New setting which allow admin to define behavior when topic is in watched category and muted topic and vice versa.
If watched_precedence_over_muted setting is true, that topic is still visible in list of topics and notification is created.
If watched_precedence_over_muted setting is false, that topic is not still visible in list of topics and notification is skipped as well.
What does this change do?
Suggested topics by default are ordered in the following way:
1. Unread topics in current category of topic that is being viewed
2. Unread topics in other categories
3. New topics in current category of topics that is being viewed
4. New topics in other categories
5. Random topics
With the experimental new new view, we want to remove the concept of
read and new so that new order is as such:
1. Topics created by the current user with posts that the user has not
read ordered by topic's bumped date
2. Topics in current category of topic with posts that the user has not
read ordered by topic's bumped date
3. Topics in other categories with posts that the user has not read
ordered by topic's bumped date
4. Random topics ordered by topic's bumped date
`TopicQuery#latest_results` which was being used by
`TopicQuery#list_filter` defaults to ordering by `Topic#bumped_at` in
descending order and that was taking precedent over the order scopes
being applied by `TopicsFilter`.
This commit adds support for the `in:<topic notification level>` query
filter. As an example, `in:tracking` will filter for topics that the
user is watching. Filtering for multiple topic notification levels can
be done by comma separating the topic notification level keys. For
example, `in:muted,tracking` or `in:muted,tracking,watching`.
Alternatively, the user can also compose multiple filters with `in:muted
in:tracking` which translates to the same behaviour as
This performance regression was introduced in
7c6a8f1c74ea7ea3e81d9ffa80ca2227ee36a006 where the preloading of tags in
`TopicQuery` was accidentally removed.
The following are the changes being introduced in this commit:
1. Instead of mapping the query language to various query params on the
client side, we've decided that the benefits of having a more robust
query language far outweighs the benefits of having a more human readable query params in the URL.
As such, the `/filter` route will just accept a single `q` query param
and the query string will be parsed on the server side.
1. On the `/filter` route, the tags filtering query language is now
supported in the input per the example provided below:
tags:bug+feature tagged both bug and feature
tags:bug,feature tagged either bug or feature
-tags:bug+feature excluding topics tagged bug and feature
-tags:bug,feature excluding topics tagged bug or feature
The `tags` filter can also be specified multiple
times in the query string like so `tags:bug tags:feature` which will
filter topics that contain both the `bug` tag and `feature` tag. More
complex query like `tags:bug+feature -tags:experimental` will also work.
This change sets the ground work for allowing us to filter topics list
by tags in the following ways:
1. Filter for topics that matches all tags in a given set of tags
2. Filter for topics that matches any tags in a given set of tags
3. Exclude topics that matches all tags in a given set of tags
4. Exclude topics that matches any tags in a given set of tags
Sites with many categories and many of them in muted by default (see
`default_categories_muted`) reported bad performance when requesting
the homepage as an anonymous user. This was the case because of the
long query that iterated over topics and categories trying to remove
those from the muted categories.
Our schema allows `category.topic_id` to be NULL. Null values shouldn't actually happen in production, but it is very common in tests because `Fabricate(:category)` skips creating the definition topic to improve performance. Before this commit, a NULL category.topic_id would cause all subcategory topics to be excluded from a TopicQuery result. This is because, in postgres, `NULL <> anything` is falsy. Instead, we can use `IS DISTINCT FROM`, which will return true when NULL is compared to a non-NULL value.
This commit introduces a few experimental changes to the New topics list and "Everything" link in the sidebar:
1. Make the New topics list include unread topics
2. Make the Everything section in the sidebar link to the New topics list (`/new`)
3. Remove "unread" or "new" text next to the count and keep the count
4. The count is a sum of new and unread topics counts
All of these of changes are behind an off-by-default feature flag. I've not written extensive tests for these changes because they're highly experimental.
Internal topic: t/77234.
This commit adds backend support for a new topics list that combines both the current unread and new topics lists. We're going to experiment with this new list (name TBD) internally and decide if this feature is something that we want to fully build.
Internal topic: t/77234.
The #pluck_first freedom patch, first introduced by @danielwaterworth has served us well, and is used widely throughout both core and plugins. It seems to have been a common enough use case that Rails 6 introduced it's own method #pick with the exact same implementation. This allows us to retire the freedom patch and switch over to the built-in ActiveRecord method.
There is no replacement for #pluck_first!, but a quick search shows we are using this in a very limited capacity, and in some cases incorrectly (by assuming a nil return rather than an exception), which can quite easily be replaced with #pick plus some extra handling.
TL4 users can already list and unlist topics, but they can't see
the unlisted topics. This change brings this to par by allowing
TL4 users to also see unlisted topics.
# Context
When a topic is reviewable by a group we give those group moderators some admin abilities including the ability to delete a topic.
# Problem
There are two main problems:
1. Currently when a group moderator deletes a topic they are redirected to root (not the same for staff)
2. Viewing the categories deleted topics (`c/foo/1/?status=deleted`) does not display the deleted topic to the group moderator (not the same for staff).
# Fix
If the `deleted_by` user is part a group that matches the `reviewable_by_group` on a topic then don't redirect. This is the default interaction for staff to give them the ability to do things like restore the topic in case it was accidentally deleted.
To render the deleted topics as expected for the group moderator I am utilizing [the guardian scope of `guardian.can_see_deleted_topics?` for said category](
* FEATURE: Hide Privacy Policy and TOS topics
As a way to simplify new sites this change will hide the privacy policy
and the TOS topics from the topic list. They can still be accessed and
edited though.
* add tests
cf. e62e93f83a77adfa80b38fbfecf82bbee14e12fe
This PR also makes it so `bot` (negative ID) and `system` users are always allowed
to send PMs, since the old conditional was just based on `enable_personal_messages`
This will replace `enable_personal_messages` and
`min_trust_to_send_messages`, this commit introduces
the setting `personal_message_enabled_groups`
and uses it in all places that `enable_personal_messages`
and `min_trust_to_send_messages` currently apply.
A migration is included to set `personal_message_enabled_groups`
based on the following rules:
* If `enable_personal_messages` was false, then set
`personal_message_enabled_groups` to `3`, which is
the staff auto group
* If `min_trust_to_send_messages` is not default (1)
and the above condition is false, then set the
`personal_message_enabled_groups` setting to
the appropriate auto group based on the trust level
* Otherwise just set `personal_message_enabled_groups` to
11 which is the TL1 auto group
After follow-up PRs to plugins using these old settings, we will be
able to drop the old settings from core, in the meantime I've added
DEPRECATED notices to their descriptions and added them
to the deprecated site settings list.
This commit also introduces a `_map` shortcut method definition
for all `group_list` site settings, e.g. `SiteSetting.personal_message_enabled_groups`
also has `SiteSetting.personal_message_enabled_groups_map` available,
which automatically splits the setting by `|` and converts it into
an array of integers.
`TopicQueryParams` allows for `match_all_tags` to be passed as a query parameter. `TagsController` forces the value to be true.
This change allows a value to be passed, and only sets it to true if no value has been set. It then uses `` to compare the value.
Before, whispers were only available for staff members.
Config has been changed to allow to configure privileged groups with access to whispers. Post migration was added to move from the old setting into the new one.
I considered having a boolean column `whisperer` on user model similar to `admin/moderator` for performance reason. Finally, I decided to keep looking for groups as queries are only done for current user and didn't notice any N+1 queries.
At some point in the past we decided to rename the 'regular' notification state of topics/categories to 'normal'. However, some UI copy was missed when the initial renaming was done so this commit changes the spots that were missed to the new name.
This commit seeks to only handle the `f=tracked` and `filter=tracked`
query params for a topic list. There are other "hidden" filters for a
topic list which can be activated by passing the right query param to
the request. However, they are hidden because there is no way to
activate those filters via the UI. We are handling the `f=tracked`
filter because we will soon be adding a link that allows a user to
quickly view their tracked topics.
We have not used anything related to bookmarks for PostAction
or UserAction records since 2020, bookmarks are their own thing
now. Deleting all this is just cleaning up old cruft.
When parent category or grandparent category is muted, then category should be muted as well.
Still, it can be overridden by setting individual subcategory notification level.
CategoryUser record is not created, mute for subcategories is purely virtual.
This is intended for use by plugins which are building their own
topic lists, and want to include PMs alongside regular topics (e.g.
discourse-assign). It does not get used directly in core.
When a tag with alot of topics is used, we end up allocating a Ruby
array of all the topic ids. Instead, we can just use a subquery here and
handle all of the exclusion logic in PG.
Follow-up to ae13839f98b1b2530a4727a09feee89d7a6ebd88
* PERF: Improve database query perf when loading topics for a category.
Instead of left joining the `topics` table against `categories` by filtering with ``,
we can improve the query plan by filtering against `topics.category_id`
first before joining which helps to reduce the number of rows in the
topics table that has to be joined against the other tables and also
make better use of our existing index.
The following is a before and after of the query plan for a category
with many subcategories.
Limit (cost=1.28..747.09 rows=30 width=12) (actual time=85.502..2453.727 rows=30 loops=1)
-> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=1.28..566518.36 rows=22788 width=12) (actual time=85.501..2453.722 rows=30 loops=1)
Join Filter: (category_users.category_id = topics.category_id)
Filter: ((topics.category_id = 11) OR (COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, 1) <> 0) OR (tu.notification_level > 1))
-> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=1.00..566001.58 rows=22866 width=20) (actual time=85.494..2453.702 rows=30 loops=1)
Filter: ((COALESCE(tu.notification_level, 1) > 0) AND ((topics.category_id <> 11) OR (topics.pinned_at IS NULL) OR ((t
opics.pinned_at <= tu.cleared_pinned_at) AND (tu.cleared_pinned_at IS NOT NULL))))
Rows Removed by Filter: 1
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.57..528561.75 rows=68606 width=24) (actual time=85.472..2453.562 rows=31 loops=1)
Join Filter: ((topics.category_id = AND ((categories.topic_id <> OR ( = 1
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 13938306
-> Index Scan using index_topics_on_bumped_at on topics (cost=0.42..100480.05 rows=715549 width=24) (actual ti
me=0.010..633.015 rows=464623 loops=1)
Filter: ((deleted_at IS NULL) AND ((archetype)::text <> 'private_message'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 105321
-> Materialize (cost=0.14..36.04 rows=30 width=8) (actual time=0.000..0.002 rows=30 loops=464623)
-> Index Scan using categories_pkey on categories (cost=0.14..35.89 rows=30 width=8) (actual time=0.006.
.0.040 rows=30 loops=1)
Index Cond: (id = ANY ('{11,53,57,55,54,56,112,94,107,115,116,117,97,95,102,103,101,105,99,114,106,1
-> Index Scan using index_topic_users_on_topic_id_and_user_id on topic_users tu (cost=0.43..0.53 rows=1 width=16) (a
ctual time=0.004..0.004 rows=0 loops=31)
Index Cond: ((topic_id = AND (user_id = 1103877))
-> Materialize (cost=0.28..2.30 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=0 loops=30)
-> Index Scan using index_category_users_on_user_id_and_last_seen_at on category_users (cost=0.28..2.29 rows=1 width
=8) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=0 loops=1)
Index Cond: (user_id = 1103877)
Planning Time: 1.359 ms
Execution Time: 2453.765 ms
(23 rows)
Limit (cost=1.28..438.55 rows=30 width=12) (actual time=38.297..657.215 rows=30 loops=1)
-> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=1.28..195944.68 rows=13443 width=12) (actual time=38.296..657.211 rows=30 loops=1)
Filter: ((categories.topic_id <> OR (topics.category_id = 11))
Rows Removed by Filter: 29
-> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=1.13..193462.59 rows=13443 width=16) (actual time=38.289..657.092 rows=59 loops=1)
Join Filter: (category_users.category_id = topics.category_id)
Filter: ((topics.category_id = 11) OR (COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, 1) <> 0) OR (tu.notification_level > 1))
-> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=0.85..193156.79 rows=13489 width=20) (actual time=38.282..657.059 rows=59 loops=1)
Filter: ((COALESCE(tu.notification_level, 1) > 0) AND ((topics.category_id <> 11) OR (topics.pinned_at IS NULL) OR ((topics.pinned_at <= tu.cleared_pinned_at) AND (tu.cleared_pinned_at IS NOT NULL))))
Rows Removed by Filter: 1
-> Index Scan using index_topics_on_bumped_at on topics (cost=0.42..134521.06 rows=40470 width=24) (actual time=38.267..656.850 rows=60 loops=1)
Filter: ((deleted_at IS NULL) AND ((archetype)::text <> 'private_message'::text) AND (category_id = ANY ('{11,53,57,55,54,56,112,94,107,115,116,117,97,95,102,103,101,105,99,114,106,113,104,98,100,96,108,109,110,111}'::integer[])))
Rows Removed by Filter: 569895
-> Index Scan using index_topic_users_on_topic_id_and_user_id on topic_users tu (cost=0.43..1.43 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=0 loops=60)
Index Cond: ((topic_id = AND (user_id = 1103877))
-> Materialize (cost=0.28..2.30 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=0 loops=59)
-> Index Scan using index_category_users_on_user_id_and_last_seen_at on category_users (cost=0.28..2.29 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=0 loops=1)
Index Cond: (user_id = 1103877)
-> Index Scan using categories_pkey on categories (cost=0.14..0.17 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=59)
Index Cond: (id = topics.category_id)
Planning Time: 1.633 ms
Execution Time: 657.255 ms
(22 rows)
* PERF: Optimize index on topics bumped_at.
Replace `index_topics_on_bumped_at` index with a partial index on `Topic#bumped_at` filtered by archetype since there is already another index that covers private topics.