require_dependency 'slug' require_dependency 'avatar_lookup' require_dependency 'topic_view' require_dependency 'rate_limiter' require_dependency 'text_sentinel' require_dependency 'text_cleaner' require_dependency 'archetype' class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper include RateLimiter::OnCreateRecord include HasCustomFields include Trashable extend Forwardable def_delegator :featured_users, :user_ids, :featured_user_ids def_delegator :featured_users, :choose, :feature_topic_users def_delegator :notifier, :watch!, :notify_watch! def_delegator :notifier, :tracking!, :notify_tracking! def_delegator :notifier, :regular!, :notify_regular! def_delegator :notifier, :muted!, :notify_muted! def_delegator :notifier, :toggle_mute, :toggle_mute attr_accessor :allowed_user_ids def self.max_sort_order 2**31 - 1 end def featured_users @featured_users ||= end def trash!(trashed_by=nil) update_category_topic_count_by(-1) if deleted_at.nil? super(trashed_by) update_flagged_posts_count end def recover! update_category_topic_count_by(1) unless deleted_at.nil? super update_flagged_posts_count end rate_limit :default_rate_limiter rate_limit :limit_topics_per_day rate_limit :limit_private_messages_per_day validates :title, :presence => true, :topic_title_length => true, :quality_title => { :unless => :private_message? }, :unique_among => { :unless => { |t| (SiteSetting.allow_duplicate_topic_titles? || t.private_message?) }, :message => :has_already_been_used, :allow_blank => true, :case_sensitive => false, :collection =>{ Topic.listable_topics } } validates :category_id, :presence => true, :exclusion => { :in =>{[SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id]} }, :if => { |t| (t.new_record? || t.category_id_changed?) && !SiteSetting.allow_uncategorized_topics && (t.archetype.nil? || t.archetype == Archetype.default) && (!t.user_id || !t.user.staff?) } before_validation do if SiteSetting.title_sanitize self.title = sanitize(title.to_s, tags: [], attributes: []).strip.presence end self.title = TextCleaner.clean_title(TextSentinel.title_sentinel(title).text) if errors[:title].empty? end belongs_to :category has_many :posts has_many :topic_allowed_users has_many :topic_allowed_groups has_many :allowed_group_users, through: :allowed_groups, source: :users has_many :allowed_groups, through: :topic_allowed_groups, source: :group has_many :allowed_users, through: :topic_allowed_users, source: :user has_one :top_topic belongs_to :user belongs_to :last_poster, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :last_post_user_id belongs_to :featured_user1, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :featured_user1_id belongs_to :featured_user2, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :featured_user2_id belongs_to :featured_user3, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :featured_user3_id belongs_to :featured_user4, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :featured_user4_id belongs_to :auto_close_user, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :auto_close_user_id has_many :topic_users has_many :topic_links has_many :topic_invites has_many :invites, through: :topic_invites, source: :invite has_many :revisions, foreign_key: :topic_id, class_name: 'TopicRevision' # When we want to temporarily attach some data to a forum topic (usually before serialization) attr_accessor :user_data attr_accessor :posters # TODO: can replace with posters_summary once we remove old list code attr_accessor :participants attr_accessor :topic_list attr_accessor :meta_data attr_accessor :include_last_poster # The regular order scope :topic_list_order, -> { order('topics.bumped_at desc') } # Return private message topics scope :private_messages, -> { where(archetype: Archetype.private_message) } scope :listable_topics, -> { where('topics.archetype <> ?', [Archetype.private_message]) } scope :by_newest, -> { order('topics.created_at desc, desc') } scope :visible, -> { where(visible: true) } scope :created_since, lambda { |time_ago| where('created_at > ?', time_ago) } scope :secured, lambda { |guardian=nil| ids = guardian.secure_category_ids if guardian # Query conditions condition = if ids.present? ["NOT c.read_restricted or in (:cats)", cats: ids] else ["NOT c.read_restricted"] end where("category_id IS NULL OR category_id IN ( SELECT FROM categories c WHERE #{condition[0]})", condition[1]) } # Helps us limit how many topics can be starred in a day class StarLimiter < RateLimiter def initialize(user) super(user, "starred:#{}", SiteSetting.max_stars_per_day, end end before_create do self.bumped_at ||= self.last_post_user_id ||= user_id if !@ignore_category_auto_close and self.category and self.category.auto_close_hours and self.auto_close_at.nil? set_auto_close(self.category.auto_close_hours) end end attr_accessor :skip_callbacks after_create do unless skip_callbacks changed_to_category(category) if archetype == Archetype.private_message!(user, Draft::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE) else!(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC) end end end before_save do unless skip_callbacks if (auto_close_at_changed? and !auto_close_at_was.nil?) or (auto_close_user_id_changed? and auto_close_at) self.auto_close_started_at ||= if auto_close_at Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:close_topic, {topic_id: id}) true end if category_id.nil? && (archetype.nil? || archetype == Archetype.default) self.category_id = SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id end end end after_save do save_revision if should_create_new_version? unless skip_callbacks if auto_close_at and (auto_close_at_changed? or auto_close_user_id_changed?) Jobs.enqueue_at(auto_close_at, :close_topic, {topic_id: id, user_id: auto_close_user_id || user_id}) end end end # TODO move into PostRevisor or TopicRevisor def save_revision if first_post_id = posts.where(post_number: 1).pluck(:id).first number = PostRevision.where(post_id: first_post_id).count + 2 PostRevision.create!( user_id:, post_id: first_post_id, number: number, modifications: changes.extract!(:category_id, :title) ) Post.where(id: first_post_id).update_all(version: number) end end def should_create_new_version? !new_record? && (category_id_changed? || title_changed?) end def self.top_viewed(max = 10) Topic.listable_topics.visible.secured.order('views desc').limit(max) end def self.recent(max = 10) Topic.listable_topics.visible.secured.order('created_at desc').limit(max) end def self.count_exceeds_minimum? count > SiteSetting.minimum_topics_similar end def best_post posts.order('score desc').limit(1).first end # all users (in groups or directly targetted) that are going to get the pm def all_allowed_users # TODO we should probably change this from 3 queries to 1 User.where('id in (?)','').to_a +'').to_a) end # Additional rate limits on topics: per day and private messages per day def limit_topics_per_day apply_per_day_rate_limit_for("topics", :max_topics_per_day) limit_first_day_topics_per_day if user.added_a_day_ago? end def limit_private_messages_per_day return unless private_message? apply_per_day_rate_limit_for("pms", :max_private_messages_per_day) end def fancy_title sanitized_title = if SiteSetting.title_sanitize sanitize(title.to_s, tags: [], attributes: []).strip.presence else title.gsub(/['&\"<>]/, { "'" => ''', '&' => '&', '"' => '"', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', }) end return unless sanitized_title return sanitized_title unless SiteSetting.title_fancy_entities? # We don't always have to require this, if fancy is disabled # see: require 'redcarpet' unless defined? Redcarpet Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants.render(sanitized_title) end def new_version_required? title_changed? || category_id_changed? end # Returns hot topics since a date for display in email digest. def self.for_digest(user, since, opts=nil) opts = opts || {} score = "#{ListController.best_period_for(since)}_score" topics = Topic .visible .secured( .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users ON topic_users.topic_id = AND topic_users.user_id = #{}") .where(closed: false, archived: false) .where("COALESCE(topic_users.notification_level, 1) <> ?", TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted]) .created_since(since) .listable_topics .includes(:category) if !!opts[:top_order] topics = topics.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN top_topics ON top_topics.topic_id =") .order(TopicQuerySQL.order_top_for(score)) end if opts[:limit] topics = topics.limit(opts[:limit]) end # Remove category topics category_topic_ids = Category.pluck(:topic_id).compact! if category_topic_ids.present? topics = topics.where(" NOT IN (?)", category_topic_ids) end # Remove muted categories muted_category_ids = CategoryUser.where(user_id:, notification_level: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:muted]).pluck(:category_id) if muted_category_ids.present? topics = topics.where("topics.category_id NOT IN (?)", muted_category_ids) end topics end # Using the digest query, figure out what's new for a user since last seen def self.new_since_last_seen(user, since, featured_topic_ids) topics = Topic.for_digest(user, since) topics.where(" NOT IN (?)", featured_topic_ids) end def meta_data=(data) custom_fields.replace(data) end def meta_data custom_fields end def update_meta_data(data) custom_fields.update(data) save end def reload(options=nil) @post_numbers = nil super(options) end def post_numbers @post_numbers ||= posts.order(:post_number).pluck(:post_number) end def age_in_minutes (( - created_at) / 1.minute).round end def has_meta_data_boolean?(key) meta_data_string(key) == 'true' end def meta_data_string(key) custom_fields[key.to_s] end def self.listable_count_per_day(sinceDaysAgo=30) listable_topics.where('created_at > ?', sinceDaysAgo.days.ago).group('date(created_at)').order('date(created_at)').count end def private_message? archetype == Archetype.private_message end # Search for similar topics def self.similar_to(title, raw, user=nil) return [] unless title.present? return [] unless raw.present? similar =["topics.*, similarity(topics.title, :title) + similarity(p.raw, :raw) AS similarity", title: title, raw: raw])) .visible .where(closed: false, archived: false) .secured( .listable_topics .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN posts AS p ON p.topic_id = AND p.post_number = 1") .limit(SiteSetting.max_similar_results) .order('similarity desc') # Exclude category definitions from similar topic suggestions exclude_topic_ids = Category.pluck(:topic_id).compact! if exclude_topic_ids.present? similar = similar.where(" NOT IN (?)", exclude_topic_ids) end similar end def update_status(status, enabled, user), user).update! status, enabled end # Atomically creates the next post number def self.next_post_number(topic_id, reply = false) highest = exec_sql("select coalesce(max(post_number),0) as max from posts where topic_id = ?", topic_id).first['max'].to_i reply_sql = reply ? ", reply_count = reply_count + 1" : "" result = exec_sql("UPDATE topics SET highest_post_number = ? + 1#{reply_sql} WHERE id = ? RETURNING highest_post_number", highest, topic_id) result.first['highest_post_number'].to_i end # If a post is deleted we have to update our highest post counters def self.reset_highest(topic_id) result = exec_sql "UPDATE topics SET highest_post_number = (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(post_number), 0) FROM posts WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND deleted_at IS NULL), posts_count = (SELECT count(*) FROM posts WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND topic_id = :topic_id), last_posted_at = (SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM POSTS WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND deleted_at IS NULL) WHERE id = :topic_id RETURNING highest_post_number", topic_id: topic_id highest_post_number = result.first['highest_post_number'].to_i # Update the forum topic user records exec_sql "UPDATE topic_users SET last_read_post_number = CASE WHEN last_read_post_number > :highest THEN :highest ELSE last_read_post_number END, seen_post_count = CASE WHEN seen_post_count > :highest THEN :highest ELSE seen_post_count END WHERE topic_id = :topic_id", highest: highest_post_number, topic_id: topic_id end # This calculates the geometric mean of the posts and stores it with the topic def self.calculate_avg_time(min_topic_age=nil) builder ="UPDATE topics SET avg_time = x.gmean FROM (SELECT topic_id, round(exp(avg(ln(avg_time)))) AS gmean FROM posts WHERE avg_time > 0 AND avg_time IS NOT NULL GROUP BY topic_id) AS x /*where*/") builder.where("x.topic_id = AND (topics.avg_time <> x.gmean OR topics.avg_time IS NULL)") if min_topic_age builder.where("topics.bumped_at > :bumped_at", bumped_at: min_topic_age) end builder.exec end def changed_to_category(cat) return true if cat.blank? || Category.find_by(topic_id: id).present? Topic.transaction do old_category = category if category_id.present? && category_id != Category.where(['id = ?', category_id]).update_all 'topic_count = topic_count - 1' end success = true if self.category_id != self.category_id = success = save end if success CategoryFeaturedTopic.feature_topics_for(old_category) Category.where(id: 'topic_count = topic_count + 1' CategoryFeaturedTopic.feature_topics_for(cat) unless old_category.try(:id) == cat.try(:id) else return false end end true end def add_moderator_post(user, text, opts={}) new_post = nil Topic.transaction do creator =, raw: text, post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action], no_bump: opts[:bump].blank?, topic_id: new_post = creator.create increment!(:moderator_posts_count) new_post end if new_post.present? # If we are moving posts, we want to insert the moderator post where the previous posts were # in the stream, not at the end. new_post.update_attributes(post_number: opts[:post_number], sort_order: opts[:post_number]) if opts[:post_number].present? # Grab any links that are present TopicLink.extract_from(new_post) end new_post end # Changes the category to a new name def change_category(name) # If the category name is blank, reset the attribute if name.blank? cat = Category.find_by(id: SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id) else cat = Category.find_by(name: name) end return true if cat == category return false unless cat changed_to_category(cat) end def remove_allowed_user(username) user = User.find_by(username: username) if user topic_user = topic_allowed_users.find_by(user_id: if topic_user topic_user.destroy else false end end end # Invite a user to the topic by username or email. Returns success/failure def invite(invited_by, username_or_email, group_ids=nil) if private_message? # If the user exists, add them to the topic. user = User.find_by_username_or_email(username_or_email) if user && topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: # Notify the user they've been invited user.notifications.create(notification_type: Notification.types[:invited_to_private_message], topic_id: id, post_number: 1, data: { topic_title: title, display_username: invited_by.username }.to_json) return true end end if username_or_email =~ /^.+@.+$/ # NOTE callers expect an invite object if an invite was sent via email invite_by_email(invited_by, username_or_email, group_ids) else false end end def invite_by_email(invited_by, email, group_ids=nil) Invite.invite_by_email(email, invited_by, self, group_ids) end def email_already_exists_for?(invite) invite.email_already_exists and private_message? end def grant_permission_to_user(lower_email) user = User.find_by(email: lower_email) topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: end def max_post_number posts.maximum(:post_number).to_i end def move_posts(moved_by, post_ids, opts) post_mover =, moved_by, post_ids) if opts[:destination_topic_id] post_mover.to_topic opts[:destination_topic_id] elsif opts[:title] post_mover.to_new_topic(opts[:title], opts[:category_id]) end end # Updates the denormalized statistics of a topic including featured posters. They shouldn't # go out of sync unless you do something drastic live move posts from one topic to another. # this recalculates everything. def update_statistics feature_topic_users update_action_counts Topic.reset_highest(id) end def update_flagged_posts_count PostAction.update_flagged_posts_count end def update_action_counts PostActionType.types.keys.each do |type| count_field = "#{type}_count" update_column(count_field, Post.where(topic_id: id).sum(count_field)) end end def posters_summary(options = {}) @posters_summary ||=, options).summary end def participants_summary(options = {}) @participants_summary ||=, options).summary end # Enable/disable the star on the topic def toggle_star(user, starred) Topic.transaction do TopicUser.change(user, id, {starred: starred}.merge( starred ? {starred_at:, unstarred_at: nil} : {unstarred_at:})) # Update the star count exec_sql "UPDATE topics SET star_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM topic_users AS ftu WHERE ftu.topic_id = AND ftu.starred = true) WHERE id = ?", id if starred! else! end end end def self.starred_counts_per_day(sinceDaysAgo=30) TopicUser.starred_since(sinceDaysAgo).by_date_starred.count end # Even if the slug column in the database is null, topic.slug will return something: def slug unless slug = read_attribute(:slug) return '' unless title.present? slug = Slug.for(title).presence || "topic" if new_record? write_attribute(:slug, slug) else update_column(:slug, slug) end end slug end def title=(t) slug = (Slug.for(t.to_s).presence || "topic") write_attribute(:slug, slug) write_attribute(:title,t) end # NOTE: These are probably better off somewhere else. # Having a model know about URLs seems a bit strange. def last_post_url "/t/#{slug}/#{id}/#{posts_count}" end def self.url(id, slug, post_number=nil) url = "#{Discourse.base_url}/t/#{slug}/#{id}" url << "/#{post_number}" if post_number.to_i > 1 url end def url(post_number = nil) self.class.url id, slug, post_number end def relative_url(post_number=nil) url = "/t/#{slug}/#{id}" url << "/#{post_number}" if post_number.to_i > 1 url end def clear_pin_for(user) return unless user.present? TopicUser.change(, id, cleared_pinned_at: end def re_pin_for(user) return unless user.present? TopicUser.change(, id, cleared_pinned_at: nil) end def update_pinned(status, global=false) update_column(:pinned_at, status ? : nil) update_column(:pinned_globally, global) end def draft_key "#{Draft::EXISTING_TOPIC}#{id}" end def notifier @topic_notifier ||= end def muted?(user) if user && notifier.muted?( end end def auto_close_hours=(num_hours) @ignore_category_auto_close = true set_auto_close( num_hours ) end def self.auto_close Topic.where("NOT closed AND auto_close_at < ? AND auto_close_user_id IS NOT NULL", 1.minute.ago).each do |t| t.auto_close end end def auto_close(closer = nil) if auto_close_at && !closed? && !deleted_at && auto_close_at < 5.minutes.from_now closer ||= auto_close_user if update_status('autoclosed', true, closer) end end end # Valid arguments for the auto close time: # * An integer, which is the number of hours from now to close the topic. # * A time, like "12:00", which is the time at which the topic will close in the current day # or the next day if that time has already passed today. # * A timestamp, like "2013-11-25 13:00", when the topic should close. # * A timestamp with timezone in JSON format. (e.g., "2013-11-26T21:00:00.000Z") # * nil, to prevent the topic from automatically closing. def set_auto_close(arg, by_user=nil) if arg.is_a?(String) && matches = /^([\d]{1,2}):([\d]{1,2})$/.match(arg.strip) now = self.auto_close_at =, now.month,, matches[1].to_i, matches[2].to_i) self.auto_close_at += if self.auto_close_at < now elsif arg.is_a?(String) && arg.include?('-') && timestamp = self.auto_close_at = timestamp self.errors.add(:auto_close_at, :invalid) if timestamp < else num_hours = arg.to_i self.auto_close_at = (num_hours > 0 ? num_hours.hours.from_now : nil) end unless self.auto_close_at.nil? self.auto_close_started_at ||= if by_user && by_user.staff? self.auto_close_user = by_user else self.auto_close_user ||= (self.user.staff? ? self.user : Discourse.system_user) end else self.auto_close_started_at = nil end self end def read_restricted_category? category && category.read_restricted end def acting_user @acting_user || user end def acting_user=(u) @acting_user = u end def secure_group_ids @secure_group_ids ||= if self.category && self.category.read_restricted? self.category.secure_group_ids end end def has_topic_embed? TopicEmbed.where(topic_id: id).exists? end def expandable_first_post? SiteSetting.embeddable_host.present? && SiteSetting.embed_truncate? && has_topic_embed? end private def update_category_topic_count_by(num) if category_id.present? Category.where(['id = ?', category_id]).update_all("topic_count = topic_count " + (num > 0 ? '+' : '') + "#{num}") end end def limit_first_day_topics_per_day apply_per_day_rate_limit_for("first-day-topics", :max_topics_in_first_day) end def apply_per_day_rate_limit_for(key, method_name), "#{key}-per-day:#{}", SiteSetting.send(method_name), end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: topics # # id :integer not null, primary key # title :string(255) not null # last_posted_at :datetime # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # views :integer default(0), not null # posts_count :integer default(0), not null # user_id :integer # last_post_user_id :integer not null # reply_count :integer default(0), not null # featured_user1_id :integer # featured_user2_id :integer # featured_user3_id :integer # avg_time :integer # deleted_at :datetime # highest_post_number :integer default(0), not null # image_url :string(255) # off_topic_count :integer default(0), not null # like_count :integer default(0), not null # incoming_link_count :integer default(0), not null # bookmark_count :integer default(0), not null # star_count :integer default(0), not null # category_id :integer # visible :boolean default(TRUE), not null # moderator_posts_count :integer default(0), not null # closed :boolean default(FALSE), not null # archived :boolean default(FALSE), not null # bumped_at :datetime not null # has_summary :boolean default(FALSE), not null # vote_count :integer default(0), not null # archetype :string(255) default("regular"), not null # featured_user4_id :integer # notify_moderators_count :integer default(0), not null # spam_count :integer default(0), not null # illegal_count :integer default(0), not null # inappropriate_count :integer default(0), not null # pinned_at :datetime # score :float # percent_rank :float default(1.0), not null # notify_user_count :integer default(0), not null # subtype :string(255) # slug :string(255) # auto_close_at :datetime # auto_close_user_id :integer # auto_close_started_at :datetime # deleted_by_id :integer # participant_count :integer default(1) # word_count :integer # excerpt :string(1000) # pinned_globally :boolean default(FALSE), not null # # Indexes # # idx_topics_front_page (deleted_at,visible,archetype,category_id,id) # idx_topics_user_id_deleted_at (user_id) # index_topics_on_bumped_at (bumped_at) # index_topics_on_id_and_deleted_at (id,deleted_at) #