# kind of odd, but we need it, we also need to nuke usage of User from inside migrations # very poor form user = User.find_by("id <> -1 and username_lower = 'system'") if user user.username = UserNameSuggester.suggest("system") user.save end User.seed do |u| u.id = -1 u.name = "system" u.username = "system" u.username_lower = "system" u.email = "no_email" u.password = SecureRandom.hex u.active = true u.admin = true u.moderator = true u.approved = true u.trust_level = TrustLevel[4] end UserOption.where(user_id: -1).update_all( email_private_messages: false, email_direct: false ) Group.user_trust_level_change!(-1, TrustLevel[4]) # 60 minutes after our migration runs we need to exectue this code... duration = Rails.env.production? ? 60 : 0 if User.exec_sql("SELECT 1 FROM schema_migration_details WHERE EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = 'users' AND column_name = 'last_redirected_to_top_at' ) AND name = 'MoveTrackingOptionsToUserOptions' AND created_at < (current_timestamp at time zone 'UTC' - interval '#{duration} minutes') ").to_a.length > 0 User.transaction do STDERR.puts "Removing superflous user columns!" %w[ email_always mailing_list_mode email_digests email_direct email_private_messages external_links_in_new_tab enable_quoting dynamic_favicon disable_jump_reply edit_history_public automatically_unpin_topics digest_after_days auto_track_topics_after_msecs new_topic_duration_minutes last_redirected_to_top_at ].each do |column| User.exec_sql("ALTER TABLE users DROP column IF EXISTS #{column}") end end end # User for the smoke tests if ENV["SMOKE"] == "1" smoke_user = User.seed do |u| u.id = 0 u.name = "smoke_user" u.username = "smoke_user" u.username_lower = "smoke_user" u.email = "smoke_user@discourse.org" u.password = "P4ssw0rd" u.active = true u.approved = true u.approved_at = Time.now u.trust_level = TrustLevel[3] end.first UserOption.where(user_id: smoke_user.id).update_all( email_direct: false, email_digests: false, email_private_messages: false, ) EmailToken.where(user_id: smoke_user.id).update_all(confirmed: true) end