# frozen_string_literal: true require "mysql2" require "time" require "date" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") class ImportScripts::FLARUM < ImportScripts::Base #SET THE APPROPRIATE VALUES FOR YOUR MYSQL CONNECTION FLARUM_HOST ||= ENV["FLARUM_HOST"] || "db_host" FLARUM_DB ||= ENV["FLARUM_DB"] || "db_name" BATCH_SIZE ||= 1000 FLARUM_USER ||= ENV["FLARUM_USER"] || "db_user" FLARUM_PW ||= ENV["FLARUM_PW"] || "db_user_pass" def initialize super @client = Mysql2::Client.new( host: FLARUM_HOST, username: FLARUM_USER, password: FLARUM_PW, database: FLARUM_DB, ) end def execute import_users import_categories import_posts end def import_users puts "", "creating users" total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM users;").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query( "SELECT id, username, email, joined_at, last_seen_at FROM users LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset};", ) break if results.size < 1 next if all_records_exist? :users, results.map { |u| u["id"].to_i } create_users(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |user| { id: user["id"], email: user["email"], username: user["username"], name: user["username"], created_at: user["joined_at"], last_seen_at: user["last_seen_at"], } end end end def import_categories puts "", "importing top level categories..." categories = mysql_query( " SELECT id, name, description, position FROM tags ORDER BY position ASC ", ).to_a create_categories(categories) { |category| { id: category["id"], name: category["name"] } } puts "", "importing children categories..." children_categories = mysql_query( " SELECT id, name, description, position FROM tags ORDER BY position ", ).to_a create_categories(children_categories) do |category| { id: "child##{category["id"]}", name: category["name"], description: category["description"], } end end def import_posts puts "", "creating topics and posts" total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count from posts").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query( " SELECT p.id id, d.id topic_id, d.title title, d.first_post_id first_post_id, p.user_id user_id, p.content raw, p.created_at created_at, t.tag_id category_id FROM posts p, discussions d, discussion_tag t WHERE p.discussion_id = d.id AND t.discussion_id = d.id ORDER BY p.created_at LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset}; ", ).to_a break if results.size < 1 next if all_records_exist? :posts, results.map { |m| m["id"].to_i } create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |m| skip = false mapped = {} mapped[:id] = m["id"] mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(m["user_id"]) || -1 mapped[:raw] = process_FLARUM_post(m["raw"], m["id"]) mapped[:created_at] = Time.zone.at(m["created_at"]) if m["id"] == m["first_post_id"] mapped[:category] = category_id_from_imported_category_id("child##{m["category_id"]}") mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(m["title"]) else parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(m["first_post_id"]) if parent mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id] else puts "Parent post #{m["first_post_id"]} doesn't exist. Skipping #{m["id"]}: #{m["title"][0..40]}" skip = true end end skip ? nil : mapped end end end def process_FLARUM_post(raw, import_id) s = raw.dup s end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql, cache_rows: false) end end ImportScripts::FLARUM.new.perform