import componentTest from "helpers/component-test"; import Theme from "admin/models/theme"; moduleForComponent("themes-list-item", { integration: true }); componentTest("default theme", { template: "{{themes-list-item theme=theme}}", beforeEach() { this.set("theme", Theme.create({ name: "Test", default: true })); }, test(assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.equal(this.$(".fa-check").length, 1, "shows default theme icon"); } }); componentTest("pending updates", { template: "{{themes-list-item theme=theme}}", beforeEach() { this.set( "theme", Theme.create({ name: "Test", remote_theme: { commits_behind: 6 } }) ); }, test(assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.equal(this.$(".fa-refresh").length, 1, "shows pending update icon"); } }); componentTest("borken theme", { template: "{{themes-list-item theme=theme}}", beforeEach() { this.set( "theme", Theme.create({ name: "Test", theme_fields: [{ name: "scss", type_id: 1, error: "something" }] }) ); }, test(assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.equal( this.$(".fa-exclamation-circle").length, 1, "shows broken theme icon" ); } }); const childrenList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(num => Theme.create({ name: `Child ${num}`, component: true }) ); componentTest("with children", { template: "{{themes-list-item theme=theme}}", beforeEach() { this.set( "theme", Theme.create({ name: "Test", childThemes: childrenList, default: true }) ); }, test(assert) { assert.expect(2); assert.deepEqual( Array.from(this.$(".component")).map(node => node.innerText.trim()), childrenList.splice(0, 4).map(theme => theme.get("name")), "lists the first 4 children" ); assert.deepEqual( this.$(".others-count") .text() .trim(), I18n.t("admin.customize.theme.and_x_more", { count: 1 }), "shows count of remaining children" ); } });