require 'nokogiri' require 'optparse' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base") class ImportScripts::Disqus < ImportScripts::Base def initialize(options) verify_file(options[:file]) @post_as_user = get_post_as_user(options[:post_as]) @dry_run = options[:dry_run] @parser =[:strip], options[:no_deleted]) doc = doc.parse_file(options[:file]) @parser.normalize super() end def execute @parser.threads.each do |id, t| puts "Creating #{t[:title]}... (#{t[:posts].size} posts)" if !@dry_run post = TopicEmbed.import_remote(@post_as_user, t[:link], title: t[:title]) if post.present? t[:posts].each do |p| post_user = @post_as_user if p[:author_email] post_user = create_user({ id: nil, email: p[:author_email] }, nil) end attrs = { user_id:, topic_id: post.topic_id, raw: p[:cooked], cooked: p[:cooked], created_at: Date.parse(p[:created_at]) } if p[:parent_id] parent = @parser.posts[p[:parent_id]] if parent && parent[:discourse_number] attrs[:reply_to_post_number] = parent[:discourse_number] end end post = create_post(attrs, p[:id]) p[:discourse_number] = post.post_number end end end end end private def verify_file(file) abort("File '#{file}' not found") if !File.exist?(file) end def get_post_as_user(username) user = User.find_by_username_lower(username.downcase) abort("No user found named: '#{username}'") if user.nil? user end end class DisqusSAX < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document attr_accessor :posts, :threads def initialize(strip, no_deleted = false) @inside = {} @posts = {} @threads = {} @no_deleted = no_deleted @strip = strip end def start_element(name, attrs = []) case name when 'post' @post = {} @post[:id] = Hash[attrs]['dsq:id'] if @post when 'thread' id = Hash[attrs]['dsq:id'] if @post # Skip this post if it's deleted and no_deleted is true return if @no_deleted && @post[:is_deleted].to_s == 'true' thread = @threads[id] thread[:posts] << @post else @thread = {id: id, posts: []} end when 'parent' if @post id = Hash[attrs]['dsq:id'] @post[:parent_id] = id end end @inside[name] = true end def end_element(name) case name when 'post' @posts[@post[:id]] = @post @post = nil when 'thread' if @post.nil? @threads[@thread[:id]] = @thread @thread = nil end end @inside[name] = false end def characters(str) record(@post, :author_email, str, 'author', 'email') record(@post, :author_name, str, 'author', 'name') record(@post, :author_anonymous, str, 'author', 'isAnonymous') record(@post, :created_at, str, 'createdAt') record(@post, :is_deleted, str, 'isDeleted') record(@thread, :link, str, 'link') record(@thread, :title, str, 'title') record(@thread, :created_at, str, 'createdAt') end def cdata_block(str) record(@post, :cooked, str, 'message') end def record(target, sym, str, *params) return if target.nil? if inside?(*params) target[sym] ||= "" target[sym] << str end end def inside?(*params) return !params.find{|p| !@inside[p]} end def normalize @threads.each do |id, t| if t[:posts].size == 0 # Remove any threads that have no posts @threads.delete(id) else # Normalize titles t[:title] = [:title].gsub(@strip, '').strip if @strip.present? end end # Merge any threads that have the same title existing_title = {} @threads.each do |id, t| existing = existing_title[t[:title]] if existing.nil? existing_title[t[:title]] = t else existing[:posts] << t[:posts] existing[:posts].flatten! @threads.delete(t[:id]) end end end end options = { dry_run: false } do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: RAILS_ENV=production ruby disqus.rb [OPTIONS]' opts.on('-f', '--file=FILE_PATH', 'The disqus XML file to import') do |value| options[:file] = value end opts.on('-d', '--dry_run', 'Just output what will be imported rather than doing it') do options[:dry_run] = true end opts.on('-p', '--post_as=USERNAME', 'The Discourse username to post as') do |value| options[:post_as] = value end opts.on('-D', '--no_deleted', 'Do not post deleted comments') do options[:no_deleted] = true end opts.on('-s', '--strip=TEXT', 'Text to strip from titles') do |value| options[:strip] = value end end.parse!