__PrettyText = require("pretty-text/pretty-text").default; __buildOptions = require("pretty-text/pretty-text").buildOptions; __performEmojiUnescape = require("pretty-text/emoji").performEmojiUnescape; __emojiReplacementRegex = require("pretty-text/emoji").emojiReplacementRegex; __performEmojiEscape = require("pretty-text/emoji").performEmojiEscape; __resetTranslationTree = require("pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown/emoji").resetTranslationTree; I18n = { t(a, b) { return __helpers.t(a, b); }, }; define("I18n", ["exports"], function (exports) { exports.default = I18n; }); define("discourse-common/lib/helpers", ["exports"], function (exports) { exports.helperContext = function () { return { siteSettings: { avatar_sizes: __optInput.avatar_sizes }, }; }; }); __emojiUnicodeReplacer = null; __setUnicode = function (replacements) { const regexp = new RegExp(__emojiReplacementRegex, "g"); __emojiUnicodeReplacer = function (text) { regexp.lastIndex = 0; let m; while ((m = regexp.exec(text)) !== null) { let match = m[0]; let replacement = replacements[match]; if (!replacement) { // if we can't find replacement for an emoji match // attempts to look for the same without trailing variation selector match = match.replace(/\ufe0f$/g, ""); replacement = replacements[match]; } if (!replacement) { continue; } replacement = ":" + replacement + ":"; const before = text.charAt(m.index - 1); if (!/\B/.test(before)) { replacement = "\u200b" + replacement; } text = text.replace(match, replacement); } // fixes Safari VARIATION SELECTOR-16 issue with some emojis // https://meta.discourse.org/t/emojis-selected-on-ios-displaying-additional-rectangles/86132 text = text.replace(/\ufe0f/g, ""); return text; }; }; __paths = {}; function __getURLNoCDN(url) { if (!url) { return url; } // if it's a non relative URL, return it. if (url !== "/" && !/^\/[^\/]/.test(url)) { return url; } if (url.startsWith(`${__paths.baseUri}/`) || url === __paths.baseUri) { return url; } if (url[0] !== "/") { url = "/" + url; } return __paths.baseUri + url; } function __getURL(url) { url = __getURLNoCDN(url); // only relative urls if (__paths.CDN && /^\\\/[^\\\/]/.test(url)) { url = __paths.CDN + url; } else if (__paths.S3CDN) { url = url.replace(__paths.S3BaseUrl, __paths.S3CDN); } return url; } function __lookupUploadUrls(urls) { return __helpers.lookup_upload_urls(urls); } function __getTopicInfo(i) { return __helpers.get_topic_info(i); } function __hashtagLookup(slug, cookingUserId, typesInPriorityOrder) { return __helpers.hashtag_lookup(slug, cookingUserId, typesInPriorityOrder); } function __lookupAvatar(p) { return require("discourse-common/lib/avatar-utils").avatarImg( { size: "tiny", avatarTemplate: __helpers.avatar_template(p) }, __getURL ); } function __formatUsername(username) { return __helpers.format_username(username); } function __lookupPrimaryUserGroup(username) { return __helpers.lookup_primary_user_group(username); } function __getCurrentUser(userId) { return __helpers.get_current_user(userId); }