This method is a huge footgun in production, since it calls
the Redis KEYS command. From the Redis documentation at
> Warning: consider KEYS as a command that should only be used in
production environments with extreme care. It may ruin performance when
it is executed against large databases. This command is intended for
debugging and special operations, such as changing your keyspace layout.
Don't use KEYS in your regular application code.
Since we were only using `delete_prefixed` in specs (now that we
removed the usage in production in 24ec06ff85c7acbad9621092b5e50eec2ede7b83)
we can remove this and instead rely on `use_redis_snapshotting` on the
particular tests that need this kind of clearing functionality.
This amends it so our cached counting reliant specs run in synchronize mode
When running async there are situations where data is left over in the table
after a transactional test. This means that repeat runs of the test suite
Adds stats for API and user API requests similar to regular page views.
This comes with a new report to visualize API requests per day like the
consolidated page views one.
`TestLogger` was responsible for some flaky specs runs:
Error during failsafe response: undefined method `debug' for #<TestLogger:0x0000556c4b942cf0 @warnings=1>
Did you mean? debugger
This commit also cleans up other uses of `FakeLogger`
It's very easy to forget to add `require 'rails_helper'` at the top of every core/plugin spec file, and omissions can cause some very confusing/sporadic errors.
By setting this flag in `.rspec`, we can remove the need for `require 'rails_helper'` entirely.
Previously cached counting made redis calls in main thread and performed
the flush in main thread.
This could lead to pathological states in extreme heavy load.
This refactor reduces load and cleans up the interface