# encoding: UTF-8
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'rails_helper'

# TODO - test pinning, create_moderator_post

describe TopicStatusUpdater do

  fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
  fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }

  it "avoids notifying on automatically closed topics" do
    # TODO: TopicStatusUpdater should suppress message bus updates from the users it "pretends to read"
    post = PostCreator.create(user,
      raw: "this is a test post 123 this is a test post",
      title: "hello world title",
    # TODO needed so counts sync up, PostCreator really should not give back out-of-date Topic
    post.topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], '10')

    TopicStatusUpdater.new(post.topic, admin).update!("autoclosed", true)

    expect(post.topic.posts.count).to eq(2)

    tu = TopicUser.find_by(user_id: user.id)
    expect(tu.last_read_post_number).to eq(2)

  it "adds an autoclosed message" do
    topic = create_topic
    topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], '10')

    TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("autoclosed", true)

    last_post = topic.posts.last
    expect(last_post.post_type).to eq(Post.types[:small_action])
    expect(last_post.action_code).to eq('autoclosed.enabled')
    expect(last_post.raw).to eq(I18n.t("topic_statuses.autoclosed_enabled_minutes", count: 0))

  it "triggers a DiscourseEvent on close" do
    topic = create_topic

    called = false
    updater = -> (_) { called = true }

    DiscourseEvent.on(:topic_closed, &updater)
    TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("closed", true)
    DiscourseEvent.off(:topic_closed, &updater)

    expect(topic).to be_closed
    expect(called).to eq(true)

  it "adds an autoclosed message based on last post" do
    topic = create_topic
    Fabricate(:post, topic: topic)

      TopicTimer.types[:close], nil, based_on_last_post: true, duration_minutes: 600

    TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("autoclosed", true)

    last_post = topic.posts.last
    expect(last_post.post_type).to eq(Post.types[:small_action])
    expect(last_post.action_code).to eq('autoclosed.enabled')
    expect(last_post.raw).to eq(I18n.t("topic_statuses.autoclosed_enabled_lastpost_hours", count: 10))

  describe "opening the topic" do
    it "opens the topic and deletes the timer" do
      topic = create_topic

        TopicTimer.types[:open], 10.hours.from_now

      TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("closed", false)
      timer = TopicTimer.find_by(topic: topic)
      expect(timer).to eq(nil)

    context "when the category has auto close settings" do
      let(:topic) { create_topic }
      let(:based_on_last_post) { false }

      before do
        # auto close after 3 days, topic was created a day ago
          category: Fabricate(:category, auto_close_hours: 72, auto_close_based_on_last_post: based_on_last_post),
          created_at: 1.day.ago

      it "inherits auto close from the topic category, based on the created_at date of the topic" do

        # close the topic manually, and set a timer to automatically open
        TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("closed", true)
          TopicTimer.types[:open], 10.hours.from_now

        # manually open the topic. it has been 1 days since creation so the
        # topic should auto-close 2 days from now, the original auto close time
        TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("closed", false)

        timer = TopicTimer.find_by(topic: topic)
        expect(timer).not_to eq(nil)
        expect(timer.execute_at).to be_within_one_second_of(topic.created_at + 72.hours)

      it "does not inherit auto close from the topic category if it has already been X hours since topic creation" do

        topic.category.update(auto_close_hours: 1)

        # close the topic manually, and set a timer to automatically open
        TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("closed", true)
          TopicTimer.types[:open], 10.hours.from_now

        # manually open the topic. it has been over a day since creation and
        # the auto close hours was 1 so a new timer should not be made
        TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("closed", false)

        timer = TopicTimer.find_by(topic: topic)
        expect(timer).to eq(nil)

      context "when category setting is based_on_last_post" do
        let(:based_on_last_post) { true }

        it "inherits auto close from the topic category, using the duration because the close is based_on_last_post" do

          # close the topic manually, and set a timer to automatically open
          TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("closed", true)
            TopicTimer.types[:open], 10.hours.from_now

          # manually open the topic. it should re open 3 days from now, NOT
          # 3 days from creation
          TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!("closed", false)

          timer = TopicTimer.find_by(topic: topic)
          expect(timer).not_to eq(nil)
          expect(timer.duration_minutes).to eq(72 * 60)
          expect(timer.execute_at).to be_within_one_second_of(Time.zone.now + 72.hours)

  describe "repeat actions" do

    shared_examples "an action that doesn't repeat" do
      it "does not perform the update twice" do
        topic = Fabricate(:topic, status_name => false)
        updated = TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!(status_name, true)
        expect(updated).to eq(true)
        expect(topic.public_send("#{status_name}?")).to eq(true)

        updated = TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!(status_name, true)
        expect(updated).to eq(false)
        expect(topic.posts.where(post_type: Post.types[:small_action]).count).to eq(1)

        updated = TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!(status_name, false)
        expect(updated).to eq(true)
        expect(topic.public_send("#{status_name}?")).to eq(false)

        updated = TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!(status_name, false)
        expect(updated).to eq(false)
        expect(topic.posts.where(post_type: Post.types[:small_action]).count).to eq(2)


    it_behaves_like "an action that doesn't repeat" do
      let(:status_name) { "closed" }

    it_behaves_like "an action that doesn't repeat" do
      let(:status_name) { "visible" }

    it_behaves_like "an action that doesn't repeat" do
      let(:status_name) { "archived" }

    it "updates autoclosed" do
      topic = Fabricate(:topic)
      updated = TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!('autoclosed', true)
      expect(updated).to eq(true)
      expect(topic.closed?).to eq(true)

      updated = TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!('autoclosed', true)
      expect(updated).to eq(false)
      expect(topic.posts.where(post_type: Post.types[:small_action]).count).to eq(1)

      updated = TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!('autoclosed', false)
      expect(updated).to eq(true)
      expect(topic.closed?).to eq(false)

      updated = TopicStatusUpdater.new(topic, admin).update!('autoclosed', false)
      expect(updated).to eq(false)
      expect(topic.posts.where(post_type: Post.types[:small_action]).count).to eq(2)
