require 'spec_helper' require 'post_creator' require 'topic_subtype' describe PostCreator do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } it 'raises an error without a raw value' do lambda {, {}) }.should raise_error(Discourse::InvalidParameters) end context 'new topic' do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category, user: user) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } let(:basic_topic_params) { {title: 'hello world topic', raw: 'my name is fred', archetype_id: 1} } let(:image_sizes) { {'' => {'width' => 111, 'height' => 222}} } let(:creator) {, basic_topic_params) } let(:creator_with_category) {, basic_topic_params.merge(category: )) } let(:creator_with_meta_data) {, basic_topic_params.merge(meta_data: {hello: 'world'} )) } let(:creator_with_image_sizes) {, basic_topic_params.merge(image_sizes: image_sizes)) } it 'ensures the user can create the topic' do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_create?).with(Topic,nil).returns(false) lambda { creator.create }.should raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) end context 'success' do it 'creates a topic' do lambda { creator.create }.should change(Topic, :count).by(1) end it 'returns a post' do creator.create.is_a?(Post).should be_true end it 'extracts links from the post' do TopicLink.expects(:extract_from).with(instance_of(Post)) creator.create end it 'enqueues the post on the message bus' do MessageBus.stubs(:publish).with("/users/#{user.username}", anything) MessageBus.expects(:publish).with("/topic/#{}", instance_of(Hash)), raw: basic_topic_params[:raw], topic_id: end it 'features topic users' do Jobs.stubs(:enqueue).with(:process_post, anything) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:feature_topic_users, has_key(:topic_id)) creator.create end it 'queues up post processing job when saved' do Jobs.stubs(:enqueue).with(:feature_topic_users, has_key(:topic_id)) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:process_post, has_key(:post_id)) creator.create end it 'passes the invalidate_oneboxes along to the job if present' do Jobs.stubs(:enqueue).with(:feature_topic_users, has_key(:topic_id)) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:process_post, has_key(:invalidate_oneboxes)) creator.opts[:invalidate_oneboxes] = true creator.create end it 'passes the image_sizes along to the job if present' do Jobs.stubs(:enqueue).with(:feature_topic_users, has_key(:topic_id)) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:process_post, has_key(:image_sizes)) creator.opts[:image_sizes] = {'' => {'width' => 17, 'height' => 31}} creator.create end it 'assigns a category when supplied' do creator_with_category.create.topic.category.should == category end it 'adds meta data from the post' do creator_with_meta_data.create.topic.meta_data['hello'].should == 'world' end it 'passes the image sizes through' do Post.any_instance.expects(:image_sizes=).with(image_sizes) creator_with_image_sizes.create end it 'increases topic response counts' do first_post = creator.create user2 = Fabricate(:coding_horror) user2.topic_reply_count.should == 0 first_post.user.reload.topic_reply_count.should == 0, topic_id: first_post.topic_id, raw: "this is my test post 123").create user2.reload.topic_reply_count.should == 1 first_post.user.reload.topic_reply_count.should == 0 end end end context 'uniqueness' do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } let(:basic_topic_params) { { raw: 'test reply', topic_id:, reply_to_post_number: 4} } let(:creator) {, basic_topic_params) } context "disabled" do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:unique_posts_mins).returns(0) creator.create end it "returns true for another post with the same content" do new_creator =, basic_topic_params) new_creator.create.should be_present end end context 'enabled' do let(:new_post_creator) {, basic_topic_params) } before do SiteSetting.stubs(:unique_posts_mins).returns(10) creator.create end it "returns blank for another post with the same content" do new_post_creator.create new_post_creator.errors.should be_present end it "returns a post for admins" do user.admin = true new_post_creator.create new_post_creator.errors.should be_blank end it "returns a post for moderators" do user.moderator = true new_post_creator.create new_post_creator.errors.should be_blank end end end # more integration testing ... maximise our testing context 'existing topic' do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } let(:creator) {, raw: 'test reply', topic_id:, reply_to_post_number: 4) } it 'ensures the user can create the post' do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_create?).with(Post, topic).returns(false) lambda { creator.create }.should raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) end context 'success' do it 'create correctly' do post = creator.create Post.count.should == 1 Topic.count.should == 1 post.reply_to_post_number.should == 4 end end end # integration test ... minimise db work context 'private message' do let(:target_user1) { Fabricate(:coding_horror) } let(:target_user2) { Fabricate(:moderator) } let(:unrelated) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:post) do PostCreator.create(user, title: 'hi there welcome to my topic', raw: "this is my awesome message @#{unrelated.username_lower}", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: [target_user1.username, target_user2.username].join(',')) end it 'acts correctly' do post.topic.archetype.should == Archetype.private_message post.topic.topic_allowed_users.count.should == 3 # does not notify an unrelated user unrelated.notifications.count.should == 0 post.topic.subtype.should == TopicSubtype.user_to_user end end end