FIX: Issue with Vagrant image failing specs.

Update chef recipe to use Ruby 2.1, since 2.0.0 was very buggy
This commit is contained in:
Ed Gibbs 2015-01-05 18:34:04 -08:00
parent e37f7d50ec
commit e7c07d10c0
1 changed files with 23 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -1,42 +1,26 @@
# Upgrade ruby. I don't know chef, so this is probably more complicated than it needs to be: execute "upgrade-rvm" do
# execute "upgrade-rvm" do command "gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3"
# command "rvm get stable && rvm reload" command "rvm get stable && rvm reload"
# action :nothing action :nothing
# end end
# execute "upgrade-ruby" do execute "upgrade-ruby" do
# command "yes | rvm install 2.0.0-p247-turbo" command "yes | rvm install ruby-2.1.5 --verify-downloads 1"
# action :nothing action :nothing
# end end
execute "set-ruby" do
command "rvm use ruby-2.1.5"
user "vagrant"
action :nothing
ruby_block "ruby-upgrade-message" do
# TODO: set-default-ruby SUCCEEDS BY DOES NOTHING. HOW TO GET THIS TO WORK?? block do "Upgrading ruby. This will take a while."
# execute "set-default-ruby" do end
# command "rvm --default use ruby-2.0.0-p247-turbo" notifies :run, "execute[upgrade-rvm]", :immediately
# user "vagrant" notifies :run, "execute[upgrade-ruby]", :immediately
# action :nothing notifies :run, "execute[set-ruby]", :immediately
# end action :create
# execute "install-gems" do
# command "gem install bundler && bundle install"
# user "vagrant"
# cwd "/vagrant"
# action :nothing
# end
# ruby_block "ruby-upgrade-message" do
# block do
# "Upgrading ruby. This will take a while."
# end
# only_if { `ruby -v`.include?('2.0.0p0') }
# notifies :run, "execute[upgrade-rvm]", :immediately
# notifies :run, "execute[upgrade-ruby]", :immediately
# notifies :run, "execute[set-default-ruby]", :immediately
# notifies :run, "execute[install-gems]", :immediately
# action :create
# end