require_dependency 'rate_limiter' require_dependency 'system_message' require_dependency 'trashable' class PostAction < ActiveRecord::Base class AlreadyActed < StandardError; end include RateLimiter::OnCreateRecord include Trashable belongs_to :post belongs_to :user belongs_to :post_action_type belongs_to :related_post, class_name: 'Post' rate_limit :post_action_rate_limiter scope :spam_flags, -> { where(post_action_type_id: PostActionType.types[:spam]) } def self.update_flagged_posts_count posts_flagged_count = PostAction.joins(post: :topic) .where('defer = false or defer IS NULL') .where('post_actions.post_action_type_id' => PostActionType.notify_flag_type_ids, 'posts.deleted_at' => nil, 'topics.deleted_at' => nil) .count('DISTINCT') $redis.set('posts_flagged_count', posts_flagged_count) user_ids = User.staff.pluck(:id) MessageBus.publish('/flagged_counts', { total: posts_flagged_count }, { user_ids: user_ids }) end def self.flagged_posts_count $redis.get('posts_flagged_count').to_i end def self.counts_for(collection, user) return {} if collection.blank? collection_ids = {|p|} user_id = user.present? ? : 0 result = PostAction.where(post_id: collection_ids, user_id: user_id) user_actions = {} result.each do |r| user_actions[r.post_id] ||= {} user_actions[r.post_id][r.post_action_type_id] = r end user_actions end def self.count_per_day_for_type(sinceDaysAgo = 30, post_action_type) unscoped.where(post_action_type_id: post_action_type).where('created_at > ?', sinceDaysAgo.days.ago).group('date(created_at)').order('date(created_at)').count end def self.clear_flags!(post, moderator_id, action_type_id = nil) # -1 is the automatic system cleary actions = if action_type_id [action_type_id] else moderator_id == -1 ? PostActionType.auto_action_flag_types.values : PostActionType.flag_types.values end PostAction.where({ post_id:, post_action_type_id: actions }).update_all({ deleted_at:, deleted_by_id: moderator_id }) f ={|t| ["#{PostActionType.types[t]}_count", 0]} Post.where(id:[*f.flatten]) update_flagged_posts_count end def self.defer_flags!(post, moderator_id) actions = PostAction.where( defer: nil, post_id:, post_action_type_id: PostActionType.flag_types.values, deleted_at: nil ) actions.each do |a| a.defer = true a.defer_by = moderator_id # so callback is called end update_flagged_posts_count end def self.act(user, post, post_action_type_id, opts={}) begin title, target_usernames, target_group_names, subtype, body = nil if opts[:message] [:notify_moderators, :notify_user].each do |k| if post_action_type_id == PostActionType.types[k] if k == :notify_moderators target_group_names = target_moderators else target_usernames = post.user.username end title = I18n.t("post_action_types.#{k}.email_title", title: post.topic.title) body = I18n.t("post_action_types.#{k}.email_body", message: opts[:message], link: "#{Discourse.base_url}#{post.url}") subtype = k == :notify_moderators ? TopicSubtype.notify_moderators : TopicSubtype.notify_user end end end related_post_id = nil if target_usernames.present? || target_group_names.present? related_post_id =, target_usernames: target_usernames, target_group_names: target_group_names, archetype: Archetype.private_message, subtype: subtype, title: title, raw: body ) end create( post_id:, user_id:, post_action_type_id: post_action_type_id, message: opts[:message], staff_took_action: opts[:take_action] || false, related_post_id: related_post_id ) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique # can happen despite being .create # since already bookmarked true end end def self.remove_act(user, post, post_action_type_id) if action = where(post_id:, user_id:, post_action_type_id: post_action_type_id).first action.trash!(user) action.run_callbacks(:save) end end def remove_act!(user) trash!(user) run_callbacks(:save) end def is_bookmark? post_action_type_id == PostActionType.types[:bookmark] end def is_like? post_action_type_id == PostActionType.types[:like] end def is_flag? PostActionType.flag_types.values.include?(post_action_type_id) end def is_private_message? post_action_type_id == PostActionType.types[:notify_user] || post_action_type_id == PostActionType.types[:notify_moderators] end # A custom rate limiter for this model def post_action_rate_limiter return unless is_flag? || is_bookmark? || is_like? return @rate_limiter if @rate_limiter.present? %w(like flag bookmark).each do |type| if send("is_#{type}?") @rate_limiter =, "create_#{type}:#{}", SiteSetting.send("max_#{type}s_per_day"), return @rate_limiter end end end before_create do post_action_type_ids = is_flag? ? PostActionType.flag_types.values : post_action_type_id raise AlreadyActed if PostAction.where(user_id: user_id, post_id: post_id, post_action_type_id: post_action_type_ids, deleted_at: nil) .exists? end # Returns the flag counts for a post, taking into account that some users # can weigh flags differently. def self.flag_counts_for(post_id) flag_counts = exec_sql("SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN pa.deleted_at IS NULL AND (pa.staff_took_action) THEN :flags_required_to_hide_post WHEN pa.deleted_at IS NULL AND (NOT pa.staff_took_action) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS new_flags, SUM(CASE WHEN pa.deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND (pa.staff_took_action) THEN :flags_required_to_hide_post WHEN pa.deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND (NOT pa.staff_took_action) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS old_flags FROM post_actions AS pa INNER JOIN users AS u ON = pa.user_id WHERE pa.post_id = :post_id AND pa.post_action_type_id IN (:post_action_types)", post_id: post_id, post_action_types: PostActionType.auto_action_flag_types.values, flags_required_to_hide_post: SiteSetting.flags_required_to_hide_post).first [flag_counts['old_flags'].to_i, flag_counts['new_flags'].to_i] end after_save do # Update denormalized counts post_action_type = PostActionType.types[post_action_type_id] column = "#{post_action_type.to_s}_count" delta = deleted_at.nil? ? 1 : -1 # We probably want to refactor this method to something cleaner. case post_action_type when :vote # Voting also changes the sort_order Post.where(id: post_id).update_all ["vote_count = vote_count + :delta, sort_order = :max - (vote_count + :delta)", delta: delta, max: Topic.max_sort_order] when :like # `like_score` is weighted higher for staff accounts Post.where(id: post_id).update_all ["like_count = like_count + :delta, like_score = like_score + :score_delta", delta: delta, score_delta: user.staff? ? delta * SiteSetting.staff_like_weight : delta] else Post.where(id: post_id).update_all ["#{column} = #{column} + ?", delta] end Topic.where(id: post.topic_id).update_all ["#{column} = #{column} + ?", delta] if PostActionType.notify_flag_type_ids.include?(post_action_type_id) PostAction.update_flagged_posts_count end PostAction.auto_hide_if_needed(post, post_action_type) SpamRulesEnforcer.enforce!(post.user) if post_action_type == :spam end def self.auto_hide_if_needed(post, post_action_type) return if post.hidden if PostActionType.auto_action_flag_types.include?(post_action_type) && SiteSetting.flags_required_to_hide_post > 0 old_flags, new_flags = PostAction.flag_counts_for( if new_flags >= SiteSetting.flags_required_to_hide_post hide_post!(post, guess_hide_reason(old_flags)) end end end def self.hide_post!(post, reason=nil) return if post.hidden unless reason old_flags,_ = PostAction.flag_counts_for( reason = guess_hide_reason(old_flags) end Post.where(id:["hidden = true, hidden_reason_id = COALESCE(hidden_reason_id, ?)", reason]) Topic.where(["id = :topic_id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM POSTS WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND NOT hidden)", topic_id: post.topic_id]).update_all({ visible: false }) # inform user if post.user SystemMessage.create(post.user, :post_hidden, url: post.url, edit_delay: SiteSetting.cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts) end end def self.guess_hide_reason(old_flags) old_flags > 0 ? Post.hidden_reasons[:flag_threshold_reached_again] : Post.hidden_reasons[:flag_threshold_reached] end def self.flagged_posts_report(filter) actions = flagged_post_actions(filter) post_ids = actions.limit(300).pluck(:post_id).uniq return nil if post_ids.blank? posts ="SELECT, t.title, p.cooked, p.user_id, p.topic_id, p.post_number, p.hidden, t.visible topic_visible, p.deleted_at, t.deleted_at topic_deleted_at FROM posts p JOIN topics t ON = p.topic_id WHERE in (:post_ids)").map_exec(OpenStruct, post_ids: post_ids) post_lookup = {} users = posts.each do |p| users << p.user_id p.excerpt = Post.excerpt(p.cooked) p.topic_slug = Slug.for(p.title) post_lookup[] = p end # maintain order posts ={|id| post_lookup[id]} post_actions = actions.where(:post_id => post_ids) # TODO this is so far from optimal, it should not be # selecting all the columns but the includes stops working # with the code below # # .select(', # post_actions.user_id, # post_action_type_id, # post_actions.created_at, # post_actions.post_id, # post_actions.message') # .to_a post_actions.each do |pa| post = post_lookup[pa.post_id] post.post_actions ||= [] action = pa.attributes if (pa.related_post && pa.related_post.topic) action.merge!(topic_id: pa.related_post.topic_id, slug: pa.related_post.topic.slug, permalink: pa.related_post.topic.url) end post.post_actions << action users << pa.user_id end # TODO add serializer so we can skip this!(&:marshal_dump) [posts,[:id, :username, :email]).where(id: users.to_a).to_a] end protected def self.flagged_post_actions(filter) post_actions = PostAction .includes({:related_post => :topic}) .where(post_action_type_id: PostActionType.notify_flag_type_ids) .joins(:post => :topic) .order('post_actions.created_at DESC') if filter == 'old' post_actions .with_deleted .where('post_actions.deleted_at IS NOT NULL OR defer = true OR topics.deleted_at IS NOT NULL OR posts.deleted_at IS NOT NULL') else post_actions .where('defer IS NULL OR defer = false') .where('posts.deleted_at IS NULL AND topics.deleted_at IS NULL') end end def self.target_moderators Group[:moderators].name end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: post_actions # # id :integer not null, primary key # post_id :integer not null # user_id :integer not null # post_action_type_id :integer not null # deleted_at :datetime # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # deleted_by_id :integer # message :text # related_post_id :integer # staff_took_action :boolean default(FALSE), not null # defer :boolean # defer_by :integer # # Indexes # # idx_unique_actions (user_id,post_action_type_id,post_id,deleted_at) UNIQUE # index_post_actions_on_post_id (post_id) #