Background: I wanted to see `categories.latest_by` translation in context in a live app but couldn't find it, so I traced it throughout the code.
My step-by-step reasoning for the removal is:
1. `categories-only` does not use `latestTopicOnly`, so there's no need to call it with that argument
2. `parent-category-row` is never called with `latestTopicOnly` argument, so the reference to that arg can be removed from its template
3. after that, `featured-topic` is now no longer ever called with `latestTopicOnly` argument (except in the `ghost` theme, but that's because its override of `categories-only` template 4e2fba963c/common/header.html (L119) is based on the old version of that template from core), so it seems safe to remove it there too (`categories.latest_by` i18n string is also no longer needed)
4. then, nothing is using `latestTopicOnly` anymore so it can be removed from `categories` hbs/js
I checked in each step that there are no plugins or themes (in all-the-plugins/all-the-themes) using those properties/arguments/strings.
This change fixes an issue with the user group chooser of a tag group's settings. It was impossible to clear any selected groups through the UI.
The `setPermissionsGroups` function determines which groups appear selected in the group-chooser based on the passed-in `groupIds` array.
It starts with `updatedPermissions` being set to the group permissions as they were prior to the action that called the function. From there, we were correctly adding a group permission to `updatedPermissions` whenever a group appeared in `groupIds`. This addressed newly added groups and also maintained any group permissions that had been set before. The problem was that there was no logic to remove a group permission when the associated group no longer appeared in `groupIds`. If a group isn't included in `groupIds`, we can simply attempt to delete an associated group permission if it exists.
The user summary's delete button UX relied on the "admin-user.js" destroy function, which was called through the "admin-tools" service. After #11724, we no longer put UX behavior on Ember models.
User title in the current-user header-dropdown was sometimes `title="null"` if user doesn’t have a name. This is fixed as part of this commit to improve accessibility of this part of the UI.
The bug was mentioned on [meta](
When discourse is installed on `/subfolder` and username is containing subfolder name like for example `subfolderadmin` - user URLs were incorrect.
Instead of having `/subfolder/u/subfolderadmin/summary/` we were leading to `/subfolder/uadmin/summary`.
The reason for that was incorrect check in `getUrl` helper:
const found = url.indexOf(baseUri);
if (found >= 0 && found < 3) {
return url;
return baseUri + url;
baseUri is `/subfolder`, url is `/u/subfolderadmin` and indexOf returned position which in the end returned incorrect URL.
I think that we should check if the URL starts with baseUri and not if contains baseUri.
We only want to warn admins when both settings are enabled. When "set locale from accept language header" setting is enabled, the user locale will be set based on the header when they register an account on the site, which could be confusing.
- Improve warning message.
- Only display the warning if the language has a fallback and either "allow_user_locale", or "set_locale_from_accept_language_header" are enabled.
- The icon for the “view all” controls in the panels have no accessible alternative.
- Because the “Log Out” and "Do Not Disturb" elements in the preferences tab are an <a> element without an href attribute, it is not keyboard focusable and therefore not keyboard focusable. Use a button element instead.