FIX: keep the "uploading..." indicator until the server replies via the MessageBus
FIX: text was disapearing when uploading an avatar
PERF: always use a region for S3 (defaults to 'us-east-1')
FEATURE: ApplyCDN middleware when using S3
FIX: use the same pattern to store files on S3 and locally
PERF: keep a local cache of uploads when generating thumbnails
FEATURE: migrate_to_s3 rake task
- FIX: make sure we set a default name to a pasted image only on Chrome (the only browser that supports it)
- FIX: use ".json" extension to uploads endpoints since IE9 doesn't pass the correct header
- FIX: pass the CSRF token in a query parameter since IE9 doesn't pass it in the headers
- FIX: display error messages comming from the server when there is one over the default error message
- FIX: HACK around IE9 security issue when clicking a file input via JavaScript (use a label and set `visibility:hidden` on the input)
- FIX: hide the "cancel" upload on IE9 since it's not supported
- FIX: return "text/plain" content-type when uploading a file for IE9 in order to prevent it from displaying the save dialog
- FIX: check the maximum file size on the server 💥
- update jQuery File Upload Plugin to v. 5.42.2
- update JQuery IFram Transport Plugin to v. 1.8.5
- update jQuery UI Widget to v. 1.11.1
The topic_id param is now required using strong_parameters' #require method. If the parameter is missing ActionController::ParameterMissing will be raised instead of Discourse::InvalidParameters.