class ThemeFieldSerializer < ApplicationSerializer attributes :name, :target, :value, :error, :type_id, :upload_id, :url, :filename def include_url? object.upload end def include_upload_id? object.upload end def include_filename? object.upload end def url object.upload&.url end def filename object.upload&.original_filename end def target case object.target_id when 0 then "common" when 1 then "desktop" when 2 then "mobile" end end def include_error? object.error.present? end end class ChildThemeSerializer < ApplicationSerializer attributes :id, :name, :key, :created_at, :updated_at, :default def include_default? object.key == SiteSetting.default_theme_key end def default true end end class RemoteThemeSerializer < ApplicationSerializer attributes :id, :remote_url, :remote_version, :local_version, :about_url, :license_url, :commits_behind, :remote_updated_at, :updated_at # wow, AMS has some pretty nutty logic where it tries to find the path here # from action dispatch, tell it not to def about_url object.about_url end end class ThemeSerializer < ChildThemeSerializer attributes :color_scheme, :color_scheme_id, :user_selectable, :remote_theme_id has_many :theme_fields, serializer: ThemeFieldSerializer, embed: :objects has_many :child_themes, serializer: ChildThemeSerializer, embed: :objects has_one :remote_theme, serializer: RemoteThemeSerializer, embed: :objects def child_themes object.child_themes.order(:name) end end