The problem here was that if your input has an Enter
listener (such as the chat message input) and the
`fill_in(with: str)` string has a `\n` at the end, this
is treated as an Enter keypress, so this `fill_in` was
submitting the chat message.
This commit fixes an issue where the chat message bookmarks
did not respect the user's `bookmark_auto_delete_preference`
which they select in their user preference page.
Also, it changes the default for that value to "keep bookmark and clear reminder"
rather than "never", which ends up leaving a lot of expired bookmark
reminders around which are a pain to clean up.
This commit is a series of fixes to improve stability of system tests following the use of threadsafe:
* Jobs.run_immediately in before block was causing issues
* During test a js error could be caused by an undefined this.details in chat-live-pane
* Apply the chat composer click trick everywhere when sending a message, it ensures we are not hiding anything with autocomplete
* There was another case not using send_message yet
This PR removes the limit added to max_users_notified_per_group_mention during #19034 and improve the performance when expanding mentions for large channel or groups by removing some N+1 queries and making the whole process async.
* Fully async chat message notifications
* Remove mention setting limit and get rid of N+1 queries
It should fix flakeys we have due to using_session. This commit is also fixing tests which were failing constantly with treadsafe enabled.
A test has also bene skipped as the issue couldn't be found so far.
More info:
- improves UI by displaying channel status on it's own line
- ensures channel status is correctly updated right after the request on frontend
- adds status on info page
Recent changes surfaced the various issues with this codepath:
- we were not correctly reseting `messageLookup` leading to us trying to scroll to a non existing message in the view
- we were calling markAsRead which would scroll to the bottom, even if we had a target message
- we were not debouncing fetchMessages, which could cause multiple reload of the messages when loading it with a targetMessageId: first fetch from last read and then immediately fetch from targetMessageId
- other naming inconsistencies
- not handling drawer
This commit also adds tests for classic scenarios related to this use case.
I could repro the same failure by doing: `page.driver.browser.network_conditions = { offline: false, latency: 3000, throughput: 0 }`
Wait shouldn't be needed as we wait for selector, but I couldn't find a better solution on this case for now.
We are all in on system specs, so this commit moves all the chat quoting acceptance tests (some of which have been skipped for a while) into system specs.
Honestly seems like it's being in some weird loop for
discourse/hashtag_autocomplete_spec.rb for this:
within topic_page.post_by_number(2) do
cooked_hashtags = page.all(".hashtag-cooked", count: 2)
expect(cooked_hashtags[0]["outerHTML"]).to eq(<<~HTML.chomp)
<a class=\"hashtag-cooked\" href=\"#{category.url}\" data-type=\"category\" data-slug=\"cool-cat\"><svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-folder svg-icon svg-node\"><use href=\"#folder\"></use></svg><span>Cool Category</span></a>
expect(cooked_hashtags[1]["outerHTML"]).to eq(<<~HTML.chomp)
<a class=\"hashtag-cooked\" href=\"#{tag.url}\" data-type=\"tag\" data-slug=\"cooltag\"><svg class=\"fa d-icon d-icon-tag svg-icon svg-node\"><use href=\"#tag\"></use></svg><span>cooltag</span></a>
I see this many times in the full logs with `SELENIUM_VERBOSE_DRIVER_LOGS=1`:
COMMAND FindElements {
"using": "css selector",
"value": "#post_2"
Followed by:
COMMAND FindChildElements {
"id": "26dfe542-659b-46cc-ac8c-a6c2d9cbdf0a",
"using": "css selector",
"value": ".hashtag-cooked"
Over and over and over, there are 58 such occurrences. I am beginning to
think `within` is just poison that should be avoided.
Previously, calling `sign_in` would cause the browser to be redirected to `/`, and would cause the Ember app to boot. We would then call `visit()`, causing the app to boot for a second time.
This commit adds a `redirect=false` option to the `/session/username/become` route. This avoids the unnecessary boot of the app, and leads to significantly faster system spec run times.
In local testing, this takes the full system-spec suite for chat from ~6min to ~4min.
- chat-message is not using chat-api yet and the `jsonMode` shouldn't have been added
- correctly error on `getChannel` not found
- adds/correct relevant system tests
Note this is a very large PR, and some of it could have been splited, but keeping it one chunk made it to merge conflicts and to revert if necessary. Actual new code logic is also not that much, as most of the changes are removing js tests, adding system specs or moving things around.
To make it possible this commit is doing the following changes:
- converting (and adding new) existing js acceptances tests into system tests. This change was necessary to ensure as little regressions as possible while changing paradigm
- moving away from store. Using glimmer and tracked properties requires to have class objects everywhere and as a result works well with models. However store/adapters are suffering from many bugs and limitations. As a workaround the `chat-api` and `chat-channels-manager` are an answer to this problem by encapsulating backend calls and frontend storage logic; while still using js models.
- dropping `appEvents` as much as possible. Using tracked properties and a better local storage of channel models, allows to be much more reactive and doesn’t require arbitrary manual updates everywhere in the app.
- while working on replacing store, the existing work of a chat api (backend) has been continued to support more cases.
- removing code from the `chat` service to separate concerns, `chat-subscriptions-manager` and `chat-channels-manager`, being the largest examples of where the code has been rewritten/moved.
Future wok:
- improve behavior when closing/deleting a channel, it's already slightly buggy on live, it's rare enough that it's not a big issue, but should be improved
- improve page objects used in chat
- move more endpoints to the API
- finish temporarily skipped tests
- extract more code from the `chat` service
- use glimmer for `chat-messages`
- separate concerns in `chat-live-pane`
- eventually add js tests for `chat-api`, `chat-channels-manager` and `chat-subscriptions-manager`, they are indirectly heavy tested through system tests but it would be nice to at least test the public API
<!-- NOTE: All pull requests should have tests (rspec in Ruby, qunit in JavaScript). If your code does not include test coverage, please include an explanation of why it was omitted. -->
* UX: added fadeout + hashtag styling
UX: add full name to autocomplete
UX: autocomplete mentions styling
UX: emoji styling user status
UX: autocomplete emoji
* DEV: Move hashtag tag counts into new secondary_text prop
* FIX: Add is-online style to mention users via chat
UX: make is-online avatar styling globally available
* DEV: Fix specs
* DEV: Test fix
Co-authored-by: Martin Brennan <>
Follow up to a review in #18937, this commit changes the HashtagAutocompleteService to no longer use class variables to register hashtag data sources or types in context priority order. This is to address multisite concerns, where one site could e.g. have chat disabled and another might not. The filtered plugin registers I added will not be included if the plugin is disabled.
FEATURE: Chat and Sidebar are now on by default
- Set the sidebar site setting to be enabled by default
- Set the chat site setting to be enabled by default
- Updated existing specs that assumed the original default
- Use a migration to keep old defaults for existing sites
This new site setting replaces the
`enable_experimental_sidebar_hamburger` and `enable_sidebar` site
settings as the sidebar feature exits the experimental phase.
Note that we're replacing this without depreciation since the previous
site setting was considered experimental.
Internal Ref: /t/86563
This commit adds variousMessageBus.last_ids to serializer payloads
for chat channels and the chat view (for chat live pane) so
we can use those IDs when subscribing to MessageBus channels
from chat.
This allows us to ensure that any messages created between the
server being hit and the UI loaded and subscribing end up being
delivered to the client, rather than just silently dropped.
This commit also fixes an issue where we were subscribing to
the new-messages and new-mentions MessageBus channels multiple
times when following/unfollowing a channel multiple times.
Refines the behavior of clicking the chat icon in mobile and when in drawer mode as follows: If chat is open, clicking the icon takes you to the index.
- better handling of drawer state using chat state manager
- removes various float and topic occurrences to use drawer
- ensures user can chat before doing a lot of chat setup
- fixes a bug which was creating presence errors in tests
- removes dead code
This commit fleshes out and adds functionality for the new `#hashtag` search and
lookup system, still hidden behind the `enable_experimental_hashtag_autocomplete`
feature flag.
We have two plugin API registration methods that are used to define data sources
(`register_hashtag_data_source`) and hashtag result type priorities depending on
the context (`register_hashtag_type_in_context`). Reading the comments in plugin.rb
should make it clear what these are doing. Reading the `HashtagAutocompleteService`
in full will likely help a lot as well.
Each data source is responsible for providing its own **lookup** and **search**
method that returns hashtag results based on the arguments provided. For example,
the category hashtag data source has to take into account parent categories and
how they relate, and each data source has to define their own icon to use for the
hashtag, and so on.
The `Site` serializer has two new attributes that source data from `HashtagAutocompleteService`.
There is `hashtag_icons` that is just a simple array of all the different icons that
can be used for allowlisting in our markdown pipeline, and there is `hashtag_context_configurations`
that is used to store the type priority orders for each registered context.
When sending emails, we cannot render the SVG icons for hashtags, so
we need to change the HTML hashtags to the normal `#hashtag` text.
The `hashtag-autocomplete.js` file is where I have added the new `hashtag-autocomplete`
markdown rule, and like all of our rules this is used to cook the raw text on both the clientside
and on the serverside using MiniRacer. Only on the server side do we actually reach out to
the database with the `hashtagLookup` function, on the clientside we just render a plainer
version of the hashtag HTML. Only in the composer preview do we do further lookups based
on this.
This rule is the first one (that I can find) that uses the `currentUser` based on a passed
in `user_id` for guardian checks in markdown rendering code. This is the `last_editor_id`
for both the post and chat message. In some cases we need to cook without a user present,
so the `Discourse.system_user` is used in this case.
**Chat Channels**
This also contains the changes required for chat so that chat channels can be used
as a data source for hashtag searches and lookups. This data source will only be
used when `enable_experimental_hashtag_autocomplete` is `true`, so we don't have
to worry about channel results suddenly turning up.
**Known Rough Edges**
- Onebox excerpts will not render the icon svg/use tags, I plan to address that in a follow up PR
- Selecting a hashtag + pressing the Quote button will result in weird behaviour, I plan to address that in a follow up PR
- Mixed hashtag contexts for hashtags without a type suffix will not work correctly, e.g. #ux which is both a category and a channel slug will resolve to a category when used inside a post or within a [chat] transcript in that post. Users can get around this manually by adding the correct suffix, for example ::channel. We may get to this at some point in future
- Icons will not show for the hashtags in emails since SVG support is so terrible in email (this is not likely to be resolved, but still noting for posterity)
- Additional refinements and review fixes wil
- Note this is also tweaking the UI a little bit as we are now using links/buttons in the header as needed
- It disables the find ideal channel in drawer mode, if loading `/chat` in drawer mode it will either reopen at the last position or just stay on index
Clicking a link of the sidebar will now open the drawer and load the correct channel.
This solution should correctly solve these cases:
closing drawer, clicking sidebar channel, should open the drawer on correct channel
visiting /chat then visiting / and clicking sidebar channel, should open full page chat on correct channel
This commits makes sure we correctly wait for the end of the transition to reopen the drawer on the correct channel/view. Also fixes a bug when previous URL was `/` and causing a double transition.