Introduce new patterns for direct sql that are safe and fast.
MiniSql is not prone to memory bloat that can happen with direct PG usage.
It also has an extremely fast materializer and very a convenient API
- DB.exec(sql, *params) => runs sql returns row count
- DB.query(sql, *params) => runs sql returns usable objects (not a hash)
- DB.query_hash(sql, *params) => runs sql returns an array of hashes
- DB.query_single(sql, *params) => runs sql and returns a flat one dimensional array
- => returns a sql builder
See more at:
Often we need to amend our schema, it is tempting to use
drop_table, rename_column and drop_column to amned schema
trouble though is that existing code that is running in production
can depend on the existance of previous schema leading to application
breaking until new code base is deployed.
The commit enforces new rules to ensure we can never drop tables or
columns in migrations and instead use Migration::ColumnDropper and
Migration::TableDropper to defer drop the db objects
In the past we used suppress_from_homepage, it had mixed semantics
it would remove from category list if category list was on home and
unconditionally remove from latest.
New setting explicitly only removes from latest list but leaves the
category list alond