diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/components/admin-watched-word.gjs b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/components/admin-watched-word.gjs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..23d18740239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/components/admin-watched-word.gjs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import Component from "@glimmer/component";
+import { action } from "@ember/object";
+import { service } from "@ember/service";
+import { eq, or } from "truth-helpers";
+import DButton from "discourse/components/d-button";
+import i18n from "discourse-common/helpers/i18n";
+export default class AdminWatchedWord extends Component {
+ @service dialog;
+ get tags() {
+ return this.args.word.replacement.replacement.split(",");
+ }
+ @action
+ async deleteWord() {
+ try {
+ await this.args.word.destroy();
+ this.args.action(this.args.word);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.dialog.alert(
+ i18n("generic_error_with_reason", {
+ error: `http: ${e.status} - ${e.body}`,
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ {{@word.word}}
+ {{#if (or (eq @actionKey "replace") (eq @actionKey "link"))}}
+ →
+ {{@word.replacement}}
+ {{else if (eq @actionKey "tag")}}
+ →
+ {{#each this.tags as |tag|}}
+ {{tag}}
+ {{/each}}
+ {{/if}}
+ {{#if @word.case_sensitive}}
+ {{i18n "admin.watched_words.case_sensitive"}}
+ {{/if}}
+ {{#if @word.html}}
+ {{i18n "admin.watched_words.html"}}
+ {{/if}}
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/components/admin-watched-word.hbs b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/components/admin-watched-word.hbs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8af02f51571..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/components/admin-watched-word.hbs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-{{d-icon "times"}}
-{{#if (or this.isReplace this.isLink)}}
- →
- {{this.word.replacement}}
-{{else if this.isTag}}
- →
- {{#each this.tags as |tag|}}
- {{tag}}
- {{/each}}
-{{#if this.isCaseSensitive}}
- {{i18n
- "admin.watched_words.case_sensitive"
- }}
-{{#if this.isHtml}}
- {{i18n "admin.watched_words.html"}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/components/admin-watched-word.js b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/components/admin-watched-word.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cffbe13d990..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/components/admin-watched-word.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-import Component from "@ember/component";
-import { action } from "@ember/object";
-import { alias, equal } from "@ember/object/computed";
-import { service } from "@ember/service";
-import { classNames } from "@ember-decorators/component";
-import discourseComputed from "discourse-common/utils/decorators";
-import I18n from "discourse-i18n";
-export default class AdminWatchedWord extends Component {
- @service dialog;
- @equal("actionKey", "replace") isReplace;
- @equal("actionKey", "tag") isTag;
- @equal("actionKey", "link") isLink;
- @alias("word.case_sensitive") isCaseSensitive;
- @alias("word.html") isHtml;
- @discourseComputed("word.replacement")
- tags(replacement) {
- return replacement.split(",");
- }
- @action
- deleteWord() {
- this.word
- .destroy()
- .then(() => {
- this.action(this.word);
- })
- .catch((e) => {
- this.dialog.alert(
- I18n.t("generic_error_with_reason", {
- error: `http: ${e.status} - ${e.body}`,
- })
- );
- });
- }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/templates/watched-words-action.hbs b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/templates/watched-words-action.hbs
index 2dde795075a..15dde5f9260 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/templates/watched-words-action.hbs
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/admin/addon/templates/watched-words-action.hbs
@@ -63,11 +63,13 @@
{{#if this.showWordsList}}
{{#each this.currentAction.words as |word|}}
+ />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests/acceptance/admin-watched-words-test.js b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests/acceptance/admin-watched-words-test.js
index 9b9b2f510d8..4425f7427c0 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests/acceptance/admin-watched-words-test.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/tests/acceptance/admin-watched-words-test.js
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ import { click, fillIn, triggerKeyEvent, visit } from "@ember/test-helpers";
import { test } from "qunit";
import {
- count,
- exists,
} from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers";
@@ -15,49 +13,47 @@ acceptance("Admin - Watched Words", function (needs) {
test("list words in groups", async function (assert) {
await visit("/admin/customize/watched_words/action/block");
- assert.ok(!exists(".admin-watched-words .alert-error"));
+ assert.dom(".admin-watched-words .alert-error").doesNotExist();
- assert.ok(
- !exists(".watched-words-list"),
- "Don't show bad words by default."
- );
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-words-list")
+ .doesNotExist("Don't show bad words by default.");
- assert.ok(
- !exists(".watched-words-list .watched-word"),
- "Don't show bad words by default."
- );
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word")
+ .doesNotExist("Don't show bad words by default.");
await fillIn(".admin-controls .controls input[type=text]", "li");
- assert.strictEqual(
- count(".watched-words-list .watched-word"),
- 1,
- "When filtering, show words even if checkbox is unchecked."
- );
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word")
+ .exists(
+ { count: 1 },
+ "When filtering, show words even if checkbox is unchecked."
+ );
await fillIn(".admin-controls .controls input[type=text]", "");
- assert.ok(
- !exists(".watched-words-list .watched-word"),
- "Clearing the filter hides words again."
- );
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word")
+ .doesNotExist("Clearing the filter hides words again.");
await click(".show-words-checkbox");
- assert.ok(
- exists(".watched-words-list .watched-word"),
- "Always show the words when checkbox is checked."
- );
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word")
+ .exists("Always show the words when checkbox is checked.");
await click(".nav-stacked .censor a");
- assert.ok(exists(".watched-words-list"));
- assert.ok(!exists(".watched-words-list .watched-word"), "Empty word list.");
+ assert.dom(".watched-words-list").exists();
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word")
+ .doesNotExist("Empty word list.");
test("add words", async function (assert) {
await visit("/admin/customize/watched_words/action/block");
- const submitButton = query(".watched-word-form button");
await click(".show-words-checkbox");
await click(".select-kit-header.multi-select-header");
@@ -68,33 +64,26 @@ acceptance("Admin - Watched Words", function (needs) {
await fillIn(".select-kit-filter input", "cheese");
await triggerKeyEvent(".select-kit-filter input", "keydown", "Enter");
- assert.equal(
- query(".select-kit-header-wrapper .formatted-selection").innerText,
- "poutine, cheese",
- "has the correct words in the input field"
+ assert
+ .dom(".select-kit-header-wrapper .formatted-selection")
+ .hasText("poutine, cheese", "has the correct words in the input field");
+ await click(".watched-word-form .btn-primary");
+ const words = [...queryAll(".watched-words-list .watched-word span")].map(
+ (elem) => elem.innerText.trim()
- await click(submitButton);
- const words = [...queryAll(".watched-words-list .watched-word")].map(
- (elem) => {
- return elem.innerText.trim();
- }
- );
- assert.ok(words.includes("poutine"), "has word 'poutine'");
- assert.ok(words.includes("cheese"), "has word 'cheese'");
- assert.equal(count(".watched-words-list .case-sensitive"), 0);
+ assert.true(words.includes("poutine"), "has word 'poutine'");
+ assert.true(words.includes("cheese"), "has word 'cheese'");
+ assert.dom(".watched-words-list .case-sensitive").doesNotExist();
test("add case-sensitive words", async function (assert) {
await visit("/admin/customize/watched_words/action/block");
- const submitButton = query(".watched-word-form button");
- assert.strictEqual(
- submitButton.disabled,
- true,
- "Add button is disabled by default"
- );
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-word-form .btn-primary")
+ .isDisabled("Add button is disabled by default");
await click(".show-words-checkbox");
await click(".select-kit-header.multi-select-header");
@@ -102,62 +91,61 @@ acceptance("Admin - Watched Words", function (needs) {
await triggerKeyEvent(".select-kit-filter input", "keydown", "Enter");
await click(".case-sensitivity-checkbox");
- assert.strictEqual(
- submitButton.disabled,
- false,
- "Add button should no longer be disabled after input is filled"
- );
- await click(submitButton);
- .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word")
- .hasText(`Discourse ${I18n.t("admin.watched_words.case_sensitive")}`);
+ .dom(".watched-word-form .btn-primary")
+ .isEnabled(
+ "Add button should no longer be disabled after input is filled"
+ );
+ await click(".watched-word-form .btn-primary");
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word span:first-of-type")
+ .hasText("Discourse");
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word .case-sensitive")
+ .hasText(I18n.t("admin.watched_words.case_sensitive"));
await click(".select-kit-header.multi-select-header");
await fillIn(".select-kit-filter input", "discourse");
await triggerKeyEvent(".select-kit-filter input", "keydown", "Enter");
await click(".case-sensitivity-checkbox");
- await click(submitButton);
+ await click(".watched-word-form .btn-primary");
- .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word")
- .hasText(`discourse ${I18n.t("admin.watched_words.case_sensitive")}`);
+ .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word span:first-of-type")
+ .hasText("discourse");
+ assert
+ .dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word .case-sensitive")
+ .hasText(I18n.t("admin.watched_words.case_sensitive"));
test("remove words", async function (assert) {
await visit("/admin/customize/watched_words/action/block");
await click(".show-words-checkbox");
- let wordId = null;
+ assert.dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word").exists({ count: 3 });
- [...queryAll(".watched-words-list .watched-word")].forEach((elem) => {
- if (elem.innerText.trim() === "anise") {
- wordId = elem.getAttribute("id");
- }
- });
+ await click(`.delete-word-record`);
- await click(`#${wordId} .delete-word-record`);
- assert.strictEqual(count(".watched-words-list .watched-word"), 2);
+ assert.dom(".watched-words-list .watched-word").exists({ count: 2 });
test("test modal - replace", async function (assert) {
await visit("/admin/customize/watched_words/action/replace");
await click(".watched-word-test");
await fillIn(".d-modal__body textarea", "Hi there!");
- assert.strictEqual(query(".d-modal__body li .match").innerText, "Hi");
- assert.strictEqual(
- query(".d-modal__body li .replacement").innerText,
- "hello"
- );
+ assert.dom(".d-modal__body li .match").hasText("Hi");
+ assert.dom(".d-modal__body li .replacement").hasText("hello");
test("test modal - tag", async function (assert) {
await visit("/admin/customize/watched_words/action/tag");
await click(".watched-word-test");
await fillIn(".d-modal__body textarea", "Hello world!");
- assert.strictEqual(query(".d-modal__body li .match").innerText, "Hello");
- assert.strictEqual(query(".d-modal__body li .tag").innerText, "greeting");
+ assert.dom(".d-modal__body li .match").hasText("Hello");
+ assert.dom(".d-modal__body li .tag").hasText("greeting");
@@ -176,13 +164,14 @@ acceptance("Admin - Watched Words - Emoji Replacement", function (needs) {
await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280");
await click("button.reply-to-post");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "betis betis betis");
const cooked = query(".d-editor-preview p");
const cookedChildren = Array.from(cooked.children);
const emojis = cookedChildren.filter((child) => child.nodeName === "IMG");
assert.strictEqual(emojis.length, 3, "three emojis have been rendered");
- assert.strictEqual(
+ assert.true(
emojis.every((emoji) => emoji.title === ":poop:"),
- true,
"all emojis are :poop:"
@@ -215,6 +204,6 @@ acceptance("Admin - Watched Words - Bad regular expressions", function (needs) {
test("shows an error message if regex is invalid", async function (assert) {
await visit("/admin/customize/watched_words/action/block");
- assert.strictEqual(count(".admin-watched-words .alert-error"), 1);
+ assert.dom(".admin-watched-words .alert-error").exists({ count: 1 });
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/common/admin/staff_logs.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/common/admin/staff_logs.scss
index 98f44829311..f5c4a5bca2c 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/common/admin/staff_logs.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/common/admin/staff_logs.scss
@@ -294,13 +294,8 @@ table.screened-ip-addresses {
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
- .d-icon {
- margin-right: 0.25em;
- color: var(--primary-medium);
- &:hover {
- color: var(--danger);
- }
+ .delete-word-record:hover {
+ color: var(--danger);