# Available options: # # default - The default value of the setting. # client - Set to true if the javascript should have access to this setting's value. # refresh - Set to true if clients should refresh when the setting is changed. # min - For a string setting, the minimum length. For an integer setting, the minimum value. # max - For a string setting, the maximum length. For an integer setting, the maximum value. # regex - A regex that the value must match. # validator - The name of the class that will be use to validate the value of the setting. # enum - The setting has a fixed set of allowed values, and only one can be chosen. # Set to the class name that defines the set. # type: email - Must be a valid email address. # type: username - Must match the username of an existing user. # type: list - A list of values, chosen from a set of valid values defined in the choices option. # type: enum - A single value, chosen from a set of valid values in the choices option. # # A type:list setting with the word 'colors' in its name will make color values have a bold line of the corresponding color # required: title: client: true default: 'Discourse' site_description: default: '' contact_email: client: true default: '' type: email contact_url: client: true default: '' notification_email: default: 'noreply@unconfigured.discourse.org' type: email shadowed_by_global: true site_contact_username: default: '' type: username logo_url: client: true default: '/images/d-logo-sketch.png' logo_small_url: client: true default: '/images/d-logo-sketch-small.png' digest_logo_url: default: '' mobile_logo_url: client: true default: '' favicon_url: client: true default: '/images/default-favicon.ico' apple_touch_icon_url: '/images/default-apple-touch-icon.png' exclude_rel_nofollow_domains: default: '' type: list basic: default_locale: default: 'en' enum: 'LocaleSiteSetting' refresh: true shadowed_by_global: true allow_user_locale: client: true default: false suggested_topics: client: true default: 5 min: 0 limit_suggested_to_category: default: false track_external_right_clicks: client: true default: false ga_universal_tracking_code: client: true default: '' regex: "^UA-\\d+-\\d+$" ga_universal_domain_name: client: true default: 'auto' ga_tracking_code: client: true default: '' ga_domain_name: client: true default: '' top_menu: client: true refresh: true type: list default: "latest|new|unread|top|categories" regex: "latest" regex_error: "site_settings.errors.must_include_latest" choices: - latest - new - unread - top - categories - read - posted - bookmarks post_menu: client: true type: list default: 'like-count|like|share|flag|edit|bookmark|delete|admin|reply' choices: - like-count - like - edit - flag - delete - share - bookmark - admin - reply post_menu_hidden_items: client: true type: list default: 'bookmark|edit|delete|admin' choices: - like - edit - flag - delete - share - bookmark - admin - reply share_links: client: true type: list default: 'twitter|facebook|google+|email' choices: - twitter - facebook - google+ - email category_colors: client: true type: list default: 'BF1E2E|F1592A|F7941D|9EB83B|3AB54A|12A89D|25AAE2|0E76BD|652D90|92278F|ED207B|8C6238|231F20|808281|B3B5B4|283890' category_style: client: true default: 'bullet' type: enum choices: - bar - box - bullet preview: 'Category' enable_mobile_theme: client: true default: true relative_date_duration: client: true default: 30 min: 0 topics_per_period_in_top_summary: default: 20 min: 1 topics_per_period_in_top_page: default: 50 min: 1 category_featured_topics: client: true default: 3 min: 1 fixed_category_positions: client: true default: false fixed_category_positions_on_create: client: true default: false show_subcategory_list: default: false client: true enable_badges: client: true default: true login: invite_only: client: true default: false login_required: client: true default: false must_approve_users: client: true default: false enable_local_logins: client: true default: true allow_new_registrations: client: true default: true enable_google_oauth2_logins: client: true default: false google_oauth2_client_id: '' google_oauth2_client_secret: '' enable_yahoo_logins: client: true default: false enable_twitter_logins: client: true default: false twitter_consumer_key: default: '' regex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+$" twitter_consumer_secret: default: '' regex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+$" enable_facebook_logins: client: true default: false facebook_app_id: default: '' regex: "^\\d+$" facebook_app_secret: default: '' regex: "^[a-f0-9]+$" enable_github_logins: client: true default: false github_client_id: default: '' regex: "^[a-f0-9]+$" github_client_secret: default: '' regex: "^[a-f0-9]+$" enable_sso: client: true default: false enable_sso_provider: false sso_url: '' sso_secret: '' sso_overrides_email: false sso_overrides_username: false sso_overrides_name: false sso_overrides_avatar: default: false client: true sso_not_approved_url: '' email_domains_blacklist: default: 'mailinator.com' type: list email_domains_whitelist: default: '' type: list forgot_password_strict: false log_out_strict: true users: min_username_length: client: true default: 3 min: 1 max_username_length: client: true default: 20 min: 8 max: 60 reserved_usernames: type: list default: "admin|moderator|administrator|mod|sys|system|community|info|you|name|username|user|nickname|discourse|discourseorg|discourseforum|support" min_password_length: client: true default: 8 min: 1 block_common_passwords: true enforce_global_nicknames: default: false hidden: true discourse_org_access_key: default: '' hidden: true username_change_period: 3 email_editable: true logout_redirect: client: true default: '' full_name_required: client: true default: false enable_names: client: true default: true invite_expiry_days: 30 invite_passthrough_hours: 0 invites_per_page: client: true default: 40 delete_user_max_post_age: client: true default: 60 delete_all_posts_max: client: true default: 15 redirect_users_to_top_page: true show_email_on_profile: client: true default: false email_token_valid_hours: 24 email_token_grace_period_hours: 0 purge_unactivated_users_grace_period_days: 7 public_user_custom_fields: type: list default: '' staff_user_custom_fields: type: list default: '' enable_user_directory: client: true default: true allow_anonymous_posting: default: false client: true anonymous_posting_min_trust_level: default: 1 client: true anonymous_account_duration_minutes: default: 10080 posting: min_post_length: client: true min: 1 default: test: 5 default: 20 min_first_post_length: client: true min: 1 default: test: 5 default: 20 min_private_message_post_length: client: true min: 1 default: test: 5 default: 10 max_post_length: client: true default: 32000 body_min_entropy: 7 min_topic_title_length: client: true default: 15 max_topic_title_length: client: true default: 255 title_min_entropy: 10 title_prettify: true title_fancy_entities: true min_private_message_title_length: client: true default: 2 allow_uncategorized_topics: client: true default: true refresh: true uncategorized_description: "Topics that don't need a category, or don't fit into any other existing category." allow_duplicate_topic_titles: false min_title_similar_length: client: true default: 10 min_body_similar_length: client: true default: 15 enable_private_messages: true ninja_edit_window: 300 post_edit_time_limit: 86400 edit_history_visible_to_public: client: true default: true delete_removed_posts_after: client: true default: 24 min: 0 traditional_markdown_linebreaks: client: true default: false allow_html_tables: client: true default: false suppress_reply_directly_below: client: true default: true suppress_reply_directly_above: client: true default: true suppress_reply_when_quoting: default: true max_reply_history: default: 1 client: true experimental_reply_expansion: default: false client: true post_undo_action_window_mins: 10 max_mentions_per_post: 10 newuser_max_replies_per_topic: 3 newuser_max_mentions_per_post: 2 title_max_word_length: 30 newuser_max_links: 2 newuser_max_images: client: true default: 1 newuser_max_attachments: client: true default: 0 uncategorized_category_id: default: -1 hidden: true post_excerpt_maxlength: 300 display_name_on_posts: client: true default: false show_time_gap_days: default: 7 client: true short_progress_text_threshold: client: true default: 10000 default_code_lang: client: true default: "auto" warn_reviving_old_topic_age: 180 autohighlight_all_code: client: true default: false highlighted_languages: default: 'apache|bash|cs|cpp|css|coffeescript|diff|xml|http|ini|json|java|javascript|makefile|markdown|nginx|objectivec|ruby|perl|php|python|sql|handlebars' choices: 'HighlightJs.languages' type: list client: true delete_old_hidden_posts: true censored_words: client: true default: '' refresh: true type: list enable_emoji: default: true client: true emoji_set: default: 'emoji_one' client: true enum: 'EmojiSetSiteSetting' enforce_square_emoji: default: true approve_post_count: default: 0 approve_unless_trust_level: default: 0 enum: 'TrustLevelSetting' notify_about_queued_posts_after: default: 24 min: 0 email: email_time_window_mins: default: 10 client: true email_posts_context: 5 digest_min_excerpt_length: 100 digest_topics: 20 suppress_digest_email_after_days: 365 disable_digest_emails: default: false client: true email_custom_headers: 'Auto-Submitted: auto-generated' email_subject: '[%{site_name}] %{optional_pm}%{optional_cat}%{topic_title}' reply_by_email_enabled: false reply_by_email_address: default: '' validator: "ReplyByEmailAddressValidator" pop3_polling_enabled: false pop3_polling_ssl: true pop3_polling_period_mins: 5 pop3_polling_host: '' pop3_polling_port: 995 pop3_polling_username: '' pop3_polling_password: '' log_mail_processing_failures: false email_in: default: false client: true email_in_min_trust: default: 2 enum: 'TrustLevelSetting' email_prefix: '' email_site_title: '' disable_emails: default: false client: true strip_images_from_short_emails: true short_email_length: 2800 files: max_image_size_kb: 3072 max_attachment_size_kb: 3072 authorized_extensions: client: true default: 'jpg|jpeg|png|gif' refresh: true type: list crawl_images: default: test: false default: true max_image_width: client: true default: 690 max_image_height: client: true default: 500 download_remote_images_to_local: default: test: false default: true download_remote_images_threshold: 10 disabled_image_download_domains: type: list default: '' create_thumbnails: true clean_up_uploads: true clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours: 1 purge_deleted_uploads_grace_period_days: 30 prevent_anons_from_downloading_files: default: false client: true enable_s3_uploads: default: false client: true s3_use_iam_profile: false s3_access_key_id: '' s3_secret_access_key: '' s3_region: default: 'us-east-1' enum: 'S3RegionSiteSetting' s3_upload_bucket: default: '' regex: '^[^A-Z_.]+$' # can't use '.' when using HTTPS s3_cdn_url: default: '' regex: '^https?:\/\/.+[^\/]$' allow_profile_backgrounds: client: true default: true automatically_download_gravatars: true allow_uploaded_avatars: client: true default: true allow_animated_avatars: client: true default: false allow_animated_thumbnails: true default_avatars: default: '' type: url_list client: true avatar_sizes: default: '20|25|32|45|60|120' type: list trust: default_trust_level: default: 0 enum: 'TrustLevelSetting' default_invitee_trust_level: default: 1 enum: 'TrustLevelSetting' min_trust_to_create_topic: default: 0 enum: 'TrustLevelSetting' min_trust_to_edit_wiki_post: default: 1 enum: 'TrustLevelSetting' tl1_requires_topics_entered: 5 tl1_requires_read_posts: default: 30 client: true tl1_requires_time_spent_mins: 10 tl2_requires_topics_entered: 20 tl2_requires_read_posts: 100 tl2_requires_time_spent_mins: 60 tl2_requires_days_visited: 15 tl2_requires_likes_received: 1 tl2_requires_likes_given: 1 tl2_requires_topic_reply_count: 3 tl3_requires_days_visited: default: 50 min: 0 max: 100 tl3_requires_topics_replied_to: default: 10 min: 0 tl3_requires_topics_viewed: default: 25 min: 0 max: 100 tl3_requires_posts_read: default: 25 min: 0 max: 100 tl3_requires_topics_viewed_all_time: default: 200 min: 0 tl3_requires_posts_read_all_time: default: 500 min: 0 tl3_requires_max_flagged: default: 5 min: 0 tl3_promotion_min_duration: default: 14 min: 0 max: 20000 tl3_requires_likes_given: default: 30 min: 0 tl3_requires_likes_received: default: 20 min: 0 tl3_links_no_follow: default: false client: true security: use_https: false enable_escaped_fragments: true allow_index_in_robots_txt: true enable_noscript_support: true allow_moderators_to_create_categories: false cors_origins: default: '' type: list onebox: enable_flash_video_onebox: false post_onebox_maxlength: 500 onebox_domains_whitelist: default: '' type: list spam: add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content: true flags_required_to_hide_post: 3 cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: 10 num_flags_to_block_new_user: 3 num_users_to_block_new_user: 3 notify_mods_when_user_blocked: false flag_sockpuppets: true newuser_spam_host_threshold: 3 white_listed_spam_host_domains: default: '' type: list levenshtein_distance_spammer_emails: default: 2 min: 0 max: 3 max_new_accounts_per_registration_ip: 3 min_ban_entries_for_roll_up: 5 max_age_unmatched_emails: 365 max_age_unmatched_ips: 365 num_flaggers_to_close_topic: 5 num_flags_to_close_topic: 12 auto_respond_to_flag_actions: true min_first_post_typing_time: 3000 auto_block_fast_typers_on_first_post: true auto_block_fast_typers_max_trust_level: 0 auto_block_first_post_regex: "" rate_limits: unique_posts_mins: default: test: 0 default: 5 rate_limit_create_topic: 15 rate_limit_create_post: 5 rate_limit_new_user_create_topic: 120 rate_limit_new_user_create_post: 30 max_topics_per_day: 20 max_private_messages_per_day: 20 max_likes_per_day: 50 max_bookmarks_per_day: 20 max_flags_per_day: 20 max_edits_per_day: 30 max_invites_per_day: 10 max_topic_invitations_per_day: 30 max_topics_in_first_day: 3 max_replies_in_first_day: 10 tl2_additional_likes_per_day_multiplier: 1.5 tl3_additional_likes_per_day_multiplier: 2 tl4_additional_likes_per_day_multiplier: 3 developer: force_hostname: hidden: development: false default: true default: '' port: hidden: development: false default: true default: development: 3000 default: '' queue_jobs: hidden: development: false default: true default: test: false default: true enable_long_polling: client: true default: true long_polling_interval: 25000 long_polling_base_url: client: true default: '/' background_polling_interval: client: true default: 60000 polling_interval: client: true default: 3000 anon_polling_interval: client: true default: 15000 flush_timings_secs: client: true default: 20 active_user_rate_limit_secs: 60 verbose_localization: default: false client: true migrate_to_new_scheme: hidden: true default: false max_tracked_new_unread: default: 500 client: true hidden: true embedding: feed_polling_enabled: default: false hidden: true feed_polling_url: default: '' hidden: true embed_by_username: default: '' type: username hidden: true embed_username_key_from_feed: default: '' hidden: true embed_post_limit: default: 100 hidden: true embed_truncate: default: false hidden: true embed_whitelist_selector: default: '' hidden: true embed_blacklist_selector: default: '' hidden: true legal: tos_url: client: true default: '' privacy_policy_url: client: true default: '' faq_url: client: true default: '' backups: allow_restore: default: false maximum_backups: client: true default: 7 shadowed_by_global: true automatic_backups_enabled: default: true shadowed_by_global: true backup_frequency: min: 1 max: 30 default: 7 shadowed_by_global: true enable_s3_backups: default: false shadowed_by_global: true s3_backup_bucket: default: '' regex: "^[^A-Z_.]+$" # can't use '.' when using HTTPS shadowed_by_global: true uncategorized: version_checks: client: true default: true new_version_emails: true send_welcome_message: true suppress_uncategorized_badge: client: true default: true slug_generation_method: default: 'ascii' enum: 'SlugSetting' permalink_normalizations: default: '' type: list # Search min_search_term_length: client: true default: 3 max_similar_results: 5 minimum_topics_similar: 50 previous_visit_timeout_hours: 1 staff_like_weight: 3 topic_view_duration_hours: 8 # Summary mode summary_score_threshold: 15 summary_posts_required: 50 summary_likes_required: 1 summary_percent_filter: 20 summary_max_results: 100 # View heat thresholds topic_views_heat_low: client: true default: 1000 topic_views_heat_medium: client: true default: 2000 topic_views_heat_high: client: true default: 5000 # Post/Like heat thresholds topic_post_like_heat_low: client: true default: 0.5 topic_post_like_heat_medium: client: true default: 1.0 topic_post_like_heat_high: client: true default: 2.0 # History edit heat thresholds history_hours_low: client: true default: 12 history_hours_medium: client: true default: 24 history_hours_high: client: true default: 48 # Cold map thresholds cold_age_days_low: client: true default: 14 cold_age_days_medium: client: true default: 90 cold_age_days_high: client: true default: 180 # Warnings educate_until_posts: 2 sequential_replies_threshold: 2 dominating_topic_minimum_percent: 20 # Reporting daily_performance_report: false global_notice: default: "" client: true has_login_hint: default: false hidden: true # Nothing past this threshold is ever considered new # this is calculated dynamically every 15 minutes min_new_topics_time: default: 0 hidden: true # Category IDs lounge_category_id: default: -1 hidden: true meta_category_id: default: -1 hidden: true staff_category_id: default: -1 hidden: true performance_report_topic_id: default: -1 hidden: true notify_about_flags_after: 48 enable_cdn_js_debugging: false show_create_topics_notice: client: true default: true enable_system_avatars: hidden: true default: true disable_edit_notifications: false vacuum_db_days: 9000 last_vacuum: default: 0 hidden: true delete_drafts_older_than_n_days: 180 tos_topic_id: default: -1 hidden: true guidelines_topic_id: default: -1 hidden: true privacy_topic_id: default: -1 hidden: true show_logout_in_header: default: false client: true user_preferences: default_email_digest_frequency: enum: 'DigestEmailSiteSetting' default: 7 default_email_private_messages: true default_email_direct: true default_email_mailing_list_mode: false default_email_always: false default_other_new_topic_duration_minutes: enum: 'NewTopicDurationSiteSetting' default: 2880 default_other_auto_track_topics_after_msecs: enum: 'AutoTrackDurationSiteSetting' default: 240000 default_other_external_links_in_new_tab: false default_other_enable_quoting: true default_other_dynamic_favicon: false default_other_disable_jump_reply: false default_other_edit_history_public: false default_categories_watching: type: category_list default: '' default_categories_tracking: type: category_list default: '' default_categories_muted: type: category_list default: ''