require 'rails_helper' describe TopicsController do before do TopicUser.stubs(:track_visit!) end let :topic do Fabricate(:post).topic end def set_referer(ref) request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] = ref end it "doesn't store an incoming link when there's no referer" do expect { get :show, id: }.not_to change(IncomingLink, :count) end it "doesn't raise an error on a very long link" do set_referer("http://#{'a' * 2000}.com") expect { get :show, {id:} }.not_to raise_error end describe "has_escaped_fragment?" do render_views context "when the SiteSetting is disabled" do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:enable_escaped_fragments?).returns(false) end it "uses the application layout even with an escaped fragment param" do get :show, {'topic_id' =>, 'slug' => topic.slug, '_escaped_fragment_' => 'true'} expect(response).to render_template(layout: 'application') assert_select "meta[name=fragment]", false, "it doesn't have the meta tag" end end context "when the SiteSetting is enabled" do before do SiteSetting.stubs(:enable_escaped_fragments?).returns(true) end it "uses the application layout when there's no param" do get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response).to render_template(layout: 'application') assert_select "meta[name=fragment]", true, "it has the meta tag" end it "uses the crawler layout when there's an _escaped_fragment_ param" do get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug, _escaped_fragment_: 'true' expect(response).to render_template(layout: 'crawler') assert_select "meta[name=fragment]", false, "it doesn't have the meta tag" end end end describe "crawler" do render_views context "when not a crawler" do before do CrawlerDetection.expects(:crawler?).returns(false) end it "renders with the application layout" do get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response).to render_template(layout: 'application') assert_select "meta[name=fragment]", true, "it has the meta tag" end end context "when a crawler" do before do CrawlerDetection.expects(:crawler?).returns(true) end it "renders with the crawler layout" do get :show, topic_id:, slug: topic.slug expect(response).to render_template(layout: 'crawler') assert_select "meta[name=fragment]", false, "it doesn't have the meta tag" end end end describe 'set_locale' do it 'sets the one the user prefers' do SiteSetting.stubs(:allow_user_locale).returns(true) user = Fabricate(:user, locale: :fr) log_in_user(user) get :show, {topic_id:} expect(I18n.locale).to eq(:fr) end it 'is sets the default locale when the setting not enabled' do user = Fabricate(:user, locale: :fr) log_in_user(user) get :show, {topic_id:} expect(I18n.locale).to eq(:en) end end describe "read only header" do it "returns no read only header by default" do get :show, {topic_id:} expect(response.headers['Discourse-Readonly']).to eq(nil) end it "returns a readonly header if the site is read only" do Discourse.received_readonly! get :show, {topic_id:} expect(response.headers['Discourse-Readonly']).to eq('true') end end end describe 'api' do before do ActionController::Base.allow_forgery_protection = true end after do ActionController::Base.allow_forgery_protection = false end describe PostsController do let(:user) do Fabricate(:user) end let(:post) do Fabricate(:post) end let(:api_key) { user.generate_api_key(user) } let(:master_key) { ApiKey.create_master_key } # choosing an arbitrarily easy to mock trusted activity it 'allows users with api key to bookmark posts' do PostAction.expects(:act).with(user, post, PostActionType.types[:bookmark]).once put :bookmark, bookmarked: "true", post_id:, api_key: api_key.key, format: :json expect(response).to be_success end it 'raises an error with a user key that does not match an optionally specified username' do PostAction.expects(:act).with(user, post, PostActionType.types[:bookmark]).never put :bookmark, bookmarked: "true", post_id:, api_key: api_key.key, api_username: 'made_up', format: :json expect(response).not_to be_success end it 'allows users with a master api key to bookmark posts' do PostAction.expects(:act).with(user, post, PostActionType.types[:bookmark]).once put :bookmark, bookmarked: "true", post_id:, api_key: master_key.key, api_username: user.username, format: :json expect(response).to be_success end it 'disallows phonies to bookmark posts' do PostAction.expects(:act).with(user, post, PostActionType.types[:bookmark]).never put :bookmark, bookmarked: "true", post_id:, api_key: SecureRandom.hex(32), api_username: user.username, format: :json expect(response.code.to_i).to eq(403) end it 'disallows blank api' do PostAction.expects(:act).with(user, post, PostActionType.types[:bookmark]).never put :bookmark, bookmarked: "true", post_id:, api_key: "", api_username: user.username, format: :json expect(response.code.to_i).to eq(403) end end end