We cap new and unread at 2/5th of SiteSetting.max_tracked_new_unread
This dynamic capping is applied under 2 conditions:
1. New capping is applied once every 15 minutes in the periodical job, this effectively ensures that usually even super active sites are capped at 200 new items
2. Unread capping is applied if a user hits max_tracked_new_unread,
meaning if new + unread == 500, we defer a job that runs within 15 minutes that will cap user at 200 unread
This logic ensures that at worst case a user gets "bad" numbers for 15 minutes and then the system goes ahead and fixes itself up
- new hidden site setting 'migrate_to_new_scheme' (defaults to false)
- new rake tasks to toggle migration to new scheme
- FIX: migrate_to_new_scheme also works with CDN
- PERF: improve perf of the DbHelper.remap method
- REFACTOR: UrlHelper is now a class
BUGFIX: User locale was used index data
BUGFIX: missing Norwegian fulltext config
FEATURE: store the text used to index stuff in fulltext (for diagnostics / in page search)
FEATURE: re-index posts when locale changes (in bg job)
FEATURE: allow reindexing by trucating post_search_data
Note: I removed japanese specific config cause it requires custom pg config,
happy to add it once our base docker config ships with it