- how long were people typing?
- how long was composer open?
- how many drafts were created?
- correct, draft saved to go away after you continue typing
store in Post.find(xyz).post_stat
update rspec syntax to v3
change syntax to rspec v3
oops. fix typo
mailers classes with rspec3 syntax
helpers with rspec3 syntax
jobs with rspec3 syntax
serializers with rspec3 syntax
views with rspec3 syntax
support to rspec3 syntax
category spec with rspec3 syntax
FIX: history revision can now properly be hidden
FIX: PostRevision serializer is now entirely dynamic to properly handle
hidden revisions
FIX: default history modal to "side by side" view on mobile
FIX: properly hiden which revision has been hidden
UX: inline category/user/wiki/post_type changes with the revision
FEATURE: new '/posts/:post_id/revisions/latest' endpoint to retrieve
latest revision
UX: do not show the hide/show revision button on mobile (no room for
UX: remove CSS transitions on the buttons in the history modal
FIX: PostRevisor now handles all the changes that might create new
FIX: PostRevision.ensure_consistency! was wrong due to off by 1
refactored topic's callbacks for better readability
extracted 'PostRevisionGuardian'