# encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Topic do it { should validate_presence_of :title } it { should belong_to :category } it { should belong_to :user } it { should belong_to :last_poster } it { should belong_to :featured_user1 } it { should belong_to :featured_user2 } it { should belong_to :featured_user3 } it { should belong_to :featured_user4 } it { should have_many :posts } it { should have_many :topic_users } it { should have_many :topic_links } it { should have_many :topic_allowed_users } it { should have_many :allowed_users } it { should have_many :invites } it { should rate_limit } it_behaves_like "a versioned model" context '.title_quality' do it "strips a title when identifying length" do Fabricate.build(:topic, title: (" " * SiteSetting.min_topic_title_length) + "x").should_not be_valid end it "doesn't allow a long title" do Fabricate.build(:topic, title: "x" * (SiteSetting.max_topic_title_length + 1)).should_not be_valid end it "doesn't allow a short title" do Fabricate.build(:topic, title: "x" * (SiteSetting.min_topic_title_length + 1)).should_not be_valid end it "allows a regular title with a few ascii characters" do Fabricate.build(:topic, title: "hello this is my cool topic! welcome: all;").should be_valid end it "allows non ascii" do Fabricate.build(:topic, title: "Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn").should be_valid end end context 'slug' do let(:title) { "hello world topic" } let(:slug) { "hello-world-slug" } it "returns a Slug for a title" do Slug.expects(:for).with(title).returns(slug) Fabricate.build(:topic, title: title).slug.should == slug end it "returns 'topic' when the slug is empty (say, non-english chars)" do Slug.expects(:for).with(title).returns("") Fabricate.build(:topic, title: title).slug.should == "topic" end end context 'topic title uniqueness' do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:new_topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic, title: topic.title) } context "when duplicates aren't allowed" do before do SiteSetting.expects(:allow_duplicate_topic_titles?).returns(false) end it "won't allow another topic to be created with the same name" do new_topic.should_not be_valid end it "won't allow another topic with an upper case title to be created" do new_topic.title = new_topic.title.upcase new_topic.should_not be_valid end it "allows it when the topic is deleted" do topic.destroy new_topic.should be_valid end it "allows a private message to be created with the same topic" do new_topic.archetype = Archetype.private_message new_topic.should be_valid end end context "when duplicates are allowed" do before do SiteSetting.expects(:allow_duplicate_topic_titles?).returns(true) end it "won't allow another topic to be created with the same name" do new_topic.should be_valid end end end context 'html in title' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, title: " is my topic title" ) } it "should escape the HTML" do topic.title.should == "is my topic title" end end context 'fancy title' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, title: "\"this topic\" -- has ``fancy stuff''" ) } context 'title_fancy_entities disabled' do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:title_fancy_entities).returns(false) end it "doesn't change the title to add entities" do topic.fancy_title.should == topic.title end end context 'title_fancy_entities enabled' do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:title_fancy_entities).returns(true) end it "converts the title to have fancy entities" do topic.fancy_title.should == "“this topic” – has “fancy stuff”" end end end context 'message bus' do it 'calls the message bus observer after create' do MessageBusObserver.any_instance.expects(:after_create_topic).with(instance_of(Topic)) Fabricate(:topic) end end context 'post_numbers' do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) } let!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) } let!(:p3) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) } it "returns the post numbers of the topic" do topic.post_numbers.should == [1, 2, 3] end it "skips deleted posts" do p2.destroy topic.post_numbers.should == [1, 3] end end context 'move_posts' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:category) { Fabricate(:category, user: user) } let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user, category: category) } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user) } let!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user)} let!(:p3) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user)} let!(:p4) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user)} context 'success' do it "enqueues a job to notify users" do topic.stubs(:add_moderator_post) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:notify_moved_posts, post_ids: [p1.id, p4.id], moved_by_id: user.id) topic.move_posts(user, "new topic name", [p1.id, p4.id]) end it "adds a moderator post at the location of the first moved post" do topic.expects(:add_moderator_post).with(user, instance_of(String), has_entries(post_number: 2)) topic.move_posts(user, "new topic name", [p2.id, p4.id]) end end context "errors" do it "raises an error when one of the posts doesn't exist" do lambda { topic.move_posts(user, "new topic name", [1003]) }.should raise_error(Discourse::InvalidParameters) end it "raises an error if no posts were moved" do lambda { topic.move_posts(user, "new topic name", []) }.should raise_error(Discourse::InvalidParameters) end end context "afterwards" do before do topic.expects(:add_moderator_post) TopicUser.update_last_read(user, topic.id, p4.post_number, 0) end let!(:new_topic) { topic.move_posts(user, "new topic name", [p2.id, p4.id]) } it "updates the user's last_read_post_number" do TopicUser.where(user_id: user.id, topic_id: topic.id).first.last_read_post_number.should == p3.post_number end context 'new topic' do it "exists" do new_topic.should be_present end it "has the correct category" do new_topic.category.should == category end it "has two posts" do new_topic.reload new_topic.posts_count.should == 2 end it "has the moved posts" do new_topic.posts.should =~ [p2, p4] end it "has renumbered the first post" do p2.reload p2.post_number.should == 1 end it "has changed the first post's sort order" do p2.reload p2.sort_order.should == 1 end it "has renumbered the forth post" do p4.reload p4.post_number.should == 2 end it "has changed the fourth post's sort order" do p4.reload p4.sort_order.should == 2 end it "has the correct highest_post_number" do new_topic.reload new_topic.highest_post_number.should == 2 end end context "original topic" do before do topic.reload end it "has 2 posts now" do topic.posts_count.should == 2 end it "contains the leftover posts" do topic.posts.should =~ [p1, p3] end it "has the correct highest_post_number" do topic.reload topic.highest_post_number.should == p3.post_number end end end end context 'private message' do let(:coding_horror) { User.where(username: 'CodingHorror').first } let(:evil_trout) { Fabricate(:evil_trout) } let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic) } it "should allow the allowed users to see the topic" do Guardian.new(topic.user).can_see?(topic).should be_true end it "should disallow anon to see the topic" do Guardian.new.can_see?(topic).should be_false end it "should disallow a different user to see the topic" do Guardian.new(evil_trout).can_see?(topic).should be_false end it "should allow the recipient user to see the topic" do Guardian.new(coding_horror).can_see?(topic).should be_true end it "should be excluded from the list view" do TopicQuery.new(evil_trout).list_popular.topics.should_not include(topic) end context 'invite' do it "returns false if the username doesn't exist" do topic.invite(topic.user, 'duhhhhh').should be_false end it "delegates to topic.invite_by_email when the user doesn't exist, but it's an email" do topic.expects(:invite_by_email).with(topic.user, 'jake@adventuretime.ooo') topic.invite(topic.user, 'jake@adventuretime.ooo') end context 'existing user' do let(:walter) { Fabricate(:walter_white) } context 'by username' do it 'returns true' do topic.invite(topic.user, walter.username).should be_true end it 'adds walter to the allowed users' do topic.invite(topic.user, walter.username) topic.allowed_users.include?(walter).should be_true end it 'creates a notification' do lambda { topic.invite(topic.user, walter.username) }.should change(Notification, :count) end end context 'by email' do it 'returns true' do topic.invite(topic.user, walter.email).should be_true end it 'adds walter to the allowed users' do topic.invite(topic.user, walter.email) topic.allowed_users.include?(walter).should be_true end it 'creates a notification' do lambda { topic.invite(topic.user, walter.email) }.should change(Notification, :count) end end end end context "user actions" do let(:actions) { topic.user.user_actions } it "should not log a user action for the creation of the topic" do actions.map{|a| a.action_type}.should_not include(UserAction::NEW_TOPIC) end it "should log a user action for the creation of a private message" do actions.map{|a| a.action_type}.should include(UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE) end it "should log a user action for the recepient of the private message" do coding_horror.user_actions.map{|a| a.action_type}.should include(UserAction::GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE) end end context "other user" do it "sends the other user an email when there's a new post" do UserNotifications.expects(:private_message).with(coding_horror, has_key(:post)) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) end it "doesn't send the user an email when they have them disabled" do coding_horror.update_column(:email_private_messages, false) UserNotifications.expects(:private_message).with(coding_horror, has_key(:post)).never Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) end end end context 'bumping topics' do before do @topic = Fabricate(:topic, bumped_at: 1.year.ago) end it 'has a bumped at value after creation' do @topic.bumped_at.should be_present end it 'updates the bumped_at field when a new post is made' do lambda { Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @topic.user) @topic.reload }.should change(@topic, :bumped_at) end context 'editing posts' do before do @earlier_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @topic.user) @last_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @topic.user) @topic.reload end it "doesn't bump the topic on an edit to the last post that doesn't result in a new version" do lambda { SiteSetting.expects(:ninja_edit_window).returns(5.minutes) @last_post.revise(@last_post.user, 'updated contents', revised_at: @last_post.created_at + 10.seconds) @topic.reload }.should_not change(@topic, :bumped_at) end it "bumps the topic when a new version is made of the last post" do lambda { @last_post.revise(Fabricate(:moderator), 'updated contents') @topic.reload }.should change(@topic, :bumped_at) end it "doesn't bump the topic when a post that isn't the last post receives a new version" do lambda { @earlier_post.revise(Fabricate(:moderator), 'updated contents') @topic.reload }.should_not change(@topic, :bumped_at) end end end context 'moderator posts' do before do @moderator = Fabricate(:moderator) @topic = Fabricate(:topic) @mod_post = @topic.add_moderator_post(@moderator, "Moderator did something. http://discourse.org", post_number: 999) end it 'creates a moderator post' do @mod_post.should be_present end it 'has the moderator action type' do @mod_post.post_type.should == Post::MODERATOR_ACTION end it 'increases the moderator_posts count' do @topic.reload @topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 1 end it "inserts the post at the number we provided" do @mod_post.post_number.should == 999 end it "has the custom sort order we specified" do @mod_post.sort_order.should == 999 end it 'creates a topic link' do @topic.topic_links.count.should == 1 end end context 'update_status' do before do @topic = Fabricate(:topic, bumped_at: 1.hour.ago) @topic.reload @original_bumped_at = @topic.bumped_at.to_f @user = @topic.user end context 'visibility' do context 'disable' do before do @topic.update_status('visible', false, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should not be visible' do @topic.should_not be_visible end it 'adds a moderator post' do @topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 1 end it "doesn't bump the topic" do @topic.bumped_at.to_f.should == @original_bumped_at end end context 'enable' do before do @topic.update_attribute :visible, false @topic.update_status('visible', true, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should be visible' do @topic.should be_visible end it 'adds a moderator post' do @topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 1 end it "doesn't bump the topic" do @topic.bumped_at.to_f.should == @original_bumped_at end end end context 'pinned' do context 'disable' do before do @topic.update_status('pinned', false, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should not be pinned' do @topic.should_not be_pinned end it 'adds a moderator post' do @topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 1 end it "doesn't bump the topic" do @topic.bumped_at.to_f.should == @original_bumped_at end end context 'enable' do before do @topic.update_attribute :pinned, false @topic.update_status('pinned', true, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should be pinned' do @topic.should be_pinned end it 'adds a moderator post' do @topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 1 end it "doesn't bump the topic" do @topic.bumped_at.to_f.should == @original_bumped_at end end end context 'archived' do context 'disable' do before do @topic.update_status('archived', false, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should not be pinned' do @topic.should_not be_archived end it 'adds a moderator post' do @topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 1 end it "doesn't bump the topic" do @topic.bumped_at.to_f.should == @original_bumped_at end end context 'enable' do before do @topic.update_attribute :archived, false @topic.update_status('archived', true, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should be archived' do @topic.should be_archived end it 'adds a moderator post' do @topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 1 end it "doesn't bump the topic" do @topic.bumped_at.to_f.should == @original_bumped_at end end end context 'closed' do context 'disable' do before do @topic.update_status('closed', false, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should not be pinned' do @topic.should_not be_closed end it 'adds a moderator post' do @topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 1 end # We bump the topic when a topic is re-opened it "bumps the topic" do @topic.bumped_at.to_f.should_not == @original_bumped_at end end context 'enable' do before do @topic.update_attribute :closed, false @topic.update_status('closed', true, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should be closed' do @topic.should be_closed end it 'adds a moderator post' do @topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 1 end it "doesn't bump the topic" do @topic.bumped_at.to_f.should == @original_bumped_at end end end end describe 'toggle_star' do before do @topic = Fabricate(:topic) @user = @topic.user end it 'triggers a forum topic user change with true' do # otherwise no chance the mock will work freeze_time do TopicUser.expects(:change).with(@user, @topic.id, starred: true, starred_at: DateTime.now) @topic.toggle_star(@user, true) end end it 'increases the star_count of the forum topic' do lambda { @topic.toggle_star(@user, true) @topic.reload }.should change(@topic, :star_count).by(1) end it 'triggers the rate limiter' do Topic::FavoriteLimiter.any_instance.expects(:performed!) @topic.toggle_star(@user, true) end describe 'removing a star' do before do @topic.toggle_star(@user, true) @topic.reload end it 'rolls back the rate limiter' do Topic::FavoriteLimiter.any_instance.expects(:rollback!) @topic.toggle_star(@user, false) end it 'triggers a forum topic user change with false' do TopicUser.expects(:change).with(@user, @topic.id, starred: false, starred_at: nil) @topic.toggle_star(@user, false) end it 'reduces the star_count' do lambda { @topic.toggle_star(@user, false) @topic.reload }.should change(@topic, :star_count).by(-1) end end end context 'last_poster info' do before do @user = Fabricate(:user) @post = Fabricate(:post, user: @user) @topic = @post.topic end it 'initially has the last_post_user_id of the OP' do @topic.last_post_user_id.should == @user.id end context 'after a second post' do before do @second_user = Fabricate(:coding_horror) @new_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @second_user) @topic.reload end it 'updates the last_post_user_id to the second_user' do @topic.last_post_user_id.should == @second_user.id end it 'resets the last_posted_at back to the OP' do @topic.last_posted_at.to_i.should == @new_post.created_at.to_i end it 'has a posted flag set for the second user' do topic_user = @second_user.topic_users.where(topic_id: @topic.id).first topic_user.posted?.should be_true end context 'after deleting that post' do before do @new_post.destroy Topic.reset_highest(@topic.id) @topic.reload end it 'resets the last_poster_id back to the OP' do @topic.last_post_user_id.should == @user.id end it 'resets the last_posted_at back to the OP' do @topic.last_posted_at.to_i.should == @post.created_at.to_i end context 'topic_user' do before do @topic_user = @second_user.topic_users.where(topic_id: @topic.id).first end it 'clears the posted flag for the second user' do @topic_user.posted?.should be_false end it "sets the second user's last_read_post_number back to 1" do @topic_user.last_read_post_number.should == 1 end it "sets the second user's last_read_post_number back to 1" do @topic_user.seen_post_count.should == 1 end end end end end describe 'with category' do before do @category = Fabricate(:category) end it "should not increase the topic_count with no category" do lambda { Fabricate(:topic, user: @category.user); @category.reload }.should_not change(@category, :topic_count) end it "should increase the category's topic_count" do lambda { Fabricate(:topic, user: @category.user, category_id: @category.id); @category.reload }.should change(@category, :topic_count).by(1) end end describe 'meta data' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, :meta_data => {hello: 'world'}) } it 'allows us to create a topic with meta data' do topic.meta_data['hello'].should == 'world' end context 'updating' do context 'existing key' do before do topic.update_meta_data(hello: 'bane') end it 'updates the key' do topic.meta_data['hello'].should == 'bane' end end context 'new key' do before do topic.update_meta_data(city: 'gotham') end it 'adds the new key' do topic.meta_data['city'].should == 'gotham' end it 'still has the old key' do topic.meta_data['hello'].should == 'world' end end end end describe 'after create' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } it 'is a regular topic by default' do topic.archetype.should == Archetype.default end it 'is not a best_of' do topic.has_best_of.should be_false end it 'is not invisible' do topic.should be_visible end it 'is not pinned' do topic.should_not be_pinned end it 'is not closed' do topic.should_not be_closed end it 'is not archived' do topic.should_not be_archived end it 'has no moderator posts' do topic.moderator_posts_count.should == 0 end context 'post' do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) } it 'has the same archetype as the topic' do post.archetype.should == topic.archetype end end end describe 'versions' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } it "has version 1 by default" do topic.version.should == 1 end context 'changing title' do before do topic.title = "new title for the topic" topic.save end it "creates a new version" do topic.version.should == 2 end end context 'changing category' do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category) } before do topic.change_category(category.name) end it "creates a new version" do topic.version.should == 2 end context "removing a category" do before do topic.change_category(nil) end it "creates a new version" do topic.version.should == 3 end end end context 'bumping the topic' do before do topic.bumped_at = 10.minutes.from_now topic.save end it "doesn't craete a new version" do topic.version.should == 1 end end end describe 'change_category' do before do @topic = Fabricate(:topic) @category = Fabricate(:category, user: @topic.user) @user = @topic.user end describe 'without a previous category' do it 'should not change the topic_count when not changed' do lambda { @topic.change_category(nil); @category.reload }.should_not change(@category, :topic_count) end describe 'changed category' do before do @topic.change_category(@category.name) @category.reload end it 'changes the category' do @topic.category.should == @category end it 'increases the topic_count' do @category.topic_count.should == 1 end end it "doesn't change the category when it can't be found" do @topic.change_category('made up') @topic.category.should be_blank end end describe 'with a previous category' do before do @topic.change_category(@category.name) @topic.reload @category.reload end it 'increases the topic_count' do @category.topic_count.should == 1 end it "doesn't change the topic_count when the value doesn't change" do lambda { @topic.change_category(@category.name); @category.reload }.should_not change(@category, :topic_count) end it "doesn't reset the category when given a name that doesn't exist" do @topic.change_category('made up') @topic.category_id.should be_present end describe 'to a different category' do before do @new_category = Fabricate(:category, user: @user, name: '2nd category') @topic.change_category(@new_category.name) @topic.reload @new_category.reload @category.reload end it "should increase the new category's topic count" do @new_category.topic_count.should == 1 end it "should lower the original category's topic count" do @category.topic_count.should == 0 end end describe 'when the category exists' do before do @topic.change_category(nil) @category.reload end it "resets the category" do @topic.category_id.should be_blank end it "lowers the forum topic count" do @category.topic_count.should == 0 end end end end end