Nové téma"
create_pm: "Vytvořit soukromou zprávu"
title: "Nebo zmáčkněte Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Přidat uživatele"
title_placeholder: "O čem je ve zkratce tato diskuze?"
@ -675,10 +671,7 @@ cs:
title_with_attachments: "Nahrát obrázek nebo soubor"
from_my_computer: "Z mého zařízení"
from_the_web: "Z webu"
remote_tip: "zadejte adresu obrázku ve formátu http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "zadejte adresu obrázku nebo souboru ve formátu http://example.com/file.ext"
local_tip: "klikněte sem pro výběr obrázku z vašeho zařízení."
local_tip_with_attachments: "klikněte sem pro výběr obrázku nebo souboru z vašeho zařízení."
hint: "(můžete také rovnou soubor do editoru přetáhnout)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(můžete také rovnou obrázky do editoru přetáhnout)"
uploading: "Nahrávám"
@ -746,7 +739,6 @@ cs:
top: "Nejsou tu žádná další populární témata."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} příspěvků v tématu"
create: 'Nové téma'
create_long: 'Vytvořit nové téma'
private_message: 'Vytvořit soukromou konverzaci'
list: 'Témata'
@ -1162,7 +1154,6 @@ cs:
general: 'Základní'
settings: 'Nastavení'
delete: 'Smazat kategorii'
create: 'Vytvořit kategorii'
save: 'Uložit kategorii'
creation_error: Během vytváření nové kategorie nastala chyba.
save_error: Během ukládání kategorie nastala chyba.
@ -1206,7 +1197,6 @@ cs:
title: "Ztišený"
description: "Nebudete upozorněni na žádná nová témata v těchto kategoriích a ani se nebudou zobrazovat jako nepřečtené."
title: 'Proč nahlašujete tento příspěvek?'
action: 'Nahlásit příspěvek'
take_action: "Zakročit"
notify_action: 'Private message'
@ -1216,14 +1206,11 @@ cs:
ip_address_missing: "(N/A)"
hidden_email_address: "(skrytý)"
cant: "Bohužel nyní nemůžete tento příspěvek nahlásit."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Proč chcete s tímto uživatele mluvit přímo a soukromě? Buďte konstruktivní, konkrétní a hlavně vstřícní."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Proč příspěvek vyžaduje pozornost moderátora? Dejte nám vědět, co konkrétně vás znepokojuje, a poskytněte relevantní odkazy, je-li to možné."
at_least: "zadejte alespoň {{n}} znaků"
more: "ještě {{n}}..."
left: "{{n}} zbývá"
title: "Proč nahlašujete tento příspěvek?"
action: "Nahlásit téma"
notify_action: "Private message"
@ -1521,9 +1508,6 @@ cs:
title: "Přizpůsobení"
long_title: "Přizpůsobení webu"
header: "header"
css: "CSS"
mobile_header: "Mobilní header"
mobile_css: "Mobilní CSS"
override_default: "Přetížit výchozí?"
enabled: "Zapnuto?"
preview: "náhled"
@ -1574,7 +1558,6 @@ cs:
sent_test: "odesláno!"
delivery_method: "Způsob doručení"
preview_digest: "Náhled souhrnu"
preview_digest_desc: "Toto je nástroj pro zobrazení toho, jak bude vypadat pravidelný souhrn odesílaný uživatelům."
refresh: "Aktualizovat"
format: "Formát"
html: "html"

View File

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ da:
admin_title: "Admin"
flags_title: "Flag"
show_more: "vis mere"
show_help: "Hjælp"
links: "Links"
links_lowercase: "links"
faq: "FAQ"
@ -136,6 +137,8 @@ da:
all_time: "Alt"
last_7_days: "De sidste 7 Dage"
topic_count: "Emner"
user_count: "Brugere"
not_logged_in: "Beklager, du skal været logget ind for at bogmærke indlæg"
created: "Du har bogmærket dette indlæg."
@ -239,7 +242,6 @@ da:
location_not_found: (ukendt)
organisation: Organisation
phone: Telefon
other_accounts: Andre kontoer med denne IP adresse
no_other_accounts: (ingen)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -256,6 +258,7 @@ da:
invited_by: "Inviteret af"
trust_level: "Tillidsniveau"
notifications: "Underretninger"
dismiss_notifications: "Marker alle som læst"
disable_jump_reply: "Spring ikke til dit nye indlæg efter du har svaret"
dynamic_favicon: "Vis indkommende underretninger i favicon"
edit_history_public: "Lad andre brugere se mine tidligere revisioner"
@ -268,6 +271,7 @@ da:
admin_tooltip: "Denne bruger er administrator"
suspended_notice: "Denne bruger er suspenderet indtil {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Begrundelse: "
github_profile: "Github"
mailing_list_mode: "Få en email, hver nyt emne (med mindre du har sat et emne eller en kategori på lydløs)"
watched_categories: "Overvåget"
watched_categories_instructions: "Du overvåger automatisk alle emner i disse kategorier"
@ -283,6 +287,7 @@ da:
flagged_posts: "markerede indlæg"
deleted_posts: "slettede indlæg"
suspensions: "suspenderinger"
warnings_received: "advarsler"
all: "Alle"
mine: "Mine"
@ -318,14 +323,17 @@ da:
image_is_not_a_square: "Advarsel: vi har beskåret dit billede fordi det ikke er kvadratisk."
title: "Profil baggrundsbillede"
instructions: "Profil baggrunde vil blive centrerede og have en standard bredde på 850 pixels"
title: "E-mail"
ok: "Det ser fint ud. Vi e-mailer dig for at bekræfte."
instructions: "Vis aldrig offentligt"
ok: "Vi sender en email for at bekræfte"
invalid: "Skriv venligst en gyldig e-mail-adresse."
authenticated: "Din e-mail er bekræftet af {{provider}}."
frequency: "Vi sender dig kun e-mail, hvis du ikke har været på siden for nylig, og du ikke allerede har set de ting vi ville e-maile dig om."
title: "Navn"
instructions: "Dit fulde navn (valgfrit)"
too_short: "Dit navn er for kort."
ok: "Dit navn ser fint ud."
@ -398,6 +406,8 @@ da:
expired: "Denne invitation er forældet"
rescind: "Fjern"
rescinded: "Invitation fjernet"
reinvite: "Gensend invitation"
reinvited: "Invitation gensendt"
time_read: "Læsetid"
days_visited: "Besøgsdage"
account_age_days: "Kontoens alder i dage"
@ -439,6 +449,7 @@ da:
network: "Tjek din internetforbindelse."
network_fixed: "Det ser ud som om den er tilbage."
server: "Fejlkode: {{status}}"
forbidden: "Du har ikke tilladelser til at se det"
unknown: "Noget gik galt."
back: "Gå tilbage"
@ -484,6 +495,7 @@ da:
created: 'Oprettet'
created_lowercase: 'Oprettet'
trust_level: 'Tillidsniveau'
search_hint: 'brugernavn, email eller IP adresse'
title: "Opret konto"
failed: "Noget gik galt. Måske er e-mail-adressen allerede registreret prøv “Jeg har glemt min adgangskode”-linket"
@ -531,6 +543,7 @@ da:
title: "med GitHub"
message: "Logger ind med GitHub (kontrollér at pop-op-blokering ikke er aktiv)"
add_warning: "Dette er en officiel advarsel."
posting_not_on_topic: "Hvilket emne vil du svare på?"
saving_draft_tip: "gemmer"
saved_draft_tip: "gemt"
@ -539,6 +552,7 @@ da:
drafts_offline: "kladder offline"
need_more_for_title: "der mangler {{n}} tegn i titlen"
need_more_for_reply: "{{n}} tilbage"
title_missing: "Titlen er påkrævet"
title_too_short: "Titlen skal være på mindst {{min}} tegn"
@ -551,8 +565,6 @@ da:
reply_here: "Svar her"
reply: "Svar"
cancel: "Annullér"
create_topic: "Opret emne"
create_pm: "Opret privat besked"
title: "Eller tryk Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Tilføj bruger"
title_placeholder: "Hvad handler diskussionen om i korte træk?"
@ -591,6 +603,10 @@ da:
help: "Hjælp til Markdown-redigering"
toggler: "skjul eller vis editor-panelet"
admin_options_title: "Valgfrie staff-indstillinger for dette emne"
error: "Indtast venligst en gyldig værdi"
examples: 'Indtast antal timer (24).'
title: "notifikation ved @navns nævnelse, svar til dine indlæg og emner, private beskeder, mv."
none: "Du har ikke nogen notifikationer lige nu."
@ -613,10 +629,7 @@ da:
title_with_attachments: "Tilføj et billede eller en fil"
from_my_computer: "Fra min computer"
from_the_web: "Fra nettet"
remote_tip: "skriv adressen på et billede i formen http://example.com/billede.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "indtast adressen på et billede eller en fil på formen http://example.com/file.ext (tilladte filendelser: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "klik for at vælge et billede fra din computer."
local_tip_with_attachments: "klik for at vælge et billede eller en fil fra din computer (tilladte filendelser: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(du kan også trække og slippe ind i editoren for at uploade dem)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(du kan også trække og slippe eller indsætte billeder ind i editoren for at uploade dem)"
uploading: "Uploader billede"
@ -652,6 +665,7 @@ da:
actions: "Handlinger på flere indlæg"
change_category: "Skift kategori"
close_topics: "Luk indlæg"
archive_topics: "Arkiver Emner"
notification_level: "Skift niveau for underetninger"
one: "Du har valgt <b>1</b> indlæg."
@ -677,7 +691,6 @@ da:
top: "Der er ikke flere top emner"
filter_to: "Vis {{post_count}} indlæg i emnet"
create: 'Opret emne'
create_long: 'Opret et nyt emne i debatten'
private_message: 'Start en privat samtale'
list: 'Emner'
@ -921,6 +934,10 @@ da:
yes_value: "Ja, slet også svarene"
no_value: "Nej, kun dette indlæg"
admin: "indlæg administrator handlinger"
wiki: "Opret Wiki"
unwiki: "Fjern Wiki"
rebake: "Gendan HTML"
unhide: "Vis"
flag: 'Flag'
@ -1025,6 +1042,8 @@ da:
previous: "Forrige udgave"
next: "Næste udgave"
last: "Sidste udgave"
hide: "Skjul udgave"
show: "Vis udgave"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> vs <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
@ -1045,7 +1064,6 @@ da:
general: 'Overordnet'
settings: 'Indstillinger'
delete: 'Slet kategori'
create: 'Ny kategori'
save: 'Gem kategori'
creation_error: Der opstod en fejl under oprettelsen af kategorien.
save_error: Der opstod en fejl da kategorien skulle gemmes.
@ -1093,24 +1111,23 @@ da:
title: "Ignoreret"
description: "Du ignorerer automatisk alle emner i disse kategorier. De vil heller ikke stå i sin \"ulæste\" indikation."
title: 'Hvorfor flager du dette indlæg?'
action: 'Flag indlæg'
take_action: "Reagér"
notify_action: 'Underret'
delete_spammer: "Slet spammer"
delete_confirm: "Du er ved at slette <b>%{posts}</b> indlæg og <b>%{topics}</b> emner oprettet af denne bruger, fjerne deres konto, blokere tilmeldinger fra deres IP-adresse <b>%{ip_address}</b> og tilføje deres e-mail-adresse <b>%{email}</b> til en permanent blokeringsliste. Er du sikker på, at denne bruger virkelig er en spammer?"
yes_delete_spammer: "Ja, slet spammer"
hidden_email_address: "(skjult)"
submit_tooltip: "Send privat markeringen"
take_action_tooltip: "Nå til markerings niveauer med det samme, i stedet for at vente på flere markeringer fra fælleskabet"
cant: "Beklager, du kan i øjeblikket ikke flage dette indlæg."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Hvorfor kræver dette indlæg at du taler privat og direkte med denne bruger? Vær specifik, konstruktiv og flink."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Hvorfor kræve dette indlæg moderatorernes opmærksomhed? Lad os vide hvad du specifikt er bekymret over, og inkludér om muligt relevante links."
inappropriate: "Det er upassende"
at_least: "indtast mindst {{n}} tegn"
more: "{{n}} flere..."
left: "{{n}} tilbage"
title: "Hvorfor rapporterer du dette emne?"
action: "Rapporter emne"
notify_action: "Privat besked"
@ -1120,6 +1137,8 @@ da:
one: "1 klik"
other: "%{count} klik"
help: "Dette er en officiel advarsel."
help: "emnet er låst; det modtager ikke flere svar"
@ -1156,6 +1175,8 @@ da:
category_title: "Kategori"
history: "Historik"
changed_by: "af {{author}}"
not_available: "Ikke tilgængelig!"
categories_list: "Kategorioversigt"
with_topics: "%{filter} emner"
@ -1262,6 +1283,8 @@ da:
7_days_ago: "7 dage siden"
30_days_ago: "30 dage siden"
all: "Alle"
start_date: "Start dato"
end_date: "Slut dato"
latest_changes: "Seneste ændringer: opdatér ofte!"
by: "af"
@ -1274,6 +1297,8 @@ da:
agree_flag_modal_title: "Enig og..."
agree_flag_hide_post: "Enig (skjul indlæg + send PM)"
agree_flag_hide_post_title: "Gem dette indlæg og send automatisk en privat besked til brugeren som tilskyndelse til at redigere det"
agree_flag_restore_post: "Enig (gendan indlæg)"
agree_flag_restore_post_title: "Gendan dette indlæg"
agree_flag: "sæt markeringen til \"enig\""
agree_flag_title: "Sæt flaget til \"enig\" og behold indlægget uændret"
defer_flag: "Udsæt"
@ -1385,6 +1410,7 @@ da:
text: "Backup"
title: "Start backup"
confirm: "Vil du starte en ny backup?"
without_uploads: "Ja (inkluder ikke filer)"
text: "Download"
title: "Download backuppen"
@ -1410,10 +1436,8 @@ da:
title: "Tilpasning"
long_title: "Tilpasning af site"
css: "CSS"
header: "Header"
css: "Stylesheet"
mobile_header: "Mobil header"
mobile_css: "Mobilt stylesheet"
override_default: "Inkludér ikke standard stylesheet"
enabled: "Aktiveret?"
preview: "forhåndsvisning"
@ -1475,6 +1499,8 @@ da:
name: 'kærlighed'
description: "Like knappens farve."
name: 'wiki'
title: "E-mail"
settings: "Indstillinger"
@ -1493,7 +1519,6 @@ da:
sent_test: "sednt!"
delivery_method: "Leveringsmetode"
preview_digest: "Forhåndsvisning af sammendrag"
preview_digest_desc: "Dette er et værktøj til forhåndsvisning af de sammendrag, som dit forum sender ud."
refresh: "Opdatér"
format: "Format"
html: "html"
@ -1508,6 +1533,7 @@ da:
user_placeholder: "brugernavn"
address_placeholder: "navn@eksempel.dk"
type_placeholder: "sammenfatning, tilmelding..."
reply_key_placeholder: "svar knap"
skipped_reason_placeholder: "grund"
title: "Logs"
@ -1516,6 +1542,8 @@ da:
last_match_at: "Sidste matchet"
match_count: "Matches"
ip_address: "IP"
topic_id: "Emne ID"
post_id: "Indlægs ID"
delete: 'Slet'
edit: 'Redigér'
save: 'Gem'
@ -1549,6 +1577,10 @@ da:
unsuspend_user: "ophæv suspendering af bruger"
grant_badge: "tildel badge"
revoke_badge: "fratag badge"
check_email: "check email"
delete_topic: "slet emne"
delete_post: "slet indlæg"
impersonate: "Udgiv dig for bruger"
title: "Blokerede e-mails"
description: "Følgende e-mail-adresser kontrolleres når nogen prøver at oprette en konto, og oprettelsen vil enten blive blokeret, eller der vil blive foretaget en anden handling."
@ -1567,6 +1599,7 @@ da:
block: "Blokér"
do_nothing: "Tillad"
allow_admin: "Tillad Admin"
label: "Ny:"
ip_address: "IP-adresse"
@ -1582,6 +1615,7 @@ da:
last_emailed: "Sidst mailet"
not_found: "Beklager, brugernavnet findes ikke i vores system."
active: "Aktiv"
show_emails: "Vis Emails"
new: "Ny"
active: "Aktiv"
@ -1603,6 +1637,9 @@ da:
pending: 'Brugere som afvanter godkendelse'
newuser: 'Brugere på tillidsniveau 0 (Ny bruger)'
basic: 'Brugere på tillidsniveau 1 (Basisbruger)'
regular: 'Brugere på tillidsniveau 2 (bruger)'
leader: 'Brugere på tillidsniveau 3 (Ekspertbruger)'
elder: 'Brugere på tillidsniveau 4 (Advanceret bruger)'
admins: 'Admin-brugere'
moderators: 'Moderatorer'
blocked: 'Blokerede brugere'
@ -1614,6 +1651,9 @@ da:
one: "Kunne ikke afvise 1 bruger."
other: "Kunne ikke afvise %{count} brugere."
not_verified: "Ikke verificeret"
title: "Vis denne brugers email adresse"
text: "Vis"
suspend_failed: "Noget gik galt ved suspenderingen af denne bruger {{error}}"
unsuspend_failed: "Noget gik galt ved ophævningen af denne brugers suspendering {{error}}"
@ -1657,6 +1697,7 @@ da:
topics_entered: Læste emner
flags_given_count: Afgivne flag
flags_received_count: Modtagne flag
warnings_received_count: Advarsler modtaget
flags_given_received_count: 'Flag Givet / Modtaget'
approve: 'Godkend'
approved_by: "godkendt af"
@ -1695,6 +1736,10 @@ da:
suspend_modal_title: "Suspendér bruger"
trust_level_2_users: "Tillids niveau 2 brugere"
trust_level_3_requirements: "Fortrolighedsniveau 3 påkrævet"
trust_level_locked_tip: "tillidsniveau er låst, systemet kan ikke forfremme eller degradere bruger"
trust_level_unlocked_tip: "tillidsniveau er ulåst, systemet kan forfremme eller degradere bruger"
lock_trust_level: "Lås tillidsniveau"
unlock_trust_level: "Lås tillidsniveau op"
title: "Krav for fortrolighedsniveau 3"
table_title: "For de sidste 100 dage:"
@ -1713,6 +1758,10 @@ da:
likes_received: "Likes modtaget"
qualifies: "Krav for tillidsniveau 3"
does_not_qualify: "Ikke kvalificeret til tillids niveau 3."
will_be_promoted: "Bliver snart forfremmet"
will_be_demoted: "Bliver snart degraderet"
locked_will_not_be_promoted: "Tillidsniveau låst. Vil aldrig blive forfremmet."
locked_will_not_be_demoted: "Tillidsniveau låst. Vil aldrig blive degraderet."
title: "Single Sign On"
external_id: "Externt ID"
@ -1720,6 +1769,26 @@ da:
external_name: "Navn"
external_email: "Email"
external_avatar_url: "Avatar URL"
help: "Tilføj felter, som dine brugere kan udfylde"
create: "Opret brugerfelt"
untitled: "Ingen titel"
name: "Feltnavn"
type: "Felttype"
description: "Feltbeskrivelse"
save: "Gem"
edit: "Ret"
delete: "Slet"
cancel: "Afbryd"
delete_confirm: "Er du sikker på at du vil slette det brugerfelt?"
enabled: "krævet"
disabled: "ikke krævet"
text: 'Tekstfelt'
confirm: 'Bekræft'
title: 'Tekstindhold'
show_overriden: 'Vis kun tilsidesatte'
title: 'Indstillinger'
@ -1777,6 +1846,7 @@ da:
listable: Vi badges på den offentlige badge side
enabled: Aktiver badge
icon: Icon
image: Billede
query: Badge Forespørgesel (SQL)
target_posts: Forespørg mål indlæg
auto_revoke: Kør tilbagekaldelses forespørgsel hver dag

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ de:
all_time: "Gesamt"
last_7_days: "Letzte 7 Tage"
like_count: "Gefällt mir"
like_count: "Likes"
topic_count: "Themen"
post_count: "Beiträge"
user_count: "Benutzer"
@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ de:
location_not_found: (unbekannt)
organisation: Organisation
phone: Telefon
other_accounts: Andere Konten mit dieser IP-Adresse
no_other_accounts: (keine)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -290,6 +289,7 @@ de:
deleted_yourself: "Dein Benutzerkonto wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "Du kannst im Moment dein Benutzerkonto nicht löschen. Kontaktiere einen Administrator, um dein Benutzerkonto löschen zu lassen."
unread_message_count: "Nachrichten"
admin_delete: "Löschen"
flags_given: "hilfreiche Meldungen"
flagged_posts: "gemeldete Beiträge"
@ -331,20 +331,20 @@ de:
image_is_not_a_square: "Achtung: wir haben dein Bild zugeschnitten, da es nicht quadratisch war."
title: "Profilhintergrund"
instructions: "Profilhintergründe werden zentriert und haben eine voreingestellte Breite von 850px."
instructions: "Hintergrundbilder werden zentriert und haben eine Standardbreite von 850px."
title: "Benutzerkartenhintergrund"
instructions: "Hintergrundbilder werden zentriert und haben eine Standardbreite von 590 Pixel."
title: "Benutzerkarten-Hintergrund"
instructions: "Hintergrundbilder werden zentriert und haben eine Standardbreite von 590px."
title: "E-Mail"
instructions: "Wird niemals öffentlich angezeigt."
ok: "Wir senden dir zur Bestätigung eine E-Mail."
ok: "Wir werden dir eine E-Mail zur Bestätigung senden."
invalid: "Bitte gib eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein."
authenticated: "Deine E-Mail-Adresse wurde von {{provider}} bestätigt."
frequency: "Wir werden dir nur E-Mails senden, wenn wir dich kürzlich nicht gesehen haben und wenn du die betroffenen Inhalte noch nicht gesehen hast."
title: "Name"
instructions: "Ihr vollständiger Name (optional)."
instructions: "Dein vollständiger Name (optional)."
too_short: "Dein Name ist zu kurz."
ok: "Dein Name schaut gut aus."
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ de:
log_out: "Abmelden"
location: "Wohnort"
title: "Benutzerkartenabzeichen"
title: "Benutzerkarten-Abzeichen"
website: "Website"
email_settings: "E-Mail"
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ de:
enable: 'Zusammenfassung vom Thema erstellen'
disable: 'Alle Beiträge anzeigen'
enabled_description: "Dieses Thema enthält gelöschte Beiträge, die derzeit ausgeblendet sind."
enabled_description: "Dieses Thema enthält gelöschte Beiträge, die derzeit versteckt sind."
disabled_description: "Gelöschte Beiträge werden in diesem Thema angezeigt."
enable: "Gelöschte Beiträge ausblenden"
disable: "Gelöschte Beiträge anzeigen"
@ -588,7 +588,6 @@ de:
reply: "Antworten"
cancel: "Abbrechen"
create_topic: "Thema erstellen"
create_pm: "Private Nachricht verfassen"
title: "Oder drücke Strg+Eingabetaste"
users_placeholder: "Benutzer hinzufügen"
title_placeholder: "Um was geht es in dieser Diskussion? Schreib einen kurzen Satz."
@ -598,6 +597,7 @@ de:
view_new_post: "Sieh deinen neuen Beitrag an."
saving: "Speichere..."
saved: "Gespeichert!"
saved_draft: "Ein Beitrag ist in Arbeit. Zum Fortsetzen hier klicken."
uploading: "Wird hochgeladen..."
show_preview: 'Vorschau anzeigen &raquo;'
hide_preview: '&laquo; Vorschau ausblenden'
@ -658,10 +658,10 @@ de:
title_with_attachments: "Ein Bild oder eine Datei hinzufügen"
from_my_computer: "Von meinem Gerät"
from_the_web: "Aus dem Web"
remote_tip: "Link zu Bild http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "Link zu Bild oder Datei http://example.com/file.ext (erlaubte Dateiendungen: {{authorized_extensions}})."
remote_tip: "Link zu Bild"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "Link zu Bild oder Datei ({{authorized_extensions}})"
local_tip: "Klicke hier, um ein Bild von deinem Gerät zu wählen."
local_tip_with_attachments: "Klicke hier, um ein Bild oder eine Datei von deinem Gerät zu wählen (erlaubte Dateiendungen: {{authorized_extensions}})"
local_tip_with_attachments: "Klicke hier, um ein Bild oder eine Datei von deinem Gerät zu wählen ({{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(du kannst Dateien auch in den Editor ziehen, um diese hochzuladen)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(du kannst Bilder auch durch Ziehen in den Editor oder durch Einfügen aus der Zwischenablage hochladen)"
uploading: "Wird hochgeladen"
@ -714,6 +714,10 @@ de:
top: "Es gibt keine Top-Themen."
new: '<p>Hier werden neue Themen angezeigt.</p><p>Standardmäßig werden jene Themen als neu angesehen und mit dem <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">neu</span> Indikator versehen, die in den letzten 2 Tagen erstellt wurden.</p><p>Du kannst das in deinen <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">Einstellungen</a> ändern.</p>'
unread: '<p>Hier werden deine ungelesenen Themen angezeigt.</p><p>Die Anzahl der ungelesenen Beiträge wird als <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> neben den Themen angezeigt.<br/>
Standardmäßig werden Themen als ungelesen angesehen, wenn du:</p><ul><li>das Thema erstellt hast</li><li>auf das Thema geantwortet hast</li><li>das Thema länger als 4 Minuten gelesen hast</li></ul><p>Außerdem werden jene Themen berücksichtigt, die du in den Benachrichtigungseinstellungen am Ende eines jeden Themas ausdrücklich auf Beobachten oder Verfolgen gesetzt hast.</p><p>Du kannst das in deinen <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">Einstellungen</a> ändern.</p>'
starred: '<p>Hier werden deine favorisierten Themen angezeigt.</p><p>Zum Ändern deiner Favoriten benutze:</p><ul><li>den <i class="fa fa-star"></i> neben jedem Thementitel</li><li>die Schaltfläche „Favorisieren“ am Ende eines jeden Themas</li></ul>'
latest: "Das waren die aktuellen Themen."
hot: "Das waren alle beliebten Themen."
@ -726,7 +730,7 @@ de:
top: "Das waren alle angesagten Themen."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} Beiträge im Thema"
create: 'Thema erstellen'
create: 'Neues Thema'
create_long: 'Ein neues Thema erstellen'
private_message: 'Eine private Unterhaltung beginnen'
list: 'Themen'
@ -800,8 +804,8 @@ de:
'2_4': 'Du wirst Benachrichtigungen erhalten, weil du eine Antwort zu diesem Thema verfasst hast.'
'2_2': 'Du wirst Benachrichtigungen erhalten, weil du dieses Thema verfolgst.'
'2': 'Du wirst Benachrichtigungen erhalten, weil du <a href="/users/{{username}}/preferences">dieses Thema gelesen hast</a>.'
'1_2': 'Du wirst nur dann benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet.'
'1': 'Du wirst nur dann benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet.'
'1_2': 'Du wirst benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet.'
'1': 'Du wirst benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet.'
'0_7': 'Du ignorierst alle Benachrichtigungen dieser Kategorie.'
'0_2': 'Du ignorierst alle Benachrichtigungen dieses Themas.'
'0': 'Du ignorierst alle Benachrichtigungen dieses Themas.'
@ -816,12 +820,13 @@ de:
description: "Die Anzahl der ungelesenen und neuen Nachrichten wird neben dem Eintrag in der Nachrichtenliste angezeigt. Du wirst benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder deine Nachricht beantwortet."
title: "Verfolgen"
description: "Die Anzahl der ungelesenen und neuen Beiträge wird neben dem Thema erscheinen. Du wirst benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet."
title: "Normal"
description: "Du wirst nur dann benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet."
description: "Du wirst benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet."
title: "Normal"
description: "Du wirst nur dann benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag in der privaten Nachricht antwortet."
description: "Du wirst benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag in der privaten Nachricht antwortet."
title: "Stummgeschaltet"
description: "Du erhältst keine Benachrichtigungen über diese private Unterhaltung."
@ -870,7 +875,7 @@ de:
error: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Einladen des Benutzers."
group_name: "Gruppenname"
title: 'Einladung'
title: 'Einladen'
action: 'Einladung senden'
help: 'Sendet Freunden eine Einladung, so dass mit einem Klick auf dieses Thema antworten können.'
to_topic: "Wir senden deinem Freund eine kurze E-Mail, die es ihm ermöglicht, direkt auf dieses Thema zu antworten. Es ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich."
@ -939,8 +944,8 @@ de:
other: "(Beitrag wurde vom Autor zurückgezogen und wird automatisch in %{count} Stunden gelöscht, sofern dieser Beitrag nicht gemeldet wird)"
expand_collapse: "erweitern/minimieren"
one: "ein ausgeblendeter Beitrag"
other: "{{count}} ausgeblendete Beiträge"
one: "1 versteckter Beitrag"
other: "{{count}} versteckte Beiträge"
more_links: "{{count}} weitere..."
unread: "Beitrag ist ungelesen"
@ -1120,7 +1125,7 @@ de:
general: 'Allgemeines'
settings: 'Einstellungen'
delete: 'Kategorie löschen'
create: 'Kategorie erstellen'
create: 'Neue Kategorie'
save: 'Kategorie speichern'
creation_error: Beim Erstellen der Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
save_error: Beim Speichern der Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
@ -1166,12 +1171,12 @@ de:
description: "Du wirst in diesen Kategorien automatisch allen neuen Themen folgen. Die Anzahl der ungelesenen und neuen Beiträge wird neben dem Thema erscheinen."
title: "Normal"
description: "Du wirst nur dann benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet."
description: "Du wirst benachrichtigt, wenn jemand deinen @Namen erwähnt oder auf deinen Beitrag antwortet."
title: "Stummgeschaltet"
description: "Du erhältst keine Benachrichtigungen über neue Themen in diesen Kategorien und sie werden nicht in deiner Liste ungelesener Themen aufscheinen."
title: 'Aus welchem Grund meldest du diesen Beitrag?'
private_reminder: 'Meldungen sind vertraulich und <b>nur</b> für Mitarbeiter sichtbar'
action: 'Beitrag melden'
take_action: "Reagieren"
notify_action: 'Private Nachricht'
@ -1184,16 +1189,16 @@ de:
take_action_tooltip: "Den Meldungsschwellenwert sofort erreichen, anstatt auf weitere Meldungen aus der Community zu warten."
cant: "Entschuldige, Du kannst diesen Beitrag augenblicklich nicht melden."
off_topic: "Es ist am Thema vorbei"
inappropriate: "Es ist unangemessen"
spam: "Es ist Spam"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Weshalb erfordert der Beitrag, dass du den Benutzer direkt und privat kontaktieren möchtest? Sei spezifisch, konstruktiv und immer freundlich."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Warum soll ein Moderator sich diesen Beitrag ansehen? Bitte lass uns wissen, was genau Dich beunruhigt, und wenn möglich dafür relevante Links."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Sei konkret, konstruktiv und immer freundlich."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Bitte lass uns wissen, was genau dich beunruhigt. Verweise, wenn möglich, auf relevante Links und Beispiele."
at_least: "gib mindestens {{n}} Zeichen ein"
more: "{{n}} weitere..."
left: "{{n}} übrig"
title: "Warum meldest du dieses Thema vertraulich?"
action: "Thema melden"
notify_action: "Private Nachricht"
@ -1353,7 +1358,7 @@ de:
30_days_ago: "vor 30 Tagen"
all: "alle"
view_table: "Tabelle"
view_chart: "Säulendiagramm"
view_chart: "Balkendiagramm"
refresh_report: "Bericht aktualisieren"
start_date: "Startdatum"
end_date: "Enddatum"
@ -1511,10 +1516,9 @@ de:
title: "Anpassen"
long_title: "Website-Anpassungen"
css: "CSS"
header: "Kopfbereich"
css: "Stylesheet"
mobile_header: "Kopfbereich für Mobilgeräte"
mobile_css: "Stylesheet Mobilgeräte"
footer: "Fußzeile"
override_default: "Das Standard-Stylesheet nicht verwenden"
enabled: "Aktiviert?"
preview: "Vorschau"
@ -1578,7 +1582,7 @@ de:
description: "Die Farbe des Like-Buttons."
name: 'Wiki'
description: "Die Standardfarbe wird als Hintergrundfarbe für Wikiseiten genutzt."
description: "Die Standardfarbe wird als Hintergrundfarbe für Wiki-Beiträge genutzt."
title: "E-Mail"
settings: "Einstellungen"
@ -1597,7 +1601,6 @@ de:
sent_test: "Gesendet!"
delivery_method: "Versandmethode"
preview_digest: "Vorschau auf Neuigkeiten anzeigen"
preview_digest_desc: "Hiermit kannst du dir anschauen, wie die regelmäßig versendeten Neuigkeits-Mails aussehen."
refresh: "Aktualisieren"
format: "Format"
html: "HTML"
@ -1659,6 +1662,7 @@ de:
check_email: "E-Mail abrufen"
delete_topic: "Thema löschen"
delete_post: "Beitrag löschen"
impersonate: "Nutzersicht"
title: "Überprüfte E-Mails"
description: "Wenn jemand ein Konto erstellt, werden die folgenden E-Mail-Adressen überprüft und es wird die Anmeldung blockiert oder eine andere Aktion ausgeführt."
@ -1838,9 +1842,9 @@ de:
likes_received_users: "Erhaltene Likes: eindeutige Benutzer"
qualifies: "Erfüllt die Anforderungen für Vertrauensstufe 3."
does_not_qualify: "Erfüllt nicht die Anforderungen für Vertrauensstufe 3."
will_be_promoted: "Wird bald beförderd werden."
will_be_promoted: "Wird bald befördert werden."
will_be_demoted: "Wird bald degradiert werden."
on_grace_period: "Wird nicht degradiert, da derzeit in Schonfrist nach Beförderung."
on_grace_period: "Wird nicht degradiert. Derzeit gilt die Schonfrist der letzten Beförderung."
locked_will_not_be_promoted: "Vertrauensstufe ist gesperrt. Wird nie befördert werden."
locked_will_not_be_demoted: "Vertrauensstufe ist gesperrt. Wird nie degradiert werden."
@ -1862,7 +1866,7 @@ de:
edit: "Bearbeiten"
delete: "Löschen"
cancel: "Abbrechen"
delete_confirm: "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Textfeld löschen möchten?"
delete_confirm: "Bist du dir sicher, dass du dieses Benutzerfeld löschen möchtest?"
title: "Bei Registrierung erforderlich?"
enabled: "erforderlich"
@ -1929,14 +1933,15 @@ de:
grant: Verleihen
no_user_badges: "%{name} wurden keine Abzeichen verliehen."
no_badges: Es gibt keine Abzeichen die verliehen werden können.
none_selected: "Wähl' ein Abzeichen aus, um loszulegen"
none_selected: "Wähle ein Abzeichen aus, um loszulegen"
allow_title: Abzeichen darf als Titel verwendet werden
multiple_grant: Kann mehrfach verliehen werden
listable: Zeige Abzeichen auf der öffentlichen Abzeichenseite an
enabled: Abzeichen aktivieren
icon: Symbol
image: Bild
query: Abfrage für Abzeichen (SQL)
icon_help: "Benutze eine Font Awesome class oder die URL eines Bildes"
query: Abzeichen-Abfrage (SQL)
target_posts: Abfrage betrifft Beiträge
auto_revoke: Führe die Abfrage zum Widerruf täglich aus
show_posts: Den für die Verleihung des Abzeichens verantwortlichen Beitrag auf der Abzeichenseite anzeigen
@ -1948,12 +1953,14 @@ de:
trust_level_change: "Wenn sich die Vertrauensstufe eines Benutzers ändert"
user_change: "Wenn ein Benutzer bearbeitet oder angelegt wird"
link_text: "Abzeichen betrachten"
link_text: "Vorschau auf verliehene Abzeichen"
plan_text: "Vorschau mit Query Plan"
modal_title: "Vorschau für Abzeichen-Abfrage"
sql_error_header: "Es gab einen Fehler mit der SQL-Abfrage."
error_help: "Unter den nachfolgenden Links findest du Hilfe zu Abzeichen-Abfragen."
header: "WARNUNG!"
text: "Es fehlen Beispieldaten. Das passiert, wenn die Abzeichen-Abfrage IDs von Benutzern oder Beiträgen liefert, die nicht existieren. Das kann in weiterer Folge zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen führen. Bitte überprüfe nochmals deine Abfrage."
zero: "Es wird kein Abzeichen verliehen."
one: "Es wird <b>1</b> Abzeichen verliehen."
@ -1967,7 +1974,7 @@ de:
download: "herunterladen"
title: 'Suche in der Hilfe'
title: 'Hilfe zur Suche'
title: 'Tastenkombinationen'
@ -2000,6 +2007,7 @@ de:
title: 'Aktionen'
star: '<b>f</b> Thema favorisieren'
pin_unpin_topic: '<b>⇧ Umsch</b> + <b>p</b> Thema anheften/loslösen'
share_topic: '<b>⇧ Umsch</b> + <b>s</b> Thema teilen'
share_post: '<b>s</b> Beitrag teilen'
reply_as_new_topic: '<b>t</b> Mit verknüpftem Thema antworten'
@ -2029,7 +2037,7 @@ de:
one: "1 mal verliehen"
other: "%{count} mal verliehen"
select_badge_for_title: Wähle ein Abzeichen als deinen Titel aus
none: "<keine>"
none: "<keines>"
name: Erste Schritte

View File

@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ es:
location_not_found: (desconocido)
organisation: Organización
phone: Teléfono
other_accounts: Otras cuentas con esta dirección IP
no_other_accounts: (ninguna)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -277,6 +276,7 @@ es:
admin_tooltip: "Este usuario es un administrador"
suspended_notice: "Este usuario ha sido suspendido hasta {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Causa: "
github_profile: "Github"
mailing_list_mode: "Recibir un e-mail por cada nuevo post (a menos que hayas silenciado el tema o la categoría)"
watched_categories: "Vigiladas"
watched_categories_instructions: "Automáticamente vigilarás todos los temas en estas categorías. Se te notificará de todos los posts y temas, y además aparecerá un contador de posts nuevos y no leídos en la lista de temas."
@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ es:
deleted_yourself: "Tu cuenta ha sido borrada exitosamente."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "No puedes borrar tu cuenta en este momento. Contacta a un administrador para borrar tu cuenta en tu nombre."
unread_message_count: "Mensajes"
admin_delete: "Eliminar"
flags_given: "reportes útiles"
flagged_posts: "posts reportados"
@ -337,12 +338,13 @@ es:
title: "E-mail"
instructions: "Nunca se mostrará públicamente."
ok: "De acuerdo. Te enviaremos un e-mail para confirmar."
ok: "Te enviaremos un email para confirmar."
invalid: "Por favor ingresa una dirección de e-mail válida."
authenticated: "Tu e-mail ha sido autenticado por {{provider}}."
frequency: "Sólo te enviaremos e-mails si no te hemos visto recientemente y todavía no has visto lo que te estamos enviando."
title: "Nombre"
instructions: "Tu nombre completo (opcional)"
too_short: "Tu nombre es demasiado corto."
ok: "Tu nombre es válido."
@ -510,6 +512,7 @@ es:
created: 'Creado'
created_lowercase: 'creado'
trust_level: 'Nivel de Confianza'
search_hint: 'usuario, email o dirección IP'
title: "Crear nueva cuenta"
failed: "Algo ha salido mal, tal vez este e-mail ya fue registrado, intenta con el enlace 'olvidé la contraseña'"
@ -584,8 +587,7 @@ es:
reply_here: "Responder Aquí"
reply: "Responder"
cancel: "Cancelar"
create_topic: "Crear Tema"
create_pm: "Crear Mensaje Privado"
create_topic: "Crear tema"
title: "O pulsa Ctrl+Intro"
users_placeholder: "Añadir usuario"
title_placeholder: "En una frase breve, ¿de qué trata este tema?"
@ -656,10 +658,10 @@ es:
title_with_attachments: "Añadir una imagen o archivo"
from_my_computer: "Desde mi dispositivo"
from_the_web: "Desde la web"
remote_tip: "introduce la dirección de una imagen de la siguiente forma: http://ejemplo.com/imagen.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "introduce el enlace a una imagen o un archivo de la siguiente forma: http://ejemplo.com/achivo.ext (extensiones válidas: {{authorized_extensions}})."
remote_tip: "enlace a la imagen"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "enlace a la imagen o al archivo ({{authorized_extensions}})"
local_tip: "clic para seleccionar una imagen desde tu dispositivo."
local_tip_with_attachments: "clic para seleccionar una imagen o un archivo desde tu dispositivo (extensiones válidas: {{authorized_extensions}})"
local_tip_with_attachments: "clic para seleccionar una imagen o un archivo desde tu dispositivo ({{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(también puedes arrastrarlos al editor para subirlos)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(también puedes arrastrar o pegar imágenes en el editor para subirlas)"
uploading: "Subiendo"
@ -818,10 +820,10 @@ es:
title: "Seguir"
description: "Un contador de posts nuevos posts y posts sin ser leídos aparecerá en seguida del tema. Serás notificado si alguien menciona tu @nombre o responde a un post tuyo."
title: "Habitual"
title: "Normal"
description: "Serás notificado si alguien menciona tu @nombre o responde a un post tuyo."
title: "Habitual"
title: "Normal"
description: "Serás notificado si alguien menciona tu @nombre o responde a un post tuyo en el mensaje privado."
title: "Silenciar"
@ -884,6 +886,7 @@ es:
one: "1 post"
other: "{{count}} posts"
cancel: "Quitar filtro"
title: "Mover a un tema nuevo"
action: "mover a un tema nuevo"
@ -1165,13 +1168,14 @@ es:
title: "Seguir"
description: "Seguirás automáticamente todos los nuevos temas en estas categorías. Se añadirá un contador de posts nuevos y sin leer al lado del tema."
title: "Habitual"
title: "Normal"
description: "Serás notificado si alguien menciona tu @nombre o responde a un post tuyo."
title: "Silenciadas"
description: "No se te notificará de nuevos temas en estas categorías y no aparecerán en la pestaña de no leídos."
title: '¿Por qué estas reportando de forma privada este post?'
title: '¡Gracias por ayudar a mantener una comunidad civilizada!'
private_reminder: 'los reportes son privados, son visibles <b>únicamente</b> por los administradores'
action: 'Reportar post'
take_action: "Tomar medidas"
notify_action: 'Mensaje privado'
@ -1183,14 +1187,18 @@ es:
submit_tooltip: "Enviar el reporte privado"
take_action_tooltip: "Alcanzar el umbral de reportes inmediatamente, en vez de esperar a más reportes de la comunidad"
cant: "Lo sentimos, no puedes reportar este post en este momento."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "¿Por qué este post requiere hablarle a este usuario directamente y por privado? Sé específico, constructivo y siempre amable."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "¿Por qué este post requiere la atención de un moderador? Haznos saber qué te preocupa específicamente y añade los enlaces relevantes dónde sea posible."
off_topic: "Está fuera de lugar"
inappropriate: "Es inapropiado"
spam: "Es Spam"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Sé específico, constructivo y siempre amable."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Haznos saber qué te preocupa específicamente y, siempre que sea posible, añade enlaces y ejemplos relevantes."
at_least: "introduce al menos {{n}} caracteres"
more: "{{n}} para ir..."
left: "{{n}} restantes"
title: "¿Por qué estás reportando en privado este tema?"
title: "¡Gracias por ayudar a mantener una comunidad civilizada!"
action: "Reportar tema"
notify_action: "Mensaje privado"
@ -1349,6 +1357,11 @@ es:
7_days_ago: "Hace 7 días"
30_days_ago: "Hace 30 días"
all: "Todo"
view_table: "tabla"
view_chart: "gráfico de barras"
refresh_report: "Actualizar reporte"
start_date: "Desde fecha"
end_date: "Hasta fecha"
latest_changes: "Cambios recientes: ¡actualiza a menudo!"
by: "por"
@ -1503,10 +1516,9 @@ es:
title: "Personalizar"
long_title: "Personalizaciones del sitio"
css: "CSS"
header: "Encabezado"
css: "Hoja de estilo"
mobile_header: "Encabezado móvil"
mobile_css: "Hoja de estilo móvil"
footer: "Pie de página"
override_default: "No incluir hoja de estilo estándar"
enabled: "¿Activado?"
preview: "vista previa"
@ -1589,7 +1601,7 @@ es:
sent_test: "enviado!"
delivery_method: "Método de entrega"
preview_digest: "Vista previa de Resumen"
preview_digest_desc: "Esta es una herramienta para previsualizar el contenido de los emails de resumen enviados desde tu foro."
preview_digest_desc: "Previsualiza el contenido de los emails de resumen semanal enviados a usuarios inactivos."
refresh: "Actualizar"
format: "Formato"
html: "html"
@ -1651,6 +1663,7 @@ es:
check_email: "comprobar e-mail"
delete_topic: "eliminar tema"
delete_post: "eliminar post"
impersonate: "impersonar"
title: "Correos bloqueados"
description: "Cuando alguien trata de crear una cuenta nueva, los siguientes correos serán revisados y el registro será bloqueado, o alguna otra acción será realizada."
@ -1685,6 +1698,7 @@ es:
last_emailed: "Último email enviado"
not_found: "Lo sentimos, ese usuario no existe."
active: "Activo"
show_emails: "Mostrat emails"
new: "Nuevo"
active: "Activo"
@ -1994,6 +2008,7 @@ es:
title: 'Acciones'
star: '<b>f</b> Añadir tema a favoritos'
pin_unpin_topic: '<b>shift p</b> Destacar/No destacar tema'
share_topic: '<b>shift s</b> Compartir tema'
share_post: '<b>s</b> Compartir post'
reply_as_new_topic: '<b>t</b> Responder como un tema enlazado.'

View File

@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ fi:
location_not_found: (tuntematon)
organisation: Yritys
phone: Puhelin
other_accounts: Muut tilit samasta IP osoitteesta
no_other_accounts: (ei mitään)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -337,7 +336,6 @@ fi:
title: "Sähköposti"
instructions: "Ei tule julkiseksi."
ok: "Hyvältä näyttää. Lähetämme sinulle sähköpostin varmistukseksi."
invalid: "Ole hyvä ja anna toimiva sähköpostiosoite."
authenticated: "{{provider}} on todentanut sähköpostisi."
frequency: "Lähetämme sähköpostia vain aiheista, joita et ole nähnyt, ja kun emme ole nähneet sinua viime aikoina."
@ -586,8 +584,6 @@ fi:
reply_here: "Vastaa tänne"
reply: "Vastaa"
cancel: "Peruuta"
create_topic: "Luo uusi ketju"
create_pm: "Luo uusi yksityisviesti"
title: "Tai paina Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Lisää käyttäjä"
title_placeholder: "Kuvaile lyhyesti mistä tässä ketjussa on kyse?"
@ -658,10 +654,7 @@ fi:
title_with_attachments: "Lisää kuva tai tidosto"
from_my_computer: "Tästä laitteesta"
from_the_web: "Netistä"
remote_tip: "linkki kuvaan http://esimerkki.fi/kuva.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "linkki kuvaan tai tiedostoon http://esimerkki.fi/tiedosto.txt (sallitut tiedostopäätteet: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "Klikkaa tästä ladataksesi kuvan laitteeltasi"
local_tip_with_attachments: "klikkaa valitaksesi kuvan tai tiedoston laitteeltasi (sallitut tiedostopäätteet: {{authorized_extensions}})."
hint: "(voit myös raahata ne editoriin ladataksesi ne sivustolle)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(voit myös raahata tai liittää kuvia editoriin ladataksesi ne sivustolle)"
uploading: "Lähettää"
@ -728,7 +721,6 @@ fi:
top: "Huippuketjuja ei ole enempää."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} viestiä ketjussa"
create: 'Luo ketju'
create_long: 'Luo uusi ketju'
private_message: 'Luo yksityisviesti'
list: 'Ketjut'
@ -1122,7 +1114,6 @@ fi:
general: 'Yleistä'
settings: 'Asetukset'
delete: 'Poista alue'
create: 'Luo alue'
save: 'Tallenna alue'
creation_error: Alueen luonnissa tapahtui virhe.
save_error: Alueen tallennuksessa tapahtui virhe.
@ -1173,7 +1164,6 @@ fi:
title: "Vaimennettu"
description: "Et saa imoituksia uusista viesteistä näillä alueilla, eivätkä ne näy Lukemattomat-välilehdellä"
title: 'Miksi haluat liputtaa tämän viestin?'
action: 'Liputa viesti'
take_action: "Ryhdy toimiin"
notify_action: 'Yksityisviesti'
@ -1185,14 +1175,11 @@ fi:
submit_tooltip: "Toimita lippu"
take_action_tooltip: "Saavuta liputusraja välittömästi, ennemmin kuin odota muidenkin käyttäjien liputuksia."
cant: "Pahoittelut, et pysty liputtamaan tätä viestiä tällä hetkellä."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Miksi tässä viestissä edellyttää sinua lähettämään yksityisviestin suoraan käyttäjälle? Esitä asiasi ymmärrettävästi, ole rakentava ja kohtelias."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Miksi tässä viestissä edellyttää valvojan toimia? Kirjoita ymmärrettävästi ja lisää viestiin oleelliset linkit jos mahdollista."
at_least: "kirjoita vähintään {{n}} merkkiä"
more: "vielä {{n}}..."
left: "{{n}} jäljellä"
title: "Miksi liputat tämän ketjun?"
action: "Liputa ketju"
notify_action: "Yksityisviesti"
@ -1506,9 +1493,6 @@ fi:
title: "Mukauta"
long_title: "Sivuston mukautukset"
header: "Header"
css: "Tyylitiedosto"
mobile_header: "Mobiili header"
mobile_css: "Mobiili tyylitiedosto"
override_default: "Älä sisällytä oletus-tyylitiedostoa"
enabled: "Otettu käyttöön?"
preview: "esikatselu"
@ -1591,7 +1575,6 @@ fi:
sent_test: "lähetetty!"
delivery_method: "Lähetystapa"
preview_digest: "Esikatsele tiivistelmä"
preview_digest_desc: "Tällä työkalulla voi esikatsella palstan lähettämien sähköpostitiivistelmien sisältöä."
refresh: "Päivitä"
format: "Muotoilu"
html: "html"

View File

@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ fr:
location_not_found: (inconnu)
organisation: Société
phone: Téléphone
other_accounts: Autres comptes utilisant cette adresse IP
no_other_accounts: (aucun)
said: "{{username}} :"
@ -338,7 +337,7 @@ fr:
title: "Courriel"
instructions: "Ne sera jamais visible publiquement."
ok: "Cela semble correct. Un courriel de confirmation sera envoyé."
ok: "On vous envoie un mail pour confirmer."
invalid: "Merci de saisir une adresse de courriel valide."
authenticated: "Votre adresse de courriel a été authentifiée par {{provider}}."
frequency: "Nous vous envoyons des courriels contenant uniquement des informations que vous n'avez pas déjà vues lors d'une précédente connexion."
@ -587,8 +586,6 @@ fr:
reply_here: "Répondre ici"
reply: "Répondre"
cancel: "Annuler"
create_topic: "Créer votre sujet"
create_pm: "Créer un Message Privé"
title: "ou appuyez sur Ctrl+Entrée"
users_placeholder: "Ajouter un utilisateur"
title_placeholder: "Quel est votre sujet en une phrase descriptive ?"
@ -659,10 +656,7 @@ fr:
title_with_attachments: "Ajouter une image ou un fichier"
from_my_computer: "Depuis mon appareil"
from_the_web: "Depuis le web"
remote_tip: "Lien vers l'image http://monsite.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "lien vers l'image ou le fichier http://monsite.com/fichier.txt (extensions autorisées : {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "cliquez pour sélectionner une image depuis votre ordinateur"
local_tip_with_attachments: "Cliquez pour sélectionner une image ou un fichier depuis votre ordinateur (extensions autorisées : {{authorized_extensions}})."
hint: "(vous pouvez également faire un glisser-déposer dans l'éditeur pour les télécharger)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(vous pouvez aussi glisser et déposer ou coller des images dans l'éditeur pour les envoyer) "
uploading: "Fichier en cours d'envoi"
@ -733,7 +727,6 @@ fr:
top: "Il n'y a plus de meilleurs sujets."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} messages sur ce sujet"
create: 'Créer votre sujet'
create_long: 'Créer un nouveau sujet'
private_message: 'Commencer un message privé'
list: 'Sujets'
@ -1128,7 +1121,6 @@ fr:
general: 'Général'
settings: 'Paramètres'
delete: 'Supprimer la catégorie'
create: 'Créer une catégorie'
save: 'Enregistrer la catégorie'
creation_error: Il y a eu une erreur lors de la création de la catégorie.
save_error: Il y a eu une erreur lors de la sauvegarde de la catégorie.
@ -1179,7 +1171,6 @@ fr:
title: "Silencieux"
description: "Vous ne recevrez aucune notification sur les sujets de ces catégories, et ils n'apparaîtront pas dans votre onglet \"non-lus\"."
title: 'Pourquoi signalez vous secrètement ce message ?'
action: 'Signaler ce message'
take_action: "Signaler"
notify_action: 'Message privé'
@ -1195,14 +1186,11 @@ fr:
off_topic: "C'est hors-sujet"
inappropriate: "C'est inapproprié"
spam: "C'est un pourriel"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Pour quelles raisons ce message nécessite que vous contactiez cet utilisateur par messagerie privée ? Soyez précis, constructif et toujours aimable."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Pourquoi ce message requière-t-il l'attention des modérateurs ? Dites-nous ce qui vous dérange spécifiquement, et fournissez des liens pertinents si possible."
at_least: "saisir au moins {{n}} caractères"
more: "{{n}} restants..."
left: "{{n}} restants"
title: "Pourquoi signalez-vous secrètement ce sujet ?"
action: "Signaler Sujet"
notify_action: "Message privé"
@ -1520,10 +1508,9 @@ fr:
title: "Personnaliser"
long_title: "Personnalisation du site"
css: "CSS"
header: "En-tête"
css: "Feuille de style"
mobile_header: "Entête Mobile"
mobile_css: "Feuille de style Mobile"
footer: "Pied de page"
override_default: "Ne pas inclure la feuille de style par défaut"
enabled: "Activé ?"
preview: "prévisualiser"
@ -1606,7 +1593,6 @@ fr:
sent_test: "Envoyé !"
delivery_method: "Méthode d'envoi"
preview_digest: "Prévisualisation du courriel"
preview_digest_desc: "Ceci est un outil pour prévisualiser le contenu du courriel envoyé depuis votre forum."
refresh: "Rafraîchir"
format: "Format"
html: "html"
@ -1668,6 +1654,7 @@ fr:
check_email: "vérifier l'adresse courriel"
delete_topic: "Supprimer le sujet"
delete_post: "supprimer le message"
impersonate: "incarner"
title: "Courriels affichés"
description: "Lorsque quelqu'un essaye de créé un nouveau compte, les adresses de courriel suivantes seront vérifiées et l'inscription sera bloquée, ou une autre action sera réalisée."

View File

@ -246,10 +246,9 @@ he:
location_not_found: (לא ידוע)
organisation: ארגון
phone: טלפון
other_accounts: חשבונות אחרים עם כתובת IP זהה
no_other_accounts: (ללא)
said: "{{שם משתמש/ת}}:"
said: "{{username}}:"
profile: "פרופיל"
mute: "השתק"
edit: "ערוך העדפות"
@ -277,6 +276,7 @@ he:
admin_tooltip: "משתמש זה הינו מנהל מערכת (Admin)"
suspended_notice: "המשתמש הזה מושעה עד לתאריך: {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "הסיבה: "
github_profile: "גיטהאב"
mailing_list_mode: "קבלו דוא\"ל על כל פרסום חדש (אלא אם כן השתקתם את הנושא או את הקטגוריה)"
watched_categories: "נצפה"
watched_categories_instructions: "את/ה אוטומטית תצפו בכל הנושאים החדשים בקטגוריות האלה. תקבלו התראות על כל ההודעות והנושאים החדשים, ובנוסף, כמות ההודעות שלא נקראו יופיעו לצד כל נושא."
@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ he:
title: "דואר אלקטרוני"
instructions: "לעולם לא מוצג לציבור."
ok: "נראה טוב, נשלח לך דואר אלקטרוני לאישור."
invalid: "בבקשה הכנס כתובת דואר אלקטרוני חוקית"
authenticated: "כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך אושרה על ידי {{provider}}."
frequency: "נשלח לך דואר אלקטרוני רק אם לא ראינו אותך לאחרונה ועדיין לא ראית את מה שאנחנו רוצים לשלוח"
@ -586,8 +585,6 @@ he:
reply_here: "תגובה כאן"
reply: "תגובה"
cancel: "ביטול"
create_topic: "יצירת נושא"
create_pm: "יצירת הודעה פרטית"
title: "או לחץ Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "הוספת משתמש"
title_placeholder: " במשפט אחד, במה עוסק הדיון הזה?"
@ -658,10 +655,7 @@ he:
title_with_attachments: "הוספת תמונה או קובץ"
from_my_computer: "מהמחשב שלי"
from_the_web: "מהאינטרנט"
remote_tip: "קישור לתמונה http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "קישור לתמונה או קובץ http://example.com/file.ext (סיומות מותרות: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "לחץ לבחירת תמונה מהמכשיר שלך"
local_tip_with_attachments: "לחץ לבחירת תמונה או קובץ מהמכשיר שלך (סיומות מותרות: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(ניתן גם לגרור לעורך להעלאה)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(אתה יכול גם לעשות drag and drop או להדביק תמונות אל תוך העורך כדי להעלות אותן)"
uploading: "מעלה"
@ -728,7 +722,6 @@ he:
top: "אין עוד נושאים מובילים."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} הודעות בנושא"
create: 'יצירת נושא'
create_long: 'יצירת נושא חדש'
private_message: 'התחלת הודעה פרטית'
list: 'נושאים'
@ -886,6 +879,7 @@ he:
one: "הודעה אחת"
other: "{{count}} הודעות"
cancel: "הסרת הסינון"
title: "העבר לנושא חדש"
action: "העבר לנושא חדש"
@ -1122,7 +1116,6 @@ he:
general: 'כללי'
settings: 'הגדרות'
delete: 'מחק קטגוריה'
create: 'צור קטגוריה'
save: 'שמור קטגוריה'
creation_error: ארעה שגיאה במהלך יצירת הקטגוריה הזו.
save_error: ארעה שגיאה בשמירת הקטגוריה הזו
@ -1173,7 +1166,6 @@ he:
title: "מושתק"
description: "לא תקבל התראות בנוגע לנושאים חדשים בקטגוריות האלה, והם לא יופיעו בלשונית ה\"לא נקראו\" שלך."
title: 'מדוע את/ה מסמנים את הנושא באופן פרטי?'
action: 'סימון פרסום'
take_action: "בצע פעולה"
notify_action: 'הודעה פרטית'
@ -1185,14 +1177,15 @@ he:
submit_tooltip: "שידור הסימון כ \"פרטי\""
take_action_tooltip: "הגעה באופן מיידי למספר הסימונים האפשרי, במקום להמתין לסימונים נוספים מן הקהילה"
cant: "סליחה, לא ניתן לסמן הודעה זו כרגע."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "מדוע ההודעה הזו דורשת ממך לדבר עם משתמש זה ישירות ובפרטיות? היה ספציפי, בונה, ותמיד אדיב."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "מדוע הודעה זו דורשת תשומת לב של מנהל? ספר לנו באופן ספציפי מה מטריד לגבי זה וצרף קישורים רלוונטיים כשניתן."
off_topic: "מחוץ לנושא"
inappropriate: "לא ראוי"
spam: "זהו ספאם"
at_least: "הזן לפחות {{n}} תווים"
more: "{{n}} נשארו..."
left: "{{n}} נותרו"
title: "מדוע את/ה מסמנים את נושא זה באופן פרטי?"
action: "סימון נושא"
notify_action: "הודעה פרטית"
@ -1351,6 +1344,11 @@ he:
7_days_ago: "לפני שבעה ימים"
30_days_ago: "לפני 30 ימים"
all: "הכל"
view_table: "טבלא"
view_chart: "תרשים בר"
refresh_report: "רענון דו\"ח"
start_date: "תאריך התחלה"
end_date: "תאריך סיום"
latest_changes: "שינויים אחרונים: בבקשה עדכן תכופות!"
by: "על ידי"
@ -1506,9 +1504,6 @@ he:
title: "התאם אישית"
long_title: "התאמה של האתר"
header: "כותרת"
css: "Stylesheet"
mobile_header: "כותרת סלולרית"
mobile_css: "Stylesheet סלולרי"
override_default: "אל תכלול את ה-Stylesheet הסטנדרטי"
enabled: "מאופשר?"
preview: "תצוגה מקדימה"
@ -1591,7 +1586,6 @@ he:
sent_test: "נשלח!"
delivery_method: "שיטת העברה"
preview_digest: "תצוגה מקדימה של סיכום"
preview_digest_desc: "זה כלי לתצוגה מקדימה של תוכן של הודעת הסיכום הנשלחות בדואר אלקטרוני מהפורום."
refresh: "רענן"
format: "פורמט"
html: "html"
@ -1687,6 +1681,7 @@ he:
last_emailed: "נשלח בדואר אלקטרוני לאחרונה"
not_found: "סליחה, שם המשתמש הזה אינו קיים במערכת שלנו."
active: "פעיל"
show_emails: "הצגת דוא\"לים"
new: "חדש"
active: "פעיל"

View File

@ -236,8 +236,6 @@ id:
reply_here: "Balas Disini"
reply: "Balas"
cancel: "Batal"
create_topic: "Buat Topik"
create_pm: "Buat Pesan Pribadi"
users_placeholder: "Tambahkan pengguna"
bold_title: "Strong"
italic_title: "Emphasis"

View File

@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ it:
location_not_found: (sconosciuto)
organisation: Organizzazione
phone: Telefono
other_accounts: Altri account con questo indirizzo IP
no_other_accounts: (nessuno)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -277,6 +276,7 @@ it:
admin_tooltip: "Questo utente è un amministratore"
suspended_notice: "Questo utente è sospeso fino al {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Motivo: "
github_profile: "Github"
mailing_list_mode: "Ricevi una email per ogni nuovo messaggio (a meno che tu non ignori l'argomento o la categoria)"
watched_categories: "Osservato"
watched_categories_instructions: "Osserverai automaticamente tutti i nuovi argomenti in queste categorie. Riceverai notifiche su tutti i nuovi messaggi e argomenti. Inoltre, accanto all'elenco degli argomenti apparirà il conteggio dei messaggi non letti e di quelli nuovi."
@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ it:
deleted_yourself: "Il tuo account è stato eliminato con successo."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "Non puoi eliminare il tuo account in questo momento. Contatta un amministratore e chiedigli di cancellarlo per te."
unread_message_count: "Messaggi"
admin_delete: "Cancella"
flags_given: "segnalazioni utili"
flagged_posts: "messaggi segnalati"
@ -337,12 +338,13 @@ it:
title: "Email"
instructions: "Mai mostrato pubblicamente."
ok: "Tutto a posto! Ti manderemo una email di conferma."
ok: "Ti invieremo una email di conferma."
invalid: "Inserisci un indirizzo email valido."
authenticated: "{{provider}} ha autenticato la tua email."
frequency: "Ti invieremo mail solo se è un po' che non ti si vede; le email riguarderanno solo le conversazioni che non hai letto."
title: "Nome"
instructions: "Nome completo (facoltativo)."
too_short: "Il nome è troppo breve."
ok: "Il nome è adeguato."
@ -510,6 +512,7 @@ it:
created: 'Creato'
created_lowercase: 'creato'
trust_level: 'Livello Esperienza'
search_hint: 'nome utente, email o indirizzo IP'
title: "Crea Nuovo Account"
failed: "Qualcosa non ha funzionato. Forse questa email è già registrata, prova a usare il link di recupero password"
@ -584,8 +587,6 @@ it:
reply_here: "Rispondi Qui"
reply: "Rispondi"
cancel: "Annulla"
create_topic: "Crea Argomento"
create_pm: "Crea Messaggio Privato"
title: "O premi Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Aggiunti un utente"
title_placeholder: "In breve, di cosa tratta questa discussione?"
@ -595,6 +596,7 @@ it:
view_new_post: "Visualizza il tuo nuovo messaggio."
saving: "Salvataggio..."
saved: "Salvato!"
saved_draft: "Hai un messaggio in bozza in sospeso. Seleziona per riprendere la modifica."
uploading: "In caricamento..."
show_preview: 'visualizza anteprima &raquo;'
hide_preview: '&laquo; nascondi anteprima'
@ -655,10 +657,7 @@ it:
title_with_attachments: "Aggiungi un'immagine o un file"
from_my_computer: "Dal mio dispositivo"
from_the_web: "Dal web"
remote_tip: "collegamento all'immagine http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "collegamento all'immagine o al file http://example.com/file.ext (estensioni permesse: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "clicca per selezionare un'immagine dal tuo dispositivo"
local_tip_with_attachments: "clicca per selezionare un'immagine o un file dal tuo dispositivo (estensioni permesse: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(puoi anche trascinarle nell'editor per caricarle)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(puoi anche trascinare o incollare immagini nell'editor per caricarle)"
uploading: "In caricamento"
@ -725,7 +724,6 @@ it:
top: "Non ci sono altri argomenti di punta."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} suoi messaggi"
create: 'Crea Argomento'
create_long: 'Crea un nuovo Argomento'
private_message: 'Inizia un messaggio privato'
list: 'Argomenti'
@ -799,6 +797,8 @@ it:
'2_4': 'Riceverai notifiche perché hai pubblicato una risposta a questo argomento.'
'2_2': 'Riceverai notifiche perché stai seguendo questo argomento.'
'2': 'Riceverai notifiche perché <a href="/users/{{username}}/preferences">hai letto questo argomento</a>.'
'1_2': 'Riceverai notifiche se qualcuno menziona il tuo @nome o risponde al tuo messaggio.'
'1': 'Riceverai notifiche se qualcuno menziona il tuo @nome o risponde al tuo messaggio.'
'0_7': 'Stai ignorando tutte le notifiche di questa categoria.'
'0_2': 'Stai ignorando tutte le notifiche di questo argomento.'
'0': 'Stai ignorando tutte le notifiche di questo argomento.'
@ -881,6 +881,7 @@ it:
one: "1 post"
other: "{{count}} messaggi"
cancel: "Rimuovi filtro"
title: "Sposta in un Nuovo Argomento"
action: "sposta in un nuovo argomento"
@ -915,7 +916,7 @@ it:
select_all: seleziona tutto
deselect_all: deseleziona tutto
one: Hai selezionato 1 post.
one: Hai selezionato <b>1</b> messaggio.
other: Hai selezionato <b>{{count}}</b> messaggi.
reply: "Rispondi a {{link}} da parte di {{replyAvatar}} {{username}}"
@ -1117,7 +1118,6 @@ it:
general: 'Generale'
settings: 'Impostazioni'
delete: 'Elimina Categoria'
create: 'Crea Categoria'
save: 'Salva Categoria'
creation_error: Si è verificato un errore nella creazione della categoria.
save_error: Si è verificato un errore durante il salvataggio della categoria.
@ -1168,7 +1168,6 @@ it:
title: "Ignorato"
description: "Non ti verrà notificato nulla sui nuovi argomenti di queste categorie, e non compariranno nella tua tab dei non letti."
title: 'Perché vuoi contrassegnare questo post?'
action: 'Segnala Messaggio'
take_action: "Procedi"
notify_action: 'Messaggio privato'
@ -1180,14 +1179,15 @@ it:
submit_tooltip: "Invia la segnalazione privata"
take_action_tooltip: "Raggiungi la soglia di segnalazioni immediatamente, piuttosto che aspettare altre segnalazioni della comunità"
cant: "Spiacenti, al momento non puoi segnalare questo messaggio."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Perché questo messaggio ti spinge a contattare l'utente direttamente e privatamente? Sii puntuale e costruttivo e sempre gentile."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Perché questo messaggio richiede l'attenzione dei moderatori? Facci sapere nello specifico cosa ti preoccupa, e fornisci collegamenti pertinenti se possibile."
off_topic: "E' fuori tema"
inappropriate: "È inappropriato"
spam: "E' Spam"
at_least: "inserisci almeno {{n}} caratteri"
more: "{{n}} alla fine..."
left: "{{n}} rimanenti"
title: "Perché vuoi contrassegnare questo argomento?"
action: "Segnala Argomento"
notify_action: "Messaggio privato"
@ -1346,6 +1346,11 @@ it:
7_days_ago: "7 Giorni Fa"
30_days_ago: "30 Giorni Fa"
all: "Tutti"
view_table: "tabella"
view_chart: "grafico a barre"
refresh_report: "Aggiorna Rapporto"
start_date: "Data Inizio"
end_date: "Data Fine"
latest_changes: "Ultime modifiche: per favore aggiorna spesso!"
by: "da"
@ -1501,9 +1506,6 @@ it:
title: "Personalizza"
long_title: "Personalizzazioni Sito"
header: "Intestazione"
css: "Foglio di stile"
mobile_header: "Intestazione Mobile"
mobile_css: "Foglio di stile Mobile"
override_default: "Non includere fogli di stile standard"
enabled: "Attivo?"
preview: "anteprima"
@ -1586,7 +1588,6 @@ it:
sent_test: "inviata!"
delivery_method: "Metodo di consegna"
preview_digest: "Anteprima Riassunto"
preview_digest_desc: "Questo è uno strumento per vedere un'anteprima del contenuto delle email di riassunto inviate dal tuo forum."
refresh: "Aggiorna"
format: "Formato"
html: "html"
@ -1682,6 +1683,7 @@ it:
last_emailed: "Ultima email inviata"
not_found: "Spiacenti, questo nome utente non esiste nel sistema."
active: "Attivo"
show_emails: "Mostre Email"
new: "Nuovi"
active: "Attivi"
@ -1874,7 +1876,7 @@ it:
clear_filter: "Pulisci"
all_results: 'Tutti'
required: 'Obbligatorio'
required: 'Obbligatorie'
basic: 'Di Base'
users: 'Utenti'
posting: 'Pubblicazione'
@ -1923,6 +1925,8 @@ it:
listable: Mostra targhetta sulla pagina pubblica delle targhette
enabled: Attiva targhetta
icon: Icona
image: Immagine
icon_help: "Usa una classe Font Awesome o la URL di un'immagine"
query: Badge Query (SQL)
target_posts: Interroga i messaggi destinazione
auto_revoke: Avvia l'istruzione di revoca giornalmente
@ -1955,6 +1959,8 @@ it:
with_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> in data <span class="time">%{time}</span>
download: "scaricamento"
title: 'Aiuto Ricerca'
title: 'Scorciatoie da tastiera'
@ -2016,6 +2022,7 @@ it:
one: "1 assegnato"
other: "%{count} assegnate"
select_badge_for_title: Scegli una targhetta da usare come titolo
none: "<none>"
name: Per Iniziare
@ -2039,7 +2046,7 @@ it:
description: <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/5">Assegnata</a> inviti
name: Esperto
description: '<a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/6">Concessi</a> i permessi di: ricategorizzare, rinominare, collegamenti seguiti e Lounge'
description: '<a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/6">Concessi</a> i permessi di: ricategorizzare, rinominare, collegamenti seguiti e accesso al Lounge'
name: Leader
description: '<a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/7">Concessi</a> i permessi di: modifica globale, evidenziare, chiudere, archiviare, separare e fondere'
@ -2097,3 +2104,12 @@ it:
name: Lettore
description: Letto tutti i messaggi in un argomento con più di 100 messaggi
google_search: |
<h2>Cerca con Google</h2>
<form action='//google.com/search' id='google-search' onsubmit="document.getElementById('google-query').value = 'site:' + window.location.host + ' ' + document.getElementById('user-query').value; return true;">
<input type="text" id='user-query' value="">
<input type='hidden' id='google-query' name="q">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Google</button>

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ ja:
admin_title: "管理者"
flags_title: "フラグ"
show_more: "もっと見る"
show_help: "ヘルプ"
links: "リンク"
links_lowercase: "リンク"
faq: "よくある質問"
@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ ja:
all_time: "All Time"
last_7_days: "過去7日間"
topic_count: "トピック"
not_logged_in: "ポストをブックマークするには、ログインする必要があります"
created: "このポストをブックマークしました"
@ -217,7 +219,6 @@ ja:
location_not_found: (不明)
organisation: 組織
phone: 電話
other_accounts: 同じIPアドレスを持つアカウント
no_other_accounts: (なし)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -302,7 +303,6 @@ ja:
title: "メールアドレス"
instructions: "Eメールアドレスは外部に公開されません。"
ok: "メールアドレス OK。確認用のメールを送ります。"
invalid: "正しいメールアドレスを入力してください。"
authenticated: "あたなのメールは {{provider}} により認証されました。"
frequency: "メールは、あなたがしばらくの間サイトにログインせず未読トピックが溜まった時のみ送信されます。"
@ -542,8 +542,6 @@ ja:
reply_here: "ここに回答"
reply: "回答"
cancel: "キャンセル"
create_topic: "トピックを作成"
create_pm: "送信"
title: "またはCtrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "ユーザの追加"
title_placeholder: "このディスカッションを簡潔に説明してください。"
@ -604,10 +602,7 @@ ja:
title_with_attachments: "画像/ファイルをアップロード"
from_my_computer: "このデバイスから"
from_the_web: "Web から"
remote_tip: "画像のアドレスを入力してください (例 http://example.com/image.jpg)。"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "画像/ファイルのアドレスを入力してください (例 http://example.com/file.ext) (使用可能な拡張子: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "クリックしてアップロードする画像を選択してください"
local_tip_with_attachments: "クリックしてアップロードする画像/ファイルを選択してください (使用可能な拡張子: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(アップロードする画像をエディタにドラッグ&ドロップすることもできます)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(アップロードする画像をエディタにドラッグ&ドロップまたは貼り付けることもできます)"
uploading: "アップロード中"
@ -673,7 +668,6 @@ ja:
top: "トップトピックはありません。"
filter_to: "トピック内の{{post_count}}個のポストを表示"
create: 'トピックを作成する'
create_long: '新しいトピックの作成'
private_message: 'プライベートメッセージを作成'
list: 'トピック'
@ -1021,7 +1015,6 @@ ja:
general: '一般'
settings: '設定'
delete: 'カテゴリを削除する'
create: 'カテゴリを作成する'
save: 'カテゴリを保存する'
creation_error: カテゴリの作成に失敗しました。
save_error: カテゴリの保存に失敗しました。
@ -1066,7 +1059,6 @@ ja:
title: "ミュート中"
description: "このカテゴリに投稿されたトピックについての通知を受け取りません。また、未読タブにも通知されません。"
title: 'このポストにフラグをつける理由は何ですか?'
action: 'フラグをつける'
take_action: "アクションをする"
notify_action: '通知する'
@ -1075,14 +1067,11 @@ ja:
yes_delete_spammer: "はい、スパマーを削除する"
submit_tooltip: "プライベートフラッグを通知する"
cant: "申し訳ありませんが、現在このポストにフラグを立てることはできません。"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "ポストについて、このユーザに個人的に直接確認する必要がある内容を書いてください。詳細かつ建設的に、そして何よりマナーを守った内容にしてください。"
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "ポストについて、モデレータの確認が必要な理由を書いてください。問題の詳細を書くとともに、可能であれば参照リンクなども加えてください。"
at_least: "少なくとも{{n}}文字入力してください"
more: "あと{{n}}文字..."
left: "残り{{n}}文字"
title: "このトピックにあなたがフラグを立てる理由は何ですか?"
action: "トピックにフラグを立てる"
notify_action: "プライベートメッセージ"
@ -1355,9 +1344,6 @@ ja:
title: "カスタマイズ"
long_title: "サイトのカスタマイズ"
header: "ヘッダ"
css: "スタイルシート"
mobile_header: "モバイル向けヘッダ"
mobile_css: "モバイル向けスタイルシート"
override_default: "標準のスタイルシートを読み込まない"
enabled: "有効にする"
preview: "プレビュー"
@ -1422,7 +1408,6 @@ ja:
sent_test: "送信完了!"
delivery_method: "送信方法"
preview_digest: "ダイジェストのプレビュー"
preview_digest_desc: "フォーラムより送信されるダイジェストメールのプレビューです。"
refresh: "更新"
format: "フォーマット"
html: "html"

View File

@ -223,7 +223,6 @@ ko:
location_not_found: (알수없음)
organisation: 소속
phone: 전화
other_accounts: 이 IP 주소로 접속한 다른 계정
no_other_accounts: (없음)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -254,6 +253,7 @@ ko:
admin_tooltip: "이 사용자는 관리자입니다."
suspended_notice: "이 사용자는 {{date}}까지 접근 금지 되었습니다."
suspended_reason: "이유: "
github_profile: "Github"
mailing_list_mode: "(토픽이나 카테고리의 알림을 끄지 않는 한) 모든 새로운 글에 대해 메일을 받을 수 있습니다."
watched_categories: "지켜보기"
watched_categories_instructions: "이 카테고리들에 있는 모든 새로운 토픽을 지켜봅니다. 새로운 글과 토픽이 작성될 때마다 알림이 오고, 읽지 않은 글과 새로운 글 수가 토픽의 리스트에 나타납니다."
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ ko:
title: "이메일"
instructions: "절대로 공개되지 않습니다."
ok: "완료. 확인 이메일을 보냈습니다."
ok: "당신에게 확인 메일을 보내겠습니다."
invalid: "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력해주세요."
authenticated: "당신의 이메일은 {{provider}}에 의해 인증되었습니다."
frequency: "당신의 활동이 뜸해지거나 저희가 보낸 이메일에 포함된 글들을 읽지 못하셨다면 확인 이메일을 보내드립니다."
@ -559,8 +559,6 @@ ko:
reply_here: "여기에 답글을 작성하세요."
reply: "답글 전송"
cancel: "취소"
create_topic: "토픽 만들기"
create_pm: "개인 메시지를 작성합니다."
title: "혹은 Ctrl + Enter 누름"
users_placeholder: "사용자 추가"
title_placeholder: "이야기 나누고자 하는 내용을 한문장으로 적는다면?"
@ -630,10 +628,7 @@ ko:
title_with_attachments: "이미지 또는 파일 추가하기"
from_my_computer: "컴퓨터에서 가져오기"
from_the_web: "인터넷에서 가져오기"
remote_tip: "http://example.com/image.jpg 형식으로 이미지 주소를 입력"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "http://example.com/file.ext 형식으로 이미지나 파일의 주소를 입력 (사용 가능한 확장자: {{authorized_extensions}})"
local_tip: "내 컴퓨터에서 이미지를 가져오기"
local_tip_with_attachments: "내 컴퓨터에서 이미지나 파일 가져오기 (사용 가능한 확장자: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(드래그&드랍으로 업로드 가능)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(이미지 파일을 드래그&드랍하거나 붙여넣기하여 업로드 할 수 있습니다.)"
uploading: "업로드 중입니다..."
@ -699,7 +694,6 @@ ko:
top: "더 이상 인기 토픽이 없습니다."
filter_to: "이 토픽에서 {{username}}님의 {{post_count}}건의 게시물만 보기"
create: '토픽 만들기'
create_long: '새로운 토픽을 개설'
private_message: '개인 메시지를 작성'
list: '토픽 목록'
@ -846,6 +840,7 @@ ko:
other: "{{count}} 글"
cancel: "필터 제거"
title: "새로운 토픽으로 이동"
action: "새로운 토픽으로 이동"
@ -906,6 +901,7 @@ ko:
edit: "죄송합니다. 게시물을 수정하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하십시오."
upload: "죄송합니다. 파일을 업로드하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하십시오."
attachment_too_large: "업로드하려는 파일의 크기가 너무 큽니다. 최대 크기는 {{max_size_kb}}kb 입니다."
file_too_large: "업로드하시려는 파일이 너무 커요. (최대 허용 파일 크기는 {{max_size_kb}}kb입니다)"
too_many_uploads: "한번에 한 파일만 업로드 하실 수 있습니다."
upload_not_authorized: "업로드 하시려는 파일 확장자는 사용이 불가능합니다 (사용가능 확장자: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "죄송합니다. 새로운 유저는 이미지를 업로드 하실 수 없습니다."
@ -1055,7 +1051,6 @@ ko:
general: '일반'
settings: '설정'
delete: '카테고리 삭제'
create: '카테고리 생성'
save: '카테고리 저장'
creation_error: 카테고리 생성 중 오류가 발생했습니다.
save_error: 카테고리 저장 중 오류가 발생했습니다.
@ -1101,11 +1096,11 @@ ko:
description: "이 카테고리 내의 새로운 토픽들을 추적하도록 자동으로 설정됩니다. 토픽 옆에 읽지 않은 게시글의 수가 표시됩니다."
title: "알림: 일반"
description: "누군가 당신의 @아아디 으로 언급했거나 당신의 글에 답글이 달릴 때 알림을 받게 됩니다."
title: "알림 꺼짐"
description: "이 카테고리의 새로운 토픽에 대한 알림을 받지 않고 읽지 않\x1C은 탭에도 표시하지 않습니다."
title: '게시글을 신고하는 이유를 알려주세요.'
action: '게시물 신고하기'
take_action: "조치를 취하기"
notify_action: '알림'
@ -1117,14 +1112,15 @@ ko:
submit_tooltip: "신고 접수하기"
take_action_tooltip: "커뮤니티의 신고 수가 채워지기 기다리지 않고, 바로 신고 수를 제재 수준까지 채웁니다."
cant: "죄송합니다, 당신은 지금 이 게시물을 신고 할 수 없습니다."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "해당 유저에게 게인 메세지를 보내 이 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "이 게시물을 운영자에게 알리겠습니까? 구체적으로 사용자님께서 걱정하는 것과 가능한 모든 관련된 링크를 제공해주세요."
off_topic: "오프 토픽입니다."
inappropriate: "부적절함"
spam: "스팸입니다"
at_least: "최소한 {{n}}자를 입력하세요"
more: "{{n}} 이동합니다"
left: "{{n}} 나머지"
title: "왜 이 토픽을 신고하시나요?"
action: "신고된 토픽"
notify_action: "비공개 메시지"
@ -1282,6 +1278,11 @@ ko:
7_days_ago: "7일"
30_days_ago: "30일"
all: "전체"
view_table: "테이블"
view_chart: "막대 차트"
refresh_report: "보고서 새로고침"
start_date: "시작일"
end_date: "종료일"
latest_changes: "최근 변경 사항: 자주 업데이트하십시오!"
by: "에 의해"
@ -1432,9 +1433,6 @@ ko:
title: "사용자 지정"
long_title: "사이트 사용자 지정"
header: "헤더"
css: "스타일"
mobile_header: "모바일 헤더"
mobile_css: "모바일 스타일시트"
override_default: "표준 스타일 시트를 포함하지 마십시오"
enabled: "사용가능?"
preview: "미리 보기"
@ -1517,7 +1515,6 @@ ko:
sent_test: "전송됨!"
delivery_method: "전달 방법"
preview_digest: "요약 미리보기"
preview_digest_desc: "포럼에서 전송되는 요약 메일 미리보기 도구"
refresh: "새로고침"
format: "형식"
html: "html"
@ -1613,6 +1610,7 @@ ko:
last_emailed: "마지막 이메일"
not_found: "죄송합니다, 그 이름은 시스템에 존재하지 않습니다."
active: "활동"
show_emails: "이메일 보기"
new: "새로운 사용자"
active: "활성화 사용자"
@ -1747,6 +1745,7 @@ ko:
likes_given: "선사한 '좋아요'"
likes_received: "받은 '좋아요'"
likes_received_days: "받은 '좋아요' : 특정일"
likes_received_users: "받은 좋아요: 순사용자(unique users)"
qualifies: "신뢰 등급 3의 조건에 부합합니다."
does_not_qualify: "신뢰 등급 3의 조건에 부합하지 않습니다."
will_be_promoted: "곧 승급 됩니다."
@ -1763,6 +1762,7 @@ ko:
external_avatar_url: "Avatar URL"
title: "사용자 필드"
help: "사용자가 입력할 수 있는 필드를 추가"
create: "사용자 필드 생성하기"
untitled: "무제"
name: "필드명"
@ -1839,11 +1839,14 @@ ko:
grant: 부여
no_user_badges: "%{name}님은 수여받은 뱃지가 없습니다."
no_badges: 받을 수 있는 뱃지가 없습니다.
none_selected: "시작하려면 뱃지를 선택하세요"
allow_title: 뱃지를 칭호로 사용 가능하도록 허용
multiple_grant: 중복 부여할 수 있도록 허용
listable: 공개 뱃지 페이지에 표시되는 뱃지입니다.
enabled: 뱃지 기능 사용
icon: 아이콘
image: 이미지
icon_help: "Font Awesome class나 이미지 주소를 사용합니다"
query: 뱃지 Query(SQL)
target_posts: 포스트들을 타겟으로 하는 query
auto_revoke: 매일 회수 query를 실행한다.
@ -1876,6 +1879,8 @@ ko:
with_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
download: "download"
title: '검색 도움말'
title: '키보드 단축키'
@ -1934,6 +1939,7 @@ ko:
other: "%{count} 개 부여"
select_badge_for_title: 칭호로 사용할 뱃지를 선택하세요
none: "<없음>"
name: 교육용 훈장
@ -2015,3 +2021,12 @@ ko:
name: 독서가
description: 100개가 넘는 댓글이 달린 토픽의 댓글을 모두 읽었습니다.
google_search: |
<h2>검색 with Google</h2>
<form action='//google.com/search' id='google-search' onsubmit="document.getElementById('google-query').value = 'site:' + window.location.host + ' ' + document.getElementById('user-query').value; return true;">
<input type="text" id='user-query' value="">
<input type='hidden' id='google-query' name="q">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Google</button>

View File

@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ nb_NO:
'2': "Liker mottatt"
'3': "Bokmerker"
'4': "Emner"
'5': "Svar gitt"
'6': "Svar mottatt"
'5': "Innlegg"
'6': "Svar"
'7': "Omtalelser"
'9': "Sitater"
'10': "Favoritter"
@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ nb_NO:
location_not_found: (ukjent)
organisation: Organisasjon
phone: Telefon
other_accounts: Andre kontoer med denne IP-adressen
no_other_accounts: (ingen)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -277,8 +276,9 @@ nb_NO:
admin_tooltip: "Denne brukeren er en administrator"
suspended_notice: "Denne brukeren er bannlyst til {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Begrunnelse:"
github_profile: "Github"
mailing_list_mode: "Motta en e-post for hvert nye innlegg (ved mindre du demper emnet eller kategorien)"
watched_categories: "Fulgt"
watched_categories: "Følger"
watched_categories_instructions: "Du vil automatisk følge alle nye emner i disse kategoriene. Du vil bli varslet om alle nye innlegg og emner samt at antallet uleste og nye innlegg vil vises sammen med emneoppføringen."
tracked_categories: "Sporet"
tracked_categories_instructions: "Du vil automatisk følge alle nye emner i disse kategoriene. Antallet uleste og nye emner vil vises ved siden av emnet."
@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ nb_NO:
deleted_yourself: "Slettingen av din konto har vært vellykket."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "Kontoen din kan ikke slettes akkurat nå. Kontakt en administrator til å slette kontoen for deg."
unread_message_count: "Meldinger"
admin_delete: "Slett"
flags_given: "nyttige rapporteringer"
flagged_posts: "rapporterte innlegg"
@ -330,15 +331,20 @@ nb_NO:
image_is_not_a_square: "Advarsel: Vi har beskåret bildet ditt, det er ikke kvadratisk."
title: "Profilbakgrunn"
instructions: "Profil bakgrunner vil bli sentrert med en standard bredde på 850px"
title: "Profilbakgrunn"
instructions: "Bakgrunnsbilder vil bli sentrert og ha en standard bredde på 590px."
title: "E-post"
instructions: "Vises aldri offentlig"
ok: "Ser bra ut. Vi sender deg en e-post for å bekrefte."
ok: "Vi sender deg en email for å bekrefte"
invalid: "Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig e-postadresse."
authenticated: "Din e-post har blitt autentisert av {{provider}}."
frequency: "Vi sender deg bare en e-post om vi ikke har sett deg nylig og du ikke allerede har sett det vi varsler deg om."
title: "Navn"
instructions: "Ditt fulle navn (valgfritt)."
too_short: "Navnet ditt er for kort."
ok: "Navnet ditt ser bra ut."
@ -366,6 +372,8 @@ nb_NO:
created: "Medlem fra"
log_out: "Logg ut"
location: "Posisjon"
title: "Brukerkort merke"
website: "Nettsted"
email_settings: "E-post"
@ -504,6 +512,7 @@ nb_NO:
created: 'Opprettet'
created_lowercase: 'opprettet'
trust_level: 'Tillitsnivå'
search_hint: 'brukernavn, email eller IP adresse'
title: "Opprett ny konto"
failed: "Noe gikk galt, kanskje denne e-postadressen allerede er registrert. Prøv lenke for glemt passord"
@ -578,8 +587,6 @@ nb_NO:
reply_here: "Svar her"
reply: "Svar"
cancel: "Avbryt"
create_topic: "Opprett emne"
create_pm: "Send privat melding"
title: "Eller trykk Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Legg til en bruker"
title_placeholder: "Oppsummert i en setning, hva handler denne diskusjonen om?"
@ -649,10 +656,7 @@ nb_NO:
title_with_attachments: "Legg til et bilde eller en fil"
from_my_computer: "Fra Min Enhet"
from_the_web: "Fra nettet"
remote_tip: "skriv inn adressen til et bilde, f.eks. http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "lenke til bilde eller fil: http://example.com/file.ext (tillate filtyper: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "klikk for å velge et bilde fra din enhet."
local_tip_with_attachments: "Trykk for å velge et bilde eller fil fra din enhet (tillatte file-endelser: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(du kan også drag & drop inn i editoren for å laste dem opp)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(du kan også drag og drop eller lime inn bilder inn i editoren for å laste dem opp)"
uploading: "Laster opp bilde"
@ -719,7 +723,6 @@ nb_NO:
top: "Det er ingen flere populære emner."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} innlegg i dette emnet."
create: 'Opprett emne'
create_long: 'Opprett et nytt emne'
private_message: 'Start en privat melding'
list: 'Emner'
@ -877,6 +880,7 @@ nb_NO:
one: "1 innlegg"
other: "{{count}} innlegg"
cancel: "Fjern filter"
title: "Del opp Emne"
action: "del opp emne"
@ -1113,7 +1117,6 @@ nb_NO:
general: 'Generellt'
settings: 'Innstillinger'
delete: 'Slett kategori'
create: 'Opprett kategori'
save: 'Lagre Kategori'
creation_error: Det oppstod en feil ved å lage denne kategorien.
save_error: Det oppstod en feil ved lagrinen av denne kategorien.
@ -1164,7 +1167,6 @@ nb_NO:
title: "Dempet"
description: "Du vil ikke bli varslet om noe vedrørende disse emnene i disse kategoriene og de vil ikke vises i din ulest-liste."
title: 'Hvorfor rapporterer du dette innlegget?'
action: 'Rapporter innlegg'
take_action: "Ta Handling"
notify_action: 'Privat melding'
@ -1176,14 +1178,15 @@ nb_NO:
submit_tooltip: "Rapporter privat"
take_action_tooltip: "Oppnå rapporteringsterskel umiddelbart, i stedet for å vente på flere rapporteringer."
cant: "Beklager, du kan ikke rapportere dette innlegget nå."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Hvorfor krever dette innlegget at du snakker til denne brukeren privat og direkte? Vær presis og høfflig."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Hvorfor krever dette innlegget oppmerksomheten til en moderator? La oss vite nøyaktig hva du er bekymret over og del all relevant informasjon og lenker."
off_topic: "Det er off-topic "
inappropriate: "Det er upassende"
spam: "Det er reklame"
at_least: "skriv minst {{n}} bokstaver"
more: "{{n}} igjen..."
left: "{{n}} gjenstående"
title: "Hvorfor rapporterer du dette innlegget?"
action: "Rapporter emne"
notify_action: "Privat melding"
@ -1266,8 +1269,8 @@ nb_NO:
other: "d17f3dd2f82a108995bff08a2571e0ca_tr"
one: "60da5065601d11130790bf316684b472_tr"
other: "6ef788ca58c41ba2efc880c0c0df1382_tr"
one: "1 ny"
other: "{{count}} nye"
lower_title: "ny"
zero: "Nye"
@ -1495,10 +1498,9 @@ nb_NO:
title: "Tilpasse"
long_title: "Nettstedstilpasninger"
css: "CSS"
header: "Header"
css: "Stilark"
mobile_header: "Mobilheader"
mobile_css: "Mobil Stylesheet"
footer: "Footer"
override_default: "Ikke inkluder standard stilark"
enabled: "Aktivert?"
preview: "forhåndsvisning"
@ -1581,7 +1583,6 @@ nb_NO:
sent_test: "sendt!"
delivery_method: "Leveringsmetode"
preview_digest: "Forhåndsvis Oppsummering"
preview_digest_desc: "Dette er et verktøy for å forhåndsvise innholdet i oppsummeringspost sendt fra ditt forum."
refresh: "Refresh"
format: "Format"
html: "html"
@ -1677,6 +1678,7 @@ nb_NO:
last_emailed: "Sist kontaktet"
not_found: "Beklager, det brukernavner eksisterer ikke i systemet vårt."
active: "Aktiv"
show_emails: "Vis email"
new: "Ny"
active: "Aktiv"
@ -1912,6 +1914,7 @@ nb_NO:
grant: Tildel
no_user_badges: "%{name} har ikke blitt tildelt noen merker."
no_badges: Det er ingen merker som kan bli tildelt.
none_selected: "Velg et merke for å komme i gang"
allow_title: Tillat merke å bli benyttet som en tittel
multiple_grant: Kan bli tildelt flere ganger
listable: Vis merket på den offentlige merkesiden
@ -1950,6 +1953,8 @@ nb_NO:
with_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> - <span class="time">%{time}</span>
download: "last ned"
title: 'Søke hjelp'
title: 'Tastatursnarveier'
@ -2011,6 +2016,7 @@ nb_NO:
one: "1 tildelt"
other: "%{count} tildelt"
select_badge_for_title: Velg et merke å bruke som din tittel
none: "<ingen>"
name: Kom i gang
@ -2040,55 +2046,55 @@ nb_NO:
description: <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/7">Innvilget</a> global redigering, fastsetting, lukking, arkivering, splitting og sammenslåing
name: Velkommen
description: Mottok en liker
description: Fått en liker
name: Selvbiograf
description: Fylte ut informasjon om <a href="/my/preferences">brukerprofilen</a>
name: Fint innlegg
description: Mottok 10 liker for et innlegg. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
description: Fått 10 liker for et innlegg. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
name: Bra innlegg
description: Mottok 25 liker for et innlegg. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
description: Fått 25 liker for et innlegg. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
name: Flott Innlegg
description: Mottok 50 liker for et innlegg. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
description: Fått 50 liker for et innlegg. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
name: Fint emne
description: Mottok 10 liker for et emne. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
description: Fått 10 liker for et emne. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
name: Godt emne
description: Mottok 25 liker for et emne. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
description: Fått 25 liker for et emne. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
name: Fantastisk emne
description: Mottok 50 liker for et emne. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
description: Fått 50 liker for et emne. Dette merket kan bli tildelt flere ganger
name: Fin deling
description: Delte et innlegg med 25 unike besøkende
description: Delt et innlegg med 25 unike besøkende
name: God deling
description: Delte et innlegg med 300 unike besøkende
description: Delt et innlegg med 300 unike besøkende
name: Fantastisk Deling
description: Delte et innlegg med 1000 unike besøkende
description: Delt et innlegg med 1000 unike besøkende
name: Første liker
description: Likte et innlegg
description: Likt et innlegg
name: Første rapportering
description: Rapporterte et innlegg
description: Rapportert et innlegg
name: Første deling
description: Delte et innlegg
description: Delt et innlegg
name: Første lenke
description: La til en internlenke til et annet innlegg
description: Link til et eksisterende emne
name: Første sitat
description: Siterte en bruker
description: Sitert en bruker
name: Leste retningslinjene
description: Leste <a href="/guidelines">netsamfunnets retningslinjer</a>
description: Lest <a href="/guidelines">forumets retningslinjer</a>
name: Leser
description: Leste hvert innlegg i et emne med mer enn 100 innlegg

View File

@ -241,7 +241,6 @@ nl:
location_not_found: (onbekend)
organisation: Organisatie
phone: Telefoon
other_accounts: Andere accounts met dit IP-adres
no_other_accounts: (geen)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -326,7 +325,6 @@ nl:
title: "E-mail"
instructions: "Je e-mail adres zal nooit publieklijk zichtbaar zijn."
ok: "Prima. We zullen je een e-mail sturen ter bevestiging."
invalid: "Vul een geldig e-mailadres in."
authenticated: "Je e-mailadres is bevestigd door {{provider}}."
frequency: "We zullen je alleen maar mailen als we je een tijd niet gezien hebben, en als je toevallig hetgeen waarover we je mailen nog niet hebt gezien op onze site."
@ -570,8 +568,6 @@ nl:
reply_here: "Reageer hier"
reply: "Reageer"
cancel: "Annuleer"
create_topic: "Maak topic"
create_pm: "Maak privébericht"
title: "Of druk op Ctrl-Return"
users_placeholder: "Voeg een lid toe"
title_placeholder: "Waar gaat de discussie over in één korte zin?"
@ -632,10 +628,7 @@ nl:
title_with_attachments: "Voeg een afbeelding of bestand toe"
from_my_computer: "Vanaf mijn apparaat"
from_the_web: "Vanaf het web"
remote_tip: "link naar afbeelding http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "vul een url in van een afbeelding of bestand: http://example.com/file.ext (toegestane extensies: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "klik om een afbeelding vanaf je apparaat te selecteren."
local_tip_with_attachments: "klik om een afbeelding of bestand vanaf je apparaat te selecteren (toegestane extensies: {{authorized_extensions}})."
hint: "(je kan afbeeldingen ook slepen in de editor om deze te uploaden)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(je kan ook afbeeldingen hierheen slepen of copy/pasten om ze te uploaden)"
uploading: "Uploaden"
@ -698,7 +691,6 @@ nl:
top: "Er zijn geen top-topics meer."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} berichten in topic"
create: 'Maak topic'
create_long: 'Maak een nieuw topic'
private_message: 'Stuur een privébericht'
list: 'Topics'
@ -1075,7 +1067,6 @@ nl:
general: 'Algemeen'
settings: 'Instellingen'
delete: 'Verwijder categorie'
create: 'Maak categorie'
save: 'Bewaar categorie'
creation_error: Er ging bij het maken van de categorie iets mis.
save_error: Er ging iets mis bij het opslaan van de categorie.
@ -1122,7 +1113,6 @@ nl:
title: "Genegeerd"
title: 'Waarom meld je dit bericht (alleen zichtbaar voor moderatoren en admins)?'
action: 'Meld bericht'
take_action: "Onderneem actie"
notify_action: 'Meld'
@ -1133,14 +1123,11 @@ nl:
hidden_email_address: "(verborgen)"
submit_tooltip: "Verstuur de privé markering"
cant: "Sorry, je kan dit bericht momenteel niet melden."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Wat maakt dat je de schrijver persoonlijk iets wil melden? Wees specifiek, constructief en altijd aardig."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Waarom heeft dit bericht aandacht van een moderator nodig? Laat ons specifiek weten waar je je zorgen om maakt en stuur relevante links mee waar mogelijk."
at_least: "Gebruik ten minste {{n}} tekens"
more: "Nog {{n}} te gaan..."
left: "Nog {{n}}"
title: "Waarom markeer je deze topic (privé)?"
action: "Markeer topic"
notify_action: "Notificeer"
@ -1445,9 +1432,6 @@ nl:
title: "Aanpassingen"
long_title: "Aanpassingen aan de site"
header: "Header"
css: "Stylesheet"
mobile_header: "Mobiele header"
mobile_css: "Mobiele stylesheet"
override_default: "Sluit de standaard stylesheet uit"
enabled: "Ingeschakeld?"
preview: "voorbeeld"
@ -1527,7 +1511,6 @@ nl:
sent_test: "verzonden!"
delivery_method: "Verzendmethode"
preview_digest: "Voorbeeld digestmail"
preview_digest_desc: "Hiermee kun je een voorbeeld van de digest email zien die vanaf het forum wordt verstuurd."
refresh: "Verniew"
format: "Formaat"
html: "html"

View File

@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ pl_PL:
location_not_found: (nieznane)
organisation: Organizacja
phone: Numer telefonu
other_accounts: Inne konta z tym adresem IP
no_other_accounts: (brak)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -361,7 +360,7 @@ pl_PL:
title: "Email"
instructions: "Nie będzie publicznie widoczny."
ok: "Wygląda dobrze. Wyślemy Ci wiadomość do potwierdzenia."
ok: "Otrzymasz potwierdzenie emailem."
invalid: "Podaj poprawny adres email."
authenticated: "Twój adres email został potwierdzony przez {{provider}}."
frequency: "Wyślemy do Ciebie email tylko jeżeli dawno Cię nie widzieliśmy i wyłącznie na temat rzeczy których jeszcze nie widziałeś."
@ -614,8 +613,6 @@ pl_PL:
reply_here: "Odpowiedz tutaj"
reply: "Odpowiedz"
cancel: "Anuluj"
create_topic: "Utwórz temat"
create_pm: "Utwórz prywatną wiadomość"
title: "Lub naciśnij Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Dodaj osobę"
title_placeholder: "O czym jest ta dyskusja w jednym zwartym zdaniu. "
@ -686,10 +683,7 @@ pl_PL:
title_with_attachments: "Dodaj obraz lub plik"
from_my_computer: "Z mojego urządzenia"
from_the_web: "Z Internetu"
remote_tip: "odnośnik do obrazu http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "odnośnik do obrazu lub pliku http://example.com/file.ext (dozwolone rozszerzenia: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "kliknij, aby wybrać obraz z Twojego urządzenia"
local_tip_with_attachments: "kliknij, aby wybrać obraz lub plik z Twojego urządzenia (dozwolone rozszerzenia: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(możesz także upuścić plik z katalogu komputera w okno edytora)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(możesz przeciągnąć lub wkleić obrazy do edytora, aby je wgrać)"
uploading: "Wgrywanie"
@ -759,7 +753,6 @@ pl_PL:
top: "Nie ma już więcej najlepszych tematów."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} wpisów w temacie"
create: 'Utwórz temat'
create_long: 'Utwórz nowy temat'
private_message: 'Napisz Prywatną Wiadomość'
list: 'Tematy'
@ -1187,7 +1180,6 @@ pl_PL:
general: 'Ogólne'
settings: 'Ustawienia'
delete: 'Usuń kategorię'
create: 'Utwórz kategorię'
save: 'Zapisz kategorię'
creation_error: Podczas tworzenia tej kategorii wystąpił błąd.
save_error: Podczas zapisywania tej kategorii wystąpił błąd.
@ -1238,7 +1230,6 @@ pl_PL:
title: "Wyciszone"
description: "Nie będziesz powiadamiany o nowych tematach w tych kategoriach i nie będą się one pojawiać w karcie Nieprzeczytane."
title: 'Dlaczego chcesz oflagować ten wpis?'
action: 'Oflaguj wpis'
take_action: "Podejmij działanie"
notify_action: 'Prywatna wiadomość'
@ -1254,14 +1245,11 @@ pl_PL:
off_topic: "Jest nie-na-temat"
inappropriate: "Jest nieodpowiednie"
spam: "Jest odebrane jako spam"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Dlaczego ten wpis wymaga bezpośredniej, prywatnej rozmowy z tym użytkownikiem? Napisz konkretnie, konstuktywnie i kulturalnie."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Dlaczego ten wpis wymaga uwagi moderatora? Daj nam znać co konkretnie Cię zaniepokoiło i dostarcz nam odpowiednie odnośniki jeśli to możliwe."
at_least: "wprowadź co najmniej {{n}} znaków"
more: "{{n}} aby wysłać…"
left: "{{n}} pozostało"
title: "Dlaczego chcesz zgłosić ten temat?"
action: "Zgłoś temat"
notify_action: "Wyślij prywatną wiadomość"
@ -1384,7 +1372,7 @@ pl_PL:
title: 'Administrator Discourse'
moderator: 'Moderator'
title: "Kokpit"
title: "Raporty"
last_updated: "Ostatnia aktualizacja panelu kontrolnego:"
version: "Wersja"
up_to_date: "Wersja Aktualna!"
@ -1579,10 +1567,9 @@ pl_PL:
title: "Wygląd"
long_title: "Personalizacja strony"
css: "CSS"
header: "Nagłówki"
css: "Arkusz stylów"
mobile_header: "Mobilne nagłówki"
mobile_css: "Mobilny arkusz stylów"
footer: "Stopka"
override_default: "Nie dołączaj standardowego arkusza stylów"
enabled: "Włączone?"
preview: "podgląd"
@ -1665,7 +1652,6 @@ pl_PL:
sent_test: "wysłany!"
delivery_method: "Metoda Dostarczenia"
preview_digest: "Pokaż zestawienie aktywności"
preview_digest_desc: "Narzędzie służące do podglądu treści emaila z zestawieniem aktywności jaki jest wysyłany z twojego forum."
refresh: "Odśwież"
format: "Format"
html: "html"
@ -1727,6 +1713,7 @@ pl_PL:
check_email: "sprawdzenie poczty"
delete_topic: "usunięcie tematu"
delete_post: "usunięcie wpisu"
impersonate: "udawanie użytkownika"
title: "Ekranowane emaile"
description: "Kiedy ktoś próbuje założyć nowe konto, jego adres email zostaje sprawdzony i rejestracja zostaje zablokowana, lub inna akcja jest podejmowana."

View File

@ -239,7 +239,6 @@ pt:
location_not_found: (desconhecido)
organisation: Organização
phone: Telefóne
other_accounts: Outras contas com este endereço IP
no_other_accounts: (nenhum)
profile: "Perfil"
@ -322,7 +321,6 @@ pt:
title: "Fundo de Perfil"
title: "Email"
ok: "Parece OK. Vamos enviar um email para confirmar."
invalid: "Por favor coloque um endereço de email válido."
authenticated: "O seu email foi autenticado por {{provider}}."
frequency: "Vamos enviar-lhe emails apenas quando não o virmos há algum tempo e não tiver visto as coisas que temos enviado."
@ -561,8 +559,6 @@ pt:
reply_here: "Responda Aqui"
reply: "Responder"
cancel: "Cancelar"
create_topic: "Criar um Tópico"
create_pm: "Criar uma Mensagem Particular"
title: "Ou prima Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Adicionar um utilizador"
title_placeholder: "Numa breve frase, de que se trata esta discussão?"
@ -623,10 +619,7 @@ pt:
title_with_attachments: "Adicionar uma imagem ou um ficheiro"
from_my_computer: "Do meu dispositivo "
from_the_web: "Da internet"
remote_tip: "ligação para a imagem http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "link para a imagem ou ficheiro http://example.com/file.ext (extensões permitidas: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "Carregue para selecionar um ficheiro do seu dispositivo"
local_tip_with_attachments: "carregue para selecionar uma imagem ou ficheiro do seu dispositivo (extensões permitidas: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(poderá também arrastar o ficheiro para o editor para fazer o upload)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(também pode arrastar ou colar imagens no editor de forma a carregá-las)"
uploading: "A enviar"
@ -690,7 +683,6 @@ pt:
top: "Não existem mais tópicos populares."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} posts no tópico"
create: 'Criar Tópico'
create_long: 'Criar um novo Tópico'
private_message: 'Começar uma nova conversa privada'
list: 'Tópicos'
@ -1068,7 +1060,6 @@ pt:
general: 'Geral'
settings: 'Configurações'
delete: 'Apagar Categoria'
create: 'Criar Categoria'
save: 'Guardar Categoria'
creation_error: Houve um erro durante a criação da categoria.
save_error: Houve um erro ao guardar a categoria.
@ -1116,7 +1107,6 @@ pt:
title: "Silenciar"
description: "Não será notificado relativamente a nada deste tópico, e não aparecerão no seu separador de não lidos."
title: 'Porque está a denunciar este post em privado?'
action: 'Sinalizar Postagem'
take_action: "Tomar Atitude"
notify_action: 'Mensagem privada'
@ -1126,14 +1116,11 @@ pt:
submit_tooltip: "Submeter a denúncia privada"
take_action_tooltip: "Atingir imediatamente o limite de denúncias, em vez de esperar por mais denúncias da comunidade"
cant: "Desculpe, não é possível colocar uma sinalização neste momento."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Porque esta mensagem requer que fale diretamente e privativamente com este utilizador? Seja específico, construtivo e sempre gentil."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Porque esta mensagem requer atenção do moderador? Diga especificamente como isto te preocupou e forneça links relevantes, se possível."
at_least: "insira pelo menos {{n}} caracteres"
more: "{{n}} em falta..."
left: "{{n}} restantes"
title: "Porque está a denunciar este tópico em privado?"
action: "Denunciar Tópico"
notify_action: "Mensagem privada"
@ -1443,9 +1430,6 @@ pt:
title: "Personalizar"
long_title: "Personalizações do Site"
header: "Cabeçalho"
css: "Stylesheet"
mobile_header: "Cabeçalho Mobile"
mobile_css: "Folha de Estilos Mobile"
override_default: "Sobrepor padrão?"
enabled: "Habilitado?"
preview: "pré-visualização"
@ -1525,7 +1509,6 @@ pt:
sent_test: "enviado!"
delivery_method: "Método de Entrega"
preview_digest: "Pré-vizualizar modo Digest"
preview_digest_desc: "Esta é uma ferramenta para prever o conteúdo dos emails de resumo enviados a partir do seu forum."
refresh: "Atualizar"
format: "Formato"
html: "html"

View File

@ -245,7 +245,6 @@ pt_BR:
location_not_found: (desconhecido)
organisation: Organização
phone: Telefone
other_accounts: Outras contas com esse endereço de IP
no_other_accounts: (nenhum)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -335,12 +334,12 @@ pt_BR:
title: "Email"
instructions: "Não visível publicamente."
ok: "Parece ok. Vamos enviar um email para você confirmar."
invalid: "Por favor, coloque um email válido."
authenticated: "O seu email foi autenticado por {{provider}}."
frequency: "Vamos lhe enviar emails apenas quando não o virmos há algum tempo e você não tiver visto as coisas que temos enviado."
title: "Nome"
instructions: "Nome Completo ( campo opcional )"
too_short: "O seu nome é muito curto."
ok: "O seu nome parece ok."
@ -580,8 +579,6 @@ pt_BR:
reply_here: "Responda aqui"
reply: "Responder"
cancel: "Cancelar"
create_topic: "Criar um tópico"
create_pm: "Criar uma Mensagem Privada"
title: "Ou pressione Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Adicionar um usuário"
title_placeholder: "Sobre o que é esta discussão em uma pequena frase?"
@ -652,10 +649,7 @@ pt_BR:
title_with_attachments: "Adicionar uma imagem ou arquivo"
from_my_computer: "Do meu dispositivo"
from_the_web: "Da internet"
remote_tip: "link para a imagem http://exemplo.com.br/imagem.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "link para a imagem ou arquivo http://exemplo.com.br/arquivo.ext (extensões possíveis: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "clique para selecionar um arquivo do seu dispositivo"
local_tip_with_attachments: "clique para selecionar uma imagem ou arquivo do seu dispositivo (extensões permitidas: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(Você também pode arrastar e soltar para o editor para carregá-las)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(você também pode arrastar e soltar ou colar imagens no editor para carregá-las)"
uploading: "Enviando"
@ -722,7 +716,6 @@ pt_BR:
top: "Não há mais tópicos em alta."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} mensagens no tópico"
create: 'Criar tópico'
create_long: 'Criar um novo tópico'
private_message: 'Começar uma nova conversa privada'
list: 'Tópicos'
@ -1116,7 +1109,6 @@ pt_BR:
general: 'Geral'
settings: 'Configurações'
delete: 'Apagar categoria'
create: 'Criar categoria'
save: 'Salvar categoria'
creation_error: Houve um erro durante a criação da categoria.
save_error: Houve um erro ao salvar a categoria.
@ -1167,7 +1159,6 @@ pt_BR:
title: "Silenciar"
description: "Você não será notificado sobre novos tópicos dessas categorias e eles não vão aparecer na guia de mensagens não lidas."
title: 'Por que você está sinalizando como privada esta mensagem?'
action: 'Sinalizar resposta'
take_action: "Tomar Atitude"
notify_action: 'Mensagem privada'
@ -1179,14 +1170,11 @@ pt_BR:
submit_tooltip: "Enviar uma sinalização privada"
take_action_tooltip: "Atingir o limiar de denuncias imediatamente, ao invés de esperar para mais denuncias da comunidade"
cant: "Desculpe, não é possível colocar uma sinalização neste momento."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Porque esta resposta requer que você fale diretamente e privativamente com este usuário? Seja específico, construtivo e sempre gentil."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Porque esta resposta requer atenção do moderador? Diga especificamente como isto te preocupa e forneça links relevantes se possível."
at_least: "insira pelo menos {{n}} caracteres"
more: "{{n}} em falta..."
left: "{{n}} restantes"
title: "Por que você está sinalizando privativamente este tópico?"
action: "Sinalizar Tópico"
notify_action: "Mensagem privada"
@ -1500,9 +1488,6 @@ pt_BR:
title: "Personalizar"
long_title: "Personalizações do Site"
header: "Cabeçalho"
css: "Stylesheet"
mobile_header: "Cabeçalho Mobile"
mobile_css: "Folha de Estilos Mobile"
override_default: "Sobrepor padrão?"
enabled: "Habilitado?"
preview: "pré-visualização"
@ -1585,7 +1570,6 @@ pt_BR:
sent_test: "enviado!"
delivery_method: "Delivery Method"
preview_digest: "Preview Digest"
preview_digest_desc: "Esta é uma ferramenta para prever o conteúdo dos emails de resumo enviados a partir do seu forum."
refresh: "Atualizar"
format: "Formato"
html: "html"

View File

@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ ru:
location_not_found: (неизвестно)
organisation: Организация
phone: Телефон
other_accounts: Другие учетные записи с этим IP адресом
no_other_accounts: (нет)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -313,6 +312,7 @@ ru:
deleted_yourself: "Ваша учётная запись была успешно удалена."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "Вы не можете сейчас удалить свою учётную запись. Попросите администратора удалить вашу учётную запись."
unread_message_count: "Сообщения"
admin_delete: "Удалить"
flags_given: "полезные жалобы"
flagged_posts: "сообщения с жалобами"
@ -361,7 +361,6 @@ ru:
title: "E-mail"
instructions: "Всегда скрыт от публики."
ok: "Отлично, мы послали вам письмо с инструкциями."
invalid: "Введите корректный адрес электронной почты."
authenticated: "Ваш адрес электронной почты подтвержден через {{provider}}."
frequency: "В случае вашего отсутствия на форуме вы будете получать уведомления, но только о новых сообщениях."
@ -614,8 +613,7 @@ ru:
reply_here: "Ответить в текущей теме"
reply: "Ответить"
cancel: "Отменить"
create_topic: "Создать тему"
create_pm: "Написать личное сообщение"
create_topic: "Новая тема"
title: "Или нажмите Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Добавить пользователя"
title_placeholder: "Название: суть обсуждения коротким предложением"
@ -686,10 +684,8 @@ ru:
title_with_attachments: "Add an image or a file"
from_my_computer: "From my device"
from_the_web: "From the web"
remote_tip: "ссылка на изображение http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "ссылка на изображение или файл http://example.com/file.ext (доступные расширения: {{authorized_extensions}})."
remote_tip: "ссылка на изображение"
local_tip: "кликните для выбора изображения с вашего устройства"
local_tip_with_attachments: "кликните для выбора изображения с вашего устройства (доступные расширения: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(вы так же можете перетащить объект в редактор для его загрузки)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(вы так же можете перетащить или вставить изображения в редактор для загрузки их на сервер)"
uploading: "Загрузка"
@ -757,7 +753,7 @@ ru:
top: "Больше нет обсуждаемых тем."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} сообщений в теме"
create: 'Создать тему'
create: 'Создать Тему'
create_long: 'Создать новую тему'
private_message: 'Написать личное сообщение'
list: 'Темы'
@ -1185,7 +1181,7 @@ ru:
general: 'Общие'
settings: 'Настройки'
delete: 'Удалить раздел'
create: 'Создать раздел'
create: 'Создать Раздел'
save: 'Сохранить раздел'
creation_error: При создании нового раздела возникла ошибка.
save_error: При сохранении раздела возникла ошибка.
@ -1236,7 +1232,6 @@ ru:
title: "Без уведомлений"
description: "Не получать уведомлений о новых темах из этих разделов и не показывать новые темы во вкладке «Непрочитанные»."
title: 'Почему вы хотите пожаловаться на сообщение?'
action: 'Пожаловаться'
take_action: "Принять меры"
notify_action: 'Личное сообщение'
@ -1252,14 +1247,11 @@ ru:
off_topic: "Это не по теме"
inappropriate: "Это неприемлемо"
spam: "Это спам"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Почему это сообщение побудило вас обратиться к этому пользователю напрямую и в частном порядке? Будьте конкретны, будьте конструктивны и всегда доброжелательны."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Почему это сообщение побудило вас обратиться с жалобой к модератору? Сообщите нам конкретно, чем вы обеспокоены и предоставьте соответствующие ссылки, где это возможно."
at_least: "введите как минимум {{n}} символов"
more: "ещё {{n}} символов..."
left: "осталось {{n}} символов"
title: "Почему вы хотите пожаловаться на сообщение?"
action: "Пометить тему"
notify_action: "Личное сообщение"
@ -1583,10 +1575,8 @@ ru:
title: "Оформление"
long_title: "Стили и заголовки"
css: "CSS"
header: "Заголовок"
css: "Таблица стилей"
mobile_header: "Заголовок для мобильных устройств"
mobile_css: "Стиль для мобильных устройств"
override_default: "Не использовать стандартную таблицу стилей"
enabled: "Разрешить?"
preview: "как будет"
@ -1669,7 +1659,6 @@ ru:
sent_test: "отправлено!"
delivery_method: "Метод отправки"
preview_digest: "Просмотр сводки"
preview_digest_desc: "Инструмент для просмотра содержимого сводки, отсылаемой форумом по электронной почте пользователям."
refresh: "Обновить"
format: "Формат"
html: "html"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
@ -133,21 +140,21 @@ sq:
all_time: "Gjithë Kohës"
last_7_days: "7 Ditët e Fundit"
like_count: "Pëlqime"
topic_count: "Topics"
post_count: "Posts"
user_count: "Users"
topic_count: "Tema"
post_count: "Postime"
user_count: "Anëtarët"
not_logged_in: "ju duhet të jeni të identifikuar për të ruajtur temën."
created: "ju ruajtët këtë temë"
not_bookmarked: "e keni lexuar këtë temë; kliko për ta ruajtur"
last_read: "this is the last post you've read; click to bookmark it"
remove: "Remove Bookmark"
remove: "Hiq Preferencën"
one: "{{count}} new or updated topic."
other: "{{count}} new or updated topics."
one: "{{count}} unread topic."
other: "{{count}} unread topics."
one: "{{count}} temë e palexuar."
other: "{{count}} tema të palexuara."
one: "{{count}} new topic."
other: "{{count}} new topics."
@ -164,7 +171,7 @@ sq:
disable: "Disaktivizo"
undo: "Zhbëj"
revert: "Rikthe"
failed: "Failed"
failed: "Dështojë"
close: "Hiq këtë reklamë."
@ -203,7 +210,7 @@ sq:
'1': "Pëlqime të Dhëna"
'2': "Pëlqime të marra"
'3': "Të Preferuarët"
'3': "Të Preferuarat"
'4': "Tema"
'5': "Postime"
'6': "Përgjigje"
@ -239,7 +246,6 @@ sq:
location_not_found: (i panjohur)
organisation: Organizata
phone: Telefoni
other_accounts: Llogari të tjera me këtë adresë IP
no_other_accounts: (asnjë)
said: "{{username}}:"
@ -256,8 +262,8 @@ sq:
invited_by: "Të ftuar nga unë"
trust_level: "Niveli Besimit"
notifications: "Njoftimet"
dismiss_notifications: "Mark all as Read"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Mark all unread notifications as read"
dismiss_notifications: "Shënoj të gjitha si të lexuara"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Shëno njoftimet e palexuara si të lexuara"
disable_jump_reply: "Mos kalo tek postimi i ri pas përgjigjes"
dynamic_favicon: "Shfaq njoftimet e mesazheve përbri ikonës faqes (eksperimentale)"
edit_history_public: "Lejo anëtarët e tjerë të shikojnë redaktimet e mia "
@ -271,24 +277,25 @@ sq:
suspended_notice: "Ky anëtarë është përjashtuar deri më {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Arsyeja:"
github_profile: "Github"
mailing_list_mode: "Receive an email for every new post (unless you mute the topic or category)"
mailing_list_mode: "Merrni email për çdo postim të ri (veç nëse klikoni hesht mbi temën apo kategorin)"
watched_categories: "Shikuar"
watched_categories_instructions: "You will automatically watch all new topics in these categories. You will be notified of all new posts and topics, plus the count of unread and new posts will also appear next to the topic's listing."
tracked_categories: "Gjurmuar"
tracked_categories_instructions: "You will automatically track all new topics in these categories. A count of unread and new posts will appear next to the topic."
muted_categories: "Muted"
muted_categories: "Heshtur"
muted_categories_instructions: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear on your unread tab."
delete_account: "Fshi Llogarin Time"
delete_account_confirm: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone!"
deleted_yourself: "Llogaria juaj u fshi me sukses."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "You cannot delete your account right now. Contact an admin to do delete your account for you."
unread_message_count: "Mesazhet"
admin_delete: "Fshij"
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flagged_posts: "postimet e raportuara"
deleted_posts: "deleted posts"
deleted_posts: "fshi postimet"
suspensions: "pezullimet"
warnings_received: "warnings"
warnings_received: "paralajmërimet"
all: "Të gjithë"
mine: "Mine"
@ -297,7 +304,7 @@ sq:
success: "(email u dërgua)"
in_progress: "(duke dërguar emailin)"
error: "(gabim)"
action: "Send Password Reset Email"
action: "Dërgo email për të rivendosur Fjalëkalimin"
set_password: "Vendos Fjalëkalim"
title: "Ndrysho Rreth Meje"
@ -324,34 +331,34 @@ sq:
image_is_not_a_square: "Vini Re: imazhi është përshtatur, pasi nuk ishte foto katrore."
title: "Sfondi Profilit"
instructions: "Profile backgrounds will be centered and have a default width of 850px."
instructions: "Sfondi profilit do të vendoset në qendër dhe do të ketë një gjerësi prej 850px."
title: "User Card Background"
instructions: "Background images will be centered and have a default width of 590px."
title: "Sfondi për Skedën Anëtarit"
instructions: "Sfondi profilit do të vendoset në qendër dhe do të ketë një gjerësi prej 590px."
title: "Email"
instructions: "Never shown to the public."
ok: "We will email you to confirm."
instructions: "Mos e shfaq në publik."
ok: "Do ju nisim emailin e konfirmimit."
invalid: "Ju lutemi të vendosni një adresë emaili të vlefshme."
authenticated: "Your email has been authenticated by {{provider}}."
authenticated: "Emaili juaj duhet të aprovohet nga {{provider}}."
frequency: "We'll only email you if we haven't seen you recently and you haven't already seen the thing we're emailing you about."
title: "Emri"
instructions: "Your full name (optional)."
instructions: "Emër Mbiemër (fakultativ)."
too_short: "Emri juaj është shumë i shkurtër."
ok: "Emri juaj është i pranueshëm."
title: "Pseudonimi"
instructions: "Unique, no spaces, short."
instructions: "Unik, pa hapësira, i shkurtër."
short_instructions: "Personat mund tu citojnë si @{{username}}."
available: "Pseudonimi është i disponueshëm."
global_match: "Email matches the registered username."
global_mismatch: "Already registered. Try {{suggestion}}?"
not_available: "Not available. Try {{suggestion}}?"
global_mismatch: "Jeni vallë regjistruar më parë. Provo {{suggestion}}?"
not_available: "Nuk është i disponueshëm. Provo {{suggestion}}?"
too_short: "Pseudonimi është shumë i shkurtër."
too_long: "Pseudonimi është shumë i gjatë."
checking: "Duke kontrolluar disponibilitetin e pseudonimit...."
enter_email: 'Username found. Enter matching email.'
enter_email: 'Pseudonimi u gjet. Shkruaj emailin relativ.'
prefilled: "Email matches this registered username."
title: "Gjuha e faqes"
@ -381,11 +388,11 @@ sq:
categories_settings: "Kategoritë"
label: "Konsidero diskutim te ri kur"
not_viewed: "you haven't viewed them yet"
last_here: "created since you were here last"
not_viewed: "ju nuk i keni parë ato ende"
last_here: "krijuar që nga vizita juaj e fundit"
one: "created in the last day"
other: "created in the last {{count}} days"
one: "krijuar në ditën e fundit"
other: "krijuar në {{count}} ditët e fundit"
one: "created in the last week"
other: "created in the last {{count}} weeks"
@ -394,13 +401,13 @@ sq:
never: "asnjëherë"
always: "gjithmon"
one: "after 1 second"
other: "after {{count}} seconds"
one: "pas 1 sekonde"
other: "pas {{count}} sekonda"
one: "after 1 minute"
other: "after {{count}} minutes"
search: "type to search invites..."
search: "shkruaj për të kërkuar ftesat..."
title: "Ftesa"
user: "Anëtarët e Ftuar"
none: "Nuk keni ftuar asnjë deri më tani."
@ -410,19 +417,19 @@ sq:
pending: "Ftesat e Pezulluara"
topics_entered: "Diskutimet e Para"
posts_read_count: "Postimet e Lexuara"
expired: "This invite has expired."
expired: "Kjo ftesa ka skaduar."
rescind: "Hiq"
rescinded: "Ftesa u hoq"
reinvite: "Ridërgo Ftesën"
reinvited: "Invite re-sent"
reinvited: "Ftesa u ri-dërgua"
time_read: "Koha e Leximit"
days_visited: "Days Visited"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
create: "Send an Invite"
none: "You haven't invited anyone here yet. You can send individual invites, or invite a bunch of people at once by <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/send-bulk-invites/16468'>uploading a bulk invite file</a>."
text: "Bulk Invite from File"
uploading: "Uploading..."
none: "Ju nuk keni ftuar askënd deri tani. Mund të dërgoni ftesa individuale ose mund të ftoni një grup personash duke <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/send-bulk-invites/16468'>ngarkuar skedarin</a>."
text: "Skedari për Ftesat në Grup"
uploading: "Duke ngarkuar..."
success: "File uploaded successfully, you will be notified shortly with progress."
error: "There was an error uploading '{{filename}}': {{message}}"
@ -430,7 +437,7 @@ sq:
too_short: "Fjalëkalimi është shumë i shkurër."
common: "Ky fjalëkalim është shumë i përdorur."
ok: "Fjalëkalimi është i pranueshëm."
instructions: "At least %{count} characters."
instructions: "Të paktën %{count} karaktere."
associated_accounts: "Associated accounts"
title: "Adresa IP e Fundit"
@ -580,8 +587,7 @@ sq:
reply_here: "Përgjigju Këtu"
reply: "Përgjigju"
cancel: "Anulo"
create_topic: "Fillo Diskutim"
create_pm: "Dërgo Mesazh Privat"
create_topic: "Temë e Re"
title: "Or press Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Add a user"
title_placeholder: "What is this discussion about in one brief sentence?"
@ -652,10 +658,10 @@ sq:
title_with_attachments: "Shto një imazh ose një skedarë"
from_my_computer: "Nga çdo paisje"
from_the_web: "Nga web"
remote_tip: "lidhja për tek imazhi http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "lidhja tek imazhi ose file http://example.com/file.ext (allowed extensions: {{authorized_extensions}})."
remote_tip: "lidhje tek imazhi"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "lidhje për tek imazhi ose skedari ({{authorized_extensions}})"
local_tip: "kliko për të zgjedhur një file nga paisja juaj"
local_tip_with_attachments: "click to select an image or a file from your device (allowed extensions: {{authorized_extensions}})"
local_tip_with_attachments: "kliko për të zgjedhur një imazh ose një skedar ({{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(you can also drag & drop into the editor to upload them)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(you can also drag and drop or paste images into the editor to upload them)"
uploading: "Duke ngarkaur"
@ -714,15 +720,15 @@ sq:
latest: "Nuk ka më tema së fundmi."
hot: "Nuk ka më tema të populluara."
posted: "Nuk ka më tema të publikuara."
read: "There are no more read topics."
read: "Nuk ka më tema për të lexuar."
new: "Nuk ka më tema të reja."
unread: "Nuk ka më tema të palexuara."
starred: "There are no more starred topics."
category: "There are no more {{category}} topics."
top: "There are no more top topics."
starred: "Nuk ka më tema të preferuara."
category: "Nuk ka me tema nga {{category}}."
top: "Nuk ka më tema të populluara"
filter_to: "{{post_count}} posts in topic"
create: 'Fillo Diskutim'
create: 'Temë e Re'
create_long: 'Fillo një Diskutim të Ri'
private_message: 'Fillo një mesazh privat'
list: 'Tema'
@ -762,8 +768,8 @@ sq:
options: "Opsionet e Temës"
show_links: "show links within this topic"
toggle_information: "toggle topic details"
read_more_in_category: "Want to read more? Browse other topics in {{catLink}} or {{latestLink}}."
read_more: "Want to read more? {{catLink}} or {{latestLink}}."
read_more_in_category: "Dëshironi të lexoni të tjera? Shfleto temat në {{catLink}} ose {{latestLink}}."
read_more: "Dëshironi të lexoni të tjera? {{catLink}} ose {{latestLink}}."
read_more_MF: "There { UNREAD, plural, =0 {} one { is <a href='/unread'>1 unread</a> } other { are <a href='/unread'># unread</a> } } { NEW, plural, =0 {} one { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {is } other{}} <a href='/new'>1 new</a> topic} other { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {are } other{}} <a href='/new'># new</a> topics} } remaining, or {CATEGORY, select, true {browse other topics in {catLink}} false {{latestLink}} other {}}."
browse_all_categories: Browse all categories
view_latest_topics: shiko temat e fundit
@ -910,9 +916,9 @@ sq:
select: 'select'
selected: 'selected ({{count}})'
select_replies: 'select +replies'
delete: delete selected
cancel: cancel selecting
select_all: select all
delete: fshij të zgjedhurin
cancel: anulo selektimin
select_all: zgjidh të gjitha
deselect_all: deselect all
one: You have selected <b>1</b> post.
@ -920,12 +926,12 @@ sq:
reply: "Replying to {{link}} by {{replyAvatar}} {{username}}"
reply_topic: "Përgjigju tek {{link}}"
quote_reply: "quote reply"
quote_reply: "cito përgjigjen"
edit: "Editing {{link}} by {{replyAvatar}} {{username}}"
edit_reason: "Arsyeja:"
post_number: "postimi {{number}}"
in_reply_to: "përgjigju tek"
last_edited_on: "post last edited on"
last_edited_on: "redaktimi fundit u krye me"
reply_as_new_topic: "Reply as linked Topic"
continue_discussion: "Continuing the discussion from {{postLink}}:"
follow_quote: "go to the quoted post"
@ -938,25 +944,25 @@ sq:
one: "1 post hidden"
other: "{{count}} posts hidden"
more_links: "{{count}} more..."
more_links: "{{count}} më shumë..."
unread: "Postimi është i palexuar"
one: "Përgjigju"
other: "Përgjigje"
create: "Sorry, there was an error creating your post. Please try again."
edit: "Sorry, there was an error editing your post. Please try again."
create: "Na vjen keq, por ndodhi një gabim gjatë hapjes së temës. Provojeni përsëri."
edit: "Na vjen keq, ndodhi një gabim gjatë redaktimit të temës. Provojeni përsëri."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
attachment_too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Sorry, you can only upload one file at a time."
attachment_too_large: "Upps, skedari qe po ngarkoni është shume i madh (maksimumi vlerave {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Upps, skedari qe po ngarkoni është shume i madh (vlera maksimale {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Na vjen keq, por ju mund te ngarkoni vetëm një skedar."
upload_not_authorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extension: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sorry, new users can not upload images."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sorry, new users can not upload attachments."
attachment_download_requires_login: "Sorry, you need to be logged in to download attachments."
confirm: "Are you sure you want to abandon your post?"
no_value: "No, keep"
no_value: "Jo, mbaji"
yes_value: "Po, braktise"
via_email: "this post arrived via email"
@ -967,13 +973,13 @@ sq:
reply: "begin composing a reply to this post"
like: "pëlqe këtë postim"
has_liked: "you've liked this post"
undo_like: "undo like"
undo_like: "rikthe pëlqimin"
edit: "redakto këtë postim"
edit_anonymous: "Sorry, but you need to be logged in to edit this post."
flag: "privately flag this post for attention or send a private notification about it"
delete: "fshij këtë postim"
undelete: "rikthe fshirjen e postimit"
share: "share a link to this post"
share: "shpërnda një link tek ky postim"
more: "Më shumë"
@ -982,8 +988,8 @@ sq:
yes_value: "Yes, delete the replies too"
no_value: "Jo, vetëm këtë postim"
admin: "post admin actions"
wiki: "Make Wiki"
unwiki: "Remove Wiki"
wiki: "Bëje Wiki"
unwiki: "Hiqe Wiki"
convert_to_moderator: "Add Staff Color"
revert_to_regular: "Remove Staff Color"
rebake: "Rebuild HTML"
@ -999,7 +1005,7 @@ sq:
inappropriate: "Flag it too"
custom_flag: "Flag it too"
bookmark: "Bookmark it too"
like: "Like it too"
like: "E pëlqejnë"
vote: "Vote for it too"
off_topic: "Undo flag"
@ -1117,7 +1123,7 @@ sq:
general: 'General'
settings: 'Settings'
delete: 'Fshi Kategori'
create: 'Krijo Kategori'
create: 'Kategori e Re'
save: 'Ruaj Kategori'
creation_error: There has been an error during the creation of the category.
save_error: There was an error saving the category.
@ -1168,7 +1174,8 @@ sq:
title: "Muted"
description: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear on your unread tab."
title: 'Why are you privately flagging this post?'
title: 'Faleminderit për ndihmën që i jepni këtij komuniteti!'
private_reminder: 'flags are private, <b>only</b> visible to staff'
action: 'Flag Post'
take_action: "Take Action"
notify_action: 'Private message'
@ -1184,14 +1191,14 @@ sq:
off_topic: "It's Off-Topic"
inappropriate: "It's Inappropriate"
spam: "It's Spam"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Why does this post require you to speak to this user directly and privately? Be specific, be constructive, and always be kind."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Why does this post require moderator attention? Let us know specifically what you are concerned about, and provide relevant links where possible."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Të jeni specifik, konstruktiv dhe gjithmonë të sjellshëm."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Let us know specifically what you are concerned about, and provide relevant links and examples where possible."
at_least: "enter at least {{n}} characters"
at_least: "shkruaj të pakën {{n}} karaktere "
more: "{{n}} shko tek..."
left: "{{n}} remaining"
title: "Why are you privately flagging this topic?"
title: "Faleminderit për ndihmën që i jepni këtij komuniteti!"
action: "Raporto Temën"
notify_action: "Mesazhet Private"
@ -1310,8 +1317,8 @@ sq:
other_periods: "shiko më shumë tema"
browser_update: 'Unfortunately, <a href="http://www.discourse.org/faq/#browser">your browser is too old to work on this site</a>. Please <a href="http://browsehappy.com">upgrade your browser</a>.'
full: "Create / Reply / See"
create_post: "Reply / See"
full: "Krijo / Përgjigju / Shiko"
create_post: "Përgjigju / Shiko"
readonly: "Shiko"
type_to_filter: "shkruaj për kërkim"
@ -1329,7 +1336,7 @@ sq:
no_check_performed: "A check for updates has not been performed. Ensure sidekiq is running."
stale_data: "A check for updates has not been performed lately. Ensure sidekiq is running."
version_check_pending: "Looks like you upgraded recently. Fantastic!"
installed_version: "Installed"
installed_version: "Instaluar"
latest_version: "Të fundit"
problems_found: "Some problems have been found with your installation of Discourse:"
last_checked: "Last checked"
@ -1361,8 +1368,8 @@ sq:
title: "Flags"
old: "Të Vjetër"
active: "Active"
agree: "Agree"
active: "Aktive"
agree: "Pranoj"
agree_title: "Confirm this flag as valid and correct"
agree_flag_modal_title: "Agree and..."
agree_flag_hide_post: "Agree (hide post + send PM)"
@ -1373,22 +1380,22 @@ sq:
agree_flag_title: "Agree with flag and keep the post unchanged"
defer_flag: "Defer"
defer_flag_title: "Remove this flag; it requires no action at this time."
delete: "Delete"
delete: "Fshij"
delete_title: "Delete the post this flag refers to."
delete_post_defer_flag: "Delete post and Defer flag"
delete_post_defer_flag_title: "Delete post; if the first post, delete the topic"
delete_post_agree_flag: "Delete post and Agree with flag"
delete_post_agree_flag_title: "Delete post; if the first post, delete the topic"
delete_flag_modal_title: "Delete and..."
delete_spammer: "Delete Spammer"
delete_spammer: "Elimino Spammer"
delete_spammer_title: "Remove the user and all posts and topics by this user."
disagree_flag_unhide_post: "Disagree (unhide post)"
disagree_flag_unhide_post_title: "Remove any flags from this post and make the post visible again"
disagree_flag: "Disagree"
disagree_flag_title: "Deny this flag as invalid or incorrect"
clear_topic_flags: "Done"
clear_topic_flags: "U krye"
clear_topic_flags_title: "The topic has been investigated and issues have been resolved. Click Done to remove the flags."
more: "(more replies...)"
more: "(më shumë përgjigje...)"
agreed: "agreed"
disagreed: "disagreed"
@ -1396,7 +1403,7 @@ sq:
flagged_by: "Flagged by"
resolved_by: "Resolved by"
took_action: "Took action"
system: "System"
system: "Sistemi"
error: "Something went wrong"
reply_message: "Përgjigju"
no_results: "Nuk ka sinjalizime."
@ -1421,7 +1428,7 @@ sq:
one: "spam"
other: "spam x{{count}}"
primary: "Primary Group"
primary: "Grupi Parësor"
no_primary: "(no primary group)"
title: "Grupet"
edit: "Redakto Grup"
@ -1431,18 +1438,18 @@ sq:
name_placeholder: "Group name, no spaces, same as username rule"
about: "Edit your group membership and names here"
group_members: "Anëtarët e grupit"
delete: "Delete"
delete: "Fshij"
delete_confirm: "Delete this group?"
delete_failed: "Unable to delete group. If this is an automatic group, it cannot be destroyed."
generate_master: "Generate Master API Key"
none: "There are no active API keys right now."
user: "User"
user: "Anëtarë"
title: "API"
key: "API Key"
generate: "Generate"
regenerate: "Regenerate"
revoke: "Revoke"
generate: "Gjenero"
regenerate: "Rigjenero"
revoke: "Revoko"
confirm_regen: "Are you sure you want to replace that API Key with a new one?"
confirm_revoke: "Are you sure you want to revoke that key?"
info_html: "Your API key will allow you to create and update topics using JSON calls."
@ -1468,15 +1475,15 @@ sq:
filename: "Filename"
size: "Size"
text: "Upload"
uploading: "Uploading..."
text: "Ngarko"
uploading: "Duke ngarkuar..."
success: "'{{filename}}' has successfully been uploaded."
error: "There has been an error while uploading '{{filename}}': {{message}}"
is_running: "An operation is currently running..."
failed: "The {{operation}} failed. Please check the logs."
text: "Cancel"
text: "Anulo"
title: "Cancel the current operation"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to cancel the current operation?"
@ -1485,15 +1492,15 @@ sq:
confirm: "Do you want to start a new backup?"
without_uploads: "Yes (do not include files)"
text: "Download"
text: "Shkarko"
title: "Download the backup"
text: "Delete"
text: "Fshij"
title: "Remove the backup"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to destroy this backup?"
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
text: "Restore"
text: "Rikthe"
title: "Restore the backup"
confirm: "Are your sure you want to restore this backup?"
@ -1507,47 +1514,47 @@ sq:
success: "Export has been initiated, you will be notified shortly with progress."
failed: "Export failed. Please check the logs."
title: "Customize"
title: "Personalizo"
long_title: "Site Customizations"
css: "CSS"
header: "Header"
footer: "Footer"
override_default: "Do not include standard style sheet"
enabled: "Enabled?"
preview: "preview"
enabled: "Aktivizuar?"
preview: "shqyrto"
undo_preview: "remove preview"
rescue_preview: "default style"
explain_preview: "See the site with this custom stylesheet"
explain_undo_preview: "Go back to the currently enabled custom stylesheet"
explain_rescue_preview: "See the site with the default stylesheet"
save: "Save"
new: "New"
new_style: "New Style"
delete: "Delete"
save: "Ruaj"
new: "E Re"
new_style: "Stil i Ri"
delete: "Fshij"
delete_confirm: "Delete this customization?"
about: "Modify CSS stylesheets and HTML headers on the site. Add a customization to start."
color: "Color"
opacity: "Opacity"
copy: "Copy"
color: "Ngjyra"
opacity: "Opaciteti"
copy: "Kopjo"
title: "CSS/HTML"
long_title: "CSS and HTML Customizations"
title: "Colors"
title: "Ngjyrat"
long_title: "Color Schemes"
about: "Modify the colors used on the site without writing CSS. Add a scheme to start."
new_name: "New Color Scheme"
copy_name_prefix: "Copy of"
copy_name_prefix: "Kopje e"
delete_confirm: "Delete this color scheme?"
undo: "undo"
undo_title: "Undo your changes to this color since the last time it was saved."
revert: "revert"
revert: "rikthe"
revert_title: "Reset this color to Discourse's default color scheme."
name: 'primary'
name: 'parësor'
description: 'Most text, icons, and borders.'
name: 'secondary'
name: 'dytësor'
description: 'The main background color, and text color of some buttons.'
name: 'tertiary'
@ -1568,7 +1575,7 @@ sq:
name: 'danger'
description: 'Highlight color for actions like deleting posts and topics.'
name: 'success'
name: 'sukses'
description: 'Used to indicate an action was successful.'
name: 'love'
@ -1579,26 +1586,26 @@ sq:
title: "Email"
settings: "Settings"
all: "All"
all: "Të gjithë"
sending_test: "Sending test Email..."
test_error: "There was a problem sending the test email. Please double-check your mail settings, verify that your host is not blocking mail connections, and try again."
sent: "Sent"
sent: "Dërguar"
skipped: "Skipped"
sent_at: "Sent At"
time: "Time"
time: "Koha"
user: "User"
email_type: "Email Type"
to_address: "To Address"
test_email_address: "email address to test"
send_test: "Send Test Email"
sent_test: "sent!"
sent_test: "u dërgua!"
delivery_method: "Delivery Method"
preview_digest: "Preview Digest"
preview_digest_desc: "This is a tool for previewing the content of the digest emails sent from your forum."
refresh: "Refresh"
format: "Format"
preview_digest_desc: "Shqyrto materialin javor që dërgohet në email anëtarëve jo aktivë."
refresh: "Rifresko"
format: "Formati"
html: "html"
text: "text"
text: "tekst"
last_seen_user: "Last Seen User:"
reply_key: "Reply Key"
skipped_reason: "Skip Reason"
@ -1607,24 +1614,24 @@ sq:
title: "Filter"
user_placeholder: "username"
address_placeholder: "name@example.com"
address_placeholder: "emri@shembull.com"
type_placeholder: "digest, signup..."
reply_key_placeholder: "reply key"
skipped_reason_placeholder: "reason"
skipped_reason_placeholder: "arsye"
title: "Logs"
action: "Action"
created_at: "Created"
created_at: "Krijuar"
last_match_at: "Last Matched"
match_count: "Matches"
ip_address: "IP"
topic_id: "Topic ID"
post_id: "Post ID"
delete: 'Fshij'
edit: 'Edit'
edit: 'Redakto'
save: 'Ruaj'
block: "block"
block: "blloko"
do_nothing: "do nothing"
title: "Staff Actions"
@ -1633,14 +1640,14 @@ sq:
staff_user: "Staff User"
target_user: "Target User"
subject: "Subject"
when: "When"
when: "Kur"
context: "Context"
details: "Details"
details: "Detaje"
previous_value: "Previous"
new_value: "New"
new_value: "I Ri"
diff: "Diff"
show: "Show"
modal_title: "Details"
modal_title: "Detaje"
no_previous: "There is no previous value."
deleted: "No new value. The record was deleted."
@ -1662,7 +1669,7 @@ sq:
description: "When someone tries to create a new account, the following email addresses will be checked and the registration will be blocked, or some other action performed."
email: "Email Address"
allow: "Allow"
allow: "Lejo"
title: "Screened URLs"
description: "The URLs listed here were used in posts by users who have been identified as spammers."
@ -1673,13 +1680,13 @@ sq:
description: 'IP addresses that are being watched. Use "Allow" to whitelist IP addresses.'
delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove the rule for %{ip_address}?"
block: "Block"
do_nothing: "Allow"
block: "Blloko"
do_nothing: "Lejo"
allow_admin: "Allow Admin"
label: "New:"
ip_address: "IP address"
add: "Add"
label: "E Re:"
ip_address: "Adresa IP"
add: "Shto"
title: "Error Logs"
@ -1690,12 +1697,12 @@ sq:
create: 'Add Admin User'
last_emailed: "Last Emailed"
not_found: "Sorry, that username doesn't exist in our system."
active: "Active"
active: "Aktivë"
show_emails: "Show Emails"
new: "New"
active: "Active"
pending: "Pending"
active: "Aktiv"
pending: "Pezulluar"
admins: 'Admins'
moderators: 'Mods'
suspended: 'Suspended'
@ -1726,7 +1733,7 @@ sq:
one: "Failed to reject 1 user."
other: "Failed to reject %{count} users."
not_verified: "Not verified"
not_verified: "I pa verifikuar"
title: "Reveal this user's email address"
text: "Shfaq"
@ -1734,40 +1741,40 @@ sq:
suspend_failed: "Something went wrong suspending this user {{error}}"
unsuspend_failed: "Something went wrong unsuspending this user {{error}}"
suspend_duration: "How long will the user be suspended for?"
suspend_duration_units: "(days)"
suspend_duration_units: "(ditë)"
suspend_reason_label: "Why are you suspending? This text <b>will be visible to everyone</b> on this user's profile page, and will be shown to the user when they try to log in. Keep it short."
suspend_reason: "Reason"
suspended_by: "Suspended by"
delete_all_posts: "Delete all posts"
suspend_reason: "Arsye"
suspended_by: "Përjashtuar nga:"
delete_all_posts: "Fshi gjithë postimet"
delete_all_posts_confirm: "You are about to delete %{posts} posts and %{topics} topics. Are you sure?"
suspend: "Suspend"
unsuspend: "Unsuspend"
suspended: "Suspended?"
moderator: "Moderator?"
admin: "Admin?"
blocked: "Blocked?"
blocked: "Bllokuar?"
show_admin_profile: "Admin"
edit_title: "Edit Title"
save_title: "Save Title"
refresh_browsers: "Force browser refresh"
refresh_browsers_message: "Message sent to all clients!"
show_public_profile: "Show Public Profile"
edit_title: "Redakto Titullin"
save_title: "Ruaj Titullin"
refresh_browsers: "Forco rifreskimin e shfletuesit"
refresh_browsers_message: "Mesazhi u dërgua tek të gjithë klientët!"
show_public_profile: "Shfaq Profilin Publik"
impersonate: 'Impersonate'
ip_lookup: "IP Lookup"
log_out: "Dalja"
ip_lookup: "Shiko IP"
log_out: "Dilni"
logged_out: "User was logged out on all devices"
revoke_admin: 'Revoke Admin'
revoke_admin: 'Revoko Admin'
grant_admin: 'Grant Admin'
revoke_moderation: 'Revoke Moderation'
grant_moderation: 'Grant Moderation'
unblock: 'Unblock'
block: 'Block'
block: 'Blloko'
reputation: Reputation
permissions: Permissions
activity: Activity
activity: Aktiviteti
like_count: Likes Given / Received
last_100_days: 'in the last 100 days'
private_topics_count: Private Topics
last_100_days: 'në 100 ditët e fundit'
private_topics_count: Tema Private
posts_read_count: Posts Read
post_count: Posts Created
topics_entered: Topics Viewed
@ -1775,12 +1782,12 @@ sq:
flags_received_count: Flags Received
warnings_received_count: Warnings Received
flags_given_received_count: 'Flags Given / Received'
approve: 'Approve'
approved_by: "approved by"
approve: 'Aprovo'
approved_by: "aprovuar nga"
approve_success: "User approved and email sent with activation instructions."
approve_bulk_success: "Success! All selected users have been approved and notified."
time_read: "Read Time"
delete: "Delete User"
time_read: "Koha e Leximit"
delete: "Fshij Anëtarë"
delete_forbidden_because_staff: "Admins and moderators can't be deleted."
one: "Users can't be deleted if they have posts. Delete all posts before trying to delete a user. (Posts older than %{count} day old can't be deleted.)"
@ -1793,13 +1800,13 @@ sq:
other: "Can't delete all posts because the user has more than %{count} posts. (delete_all_posts_max)"
delete_confirm: "Are you SURE you want to delete this user? This is permanent!"
delete_and_block: "Delete and <b>block</b> this email and IP address"
delete_dont_block: "Delete only"
deleted: "The user was deleted."
delete_dont_block: "Fshij vetëm"
deleted: "Anëtari u fshi."
delete_failed: "There was an error deleting that user. Make sure all posts are deleted before trying to delete the user."
send_activation_email: "Send Activation Email"
send_activation_email: "Dërgo Emailin e Aktivizimit"
activation_email_sent: "An activation email has been sent."
send_activation_email_failed: "There was a problem sending another activation email. %{error}"
activate: "Activate Account"
activate: "Aktivizo Llogarinë"
activate_failed: "There was a problem activating the user."
deactivate_account: "Deactivate Account"
deactivate_failed: "There was a problem deactivating the user."
@ -1818,11 +1825,11 @@ sq:
unlock_trust_level: "Unlock Trust Level"
title: "Requirements for Trust Level 3"
table_title: "In the last 100 days:"
value_heading: "Value"
table_title: "Në 100 ditët e fundit:"
value_heading: "Vlera"
requirement_heading: "Requirement"
visits: "Visits"
days: "days"
visits: "Vizita"
days: "ditë"
topics_replied_to: "Topics Replied To"
topics_viewed: "Topics Viewed"
topics_viewed_all_time: "Topics Viewed (all time)"
@ -1877,11 +1884,11 @@ sq:
title: 'Text Content'
show_overriden: 'Only show overridden'
title: 'Settings'
reset: 'reset'
none: 'none'
no_results: "No results found."
clear_filter: "Clear"
title: 'Rregullimet'
reset: 'reseto'
none: 'asnjë'
no_results: "Nuk u gjet asnjë rezultat."
clear_filter: "Pastro"
all_results: 'All'
required: 'Required'
@ -1889,17 +1896,17 @@ sq:
users: 'Users'
posting: 'Posting'
email: 'Email'
files: 'Files'
files: 'Skedarë'
trust: 'Niveli Besimit'
security: 'Security'
security: 'Sigura'
onebox: "Onebox"
seo: 'SEO'
spam: 'Spam'
rate_limits: 'Rate Limits'
developer: 'Developer'
embedding: "Embedding"
legal: "Legal"
uncategorized: 'Other'
legal: "Legale"
uncategorized: 'Të tjerë'
backups: "Backups"
login: "Idetifikohu"
@ -1908,7 +1915,7 @@ sq:
new: I Ri
name: Emri
badge: Badge
display_name: Display Name
display_name: Emri Shfaqur
description: Description
badge_type: Badge Type
badge_grouping: Grupi
@ -1953,37 +1960,37 @@ sq:
sql_error_header: "There was an error with the query."
error_help: "See the following links for help with badge queries."
header: "WARNING!"
header: "KUJDES!"
text: "There are missing grant samples. This happens when the badge query returns user IDs or post IDs that do not exist. This may cause unexpected results later on - please double-check your query."
zero: "No badges to be assigned."
one: "<b>1</b> badge to be assigned."
other: "<b>%{count}</b> badges to be assigned."
sample: "Sample:"
sample: "Shëmbull:"
with: <span class="username">%{username}</span>
with_post: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link}
with_post_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link} at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
with_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
download: "download"
download: "shkarko"
title: 'Ndihma'
title: 'Keyboard Shortcuts'
title: 'Shkurtimet e Tastierës '
title: 'Jump To'
title: 'Kalo tek'
home: '<b>g</b>, <b>h</b> Home (Latest)'
latest: '<b>g</b>, <b>l</b> Latest'
new: '<b>g</b>, <b>n</b> New'
unread: '<b>g</b>, <b>u</b> Unread'
starred: '<b>g</b>, <b>f</b> Starred'
categories: '<b>g</b>, <b>c</b> Categories'
categories: '<b>g</b>, <b>c</b> Kategoritë'
top: '<b>g</b>, <b>t</b> Top'
title: 'Navigation'
jump: '<b>#</b> Go to post #'
back: '<b>u</b> Back'
title: 'Shfletimi'
jump: '<b>#</b> Shko tek postimi #'
back: '<b>u</b> Mbrapa'
up_down: '<b>k</b>/<b>j</b> Move selection &uarr; &darr;'
open: '<b>o</b> or <b>Enter</b> Open selected topic'
next_prev: '<b>shift j</b>/<b>shift k</b> Next/previous section'
@ -1994,13 +2001,14 @@ sq:
site_map_menu: '<b>=</b> Open site menu'
user_profile_menu: '<b>p</b> Open user menu'
show_incoming_updated_topics: '<b>.</b> Show updated topics'
search: '<b>/</b> Search'
search: '<b>/</b> Kërko'
help: '<b>?</b> Open keyboard help'
dismiss_new_posts: '<b>x</b>, <b>r</b> Dismiss New/Posts'
dismiss_topics: '<b>x</b>, <b>t</b> Dismiss Topics'
title: 'Actions'
star: '<b>f</b> Star topic'
pin_unpin_topic: '<b>shift p</b> Pin/Unpin temën'
share_topic: '<b>shift s</b> Share topic'
share_post: '<b>s</b> Share post'
reply_as_new_topic: '<b>t</b> Reply as linked topic'
@ -2030,12 +2038,12 @@ sq:
one: "1 granted"
other: "%{count} granted"
select_badge_for_title: Select a badge to use as your title
none: "<none>"
none: "<asnjë>"
name: Getting Started
name: Community
name: Komuniteti
name: Trust Level
@ -2092,7 +2100,7 @@ sq:
name: Great Share
description: Shared a post with 1000 unique visitors
name: First Like
name: Pëlqimi i Parë
description: Liked a post
name: First Flag
@ -2104,13 +2112,13 @@ sq:
name: First Link
description: Added an internal link to another topic
name: First Quote
name: Citimi i Parë
description: Quoted a user
name: Read Guidelines
description: Read the <a href="/guidelines">community guidelines</a>
name: Reader
name: Lexues
description: Read every post in a topic with more than 100 posts
google_search: |
<h2>Search with Google</h2>

View File

@ -242,7 +242,6 @@ sv:
location_not_found: (okänd)
organisation: Organisation
phone: Telefon
other_accounts: Andra konton med samma IP-adress
no_other_accounts: (ingen)
profile: "Profil"
@ -329,7 +328,6 @@ sv:
title: "E-post"
instructions: "Visas aldrig publikt"
ok: "Ser bra ut. Vi kommer maila dig för att bekräfta."
invalid: "Vad god ange en giltig e-postadress."
authenticated: "Din e-post har autentiserats av {{provider}}."
frequency: "Vi kommer bara maila dig om vi inte har sett dig nyligen och du inte redan sett det vi mailar dig om."
@ -567,8 +565,6 @@ sv:
reply_here: "Svara Här"
reply: "Svara"
cancel: "Avbryt"
create_topic: "Skapa Tråd"
create_pm: "Skapa Privat Meddelande"
title: "eller tryck Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Lägg till en användare"
title_placeholder: "Vad handlar denna diskussion om i en kort mening?"
@ -631,10 +627,7 @@ sv:
title_with_attachments: "Lägg till en bild eller en fil"
from_my_computer: "Från min enhet"
from_the_web: "Från webben"
remote_tip: "länk till bild http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "länk till bild eller fil http://example.com/file.ext (tillåtna filtyper: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "klicka för att välja en bild från din enhet."
local_tip_with_attachments: "klicka för att välja en bild eller fil från din enhet (tillåtna filtyper: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(du kan också dra & släppa in i redigeraren för att ladda upp dem)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(du kan också dra och släppa eller klistra in bilder i redigeraren för att ladda upp dem)"
uploading: "Laddar upp bild"
@ -696,7 +689,6 @@ sv:
top: "Det finns inga fler topptrådar."
filter_to: "{{post_count}} inlägg i tråd"
create: 'Skapa Tråd'
create_long: 'Skapa en nytt Tråd'
private_message: 'Starta en privat konversation'
list: 'Trådar'
@ -1066,7 +1058,6 @@ sv:
general: 'Allmänt'
settings: 'Inställningar'
delete: 'Radera Kategori'
create: 'Skapa Kategori'
save: 'Spara kategori'
creation_error: Det uppstod ett fel när kategorin skulle skapas.
save_error: Ett fel inträffade då kategorin skulle sparas.
@ -1099,7 +1090,6 @@ sv:
title: "Tystad"
title: 'Varför flaggar du detta inlägg privat?'
action: 'Flagga Inlägg'
take_action: "Åtgärda"
notify_action: 'Privat meddelande'
@ -1107,14 +1097,11 @@ sv:
delete_confirm: "Du håller på att radera <b>%{posts}</b> inlägg och <b>%{topics}</b> trådar från den här användaren, radera hans/hennes konto, blockera IP-adressen <b>%{ip_address}</b>, och lägga till email-adressen <b>%{email}</b> till en permanent blockeringslista. Är du säker på att den här användaren verkligen är en spammare?"
yes_delete_spammer: "Ja, radera spammare"
cant: "Tyvärr, du kan inte flagga detta inlägg just nu."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Varför gör det här inlägget att du behöver tala direkt och privat med den här användaren? Var specifik, var konstruktiv, och var alltid vänlig."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Varför kräver detta inlägg uppmärksamhet från en moderator? Låt oss veta specifikt vad det gäller, med relevanta länkar där det är möjligt."
at_least: "skriv åtminstone {{n}} tecken"
more: "{{n}} fler..."
left: "{{n}} kvar"
title: "Varför flaggar du privat denna tråd?"
action: "Flagga tråd"
notify_action: "Privatmeddelande"
@ -1327,9 +1314,6 @@ sv:
title: "Anpassa"
long_title: "Sidanpassningar"
header: "Sidhuvud"
css: "Stilmall"
mobile_header: "Mobil-header"
mobile_css: "Mobil-stylesheet"
override_default: "Skriv över standard?"
enabled: "Aktiverad?"
preview: "förhandsgranska"
@ -1354,7 +1338,6 @@ sv:
sent_test: "skickat!"
delivery_method: "Leveransmetod"
preview_digest: "Sammandrag"
preview_digest_desc: "Detta är ett verktyg för att förhandsgranska innehållet i email-sammandragen som skickas från ditt forum."
refresh: "Uppdatera"
format: "Format"
html: "html"

View File

@ -170,7 +170,6 @@ uk:
location: Місцеположення
organisation: Організація
phone: Телефон
other_accounts: Інші облікові записи з цією IP адресою
profile: "Профіль"
mute: "Mute"
@ -244,7 +243,6 @@ uk:
title: "Фон Профіля"
title: "Електронна пошта"
ok: "Адресу прийнято. Ми надішлемо Вам листа для підтвердження."
invalid: "Будь ласка, введіть правильну адресу електронної пошти."
authenticated: "Вашу скриньку було автентифіковано {{provider}}."
frequency: "Ми будемо надсилати Вам листи тільки якщо ми Вас останнім часом не бачили і Ви ще не бачили те, про що ми Вам пишемо."
@ -439,8 +437,6 @@ uk:
reply_here: "Відповісти тут"
reply: "Відповісти"
cancel: "Скасувати"
create_topic: "Створити тему"
create_pm: "Створити приватне повідомлення"
title: "Or press Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Додати користувача"
title_placeholder: "Про що це обговорення, у одному короткому реченні?"
@ -491,10 +487,7 @@ uk:
title_with_attachments: "Додати зображення або файл"
from_my_computer: "З мого пристрою"
from_the_web: "З інтернету"
remote_tip: "введіть адресу зображення у вигляді http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "введіть адресу зображення або файлу у вигляді http://example.com/file.ext (дозволені розширення: {{authorized_extensions}})."
local_tip: "натисніть, щоб обрати зображення з Вашого пристрою"
local_tip_with_attachments: "натисніть, щоб обрати зображення або файл з Вашого пристрою (дозволені розширення: {{authorized_extensions}})"
hint: "(Ви також можете перетягувати зображення в редактор, щоб їх завантажити)"
uploading: "Завантаження"
@ -541,7 +534,6 @@ uk:
top: "There are no more top topics."
filter_to: "Показати {{post_count}} дописів в темі"
create: 'Створити тему'
create_long: 'Створити нову тему'
private_message: 'Надіслати приватне повідомлення'
list: 'Теми'
@ -799,7 +791,6 @@ uk:
general: 'Основне'
settings: 'Налаштування'
delete: 'Видалити категорію'
create: 'Створити категорію'
save: 'Зберегти категорію'
creation_error: Під час створення категорії трапилася помилка.
save_error: Під час збереження категорії трапилася помилка.
@ -838,7 +829,6 @@ uk:
title: "Ігноровані"
title: 'Чому Ви приватно скаржитеся на цей допис?'
action: 'Поскаржитися на допис'
take_action: "Вжити заходів"
notify_action: 'Сповістити'
@ -846,14 +836,11 @@ uk:
delete_confirm: "Ви збираєтеся видалити <b>%{posts}</b> дописів і <b>%{topics}</b> тем цього користувача, видалити його обліковий запис, заблокувати реєстрації з його IP-адреси <b>%{ip_address}</b> та додати його електронну скриньку <b>%{email}</b> до чорного списку заблокованих адрес. Ви впевнені, що цей користувач дійсно спамер?"
yes_delete_spammer: "Так, видалити спамера"
cant: "Даруйте, зараз Ви не можете поскаржитися на цей допис."
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Чому цей допис вимагає, щоб Ви звернулися до автора напряму і приватно? Будьте конкретними, будьте конструктивними, і обов'язково - доброзичливими."
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Чому цей допис потребує уваги модератора? Дайте нам знати, що саме Вас занепокоїло, і надайте відповідні посилання, якщо це можливо."
at_least: "введіть принаймні {{n}} символів"
more: "ще {{n}}..."
left: "залишилось {{n}}"
title: "Why are you privately flagging this topic?"
action: "Flag Topic"
notify_action: "Notify"
@ -1089,9 +1076,6 @@ uk:
title: "Customize"
long_title: "Site Customizations"
header: "Header"
css: "Stylesheet"
mobile_header: "Mobile Header"
mobile_css: "Mobile Stylesheet"
override_default: "Do not include standard style sheet"
enabled: "Enabled?"
preview: "preview"
@ -1144,7 +1128,6 @@ uk:
sent_test: "надіслано!"
delivery_method: "Спосіб доставки"
preview_digest: "Стислий виклад новин"
preview_digest_desc: "Це - інструмент для попереднього перегляду вмісту листів зі стислим викладом новин, що надсилаються з Вашого форуму."
refresh: "Оновити"
format: "Формат"
html: "html"

View File

@ -223,7 +223,6 @@ zh_CN:
location_not_found: (未知)
organisation: 组织
phone: 电话
other_accounts: 其他使用该 IP 地址的账户
no_other_accounts: (无)
said: "{{username}}"
@ -267,6 +266,7 @@ zh_CN:
deleted_yourself: "您的帐号已被成功删除。"
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "您目前不能删除自己的帐号。联系管理员帮助您删除帐号。"
unread_message_count: "消息"
admin_delete: "删除"
flags_given: "有用的标记"
flagged_posts: "被报告的帖子"
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ zh_CN:
title: "电子邮箱"
instructions: "绝不会被公开显示。"
ok: "看起来不错哦,我们会发送电子邮件让您确认。"
ok: "我们将邮件跟您确认。"
invalid: "请填写正确的电子邮箱地址。"
authenticated: "您的电子邮箱已经被 {{provider}} 确认有效。"
frequency: "只有当您最近一段时间没有访问时,我们才会把您未读过的内容发送到您的电子邮箱。"
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ zh_CN:
the_topic: "本主题"
loading: "载入中..."
prev_page: "当尝试载入时"
prev_page: "无法载入"
network: "网络错误"
server: "服务器错误"
@ -560,8 +560,7 @@ zh_CN:
reply_here: "在此回复"
reply: "回复"
cancel: "取消"
create_topic: "创建主题"
create_pm: "创建私信"
create_topic: "新主题"
title: "或者按下 Ctrl + 回车"
users_placeholder: "添加一个用户"
title_placeholder: "简述此讨论内容是关于什么?"
@ -632,10 +631,10 @@ zh_CN:
title_with_attachments: "上传图片或文件"
from_my_computer: "来自我的设备"
from_the_web: "来自网络"
remote_tip: "链接图片 http://example.com/image.jpg"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "链接图片或文件 http://example.com/file.ext支持的格式{{authorized_extensions}})。"
remote_tip: "图片链接"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "图片或文件链接({{authorized_extensions}}"
local_tip: "点击从您的设备中选择一张图片。"
local_tip_with_attachments: "点击从的设备中选择图片或文件(支持的格式: {{authorized_extensions}})。"
local_tip_with_attachments: "点击从的设备中选择图片或文件(支持的格式: {{authorized_extensions}})。"
hint: "(您也可以通过拖放至编辑器的方式来上传)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "(您也可以通过拖放或粘帖图片至编辑器的方式来上传)"
uploading: "上传中"
@ -701,7 +700,7 @@ zh_CN:
top: "没有更多最佳主题了。"
filter_to: "只显示本主题中的 {{post_count}} 个帖子"
create: '创建主题'
create: '主题'
create_long: '创建一个新主题'
private_message: '开启一段私下交流'
list: '主题'
@ -1063,7 +1062,7 @@ zh_CN:
general: '通常'
settings: '设置'
delete: '删除分类'
create: '创建分类'
create: '分类'
save: '保存分类'
creation_error: 创建此分类时发生了错误。
save_error: 在保存此分类时发生了错误。
@ -1114,7 +1113,8 @@ zh_CN:
title: "免打扰"
description: "你不会收到这些分类中的任何新主题通知,并且他们将不会出现在您的未读列表中。"
title: '为何要私下报告本帖?'
title: '感谢帮助社群远离邪恶!'
private_reminder: '标记是不公开的,<b>只有</b>职员才可以见到'
action: '报告帖子'
take_action: "立即执行"
notify_action: '通知'
@ -1130,14 +1130,14 @@ zh_CN:
off_topic: "偏题"
inappropriate: "不合适"
spam: "广告"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "为何您要私下联系该用户?"
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "为何本帖需要论坛版主的关注?为何本帖需要论坛版主的注意?"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "请具体说明,有建设性的,再友好一些。"
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "让我们知道您关心地是什么,并尽可能地提供相关链接和例子。"
at_least: "输入至少 {{n}} 个字符"
more: "还差 {{n}} 个..."
left: "还剩下 {{n}}"
title: "为何要私下报告本帖?"
title: "感谢帮助社群远离邪恶!"
action: "报告帖子"
notify_action: "私信"
@ -1449,10 +1449,9 @@ zh_CN:
title: "定制"
long_title: "站点定制"
css: "CSS"
header: "头部"
css: "层叠样式表CSS"
mobile_header: "移动版Header"
mobile_css: "移动版样式表"
footer: "底部"
override_default: "覆盖缺省值?"
enabled: "启用?"
preview: "预览"
@ -1535,7 +1534,7 @@ zh_CN:
sent_test: "已发送!"
delivery_method: "发送方式"
preview_digest: "预览"
preview_digest_desc: "以下是摘要邮件内容的预览。"
preview_digest_desc: "预览每周投递给不活跃用户的摘要邮件内容。"
refresh: "刷新"
format: "格式"
html: "html"
@ -1597,6 +1596,7 @@ zh_CN:
check_email: "检查电子邮件"
delete_topic: "删除主题"
delete_post: "删除帖子"
impersonate: "检视"
title: "被屏蔽的邮件地址"
description: "当有人试图用以下邮件地址注册时,将受到阻止或其它系统操作。"
@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ zh_CN:
none: "选择一个内容类型开始编辑。"
title: '文本内容'
show_overriden: '只显示被覆盖了缺省值的'
show_overriden: '只显示修改过的'
title: '设置'
reset: '重置为默认'
none: '无'
@ -1934,6 +1934,7 @@ zh_CN:
title: '动作'
star: '<b>f</b> 收藏主题'
pin_unpin_topic: '<b>shift p</b> 置顶/接触置顶主题'
share_topic: '<b>shift s</b> 分享主题'
share_post: '<b>s</b> 分享帖子'
reply_as_new_topic: '<b>t</b> 回复为联结主题'

View File

@ -223,7 +223,6 @@ zh_TW:
location_not_found: (unknown)
organisation: 組織
phone: 電話
other_accounts: 其他帳號正在使用相同 IP 地址
no_other_accounts: (none)
said: "{{username}}"
@ -254,6 +253,7 @@ zh_TW:
admin_tooltip: "此用戶為管理員"
suspended_notice: "此用戶已被停權至 {{date}}。"
suspended_reason: "原因: "
github_profile: "Github"
mailing_list_mode: "每當有新討論話題時,你將會收到郵件。(除非你將該討論話題或分類設為靜音)"
watched_categories: "關注"
watched_categories_instructions: "你將會自動關注在此分類的新討論話題。你將收到所有新文章和討論話題的通知,未讀和新討論話題的數量也將出現在討論話題的列表旁。"
@ -307,17 +307,19 @@ zh_TW:
image_is_not_a_square: "警告:我們裁切了你的圖片,因為該圖片不是正方形的。"
title: "基本資料背景圖案"
instructions: "個人資料背景會被置中且默認寬度為850px。"
title: "用戶卡背景"
instructions: "背景會被置中且默認寬度為850px。"
title: "電子郵件"
instructions: "我們不會公開您的電子郵件信箱。"
ok: "看起來很好,我們將寄出一封確認郵件。"
invalid: "請輸入有效的電子郵件地址。"
authenticated: "你的電子郵件地址已得到 {{provider}} 的認証。"
frequency: "我們只會在一段時間未看到你及你尚未看過我們通知你的事物時才會寄信給你。"
title: "名稱"
instructions: "您的全名(選填)。"
too_short: "你的名稱太短。"
ok: "你的名稱符合要求。"
@ -481,6 +483,7 @@ zh_TW:
created: '已建立'
created_lowercase: '已建立'
trust_level: '信任等級'
search_hint: '使用者名稱、電子郵件、或是IP位址'
title: "建立新帳號"
failed: "發生了某些錯誤,可能此電子郵件地址已經註冊過,請試試看忘記密碼連結"
@ -555,8 +558,6 @@ zh_TW:
reply_here: "在此回覆"
reply: "回覆"
cancel: "取消"
create_topic: "建立討論話題"
create_pm: "建立私人訊息"
title: "或者按 Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "新增用戶"
title_placeholder: "用一個簡短的句子來描述想討論的內容。"
@ -566,6 +567,7 @@ zh_TW:
view_new_post: "檢視你的新文章。"
saving: "正在儲存..."
saved: "儲存完畢!"
saved_draft: "草稿待完成,點擊繼續。"
uploading: "正在上傳..."
show_preview: '顯示預覽 &raquo;'
hide_preview: '&laquo; 隱藏預覽'
@ -595,6 +597,15 @@ zh_TW:
help: "Markdown 編輯說明"
toggler: "隱藏或顯示編輯面板"
admin_options_title: "此討論話題可選用之工作人員設定選項"
label: "自動關閉主題時間:"
error: "請輸入一個有效值。"
based_on_last_post: "在最後一個文章發表後,暫不關閉主題的時間。"
examples: '輸入小時數24、絕對時間17:30、或時間戳2013-11-22 14:00。'
units: "# 小時數)"
examples: '輸入小時數24'
title: "以 @用戶名稱 提到、回覆您的文章與討論話題、私人訊息... 的通知。"
none: "目前沒有任何通知。"
@ -617,10 +628,7 @@ zh_TW:
title_with_attachments: "加入一張圖片或一個檔案"
from_my_computer: "從我的電腦"
from_the_web: "從網站"
remote_tip: "以 http://example.com/image.jpg 這樣的格式輸入圖片的網址"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "以 http://example.com/file.ext 這樣的格式輸入圖片或檔案的網址 ( 允許的副檔名: {{authorized_extensions}} )。"
local_tip: "按此從你的電腦選擇圖片"
local_tip_with_attachments: "按此從你的電腦選擇一張圖片或一個檔案 ( 允許的副檔名:{{authorized_extensions}})。"
hint: "(你也可以將檔案拖放至編輯器直接上傳)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "( 你也可以將圖片拖放或貼上至編輯器內直接上傳 )"
uploading: "正在上傳"
@ -686,7 +694,6 @@ zh_TW:
top: "沒有更多精選討論話題。"
filter_to: "在討論話題裡顯示 {{post_count}} 文章"
create: '建立討論話題'
create_long: '建立新討論話題'
private_message: '建立私人訊息'
list: '討論話題'
@ -730,6 +737,7 @@ zh_TW:
jump_reply_down: jump to later reply
deleted: "此討論話題已被刪除"
auto_close_notice: "此討論話題將在 %{timeLeft}自動關閉。"
auto_close_notice_based_on_last_post: "主題在最後一則回覆後,將會關閉 %{duration}"
auto_close_title: '自動關閉設定'
auto_close_save: "儲存"
auto_close_remove: "不要自動關閉此討論話題"
@ -753,6 +761,8 @@ zh_TW:
'2_4': '你將收到關於此討論話題的通知,因為你回覆了此討論話題。'
'2_2': '你將收到關於此討論話題的通知,因為你正在追蹤此討論話題。'
'2': '你將收到關於此討論話題的通知,因為你<a href="/users/{{username}}/preferences">看過此討論話題</a>。'
'1_2': '你將會在有人標注你 @name 或是回覆你的文章收到通知。'
'1': '你將會在有人標注你 @name 或是回覆你的文章收到通知。'
'0_7': '你正忽略此分類中的所有通知。'
'0_2': '你正忽略此討論話題的所有通知。'
'0': '你正忽略此討論話題的所有通知。'
@ -764,6 +774,7 @@ zh_TW:
description: "當此討論話題有新回覆時會通知你,討論話題旁將會顯示未讀及新文章數。"
title: "追蹤"
description: "未讀和新文章的數量將會出現在私訊旁。你只會在別人標記您 @name 或回覆您的主題時才會被提醒。"
title: "追蹤"
@ -1039,7 +1050,6 @@ zh_TW:
general: '一般'
settings: '設定'
delete: '刪除分類'
create: '建立分類'
save: '儲存分類'
creation_error: 建立分類時發生錯誤。
save_error: 儲存分類時發生錯誤。
@ -1087,7 +1097,6 @@ zh_TW:
title: "靜音"
description: "你將不會收到這些分類中的新討論話題通知,它們也不會出現在你的未讀欄內。"
title: '你為什麼要投訴此文章?'
action: '投訴文章'
take_action: "執行動作"
notify_action: '通知'
@ -1099,14 +1108,11 @@ zh_TW:
submit_tooltip: "送出私人投訴"
take_action_tooltip: "使其立刻達到投訴門檻,不用等待更多社群投訴"
cant: "抱歉,你目前無法投訴此文章。"
custom_placeholder_notify_user: "為什麼此文章需要你以私人訊息與作者直接溝通? 討論請務必討論話題明確、具建設性、態度和善。"
custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "為什麼此文章需要板主注意?請讓我們知道你在意的原因,並請盡量提供相關連結。"
at_least: "請至少輸入 {{n}} 個字"
more: "還需要 {{n}} 個字..."
left: "還剩下 {{n}} 個字"
title: "你為什麼要投訴此討論話題?"
action: "投訴討論話題"
notify_action: "Notify"
@ -1252,6 +1258,11 @@ zh_TW:
7_days_ago: "7 天前"
30_days_ago: "30 天前"
all: "全部"
view_table: "表格"
view_chart: "柱狀圖"
refresh_report: "重新整理報告"
start_date: "開始日期"
end_date: "結束日期"
latest_changes: "最近的變更:請經常更新!"
by: "由"
@ -1264,21 +1275,26 @@ zh_TW:
agree_flag_modal_title: "批准並且 ..."
agree_flag_hide_post: "批准 (隱藏文章 + 送出私人訊息)"
agree_flag_hide_post_title: "隱藏此文章,並自動向此用戶送出私人訊息,要求盡快修改它"
agree_flag_restore_post: "同意(還原文章)"
agree_flag_restore_post_title: "回復此文章"
agree_flag: "同意投訴"
agree_flag_title: "同意投訴且不更動文章"
defer_flag: "延遲"
delete: "刪除"
delete_post_defer_flag: "刪除文章並且延緩檢舉"
delete_post_defer_flag_title: "刪除文章,如果刪除的是討論話題的第一則文章,討論話題也將一併刪除"
delete_post_agree_flag: "刪除文章並且同意檢舉"
delete_post_agree_flag_title: "刪除文章,如果刪除的是討論話題的第一則文章,討論話題也將一併刪除"
delete_flag_modal_title: "刪除並且..."
delete_spammer: "刪除垃圾文章發送者"
delete_spammer_title: "刪除此用戶與他的所有文章與討論話題"
disagree_flag_unhide_post: "不同意 ( 取消文章的隱藏狀態 )"
disagree_flag_unhide_post_title: "移除此帖的任何檢舉,並使其重新可見"
disagree_flag: "不同意"
disagree_flag_title: "否決此投訴為無效或有誤"
clear_topic_flags: "完成"
clear_topic_flags_title: "該討論話題已被調查,問題已經解決。點擊完成以移除投訴。"
more: "(更多回覆)"
agreed: "同意"
disagreed: "不同意"
@ -1292,6 +1308,8 @@ zh_TW:
no_results: "沒有投訴。"
topic_flagged: "此 <strong>討論話題</strong> 已被投訴。"
visit_topic: "瀏覽討論話題以採取行動"
was_edited: "文章已在第一次標記後被編輯"
previous_flags_count: "這篇文章已經被標記 {{count}} 次。"
other: "離題 x{{count}}"
@ -1330,6 +1348,7 @@ zh_TW:
confirm_revoke: "你確定要撤銷此金鑰嗎?"
info_html: "你可以使用 API 金鑰呼叫 JSON 建立與更新討論話題。"
all_users: "所有用戶"
note_html: "請<strong>安全地</strong>保管密鑰,任何擁有該密鑰的使用者,都可以使用它以任何的使用者的名義發文。"
title: "備份"
@ -1392,9 +1411,6 @@ zh_TW:
title: "客製化"
long_title: "網站客製化"
header: "標頭"
css: "樣式"
mobile_header: "手機版標頭"
mobile_css: "手機版樣式"
override_default: "不要保含標準樣式"
enabled: "已啟用?"
preview: "預覽"
@ -1458,6 +1474,7 @@ zh_TW:
description: "按讚按鈕的顏色"
name: '維基'
description: "維基文章的背景顏色"
title: "電郵"
settings: "設定"
@ -1476,7 +1493,6 @@ zh_TW:
sent_test: "已送出!"
delivery_method: "傳送方式"
preview_digest: "預覽文摘"
preview_digest_desc: "此為從論壇寄出的文摘郵件的預覽工具。"
refresh: "重新整理"
format: "格式"
html: "html"
@ -1556,18 +1572,22 @@ zh_TW:
block: "封鎖"
do_nothing: "允許"
allow_admin: "允許管理"
label: "新增:"
ip_address: "IP 位址"
add: "加入"
title: "錯誤紀錄"
title: "檢視角度"
title: '用戶'
create: '新增管理員'
last_emailed: "最近寄出電子郵件"
not_found: "抱歉,系統裡無此用戶名稱。"
active: "啟用的"
show_emails: "顯示電子郵件"
new: "新用戶"
active: "啟用的"
@ -1587,6 +1607,9 @@ zh_TW:
pending: '等待審核的用戶'
newuser: '信任等級 0 的用戶 ( 新用戶 )'
basic: '信任等級 1 的用戶 ( 初級用戶 )'
regular: '信任等級 2 的使用者(成員)'
leader: '信任等級 3 的使用者(正規)'
elder: '信任等級 4 的使用者(領導者)'
admins: '管理員'
moderators: '板主'
blocked: '已封鎖的用戶'
@ -1597,6 +1620,7 @@ zh_TW:
other: "無法拒絕 %{count} 個用戶"
not_verified: "未確認"
title: "顯示使用者 Email"
text: "顯示"
suspend_failed: "將此用戶停權時發生錯誤 {{error}}"
@ -1677,6 +1701,8 @@ zh_TW:
suspend_modal_title: "將用戶停權"
trust_level_2_users: "信任等級 2 用戶"
trust_level_3_requirements: "信任等級 3 之條件"
trust_level_locked_tip: "信任等級鎖定,系統將不會升級或降級使用者。"
trust_level_unlocked_tip: "信任等級解除鎖定,系統將會升級或降級使用者。"
lock_trust_level: "鎖住信任等級"
unlock_trust_level: "解鎖信任等級"
@ -1695,30 +1721,48 @@ zh_TW:
flagged_by_users: "投訴之用戶"
likes_given: "給出的讚"
likes_received: "收到的讚"
likes_received_days: "收到的讚:唯一日"
likes_received_users: "收到的讚:唯一使用者"
qualifies: "符合信任等級 3 的條件。"
does_not_qualify: "不符合信任等級 3 的條件。"
will_be_promoted: "將會在近期升級。"
will_be_demoted: "將會在近期降級。"
on_grace_period: "目前在升級優惠階段,將不會被降級。"
locked_will_not_be_promoted: "信任等級鎖定。將不會再被升級。"
locked_will_not_be_demoted: "信任等級鎖定。將不會再被降級。"
title: "單一登入"
external_id: "外部 ID"
external_username: "用戶名稱"
external_name: "名稱"
external_email: "電子郵件"
external_avatar_url: "頭像 URL"
title: "使用者欄位"
help: "增加欄位讓你的使用者可以填寫"
create: "建立使用者欄位"
untitled: "未命名"
name: "欄位名稱"
type: "欄位類別"
description: "欄位敘述"
save: "儲存"
edit: "編輯"
delete: "刪除"
cancel: "取消"
delete_confirm: "你確定要刪除此用戶欄位 ?"
title: "在註冊時必填?"
enabled: "必填"
disabled: "非必填"
title: "在註冊後可以修改?"
enabled: "可編輯"
disabled: "不可編輯"
text: '文字區域'
confirm: '確認'
none: "選擇一個內容類別開始編輯"
title: '文字內容'
show_overriden: '只顯示修改過的項目'
@ -1772,12 +1816,14 @@ zh_TW:
grant: 升級
no_user_badges: "%{name} 未有任何升級徽章。"
no_badges: 沒有可授予的徽章
none_selected: "選擇一個徽章開始"
allow_title: 允許使用徽章作為稱號
multiple_grant: 可多次授予
listable: 在徽章頁面上顯示徽章
enabled: 啟用徽章
icon: 圖示
image: 圖片
icon_help: "使用 Font Awesome class 或者圖片的聯結"
query: 徽章查詢語法 (SQL)
target_posts: 查詢文章張貼目標
auto_revoke: 每日執行撤銷用的 SQL 語法
@ -1810,6 +1856,8 @@ zh_TW:
with_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> 在 <span class="time">%{time}</span>
download: "下載"
title: '搜尋幫助'
title: '快捷鍵'
@ -1825,18 +1873,26 @@ zh_TW:
title: '導航'
jump: '<b>#</b> 前往文章 #'
back: '<b>u</b> 返回'
up_down: '<b>k</b>/<b>j</b> 移動選區 &uarr; &darr;'
open: '<b>o</b> 或 <b>Enter</b> 開啟已選擇討論話題'
next_prev: '<b>shift j</b>/<b>shift k</b> 下一個/上一個選區'
title: 'Application'
create: '<b>c</b> 表示新討論話題'
notifications: '<b>n</b> 開啟通知'
site_map_menu: '<b>=</b> 打開網站選單'
user_profile_menu: '<b>p</b> 打開使用者選單'
show_incoming_updated_topics: '<b>.</b> 顯示有更新的討論話題'
search: '<b>/</b> 搜尋'
help: '<b>?</b> 打開按鍵說明'
dismiss_new_posts: '<b>x</b>, <b>r</b> 解除新文章或回覆的提示'
dismiss_topics: '<b>x</b>, <b>t</b> 解除主題的提示'
title: '行動'
star: '<b>f</b> 收藏討論話題'
share_topic: '<b>shift s</b> 分享討論話題'
share_post: '<b>s</b> 分享文章'
reply_as_new_topic: '<b>t</b> 回覆為關聯主題'
reply_topic: '<b>shift r</b> 回覆討論話題'
reply_post: '<b>r</b> 回覆文章'
quote_post: '<b>q</b> 引用文章'
@ -1860,6 +1916,7 @@ zh_TW:
other: "%{count} 升級"
select_badge_for_title: 選擇一枚徽章作為你的稱號
none: "<none>"
name: 開始入門
@ -1941,3 +1998,12 @@ zh_TW:
name: 讀者
description: 觀看每個超過100篇文章的討論話題
google_search: |
<h2>Google 搜尋</h2>
<form action='//google.com/search' id='google-search' onsubmit="document.getElementById('google-query').value = 'site:' + window.location.host + ' ' + document.getElementById('user-query').value; return true;">
<input type="text" id='user-query' value="">
<input type='hidden' id='google-query' name="q">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Google</button>

View File

@ -309,12 +309,8 @@ cs:
title: 'Nevhodné'
long_form: 'nahlášeno jako nevhodné'
title: 'Informovat uživatele {{username}}'
long_form: 'informoval uživatele'
email_body: "%{link}\\\n\\\n%{message}\n"
title: 'Upozornit moderátory'
long_form: 'označil příspěvek pro moderátora'
email_title: 'Příspěvek v tématu "%{title}" vyžaduje pozornost moderátora'
email_body: "%{link}\\\n\\\n%{message}\n"
@ -338,8 +334,6 @@ cs:
title: 'Nevhodné'
long_form: 'nahlášeno jako nevhodné'
title: 'Upozornit moderátory'
long_form: 'označil příspěvek pro moderátora'
email_title: 'The topic "%{title}" requires moderator attention'
email_body: "%{link}\\\n\\\n%{message}\n"
@ -481,7 +475,6 @@ cs:
description: "HTML přidané na vršek každé stránky (za hlavičku, ale před navigaci a před název tématu)."
title: "Patička stránky"
description: "HTML přidané na spodek každé stránky."
default_locale: "Výchozí jazyk této Discourse instance (kód ve formátu ISO 639-1)"
allow_user_locale: "Povolit uživatelům nastavit si jazyk fóra"

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ da:
too_long_validation: "er begrænset til %{max} tegn; du har brugt %{length}."
invalid_boolean: "Ugyldig boolsk operator"
load_from_remote: "Der opstod en fejl ved indlæsningen af dette indlæg."
@ -175,6 +176,8 @@ da:
name: "Kategorinavn"
raw: "Brødtekst"
bio_raw: "Om mig"
is_invalid: "er ugyldig; prøv at være lidt mere beskrivende"
@ -203,6 +206,7 @@ da:
vip_category_name: "Lounge"
vip_category_description: "En ekslusiv kategori der kun er tilgængelig for medlemmer med tillidsniveu 3 eller højere."
meta_category_name: "meta"
meta_category_description: "Diskussion om dette site, hvordan det er indrettet, hvordan det virker og hvordan vi kan forbedre det."
staff_category_name: "Staff"
staff_category_description: "Privat gruppe for staff diskussioner. Emner er kun synlige for administratorer og moderatorer."
@ -228,6 +232,8 @@ da:
title: "medlem"
title: "stamgæst"
title: "leder"
slow_down: "Du har forsøgt denne handling for ofte, prøv igen senere"
too_many_requests: "Vi har en daglig grænse for hvor mange gange den pågældende handling kan udføres. Vent venligst %{time_left} før du prøver igen."
@ -328,14 +334,14 @@ da:
action: "Aktiver din konto"
already_done: "Beklager, dette bekræftelses-link er ikke længere gyldigt. Måske er din konto allerede aktiv?"
please_continue: "Din nye konto er bekræftet og du er nu logget ind."
please_continue: "Din nye konto er bekræftet; du bliver nu ledt til forsiden."
continue_button: "Fortsæt til %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Velkommen til %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "En moderator skal godkende din nye konto før du kan tilgå forummet. Du får en e-mail, når din konto er godkendt!"
title: 'Uden for emnet'
description: 'Dette indlæg ligger langt uden for emnet, og burde flyttes til et andet emne. Hvis det er et emne, hører det nok ikke til her.'
description: 'Dette indlæg er ikke relevant for denne diskussion som defineret af titlen og det første indlæg. Det skal nok flyttes et andet sted hen.'
long_form: 'markerede dette som uden for emnet'
title: 'Spam'
@ -346,13 +352,11 @@ da:
description: 'Dette indlæg har indhold som en rimelig person ville opfatte som stødende, udtryk for misbrug eller som et brud på <a href="/guidelines">vores sammenholds retningslinjer</a>.'
long_form: 'markerede dette som stødende'
title: 'Underret {{username}}'
description: 'Dette indlæg indeholder noget jeg gerne vil drøfte direkte og privat med vedkommende, Bliver ikke markeret.'
long_form: 'underrettede bruger'
email_title: 'Dit indlæg i "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Underret moderatorer'
long_form: 'underrettede moderatorer'
description: 'Dette indlæg kræver moderatorernes opmærksomhed baseret på en anden grund som ikke er nævnt ovenfor.'
email_title: 'Et indlæg i "%{title}" kræver moderatorernes opmærksomhed'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -376,8 +380,6 @@ da:
title: 'Upassende'
long_form: 'markeret upassende'
title: 'Underret moderatorer'
long_form: 'underrettede moderatorer'
email_title: 'Emnet "%{title}" kræver moderator-opmærksomhed'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -385,6 +387,10 @@ da:
title: "Almindeligt emne"
make: "Dette emne er nu et banner-emne. Det optræder i toppen af alle sider indtil brugeren fjerner det."
remove: "Dette emne er ikke mere et banner-emne. Det optræder ikke længere i toppen af alle sider."
title: 'Frameldt'
description: "Du er blevet frameldt. Vi skriver ikke til dig igen."
@ -503,6 +509,9 @@ da:
title: "Uddannelse af nye brugere: Første emner"
description: "Automatisk hjælp som vises over editoren når nye brugere begynder at skrive deres første to emner."
title: "Tips til nye brugere"
description: "Vejledning og vigtig information til nye brugere."
title: "Velkomst: Ny bruger"
description: "En privat besked som automatisk sendes til nye brugere når de tilmelder sig."
@ -523,11 +532,14 @@ da:
description: "HTML som vises i toppen af alle sider (efter headeren, før navgationen eller emnetitlen)"
title: "Bunden af siderne"
description: "HTML som tilføjes i bunden af alle sider"
default_locale: "Standardsproget for denne Discourse-instans (ISO 639-1 kode)."
min_post_length: "Minimumlængde tilladt for indlæg i tegn"
min_private_message_post_length: "Minimumlængde tilladt for private beskeder i tegn"
max_post_length: "Maksimal længde af indlæg i tegn"
min_topic_title_length: "Minimumslængde af emnetitel i tegn."
max_topic_title_length: "Maksimumslængde af emnetitel i tegn."
min_private_message_title_length: "Minimumslængde af titel på privat besked i tegn"
allow_uncategorized_topics: "Tillad emner at blive oprettet uden en kategori."
unique_posts_mins: "Hvor mange minutter der skal gå før en bruger kan skrive et indlæg med det samme indhold igen."
queue_jobs: "KUN FOR UDVIKLERE! ADVARSEL! Brug sidekiq som jobkø. Hvis dette slås fra går dit site i stykker."
@ -570,7 +582,6 @@ da:
previous_visit_timeout_hours: "Hvor lang tid et besøg varer før vi regner det med i det 'forrige' besøg, i timer."
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "Grace-periode (i timer) før et forældreløst upload bliver fjernet."
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "Grace-periode (i dage) før et slettet upload bliver fjernet."
s3_upload_bucket: "Navn på Amazon S3 bucket som filer uploades til. ADVARSEL: kun små bogstaver og ingen punktummer."
min_trust_to_create_topic: "Det mindste tillidsniveau der skal til for at oprette et nyt emne."
title_fancy_entities: "Omdan almindelige ASCII-tegn i emnetitler til fancy HTML-entities, i stil med SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
title_prettify: "Undgå hyppige tastefejl i titlen, inklusive overforbrug af store bogstaver, første bogstav med småt, gentagne ! og ?, ekstra . i slutningen, etc."
@ -742,17 +753,13 @@ da:
why: "En kort opsummering fra %{site_link} siden %{last_seen_at} hvor vi sidst så dig."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Uddrag for %{date}"
new_activity: "Ny aktivitet på dine emner og indlæg:"
top_topics: "Populære emner"
other_new_topics: "Populære emner"
unsubscribe: "Denne besked med uddrag sendes fra %{site_link} når vi ikke set dig i et stykke tid. For at afmelde %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "klik her"
from: "%{site_name} opsummering"
read_more: "Læs mere"
more_topics: "Der er skrevet %{new_topics_since_seen} andre nye emner siden %{last_seen_at} hvor du sidst besøgte os."
more_topics_category: "Der er skrevet %{new_topics_since_seen} andre nye emner i disse kategorier siden %{last_seen_at} hvor du sidst besøgte os:"
one: "1 indlæg"
other: "%{count} indlæg"

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
number: "-"
@ -111,6 +114,7 @@ de:
admins: "admins"
moderators: "moderatoren"
staff: "mitarbeiter"
trust_level_0: "vertrauensstufe_0"
trust_level_1: "vertrauensstufe_1"
trust_level_2: "vertrauensstufe_2"
trust_level_3: "vertrauensstufe_3"
@ -341,14 +345,12 @@ de:
action: "Aktiviere dein Benutzerkonto"
already_done: "Entschuldige, dieser Link zur Aktivierung des Benutzerkontos ist nicht mehr gültig. Ist dein Konto schon aktiviert?"
please_continue: "Dein neues Konto ist aktiviert und du bist jetzt angemeldet."
continue_button: "Weiter zu %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Willkommen bei %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "Bevor Du auf das Forum zugreifen kannst, muss Dein neues Konto noch von einem Moderator genehmigt werden. Du erhälst eine E-Mail, sobald dies geschehen ist!"
title: 'Am Thema vorbei'
description: 'Dieser Beitrag geht komplett am Thema des aktuellen Gesprächs vorbei und sollte möglicherweise in ein anderes Thema verschoben werden.'
long_form: 'dies als am Thema vorbei gemeldet'
title: 'Werbung'
@ -359,14 +361,11 @@ de:
description: 'Dieser Beitrag enthält Inhalte, die eine vernünftige Person als anstößig, beleidigend oder <a href="/guidelines">unsere Richtlinien verletzend</a> auffassen würde.'
long_form: 'dies als unangemessen gemeldet'
title: '{{username}} benachrichtigen'
long_form: 'dies dem Benutzer gemeldet'
title: 'Private Nachricht an {{username}}'
email_title: 'Dein Beitrag in „%{title}“'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Moderatoren benachrichtigen'
description: 'Dieser Beitrag muss von einem Moderator begutachtet werden, da er entweder nicht mit den <a href="/guidelines">Richtlinien</a> oder den <a href="%{tos_url}">Nutzungsbedingungen</a> in Einklang zu bringen ist, oder aus sonstigen oben nicht genannten Gründen.'
long_form: 'dies den Moderatoren gemeldet'
title: "Irgendetwas anderes"
email_title: 'Der Beitrag "%{title}" sollte von einem Moderator begutachtet werden'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -391,9 +390,8 @@ de:
description: 'Dieses Thema enthält Inhalte, die eine vernünftige Person als anstößig, beleidigend oder <a href="/guidelines">unsere Richtlinien verletzend</a> auffassen würde.'
long_form: 'als unangemessen gemeldet'
title: 'Moderatoren benachrichtigen'
title: "Irgendetwas anderes"
description: 'Dieses Thema muss von einem Moderator begutachtet werden, da es entweder nicht mit den <a href="/guidelines">Richtlinien</a> oder den <a href="%{tos_url}">Nutzungsbedingungen</a> in Einklang zu bringen ist, oder aus sonstigen oben nicht genannten Gründen.'
long_form: 'dies wurde den Moderatoren gemeldet'
email_title: 'Das Thema "%{title}" benötigt die Aufmerksamkeit eines Moderators'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -547,7 +545,6 @@ de:
description: "HTML das am Anfang jeder Seite hinzugefügt wird (Nach dem Header, vor der Navigation oder dem Thementitel)."
title: "Unterer Teil der Seiten"
description: "HTML Code der am Ende jeder Seite eingefügt wird."
censored_words: "Wörter, die automatisch durch&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632; ersetzt werden"
default_locale: "Die Standardsprache dieser Discourse-Instanz (kodiert in ISO 639-1)."
@ -700,7 +697,6 @@ de:
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "Frist (in Stunden) bevor ein verwaister Upload entfernt wird."
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "Frist (in Tagen) bevor ein entfernter Upload endgültig gelöscht wird."
s3_use_iam_profile: 'Benutze die AWS EC2 IAM Rolle zum Abrufen von Keys. ANMERKUNG: Das Aktivieren überschreibt die Einstellungen „s3 access key id“ und „s3 secret access key“.'
s3_upload_bucket: "Der Amazon S3 Bucketname in den hochgeladene Dateien abgelegt werden. WARNUNG: Nur Kleinbuchstaben, keine Punkte."
s3_access_key_id: "The Amazon S3 access key id that will be used to upload images"
s3_secret_access_key: "Der geheime Schlüssel von Amazon S3 welcher für das Hochladen verwendet wird"
s3_region: "Der Name der Amazon S3 Region welche für das Hochladen verwendet wird"
@ -866,6 +862,7 @@ de:
omniauth_error_unknown: "Während des Anmeldens ist etwas schief gelaufen, bitte versuche es noch einmal."
new_registrations_disabled: "Leider können derzeit keine neuen Konten registriert werden."
password_too_long: "Passwörter sind beschränkt auf 200 Zeichen."
missing_user_field: "Sie haben nicht alle Benutzerfelder ausgefüllt"
no_accounts_associated: "Keine Konten zugehörig"
@ -965,22 +962,6 @@ de:
subject_template: "Beitrag wegen Meldungen aus der Community versteckt"
text_body_template: |
dies ist eine automatisch erzeugte Nachricht von %{site_name}, um dich darüber zu informieren, dass dein Beitrag ...
... wegen Meldungen aus der Community versteckt wurde.
Beachte, dass mehrere Mitglieder der Community diesen Beitrag gemeldet haben, bevor dieser versteckt wurde. Überlege dir daher, wie du deinen Beitrag unter Berücksichtigung dieses Feedbacks überarbeiten könntest. **Du kannst deinen Beitrag nach %{edit_delay} Minuten überarbeiten. Anschließend wird er automatisch wieder sichtbar.** Dadurch erhöht sich auch deine Vertrauensstufe.
Wenn dieser Beitrag jedoch ein zweites Mal von der Community versteckt wird, bleibt dieser solange ausgeblendet, bis ein Mitarbeiter sich darum kümmert. Das kann weitere Konsequenzen haben, unter anderem auch eine Sperrung deines Kontos.
Weitere Hilfestellung findest du in unseren [Richtlinien](%{base_url}/guidelines).
subject_template: "Willkommen bei %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
@ -1190,17 +1171,13 @@ de:
why: "Hier ist eine kurze Zusammenfassung darüber, was auf %{site_link} passiert ist, seit du das letzte Mal am %{last_seen_at} da warst."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Kurzfassung für %{date}"
new_activity: "Neues in deinen Themen und Beiträgen:"
top_topics: "Beliebte Beiträge"
other_new_topics: "Beliebte Themen"
unsubscribe: "Diese Zusammenfassung wird Dir von %{site_link} als kleine Hilfestellung geschickt, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, wenn wir Dich eine Weile nicht mehr gesehen haben. Um keine weiteren Nachrichten dieser Art mehr zu erhalten,%{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "klicke hier"
from: "%{site_name} Übersicht"
read_more: "Weiterlesen"
more_topics: "Es wurden %{new_topics_since_seen} weitere neue Themen erstellt, seit Du am %{last_seen_at} zuletzt online warst."
more_topics_category: "Es wurden %{new_topics_since_seen} weitere neue Themen in dieser Kategorie erstellt, seit Du am %{last_seen_at} zuletzt online warst:"
one: "1 Beitrag"
other: "%{count} Beiträge"

View File

@ -6,6 +6,16 @@
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
number: "-"
ț: "t"
Ț: "t"
ș: "s"
Ș: "s"
short_date_no_year: "D MMM"
short_date: "D MMM, YYYY"
@ -358,14 +368,14 @@ es:
action: "Activar tu cuenta"
already_done: "Lo sentimos, este link de confirmación de cuenta ya no es válido. ¿Quizás tu cuenta ya está activa?"
please_continue: "Tu nueva cuenta está confirmada y ahora estás logueado/a."
please_continue: "Tu nueva cuenta está confirmada; se te redirigirá a la página de inicio."
continue_button: "Continuar a %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Bienvenido a %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "Un moderador debe aprobar manualmente tu nueva cuenta antes de que puedas acceder a este foro. ¡Recibirás un email cuando tu cuenta sea aprobada!"
title: 'Off-Topic'
description: 'Este post se desvía demasiado del tema en cuestión, probablemente debería ser movido. Si trata otra cuestión, quizás no pertenece a este tema.'
description: 'Este post se desvía demasiado o no es relevante para el tema en cuestión (definido por el título del tema y su primer post), probablemente debería ser movido a otro hilo.'
long_form: 'reportado como off-topic'
title: 'Spam'
@ -376,15 +386,15 @@ es:
description: 'Este post contiene contenido que una persona sensata podría considerar ofensivo, abusivo o que viola <a href="/guidelines">nuestras directrices de comunidad</a>.'
long_form: 'reportado como inapropiado'
title: 'Notificar a {{username}}'
title: 'Notificar por privado a @{{username}}'
description: 'Este post contiene algo que yo quiero hablar con esta persona directa y privadamente. No se marca como bandera.'
long_form: 'usuario notificado'
long_form: 'usuario notificado por privado'
email_title: 'Tu publicación en "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Notificar a los moderadores'
description: 'Este post requiere la atención de un moderador, en base a nuestras <a href="/guidelines">directrices</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">CDS</a>, o por otra razón distinta a las mencionadas.'
long_form: 'moderadores notificados'
title: "Notificar a los moderadores"
description: 'Este post requiere la atención de un moderador por otra razón distinta a las mencionadas arriba.'
long_form: 'reportado para atención de los moderadores'
email_title: 'Un post en "%{title}" requiere la atención de un moderador'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -409,9 +419,9 @@ es:
description: 'Este tema contiene material que una persona sensata podría considerar ofensivo, abusivo, o que viola <a href="/guidelines">las directrices de nuestra comunidad</a>.'
long_form: 'marcado como inapropiado'
title: 'Notificar a los moderadores'
title: "Notificar a los moderadores"
description: 'Este tema requiere la atención de un moderador, en base a nuestras <a href="/guidelines">directrices</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">CDS</a>, o por otra razón distinta a las mencionadas.'
long_form: 'moderadores notificados'
long_form: 'reportado para atención de los moderadores'
email_title: 'El tema "%{title}" requiere la atención de un moderador'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -569,7 +579,7 @@ es:
description: "HTML que va a ser añadido encima de cada página (después del header, y antes de la navegación o el título del tema)."
title: "Pie de página"
description: "HTML que va a ser añadido en la base de cada página."
description: "HTML que será añadido antes de la etiqueta </body>"
censored_words: "Las palabras serán reemplazadas con &#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;"
delete_old_hidden_posts: "Auto-borrar cualquier post que se quede oculto por mas de 30 días."
@ -626,12 +636,14 @@ es:
summary_posts_required: "El mínimo número de posts en un tema para habilitar el 'Resumen de este tema'"
summary_likes_required: "Mínimo de \"me gusta\" en un tema para habilitar 'Resumen de este tema'"
summary_percent_filter: "Cuando un usuario hace clic en 'Resumen de este tema', se muestra el n % mejores posts"
summary_max_results: "Máximo de posts devueltos en \"Resumen de este tema\""
enable_private_messages: "Permitir a los usuarios de nivel de confianza 1 crear y responder mensajes privados"
enable_long_polling: "Los mensajes usados para notificaciones pueden usar el long polling"
long_polling_base_url: "URL base usada para el 'long polling' (cuando un CDN esta sirviendo contenido dinámico, asegúrate de ajustar esto al 'pull' de origen) ejemplo: http://origin.site.com"
long_polling_interval: "Cantidad de tiempo que el servidor debe de esperar antes de responder a los clientes que no hay datos enviados (solamente usuarios con sesión iniciada)."
polling_interval: "Cuando no este en 'long polling', ¿Qué tan frecuente debe los clientes con sesión iniciada hacer 'poll' en milisegundos?"
anon_polling_interval: "¿Cuán a menudo deben hacer poll los usuarios anónimos en milisegundos"
background_polling_interval: "Cada cuántos milisegundos debería hacerse cargarse información (mientras que la ventana esté en segundo plano)"
auto_track_topics_after: "Milisegundos en los que, por defecto, un tema se sigue automáticamente, los usuarios pueden reajustar este valor para sí (0 para siempre, -1 para nunca)"
new_topic_duration_minutes: "Minutos en los que, por defecto, un tema se considera nuevo, los usuarios pueden reajustar este valor para sí (-1 para siempre, -2 para la última visita)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Número de reportes que causan que un post se oculte auomáticamente y le sea enviado un mensaje privado al usuario (0 para nunca)"
@ -652,6 +664,7 @@ es:
enable_escaped_fragments: "Ir a la API Ajax-Crawling de Google si no se detecta ningún webcrawler. Mira https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/174992?hl=en"
enable_noscript_support: "Habilitar el soporte de motor de búsqueda estándar webcrawler mediante la etiqueta noscript"
allow_moderators_to_create_categories: "Permitir a los moderadores crear nuevas categorías"
cors_origins: "Orígenes permitidos para las cross-origin requests (CORS). Cada origen debe incluir http:// or https://. La variable env DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS debe establecerse a verdadero para activar CORS."
top_menu: "Determinar qué elementos aparecen en la navegación de la home y en qué orden. Ejemplo latest|new|unread|starred|categories|top|read|posted"
post_menu: "Determina qué elementos aparecen en el menú de un post y en qué orden. Ejemplo: like|edit|flag|delete|share|bookmark|reply"
post_menu_hidden_items: "Los elementos del menú a ocultar por defecto en el menú de cada post a menos que se haga clic en el botón para expandir las opciones."
@ -664,6 +677,7 @@ es:
suppress_reply_directly_below: "No mostrar el contador de respuestas desplegable en un post si solo hay una única respuesta y está justamente debajo del post en cuestión."
suppress_reply_directly_above: "No mostrar el en-respuesta-a desplegable en un post cuando solo hay una sola respuesta justo encima del post."
suppress_reply_when_quoting: "No mostrar el desplegable en-respuesta-a en un post cuando el post cite la respuesta."
max_reply_history: "Número máximo de respuestas a mostrar al expandir en-respuesta-a"
experimental_reply_expansion: "Ocultar respuestas intermedias cuando se expande una respuesta (experimental)"
topics_per_period_in_top_summary: "Número de mejores temas mostrados en el resumen de mejores temas."
topics_per_period_in_top_page: "Número de mejores temas mostrados en la vista expandida al clicar en 'ver más'."
@ -738,7 +752,6 @@ es:
purge_inactive_users_grace_period_days: "Periodo de gracia (en días) durante los cuales un usuario que no haya activado su cuenta no será aún eliminado."
enable_s3_uploads: "Coloca los archivos subidos en el almacén Amazon S3. IMPORTANTE: requiere de credenciales de S3 validas. (ambas clave de acceso y clave de acceso secreta)."
s3_use_iam_profile: 'Usar el rol de AWS EC2 IAM para descargar las llaves. NOTA: habilitando esta opción ignorará la "llave de acceso s3" y "la llave de acceso secreta s3".'
s3_upload_bucket: "El nombre del depósito de Amazon S3 donde se subirán los archivos. AVISO: debe estar escrito en minúsculas y sin puntos."
s3_access_key_id: "La clave id de acceso de Amazon S3 que se utilizará para subir imágenes."
s3_secret_access_key: "La clave secreta de acceso de Amazon S3 que se utilizará para subir imágenes."
s3_region: "El nombre de región de Amazon S3 que se utilizará para subir imágenes."
@ -925,6 +938,7 @@ es:
closed_enabled: "Este tema está ahora cerrado. No se admiten nuevas respuestas."
closed_disabled: "Este tema ahora está abierto. Se admiten nuevas respuestas."
autoclosed_disabled: "El tema ahora está en abierto, se permiten respuestas."
autoclosed_disabled_lastpost: "Este tema está ahora abierto. Se permiten nuevas respuestas."
pinned_enabled: "Este tema ahora está destacado. Aparecerá en primer lugar en la lista de su categoría hasta que se deshaga el destacado de forma general por los moderadores o de forma particular por cada usuario para sí."
pinned_disabled: "Este tema está ahora sin destacar. No aparecerá más en la parte superior de su categoría."
pinned_globally_enabled: "Este tema ahora está destacado globalmente. Aparecerá en primer lugar en la lista de su categoría y en todas las listas de temas hasta que se deshaga el destacado de forma general por los moderadores o de forma particular por cada usuario para sí."
@ -1076,7 +1090,6 @@ es:
other: "Estos reportes fueron enviados desde hace %{count} horas."
please_review: "Por favor, revísalos."
post_number: "post"
how_to_disable: "Inhabilitar este e-mail cambiando la opción <pre>notify_about_flags_after</pre> a 0."
one: "1 reporte esperando ser atendidos."
other: "%{count} reportes esperando ser atendidos."
@ -1094,22 +1107,6 @@ es:
subject_template: "Post oculto al haber sido reportado por la comunidad"
text_body_template: |
Este se un mensaje automatizado de %{site_name} para informarte que tu post ...
... fue ocultado debido a los reportes de la comunidad.
Multiples miembros de la comunidad reportaron este post antes de ocultarlo, por favor considere como pueda revisar su post para que refleje la retroalimentación de los miembros. **Puedes editar tu post después de %{edit_delay} minutos, y será automáticamente mostrado de vuelta.** Esto incrementara tu nivel de confianza.
Sin embargo, si el post es ocultado por la comunidad una segunda vez, este se mantendrá oculto hasta que sea atendido por el staff y tal vez vez se tomen medidas, incluyendo la posible suspensión de tu cuenta.
Para orientación adicional, por favor consulte nuestra [reglas de comunidad](%{base_url}/guidelines).
text_body_template: "Este mensaje privado tiene unos cuantos consejos para ayudarte a empezar.\n\n## Sigue desplazándote\n\nNo hay botones de siguiente página o número de páginas - para leer más, **¡solo sigue desplazándote hacia abajo!**\n\nTan pronto como llegue nuevos posts, aparecerán automáticamente.\n\n## ¿Dónde estoy?\n\n- Para buscar, ver tu página de usuario, o el menú, usa el **los botones con el icono <kbd>☰</kbd> en la parte superior derecha**.\n\n- Cualquier título de un tema te llevara al siguiente post sin leer. Usa el tiempo de la última actividad y el contador de posts para ir al inicio o al final.\n\n- Mientras estés leyendo un tema, regresa al inicio &uarr; seleccionando el título del tema. Selecciona la barra de proceso verde en la parte inferior derecha para mostrar todos los controles de navegación, o usa las teclas <kbd>inicio</kbd> y <kbd>fin</kbd>.\n\n<img src=\"/images/welcome/progress-bar.png\"\
\ width=\"143\" height=\"39\">\n\n## ¿Cómo respondo?\n\n- Para responder para el tema en general, usa el botón Responder <img src=\"/images/welcome/reply-topic.png\" width=\"29\" height=\"25\"> al final de la página.\n\n- Para responder a un post especifico, usa el botón Responder <img src=\"/images/welcome/reply-post.png\" width=\"29\" height=\"25\"> en ese post.\n\n- Para llevar la conversación a una dirección diferente, pero manteniéndola enlazada, usa <img src=\"/images/welcome/reply-as-linked-topic.png\" width=\"15\" height=\"25\"> Responder como Tema enlazado a la derecha del post.\n\nPara citar a alguien en tu respuesta, selecciona el texto que desees citar, y presiona cualquier botón de Responder.\n\n<img src=\"/images/welcome/quote-reply.png\" width=\"350\" height=\"129\">\n\nPara mencionar a alguien en tu respuesta, menciona su nombre. Escribe `@` y el autocompletado aparecerá.\n\
@ -1232,6 +1229,10 @@ es:
La clave de respuesta proporcionada no es válida o es desconocida, por lo que no sabemos a qué responde este email. Contacta con algún miembro del staff.
subject_template: "Problema con el e-mail -- Desconocido Para: Dirección"
subject_template: "Problema con el email -- Tema No Encontrado"
subject_template: "Problema con el email -- Tema Cerrado"
subject_template: "Error con el email -- Autenticación POP errónea"
text_body_template: |
@ -1352,17 +1353,15 @@ es:
why: "Aquí tienes un breve resumen de %{site_link} desde la última vez que te vimos el %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Resumen del %{date}"
new_activity: "Actividad nueva en tus temas y posts:"
top_topics: "Posts populares"
other_new_topics: "Temas populares"
unsubscribe: "Este resumen es enviado como notificación de cortesía desde %{site_link} al no haberte visto desde hace algún tiempo. Para darte de baja %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "clic aquí"
from: "resumen de %{site_name}"
read_more: "Leer más"
more_topics: "Se han publicado otros %{new_topics_since_seen} nuevos temas desde tu última visita el %{last_seen_at}."
more_topics_category: "Se han publicado otros %{new_topics_since_seen} nuevos temas en estas categorías desde tu última visita el %{last_seen_at}."
more_topics: "Se han publicado otros %{new_topics_since_seen} nuevos temas."
more_topics_category: "Más temas nuevos:"
one: "1 post"
other: "%{count} posts"

View File

@ -365,14 +365,12 @@ fi:
action: "Vahvista käyttäjätilisi"
already_done: "Pahoittelut, tämän tilin varmennuslinkki ei ole enää voimassa. Ehkäpä tili on jo varmennettu?"
please_continue: "Uusi tilisi on nyt varmennettu ja olet kirjautuneena sisään."
continue_button: "Jatka sivustolle %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Tervetuloa sivustolle %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "Valvojan täytyy käsin hyväksyä uusi tilisi ennen kuin pääset palstalle. Saat sähköpostin, kun tilisi on hyväksytty."
title: 'Asiaankuulumaton'
description: 'Tämä viesti ei selvästi kuulu tähän ketjuun ja pitäisi todennäköisesti siirtää. Jos kyseessä on ketju, se ei kuulu tälle alueelle.'
long_form: 'liputti tämän asiaankuulumattomaksi'
title: 'Roskaposti'
@ -383,15 +381,10 @@ fi:
description: 'Tämän viestin sisältö on loukkaava, herjaava tai ristiriidassa <a href="/guidelines">palstan sääntöjen</a> kanssa.'
long_form: 'liputti tämän asiattomaksi'
title: 'Ilmoita käyttäjälle {{username}}'
description: 'Tämä viesti sisältää jotain, mistä haluan keskustellä tämän henkilön kanssa suoraan ja yksityisesti. Tämä ei aiheuta liputusta.'
long_form: 'ilmoitti käyttäjälle'
email_title: 'Viestisi ketjussa "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Ilmoita valvojille'
description: 'Valvojan tulee huomioida tämä viesti <a href="/guidelines">palstan sääntöjen</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">palveluehtojen</a>, tai muun syyn vuoksi.'
long_form: 'valvojille ilmoitettu'
email_title: 'Viesti ketjussa "%{title}" kaipaa valvojan huomiota'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -416,9 +409,7 @@ fi:
description: 'Tämän ketjun sisältö on loukkaava, herjaava tai ristiriidassa <a href="/guidelines">palstan sääntöjen</a> kanssa.'
long_form: 'liputti tämän asiattomaksi'
title: 'Ilmoita valvojille'
description: 'Valvojan tulee huomioida tämä ketju <a href="/guidelines">palstan sääntöjen</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">palveluehtojen</a>, tai muun syyn vuoksi.'
long_form: 'ilmoitettu valvojille'
email_title: 'Viestiketju"%{title}" kaipaa valvojan huomiota'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -576,7 +567,6 @@ fi:
description: "HTML joka lisätään jokaisen sivun ylälaitaan (headerin jälkeen, ennen navigaatiota tai ketjun otsikkoa)."
title: "Sivun alaosa"
description: "HTML joka lisätään jokaisen sivun loppuun."
censored_words: "Sanat, jotka korvataan automaattisesti merkeillä &#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;"
delete_old_hidden_posts: "Poista automaattisesti kaikki yli 30 päivää piilotettuna olleet viestit."
@ -746,7 +736,6 @@ fi:
purge_inactive_users_grace_period_days: "Varoaika (päivinä) kunnes aktivoimaton käyttäjätili tuhotaan."
enable_s3_uploads: "Lataa liitetiedostot Amazon S3:een. Tärkeää: edellyttää toimivat S3 kirjautumistiedot (access key id ja secret access key)."
s3_use_iam_profile: 'Käytä AWS EC2 IAM roolia avainten hakuun. HUOM: käyttöönotto korvaa "s3 access key id" ja "s3 secret access key" asetukset.'
s3_upload_bucket: "Amazon S3 bucket, jonne lataukset sijoitetaan. VAROITUS: täytyy olla pienillä kirjaimilla, ei pisteitä."
s3_access_key_id: "Amazon S3 access key id, jota käytetään kuvien sijoittamisessa."
s3_secret_access_key: "Amazon S3 secret access key, jota käytetään kuvien sijoittamisessa."
s3_region: "Amazon S3 region, jota käytetään kuvien sijoittamisessa."
@ -1117,7 +1106,6 @@ fi:
other: "Nämä liput annettiin yli %{count} tuntia sitten."
please_review: "Ole hyvä ja tarkasta ne."
post_number: "viesti"
how_to_disable: "Ota tämä sähköposti-ilmoitus pois käytöstä asettamalla <pre>notify_about_flags_after</pre> arvoon 0."
one: "Yksi liputus odottaa käsittelyä"
other: "%{count} liputusta odottaa käsittelyä"
@ -1135,22 +1123,6 @@ fi:
subject_template: "Viesti on piilotettu liputuksen johdosta"
text_body_template: |
Tämä on automaattinen viesti sivustolta %{site_name}, koska viestisi ...
... on piilotettu johtuen käyttäjien sille antamista liputuksista.
Usea käyttäjä on liputtanut tämän viestien ennen sen piilottamista, joten harkitse miten voisit muokata viestiäsi tämän palautteen pohjalta. **Voit muokata viestiäsi %{edit_delay} minuutin kuluttua, jolloin se tuodaan taas näkyviin.** Tämä kasvattaa luottamustasoasi.
Kuitenkin, jos viesti piilotettiin toista kertaa, se pysyy piilotettuna kunnes henkilökunta tutkii tilanteen jonka jälkeen voi seurata muita seuraamuksia, mukaan lukien tilisi hyllyttäminen.
Saadaksesi lisätietoja, lue [yhteisön säännöt](%{base_url}/guidelines).
text_body_template: |
Tässä yksityisviestissä on muutama pikaohje, joiden avulla pääset alkuun:
@ -1491,17 +1463,13 @@ fi:
why: "Lyhyt tiivistelmä siitä mitä on tapahtunut sivustolla %{site_link} sen jälkeen, kun viimeksi näimme sinut %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Tiivistelmä ajalta %{date}"
new_activity: "Uusi toiminta omissa ketjuissasi ja viesteissäsi:"
top_topics: "Suosittuja viestejä"
other_new_topics: "Suosittuja ketjuja"
unsubscribe: "Tämä tiivistelmä lähetettiin %{site_link}-sivustolta, jossa emme ole nähneet sinua vähään aikaan. Jos et halua vastaanottaa näitä viestejä, %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "klikkaa tästä"
from: "%{site_name} tiivistelmä"
read_more: "Lue lisää"
more_topics: "Sen jälkeen kun viimeksi vierailit palstalla %{last_seen_at}, on luotu %{new_topics_since_seen} muuta uutta ketjua."
more_topics_category: "Sen jälkeen kun viimeksi vierailit palstalla %{last_seen_at}, on luotu %{new_topics_since_seen} muuta uutta ketjua näille alueille."
one: "1 viesti"
other: "%{count} viestiä"

View File

@ -360,14 +360,14 @@ fr:
action: "Activer votre compte"
already_done: "Désolé, ce lien de confirmation n'est plus valide. Votre compte est peut-être déjà activé ?"
please_continue: "Votre nouveau compte est confirmé, et vous êtes maintenant connecté."
please_continue: "Votre nouveau compte est confirmé; vous allez être redirigé vers la page d'accueil."
continue_button: "Continuer vers %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Bienvenue sur %{site_name} !"
approval_required: "Un modérateur doit approuver manuellement votre nouveau compte avant que vous accédiez au forum. Vous recevrez un courriel lorsque que votre compte sera approuvé !"
title: 'Hors-sujet'
description: 'Ce message est radicalement hors-sujet dans ce contexte, et devrait probablement être déplacé. Si c''est un sujet, il n''a peut être pas ça place içi.'
description: 'Étant donné le titre et le premier message de cette discussion, ce message n''est pas pertinent dans ce contexte et devrait probablement être déplacé ailleurs.'
long_form: 'signalé comme hors-sujet.'
title: 'Spam'
@ -378,15 +378,11 @@ fr:
description: 'Ce message contient du contenu qu''une personne raisonnable jugerait offensant, abusif ou en violation du <a href="/guidelines">règlement de notre communauté</a>.'
long_form: 'signalé comme inapproprié'
title: 'Avertir {{username}}'
description: 'Ce message contient quelque chose sur lequel je souhaite discuter en privé avec cet utilisateur. N''envoi pas de signalement.'
long_form: 'utilisateur avertis'
email_title: 'Votre message sur "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Avertir un modérateur'
description: 'Ce message requiert l''attention de la modération d''après les <a href=''/fguidelines''>règlement de la communauté</a>, <a href=''%{tos_url}''>TOS</a>, ou pour une autre raison indéterminée.'
long_form: 'signalé aux modérateurs'
description: 'Ce message nécessite l''attention d''un modérateur pour une autre raison que celles listées ci-dessus.'
email_title: 'Un message dans "%{title}" requière l''attention d''un modérateur'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -411,9 +407,7 @@ fr:
description: 'Ce message contient du contenu qu''une personne raisonnable jugerait offensant, abusif ou en violation du <a href="/guidelines">règlement de notre communauté</a>.'
long_form: 'signalé comme inapproprié'
title: 'Avertir les modérateurs'
description: 'Ce message requiert l''attention de la modération d''après le <a href=''/guidelines''>règlement de la communauté</a>, <a href=''%{tos_url}''>TOS</a>, ou pour une autre raison non listée ici.'
long_form: 'signalé aux modérateurs'
email_title: 'Ce sujet "%{title}" requière l''attention d''un modérateur'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -571,7 +565,7 @@ fr:
description: "HTML qui sera ajouté en haut de toutes les pages (après l'en-tête, avant la navigation ou le titre du sujet)."
title: "Pied des pages"
description: "HTML qui sera ajouté au pied de chaque page."
description: "HTML qui sera ajouté avant la balise </body>."
censored_words: "Mots qui seront automatiquement remplacés par &#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;"
delete_old_hidden_posts: "Supprimer automatiquement les messages cachés plus de 30 jours."
@ -744,7 +738,6 @@ fr:
purge_inactive_users_grace_period_days: "Période de grâce (en jours) avant qu'un utilisateur qui n'a pas activé son compte soit supprimé."
enable_s3_uploads: "Placez les fichiers envoyés sur un stockage Amazon S3. IMPORTANT: nécessite un accès valide à S3 (l'identifiant et la clé secrète)."
s3_use_iam_profile: 'Utiliser un role AWS EC2 IAM pour la récupération des clés. NOTE: si activé, surcharge les paramètres "s3 access key id" et "s3 secret access key".'
s3_upload_bucket: "Le nom du bucket Amazon S3 qui contiendra les fichiers téléchargés. ATTENTION : doit être en minuscule, sans périodes."
s3_access_key_id: "L' access key Amazon S3 qui sera utilisée pour uploader les images."
s3_secret_access_key: "La clé secrète Amazon S3 qui va être utilisée pour uploader des images."
s3_region: "Le nom de la région Amazon S3 qui va être utilisée pour uploader des images."
@ -1109,7 +1102,6 @@ fr:
other: "Il y a des signalements qui ont été soumis il y a plus de %{count} heures."
please_review: "Veuillez examiner cela."
post_number: "message"
how_to_disable: "Désactiver ce courriel en modifiant la valeur de <pre>notify_about_flags_after</pre> à 0."
one: "un signalement en attente de traitement"
other: "%{count} signalements en attente de traitement."
@ -1127,22 +1119,6 @@ fr:
subject_template: "Message caché suite à un signalement par la communauté"
text_body_template: |
Ceci est un message automatique de %{site_name} pour vous informer que votre message ...
... a été caché à la suite d'un signalement de la communauté.
Plusieurs membres ont signalé ce message avant qu'il ne soit caché, **veuillez donc prendre en compte leurs remarques pour revoir votre message**. Vous pouvez modifier le message après %{edit_delay} minutes, et il sera automatiquement ré-affiché. Ceci augmentera votre niveau de confiance sur le forum.
Cependant, si le message est signalé par la communauté une seconde fois, il restera marqué jusquà l'intervention d'un modérateur -- et ils pourront prendre d'autres mesures y compris l'éventuelle suspension de votre compte.
Pour plus d'informations, merci de vous en référer au [règlement de la communauté](%{base_url}/guidelines).
text_body_template: "Ce message privé contient quelques astuces pour vous aider à démarrer rapidement.\n\n## Continuez de descendre\n\nIl n'y a pas de bouton Page Suivante ni de numéro de page pour en lire plus, **il vous suffit de descendre !**\n\nLorsque de nouvelles réponses arrivent, elles apparaissent automatiquement. \n\n## Où suis-je ?\n\n- Pour la recherche, votre page d'utilisateur, ou le menu, utiliser les **boutons icônes <kbd>☰</kbd> en haut à droite**.\n\n- Dans la liste des sujets, le titre vous emmènera toujours vers le prochain message non lu. Utiliser les colonnes Activité ou Messages pour allez au premier ou au dernier message. \n\n- Lorsque vous lisez un sujet, retournez en haut de celui &uarr; en cliquant sur le titre. Cliquez sur la barre de progression en bas à droite pour avoir une navigation complète, ou utilisez les touches <kbd>Home</kbd> et <kbd>Fin</kbd>. \n\n <img src=\"/images/welcome/progress-bar.png\" width=\"143\" height=\"39\">\n\n## Comment je réponds ?\n\n- Pour répondre au sujet dans sa globalité, utilisez le bouton \"Répondre\" <img src=\"/images/welcome/reply-topic.png\" width=\"29\" height=\"25\"> tout en bas de la page.\n\n- Pour répondre à un message spécifique, utilisez le bouton \"Répondre\" <img src=\"/images/welcome/reply-post.png\" width=\"\
29\" height=\"25\"> sur le message.\n\n - Si vous voulez continuer le sujet dans une section différente, mais garder le lien entre votre sujet et le message qui vous l'a inspiré, utilisez la fonction Répondre en créant un nouveau sujet <img src=\"/images/welcome/reply-as-linked-topic.png\" width=\"15\" height=\"25\"> à droite de chaque message.\n\nPour citer quelqu'un dans votre message, sélectionnez le texte que vous voulez citer et appuyez sur un des boutons Répondre.\n\n<img src=\"/images/welcome/quote-reply.png\" width=\"350\" height=\"129\">\n\nPour mentionner le pseudo d'un utilisateur, commencez à taper `@` et une liste d'auto-complétion apparaîtra.\n\n<img src=\"/images/welcome/username-completion.png\" width=\"230\" height=\"131\">\n\nConcernant les [icones Emoji](http://www.emoji.codes/), commencez par écrire `:` ou le traditionnel smiley `:)` :smile: \n\n## Que puis-je faire d'autre ?\n\nÀ la fin de chaque message il y a un ensemble de boutons pour les différentes actions possibles.\n\n<img src=\"/images/welcome/like-link-flag-bookmark.png\" width=\"169\" height=\"46\">\n\nPour faire savoir à quelqu'un que vous avez apprécié son message, cliquez sur le bouton *j'aime** en bas du message. Si vous voyez un problème avec un message, n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur le bouton **signaler**\
@ -1405,17 +1381,13 @@ fr:
why: "Voici un bref résumé de ce qu'il s'est passé sur %{site_link} depuis la dernière fois que nous vous avons vu(e) le %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Résumé du %{date}"
new_activity: "Nouvelles activités sur vos sujets et messages :"
top_topics: "Messages populaires"
other_new_topics: "Sujets populaires"
unsubscribe: "Ce courriel résumé vous est transmis courtoisement par %{site_link} car nous ne vous avons pas vu depuis quelques temps. Pour vous désabonner %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "cliquez ici"
from: "Résumé de %{site_name}"
read_more: "Lire la suite"
more_topics: "Il y a eu %{new_topics_since_seen} autres nouveaux sujets postés depuis votre dernière visite le %{last_seen_at}."
more_topics_category: "Il y a eu %{new_topics_since_seen} autres nouveaux sujets postés dans ces catégories depuis votre dernière visite le %{last_seen_at}."
one: "1 message"
other: "%{count} messages"

View File

@ -208,6 +208,26 @@ he:
assets_topic_body: "זהו נושא קבוע, הגלוי רק לצוות, לשמירת תמונות וקבצים שמשמשים לעיצוב האתר. אל תמחקו אותו!\n\n\nכיצד:\n\n\n1. הגיבו לנושא זה.\n2. העלו כאן את כל התמונות שברצונכם להשתמש כלוגואים, לוגואים מוקטנים (favicons) וכן הלאה. (השתמשו בלוגו ההעלאה בסרגל הכלים בעורך הפרסום, או גררו-שחררו או הדביקו את התמונות.)\n3. שלחו את התגובה כדי לפרסם אותה.\n4. הקליקו עם הכפתור הימני על התמונות בפרסום החש שלכם כדי להשיג את הכתובת של התמונה שהועלתה, או הקליקו על סמל העריכה כדי לערוך את הפרסום ולאחזר את הכתובת של התמונות. העתיקו את הכתובות.\n5. הדביקו את כתובות התמונות אלתוך [הגדרות בסיסיות](/מנהל/הגדרות_אתגר/קטגוריה/נדרש).\n\nאם אתכם צריכים לאפשר העלאת קבצים מסוגים שונים, ערכו את \"הרחבות מאושרות\" בתוך [הגדרות_קובץ](/מנהל/הגדרות_אתר/קטגוריה/קבצים)."
title: "ברוכים הבאים ללאונג'"
body: |2
ברכות!: confetti_ball
אם את/ה רואה נושא זה, קודמת לאחרונה ל**משתשמ/ת** (trust level 3).
אתם יכולים עכשיו &hellip;
* לערוך כותרות של כל נושא
* לשנות את הקטגוריה של כל נושא
* לאפשר מעקב אחר כל הקישורים שלכם (([automatic nofollow]) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nofollow) ) יוסר.
* לגשת לקטגוריית הלאונג' הפרטי הזמינה רק למשתמשים ברמת אמון 3 ומעלה
* להסתיר ספאם בעזרת סימון אחד
הנה [רשימת החברים שלך למעמד זה(/badges/3/regular). אתם מוזמנים להגיד שלום.
תודה על החלק החשוב שאתם נוטלים בקהילה שלנו!
למידע נוסף על רמות האמון, [ראו נושא זה][trust]. שימו לב בבקשה שרק חברים שממשיכים לעמוד בבדירשות לאורך זמן נשארים ברמת אמון זו).
[trust]: https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924
topic_prefix: "אודות הקטגוריה %{category}"
replace_paragraph: "[החלף את הפסקה הראשונה הזו עם תיאור קצר של הקטגוריה החדש שלך. התיאור הזה יופיע באיזור בחירת הקטגוריה, כך שיש לנסות לשמור עליו באורך פחות מ-200 תויים. עד שתעריך את המלל הזה או תיצור נושאים, הקטגוריה הזו לא תופיע בעמוד הקטגוריות.]"
@ -335,14 +355,12 @@ he:
action: "הפעל/י את חשבונך"
already_done: "סליחה, כתובת אישור החשבון הזו אינה זמינה יותר. אולי החשבון שלך כבר פעיל?"
please_continue: "החשבון החדש שלך מאושר ואת/ה עכשיו מחוברים."
continue_button: "המשך ל-%{site_name}"
welcome_to: "ברוכים הבאים ל-%{site_name}!"
approval_required: "מנהל צריך לאשר את החשבון שלך ידנית לפני שתוכל להיכנס לפורום הזה. יישלח אליך דואר אלקטרוני כשהחשבון שלך יאושר!"
title: 'אוף-טופיק'
description: 'ההודעה הזו היא לחלוטיןלא קשורה לשיחה הנוכחית, וכנראה שיש להעבירה לנושא אחר. אם זה נושא, אולי הוא לא שייך לכאן.'
long_form: 'דוגלל כאוף-טופיק'
title: 'ספאם'
@ -353,15 +371,10 @@ he:
description: 'פרסום זה מכיל תוכן שאדם סביר היה רואה כפוגעני, מתעלל או הפרה של <a href="/guidelines"> כללי הקהילה </a>.'
long_form: 'דוגלל כלא ראוי'
title: 'התרע ל-{{username}}'
description: 'פרסום זה מכיל משהו שארצה לשוחח עליו עם האדם הזה באופן ישיר ופרטי. אין צורך בסימון.'
long_form: 'המשתמש הותרע'
email_title: 'הפרסום שלךב"%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'התראה למנחים'
description: 'פרסום זה דורש התייחסות של מנחה (moderator) כללי, על פי <a href="/guidelines"> הכללים המנחים </a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">TOS</a> או מסיבה אחרת המוזכרת למעלה.'
long_form: 'מנהלים הותרעו'
email_title: 'הודעה ב-"%{title}" דורשת תשומת לב של מנהל'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -386,9 +399,7 @@ he:
description: 'נושא זה מכיל תוכן שהאדם הסביר היה מחשיב פוגעני, מתעלל או הפרה של <a href="/guidelines"> כללי ההתנהלות בקהילה שלנו </a>.'
long_form: 'דוגלל כלא ראוי'
title: 'התרע/ה למנחים'
description: 'נושא זה דורש התייחסות של מנחה (moderator) כללי, על פי <a href="/guidelines"> הכללים המנחים </a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">TOS</a>, או סיבה אחרת שאינה מופיעה כאן.'
long_form: 'מנהלים הותרעו'
email_title: 'הנושא "%{title}" דורש תשומת לב של מנהל'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -546,7 +557,6 @@ he:
description: "HTML that will be added at the top of every page (after the header, before the navigation or the topic title)."
title: "Bottom of the pages"
description: "HTML that will be added at the bottom of every page."
censored_words: "מלים שיוחלפו באופן אוטומטי ב- &#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;"
delete_old_hidden_posts: "מחיקת אוטומטית של פרסומים מוסתרים שנותרים מוסתרים במשך יותר מ-30 יום."
@ -719,7 +729,6 @@ he:
purge_inactive_users_grace_period_days: "תקופת המתנה (בימים) לפני שמשתמש שלא הפעיל את החשבון שלו יימחק."
enable_s3_uploads: "אחסן העלאות (uploads) על תשתית של Amazon S3. חשוב: מצריך מפתח גישה + מפתח גישה סודי שיהיו חוקיים."
s3_use_iam_profile: 'השתמש ב-AWS EC2 IAM role על מנת לאחזר מפתחות. שימו לב: איפשור של זה ידרוס את ההגדרות "S3 access key id" וכן את "s3 secret access key".'
s3_upload_bucket: "The Amazon S3 bucket name that files will be uploaded into. WARNING: must be lowercase (cf. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html)"
s3_access_key_id: "מפתח הגישה (access key id) של Amazon S3 שישמש להעלאת התמונות."
s3_secret_access_key: "מפתח הגישה הסודי (secret access key) של Amazon S3 שישמש להעלאת תמונות."
s3_region: "שם האזור (region name) של Amazon S3 שישמש להעלאת תמונות."
@ -1008,6 +1017,18 @@ he:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email Deliverability Test"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] גרסת Discourse חדשה, עדכון זמין."
text_body_template: |
גרסא חדש של [Discourse] (http://www.discourse.org) זמינה.
הגרסא שלכם: %{installed_version}
גרסא חדשה: **%{new_version}**
ייתכן שתרצו:
- לראות מה חדש ב[יומן השינויים בגיטהאב](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commits/master).
- לשדרג דרך בחיקור ב[%{base_url}/admin/upgrade](%{base_url}/admin/upgrade) ולחיצה על כפתור ה"Upgrade".
- ביקור ב[meta.discourse.org](http://meta.discourse.org) לחדשות, דיונים ותמיכה ב-Discourse.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] update available"
@ -1016,7 +1037,6 @@ he:
other: "סימונים אלה נשלחו לפני %{count} שעות."
please_review: "Please review them."
post_number: "post"
how_to_disable: "בטלו מכתבים אלה באמצעות שינוי ההגדרה <pre>notify_about_flags_after</pre> ל-0."
one: "סימון אחד ממתין לטיפול"
other: "%{count} סימונים ממתינים לטיפול"
@ -1156,6 +1176,18 @@ he:
מצטערים, אבל הודעת הדוא"ל שלך ל-%{destination} עם הכותרת %{former_title} לא הצליחה.
לא הצלחנו לזהות כתובות יעד. אנא ודא שכתובת האתר נמצאת בשדה "אל:", ולא ב-"עותק" או "עותק מוחבא (CC / BCC), ושאתה שולח לכתובת אימייל שסופקה בידי הצוות.
subject_template: "בעיית דוא\"ל -- הנושא לא נמצא"
text_body_template: |
אנחנו מצטערים, אך הודעת הדוא"ל שלך אל %{destination} (בנושא %{former_title}) לא נשלחה.
הנושא לא נמצא, ייתכן והוא נמחק. אם אתם מאמינים שזוהי תקלה, אנא צרו קשר עם איש/אשת צוות.
subject_template: "בעיית דוא\"ל -- הנושא נסגר"
text_body_template: |
אנחנו מצטערים, אך הודעת הדוא"ל ששלחת אל %{destination} (בנושא %{former_title}) לא עברה.
הנושא נסגר. אם אתם מאמינים שמדובר בתקלה, צרו קשר עם איש/אשת צוות.
subject_template: "תקלת דוא\"ל - שגיאת אישור POP"
text_body_template: |
@ -1213,6 +1245,7 @@ he:
text_body_template: "האפשרות \"הורדת תמונות מרוחקות\" נוטרלה בגלל שכל שטח האכסון שמוקצה ל\"תמונות שהורדו מרחוק\" נוצל."
unsubscribe_link: "To unsubscribe from these emails, visit your [user preferences](%{user_preferences_url})."
subject_re: "תגובה: "
subject_pm: "[PM] "
previous_discussion: "Previous Replies"
@ -1273,17 +1306,13 @@ he:
why: "סיכום קצר על המתרחש ב%{site_link} מאז שראינו אותך שם לאחרונה, ב%{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Forum Activity for %{date}"
new_activity: "New activity on your topics and posts:"
top_topics: "Recent posts the community enjoyed:"
other_new_topics: "Other New Topics:"
unsubscribe: "סיכום זה נשלח כתזכורת מנומסת מ%{site_link} היות ולא ראינו אותך כבר זמן רב. לביטול ההרשמה: %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "click here"
from: "%{site_name} digest"
read_more: "Read More"
more_topics: "ישנם %{new_topics_since_seen} נושאים חדשים נוספים שפורסמו מאז ביקורך אחרון ב%{last_seen_at}."
more_topics_category: "ישנם %{new_topics_since_seen} נושאים חדשים נוספים שפורסמו בקטגוריות אלו מאז שביקרת לאחרונה ב%{last_seen_at}:"
one: "1 post"
other: "%{count} posts"
@ -1375,6 +1404,7 @@ he:
spam_hosts: "המשתמש/ת החדשים ניסו ליצור כמה פרסומים עם קישורים לאותו מתחם (domain)ץ ראו את הגדרות האתר (newuser_spam_host_threshold)."
no_user: "Can't find user with id %{user_id}"
suspended_not_pm: "המשתמש/ת מושעים, לא מסר פרטי"
seen_recently: "User was seen recently"
post_not_found: "Can't find a post with id %{post_id}"
notification_already_read: "The notification this email is about has already been read"
@ -1497,3 +1527,5 @@ he:
א0 נחליט לשנות את מדיניות הפרטיות שלנו, נפרסם שינויים אלו בעמוד זה.
מסמך זה מפורסם תחת רשיון CC-BY-SA. הוא עודכן לאחרונה ב-31 למאי, 2013.
search_help: "<h2>טיפים</h2>\n<p>\n<ul>\n <li>כותרות מוצגות על פי סדר עדיפות, כך שכשיש ספק, חפשו: titles</li>\n <li>מלים ייחודיות ולא מקובלות יציגו תמיד את התוצאות הטובות ביותר</li>\n <li>כאשר זה אפשרי, צמצמו את החיפוש שלכם לקטגוריה, משתמש או נושא</li>\n</ul>\n</p>\n<h2>אפשרויות</h2>\n<p>\n <table>\n <tr><td><code>order:views</code></td><td><code>order:latest</code></td><td colspan=3></td></tr>\n <tr><td><code>status:open</code></td><td><code>status:closed</code></td><td><code>status:archived</code></td><td><code>status:noreplies</code></td><td><code>status:singleuser</code></td></tr>\n <tr><td><code>category:foo</code></td><td><code>user:foo</code></td><td colspan=3></td></tr>\n <tr><td><code>in:likes</code></td><td><code>in:posted</code></td><td><code>in:watching</code></td><td><code>in:tracking</code></td><td></td></tr>\n </table>\n</p>\n<p>\n <code>rainbows category:parks status:open order:latest</code> \nיחפש נושאים הכוללים את המילה \"rainbows\" בקטגוריה \"parks\" שאינם סגורים או מאורכבים, על פי סדר תאריך הפרסום האחרון.</p>\n"

View File

@ -108,8 +108,6 @@ id:
long_form: 'menandai sebagai spam'
title: 'Beri notifikasi pada moderator'
long_form: 'telah mengirimkan notifikasi kepada moderator'
email_title: 'Perhatian moderator dibutuhkan di topik "%{title}"'

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
number: "-"
@ -331,14 +334,14 @@ it:
action: "Attiva il tuo account"
already_done: "Spiacenti, questo collegamento di attivazione non è più valido. Forse il tuo account è già attivo?"
please_continue: "Il tuo nuovo account è confermato e ora sei collegato."
please_continue: "Il tuo nuovo account è confermato; verrai ora rediretto alla pagina iniziale."
continue_button: "Procedi su %{site_name}."
welcome_to: "Benvenuto su %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "Un moderatore deve approvare manualmente il tuo account prima che tu possa accedere al forum. Riceverai un'email quando il tuo account sarà approvato!"
title: 'Fuori Tema'
description: 'Questo messaggio è completamente fuori tema rispetto all''argomento corrente, e dovrà probabilmente essere spostato. Se si tratta di un argomento, allora forse non dovrebbe essere qui.'
description: 'Questo messaggio è fuori tema rispetto al titolo e al primo messaggio e dovrà probabilmente essere spostato. '
long_form: 'segnalato come fuori tema'
title: 'Spam'
@ -349,15 +352,15 @@ it:
description: 'Questo messaggio ha dei contenuti che una persona ragionevole considererebbe offensivi, aggressivi o una violazione delle <a href="/guidelines">linee guida della comunità</a>.'
long_form: 'segnalato come inappropriato'
title: 'Notifica {{username}}'
title: 'Messaggio Privato @{{username}}'
description: 'Vorrei discutere direttamente e privatamente con l''autore di questo messaggio. Non voglio attivare una segnalazione.'
long_form: 'utente nofiticato'
long_form: 'messaggio privato inviato'
email_title: 'Il tuo messaggio su "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Notifica moderatori'
description: 'Questo messaggio richiede attenzione da parte dei moderatori in base alle <a href="/guidelines">linee guida</a>, ai <a href="%{tos_url}">TOS</a>, o per altri motivi non elencati.'
long_form: 'moderatori notificati'
title: "Altro"
description: 'Questo messaggio richiede attenzione da parte dei moderatori per altri motivi non elencati.'
long_form: 'segnalato all''attenzione dei moderatori'
email_title: 'Un messaggio "%{title}" richiede l''attenzione dei moderatori'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -382,9 +385,9 @@ it:
description: 'Questo argomento ha dei contenuti che una persona ragionevole considererebbe offensivi, aggressivi o una violazione delle <a href="/guidelines">linee guida della comunità</a>.'
long_form: 'segnalato come inappropriato'
title: 'Avvisa i moderatori'
title: "Altro"
description: 'Questo argomento richiede attenzione da parte dei moderatori in base alle <a href="/guidelines">linee guida</a>, ai <a href="%{tos_url}">TOS</a> o per altri motivi non elencati.'
long_form: 'moderatori avvisati'
long_form: 'segnalato all''attenzione dei moderatori'
email_title: 'L''argomento "%{title}" richiede l''attenzione di un moderatore'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -496,9 +499,9 @@ it:
enable_google_logins_warning: "Stai utilizzando una versione obsoleta dell'autenticazione Google OpenID. Google terminerà il supporto ad OpenID il 20 aprile 2015. Inizia ad usare Google OAuth2 al più presto. <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/configuring-google-login-for-discourse/15858' target='_blank'>Leggi questa guida per saperne di più</a>"
both_googles_warning: "Hai entrambe le impostazioni enable_google_logins e enable_google_oauth2_logins attivate. Disabilita enable_google_logins."
google_oauth2_config_warning: 'Il server è configurato per permettere registrazioni e login con Google Oauth2 (enable_google_oauth2_logins), ma il client id e il client secret non sono impostati. Vai nelle <a href="/admin/site_settings">Impostazioni del sito</a> e aggiorna le impostazioni. <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/configuring-google-login-for-discourse/15858" target="_blank">Leggi questa guida per saperne di più</a>.'
facebook_config_warning: 'Il server è configurato per accettare registrazioni e login con Facebook (enable_facebook_logins), tuttavia i parametri segreti non sono impostati. Vai alle <a href="/admin/site_settings">Impostazioni</a> e aggiorna i campi interessati. <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/configuring-facebook-login-for-discourse/13394" target="_blank">Leggi questa guida per saperne di più</a>.'
twitter_config_warning: 'Il server è configurato per accettare registrazioni e login con Twitter (enable_twitter_logins), tuttavia la chiave e i parametri segreti non sono impostati. Vai alle <a href="/admin/site_settings">Impostazioni</a> e aggiorna i campi interessati. <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/configuring-twitter-login-for-discourse/13395" target="_blank">Leggi questa guida per saperne di più</a>.'
github_config_warning: 'Il server è configurato per accettare registrazioni e login con GitHub (enable_github_logins), tuttavia il client id e i valori segreti non sono impostati. Vai alle <a href="/admin/site_settings">Impostazioni</a> e aggiorna i campi interessati. <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/configuring-github-login-for-discourse/13745" target="_blank">Leggi questa guida per saperne di più</a>.'
facebook_config_warning: 'Il server è configurato per accettare registrazioni e login con Facebook (enable_facebook_logins), tuttavia i parametri app id e secret non sono stati impostati. Vai alle <a href="/admin/site_settings">Impostazioni</a> e aggiorna i campi interessati. <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/configuring-facebook-login-for-discourse/13394" target="_blank">Leggi questa guida per saperne di più</a>.'
twitter_config_warning: 'Il server è configurato per accettare registrazioni e login con Twitter (enable_twitter_logins), tuttavia i parametri key e secret non sono stati impostati. Vai alle <a href="/admin/site_settings">Impostazioni</a> e aggiorna i campi interessati. <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/configuring-twitter-login-for-discourse/13395" target="_blank">Leggi questa guida per saperne di più</a>.'
github_config_warning: 'Il server è configurato per accettare registrazioni e login con GitHub (enable_github_logins), tuttavia i parametri client id e secret non sono stati impostati. Vai alle <a href="/admin/site_settings">Impostazioni</a> e aggiorna i campi interessati. <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/configuring-github-login-for-discourse/13745" target="_blank">Leggi questa guida per saperne di più</a>.'
s3_config_warning: 'Il server è configurato per caricare file a s3, ma almeno uno dei seguenti parametri non è impostato: s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key or s3_upload_bucket. Vai <a href="/admin/site_settings">alle impostazioni del sito</a> e aggiorna i parametri. <a href="http://meta.discourse.org/t/how-to-set-up-image-uploads-to-s3/7229" target="_blank">Leggi anche "How to set up image uploads to S3?" per saperne di più</a>.'
s3_backup_config_warning: 'Il server è configurato per caricare i backup su S3, ma almeno uno dei seguenti campi non è impostato: s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key or s3_backup_bucket. Vai sulle <a href="/admin/site_settings">Impostazioni</a> e aggiorna i relativi campi. <a href="http://meta.discourse.org/t/how-to-set-up-image-uploads-to-s3/7229" target="_blank">Guarda "Come impostare il caricamento di immagini su S3?" per informazioni</a>.'
image_magick_warning: 'Il server è configurato per creare thumbnail di immagini di ampie dimensioni, ma ImageMagick non è installato. Installa ImageMagick usando il tuo Package Manager preferito o <a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php" target="_blank">scarica la versione più recente</a>.'
@ -520,14 +523,14 @@ it:
title: "Educatione Nuovi Utenti: Primi Argomenti"
description: "Per i primi due argomenti dei nuovi utenti, verrà automaticamente visualizzata una finestra pop-up per mostrare dei consigli durante la composizione del messaggio."
title: "Guida iniziale nuovi utenti"
title: "Guida Nuovi Utenti"
description: "Guida e informazioni essenziali per nuovi utenti."
title: "Benvenuto: Nuovo Utente"
description: "Un messaggio privato verrà automaticamente inviato a tutti i nuovi utenti dopo la registrazione."
description: "Verrà inviato automaticamente un messaggio privato a tutti i nuovi utenti dopo la registrazione."
title: "Benvenuto: Utente Invitato"
description: "Un messaggio privato verrà automaticamente inviato a tutti gli utenti invitati dopo che loro accettano l'invito."
description: "Verrà inviato automaticamente un messaggio privato a tutti gli utenti invitati quando accettano l'invito a partecipare da parte di un altro utente."
title: "Accesso richiesto: messaggio di benvenuto"
description: "Messaggio che viene mostrato agli utenti non collegati quando l'impostazione \"login obbligatorio\" è attiva."
@ -542,7 +545,7 @@ it:
description: "HTML che verrà aggiunto in cima a ogni pagina (dopo l'header, prima della barra di navigazione o del titolo dell'argomento)."
title: "Fondo delle pagine"
description: "HTML che verrà aggiunto in fondo ad ogni pagina."
description: "HTML che verrà aggiunto prima del tag </body>."
censored_words: "Parole che saranno automaticamente sostituite con &#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;"
delete_old_hidden_posts: "Cancella automaticamente tutti i messaggi nascosti che restano nascosti per più di 30 giorni."
@ -591,6 +594,7 @@ it:
summary_posts_required: "Minimo numero di messaggi in un argomento affinché venga abilitato 'Riassumi Questo Argomento' "
summary_likes_required: "Minimo numero di \"Mi piace\" in un argomento affinché venga abilitato 'Riassumi Questo Argomento'"
summary_percent_filter: "Quando un utente clicca su 'Riassumi Questo Argomento', mostra i primi % messaggi"
summary_max_results: "Massimo numero di messaggi mostrati in 'Riassumi Argomento'"
enable_private_messages: "Autorizza gli utenti con livello di esperienza 1 a creare e rispondere a messaggi privati"
enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
@ -675,7 +679,6 @@ it:
limit_suggested_to_category: "Negli argomenti suggeriti, mostra soltanto argomenti della categoria corrente. "
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "Quante ore prima che un upload \"orphan\" venga rimosso."
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "Giorni che devono trascorrere prima che un upload cancellato venga rimosso del tutto."
s3_upload_bucket: "Il nome del bucket Amazon S3 sul quale verranno caricati i file. ATTENZIONE: deve essere in minuscolo.\\"
default_invitee_trust_level: "Livello di esperienza (0-4) assegnato di default agli utenti invitati."
default_trust_level: "Livello di esperienza (0-4) assegnato di default ai nuovi utenti."
tl1_requires_topics_entered: "Quanti argomenti deve inserire un utente per essere promosso a livello di esperienza 1."
@ -783,7 +786,26 @@ it:
archived_disabled: "Questo argomento non è più archiviato. Non è più congelato e può essere modificato."
closed_enabled: "Questo argomento è stato chiuso. Non è più possibile inviare risposte."
closed_disabled: "Questo argomento è stato aperto. È di nuovo possibile rispondere."
one: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso dopo un giorno. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
other: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso dopo %{count} giorni. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
one: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso dopo un'ora. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
other: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso dopo %{count} ore. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
one: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso dopo un minuto. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
other: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso dopo %{count} minuti. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
one: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso un giorno dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
other: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso %{count} giorni dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
one: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso un'ora dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
other: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso %{count} ore dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
one: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso un minuto dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
other: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso %{count} minuti dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte."
autoclosed_disabled: "Questo argomento è ora aperto. Sono permesse altre risposte."
autoclosed_disabled_lastpost: "Questo argomento è ora aperto. Sono permesse altre risposte."
pinned_enabled: "Questo argomento è stato puntato. Sarà mostrato in cima alla sua categoria finché non sarà spuntato da un membro dello staff - e allora varrà per tutti - oppure dai singoli utenti - e varrà solo per loro stessi."
pinned_disabled: "Questo argomento è stato spuntato. Non sarà più mostrato in cima alla sua categoria."
pinned_globally_enabled: "Questo argomento è ora puntato globalmente. Apparirà in cima sia alla sua categoria sia alle liste di tutti argomenti finché non sarà spuntato dallo staff - e allora varrà per tutti - oppure dai singoli utenti - e allora varrà solo per loro stessi."
@ -848,7 +870,6 @@ it:
other: "Queste segnalazioni sono state inviate oltre %{count} ore fa."
please_review: "Per favore, revisionale."
post_number: "messaggio"
how_to_disable: "Disattiva questa email impostando <pre>notify_about_flags_after</pre> a 0."
one: "1 segnalazione in attesa di essere revisionata"
other: "%{count} segnalazioni in attesa di essere revisionate"
@ -866,22 +887,6 @@ it:
subject_template: "Messaggio nascosto a causa di segnalazioni dalla comunità"
text_body_template: |
il presente è un messaggio automatico da parte di %{site_name} per informarti che il tuo messaggio...
...è stato nascosto a causa di segnalazioni da parte della comunità.
Diversi membri della comunità hanno segnalato questo messaggio, perciò considera l'opportunità di rivedere il suo contenuto in modo che rispetti tale valutazione. **Puoi modificare il messaggio dopo %{edit_delay} minuti, e verrà automaticamente visualizzato.** Ciò aumenterà il tuo Livello Esperienza.
Comunque, se il messaggio verrà nascosto dalla comunità un'altra volta, resterà nascosto finché non verrà gestito dallo staff e ci potrebbero essere ulteriori provvedimenti, inclusa la possibile sospensione del tuo account.
Per ulteriori informazioni, puoi far riferimento alle nostre [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines).
subject_template: "Benvenuto su %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
@ -896,6 +901,29 @@ it:
subject_template: "Benvenuto su %{site_name}!"
subject_template: "Backup completato correttamente"
subject_template: "Backup fallito"
text_body_template: |
Il backup è fallito.
Questo è il log:
subject_template: "Il ripristino è avvenuto con successo."
text_body_template: "Il ripristino è avvenuto con successo."
subject_template: "Ripristino fallito"
text_body_template: |
Il ripristino è fallito.
Ecco il log:
subject_template: "Invito di massa processato con successo"
text_body_template: "Il tuo invito di massa è stato processato, %{sent} inviti spediti."
@ -1022,17 +1050,13 @@ it:
why: "Un breve resoconto di %{site_link} dall'ultima tua visita il %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Riepilogo per %{date}"
new_activity: "Nuove attività nei tuoi argomenti e messaggi:"
top_topics: "Post Popolari"
other_new_topics: "Argomenti più attivi"
unsubscribe: "Questo riepilogo ti è stato inviato come notifica di cortesia da %{site_link} poiché non ti vediamo da un po'. Per cancellarti %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "clicca qui"
from: "%{site_name} riepilogo"
read_more: "Leggi altro"
more_topics: "Ci sono %{new_topics_since_seen} nuovi argomenti dall'ultima tua visita il %{last_seen_at}."
more_topics_category: "Ci sono %{new_topics_since_seen} nuovi argomenti inseriti in queste categorie dall'ultima tua visita il %{last_seen_at}."
one: "1 post"
other: "%{count} post"
@ -1099,7 +1123,7 @@ it:
signup_form_message: 'Ho letto e accetto i <a href="/tos" target="_blank">Termini del Servizio</a>.'
deleted: 'cancellato'
edit_reason: "Abbiamo scaricato copie locali delle immagini in questo post"
edit_reason: "copie locali delle immagini scaricate"
unauthorized: "Spiacenti, il file che stai cercando di caricare non è autorizzato (estensioni autorizzate: %{authorized_extensions})."
pasted_image_filename: "Immagine incollata"
store_failure: "Upload #%{upload_id} fallito per l'utente #%{user_id}."

View File

@ -225,14 +225,12 @@ ja:
action: "アカウントを有効する"
already_done: "申し訳ありませんが、このアカウント認証リンクは無効です。既にアカウントがアクティブになっていませんか?"
please_continue: "新しいアカウントを作成しました。自動的にログインされています。"
continue_button: "%{site_name} へ"
welcome_to: "%{site_name} へようこそ!"
approval_required: "このフォーラムにアクセスするにはモデレータによる承認が必要です。承認されるとメールにて通知されます!"
title: '関係ない話題'
description: 'この投稿は、このトピックの話題に合わない。または、この質問はこのカテゴリーに合わない。'
long_form: '「関係ない話題」としてフラグを立つ'
title: 'スパム'
@ -243,15 +241,10 @@ ja:
description: 'この投稿は、誹謗中傷、恫喝、名誉毀損、わいせつ、犯罪行為など他人を不快にさせる内容を含んでいる。'
long_form: '不適切フラグをたてる'
title: '{{username}} に通知'
description: 'この投稿やトピックを書いた人に、直接メッセージを送る。(フラグを付けません)'
long_form: 'ユーザに通知'
email_title: '「%{title}」にの投稿'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: '管理人に通知'
description: 'この投稿やトピックは不適切な可能性があるため、管理人による確認を必要とする。'
long_form: 'モデレータに通知'
email_title: '"%{title}" のポストに関する管理人の確認が必要とする'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -276,9 +269,7 @@ ja:
description: 'この投稿は、誹謗中傷、恫喝、名誉毀損、わいせつ、犯罪行為など他人を不快にさせる内容を含んでいる。'
long_form: '不適切フラグをたてる'
title: '管理人に通知'
description: 'この投稿やトピックは不適切な可能性があるため、管理人による確認を必要とする。'
long_form: 'モデレータに告知する'
email_title: 'トピック"%{title}" は不適切な可能性があるため、管理人による確認を必要とする。'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -416,7 +407,6 @@ ja:
description: "全ページのトップに追加される HTML (ヘッダとナビゲーション/トピックタイトルの間に表示されます)"
title: "ページボトム"
description: "全ページのボトムに追加される HTML"
default_locale: "この Discourse インスタンスのデフォルト言語 (ISO 639-1 Code)"
allow_uncategorized_topics: "カテゴリなしのトピック作成を許可するか。"
@ -604,17 +594,13 @@ ja:
why: "あなたが最後にアクセスした %{last_seen_at} 以降に %{site_link} で行われた人気議論のまとめです。"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] メールマガジン【%{date}】"
new_activity: "あなたのトピックおよびポストにおけるアクティビティ:"
top_topics: "人気の投稿"
other_new_topics: "人気のトピック"
unsubscribe: "こちらのメールマガジンでは、%{site_link} が最新情報をご紹介しています!配信停止はこちら %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "ここをクリック"
from: "%{site_name} ダイジェスト"
read_more: "もっと読む"
more_topics: "%{last_seen_at}ログイン以来%{new_topics_since_seen}個新規トピックが投稿されました。"
more_topics_category: "%{last_seen_at}ログイン以来%{new_topics_since_seen}個新規トピックが以下のカテゴリに投稿されました:"
other: "%{count} 投稿"

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ko:
not_logged_in: "로그인된 사용자만 사용 가능합니다."
read_only_mode_enabled: "현재 읽기 전용 모드입니다."
other: "죄송합니다. 신규 사용자들은 같은 주제에 %{count}개까지만 댓글을 달 수 있습니다."
other: "죄송합니다. 신규 가입자들은 같은 주제에 %{count}개까지만 댓글을 달 수 있습니다."
start_discussion: "토론 시작"
continue: "토론 계속하기"
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ ko:
one: "죄송합니다. 새로운 사용자는 한 게시물에 하나의 링크만 넣을 수 있습니다."
other: "죄송합니다. 새로운 사용자는 한 게시물에 %{count}개의 링크만 넣을 수 있습니다."
spamming_host: "죄송합니다. 링크를 첨부 하실 수 없습니다."
user_is_suspended: "가입이 보류된 사용자는 게시물을 작성할 수 없습니다."
just_posted_that: "당신이 이전에 게시한 것과 너무 비슷합니다."
has_already_been_used: "이미 사용되었습니다."
invalid_characters: "사용할 수 없는 문자를 포함하고 있습니다."
@ -168,6 +169,8 @@ ko:
name: "카테고리 이름"
raw: "본문"
bio_raw: "About Me"
is_invalid: "사용할 수 없습니다. 조금 더 자세하게 적어주세요."
@ -175,6 +178,9 @@ ko:
warning_requires_pm: "개인 메시지를 통해 경고를 보낼 수 있습니다."
too_many_users: "한 번에 한 명의 사용자에게 경고를 보낼 수 있습니다."
cant_send_pm: "그 사용자에게 개인 메세지를 보낼 수 없습니다."
@ -193,10 +199,15 @@ ko:
vip_category_name: "라운지"
vip_category_description: "신뢰 등급 3 혹은 그 이상의 회원만 입장가능한 카테고리"
meta_category_name: "메타"
meta_category_description: "이 사이트의 운영 방식에 대해 건의하고 토론하는 곳입니다."
staff_category_name: "스태프"
staff_category_description: "스태프들의 논의를 위한 비공개 카테고리입니다. 관리자 및 운영자에게만 보입니다."
assets_topic_body: "이 토픽은 스태프에게만 보이는 영구적인 토픽입니다. 사이트 디자인을 위한 이미지를 저장할 수 있습니다. 지우지 마세요!\n\n다음처럼 하세요:\n\n1. 이 토픽에 답글을 작성하세요.\n2. 로고, 파비콘 등으로 사용하고 싶은 모든 이미지들을 업로드한다. (포스트 에디터 툴바의 업로드 아이콘을 사용하거나, 드래그 앤 드롭으로 이미지를 올려주세요.)\n3. 답글을 제출한다.\n4. 답글의 업로드된 이미지를 우클릭하거나, 수정 버튼을 눌러 이미지의 경로를 확인하세요. 해당 이미지의 경로를 복사하세요.\n5. 복사한 이미지 경로를 [basic settings](/admin/site_settings/category/required)에 붙여넣으세요.\n\n\n다른 유형의 이미지를 사용해야한다면 [file settings](/admin/site_settings/category/files)의 `authorized_extensions` 를 수정하세요."
title: "라운지에 오신 것을 환영합니다."
body: |2
축하합니다! :confetti_ball: 당신의 신뢰도가 **지도자** (신뢰도 3등급)로 올라갔기 때문에 이 토픽을 볼 수 있게 되었습니다. 이제부터 아래의 행동들을 할 수 있습니다 &hellip; * 토픽을 제목을 수정할 수 있습니다 * 토픽의 카테고리를 수정할 수 있습니다 * 링크가 follow로 처리됩니다 ([automatic nofollow](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nofollow) 가 제거됩니다) * 신뢰도 3 이상인 사용자가 접근할 수 있는 비공개 카테고리인 라운지에 접근할 수 있습니다 * 좋아요와 신고의 가중치가 높아집니다 [정규 멤버 목록](&#x2F;badges/3/regular)을 확인할 수 있습니다. 인사하는 것을 잊지마세요. 이 커뮤니티의 중요한 역할을 해주신 것에 감사드립니다! (신뢰도에 관한 더 자세한 정보를 보시려면, [이 토픽을 확인하세요][trust]. 기준에 맞는 사람만 정규 회원으로 자격이 유지됩니다.) [trust]: https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924
topic_prefix: "'%{category}' 카테고리의 설명"
replace_paragraph: "[이 첫번째 문단을 당신의 새로운 카테고리의 짧은 설명으로 바꿔주세요. 이 지침은 카테고리 선택 화면에 나타날 것입니다. 200자 이하로 적어주세요.]"
@ -222,7 +233,9 @@ ko:
title: "정규 회원"
title: "지도자"
change_failed_explanation: "당신은 %{user_name} 사용자를 '%{new_trust_level}'으로 강등시키려 하였습니다. 하지만 해당 사용자의 신뢰도는 이미 '%{current_trust_level}'입니다. %{user_name} 사용자의 신뢰도는 '%{current_trust_level}'으로 유지됩니다. - if you wish to demote user lock trust level first"
slow_down: "해당 작업을 너무 많이 수행했습니다. 잠시 뒤에 다시 시도해보세요."
too_many_requests: "지금 하시려는 행동에는 하루 제한이 있습니다. %{time_left} 동안 기다리시고 다시 시도해 주세요."
other: "%{count}시간"
@ -232,7 +245,7 @@ ko:
other: "%{count}초"
half_a_minute: "30초 전"
half_a_minute: "<1분"
other: "%{count}초 전"
@ -296,14 +309,12 @@ ko:
action: "계정 활성화"
already_done: "죄송합니다. 이 계정 확인 링크는 더 이상 유효하지 않습니다."
please_continue: "계정이 활성화되었고, 로그인 되었습니다."
continue_button: "%{site_name}으로 가기"
welcome_to: "%{site_name}에 오신것을 환영합니다."
approval_required: "이 포럼을 사용하기 위해선 운영자가 수동으로 당신의 새로운 계정을 수락해야 합니다. 계정이 수락이 되면 자동으로 이메일이 발송됩니다."
title: '오프 토픽'
description: '이 글은 현재 주제와 전혀 맞지 않습니다.'
long_form: '오프 토픽으로 신고하기'
title: '스팸'
@ -314,14 +325,10 @@ ko:
description: '이 게시물은 다른 사용자들에게 공격적이나 모욕적 또는 침해적인 글을 담고 있습니다.'
long_form: '부적절함으로 신고하기'
title: '{{username}}에게 알리기'
long_form: '신고한 사용자'
description: '이 게시물에 내가 작성자와 직접 대화하고 싶은 내용이 있습니다. 신고에서 제외해주세요.'
email_title: '"%{title}" 내의 당신의 게시글'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: '운영자에게 알리기'
description: '이 게시물은 <a href="/faq">FAQ</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">TOS</a>, 또는 다른 이유에서 운영자의 주의가 필요합니다.'
long_form: '운영자에게 알림'
email_title: '"%{title}" 게시물에 대한 운영자의 확인이 필요합니다'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -348,9 +355,7 @@ ko:
<a href="/guidelines">커뮤니티 가이드라인</a>에 맞지 않습니다.'
long_form: '부적절함으로 신고하였습니다.'
title: '운영자에게 알림'
description: '이 게시물은 <a href="/faq">FAQ</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">TOS</a>, 또는 기타 다른 이유에서 운영자의 주의가 필요합니다.'
long_form: '운영자에게 알림'
description: '이 게시물은 <a href="/guidelines">가이드라인</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">이용약관</a>, 또는 다른 이유와 관련해서 운영자의 주의가 필요합니다.'
email_title: '토픽 "%{title}" 은 운영자의 확인이 필요합니다'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -506,7 +511,6 @@ ko:
description: "모든 페이지 상단에 추가할 HTML(헤더 아래, 네비게이션이나 토픽 제목 위)."
title: "페이지 하단"
description: "모든 페이지 하단에 추가할 HTML"
default_locale: "Discourse 인스턴스가 사용하는 기본 언어 (ISO 639-1 Code)"
allow_user_locale: "사용자에게 자신이 원하는 언어를 선택할 수 있는 옵션을 제공한다."
@ -525,9 +529,9 @@ ko:
title: "title 태그에 쓰일, 이 싸이트의 짧은 제목"
site_description: "이 사이트를 한 문장으로 설명해 주세요. meta description 태그에 사용됩니다."
contact_email: "이 사이트에 대한 주 이메일 주소. discourse.org로부터 중요한 업데이트에 대한 정보가 이 메일 주소로 보내질 것입니다."
company_full_name: "정책이나 약관에 사용되는 이 사이트를 운영하는 회사의 전체 이름"
company_short_name: "정책이나 약관에 사용되는 이 사이트를 운영하는 회사의 축약 이름"
company_domain: "정책이나 약관에 사용되는 이사이트를 운영하는 회사의 도메인 이름"
company_full_name: "DEPRECATED. Not used anymore and will be removed. The full name of the company that runs this site, used in legal documents like /tos and /privacy"
company_short_name: "DEPRECATED. Not used anymore and will be removed. The full name of the company that runs this site, used in legal documents like /tos and /privacy"
company_domain: "DEPRECATED. Not used anymore and will be removed. The full name of the company that runs this site, used in legal documents like /tos and /privacy"
queue_jobs: "오직 개발자만!! 주의!! By default, queue jobs in sidekiq. If disabled, your site will be broken."
crawl_images: "제대로된 넓이와 높이를 추가하기 위해, 원격 URL로 부터 이미지를 회수해온다."
download_remote_images_to_local: "이미지를 다운로드하면 원격 이미지를 로컬이미지로 변경한다. 이미지가 깨지는 것을 막을 수 있다."
@ -536,6 +540,7 @@ ko:
ninja_edit_window: "편집을 결과가 새로운 버전을 생성하지 않는 포스팅 이후에 경과할 시간(초)"
post_edit_time_limit: "글 작성자가 해당 글을 편집하거나 삭제할 수 있도록 허용되는 시간(분). 0으로 설정하면 언제든지 편집이나 삭제가 허용됨."
edit_history_visible_to_public: "모든 사용자가 게시글의 수정 내역을 볼 수 있도록 허용. 비활성화시 스태프 맴버만 수정 내역을 볼 수 있음."
delete_removed_posts_after: "작성자에 의해 삭제된 게시물은 (n) 시간 뒤 자동으로 삭제됩니다. 0으로 설정 시, 즉시 삭제됩니다."
max_image_width: "글에서 사용할 수 있는 썸네일 이미지의 최대 너비"
max_image_height: "글에서 사용할 수 있는 썸네일 이미지의 최대 높이"
category_featured_topics: "카테고리 페이지에서 한 카테고리당 보여질 토픽의 수"
@ -650,7 +655,6 @@ ko:
clean_up_uploads: "불법 호스팅을 막기 위해서 참조되지 않은 업로드 파일은 제거한다. 주의 : 이 설정을 활성화 하기 전에 `/uploads` 디렉토리를 백업하는 것이 좋다."
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "참조되지 않은 업로드 파일을 제거하기 전 기간(시간)"
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "참조되지 않은 업로드 파일을 완전 삭제하지 전 기간(일)"
s3_upload_bucket: "업로드된 파일이 위치할 Amazon S3 버켓 이름. 주의 : 소문자로 period(.)업는 문자열"
s3_access_key_id: "이미지를 업로드 할 때 사용할 Amazon S3의 access key id"
s3_secret_access_key: "이미지를 업로드 할 때 사용할 Amazon S3의 secret access key"
s3_region: "이미지를 업로드 할 때 사용할 Amazon S3 region"
@ -741,7 +745,10 @@ ko:
private_message: "%{display_username} 사용자가 당신에게 개인 메시지를 보냈습니다: %{link}"
invited_to_private_message: "%{display_username} 사용자가 당신에게 개인 메시지로 초대하였습니다: %{link}"
invitee_accepted: "%{display_username} 사용자가 당신의 초대를 수락하였습니다."
linked: "%{display_username} 사용자가 %{link} 에서 당신을 링크했습니다."
granted_badge: "당신은 %{link}를 획득했습니다."
within_post: "#%{post_number} by %{username}"
category: '카테고리'
topic: '검색 결과'
@ -750,18 +757,41 @@ ko:
most_posts: "최대 게시자"
most_recent_poster: "최근 게시자"
frequent_poster: "빈번한 게시자"
new_user: "우리 커뮤니티에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 다음은 우리 사이트에서 가장 인기 많은 최근 토픽들입니다."
not_seen_in_a_month: "잘 돌아오셨습니다. 다음은 당신이 오지 않은 동안 가장 인기있던 토픽들입니다."
other: "%{count}개의 글을 새 토픽으로 옮겼습니다: %{topic_link}"
other: "%{count}개의 글을 기존 토픽으로 옮겼습니다: %{topic_link}"
post_revision_text: "소유권이 %{old_user}에서 %{new_user}으로 이전되었습니다."
archived_enabled: "이 토픽은 보관되었고 더이상 변경하실 수 없습니다."
archived_disabled: "이 토픽의 보관이 풀렸고 이제 변경하실 수 있습니다."
closed_enabled: "이 토픽은 이제 닫혔습니다. 새로운 답글을 다실 수 없습니다."
closed_disabled: "이 토픽은 이제 열렸습니다. 새로운 답글을 다실 수 있습니다."
other: "이 토픽은 %{count}일 뒤 자동적으로 닫혔습니다. 새로운 답글을 다실 수 없습니다."
other: "이 토픽은 %{count}시간 뒤 자동적으로 닫혔습니다. 새로운 답글을 다실 수 없습니다."
other: "이 토픽은 %{count}분 뒤 자동적으로 닫혔습니다. 새로운 답글을 다실 수 없습니다."
other: "이 토픽은 마지막 답글이 달리고 %{count}일 뒤 자동적으로 닫혔습니다. 새로운 답글을 다실 수 없습니다."
other: "이 토픽은 마지막 답글이 달리고 %{count}시간 뒤 자동적으로 닫혔습니다. 새로운 답글을 다실 수 없습니다."
other: "이 토픽은 마지막 답글이 달리고 %{count}분 뒤 자동적으로 닫혔습니다. 새로운 답글을 다실 수 없습니다."
autoclosed_disabled: "이 토픽은 이제 열렸습니다. 새로운 답글을 허용합니다."
autoclosed_disabled_lastpost: "이 토픽은 이제 열렸습니다. 새로운 답글을 허용합니다."
pinned_enabled: "이 토픽은 고정되었습니다. 고정이 해제되기 전까지 카테고리의 상단에 나타납니다."
pinned_disabled: "이 토픽은 이제 고정이 풀렸습니다. 더이상 카테고리 상단에 보이지 않을 것입니다."
pinned_globally_enabled: "이 토픽은 이제 전역적으로 고정되었습니다. 카테고리와 모든 토픽 리스트에서 상단에 나타납니다."
pinned_globally_disabled: "이 토픽은 이제 고정이 풀렸습니다. 더이상 카테고리 상단에 보이지 않을 것입니다."
visible_enabled: "이 토픽은 리스트에 추가되었습니다. 토픽 리스트에 나타나게 될 것입니다."
visible_disabled: "이 토픽은 이제 리스트에서 해제되었습니다. 더이상 토픽 리스트에 나타나지 않습니다. 링크를 통해서만 접근할 수 있습니다."
not_approved: "당신의 계정은 아직 활성화되지 않았습니다. 이메일을 확인하시고 로그인 해주세요."
incorrect_username_email_or_password: "계정 아이디, 이메일 또는 패스워드가 다릅니다."
@ -789,7 +819,7 @@ ko:
blocked: "는 블락되었습니다."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email Deliverability Test"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 발송 테스트"
subject_template: "포럼 신고로 인한 게시글 숨김"
@ -805,6 +835,8 @@ ko:
다시한번 환영합니다!
subject_template: "%{site_name} 사이트에 오신것을 환영합니다!"
subject_template: "백업에 실패했습니다."
subject_template: "새로운 계정은 블락되었습니다."
@ -833,6 +865,8 @@ ko:
reply_by_email: "응답하시려면 %{base_url}%{url} 를 방문하시거나 이메일에 답장하세요."
visit_link_to_respond: "응답하시려면 %{base_url}%{url} 를 방문하세요."
posted_by: "%{username} 사용자가 %{post_date}에 게시하였습니다."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{username} 사용자가 당신을 개인 메시지에 초대했습니다. '%{topic_title}'"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] '%{topic_title}'에 답글이 달렸습니다"
text_body_template: |
@ -870,12 +904,10 @@ ko:
why: "본 메일은 %{last_seen_at}에 %{site_link} 방문 이후 작성된 글들을 간략하게 요약한 내용을 담고 있습니다."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 요약 %{date}"
new_activity: "당신의 토픽과 게시물에 등록된 새로운 활동:"
top_topics: "인기 게시글"
other_new_topics: "인기 토픽"
unsubscribe: "이 이메일은 사용자님께서 한동안 %{site_link}에 방문하지 않아 사이트의 활동들을 요약한것 입니다. 만약 구독 해지를 원하시면 링크를 클릭해주세요. %{unsubscribe_link}"
click_here: "클릭"
from: "%{site_name} 요약"
read_more: "더 읽기"

View File

@ -341,14 +341,12 @@ nl:
action: "Activeer je account"
already_done: "Sorry, de link om je account te activeren is niet langer geldig. Wellicht is je account al geactiveerd?"
please_continue: "Je account is bevestigd en je bent nu ingelogd."
continue_button: "Ga verder naar %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Welkom bij %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "Een moderator moet je nieuwe account handmatig activeren voordat je toegang krijgt tot dit forum. Je krijgt een e-mail van ons wanneer je account is goedgekeurd!"
title: 'Off-topic'
description: 'Dit bericht wijkt erg af van het onderwerp van deze discussie, en moet wellicht naar een ander topic worden verplaatst. Als het een topic op zichzelf is, dan hoort het hier wellicht niet.'
long_form: 'heeft dit als off-topic gemeld'
title: 'Spam'
@ -359,15 +357,10 @@ nl:
description: 'Dit bericht bevat inhoud dat iemand als beledigend, discriminerend of kwetsend kan ervaren. Ook kan het een overtreding van <a href="/guidelines">de regels</a> zijn.'
long_form: 'heeft dit als ongepast gemeld'
title: 'Stuur {{username}} een privébericht'
description: 'Dit bericht bevat iets waarover ik je graag persoonlijk en privé wil spreken. Dit zet geen vlag.'
long_form: 'bericht aan schrijver verstuurd'
email_title: 'Uw bericht in ''%{title}'''
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Licht moderators in'
description: 'Dit bericht moet door een moderator bekeken worden. Dit vanwege de <a href="/guidelines">regels</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">voorwaarden</a> of vanwege een andere reden.'
long_form: 'moderators ingelicht'
email_title: 'Graag aandacht van een moderator voor een bericht in ''%{title}'''
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -392,9 +385,7 @@ nl:
description: 'Dit topic bevat inhoud dat iemand als beledigend, discriminerend of kwetsend kan ervaren. Ook kan het een overtreding van <a href="/guidelines">de regels</a> zijn.'
long_form: 'markeerde dit als ongepast'
title: 'Licht moderators in'
description: 'Dit topic moet door een moderator bekeken worden. Dit vanwege de <a href="/guidelines">regels</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">voorwaarden</a> of vanwege een andere reden.'
long_form: 'lichtte moderators in'
email_title: 'De topic "%{title}" moet door een moderator worden bekeken'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -543,7 +534,6 @@ nl:
description: "HTML dat aan de bovenkant van alle pagina's wordt toegevoegd (na de header, voor de navigatie of topictitel)."
title: "Onderkant van de pagina's"
description: "HTML dat aan de onderkant van alle pagina's wordt toegevoegd"
default_locale: "De standaard taal van dit Discourse forum (ISO 639-1 code)"
allow_user_locale: "Gebruikers kunnen zelf een taal instellen voor de interface van de site"
@ -623,7 +613,6 @@ nl:
previous_visit_timeout_hours: "Hoe lang een bezoek duurt voordat we het als het 'vorige' bezoek beschouwen, in uren."
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "Na hoeveel uur een weesbestand voor verwijderding gemarkeerd wordt."
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "Na hoeveel uur een weesbestand definitief verwijderd wordt."
s3_upload_bucket: "De Amazon S3 bucket waar de bestanden naar geupload worden. WAARSCHUWING: gebruik kleine letters, geen punten."
default_invitee_trust_level: "Het standaard trustlevel (0-4) voor uitgenodigde leden."
default_trust_level: "Het standaard trustlevel (0-4) voor alle nieuwe leden."
min_trust_to_create_topic: "Het minimale trust level dat nodig is om een topic te mogen maken."
@ -919,17 +908,13 @@ nl:
why: "Een korte samenvatting van %{site_link} sinds we je voor het laatst zagen op %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Samenvatting voor %{date}"
new_activity: "Nieuwe reacties op je topics en berichten:"
top_topics: "Populaire berichten"
other_new_topics: "Populaire topics"
unsubscribe: "Deze samenvatting wordt door %{site_link} verstuurd als we je een tijdje niet gezien gebben op onze site. Mocht je dit uit willen zetten of je e-mailvoorkeur willen veranderen, %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "klik hier"
from: "%{site_name} Digest"
read_more: "Lees verder"
more_topics: "Er werden nog %{new_topics_since_seen} andere nieuwe topics gepost sinds uw laatste bezoek op %{last_seen_at}."
more_topics_category: "Er werden nog %{new_topics_since_seen} andere nieuwe topics gepost in deze categorieën sinds uw laatste bezoek op %{last_seen_at}:"
one: "één bericht"
other: "%{count} berichten"

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
number: "-"
@ -377,14 +380,13 @@ pl_PL:
action: "Aktywuj swoje konto"
already_done: "Przepraszamy, ten link aktywujący konto jest już nieważny. Być może Twoje konto jest już aktywne ?"
please_continue: "Twoje nowe konto zostało aktywowane, zalogowano."
please_continue: "Twoje nowe konto zostało aktywowane, zostaniesz przekierowany na stronę główną."
continue_button: "Przejdź do %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Witamy na forum %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "Moderator musi zaakceptować Twoje nowe konto zanim uzyskasz dostęp do forum. O aktywacji zostaniesz poinformowanym mailem."
title: 'Nie-na-temat'
description: 'Ten wpis nie ma żadnego związku z tematem w którym się znajduje i powinien prawdopodobnie zostać przeniesiony. Jeśli jest to wpis rozpoczynający temat, możliwe, że cały temat tu nie pasuje.'
long_form: 'oflagowano jako nie-na-temat'
title: 'Spam'
@ -395,15 +397,11 @@ pl_PL:
description: 'Ten wpis zawiera treści które umiarkowana osoba może uznać za wulgarne, obraźliwe lub naruszające <a href="/guidelines">wytyczne społeczności</a>.'
long_form: 'oflagowano jako niewłaściwe'
title: 'Powiadom {{username}}'
title: 'Prywatna wiadomość @{{username}}'
description: 'Ten wpis zawiera coś o czym chciałbym porozmawiać z tą osobą bezpośrednio i prywatnie. Bez oflagowania.'
long_form: 'powiadomiono użytkownika'
email_title: 'Twój wpis w "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Powiadom moderatorów'
description: 'Ten wpis wymaga interwencji moderatora z uwagi na niezgodność z <a href="/guidelines">wytycznymi społeczności</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">warunkami użytkowania</a> lub z innego, niewymienionego tu powodu.'
long_form: 'powiadomiono moderatorów'
email_title: 'Wpis w "%{title}" wymaga uwagi moderatorów'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -428,9 +426,7 @@ pl_PL:
description: 'Ten temat zawiera treści jakie rozsądna osoba może uznać za agresywne, obraźliwe, lub sprzeczne z <a href="/guidelines">wytycznymi społeczności</a>.'
long_form: 'oflagowano jako niewłaściwe'
title: 'Powiadom moderatorów'
description: 'Ten temat wymaga interwencji moderatora z uwagi na niezgodność z <a href="/guidelines">wytycznymi społeczności</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">warunkami użytkowania</a> lub z innego, niewymienionego tu powodu.'
long_form: 'powiadomiono moderatorów'
email_title: 'Temat "%{title}" wymaga uwagi moderatora'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -586,7 +582,6 @@ pl_PL:
description: "Kod HTML jaki zostanie dołączony na górze każdej strony (po nagłówku, przed nawigacją lub tytułem tematu)."
title: "Stopka każdej strony"
description: "Kod HTML jaki zostanie dołączony na dole każdej strony."
censored_words: "Wskazane słowa będą automatycznie zamieniane na &#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;"
delete_old_hidden_posts: "Automatycznie kasuj wpisy ukryte dłużej niż 30 dni."
@ -654,7 +649,6 @@ pl_PL:
github_client_secret: "Client secret for Github authentication, registered at https://github.com/settings/applications"
active_user_rate_limit_secs: "How frequently we update the 'last_seen_at' field, in seconds"
previous_visit_timeout_hours: "How long a visit lasts before we consider it the 'previous' visit, in hours"
s3_upload_bucket: "The Amazon S3 bucket name that files will be uploaded into. WARNING: must be lowercase, no periods."
min_trust_to_create_topic: "The minimum trust level required to create a new topic."
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maksymalna liczba powiadomień poprzez @nazwę w jednym wpisie (dla nowych użytkowników)."
max_mentions_per_post: "Maksymalna liczba powiadomień poprzez @nazwę w jednym wpisie (dla wszystkich)."
@ -896,17 +890,13 @@ pl_PL:
why: "Krótkie podsumowanie aktywności na %{site_link} od twojej ostatniej wizyty w dniu %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Podsumowanie dla %{date}"
new_activity: "Nowa aktywność w twoich tematach i wpisach:"
top_topics: "Popularne wpisy"
other_new_topics: "Popularne wątki"
unsubscribe: "To podsumowanie wysyłane jest przez %{site_link} gdy nie odwiedzasz serwisu przez jakiś czas. Aby zrezygnować tych powiadomień %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "kliknij tutaj"
from: "podsumowanie %{site_name} "
read_more: "Czytaj więcej"
more_topics: "Od twojej ostatniej wizyty w dniu %{last_seen_at} pojawiło się jeszcze %{new_topics_since_seen} nowych tematów."
more_topics_category: "Od twojej ostatniej wizyty w dniu %{last_seen_at} w wybranych kategoriach pojawiło się %{new_topics_since_seen} nowych tematów:"
one: "1 wpis"
few: "%{count} wpisy"

View File

@ -292,7 +292,6 @@ pt:
action: "Activar a sua conta"
already_done: "Desculpe, este link de confirmação não está mais válido. Talvez a sua conta já esteja ativa?"
please_continue: "A sua nova conta foi confirmada e tem agora a sessão iniciada."
continue_button: "Continuar para %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Bem-vindo a %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "Um moderador tem que aprovar a sua conta para que você possa acessar este fórum. Você receberá um email quando sua conta for aprovada!"
@ -307,13 +306,9 @@ pt:
title: 'Inapropriado'
long_form: 'sinalizado como inapropriado'
title: 'Notificar {{username}}'
long_form: 'usuário notificado'
email_title: 'O seu post em "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Notificar moderadores'
long_form: 'moderadores notificados'
email_title: 'Uma postagem em "%{title}" requer atenção do moderador'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -338,8 +333,6 @@ pt:
description: 'Este tópico contém conteúdo que uma pessoa razoável consideraria ofensivo, abusivo ou uma violação das <a href="/guidelines">directrizes da nossa comunidades</a>.'
long_form: 'denunciar isto como impróprio'
title: 'Notificar moderadores'
long_form: 'moderadores notificados'
email_title: 'O tópico "%{title}" requer a atenção da moderação'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"

View File

@ -347,14 +347,12 @@ pt_BR:
action: "Ativar sua conta"
already_done: "Desculpe, este link de confirmação não está mais válido. Talvez a sua conta já esteja ativa?"
please_continue: "Sua nova conta foi confirmada, e agora você está logado."
continue_button: "Continuar no %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Bem-vindo a %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "Um moderador tem que aprovar a sua conta para que você possa acessar este fórum. Você receberá um email quando sua conta for aprovada!"
title: 'Off-Topic'
description: 'Esta mensagem é radicalmente off-topic e provavelmente deveria ser movido para um tópico diferente.'
long_form: 'sinalizou isto como off-topic'
title: 'Spam'
@ -365,15 +363,10 @@ pt_BR:
description: 'Este post contém conteúdo que uma pessoa razoável consideraria ofensivo, abusivo, ou uma violação das <a href="/guidelines">nossas diretrizes da comunidade</a>.'
long_form: 'sinalizado como inapropriado'
title: 'Notificar {{username}}'
description: 'Este post contém algo que eu quero falar com essa pessoa diretamente e em particular sobre. Não lançar uma flag.'
long_form: 'usuário notificado'
email_title: 'Sobre a sua postagem "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Notificar moderadores'
description: 'Este post requer atenção moderadora geral, com base na <a href="/guidelines">diretrizes</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">TOS </a>, ou por outro motivo não listados acima.'
long_form: 'moderadores notificados'
email_title: 'Uma postagem em "%{title}" requer atenção do moderador'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -398,9 +391,7 @@ pt_BR:
description: 'Este tópico contém um conteúdo que uma pessoa razoável consideraria ofensivo, abusivo, ou violação de <a href="/guidelines">nossas diretrizes da comunidade</a>.'
long_form: 'sinalizar como impróprio'
title: 'Notificar moderadores'
description: 'Este tópico requer atenção moderadora geral, com base na <a href="/guidelines">diretrizes</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">TOS </a>, ou por outro motivo não listados acima.'
long_form: 'moderadores notificados'
email_title: 'O tópico "%{title}" requer atenção do moderador'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -558,7 +549,6 @@ pt_BR:
description: "HTML que será adicionado no topo de cada página (após o cabeçalho, antes da navegação ou o título do tópico)."
title: "Rodapé das páginas"
description: "HTML que será adicionado no rodapé de cada página."
censored_words: "Palavras que serão substituídos automaticamente por &#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;"
delete_old_hidden_posts: "Auto-apagar todas as mensagens ocultas que ficar oculta por mais de 30 dias."
@ -621,6 +611,7 @@ pt_BR:
post_menu: "A ordem dos items no menu da postagem."
share_links: "Determine quais itens aparecem na caixa de diálogo de compartilhamento, e em qual ordem."
track_external_right_clicks: "Rastrear cliques externos que são clicados com o botão direito (ex: abrir em nova aba) desativado por padrão, pois tem que reescrever urls, quebrando a usabilidade"
enable_badges: "Habilita o sistema de emblemas (experimental)"
version_checks: "Pingar Discourse Hub para atualizações de versão e exibir mensagens de versão no Painel em /admin"
port: "Se você quiser especificar a porta na URL. Útil no modo de desenvolvimento. Deixe em branco para nada."
force_hostname: "Se você quiser especificar um hostname na URL. Útil no modo de desenvolvimento. Deixe em branco para nada."
@ -656,7 +647,6 @@ pt_BR:
clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "Carência (em horas) antes de um upload órfão ser removido."
purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "Carência (em dias) antes que um upload excluído seja apagado."
purge_inactive_users_grace_period_days: "Carência (em dias) antes de um usuário que não tenha ativado sua conta seja deletado."
s3_upload_bucket: "O nome do bucket no Amazon S3 em que os arquivos serão armazenados. AVISO: em letras minúsculas, não usar pontos."
min_trust_to_create_topic: "O nível de confiança mínimo necessário para criar um novo tópico."
min_trust_to_edit_wiki_post: "O nível de confiança mínimo necessário para editar uma postagem marcada como wiki."
title_fancy_entities: "Converter caracteres ASCII comuns em entidades HTML nos títulos dos tópicos, ala SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -676,6 +666,7 @@ pt_BR:
global_notice: "Mostrar um banner global URGENTE, de EMERGÊNCIA para todos os visitantes, mude para branco para esconder (HTML permitido)."
short_progress_text_threshold: "Após o número de mensagens em um tópico for acima deste número, a barra de progresso mostrará apenas o número da mensagem atual. Se você alterar a largura da barra de progresso, você pode precisar alterar este valor."
default_code_lang: "Realce de sintaxe padrão da linguagem de programação aplicada a blocos de código GitHub (lang-auto, Ruby, Python, etc)"
embed_post_limit: "Número máximo de respostas para embutir"
notify_about_flags_after: "Se houver sinalizações sem ações após muitas horas, envia um e-mail para contact_email. Ajuste para 0 para desligar."
show_create_topics_notice: "Se o site tem menos de 5 tópicos públicos, mostrar um aviso pedindo para os administradores criarem alguns tópicos."
@ -886,22 +877,6 @@ pt_BR:
subject_template: "%{site_name} Aviso: Postagem escondida devido a Sinalização pela Comunidade"
text_body_template: |
Este é um aviso automático de %{site_name} para informá-lo que sua mensagem...
... foi escondido devido a sinalização da comunidade.
Vários membros da comunidade sinalizaram esta mensagem antes do mesmo ser escondida, portanto por-favor considere como deve revisa-la para refletir o retorno da comunidade. **Você pode editar sua mensagem após %{edit_delay} minutos, e depois ela automaticamente voltará a ser visível. Isto irá aumentar o seu nível de confiança.
No entanto, caso a mensagem seja escondida pela comunidade uma segunda vez, os moderadores serão notificados -- e haverá futuras atuações, incluindo uma possível suspensão da sua conta.
Para mais ajuda, por-favor consulte nossas [diretrizes da comunidade](%{base_url}/guidelines).
text_body_template: |
Esta mensagem privada tem algumas dicas para te ajudar a começar.
@ -1006,6 +981,8 @@ pt_BR:
Lamentamos, mas o seu e-mail para%{destination} (intutulado %{former_title}) não funcionou.
Sua conta não tem o nível de confiança necessário para criar novos tópicos para este endereço de e-mail. Se você acredita que isso é um erro, entre em contato com um membro da equipe.
subject_template: "Problema com Email -- Conta Desconhecida"
text_body_template: |
Desculpe-nos, mas seu e-mail para %{destination} (entitulado %{former_title}) não funcionou.
@ -1138,17 +1115,13 @@ pt_BR:
why: "Um breve resumo do %{site_link} desde que viu pela última vez em %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Atividade do Fórum para %{date}"
new_activity: "Nova atividade nos seus tópicos e postagens:"
top_topics: "Tópicos populares"
other_new_topics: "Tópicos populares"
unsubscribe: "Este resumo é enviado como uma cortesia de notificação do %{site_link} desde o tempo que não te vimos a um tempo. Para cancelar a inscrição %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "clique aqui"
from: "resumo de %{site_name}"
read_more: "Leia Mais"
more_topics: "Há %{new_topics_since_seen} outros novos tópicos postados desde a sua última visita em %{last_seen_at}."
more_topics_category: "Há %{new_topics_since_seen} outros novos tópicos publicados nessa categoria desde a sua última visita em %{last_seen_at}:"
one: "1 mensagem"
other: "%{count} mensagens"

View File

@ -367,14 +367,12 @@ ru:
action: "Активируйте вашу учетную запись"
already_done: "Извините, ссылка на активацию учетной записи устарела. Возможно, ваша учетная запись уже активирована?"
please_continue: "Ваша новая учетная запись успешно активирована, вы зашли на сайт."
continue_button: "Перейти на %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Добро пожаловать на сайт %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "Ваша учетная запись должна быть вручную подтверждена модератором, чтобы вы смогли зайти на форум. Вы получите электронное письмо, когда ваша учетная запись будет подтверждена!"
title: 'Не по теме'
description: 'Эта тема или сообщение не имеет отношения к данному обсуждению и должна быть перенесена в соответствующий раздел.'
long_form: 'отмечена как не по теме'
title: 'СПАМ'
@ -385,15 +383,10 @@ ru:
description: 'Это сообщение может быть оскорбительным или нарушает <a href="/guidelines">правила поведения</a>.'
long_form: 'отметить как неуместное'
title: 'Отправить личное сообщение @{{username}}'
description: 'Это сообщение содержит что-то, на что я хочу обратить внимание автора в приватном диалоге. Не отправлять жалобу модераторам.'
long_form: 'оповещаемый пользователь'
email_title: 'Ваше сообщение в теме "%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}\n"
title: 'Уведомить модератора'
description: 'Это сообщение требует внимания модератора, т.к. нарушает <a href="/guidelines">правила поведения</a> или <a href="%{tos_url}">пользовательское соглашение</a>, или по другой причине.'
long_form: 'Оповещенные модераторы'
email_title: 'Сообщение в теме "%{title}" требует внимания модератора'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}\n"
@ -418,9 +411,7 @@ ru:
description: 'Эта тема может быть сочтена оскорбительной или нарушает <a href="/guidelines">правила поведения на сайте</a>.'
long_form: 'отмеченно как неуместное'
title: 'Уведомить модераторов'
description: 'Эта тема требует внимания модератора, т.к. нарушает <a href="/guidelines">правила поведения</a> или <a href="%{tos_url}">пользовательское соглашение</a>, или по другой причине.'
long_form: 'уведомлёные модераторы'
email_title: 'Тема "%{title}" требует внимания модератора'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -574,7 +565,6 @@ ru:
description: "HTML, который будет добавлен в начале страницы (после заголовка, перед панелью навигации или заголовком темы)."
title: "Внизу страниц"
description: "HTML, который будет добавлен внизу каждой страницы"
censored_words: "Слова, которые будут автоматически заменены на &#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;"
delete_old_hidden_posts: "Автоматически удалять сообщения, скрытые дольше чем 30 дней."
@ -958,7 +948,6 @@ ru:
few: "Эти жалобы были отправлены более %{count} часов назад."
other: "Эти жалобы были отправлены более %{count} часов назад."
please_review: "Пожалуйста, рассмотрите их"
how_to_disable: "Отключить такие письма можно, установив значение 0 для настройки <pre>notify_about_flags_after</pre>."
one: "1 жалоба ожидает рассмотрения"
few: "%{count} жалобы ожидают рассмотрения"
@ -1197,17 +1186,13 @@ ru:
why: "Сводка обсуждений на сайте %{site_link} с момента вашего последнего визита %{last_seen_at}."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Новые сообщения от %{date}"
new_activity: "Новая активность в ваших темах и сообщениях:"
top_topics: "Популярные темы"
other_new_topics: "Популярные темы"
unsubscribe: "Эта сводка новостей периодически отправляется с сайта %{site_link}, если вы долго не посещаете его. Чтобы отписаться от таких писем, пройдите по ссылке %{unsubscribe_link}."
click_here: "нажмите здесь"
from: "Cводка новостей сайта %{site_name}"
read_more: "Читать еще"
more_topics: "Был создано %{new_topics_since_seen} новых тем с тех пор, как вы посетили сайт %{last_seen_at}."
more_topics_category: "Был создано %{new_topics_since_seen} других новых тем в этих категориях с тех пор, как вы посетили сайт %{last_seen_at}."
one: "1 сообщение"
few: "1 сообщения"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ sv:
action: "Aktivera ditt konto"
already_done: "Tyvärr, denna kontoaktiveringslänk är inte längre giltig. Kanske är ditt konto redan aktiverat?"
please_continue: "Ditt nya konto är konfirmerat och du är nu inloggad."
continue_button: "Fortsätt till %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "Välkommen till %{site_name}!"
approval_required: "En moderator måste manuellt godkänna ditt nya konto innan du kan komma åt detta forum. Du kommer få ett mail när ditt konto har godkänts!"
@ -273,12 +272,8 @@ sv:
description: 'Detta inläggs innehåll är inkluderar saker som som en förnuftig person skulle betrakta som stötande, kränkande eller överträdelse av <a href="/guidelines"> våra community riktlinjer</a>r.'
long_form: 'flagga detta som olämpligt'
title: 'Notifiera {{username}}'
long_form: 'notifierad användare'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Notifiera moderatorer'
long_form: 'notifierade moderatorer'
email_title: 'Ett inlägg i "%{title}" kräver uppmärksamhet från en moderator'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -300,8 +295,6 @@ sv:
title: 'Olämpligt'
long_form: 'flaggad som olämplig'
title: 'Notifiera moderatorer'
title: "Vanlig Tråd"

View File

@ -186,12 +186,8 @@ uk:
title: 'Неприпустиме'
long_form: 'flagged this as inappropriate'
title: 'Сповістити {{username}}'
long_form: 'notified user'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: 'Звернути увагу модераторів'
long_form: 'notified moderators'
email_title: 'Допис у темі "%{title}" потребує уваги модератора'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -215,8 +211,6 @@ uk:
title: 'Inappropriate'
long_form: 'flagged this as inappropriate'
title: 'Notify moderators'
long_form: 'notified moderators'
email_title: 'The topic "%{title}" requires moderator attention'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -358,7 +352,6 @@ uk:
description: "HTML-код, що буде додаватися на початку кожної сторінки (після заголовка, перед навігацією або назвою теми)."
title: "Нижній колонтитул сторінок"
description: "HTML-код, що буде додаватися внизу кожної сторінки."
default_locale: "Мова за замовчуванням для цього екземпляра Discourse (Код ISO 639-1)"
allow_user_locale: "Allow users to choose their own language interface preference"

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
number: "-"
@ -335,14 +338,14 @@ zh_CN:
action: "激活您的帐号"
already_done: "抱歉,此帐号激活链接已经失效。可能您的帐号已经被激活了?"
please_continue: "您的新帐号已激活,您现在已登陆论坛。"
please_continue: "您的新帐号已激活;即将转到主页。"
continue_button: "转入到 %{site_name}"
welcome_to: "欢迎来到%{site_name}"
approval_required: "您的新帐号需要由一位论坛版主手动批准方可使用。一旦您的帐号获得批准,您将收到一封电子邮件通知!"
title: '题外话'
description: '此帖对于当前讨论而言严重偏离话题,可能需要被移动。如果这是个需要讨论的主题,可能它不属于这里。'
description: '此帖与该主题标题和第一帖而言所讨论的主题无关,可能需要被移动。'
long_form: '标记为题外话'
title: '垃圾'
@ -353,15 +356,15 @@ zh_CN:
description: '此帖内容包含对他人的攻击、侮辱、仇视语言或违反了<a href="/guidelines">我们的社群准则</a>。'
long_form: '标记为不当内容'
title: '通知 {{username}}'
title: '私信 @{{username}}'
description: '此帖包含一些我想与该用户私下直接交流的内容。不能执行标记操作。'
long_form: '已通知用户'
long_form: '已私信用户'
email_title: '您在“%{title}”中的帖子'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: '通知版主'
description: '此帖需要版主依据<a href="/guidelines">社群准则</a>、<a href="/tos">服务条款TOS</a>或其它未列出的原因来给予关注。'
long_form: '已通知版主'
title: "其他事项"
description: '此帖需要版主按照以上未列出的原因做出处理。'
long_form: '标记为需版主注意'
email_title: '"%{title}" 主题需要您的关注'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -386,9 +389,9 @@ zh_CN:
description: '此主题内容包含对他人的攻击、侮辱、仇视语言或违反了<a href="/guidelines">我们的社群准则</a>。'
long_form: '标记为不当内容'
title: '通知版主'
title: "其他内容"
description: '该主题需要版主依据<a href="/guidelines">社群准则</a>、<a href="/tos">服务条款TOS</a>或其它未列出的原因来给予关注。'
long_form: '通知版主'
long_form: '标记为需版主注意'
email_title: '"%{title}" 主题需要您的关注'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -546,7 +549,7 @@ zh_CN:
description: "将在每一个页面顶端(在头部之后,在导航或者主题标题前)插入的 HTML。"
title: "页面底部"
description: "将在每一个页面底部加入的 HTML。"
description: "将在 </body> 标签前被插入的 HTML。"
censored_words: "将被自动替换为 &#9632;&#9632;&#9632;&#9632;"
delete_old_hidden_posts: "自动删除被隐藏超过 30 天的帖子。"
@ -719,7 +722,7 @@ zh_CN:
purge_inactive_users_grace_period_days: "删除不活跃用户账户的宽限期(单位:天)。"
enable_s3_uploads: "上传至 Amazon S3 存储的地址。重要:需要有效的 S3 验证资料(包括 access key id & secret access key。"
s3_use_iam_profile: '使用 AWS EC2 IAM 角色来获得 key。注意启用这个会覆盖“S3 access key id”和“S3 secret access key” 设置。'
s3_upload_bucket: "上传文件保存于 Amazon S3 的 bucket 名字。警告:必须为小写,无句点.。"
s3_upload_bucket: "上传文件保存于 Amazon S3 的 bucket 名字。警告:必须为小写,无句点,无下划线。"
s3_access_key_id: "将用于上传图片的 Amazon S3 access key。"
s3_secret_access_key: "将用于上传图片的 Amazon S3 secret key。"
s3_region: "将用于上传图片的 Amazon S3 区域名。"
@ -816,6 +819,7 @@ zh_CN:
logout_redirect: "登出后重定向至的地址。如http://somesite.com/logout"
allow_uploaded_avatars: "允许用户上传他们自己的自定义头像。"
allow_animated_avatars: "允许用户使用 gif 动画头像。警告:更改后运行 avatars:refresh 这个 rake 任务。"
allow_animated_thumbnails: "为动画 gif 生成动态缩略图。"
automatically_download_gravatars: "为注册或更改邮箱的用户下载 Gravatar 头像。"
digest_topics: "邮件摘要中显示的最大主题数目。"
digest_min_excerpt_length: "在邮件摘要中每个帖子最少显示的字符数量。"
@ -1079,7 +1083,7 @@ zh_CN:
other: "这些标记在过去 %{count} 内被提交。"
please_review: "请核查他们。"
post_number: "帖子"
how_to_disable: "将 notify_about_flags_after 设为 0 禁用这个通知邮件。"
how_to_disable: '您可以通过修改“notify about flags after”设置项以禁用或改变邮件提醒设置。'
other: "%{count} 个标记需要被处理"
@ -1099,17 +1103,15 @@ zh_CN:
text_body_template: |
这是一封从 %{site_name} 自动发出的邮件,通知您的帖子...
这是一封从 %{site_name} 自动发出的邮件,通知您的帖子已被隐藏。
... 由于论坛用户的标记而被封。
请注意您的帖子是因为被多个社群成员标记才被封的。请根据他们的反馈考虑如何修改您的帖子。**您可以在 %{edit_delay} 分钟后开始编辑您的帖子,然后它会被自动显示。**这将提高您在论坛的信任等级。
您的帖子是因为被多个社群成员标记才被隐藏的,所以请根据他们的反馈修改您的帖子。**您可以在 %{edit_delay} 分钟后开始编辑您的帖子,之后它会被自动显示。**这将提高您在论坛的信任等级。
@ -1201,7 +1203,7 @@ zh_CN:
text_body_template: "感谢您接受邀请加入 %{site_name} —— 欢迎!\n\n我们为您自动生成了一个用户名**%{username}**,但是您在任何时候都可以访问[您的用户设置][prefs]来修改它。\n\n要再次登入或者\n\n1. 使用您喜欢的方式登入——但是必须以**同样的邮件地址**,即您收到邀请的邮箱地址登入。否则我们就无法分辨是不是您本人!\n\n2. 在 %{site_name} 的[用户设置][prefs]页面创建一个密码,然后使用该密码来登入。 \n\n%{new_user_tips}\n\n我们始终相信[讨论应该文明](%{base_url}/guidelines)。\n\n好好享受您在论坛的时光吧\n\n[prefs]: %{user_preferences_url}\n"
subject_template: "备份成功完成"
text_body_template: "备份成功。\n访问[管理 > 备份](/admin/backups)系在您的新备份。"
text_body_template: "备份成功。\n访问[管理 > 备份](/admin/backups)下载您的新备份文件。"
subject_template: "备份失败"
text_body_template: |
@ -1441,17 +1443,16 @@ zh_CN:
why: "这里是自从我们在 %{last_seen_at} 最后一次见到您之后,在 %{site_link} 发生的事情的简单汇总。"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{date} 的摘要"
new_activity: "在您的主题和帖子里的动态:"
top_topics: "热门帖子"
other_new_topics: "热门主题"
unsubscribe: "这封来自 %{site_link} 的汇总邮件是当我们有一段时间没有见到您之后,作为一个礼貌的通知发送给您的。点击 %{unsubscribe_link} 取消订阅。"
unsubscribe: "这封来自 %{site_link} 的摘要邮件是您一段时间没有访问后发送给您的。点击 %{unsubscribe_link} 取消订阅。"
click_here: "点击此处"
from: "%{site_name} 摘要"
read_more: "阅读更多"
more_topics: "在您最后一次于 %{last_seen_at} 访问后有 %{new_topics_since_seen} 个新主题发布了。"
more_topics_category: "在您最后一次于 %{last_seen_at} 访问后在这些分类中有 %{new_topics_since_seen} 个新主题发布了。"
more_topics: "其他 %{new_topics_since_seen} 个新主题。"
more_topics_category: "更多新主题:"
other: "%{count} 个帖子"

View File

@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ zh_TW:
title: '離題內容'
description: '此文章嚴重偏離主題,應移至他處。如果這是一個討論話題,也許它不該屬於這裡。'
long_form: '投訴為離題內容'
title: '垃圾內容'
@ -259,13 +258,9 @@ zh_TW:
title: '不當內容'
long_form: '投訴為不當內容'
title: '通知 {{username}}'
long_form: '已通知用戶'
email_title: '你的文章在"%{title}"'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
title: '通知板主'
long_form: '已通知板主'
email_title: '一篇在 "%{title}" 裡的文章需要板主注意'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -289,8 +284,6 @@ zh_TW:
title: '不當內容'
long_form: '投訴為不當內容'
title: '通知板主'
long_form: '已通知板主'
email_title: '此討論話題 "%{title}" 需要板主注意'
email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}"
@ -433,7 +426,6 @@ zh_TW:
title: "頁面頂部"
title: "頁面底部"
description: "此 HTML 將插入於任何業面的尾部"
default_locale: "Discourse 執行個體 (instance) 的預設語言編碼 (ISO 639-1)"
allow_user_locale: "允許用戶選擇自己的語言介面"
@ -546,7 +538,6 @@ zh_TW:
max_private_messages_per_day: "每個用戶每天最多能發\"私訊\"的數量"
suggested_topics: "討論話題下的推薦話題數量"
limit_suggested_to_category: "目前的話題下只顯示同分類的推薦話題"
s3_upload_bucket: "上傳檔案到 Amazon S3 的 bucket 名,警告:必須為英文小寫,且無句點(."
s3_access_key_id: "上傳至 Amazon S3 的 access key id將用於上傳圖片"
s3_secret_access_key: "上傳至 Amazon S3 的 secret access key將用於上傳圖片"
s3_region: "上傳至 Amazon S3 的 region name將用於上傳圖片"
@ -796,8 +787,6 @@ zh_TW:
click_here: "點擊此處"
from: "%{site_name} 摘要"
read_more: "閱讀更多"
more_topics: "從你上次在 %{last_seen_at} 造訪後,已出現 %{new_topics_since_seen} 個新討論話題。"
more_topics_category: "從你上次在 %{last_seen_at} 造訪後,這些類別多了 %{new_topics_since_seen} 個新討論話題。"
other: "%{count} 篇文章"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/

View File

@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
@ -8,4 +15,3 @@ sq:
cannot_have_modified_options: "nuk mund të ndryshohet pasi kanë kaluar pesë minuta. Kontakto një moderator nëse nevojiten ndryshime."
cannot_add_or_remove_options: "nuk mund të redaktohet, shtosh apo fshini pyetje. Nësë dëshironi të shtoni apo fshini pyetje ju duhet ta mbyllni këtë temë dhe të krijoni një të re."
prefix: "Sondazh"
closed_prefix: "Sondazh i Mbyllur"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<title>이 사이트는 점검 중입니다.</title>
<title>사이트가 현재 점검 중입니다.</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

View File

@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
enable_imgur: "Aktivizo imgur api për ngarkimin, filet nuk mbështeten në host local"