# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ bs_BA: dates: short_date_no_year: "D MMM" short_date: "D MMM, YYYY" long_date: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mma" datetime_formats: &datetime_formats formats: short: "%d.%m.%Y." short_no_year: "%B %-d" date_only: "%B %-d, %Y" long: "%B %-d, %Y, %l:%M%P" no_day: "% B% Y" date: month_names: - - Januar - Februar - Mart - April - Maj - Juni - Juli - August - Septembar - Oktobar - Novembar - Decembar <<: *datetime_formats time: am: "am" pm: "pm" <<: *datetime_formats title: "Discourse" topics: "Teme" posts: "objave" views: "pregleda" loading: "Učitava" powered_by_html: 'Pokretano sa Discourse, za najbolje sučelje uključiti JavaScript' sign_up: "Registruj se" log_in: "Uloguj se" submit: "Potvrdi" purge_reason: "Automatski obrisan kao napušten, deaktiviran račun" disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Remote images skidanje je obustavljeno zbog nedostatka disk prostora na vašem uređaju." anonymous: "Anoniman" remove_posts_deleted_by_author: "Izbrisan od strane autora" redirect_warning: "Nismo bili u stanju da verifikujemo da je link koji ste označili zapravo bio objavljen na forumu. Ukoliko u svakom slučaju želite da nastavite dalje, označite link ispod." on_another_topic: "Na drugu temu" inline_oneboxer: topic_page_title_post_number_by_user: "#%{post_number} od %{username}" components: enabled_filter: "Omogućen" disabled_filter: "Neomogućen" themes: bad_color_scheme: "Ne može se ažurirati tema, nevažeća paleta boja" other_error: "Nešto je krenulo loše pri ažuriranju izgleda teme." import_error: about_json_values: "o .json sadrži nevažeće vrijednosti: %{errors}" git: "Greška prilikom kloniranja git repository-a, pristup je odbijen ili repositroy nije pronađen." unpack_failed: "Otpakivanje datoteke nije uspelo" unknown_file_type: "Datoteka koju ste učitali ne izgleda kao valjana tema diskursa." errors: component_no_user_selectable: "Komponente teme se ne mogu izabrati od korisnika" component_no_default: "Komponente teme ne mogu biti podrazumevana tema" component_no_color_scheme: "Komponente teme ne mogu imati palete boja" no_multilevels_components: "Teme s dječjim temama ne mogu biti same teme djeteta" settings_errors: invalid_yaml: "Korišteni YAML fajl nije validan." name_too_long: "Postoji postavka sa predugim imenom. Maksimalna dužina je 255" default_value_missing: "Postavka `%{name}` nema uobičajenu (default) vrijednost." default_not_match_type: "Postavka `%{name}` default uobičajena vrijednosti se ne podudara sa tipom postavke." enum_value_not_valid: "Označena vrijednost nije jedna od enum izbora" number_value_not_valid_min_max: "Value must be between %{min} and %{max}." objects: required: "must be present" locale_errors: top_level_locale: "Ključ gornjeg nivoa u datoteci locale mora odgovarati nazivu jezika" invalid_yaml: "Prevod YAML invalid" emails: incoming: default_subject: "Ova tema treba naslov" show_trimmed_content: "Prikaži skraćeni sadržaj" maximum_staged_user_per_email_reached: "Dosegnut je maksimalni broj stupnjevanih korisnika kreiranih po e-pošti." no_subject: "(nema naslova)" no_body: "(nema teksta)" errors: empty_email_error: "Dešava se kada je sirova pošta koju smo primili bila prazna." no_message_id_error: "Dešava se kada pošta nema zaglavlje 'Message-Id'." auto_generated_email_error: "Dešava se kada je zaglavlje 'prvenstva' postavljeno na: listu, bezvrijedno, skupno ili auto_reply, ili kada bilo koje drugo zaglavlje sadrži: automatsko slanje, automatsko odgovaranje ili automatsko generiranje." no_body_detected_error: "Dešava se kada nismo mogli da izvučemo telo i nije bilo nikakvih vezanosti." no_sender_detected_error: "Dešava se kada nismo mogli pronaći važeću adresu e-pošte u zaglavlju From." from_reply_by_address_error: "Događa se kada se zaglavlje From poklapa s odgovorom na adresu e-pošte." inactive_user_error: "Dešava se kada pošiljalac nije aktivan." silenced_user_error: "Dešava se kada je pošiljalac utišan." strangers_not_allowed_error: "Dešava se kada je korisnik pokušao da kreira novu temu u kategoriji u kojoj nije član." insufficient_trust_level_error: "Dešava se kada korisnik pokuša da kreira novu temu u kategoriji za koju nema potreban nivo pouzdanosti." reply_user_not_matching_error: "Događa se kada je stigao odgovor s druge adrese e-pošte na koju je obavijest poslana." topic_not_found_error: "Dešava se kada je stigao odgovor, ali je srodna tema izbrisana." topic_closed_error: "Dešava se kada je stigao odgovor, ali je srodna tema zatvorena." bounced_email_error: "E-mail je izvještaj o odbijenoj e-pošti." screened_email_error: "Dešava se kada je adresa e-pošte pošiljaoca već prikazana." errors: &errors messages: invalid_boolean: "Invalid boolean." taken: "has already been taken" exclusion: je rezvisan has_already_been_used: "već se koristi" embed: load_from_remote: "There was an error loading that post." invite: confirm_email: "

Skoro ste gotovi! Na vašu e-adresu poslali smo aktivacijski mail. Slijedite upute u pošti da biste aktivirali svoj račun.

Ako ne stigne, provjerite svoju mapu neželjene pošte.

" topic_invite: muted_topic: "Žao nam je, navedeni korisnik je utišao ovu temu." receiver_does_not_allow_pm: "Žao nam je, navedeni korisnik vam ne dozvoljava da mu šaljete privatne poruke." backup: operation_already_running: "An operation is currently running. Can't start a new job right now." backup_file_should_be_tar_gz: "The backup file should be a .tar.gz archive." not_enough_space_on_disk: "There is not enough space on disk to upload this backup." not_logged_in: "You need to be logged in to do that." read_only_mode_enabled: "The site is in read only mode. Interactions are disabled." not_in_group: join_group: "Pridruži se grupi" likes: "Sviđanja" embed: start_discussion: "Pokreni raspravu" continue: "Nastavi raspravu" more_replies: one: "još %{count} odgovor" few: "još %{count} odgovora" other: "još %{count} odgovora" permalink: "Permalink" imported_from: "Ovo je prateća tema rasprave za originalni unos na %{link}" in_reply_to: "▶ %{username}" replies: one: "%{count} odgovor" few: "%{count} odgovora" other: "%{count} odgovora" created: "Kreiran" new_topic: "Otvori novu temu" no_mentions_allowed: "Žao nam je, ne možete spominjati druge korisnike." no_mentions_allowed_newuser: "Žao nam je, novi korisnici ne mogu spominjati druge korisnike." no_attachments_allowed: "Sorry, new users can't put attachments in posts." no_links_allowed: "Sorry, new users can't put links in posts." spamming_host: "Sorry you cannot post a link to that host." user_is_suspended: "Suspended users are not allowed to post." just_posted_that: "is too similar to what you recently posted" invalid_characters: "contains invalid characters" next_page: "next page →" prev_page: "← previous page" page_num: "Page %{num}" home_title: "Naslovnica" topics_in_category: "Topics in the '%{category}' category" rss_posts_in_topic: "RSS feed of '%{topic}'" rss_topics_in_category: "RSS feed of topics in the '%{category}' category" rss_num_posts: one: "%{count} objava" few: "%{count} objave" other: "%{count} objava" read_full_topic: "Read full topic" private_message_abbrev: "PM" rss_description: latest: "Latest topics" too_late_to_edit: "That post was created too long ago. It can no longer be edited or deleted." excerpt_image: "slika" bookmarks: reminders: at_desktop: "Sljedeći put sam za svojim desktop kompjuterom" later_today: "Danas" next_business_day: "Sljedeći radni dan" tomorrow: "Sutra" next_week: "Sljedeće sedmice" next_month: "Sljedeći mjesec" custom: "Ciljano vrijeme i datum" groups: default_names: everyone: "everyone" admins: "admins" moderators: "moderators" staff: "staff" trust_level_0: "trust_level_0" trust_level_1: "trust_level_1" trust_level_2: "trust_level_2" trust_level_3: "trust_level_3" trust_level_4: "trust_level_4" education: until_posts: one: "%{count} objava" few: "%{count} objave" other: "%{count} objava" activerecord: attributes: category: name: "Ime Kategorije" topic: title: "Naslov" category_id: "Kategorija" post: raw: "Tijelo" user_profile: bio_raw: "O Meni" user: password: "Lozinka" errors: models: topic: attributes: base: too_many_users: "You can only send warnings to one user at a time." user: attributes: password: common: "is one of the 10000 most common passwords. Please use a more secure password." color_scheme_color: attributes: hex: invalid: "is not a valid color" <<: *errors general_category_name: "General" meta_category_description: "Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it." staff_category_name: "Staff" staff_category_description: "Private category for staff discussions. Topics are only visible to admins and moderators." category: topic_prefix: "About the %{category} category" errors: uncategorized_parent: "Uncategorized can't have a parent category" self_parent: "A subcategory's parent cannot be itself" depth: "You can't nest a subcategory under another" cannot_delete: has_subcategories: "Can't delete this category because it has sub-categories." topic_exists_no_oldest: "Can't delete this category because topic count is %{count}." trust_levels: admin: "Admin" staff: "Staff" change_failed_explanation: "You attempted to demote %{user_name} to '%{new_trust_level}'. However their trust level is already '%{current_trust_level}'. %{user_name} will remain at '%{current_trust_level}' - if you wish to demote user lock trust level first" rate_limiter: hours: one: "%{count} sat" few: "Par sati" other: "%{count} sati" datetime: distance_in_words: half_a_minute: "< 1m" less_than_x_seconds: one: "< %{count}s" few: "< %{count}s" other: "< %{count}s" x_seconds: one: "%{count}s" few: "%{count}s" other: "%{count}s" less_than_x_minutes: one: "< %{count}m" few: "< %{count}m" other: "< %{count}m" x_minutes: one: "%{count}m" few: "%{count}m" other: "%{count}m" about_x_hours: one: "%{count}h" few: "%{count}h" other: "%{count}h" x_days: one: "%{count}d" few: "%{count}d" other: "%{count}d" about_x_months: one: "%{count} mjeseci" few: "%{count} mjeseca" other: "%{count} mjeseci" x_months: one: "%{count} mjeseci" few: "%{count} mjeseca" other: "%{count} mjeseci" about_x_years: one: "%{count} god." few: "%{count} god." other: "%{count} god." over_x_years: one: "> %{count} god." few: "> %{count} god." other: "> %{count} god." almost_x_years: one: "%{count} god." few: "%{count} god." other: "%{count} god." distance_in_words_verbose: half_a_minute: "just now" less_than_x_seconds: "upravo sada" about_x_hours: one: "Pred %{count} sat" few: "Pred par sati" other: "Pred %{count} sata" x_days: one: "prije %{count} dan" few: "Prije par dana " other: "prije %{count} dana" x_months: one: "prije %{count} mjesec" few: "prije %{count} mjeseca" other: "prije %{count} mjeseci" password_reset: title: "Resetuj Šifru" success: "Uspješno ste promjenili šifru i sada se možete ulogovati." success_unapproved: "Uspješno ste promjenili šifru." change_email: error: "There was an error changing your email address. Perhaps the address is already in use?" activation: already_done: "Link za konfirmaciju nije validan. Možda ste već aktivirani?" approval_required: "A moderator must manually approve your new account before you can access this forum. You'll get an email when your account is approved!" reviewable_score_types: needs_approval: title: "Potrebno odobrenje" post_action_types: off_topic: title: "Nije Relevantno" description: "Ovaj post iz korjena mjenja tok ove teme i najvjerovatnije bi ga trebalo premjestiti. Ako je ovo prvi post to jest sama tema, onda mu najvjerovatnije nije mjesto ovde." spam: title: "Spam" email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" inappropriate: title: "Neprikladno" illegal: email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" notify_user: email_title: 'Tvoj post u temi "%{title}"' email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" notify_moderators: title: "Obavijesti Moderatore" email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" bookmark: title: "Sačuvaj" description: "Sačuvaj ovaj post" short_description: "Sačuvaj ovaj post" like: title: "Like" description: "Lajkuj ovaj post" short_description: "Lajkuj ovaj post" topic_flag_types: spam: title: "Spam" description: "Ova tema je reklamnog karaktera i ne doprinosi razvoju teme jer je tu iz materijalnih razloga." long_form: "opomenuo kao spam" inappropriate: title: "Inappropriate" long_form: "opomenuto kao neprikladno" notify_moderators: title: "Obavijesti Moderatore" description: 'Ova tema zahtijeva opću pažnju administratora na osnovu smjernica, TOS ili iz drugog razloga koji nije gore naveden.' long_form: "moderator obaviješten" email_title: 'Ova tema "%{title}" treba pažnju moderatora' email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" illegal: email_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" flagging: user_must_edit: "

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

" archetypes: regular: title: "Regular Topic" banner: title: "Banner tema" message: make: "This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user." remove: "This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page." unsubscribe: title: "Odjavi se" log_out: "Izloguj se" digest_frequency: never: "nikad" every_30_minutes: "svakih 30 minuta" every_hour: "po satu" daily: "dnevno" weekly: "sedmično" every_month: "svaki mjesec" every_six_months: "svakih šest mjeseci" user_api_key: read: "čitaj" otp_confirmation: confirm_title: Nastavi ka %{site_name} logging_in_as: Prijavite se kao %{username} confirm_button: Završi prijavu reports: default: labels: count: Broji day: Day post_edits: labels: edited_at: Datum post: Objava editor: Urednik edit_reason: Reason user_flagging_ratio: labels: user: User score: bodovi moderators_activity: labels: moderator: Moderator flags_status: labels: flag: Tip visits: title: "User Visits" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of visits" signups: xaxis: "Day" new_contributors: xaxis: "Day" trust_level_growth: yaxis: "Day" consolidated_page_views: yaxis: "Day" labels: post: Objava editor: Urednik edit_reason: Reason consolidated_api_requests: xaxis: api: "API" user_api: "Korisnički API" yaxis: "Day" consolidated_page_views_browser_detection: yaxis: "Day" dau_by_mau: xaxis: "Day" daily_engaged_users: xaxis: "Day" profile_views: xaxis: "Dan" topics: title: "Topics" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of new topics" description: "Nove teme nastale u ovom periodu." posts: title: "Posts" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of new posts" likes: title: "Likes" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of new likes" description: "Number of new likes." flags: title: "Flags" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of flags" bookmarks: title: "Bookmarks" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of new bookmarks" users_by_trust_level: title: "Users per Trust Level" xaxis: "Trust Level" yaxis: "Number of Users" description_link: "https://blog.discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels/" users_by_type: xaxis: "Tip" yaxis: "Number of Users" labels: type: Tip xaxis_labels: admin: Admin moderator: Moderator suspended: Suspended silenced: Stišano trending_search: labels: term: Term searches: Pretraživanja click_through: CTR emails: title: "Emails Sent" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of Emails" user_to_user_private_messages: xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of private messages" user_to_user_private_messages_with_replies: title: "Korisnik prema korisniku (s odgovorima)" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of private messages" system_private_messages: title: "System" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of private messages" moderator_warning_private_messages: title: "Moderator Warning" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of private messages" notify_moderators_private_messages: title: "Notify Moderators" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of private messages" notify_user_private_messages: title: "Notify User" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of private messages" top_referrers: title: "Top Referrers" xaxis: "User" num_clicks: "Clicks" num_topics: "Topics" labels: user: "User" num_clicks: "Clicks" num_topics: "Teme" top_traffic_sources: title: "Top Traffic Sources" xaxis: "Domain" num_clicks: "Clicks" num_topics: "Topics" num_users: "Users" labels: domain: Domain num_clicks: Clicks num_topics: Teme top_referred_topics: title: "Top Referred Topics" labels: num_clicks: "Clicks" topic: "Topic" page_view_anon_reqs: title: "Anoniman" xaxis: "Dan" page_view_logged_in_reqs: xaxis: "Day" page_view_crawler_reqs: xaxis: "Day" page_view_total_reqs: title: "Pagevieovi" xaxis: "Day" page_view_logged_in_mobile_reqs: xaxis: "Day" page_view_anon_mobile_reqs: xaxis: "Day" page_view_anon_browser_reqs: xaxis: "Day" page_view_logged_in_browser_reqs: xaxis: "Day" http_background_reqs: xaxis: "Day" http_2xx_reqs: xaxis: "Day" http_3xx_reqs: xaxis: "Day" http_4xx_reqs: xaxis: "Day" http_5xx_reqs: xaxis: "Day" http_total_reqs: title: "Suma" xaxis: "Day" time_to_first_response: xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Prosječno vrijeme (hours)" topics_with_no_response: xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Suma" mobile_visits: xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of visits" web_crawlers: labels: page_views: "Pagevieovi" web_hook_events_daily_aggregate: xaxis: "Day" suspicious_logins: labels: user: User location: Lokacija staff_logins: labels: user: User location: Lokacija top_uploads: labels: filename: Filename top_users_by_likes_received: labels: user: User qtt_like: Likes Received top_users_by_likes_received_from_inferior_trust_level: labels: user: User qtt_like: Likes Received top_users_by_likes_received_from_a_variety_of_people: labels: user: User qtt_like: Likes Received topic_view_stats: labels: topic: Topic anon_views: Anoniman total_views: Suma dashboard: problem: rails_env: "Your server is running in %{env} mode." host_names: "Your config/database.yml file is using the default localhost hostname. Update it to use your site's hostname." ram: "Your server is running with less than 1 GB of total memory. At least 1 GB of memory is recommended." site_settings: disabled: "deaktiviran" censored_words: "Words that will be automatically replaced with ■■■■" delete_old_hidden_posts: "Auto-delete any hidden posts that stay hidden for more than 30 days." allow_user_locale: "Allow users to choose their own language interface preference" max_post_length: "Maximum allowed post length in characters" min_topic_title_length: "Minimum allowed topic title length in characters" max_topic_title_length: "Maximum allowed topic title length in characters" min_personal_message_title_length: "Minimum allowed title length for a private message in characters" min_search_term_length: "Minimum valid search term length in characters" allow_duplicate_topic_titles: "Allow topics with identical, duplicate titles." unique_posts_mins: "How many minutes before a user can make a post with the same content again" educate_until_posts: "When the user starts typing their first (n) new posts, show the pop-up new user education panel in the composer." crawl_images: "Retrieve images from remote URLs to insert the correct width and height dimensions." download_remote_images_threshold: "Minimum disk space necessary to download remote images locally (in percent)" disabled_image_download_domains: "Remote images will never be downloaded from these domains. Pipe-delimited list." editing_grace_period: "For (n) seconds after posting, editing will not create a new version in the post history." edit_history_visible_to_public: "Allow everyone to see previous versions of an edited post. When disabled, only staff members can view." delete_removed_posts_after: "Posts removed by the author will be automatically deleted after (n) hours. If set to 0, posts will be deleted immediately." fixed_category_positions: "If checked, you will be able to arrange categories into a fixed order. If unchecked, categories are listed in order of activity." add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content: 'Add rel nofollow to all submitted user content, except for internal links (including parent domains). If you change this, you must rebake all posts with: "rake posts:rebake"' post_excerpt_maxlength: "Maximum length of a post excerpt / summary." post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximum length of a oneboxed Discourse post in characters." notification_email: "The from: email address used when sending all essential system emails. The domain specified here must have SPF, DKIM and reverse PTR records set correctly for email to arrive." email_custom_headers: "A pipe-delimited list of custom email headers" summary_score_threshold: "The minimum score required for a post to be included in 'Summarize This Topic'" summary_percent_filter: "When a user clicks 'Summarize This Topic', show the top % of posts" polling_interval: "How often should logged in user clients poll in milliseconds" anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds" cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Number of minutes a user must wait before they can edit a post hidden via community flagging" traditional_markdown_linebreaks: "Use traditional linebreaks in Markdown, which require two trailing spaces for a linebreak." post_undo_action_window_mins: "Number of minutes users are allowed to undo recent actions on a post (like, flag, etc)." cors_origins: "Allowed origins for cross-origin requests (CORS). Each origin must include http:// or https://. The DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS env variable must be set to true to enable CORS." post_menu_hidden_items: "The menu items to hide by default in the post menu unless an expansion ellipsis is clicked on." share_links: "Determine which items appear on the share dialog, and in what order." site_contact_username: "All automated private messages will be from this user; if left blank the default System account will be used." send_welcome_message: "Send all new users a welcome private message with a quick start guide." suppress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show the expandable reply count on a post when there is only a single reply directly below this post." suppress_reply_directly_above: "Don't show the expandable in-reply-to on a post when there is only a single reply directly above this post." suppress_reply_when_quoting: "Don't show the expandable in-reply-to on a post when post quotes reply." topics_per_period_in_top_summary: "Number of top topics shown in the default top topics summary." topics_per_period_in_top_page: "Number of top topics shown on the expanded 'Show More' top topics." email_token_valid_hours: "Forgot password / activate account tokens are valid for (n) hours." new_version_emails: "Send an email to the contact_email address when a new version of Discourse is available." invite_expiry_days: "How long user invitation keys are valid, in days" login_required: "Require authentication to read content on this site, disallow anonymous access." block_common_passwords: "Don't allow passwords that are in the 10,000 most common passwords." allow_new_registrations: "Allow new user registrations. Uncheck this to prevent anyone from creating a new account." google_oauth2_client_secret: "Client secret of your Google application." s3_backup_bucket: "The remote bucket to hold backups. WARNING: Make sure it is a private bucket." active_user_rate_limit_secs: "How frequently we update the 'last_seen_at' field, in seconds" verbose_localization: "Show extended localization tips in the UI" previous_visit_timeout_hours: "How long a visit lasts before we consider it the 'previous' visit, in hours" rate_limit_create_topic: "After creating a topic, users must wait (n) seconds before creating another topic." rate_limit_create_post: "After posting, users must wait (n) seconds before creating another post." rate_limit_new_user_create_post: "After posting, new users must wait (n) seconds before creating another post." max_likes_per_day: "Maximum number of likes per user per day." max_flags_per_day: "Maximum number of flags per user per day." max_bookmarks_per_day: "Maximum number of bookmarks per user per day." max_edits_per_day: "Maximum number of edits per user per day." max_topics_per_day: "Maximum number of topics a user can create per day." suggested_topics: "Number of suggested topics shown at the bottom of a topic." limit_suggested_to_category: "Only show topics from the current category in suggested topics." clean_up_uploads: "Remove orphan unreferenced uploads to prevent illegal hosting. WARNING: you may want to back up of your /uploads directory before enabling this setting." clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: "Grace period (in hours) before an orphan upload is removed." purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: "Grace period (in days) before a deleted upload is erased." enable_s3_uploads: "Place uploads on Amazon S3 storage. IMPORTANT: requires valid S3 credentials (both access key id & secret access key)." s3_upload_bucket: "The Amazon S3 bucket name that files will be uploaded into. WARNING: must be lowercase, no periods." default_invitee_trust_level: "Default trust level (0-4) for invited users." default_trust_level: "Default trust level (0-4) for all new users." tl1_requires_topics_entered: "How many topics a new user must enter before promotion to trust level 1." tl1_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a new user must read before promotion to trust level 1." tl1_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many minutes a new user must read posts before promotion to trust level 1." tl2_requires_topics_entered: "How many topics a user must enter before promotion to trust level 2." tl2_requires_read_posts: "How many posts a user must read before promotion to trust level 2." tl2_requires_time_spent_mins: "How many minutes a user must read posts before promotion to trust level 2." tl2_requires_days_visited: "How many days a user must visit the site before promotion to trust level 2." tl2_requires_likes_received: "How many likes a user must receive before promotion to trust level 2." tl2_requires_likes_given: "How many likes a user must cast before promotion to trust level 2." tl2_requires_topic_reply_count: "How many topics user must reply to before promotion to trust level 2." tl3_requires_topics_viewed_all_time: "The minimum total number of topics a user must have viewed to qualify for trust level 3." tl3_requires_posts_read_all_time: "The minimum total number of posts a user must have read to qualify for trust level 3." tl3_promotion_min_duration: "The minimum number of days that a promotion to trust level 3 lasts before a user can be demoted back to trust level 2." tl3_links_no_follow: "Do not remove rel=nofollow from links posted by trust level 3 users." min_trust_to_create_topic: "The minimum trust level required to create a new topic." min_trust_to_edit_wiki_post: "The minimum trust level required to edit post marked as wiki." newuser_max_links: "How many links a new user can add to a post." newuser_max_attachments: "How many attachments a new user can add to a post." newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications a new user can use in a post." newuser_max_replies_per_topic: "Maximum number of replies a new user can make in a single topic until someone replies to them." max_mentions_per_post: "Maximum number of @name notifications anyone can use in a post." create_thumbnails: "Create thumbnails and lightbox images that are too large to fit in a post." email_time_window_mins: "Wait (n) minutes before sending any notification emails, to give users a chance to edit and finalize their posts." email_posts_context: "How many prior replies to include as context in notification emails." flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds." title_min_entropy: "The minimum entropy (unique characters, non-english count for more) required for a topic title." body_min_entropy: "The minimum entropy (unique characters, non-english count for more) required for a post body." min_title_similar_length: "The minimum length of a title before it will be checked for similar topics." category_colors: "A list of hexadecimal color values allowed for categories." dark_mode_none: "Ništa" max_similar_results: "How many similar topics to show above the editor when composing a new topic. Comparison is based on title and body." title_prettify: "Prevent common title typos and errors, including all caps, lowercase first character, multiple ! and ?, extra . at end, etc." topic_views_heat_low: "After this many views, the views field is slightly highlighted." topic_views_heat_medium: "After this many views, the views field is moderately highlighted." topic_views_heat_high: "After this many views, the views field is strongly highlighted." history_hours_low: "A post edited within this many hours has the edit indicator slightly highlighted" history_hours_medium: "A post edited within this many hours has the edit indicator moderately highlighted." history_hours_high: "A post edited within this many hours has the edit indicator strongly highlighted." topic_post_like_heat_low: "After the likes:post ratio exceeds this ratio, the post count field is slightly highlighted." topic_post_like_heat_medium: "After the likes:post ratio exceeds this ratio, the post count field is moderately highlighted." topic_post_like_heat_high: "After the likes:post ratio exceeds this ratio, the post count field is strongly highlighted." faq_url: "If you have a FAQ hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here." tos_url: "If you have a Terms of Service document hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here." privacy_policy_url: "If you have a Privacy Policy document hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here." allowed_spam_host_domains: "A list of domains excluded from spam host testing. New users will never be restricted from creating posts with links to these domains." levenshtein_distance_spammer_emails: "When matching spammer emails, number of characters difference that will still allow a fuzzy match." min_ban_entries_for_roll_up: "Kada kliknete tipku Roll up, stvorit ćete novi unos za subnet ban ako ima najmanje (N) unosa." reply_by_email_address: "Template for reply by email incoming email address, for example: %%{reply_key}@reply.example.com or replies+%%{reply_key}@example.com" strip_images_from_short_emails: "Strip images from emails having size less than 2800 Bytes" pop3_polling_ssl: "Use SSL while connecting to the POP3 server. (Recommended)" pop3_polling_username: "The username for the POP3 account to poll for email." pop3_polling_password: "The password for the POP3 account to poll for email." email_in_min_trust: "The minimum trust level a user needs to have to be allowed to post new topics via email." email_prefix: "The [label] used in the subject of emails. It will default to 'title' if not set." email_site_title: "The title of the site used as the sender of emails from the site. Default to 'title' if not set. If your 'title' contains characters that are not allowed in email sender strings, use this setting." minimum_topics_similar: "How many topics need to exist before similar topics are presented when composing new topics." relative_date_duration: "Number of days after posting where post dates will be shown as relative (7d) instead of absolute (20 Feb)." delete_user_max_post_age: "Don't allow deleting users whose first post is older than (x) days." delete_all_posts_max: "The maximum number of posts that can be deleted at once with the Delete All Posts button. If a user has more than this many posts, the posts cannot all be deleted at once and the user can't be deleted." email_editable: "Allow users to change their e-mail address after registration." automatically_download_gravatars: "Download Gravatars for users upon account creation or email change." max_daily_gravatar_crawls: "Maximum number of times Discourse will check Gravatar for custom avatars in a day" allow_profile_backgrounds: "Allow users to upload profile backgrounds." enable_mobile_theme: "Mobile devices use a mobile-friendly theme, with the ability to switch to the full site. Disable this if you want to use a custom stylesheet that is fully responsive." dominating_topic_minimum_percent: "What percentage of posts a user has to make in a topic before being reminded about overly dominating a topic." suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Don't show the badge for uncategorized topics in topic lists." disable_system_edit_notifications: "Disables edit notifications by the system user when 'download_remote_images_to_local' is active." enable_names: "Allow showing user full names. Disable to hide full names." display_name_on_posts: "Show a user's full name on their posts in addition to their @username." short_progress_text_threshold: "After the number of posts in a topic goes above this number, the progress bar will only show the current post number. If you change the progress bar's width, you may need to change this value." warn_reviving_old_topic_age: "When someone starts replying to a topic where the last reply is older than this many days, a warning will be displayed. Disable by setting to 0." embed_post_limit: "Maximum number of posts to embed." default_other_skip_new_user_tips: "Preskoči savjete i upute za novoregistrirane korisnike." errors: invalid_email: "Invalid email address." invalid_username: "There's no user with that username." invalid_integer_min_max: "Value must be between %{min} and %{max}." invalid_integer_min: "Value must be %{min} or greater." invalid_integer_max: "Value cannot be higher than %{max}." invalid_integer: "Value must be an integer." regex_mismatch: "Value doesn't match the required format." invalid_string: "Invalid value." invalid_string_min_max: "Must be between %{min} and %{max} characters." keywords: clean_up_inactive_users_after_days: - "" - "neaktivan" - "" purge_unactivated_users_grace_period_days: - "" - "neaktivan" - "" search: within_post: "#%{post_number} od %{username}" types: category: "Kategorije" topic: "Rezultati" user: "Korisnici" results_page: "Pretraži za termin '%{term}'" original_poster: "Originalni Autor" most_recent_poster: "Posljednji Autor" frequent_poster: "Čest Autor" redirected_to_top_reasons: new_user: "Dobrodošli u našu zajednicu! Ovo su zadnje najaktivnije teme." not_seen_in_a_month: "Dobrodošli nazad! Nismo vas viđali neko vrijeme. Ovo su najaktivnije teme od trenutka vaše zadnje posjete." publish_page: slug_errors: invalid: "contains invalid characters" topic_statuses: autoclosed_disabled: "This topic is now opened. New replies are allowed." autoclosed_disabled_lastpost: "Ova tema je sada otvorena. Novi postovi su dozvoljeni." login: security_key_description: "Kada ste pripremili vaš fizikalni sigurnosni ključ (physical security key), pritisnite ispod dugme Prijava pomoću sigurnosnog ključa." security_key_alternative: "Pokušaj na drugi način" security_key_authenticate: "Prijava pomoću sigurnosnog ključa" security_key_not_allowed_error: "Ovaj proces prijave pomoću sigurnosnog ključa je ili vremenski istekao ili je odkazan." security_key_no_matching_credential_error: "Nisu pronađeni korisnički podatci koristeći navedeni sigurnosni ključ." security_key_support_missing_error: "Vaš trenutni uređaj ili preglednik ne podržava korištenje sigurnosnih ključeva. Molimo koristite drugačiju metodu." not_approved: "Your account hasn't been approved yet. You will be notified by email when you are ready to log in." incorrect_username_email_or_password: "Netačan nadimak, email ili šifra" wait_approval: "Hvala vam što ste se prijavili. We will notify you when your account has been approved." active: "Vaš nalog je aktivan i spreman za korišćenje." not_activated: "You can't log in yet. We sent an activation email to you. Please follow the instructions in the email to activate your account." not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't login as %{username} from that IP address." admin_not_allowed_from_ip_address: "Ne možete se logirati kao admin sa te IP adrese." suspended: "You can't log in until %{date}." errors: "%{errors}" not_available: "Nije dostupno. Probaj %{suggestion}?" something_already_taken: "Something went wrong, perhaps the username or email is already registered. Try the forgot password link." omniauth_confirm_button: "Nastavi" new_registrations_disabled: "New account registrations are not allowed at this time." password_too_long: "Passwords are limited to 200 characters." click_to_continue: "Klikni ovdje da nastavite dalje" second_factor_backup_description: "Molim ukucajte jedan od vaši rezevni kodova" second_factor_toggle: backup_code: "Umjesto toga koristite sigurnosni kod" admin: email: sent_test: "sent!" user: username: unique: "must be unique" blank: "must be present" email: not_allowed: "is not allowed from that email provider. Please use another email address." blocked: "is not allowed." invite_password_instructions: subject_template: "Set password for your %{site_name} account" flag_reasons: off_topic: "Your post was flagged as **off-topic**: the community thinks it does not fit into the topic, as currently defined by the title and the first post." spam: "Your post was flagged as **spam**: the community thinks it is an advertisement, not useful or relevant to the topic, but promotional in nature." notify_moderators: "Your post was flagged **for moderator attention**: the community thinks something about the post requires moderator intervention." flags_dispositions: agreed: "Thanks for letting us know. We agree there is an issue and we're looking into it." agreed_and_deleted: "Thanks for letting us know. We agree there is an issue and we've removed the post." disagreed: "Thanks for letting us know. We're looking into it." ignored: "Thanks for letting us know. We're looking into it." ignored_and_deleted: "Thanks for letting us know. We've removed the post." system_messages: queued_by_staff: title: "Post treba odobrenje" welcome_user: subject_template: "Dobrodošli na %{site_name}!" welcome_invite: subject_template: "Dobrodošli na %{site_name}!" tl2_promotion_message: subject_template: "Čestitamo na povišenju vašeg nivoa povjerenja!" backup_succeeded: subject_template: "Backup completed successfully" backup_failed: subject_template: "Backup failed" restore_succeeded: subject_template: "Restore completed successfully" restore_failed: subject_template: "Restore failed" bulk_invite_succeeded: subject_template: "Bulk user invite processed successfully" bulk_invite_failed: subject_template: "Bulk user invite processed with errors" csv_export_failed: subject_template: "Export failed" email_reject_invalid_post: text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Some possible causes are: complex formatting, message too large, message too small. Please try again, or post via the website if this continues. email_reject_invalid_post_specified: text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Reason: %{post_error} If you can correct the problem, please try again. ignored_users_summary: title: "Ignorirani korisnik je prošao prag" spam_post_blocked: subject_template: "New user %{username} posts blocked due to repeated links" download_remote_images_disabled: subject_template: "Downloading remote images disabled" text_body_template: "The `download_remote_images_to_local` setting was disabled because the disk space limit at `download_remote_images_threshold` was reached." unsubscribe_link: | Da biste otkazali pretplatu na ove e-poruke, [kliknite ovdje] (%{unsubscribe_url}). unsubscribe_link_and_mail: | Da biste otkazali pretplatu na ove e-poruke, [kliknite ovdje] (%{unsubscribe_url}). unsubscribe_mailing_list: | Ovo primate jer ste omogućili režim slanja liste objava putem poštanskih adresa. Da biste otkazali pretplatu na ove e-poruke, [kliknite ovdje] (%{unsubscribe_url}). subject_re: "Re: " subject_pm: "[PM] " user_notifications: previous_discussion: "Prošli Postovi" posted_by: "Kreirano od %{username} na dan %{post_date}" digest: liked_received: "Likes Received" new_users: "Users" join_the_discussion: "Pročitaj Više" click_here: "klikni ovdje" email_login: text_body_template: | Evo vaše veze za prijavu na [%{site_name}] (%{base_url}). Ako niste zatražili ovu vezu, možete sigurno zanemariti ovu e-poštu. Kliknite sljedeći link za prijavu: %{base_url}/session/e-mail-login/%{email_token} set_password: title: "Postavi šifru" signup_after_approval: subject_template: "You've been approved on %{site_name}!" post_approved: title: "Vaš post je odobren" page_not_found: page_title: "Stranica nije pronađena" popular_topics: "Popularno" recent_topics: "Nove" see_more: "Više" search_title: "Pretraži stranicu" search_button: "Pretraži" upload: edit_reason: "downloaded local copies of images" unauthorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: %{authorized_extensions})." pasted_image_filename: "Pasted image" store_failure: "Failed to store upload #%{upload_id} for user #%{user_id}." attachments: too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is %{max_size_kb}%kb)." images: too_large: "Sorry, the image you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is %{max_size_kb}%kb), please resize it and try again." size_not_found: "Sorry, but we couldn't determine the size of the image. Maybe your image is corrupted?" skipped_email_log: user_email_no_user: "Can't find user with id %{user_id}" user_email_post_not_found: "Can't find a post with id %{post_id}" user_email_user_suspended_not_pm: "User is suspended, not a private message" user_email_seen_recently: "User was seen recently" user_email_notification_already_read: "The notification this email is about has already been read" user_email_notification_topic_nil: "post.topic is nil" user_email_post_deleted: "post was deleted by the author" user_email_user_suspended: "user was suspended" user_email_already_read: "user has already read this post" sender_message_blank: "message is blank" sender_message_to_blank: "message.to is blank" sender_text_part_body_blank: "text_part.body is blank" sender_body_blank: "body is blank" color_schemes: base_theme_name: "Base" default_theme_name: "Uobičajen" edit_this_page: "Edit this page" csv_export: boolean_yes: "Da" boolean_no: "Ne" rate_limit_error: "Objava može biti preuzeta samo jedanput na dan, molimo vas da pokušate sutra ponovo." static_topic_first_reply: | Edit the first post in this topic to change the contents of the %{page_name} page. guidelines_topic: title: "FAQ/Guidelines" guidelines_title: "Smjernice" tos_topic: title: "Terms of Service" privacy_topic: title: "Privacy Policy" badges: editor: name: Urednik description: Prvi post izmjenjen basic_user: name: Osnovni member: name: Član regular: name: Regularan leader: name: Vođa welcome: name: Dobrodošao description: Dobio Lajk autobiographer: name: Autobiografičar anniversary: name: Godišnjica description: Aktivni član jednu godinu, postao najmanje jednom nice_topic: name: Dobra Tema good_topic: name: Odlična Tema great_topic: name: Super Tema nice_share: name: Dobar Share description: Podijelio je post sa više od 25 posjetilaca good_share: name: Good Share description: Shared a post with 300 unique visitors great_share: name: Great Share description: Shared a post with 1000 unique visitors first_like: name: Prvi Lajk description: Lajkovao post first_flag: name: Prva Opomena description: Opomenuo post first_share: name: Prvi Share description: Podijelio post first_link: name: Prvi Link first_quote: name: Prvo Citiranje read_guidelines: name: Pročitao Pravila reader: name: Čitač tags: title: "Oznake" finish_installation: register: button: "Registriraj" resend_email: title: "Pošalji ponovo email aktivacije" wizard: step: privacy: fields: login_required: label: "Vidljivost" choices: public: label: "Javno" private: label: "Privatno" styling: fields: styling_preview: label: "Pregled" homepage_style: choices: categories_only: label: "Samo kategorije" categories_with_featured_topics: label: "Kategorije s istaknutim temama" categories_and_latest_topics: label: "Kategorije i zadnje teme" categories_and_top_topics: label: "Kategorije i top teme" corporate: fields: contact_url: placeholder: "https://www.example.com/contact-us" onebox: github: closed: "zatvoreno" discourse_push_notifications: popup: mentioned: '%{username} vas je spomenuo/la u "%{topic}" - %{site_title}' group_mentioned: '%{username} vas je spomenuo/la u "%{topic}" - %{site_title}' quoted: '%{username} vas je citirao/la u "%{topic}" - %{site_title}' replied: '%{username} vam je odgovorio/la u "%{topic}" - %{site_title}' posted: '%{username} je objavio/la "%{topic}" - %{site_title}' linked: '%{username} je linkao/la vašu objavu "%{topic}" - %{site_title}' watching_first_post: '%{username} je kreirao novu temu "%{topic}" - %{site_title}' confirm_title: "Obavijesti uključene - %{site_title}" confirm_body: "Uspješno! Obavijesti su sada uključene." custom: "Obavijest od %{username} na %{site_title}" staff_action_logs: unknown: "unknown" reviewables: priorities: low: "Nisko" medium: "Srednije" high: "Visoko" sensitivity: disabled: "Neomogućen" low: "Nisko" medium: "Srednije" high: "Visoko" actions: agree: title: "Da" agree_and_suspend: description: "Složij se sa prijavom i suspendiraj prijavljenog korisnika (suspend)" agree_and_silence: description: "Složij se sa prijavom i utišaj prijavljenog korisnika (silence)" delete_single: title: "Delete" disagree: title: "Ne" ignore: title: "Zanemari" ignore_and_do_nothing: title: "Ne radi ništa" approve: title: "Odobri" reject_user: delete: title: "Delete User" reject: title: "Odbij" fallback_username: "user" activemodel: errors: <<: *errors