class StylesheetsController < ApplicationController skip_before_filter :preload_json, :redirect_to_login_if_required, :check_xhr, :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:show, :show_source_map] def show_source_map show_resource(source_map: true) end def show show_resource end protected def show_resource(source_map: false) extension = source_map ? "" : ".css" params[:name] no_cookies target, digest = params[:name].split(/_([a-f0-9]{40})/) if !Rails.env.production? # TODO add theme # calling this method ensures we have a cache for said target # we hold of re-compilation till someone asks for asset if target.include?("theme") split_target, theme_id = target.split(/_(-?[0-9]+)/) theme = Theme.find(theme_id) if theme_id else split_target, color_scheme_id = target.split(/_(-?[0-9]+)/) theme = Theme.find_by(color_scheme_id: color_scheme_id) end Stylesheet::Manager.stylesheet_link_tag(split_target, nil, theme&.key) end cache_time = request.env["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] cache_time = Time.rfc2822(cache_time) rescue nil if cache_time query = StylesheetCache.where(target: target) if digest query = query.where(digest: digest) else query = query.order('id desc') end # Security note, safe due to route constraint underscore_digest = digest ? "_" + digest : "" location = "#{Rails.root}/#{Stylesheet::Manager::CACHE_PATH}/#{target}#{underscore_digest}#{extension}" stylesheet_time = query.pluck(:created_at).first if !stylesheet_time handle_missing_cache(location, target, digest) end if cache_time && stylesheet_time && stylesheet_time <= cache_time return render nothing: true, status: 304 end unless File.exist?(location) if current = query.limit(1).pluck(source_map ? :source_map : :content).first File.write(location, current) else raise Discourse::NotFound end end if Rails.env == "development" response.headers['Last-Modified'] = immutable_for(1.second) else response.headers['Last-Modified'] = stylesheet_time.httpdate if stylesheet_time immutable_for(1.year) end send_file(location, disposition: :inline) end def handle_missing_cache(location, name, digest) location = location.sub("", ".css") source_map_location = location + ".map" existing = rescue nil if existing && digest source_map = rescue nil StylesheetCache.add(name, digest, existing, source_map) end end end