require 'rails_helper' describe AdminDashboardData do describe "adding new checks" do after do AdminDashboardData.reset_problem_checks end it 'calls the passed block' do called = false AdminDashboardData.add_problem_check do called = true end AdminDashboardData.fetch_problems expect(called).to eq(true) AdminDashboardData.fetch_problems(check_force_https: true) expect(called).to eq(true) end it 'calls the passed method' do $test_AdminDashboardData_global = false class AdminDashboardData def my_test_method $test_AdminDashboardData_global = true end end AdminDashboardData.add_problem_check :my_test_method AdminDashboardData.fetch_problems expect($test_AdminDashboardData_global).to eq(true) $test_AdminDashboardData_global = nil end end describe "rails_env_check" do subject { } it 'returns nil when running in production mode' do Rails.stubs(env:'production')) expect(subject).to be_nil end it 'returns a string when running in development mode' do Rails.stubs(env:'development')) expect(subject).to_not be_nil end it 'returns a string when running in test mode' do Rails.stubs(env:'test')) expect(subject).to_not be_nil end end describe 'host_names_check' do subject { } it 'returns nil when host_names is set' do Discourse.stubs(:current_hostname).returns('') expect(subject).to be_nil end it 'returns a string when host_name is localhost' do Discourse.stubs(:current_hostname).returns('localhost') expect(subject).to_not be_nil end it 'returns a string when host_name is production.localhost' do Discourse.stubs(:current_hostname).returns('production.localhost') expect(subject).to_not be_nil end end describe 'sidekiq_check' do subject { } it 'returns nil when sidekiq processed a job recently' do Jobs.stubs(:last_job_performed_at).returns(1.minute.ago) Jobs.stubs(:queued).returns(0) expect(subject).to be_nil end it 'returns nil when last job processed was a long time ago, but no jobs are queued' do Jobs.stubs(:last_job_performed_at).returns(7.days.ago) Jobs.stubs(:queued).returns(0) expect(subject).to be_nil end it 'returns nil when no jobs have ever been processed, but no jobs are queued' do Jobs.stubs(:last_job_performed_at).returns(nil) Jobs.stubs(:queued).returns(0) expect(subject).to be_nil end it 'returns a string when no jobs were processed recently and some jobs are queued' do Jobs.stubs(:last_job_performed_at).returns(20.minutes.ago) Jobs.stubs(:queued).returns(1) expect(subject).to_not be_nil end it 'returns a string when no jobs have ever been processed, and some jobs are queued' do Jobs.stubs(:last_job_performed_at).returns(nil) Jobs.stubs(:queued).returns(1) expect(subject).to_not be_nil end end describe 'ram_check' do subject { } it 'returns nil when total ram is 1 GB' do MemInfo.any_instance.stubs(:mem_total).returns(1025272) expect(subject).to be_nil end it 'returns nil when total ram cannot be determined' do MemInfo.any_instance.stubs(:mem_total).returns(nil) expect(subject).to be_nil end it 'returns a string when total ram is less than 1 GB' do MemInfo.any_instance.stubs(:mem_total).returns(512636) expect(subject).to_not be_nil end end describe 'auth_config_checks' do shared_examples 'problem detection for login providers' do context 'when disabled' do it 'returns nil' do SiteSetting.public_send("#{enable_setting}=", false) expect(subject).to be_nil end end context 'when enabled' do before do SiteSetting.public_send("#{enable_setting}=", true) end it 'returns nil when key and secret are set' do SiteSetting.public_send("#{key}=", '12313213') SiteSetting.public_send("#{secret}=", '12312313123') expect(subject).to be_nil end it 'returns a string when key is not set' do SiteSetting.public_send("#{key}=", '') SiteSetting.public_send("#{secret}=", '12312313123') expect(subject).to_not be_nil end it 'returns a string when secret is not set' do SiteSetting.public_send("#{key}=", '123123') SiteSetting.public_send("#{secret}=", '') expect(subject).to_not be_nil end it 'returns a string when key and secret are not set' do SiteSetting.public_send("#{key}=", '') SiteSetting.public_send("#{secret}=", '') expect(subject).to_not be_nil end end end describe 'facebook' do subject { } let(:enable_setting) { :enable_facebook_logins } let(:key) { :facebook_app_id } let(:secret) { :facebook_app_secret } include_examples 'problem detection for login providers' end describe 'twitter' do subject { } let(:enable_setting) { :enable_twitter_logins } let(:key) { :twitter_consumer_key } let(:secret) { :twitter_consumer_secret } include_examples 'problem detection for login providers' end describe 'github' do subject { } let(:enable_setting) { :enable_github_logins } let(:key) { :github_client_id } let(:secret) { :github_client_secret } include_examples 'problem detection for login providers' end end describe 's3_config_check' do shared_examples 'problem detection for s3-dependent setting' do subject { } let(:access_keys) { [:s3_access_key_id, :s3_secret_access_key] } let(:all_cred_keys) { access_keys + [:s3_use_iam_profile] } let(:all_setting_keys) { all_cred_keys + [bucket_key] } def all_setting_permutations(keys) ['a', ''].repeated_permutation(keys.size) do |*values| hash = Hash[] hash.each do |key, value| SiteSetting.public_send("#{key}=", value) end yield hash end end context 'when setting is enabled' do before do all_setting_keys.each { |key| SiteSetting.public_send("#{key}=", 'foo') } SiteSetting.public_send("#{setting[:key]}=", setting[:enabled_value]) SiteSetting.public_send("#{bucket_key}=", bucket_value) end context 'when bucket is blank' do let(:bucket_value) { '' } it "always returns a string" do all_setting_permutations(all_cred_keys) do expect(subject).to_not be_nil end end end context 'when bucket is filled in' do let(:bucket_value) { 'a' } before do SiteSetting.s3_use_iam_profile = use_iam_profile end context 'when using iam profile' do let(:use_iam_profile) { true } it 'always returns nil' do all_setting_permutations(access_keys) do expect(subject).to be_nil end end end context 'when not using iam profile' do let(:use_iam_profile) { false } it 'returns nil only if both access key fields are filled in' do all_setting_permutations(access_keys) do |settings| if settings.values.all? expect(subject).to be_nil else expect(subject).to_not be_nil end end end end end end context 'when setting is not enabled' do before do SiteSetting.public_send("#{setting[:key]}=", setting[:disabled_value]) end it "always returns nil" do all_setting_permutations(all_setting_keys) do expect(subject).to be_nil end end end end describe 'uploads' do let(:setting) do { key: :enable_s3_uploads, enabled_value: true, disabled_value: false } end let(:bucket_key) { :s3_upload_bucket } include_examples 'problem detection for s3-dependent setting' end describe 'backups' do let(:setting) do { key: :backup_location, enabled_value: BackupLocationSiteSetting::S3, disabled_value: BackupLocationSiteSetting::LOCAL } end let(:bucket_key) { :s3_backup_bucket } include_examples 'problem detection for s3-dependent setting' end end describe 'force_https_check' do subject { true).force_https_check } it 'returns nil if force_https site setting enabled' do SiteSetting.force_https = true expect(subject).to be_nil end it 'returns nil if force_https site setting not enabled' do SiteSetting.force_https = false expect(subject).to eq(I18n.t('dashboard.force_https_warning', base_path: Discourse.base_path)) end end describe 'ignore force_https_check' do subject { false).force_https_check } it 'returns nil' do SiteSetting.force_https = true expect(subject).to be_nil SiteSetting.force_https = false expect(subject).to be_nil end end describe 'stats cache' do include_examples 'stats cachable' end describe '#problem_message_check' do let(:key) { AdminDashboardData.problem_messages.first } before do described_class.clear_problem_message(key) end it 'returns nil if message has not been added' do expect(described_class.problem_message_check(key)).to be_nil end it 'returns a message if it was added' do described_class.add_problem_message(key) expect(described_class.problem_message_check(key)).to eq(I18n.t(key, base_path: Discourse.base_path)) end it 'returns a message if it was added with an expiry' do described_class.add_problem_message(key, 300) expect(described_class.problem_message_check(key)).to eq(I18n.t(key, base_path: Discourse.base_path)) end end describe '#out_of_date_themes' do let(:remote) { RemoteTheme.create!(remote_url: "") } let!(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme, remote_theme: remote, name: "Test< Theme") } it "outputs correctly formatted html" do remote.update!(local_version: "old version", remote_version: "new version", commits_behind: 2) dashboard_data = expect(dashboard_data.out_of_date_themes).to eq( I18n.t("dashboard.out_of_date_themes") + "" ) remote.update!(local_version: "new version", commits_behind: 0) expect(dashboard_data.out_of_date_themes).to eq(nil) end end describe '#unreachable_themes' do let(:remote) { RemoteTheme.create!(remote_url: "", last_error_text: "can't reach repo :'(") } let!(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme, remote_theme: remote, name: "Test< Theme") } it "outputs correctly formatted html" do dashboard_data = expect(dashboard_data.unreachable_themes).to eq( I18n.t("dashboard.unreachable_themes") + "" ) remote.update!(last_error_text: nil) expect(dashboard_data.out_of_date_themes).to eq(nil) end end end