It used to simply say "title is invalid" without giving any hint what
the problem could be. This commit adds different errors messages for
all caps titles, low entropy titles or titles with very long words.
- Bump rails_failover for new per-backend callback feature
- If the master backend fails over, make all sites readonly. And vice-versa for fallback
- If a single backend fails over, make that individual site readonly. And vice-versa for fallback
- When a single backend fails, also check connection to the master backend
Previously, `/u/by-external/{id}` would only work for 'Discourse SSO' systems. This commit adds a new 'provider' parameter to the URL: `/u/by-external/{provider}/{id}`
This is compatible with all auth methods which have migrated to the 'ManagedAuthenticator' pattern. That includes all core providers, and also popular plugins such as discourse-oauth2-basic and discourse-openid-connect.
The new route is admin-only, since some authenticators use sensitive information like email addresses as the external id.
This commit adds an additional find_user_by_email hook to ManagedAuthenticator so that GitHub login can continue to support secondary email addresses
The github_user_infos table will be dropped in a follow-up commit.
This is the last core authenticator to be migrated to ManagedAuthenticator 🎉
PostDestroyer should accept the option to permanently destroy post from the database. In addition, when the first post is destroyed it destroys the whole topic.
Currently, that feature is limited to private messages and creator of the post. It will be used by discourse-encrypt to explode encrypted private messages.
When embedding secure images which have been oneboxed, we checked to see if the image's parent's parent had the class onebox-body. This was not always effective as if the image does not get resized/optimized then it does not have the aspect-image div wrapping it. This would cause the image to embed in the email but be huge.
This PR changes the check to see if any of the image's ancestors have the class onebox-body, or if the image has the onebox-avatar class to account for variations in HTML structure.
Per Google, sites are encouraged to upgrade from Universal Analytics v3 `analytics.js` to v4 `gtag.js` for Google Analytics tracking. We're giving admins the option to stay on the v3 API or migrate to v4. Admins can change the implementation they're using via the `ga_version` site setting. Eventually Google will deprecate v3, but our implementation gives admins the choice on what to use for now.
We chose this implementation to make the change less error prone, as many site admins are using custom events via the v3 UA API. With the site stetting defaulted to `v3_analytics`, site analytics won't break until the admin is ready to make the migration.
Additionally, in the v4 implementation, we do not enable automatic pageview tracking (on by default in the v4 API). Instead we rely on Discourse's page change API to report pageviews on transition to avoid double-tracking.
There are issues around displaying images on published pages when secure media is enabled. This PR temporarily makes it appear as if published pages are enabled if secure media is also enabled.
* FEATURE - allow category group moderators to delete topics
* Allow individual posts to be deleted
* DEV - refactor for new `can_moderate_topic?` method
Previous to this change our anonymous rate limits acted as a throttle.
New implementation means we now also consider rate limited requests towards
the limit.
This means that if an anonymous user is hammering the server it will not be
able to get any requests through until it subsides with traffic.
See #10794 for original context.
I did not mean to add invite to the BYPASS_TYPES for Email::Sender, it was supposed to be invite_password_instructions.
A site owner attempting to use both the email_subject site setting and translation overrides for normal post notification
email subjects would find themselves frusturated at the lack of template argument parity.
Make all the variables available for translation overrides by adding the subject variables to the custom interpolation keys list and applying them.
Reported at
This commit adds a site setting `auto_close_topics_create_linked_topic`
which when enabled works in conjunction with `auto_close_topics_post_count`
setting and creates a new linked topic for the topic just closed.
The auto-created new topic contains a link for all the previous topics
and the topic titles are appended with `(Part {n})`.
The setting is enabled by default.
We had an issue where onebox thumbnail was too large and thus was optimized, and we are using the image URLs in post to redact and re-embed, based on the sha1 in the URL. Optimized image URLs have extra stuff on the end like _99x99 so we were not parsing out the sha1 correctly. Another issue I found was for posts that have giant images, the original was being used to embed in the email and thus would basically never get included because it is huge.
For example the URL 787b17ea61_2_690x335.jpeg was not parsed correctly; we would end up with 787b17ea6140f4f022eb7f1509a692f2873cfe35_2_690x335.jpeg as the sha1 which would not find the image to re-embed that was already attached to the email.
This fix will use the first optimized image of the detected upload when we are redacting and then re-embedding to make sure we are not sending giant things in email. Also, I detect if it is a onebox thumbnail or the site icon and force appropriate sizes and styles.
We remove the slow mode composer message and provide better messages when rejecting new posts and edits. The client now validates if the user tries to post again immediately. Finally, we replaced the `hourglass-end` icon with the `hourglass-start` one.
This reverts commit e3de45359f9bc7a71d9b8045a7e369fd0cf8f433.
We need to improve out strategy by adding a cache breaker with this change ... some assets on CDNs and clients may have incorrect CORS headers which can cause stuff to break.
There is a site setting reply_by_email_enabled which when combined with reply_by_email_address creates a Reply-To header in emails in the format "test+%{reply_key}" along with a PostReplyKey record, so when replying Discourse knows where to route the reply.
However this conflicts with the IMAP implementation. Since we are sending the email for a group via SMTP and from their actual email account, we want all replys to go to that email account as well so the IMAP sync job can pick them up and put them in the correct place. So if the group has IMAP enabled and configured, then the reply-to header will be correct.
This PR also makes a further fix to 64b0b50 by using the correct recipient user for the PostReplyKey record. If the post user is used we encounter this error:
if destination.user_id != && !forwarded_reply_key?(destination, user)
raise ReplyUserNotMatchingError, "post_reply_key.user_id => #{destination.user_id.inspect}, => #{}"
This is because the user above is found from the from_address, but the destination which is the PostReplyKey is made by the post.user, which will be different people.
When plugin spec is evaluated for the first time, it took 30 seconds to run:
rm -rf tmp/* && LOAD_PLUGINS=1 be rspec ./plugins/discourse-solved/spec/requests/topics_controller_spec.rb
Applying sprocket patch in test environment solves that issue
On forums with a large amount of posts when a user had a bookmark in the topic, PostgreSQL was using an inefficient query plan to fetch the first post of the topic. When running this ActiveRecord query:
topic.posts.with_deleted.where(post_number: 1).first
The following query plan was produced:
Limit (cost=0.43..583.49 rows=1 width=891) (actual time=3850.515..3850.515 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using posts_pkey on posts (cost=0.43..391231.51 rows=671 width=891) (actual time=3850.514..3850.514
rows=1 loops=1)
Filter: ((topic_id = 160918) AND (post_number = 1))
Rows Removed by Filter: 2274520
Planning time: 0.200 ms
Execution time: 3850.559 ms
(6 rows)
The issue here is the combination of ORDER BY and LIMIT causing the ineficcient Index Scan using posts_pkey on posts to be used. When we correct the AR call to this:
topic.posts.with_deleted.find_by(post_number: 1)
We end up with a query that still has a LIMIT but no ORDER BY, which in turn creates a much more efficient query plan:
Limit (cost=0.43..1.44 rows=1 width=891) (actual time=0.033..0.034 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using index_posts_on_topic_id_and_post_number on posts (cost=0.43..678.82 rows=671 width=891) (actua
l time=0.033..0.033 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((topic_id = 160918) AND (post_number = 1))
Planning time: 0.167 ms
Execution time: 0.072 ms
(5 rows)
This query plan uses the correct index, `Index Scan using index_posts_on_topic_id_and_post_number on posts`. Note that this is only a problem on forums with a larger amount of posts; tiny forums would not notice the difference. On large forums a query for a topic that takes 1s without a bookmark can take 8-30 seconds, and even end up with 502 errors from nginx.
* FEATURE - Add SiteSettings to control JPEG image quality
`recompress_original_jpg_quality` - the maximum quality of a newly
uploaded file.
`image_preview_jpg_quality` - the maximum quality of OptimizedImages
* FEATURE: allow category group moderators to edit posts
If the `enable_category_group_moderation` SiteSetting is enabled, posts should be editable by those belonging to the appropraite groups.
Previously if a onebox timed out we would not present the users in the log
with any information regarding the onebox. This makes it very difficult to
This adds url/topic/user in the debugging output.
`max-width: 50%; max-height: 400px;` is a good fallback, however, if width and height are given and are smaller than fallback - we should persist that smaller size.
Our Email::Sender class accepts an optional user argument, which is used to create a PostReplyKey record when present. This record is used to sub out the %{reply_key} placeholder in the Reply-To mail header, so if we do not pass in the user we get a broken Reply-To header.
This is especially problematic in the IMAP group SMTP situation, because these emails go to customers that we are replying to, and when they reply to us the email bounces! This fixes the issue by passing user to the Email::Sender when sending a group_smtp email but there is still more to do in another PR.
This Email::Sender optional user is a bit of a footgun IMO, especially because most of the time we use it there is a user we can source. I would like to do another PR for this after this one to make the parameter not optional, so we don't end up with these reply issues down the line again.
This was made adjustable to allow rolling back quickly if problems came
up. The new behaviour was made default in 93137066 and no problems with
this have been reported.
This consolidates logic used to match routes in ApiKey, UserApiKey and DefaultCurrentUserProvider. This reduces duplicated logic, and will allow UserApiKeysScope to easily re-use the parameter matching logic from ApiKeyScope
Adds a new slow mode for topics that are heating up. Users will have to wait for a period of time before being able to post again.
We store this interval inside the topics table and track the last time a user posted using the last_posted_at datetime in the TopicUser relation.
It pauses Sidekiq, clears Redis (namespaced to the current site), clears Sidekiq jobs for the current site, restores the database and unpauses Sidekiq. Previously it stayed paused until the end of the restore.
Redis is cleared because we don't want any old data lying around (e.g. old Sidekiq jobs). Most data in Redis is prefixed with the name of the multisite, but Sidekiq jobs in a multisite are all stored in the same keys. So, deleting those jobs requires a little bit more logic.