# frozen_string_literal: true require "json" require "socket" require_relative "git_utils" class DiscourseLogstashLogger < Logger PROCESS_PID = Process.pid HOST = Socket.gethostname GIT_VERSION = GitUtils.git_version attr_accessor :customize_event, :type # Creates a new logger instance. # # @param logdev [String, IO, nil] The log device. This can be one of: # - A string filepath: entries are written to the file at that path. If the file exists, new entries are appended. # - An IO stream (typically +$stdout+, +$stderr+, or an open file): entries are written to the given stream. # - nil or File::NULL: no entries are written. # @param type [String] The type of log messages. This will add a `type` field to all log messages. # @param customize_event [Proc, nil] A proc that customizes the log event before it is written to the log device. # The proc is called with a hash of log event data and can be modified in place. # # @return [Logger] A new logger instance with the specified log device and type. def self.logger(logdev:, type:, customize_event: nil) logger = self.new(logdev) logger.type = type logger.customize_event = customize_event if customize_event logger end # :nodoc: def add(*args, &block) add_with_opts(*args, &block) end ALLOWED_HEADERS_FROM_ENV = %w[ REQUEST_URI REQUEST_METHOD HTTP_HOST HTTP_USER_AGENT HTTP_ACCEPT HTTP_REFERER HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR HTTP_X_REAL_IP ] # :nodoc: def add_with_opts(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, opts = {}, &block) return true if @logdev.nil? || severity < @level progname = @progname if progname.nil? if message.nil? if block_given? message = yield else message = progname progname = @progname end end event = { "message" => message.to_s, "severity" => severity, "severity_name" => Logger::SEV_LABEL[severity], "pid" => PROCESS_PID, "type" => @type.to_s, "host" => HOST, "git_version" => GitUtils.git_version, } # Only log backtrace and env for Logger::WARN and above. # Backtrace is just noise for anything below that. if severity >= Logger::WARN if (backtrace = opts&.dig(:backtrace)).present? event["backtrace"] = backtrace end # `web-exception` is a log message triggered by logster. # The exception class and message are extracted from the message based on the format logged by logster in # https://github.com/discourse/logster/blob/25375250fb8a5c312e9c55a75f6048637aad2c69/lib/logster/middleware/debug_exceptions.rb#L22. # # In theory we could get logster to include the exception class and message in opts but logster currently does not # need those options so we are parsing it from the message for now and not making a change in logster. if progname == "web-exception" # `Logster.store.ignore` is set in the logster initializer and is an array of regex patterns. return if Logster.store&.ignore&.any? { |pattern| pattern.match(message) } if message =~ /\A([^\(\)]+)\s{1}\(([\s\S]+)\)/ event["exception.class"] = $1 event["exception.message"] = $2.strip end ALLOWED_HEADERS_FROM_ENV.each do |header| event["request.headers.#{header.downcase}"] = opts.dig(:env, header) end end if progname == "sidekiq-exception" event["job.class"] = opts.dig(:context, :job) event["job.opts"] = opts.dig(:context, :opts)&.stringify_keys&.to_s event["job.problem_db"] = opts.dig(:context, :problem_db) event["exception.class"] = opts[:exception_class] event["exception.message"] = opts[:exception_message] end end if message.is_a?(String) && message.start_with?("{") && message.end_with?("}") begin parsed = JSON.parse(message) event["message"] = parsed.delete("message") if parsed["message"] event.merge!(parsed) event rescue JSON::ParserError # Do nothing end end @customize_event.call(event) if @customize_event @logdev.write("#{event.to_json}\n") rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Error logging message `#{message}` in DiscourseLogstashLogger: #{e.class} (#{e.message})\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end end