# encoding: utf-8 require 'rails_helper' require_dependency 'post_destroyer' describe Topic do let(:now) { Time.zone.local(2013, 11, 20, 8, 0) } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } context 'validations' do let(:topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic) } context "#featured_link" do describe 'when featured_link contains more than a URL' do it 'should not be valid' do topic.featured_link = 'http://meta.discourse.org TEST' expect(topic).to_not be_valid end end describe 'when featured_link is a valid URL' do it 'should be valid' do topic.featured_link = 'http://meta.discourse.org' expect(topic).to be_valid end end end context "#title" do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of :title } describe 'censored words' do after do $redis.flushall end describe 'when title contains censored words' do it 'should not be valid' do ['pineapple', 'pen'].each { |w| Fabricate(:watched_word, word: w, action: WatchedWord.actions[:censor]) } topic.title = 'pen PinEapple apple pen is a complete sentence' expect(topic).to_not be_valid expect(topic.errors.full_messages.first).to include(I18n.t( 'errors.messages.contains_censored_words', censored_words: 'pen, pineapple' )) end end describe 'titles with censored words not on boundaries' do it "should be valid" do Fabricate(:watched_word, word: 'apple', action: WatchedWord.actions[:censor]) topic.title = "Pineapples are great fruit! Applebee's is a great restaurant" expect(topic).to be_valid end end describe 'when title does not contain censored words' do it 'should be valid' do topic.title = 'The cake is a lie' expect(topic).to be_valid end end describe 'escape special characters in censored words' do before do ['co(onut', 'coconut', 'a**le'].each do |w| Fabricate(:watched_word, word: w, action: WatchedWord.actions[:censor]) end end it 'should not be valid' do topic.title = "I have a co(onut a**le" expect(topic.valid?).to eq(false) expect(topic.errors.full_messages.first).to include(I18n.t( 'errors.messages.contains_censored_words', censored_words: 'co(onut, a**le' )) end end end end end it { is_expected.to rate_limit } context '#visible_post_types' do let(:types) { Post.types } it "returns the appropriate types for anonymous users" do post_types = Topic.visible_post_types expect(post_types).to include(types[:regular]) expect(post_types).to include(types[:moderator_action]) expect(post_types).to include(types[:small_action]) expect(post_types).to_not include(types[:whisper]) end it "returns the appropriate types for regular users" do post_types = Topic.visible_post_types(Fabricate.build(:user)) expect(post_types).to include(types[:regular]) expect(post_types).to include(types[:moderator_action]) expect(post_types).to include(types[:small_action]) expect(post_types).to_not include(types[:whisper]) end it "returns the appropriate types for staff users" do post_types = Topic.visible_post_types(Fabricate.build(:moderator)) expect(post_types).to include(types[:regular]) expect(post_types).to include(types[:moderator_action]) expect(post_types).to include(types[:small_action]) expect(post_types).to include(types[:whisper]) end end context 'slug' do let(:title) { "hello world topic" } let(:slug) { "hello-world-topic" } let!(:expected_title) { title.dup } let!(:expected_slug) { slug.dup } let(:topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic, title: title) } context 'encoded generator' do before { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = 'encoded' } it "returns a Slug for a title" do expect(topic.title).to eq(expected_title) expect(topic.slug).to eq(expected_slug) end context 'for cjk characters' do let(:title) { "熱帶風暴畫眉" } let!(:expected_title) { title.dup } it "returns encoded Slug for a title" do expect(topic.title).to eq(expected_title) expect(topic.slug).to eq(expected_title) end end context 'for numbers' do let(:title) { "123456789" } let(:slug) { "topic" } it 'generates default slug' do Slug.expects(:for).with(title).returns("topic") expect(Fabricate.build(:topic, title: title).slug).to eq("topic") end end end context 'none generator' do before { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = 'none' } let(:title) { "熱帶風暴畫眉" } let(:slug) { "topic" } it "returns a Slug for a title" do Slug.expects(:for).with(title).returns('topic') expect(Fabricate.build(:topic, title: title).slug).to eq(slug) end end context '#ascii_generator' do before { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = 'ascii' } it "returns a Slug for a title" do Slug.expects(:for).with(title).returns(slug) expect(Fabricate.build(:topic, title: title).slug).to eq(slug) end context 'for cjk characters' do let(:title) { "熱帶風暴畫眉" } let(:slug) { 'topic' } it "returns 'topic' when the slug is empty (say, non-latin characters)" do Slug.expects(:for).with(title).returns("topic") expect(Fabricate.build(:topic, title: title).slug).to eq("topic") end end end end context "updating a title to be shorter" do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } it "doesn't update it to be shorter due to cleaning using TextCleaner" do topic.title = 'unread glitch' expect(topic.save).to eq(false) end end context 'private message title' do before do SiteSetting.min_topic_title_length = 15 SiteSetting.min_personal_message_title_length = 3 end it 'allows shorter titles' do pm = Fabricate.build(:private_message_topic, title: 'a' * SiteSetting.min_personal_message_title_length) expect(pm).to be_valid end it 'but not too short' do pm = Fabricate.build(:private_message_topic, title: 'a') expect(pm).to_not be_valid end end context 'admin topic title' do let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } it 'allows really short titles' do pm = Fabricate.build(:private_message_topic, user: admin, title: 'a') expect(pm).to be_valid end it 'but not blank' do pm = Fabricate.build(:private_message_topic, title: '') expect(pm).to_not be_valid end end context 'topic title uniqueness' do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:new_topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic, title: topic.title) } context "when duplicates aren't allowed" do before do SiteSetting.expects(:allow_duplicate_topic_titles?).returns(false) end it "won't allow another topic to be created with the same name" do expect(new_topic).not_to be_valid end it "won't allow another topic with an upper case title to be created" do new_topic.title = new_topic.title.upcase expect(new_topic).not_to be_valid end it "allows it when the topic is deleted" do topic.destroy expect(new_topic).to be_valid end it "allows a private message to be created with the same topic" do new_topic.archetype = Archetype.private_message expect(new_topic).to be_valid end end context "when duplicates are allowed" do before do SiteSetting.expects(:allow_duplicate_topic_titles?).returns(true) end it "will allow another topic to be created with the same name" do expect(new_topic).to be_valid end end end context 'html in title' do def build_topic_with_title(title) build(:topic, title: title).tap { |t| t.valid? } end let(:topic_bold) { build_topic_with_title("Topic with bold text in its title") } let(:topic_image) { build_topic_with_title("Topic with image in its title") } let(:topic_script) { build_topic_with_title("Topic with script in its title") } let(:topic_emoji) { build_topic_with_title("I 💖 candy alot") } it "escapes script contents" do expect(topic_script.fancy_title).to eq("Topic with <script>alert(‘title’)</script> script in its title") end it "expands emojis" do expect(topic_emoji.fancy_title).to eq("I :sparkling_heart: candy alot") end it "escapes bold contents" do expect(topic_bold.fancy_title).to eq("Topic with <b>bold</b> text in its title") end it "escapes image contents" do expect(topic_image.fancy_title).to eq("Topic with <img src=‘something’> image in its title") end end context 'fancy title' do let(:topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic, title: "\"this topic\" -- has ``fancy stuff''") } context 'title_fancy_entities disabled' do before do SiteSetting.title_fancy_entities = false end it "doesn't add entities to the title" do expect(topic.fancy_title).to eq(""this topic" -- has ``fancy stuff''") end end context 'title_fancy_entities enabled' do before do SiteSetting.title_fancy_entities = true end it "converts the title to have fancy entities and updates" do expect(topic.fancy_title).to eq("“this topic” – has “fancy stuff”") topic.title = "this is my test hello world... yay" topic.user.save! topic.save! topic.reload expect(topic.fancy_title).to eq("This is my test hello world… yay") topic.title = "I made a change to the title" topic.save! topic.reload expect(topic.fancy_title).to eq("I made a change to the title") # another edge case topic.title = "this is another edge case" expect(topic.fancy_title).to eq("this is another edge case") end it "works with long title that results in lots of entities" do long_title = "NEW STOCK PICK: PRCT - LAST PICK UP 233%, NNCO.................................................................................................................................................................. ofoum" topic.title = long_title expect { topic.save! }.to_not raise_error expect(topic.fancy_title).to eq(long_title) end context 'readonly mode' do before do Discourse.enable_readonly_mode end after do Discourse.disable_readonly_mode end it 'should not attempt to update `fancy_title`' do topic.save! expect(topic.fancy_title).to eq('“this topic” – has “fancy stuff”') topic.title = "This is a test testing testing" expect(topic.fancy_title).to eq("This is a test testing testing") expect(topic.reload.read_attribute(:fancy_title)) .to eq('“this topic” – has “fancy stuff”') end end end end context 'category validation' do context 'allow_uncategorized_topics is false' do before do SiteSetting.allow_uncategorized_topics = false end it "does not allow nil category" do topic = Fabricate.build(:topic, category: nil) expect(topic).not_to be_valid expect(topic.errors[:category_id]).to be_present end it "allows PMs" do topic = Fabricate.build(:topic, category: nil, archetype: Archetype.private_message) expect(topic).to be_valid end it 'passes for topics with a category' do expect(Fabricate.build(:topic, category: Fabricate(:category))).to be_valid end end context 'allow_uncategorized_topics is true' do before do SiteSetting.allow_uncategorized_topics = true end it "passes for topics with nil category" do expect(Fabricate.build(:topic, category: nil)).to be_valid end it 'passes for topics with a category' do expect(Fabricate.build(:topic, category: Fabricate(:category))).to be_valid end end end context 'similar_to' do it 'returns blank with nil params' do expect(Topic.similar_to(nil, nil)).to be_blank end context "with a category definition" do let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category) } it "excludes the category definition topic from similar_to" do expect(Topic.similar_to('category definition for', "no body")).to be_blank end end context 'with a similar topic' do let!(:topic) { SearchIndexer.enable post = create_post(title: "Evil trout is the dude who posted this topic") post.topic } it 'returns the similar topic if the title is similar' do expect(Topic.similar_to("has evil trout made any topics?", "i am wondering has evil trout made any topics?")).to eq([topic]) end context "secure categories" do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category, read_restricted: true) } before do topic.category = category topic.save end it "doesn't return topics from private categories" do expect(Topic.similar_to("has evil trout made any topics?", "i am wondering has evil trout made any topics?", user)).to be_blank end it "should return the cat since the user can see it" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:secure_category_ids).returns([category.id]) expect(Topic.similar_to("has evil trout made any topics?", "i am wondering has evil trout made any topics?", user)).to include(topic) end end end end context 'post_numbers' do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) } let!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) } let!(:p3) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) } it "returns the post numbers of the topic" do expect(topic.post_numbers).to eq([1, 2, 3]) p2.destroy topic.reload expect(topic.post_numbers).to eq([1, 3]) end end describe '#invite' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } let(:another_user) { Fabricate(:user) } context 'rate limits' do before do SiteSetting.max_topic_invitations_per_day = 1 RateLimiter.enable end after do RateLimiter.clear_all! RateLimiter.disable end it "rate limits topic invitations" do start = Time.now.tomorrow.beginning_of_day freeze_time(start) trust_level_2 = Fabricate(:user, trust_level: 2) topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: trust_level_2) topic.invite(topic.user, user.username) expect { topic.invite(topic.user, another_user.username) }.to raise_error(RateLimiter::LimitExceeded) end it "rate limits PM invitations" do start = Time.now.tomorrow.beginning_of_day freeze_time(start) trust_level_2 = Fabricate(:user, trust_level: 2) topic = Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: trust_level_2) topic.invite(topic.user, user.username) expect { topic.invite(topic.user, another_user.username) }.to raise_error(RateLimiter::LimitExceeded) end end describe 'when username_or_email is not valid' do it 'should return the right value' do expect do expect(topic.invite(user, 'somerandomstring')).to eq(nil) end.to_not change { topic.allowed_users } end end describe 'when user is already allowed' do it 'should raise the right error' do topic.allowed_users << another_user expect { topic.invite(user, another_user.username) } .to raise_error(Topic::UserExists) end end describe 'private message' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, trust_level: TrustLevel[2]) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: user) } describe 'by username' do it 'should be able to invite a user' do expect(topic.invite(user, another_user.username)).to eq(true) expect(topic.allowed_users).to include(another_user) expect(Post.last.action_code).to eq("invited_user") notification = Notification.last expect(notification.notification_type) .to eq(Notification.types[:invited_to_private_message]) expect(topic.remove_allowed_user(user, another_user.username)).to eq(true) expect(topic.reload.allowed_users).to_not include(another_user) expect(Post.last.action_code).to eq("removed_user") end context "from a muted user" do before { MutedUser.create!(user: another_user, muted_user: user) } it 'silently fails' do expect(topic.invite(user, another_user.username)).to eq(true) expect(topic.allowed_users).to_not include(another_user) expect(Post.last).to be_blank expect(Notification.last).to be_blank end end context "when PMs are enabled for TL3 or higher only" do before do SiteSetting.min_trust_to_send_messages = 3 end it 'should raise error' do expect { topic.invite(user, another_user.username) } .to raise_error(Topic::UserExists) end end end describe 'by email' do it 'should be able to invite a user' do expect(topic.invite(user, another_user.email)).to eq(true) expect(topic.allowed_users).to include(another_user) expect(Notification.last.notification_type) .to eq(Notification.types[:invited_to_private_message]) end describe 'when user is not found' do it 'should create the right invite' do expect(topic.invite(user, 'test@email.com')).to eq(true) invite = Invite.last expect(invite.email).to eq('test@email.com') expect(invite.invited_by).to eq(user) end describe 'when user does not have sufficient trust level' do before { user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[1]) } it 'should not create an invite' do expect do expect(topic.invite(user, 'test@email.com')).to eq(nil) end.to_not change { Invite.count } end end end end end describe 'public topic' do def expect_the_right_notification_to_be_created notification = Notification.last expect(notification.notification_type) .to eq(Notification.types[:invited_to_topic]) expect(notification.user).to eq(another_user) expect(notification.topic).to eq(topic) notification_data = JSON.parse(notification.data) expect(notification_data["topic_title"]).to eq(topic.title) expect(notification_data["display_username"]).to eq(user.username) end describe 'by username' do it 'should invite user into a topic' do topic.invite(user, another_user.username) expect(topic.reload.allowed_users.last).to eq(another_user) expect_the_right_notification_to_be_created end end describe 'by email' do it 'should be able to invite a user' do expect(topic.invite(user, another_user.email)).to eq(true) expect(topic.reload.allowed_users.last).to eq(another_user) expect_the_right_notification_to_be_created end context "for a muted topic" do before { TopicUser.change(another_user.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted]) } it 'silently fails' do expect(topic.invite(user, another_user.username)).to eq(true) expect(topic.allowed_users).to_not include(another_user) expect(Post.last).to be_blank expect(Notification.last).to be_blank end end describe 'when user can invite via email' do before { user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[2]) } it 'should create an invite' do expect(topic.invite(user, 'test@email.com')).to eq(true) invite = Invite.last expect(invite.email).to eq('test@email.com') expect(invite.invited_by).to eq(user) end end end end end context 'private message' do let(:coding_horror) { User.find_by(username: "CodingHorror") } let(:evil_trout) { Fabricate(:evil_trout) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic) } it "should integrate correctly" do expect(Guardian.new(topic.user).can_see?(topic)).to eq(true) expect(Guardian.new.can_see?(topic)).to eq(false) expect(Guardian.new(evil_trout).can_see?(topic)).to eq(false) expect(Guardian.new(coding_horror).can_see?(topic)).to eq(true) expect(TopicQuery.new(evil_trout).list_latest.topics).not_to include(topic) end context 'invite' do context 'existing user' do let(:walter) { Fabricate(:walter_white) } context 'by group name' do let(:group) { Fabricate(:group) } it 'can add admin to allowed groups' do admins = Group[:admins] admins.update!(messageable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) expect(topic.invite_group(topic.user, admins)).to eq(true) expect(topic.allowed_groups.include?(admins)).to eq(true) expect(topic.remove_allowed_group(topic.user, 'admins')).to eq(true) expect(topic.allowed_groups.include?(admins)).to eq(false) end it 'creates a notification for each user in the group' do user = Fabricate(:user) user_2 = Fabricate(:user) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) group.add(user) group.add(user_2) group.add(topic.user) group.group_users.find_by(user: user_2).update!( notification_level: NotificationLevels.all[:muted] ) expect { topic.invite_group(topic.user, group) } .to change { Notification.count }.by(1) notification = Notification.last expect(notification.user).to eq(user) expect(notification.topic).to eq(topic) expect(notification.notification_type) .to eq(Notification.types[:invited_to_private_message]) end end end end context "user actions" do let(:actions) { topic.user.user_actions } it "should set up actions correctly" do UserActionCreator.enable expect(actions.map { |a| a.action_type }).not_to include(UserAction::NEW_TOPIC) expect(actions.map { |a| a.action_type }).to include(UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE) expect(coding_horror.user_actions.map { |a| a.action_type }).to include(UserAction::GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE) end end end context 'bumping topics' do before do @topic = Fabricate(:topic, bumped_at: 1.year.ago) end it 'updates the bumped_at field when a new post is made' do expect(@topic.bumped_at).to be_present expect { create_post(topic: @topic, user: @topic.user) @topic.reload }.to change(@topic, :bumped_at) end context 'editing posts' do before do @earlier_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @topic.user) @last_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @topic.user) @topic.reload end it "doesn't bump the topic on an edit to the last post that doesn't result in a new version" do expect { SiteSetting.editing_grace_period = 5.minutes @last_post.revise(@last_post.user, { raw: @last_post.raw + "a" }, revised_at: @last_post.created_at + 10.seconds) @topic.reload }.not_to change(@topic, :bumped_at) end it "bumps the topic when a new version is made of the last post" do expect { @last_post.revise(Fabricate(:moderator), raw: 'updated contents') @topic.reload }.to change(@topic, :bumped_at) end it "doesn't bump the topic when a post that isn't the last post receives a new version" do expect { @earlier_post.revise(Fabricate(:moderator), raw: 'updated contents') @topic.reload }.not_to change(@topic, :bumped_at) end it "doesn't bump the topic when a post have invalid topic title while edit" do expect { @last_post.revise(Fabricate(:moderator), title: 'invalid title') @topic.reload }.not_to change(@topic, :bumped_at) end end end context 'moderator posts' do let(:moderator) { Fabricate(:moderator) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } it 'creates a moderator post' do mod_post = topic.add_moderator_post( moderator, "Moderator did something. http://discourse.org", post_number: 999 ) expect(mod_post).to be_present expect(mod_post.post_type).to eq(Post.types[:moderator_action]) expect(mod_post.post_number).to eq(999) expect(mod_post.sort_order).to eq(999) expect(topic.topic_links.count).to eq(1) expect(topic.reload.moderator_posts_count).to eq(1) end context "when moderator post fails to be created" do before do user.update_column(:silenced_till, 1.year.from_now) end it "should not increment moderator_posts_count" do expect(topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(0) topic.add_moderator_post(user, "winter is never coming") expect(topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(0) end end end context 'update_status' do before do @topic = Fabricate(:topic, bumped_at: 1.hour.ago) @topic.reload @original_bumped_at = @topic.bumped_at.to_f @user = @topic.user @user.admin = true end context 'visibility' do context 'disable' do before do @topic.update_status('visible', false, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should not be visible and have correct counts' do expect(@topic).not_to be_visible expect(@topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(1) expect(@topic.bumped_at.to_f).to eq(@original_bumped_at) end end context 'enable' do before do @topic.update_attribute :visible, false @topic.update_status('visible', true, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should be visible with correct counts' do expect(@topic).to be_visible expect(@topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(1) expect(@topic.bumped_at.to_f).to eq(@original_bumped_at) end end end context 'pinned' do context 'disable' do before do @topic.update_status('pinned', false, @user) @topic.reload end it "doesn't have a pinned_at but has correct dates" do expect(@topic.pinned_at).to be_blank expect(@topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(1) expect(@topic.bumped_at.to_f).to eq(@original_bumped_at) end end context 'enable' do before do @topic.update_attribute :pinned_at, nil @topic.update_status('pinned', true, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should enable correctly' do expect(@topic.pinned_at).to be_present expect(@topic.bumped_at.to_f).to eq(@original_bumped_at) expect(@topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(1) end end end context 'archived' do context 'disable' do before do @archived_topic = Fabricate(:topic, archived: true, bumped_at: 1.hour.ago) @original_bumped_at = @archived_topic.bumped_at.to_f @archived_topic.update_status('archived', false, @user) @archived_topic.reload end it 'should archive correctly' do expect(@archived_topic).not_to be_archived expect(@archived_topic.bumped_at.to_f).to be_within(0.1).of(@original_bumped_at) expect(@archived_topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(1) end end context 'enable' do before do @topic.update_attribute :archived, false @topic.update_status('archived', true, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should be archived' do expect(@topic).to be_archived expect(@topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(1) expect(@topic.bumped_at.to_f).to eq(@original_bumped_at) end end end shared_examples_for 'a status that closes a topic' do context 'disable' do before do @closed_topic = Fabricate(:topic, closed: true, bumped_at: 1.hour.ago) @original_bumped_at = @closed_topic.bumped_at.to_f @closed_topic.update_status(status, false, @user) @closed_topic.reload end it 'should not be pinned' do expect(@closed_topic).not_to be_closed expect(@closed_topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(1) expect(@closed_topic.bumped_at.to_f).not_to eq(@original_bumped_at) end end context 'enable' do before do @topic.update_attribute :closed, false @topic.update_status(status, true, @user) @topic.reload end it 'should be closed' do expect(@topic).to be_closed expect(@topic.bumped_at.to_f).to eq(@original_bumped_at) expect(@topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(1) expect(@topic.topic_timers.first).to eq(nil) end end end context 'closed' do let(:status) { 'closed' } it_should_behave_like 'a status that closes a topic' end context 'autoclosed' do let(:status) { 'autoclosed' } it_should_behave_like 'a status that closes a topic' context 'topic was set to close when it was created' do it 'includes the autoclose duration in the moderator post' do freeze_time(Time.new(2000, 1, 1)) @topic.created_at = 3.days.ago @topic.update_status(status, true, @user) expect(@topic.posts.last.raw).to include "closed after 3 days" end end context 'topic was set to close after it was created' do it 'includes the autoclose duration in the moderator post' do freeze_time(Time.new(2000, 1, 1)) @topic.created_at = 7.days.ago freeze_time(2.days.ago) @topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 48) @topic.save! freeze_time(2.days.from_now) @topic.update_status(status, true, @user) expect(@topic.posts.last.raw).to include "closed after 2 days" end end end end describe "banner" do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:user) { topic.user } let(:banner) { { html: "


", url: topic.url, key: topic.id } } before { topic.stubs(:banner).returns(banner) } describe "make_banner!" do it "changes the topic archetype to 'banner'" do messages = MessageBus.track_publish do topic.make_banner!(user) expect(topic.archetype).to eq(Archetype.banner) end channels = messages.map(&:channel) expect(channels).to include('/site/banner') expect(channels).to include('/distributed_hash') end it "ensures only one banner topic at all time" do _banner_topic = Fabricate(:banner_topic) expect(Topic.where(archetype: Archetype.banner).count).to eq(1) topic.make_banner!(user) expect(Topic.where(archetype: Archetype.banner).count).to eq(1) end it "removes any dismissed banner keys" do user.user_profile.update_column(:dismissed_banner_key, topic.id) topic.make_banner!(user) user.user_profile.reload expect(user.user_profile.dismissed_banner_key).to be_nil end end describe "remove_banner!" do it "resets the topic archetype" do topic.expects(:add_moderator_post) MessageBus.expects(:publish).with("/site/banner", nil) topic.remove_banner!(user) expect(topic.archetype).to eq(Archetype.default) end end end context 'last_poster info' do before do @post = create_post @user = @post.user @topic = @post.topic end it 'initially has the last_post_user_id of the OP' do expect(@topic.last_post_user_id).to eq(@user.id) end context 'after a second post' do before do @second_user = Fabricate(:coding_horror) @new_post = create_post(topic: @topic, user: @second_user) @topic.reload end it 'updates the last_post_user_id to the second_user' do expect(@topic.last_post_user_id).to eq(@second_user.id) expect(@topic.last_posted_at.to_i).to eq(@new_post.created_at.to_i) topic_user = @second_user.topic_users.find_by(topic_id: @topic.id) expect(topic_user.posted?).to eq(true) end end end describe 'with category' do before do @category = Fabricate(:category) end it "should not increase the topic_count with no category" do expect { Fabricate(:topic, user: @category.user); @category.reload }.not_to change(@category, :topic_count) end it "should increase the category's topic_count" do expect { Fabricate(:topic, user: @category.user, category_id: @category.id); @category.reload }.to change(@category, :topic_count).by(1) end end describe 'meta data' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, meta_data: { 'hello' => 'world' }) } it 'allows us to create a topic with meta data' do expect(topic.meta_data['hello']).to eq('world') end context 'updating' do context 'existing key' do before do topic.update_meta_data('hello' => 'bane') end it 'updates the key' do expect(topic.meta_data['hello']).to eq('bane') end end context 'new key' do before do topic.update_meta_data('city' => 'gotham') end it 'adds the new key' do expect(topic.meta_data['city']).to eq('gotham') expect(topic.meta_data['hello']).to eq('world') end end context 'new key' do before do topic.update_meta_data('other' => 'key') topic.save! end it "can be loaded" do expect(Topic.find(topic.id).meta_data["other"]).to eq("key") end it "is in sync with custom_fields" do expect(Topic.find(topic.id).custom_fields["other"]).to eq("key") end end end end describe 'after create' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } it 'is a regular topic by default' do expect(topic.archetype).to eq(Archetype.default) expect(topic.has_summary).to eq(false) expect(topic).to be_visible expect(topic.pinned_at).to be_blank expect(topic).not_to be_closed expect(topic).not_to be_archived expect(topic.moderator_posts_count).to eq(0) end context 'post' do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) } it 'has the same archetype as the topic' do expect(post.archetype).to eq(topic.archetype) end end end describe '#change_category_to_id' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:user) { topic.user } let(:category) { Fabricate(:category, user: user) } describe 'without a previous category' do it 'changes the category' do topic.change_category_to_id(category.id) category.reload expect(topic.category).to eq(category) expect(category.topic_count).to eq(1) end it 'should not change the topic_count when not changed' do expect { topic.change_category_to_id(topic.category.id); category.reload }.not_to change(category, :topic_count) end it "doesn't change the category when it can't be found" do topic.change_category_to_id(12312312) expect(topic.category_id).to eq(SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id) end it "changes the category even when the topic title is invalid" do SiteSetting.min_topic_title_length = 5 topic.update_column(:title, "xyz") expect { topic.change_category_to_id(category.id) }.to change { topic.category_id }.to(category.id) end end describe 'with a previous category' do before do topic.change_category_to_id(category.id) topic.reload category.reload end it "doesn't change the topic_count when the value doesn't change" do expect(category.topic_count).to eq(1) expect { topic.change_category_to_id(category.id); category.reload }.not_to change(category, :topic_count) end it "doesn't reset the category when an id that doesn't exist" do topic.change_category_to_id(55556) expect(topic.category_id).to eq(category.id) end describe 'to a different category' do let(:new_category) { Fabricate(:category, user: user, name: '2nd category') } it 'should work' do topic.change_category_to_id(new_category.id) expect(topic.reload.category).to eq(new_category) expect(new_category.reload.topic_count).to eq(1) expect(category.reload.topic_count).to eq(0) end describe 'user that is watching the new category' do it 'should generate the notification for the topic' do SiteSetting.queue_jobs = false topic.posts << Fabricate(:post) CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( user, CategoryUser::notification_levels[:watching], new_category.id ) another_user = Fabricate(:user) CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( another_user, CategoryUser::notification_levels[:watching_first_post], new_category.id ) expect do topic.change_category_to_id(new_category.id) end.to change { Notification.count }.by(2) expect(Notification.where( user_id: user.id, topic_id: topic.id, post_number: 1, notification_type: Notification.types[:posted] ).exists?).to eq(true) expect(Notification.where( user_id: another_user.id, topic_id: topic.id, post_number: 1, notification_type: Notification.types[:watching_first_post] ).exists?).to eq(true) end end describe 'when new category is set to auto close by default' do before do new_category.update!(auto_close_hours: 5) end it 'should set a topic timer' do expect { topic.change_category_to_id(new_category.id) } .to change { TopicTimer.count }.by(1) expect(topic.reload.category).to eq(new_category) topic_timer = TopicTimer.last expect(topic_timer.topic).to eq(topic) expect(topic_timer.execute_at).to be_within(1.second).of(Time.zone.now + 5.hours) end describe 'when topic is already closed' do before do topic.update_status('closed', true, Discourse.system_user) end it 'should not set a topic timer' do expect { topic.change_category_to_id(new_category.id) } .to change { TopicTimer.with_deleted.count }.by(0) expect(topic.closed).to eq(true) expect(topic.reload.category).to eq(new_category) end end describe 'when topic has an existing topic timer' do let(:topic_timer) { Fabricate(:topic_timer, topic: topic) } it "should not inherit category's auto close hours" do topic_timer topic.change_category_to_id(new_category.id) expect(topic.reload.category).to eq(new_category) expect(topic.public_topic_timer).to eq(topic_timer) expect(topic.public_topic_timer.execute_at) .to be_within(1.second).of(topic_timer.execute_at) end end end end context 'when allow_uncategorized_topics is false' do before do SiteSetting.allow_uncategorized_topics = false end let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: Fabricate(:category)) } it 'returns false' do expect(topic.change_category_to_id(nil)).to eq(false) # don't use "== false" here because it would also match nil end end describe 'when the category exists' do before do topic.change_category_to_id(nil) category.reload end it "resets the category" do expect(topic.category_id).to eq(SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id) expect(category.topic_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe 'scopes' do describe '#by_most_recently_created' do it 'returns topics ordered by created_at desc, id desc' do now = Time.now a = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: now - 2.minutes) b = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: now) c = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: now) d = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: now - 2.minutes) expect(Topic.by_newest).to eq([c, b, d, a]) end end describe '#created_since' do it 'returns topics created after some date' do now = Time.now a = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: now - 2.minutes) b = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: now - 1.minute) c = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: now) d = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: now + 1.minute) e = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: now + 2.minutes) expect(Topic.created_since(now)).not_to include a expect(Topic.created_since(now)).not_to include b expect(Topic.created_since(now)).not_to include c expect(Topic.created_since(now)).to include d expect(Topic.created_since(now)).to include e end end describe '#visible' do it 'returns topics set as visible' do a = Fabricate(:topic, visible: false) b = Fabricate(:topic, visible: true) c = Fabricate(:topic, visible: true) expect(Topic.visible).not_to include a expect(Topic.visible).to include b expect(Topic.visible).to include c end end describe '#in_category_and_subcategories' do it 'returns topics in a category and its subcategories' do c1 = Fabricate(:category) c2 = Fabricate(:category, parent_category_id: c1.id) c3 = Fabricate(:category) t1 = Fabricate(:topic, category_id: c1.id) t2 = Fabricate(:topic, category_id: c2.id) t3 = Fabricate(:topic, category_id: c3.id) expect(Topic.in_category_and_subcategories(c1.id)).not_to include(t3) expect(Topic.in_category_and_subcategories(c1.id)).to include(t2) expect(Topic.in_category_and_subcategories(c1.id)).to include(t1) end end end describe '#private_topic_timer' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:topic_timer) do Fabricate(:topic_timer, public_type: false, user: user, status_type: TopicTimer.private_types[:reminder] ) end it 'should return the right record' do expect(topic_timer.topic.private_topic_timer(user)).to eq(topic_timer) end end describe '#set_or_create_timer' do let(:topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic) } let(:closing_topic) do Fabricate(:topic_timer, execute_at: 5.hours.from_now).topic end let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } let(:trust_level_4) { Fabricate(:trust_level_4) } it 'can take a number of hours as an integer' do freeze_time now topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 72, by_user: admin) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.execute_at).to eq(3.days.from_now) end it 'can take a number of hours as a string' do freeze_time now topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], '18', by_user: admin) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.execute_at).to eq(18.hours.from_now) end it 'can take a number of hours as a string and can handle based on last post' do freeze_time now topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], '18', by_user: admin, based_on_last_post: true) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.execute_at).to eq(18.hours.from_now) end it "can take a timestamp for a future time" do freeze_time now topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], '2013-11-22 5:00', by_user: admin) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.execute_at).to eq(Time.zone.local(2013, 11, 22, 5, 0)) end it "sets a validation error when given a timestamp in the past" do freeze_time now topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], '2013-11-19 5:00', by_user: admin) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.execute_at).to eq(Time.zone.local(2013, 11, 19, 5, 0)) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.errors[:execute_at]).to be_present end it "sets a validation error when give a timestamp of an invalid format" do freeze_time now expect do topic.set_or_create_timer( TopicTimer.types[:close], '۲۰۱۸-۰۳-۲۶ ۱۸:۰۰+۰۸:۰۰', by_user: admin ) end.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidParameters) end it "can take a timestamp with timezone" do freeze_time now topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], '2013-11-25T01:35:00-08:00', by_user: admin) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.execute_at).to eq(Time.utc(2013, 11, 25, 9, 35)) end it 'sets topic status update user to given user if it is a staff or TL4 user' do topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 3, by_user: admin) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.user).to eq(admin) end it 'sets topic status update user to given user if it is a TL4 user' do topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 3, by_user: trust_level_4) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.user).to eq(trust_level_4) end it 'sets topic status update user to system user if given user is not staff or a TL4 user' do topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 3, by_user: Fabricate.build(:user, id: 444)) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.user).to eq(Discourse.system_user) end it 'sets topic status update user to system user if user is not given and topic creator is not staff nor TL4 user' do topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 3) expect(topic.topic_timers.first.user).to eq(Discourse.system_user) end it 'sets topic status update user to topic creator if it is a staff user' do staff_topic = Fabricate.build(:topic, user: Fabricate.build(:admin, id: 999)) staff_topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 3) expect(staff_topic.topic_timers.first.user_id).to eq(999) end it 'sets topic status update user to topic creator if it is a TL4 user' do tl4_topic = Fabricate.build(:topic, user: Fabricate.build(:trust_level_4, id: 998)) tl4_topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 3) expect(tl4_topic.topic_timers.first.user_id).to eq(998) end it 'removes close topic status update if arg is nil' do closing_topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], nil) closing_topic.reload expect(closing_topic.topic_timers.first).to be_nil end it 'updates topic status update execute_at if it was already set to close' do freeze_time now closing_topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 48) expect(closing_topic.reload.public_topic_timer.execute_at).to eq(2.days.from_now) end it 'should not delete topic_timer of another status_type' do freeze_time closing_topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:open], nil) topic_timer = closing_topic.public_topic_timer expect(topic_timer.execute_at).to eq(5.hours.from_now) expect(topic_timer.status_type).to eq(TopicTimer.types[:close]) end it 'should allow status_type to be updated' do freeze_time topic_timer = closing_topic.set_or_create_timer( TopicTimer.types[:publish_to_category], 72, by_user: admin ) expect(topic_timer.execute_at).to eq(3.days.from_now) end it "does not update topic's topic status created_at it was already set to close" do expect { closing_topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 14) }.to_not change { closing_topic.topic_timers.first.created_at } end describe "when category's default auto close is set" do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category, auto_close_hours: 4) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } it "should be able to override category's default auto close" do SiteSetting.queue_jobs = false expect(topic.topic_timers.first.duration).to eq(4) topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 2, by_user: admin) expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(false) freeze_time 3.hours.from_now TopicTimer.ensure_consistency! expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(true) end end describe "private status type" do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:reminder) { Fabricate(:topic_timer, user: admin, topic: topic, status_type: TopicTimer.types[:reminder]) } let(:other_admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } it "lets two users have their own record" do reminder expect { topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:reminder], 2, by_user: other_admin) }.to change { TopicTimer.count }.by(1) end it 'should not be override when setting a public topic timer' do reminder expect do topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 3, by_user: reminder.user) end.to change { TopicTimer.count }.by(1) end it "can update a user's existing record" do freeze_time now reminder expect { topic.set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:reminder], 11, by_user: admin) }.to_not change { TopicTimer.count } reminder.reload expect(reminder.execute_at).to eq(11.hours.from_now) end end end describe 'for_digest' do let(:user) { Fabricate.build(:user) } context "no edit grace period" do before do SiteSetting.editing_grace_period = 0 end it "returns none when there are no topics" do expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to be_blank end it "doesn't return category topics" do Fabricate(:category) expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to be_blank end it "returns regular topics" do topic = Fabricate(:topic) expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to eq([topic]) end it "doesn't return topics from muted categories" do user = Fabricate(:user) category = Fabricate(:category) Fabricate(:topic, category: category) CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, CategoryUser.notification_levels[:muted], category.id) expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to be_blank end it "doesn't return topics from suppressed categories" do user = Fabricate(:user) category = Fabricate(:category) Fabricate(:topic, category: category) SiteSetting.digest_suppress_categories = "#{category.id}" expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to be_blank end it "doesn't return topics from TL0 users" do new_user = Fabricate(:user, trust_level: 0) Fabricate(:topic, user: new_user) expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to be_blank end it "returns topics from TL0 users if given include_tl0" do new_user = Fabricate(:user, trust_level: 0) topic = Fabricate(:topic, user_id: new_user.id) expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true, include_tl0: true)).to eq([topic]) end it "returns topics from TL0 users if enabled in preferences" do new_user = Fabricate(:user, trust_level: 0) topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: new_user) u = Fabricate(:user) u.user_option.include_tl0_in_digests = true expect(Topic.for_digest(u, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to eq([topic]) end it "doesn't return topics with only muted tags" do user = Fabricate(:user) tag = Fabricate(:tag) TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:muted]) Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag]) expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to be_blank end it "returns topics with both muted and not muted tags" do user = Fabricate(:user) muted_tag, other_tag = Fabricate(:tag), Fabricate(:tag) TagUser.change(user.id, muted_tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:muted]) topic = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [muted_tag, other_tag]) expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to eq([topic]) end it "returns topics with no tags too" do user = Fabricate(:user) muted_tag = Fabricate(:tag) TagUser.change(user.id, muted_tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[:muted]) _topic1 = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [muted_tag]) topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [Fabricate(:tag), Fabricate(:tag)]) topic3 = Fabricate(:topic) topics = Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true) expect(topics.size).to eq(2) expect(topics).to contain_exactly(topic2, topic3) end it "sorts by category notification levels" do category1, category2 = Fabricate(:category), Fabricate(:category) 2.times { |i| Fabricate(:topic, category: category1) } topic1 = Fabricate(:topic, category: category2) 2.times { |i| Fabricate(:topic, category: category1) } CategoryUser.create(user: user, category: category2, notification_level: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching]) for_digest = Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true) expect(for_digest.first).to eq(topic1) end it "sorts by topic notification levels" do topics = [] 3.times { |i| topics << Fabricate(:topic) } user = Fabricate(:user) TopicUser.create(user_id: user.id, topic_id: topics[0].id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) TopicUser.create(user_id: user.id, topic_id: topics[2].id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) for_digest = Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true).pluck(:id) expect(for_digest).to eq([topics[2].id, topics[0].id, topics[1].id]) end end context "with editing_grace_period" do before do SiteSetting.editing_grace_period = 5.minutes end it "excludes topics that are within the grace period" do topic1 = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 6.minutes.ago) _topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 4.minutes.ago) expect(Topic.for_digest(user, 1.year.ago, top_order: true)).to eq([topic1]) end end end describe 'secured' do it 'can remove secure groups' do category = Fabricate(:category, read_restricted: true) Fabricate(:topic, category: category, created_at: 1.day.ago) expect(Topic.secured(Guardian.new(nil)).count).to eq(0) expect(Topic.secured(Guardian.new(Fabricate(:admin))).count).to eq(2) # for_digest expect(Topic.for_digest(Fabricate(:user), 1.year.ago).count).to eq(0) expect(Topic.for_digest(Fabricate(:admin), 1.year.ago).count).to eq(1) end end describe 'all_allowed_users' do let(:group) { Fabricate(:group) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, allowed_groups: [group]) } let!(:allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:allowed_group_user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:moderator) { Fabricate(:user, moderator: true) } let!(:rando) { Fabricate(:user) } before do topic.allowed_users << allowed_user group.users << allowed_group_user end it 'includes allowed_users' do expect(topic.all_allowed_users).to include allowed_user end it 'includes allowed_group_users' do expect(topic.all_allowed_users).to include allowed_group_user end it 'includes moderators if flagged and a pm' do topic.stubs(:has_flags?).returns(true) topic.stubs(:private_message?).returns(true) expect(topic.all_allowed_users).to include moderator end it 'includes moderators if offical warning' do topic.stubs(:subtype).returns(TopicSubtype.moderator_warning) topic.stubs(:private_message?).returns(true) expect(topic.all_allowed_users).to include moderator end it 'does not include moderators if pm without flags' do topic.stubs(:private_message?).returns(true) expect(topic.all_allowed_users).not_to include moderator end it 'does not include moderators for regular topic' do expect(topic.all_allowed_users).not_to include moderator end it 'does not include randos' do expect(topic.all_allowed_users).not_to include rando end end describe '#listable_count_per_day' do before(:each) do freeze_time DateTime.parse('2017-03-01 12:00') Fabricate(:topic) Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 1.day.ago) Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 1.day.ago) Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 2.days.ago) Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 4.days.ago) end let(:listable_topics_count_per_day) { { 1.day.ago.to_date => 2, 2.days.ago.to_date => 1, Time.now.utc.to_date => 1 } } it 'collect closed interval listable topics count' do expect(Topic.listable_count_per_day(2.days.ago, Time.now)).to include(listable_topics_count_per_day) expect(Topic.listable_count_per_day(2.days.ago, Time.now)).not_to include(4.days.ago.to_date => 1) end end describe '#secure_category?' do let(:category) { Category.new } it "is true if the category is secure" do category.stubs(:read_restricted).returns(true) expect(Topic.new(category: category)).to be_read_restricted_category end it "is false if the category is not secure" do category.stubs(:read_restricted).returns(false) expect(Topic.new(category: category)).not_to be_read_restricted_category end it "is false if there is no category" do expect(Topic.new(category: nil)).not_to be_read_restricted_category end end describe 'trash!' do context "its category's topic count" do let(:moderator) { Fabricate(:moderator) } let(:category) { Fabricate(:category) } it "subtracts 1 if topic is being deleted" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) expect { topic.trash!(moderator) }.to change { category.reload.topic_count }.by(-1) end it "doesn't subtract 1 if topic is already deleted" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category, deleted_at: 1.day.ago) expect { topic.trash!(moderator) }.to_not change { category.reload.topic_count } end end it "trashes topic embed record" do topic = Fabricate(:topic) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 1) topic_embed = TopicEmbed.create!(topic_id: topic.id, embed_url: "https://blog.codinghorror.com/password-rules-are-bullshit", post_id: post.id) topic.trash! topic_embed.reload expect(topic_embed.deleted_at).not_to eq(nil) end end describe 'recover!' do context "its category's topic count" do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category) } it "adds 1 if topic is deleted" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category, deleted_at: 1.day.ago) expect { topic.recover! }.to change { category.reload.topic_count }.by(1) end it "doesn't add 1 if topic is not deleted" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) expect { topic.recover! }.to_not change { category.reload.topic_count } end end it "recovers topic embed record" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, deleted_at: 1.day.ago) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 1) topic_embed = TopicEmbed.create!(topic_id: topic.id, embed_url: "https://blog.codinghorror.com/password-rules-are-bullshit", post_id: post.id, deleted_at: 1.day.ago) topic.recover! topic_embed.reload expect(topic_embed.deleted_at).to eq(nil) end end context "new user limits" do before do SiteSetting.max_topics_in_first_day = 1 SiteSetting.max_replies_in_first_day = 1 SiteSetting.stubs(:client_settings_json).returns(SiteSetting.client_settings_json_uncached) RateLimiter.stubs(:rate_limit_create_topic).returns(100) RateLimiter.enable RateLimiter.clear_all! end it "limits new users to max_topics_in_first_day and max_posts_in_first_day" do start = Time.now.tomorrow.beginning_of_day freeze_time(start) user = Fabricate(:user) topic_id = create_post(user: user).topic_id freeze_time(start + 10.minutes) expect { create_post(user: user) }.to raise_error(RateLimiter::LimitExceeded) freeze_time(start + 20.minutes) create_post(user: user, topic_id: topic_id) freeze_time(start + 30.minutes) expect { create_post(user: user, topic_id: topic_id) }.to raise_error(RateLimiter::LimitExceeded) end it "starts counting when they make their first post/topic" do start = Time.now.tomorrow.beginning_of_day freeze_time(start) user = Fabricate(:user) freeze_time(start + 25.hours) topic_id = create_post(user: user).topic_id freeze_time(start + 26.hours) expect { create_post(user: user) }.to raise_error(RateLimiter::LimitExceeded) freeze_time(start + 27.hours) create_post(user: user, topic_id: topic_id) freeze_time(start + 28.hours) expect { create_post(user: user, topic_id: topic_id) }.to raise_error(RateLimiter::LimitExceeded) end end describe ".count_exceeds_minimun?" do before { SiteSetting.minimum_topics_similar = 20 } context "when Topic count is geater than minimum_topics_similar" do it "should be true" do Topic.stubs(:count).returns(30) expect(Topic.count_exceeds_minimum?).to be_truthy end end context "when topic's count is less than minimum_topics_similar" do it "should be false" do Topic.stubs(:count).returns(10) expect(Topic.count_exceeds_minimum?).to_not be_truthy end end end describe "calculate_avg_time" do it "does not explode" do Topic.calculate_avg_time Topic.calculate_avg_time(1.day.ago) end end describe "expandable_first_post?" do let(:topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic) } it "is false if embeddable_host is blank" do expect(topic.expandable_first_post?).to eq(false) end describe 'with an emeddable host' do before do Fabricate(:embeddable_host) SiteSetting.embed_truncate = true topic.stubs(:has_topic_embed?).returns(true) end it "is true with the correct settings and topic_embed" do expect(topic.expandable_first_post?).to eq(true) end it "is false if embed_truncate? is false" do SiteSetting.embed_truncate = false expect(topic.expandable_first_post?).to eq(false) end it "is false if has_topic_embed? is false" do topic.stubs(:has_topic_embed?).returns(false) expect(topic.expandable_first_post?).to eq(false) end end end it "has custom fields" do topic = Fabricate(:topic) expect(topic.custom_fields["a"]).to eq(nil) topic.custom_fields["bob"] = "marley" topic.custom_fields["jack"] = "black" topic.save topic = Topic.find(topic.id) expect(topic.custom_fields).to eq("bob" => "marley", "jack" => "black") end it "doesn't validate the title again if it isn't changing" do SiteSetting.min_topic_title_length = 5 topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "Short") expect(topic).to be_valid SiteSetting.min_topic_title_length = 15 topic.last_posted_at = 1.minute.ago expect(topic.save).to eq(true) end context 'invite by group manager' do let(:group_manager) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:group) { Fabricate(:group).tap { |g| g.add_owner(group_manager) } } let(:private_category) { Fabricate(:private_category, group: group) } let(:group_private_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: private_category, user: group_manager) } context 'to an email' do let(:randolph) { 'randolph@duke.ooo' } it "should attach group to the invite" do group_private_topic.invite(group_manager, randolph) expect(Invite.last.groups).to eq([group]) end end # should work for an existing user - give access, send notification context 'to an existing user' do let(:walter) { Fabricate(:walter_white) } it "should add user to the group" do expect(Guardian.new(walter).can_see?(group_private_topic)).to be_falsey group_private_topic.invite(group_manager, walter.email) expect(walter.groups).to include(group) expect(Guardian.new(walter).can_see?(group_private_topic)).to be_truthy end end end it "Correctly sets #message_archived?" do topic = Fabricate(:private_message_topic) user = topic.user expect(topic.message_archived?(user)).to eq(false) group = Fabricate(:group) group2 = Fabricate(:group) group.add(user) TopicAllowedGroup.create!(topic_id: topic.id, group_id: group.id) TopicAllowedGroup.create!(topic_id: topic.id, group_id: group2.id) GroupArchivedMessage.create!(topic_id: topic.id, group_id: group.id) expect(topic.message_archived?(user)).to eq(true) # here is a pickle, we add another group, make the user a # member of that new group... now this message is not properly archived # for the user any more group2.add(user) expect(topic.message_archived?(user)).to eq(false) end it 'will trigger :topic_status_updated' do topic = Fabricate(:topic) user = topic.user user.admin = true @topic_status_event_triggered = false DiscourseEvent.on(:topic_status_updated) do @topic_status_event_triggered = true end topic.update_status('closed', true, user) topic.reload expect(@topic_status_event_triggered).to eq(true) end it 'allows users to normalize counts' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, last_posted_at: 1.year.ago) post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 1) post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:whisper], post_number: 2) Topic.reset_all_highest! topic.reload expect(topic.posts_count).to eq(1) expect(topic.highest_post_number).to eq(post1.post_number) expect(topic.highest_staff_post_number).to eq(post2.post_number) expect(topic.last_posted_at).to be_within(1.second).of (post1.created_at) end context 'featured link' do before { SiteSetting.topic_featured_link_enabled = true } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } it 'can validate featured link' do topic.featured_link = ' invalid string' expect(topic).not_to be_valid expect(topic.errors[:featured_link]).to be_present end it 'can properly save the featured link' do topic.featured_link = ' https://github.com/discourse/discourse' expect(topic.save).to be_truthy expect(topic.featured_link).to eq('https://github.com/discourse/discourse') end context 'when category restricts present' do let!(:link_category) { Fabricate(:link_category) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:link_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: link_category) } it 'can save the featured link if it belongs to that category' do link_topic.featured_link = 'https://github.com/discourse/discourse' expect(link_topic.save).to be_truthy expect(link_topic.featured_link).to eq('https://github.com/discourse/discourse') end it 'can not save the featured link if category does not allow it' do topic.category = Fabricate(:category, topic_featured_link_allowed: false) topic.featured_link = 'https://github.com/discourse/discourse' expect(topic.save).to be_falsey end it 'if category changes to disallow it, topic remains valid' do t = Fabricate(:topic, category: link_category, featured_link: "https://github.com/discourse/discourse") link_category.topic_featured_link_allowed = false link_category.save! t.reload expect(t.valid?).to eq(true) end end end describe '#time_to_first_response' do it "should have no results if no topics in range" do expect(Topic.time_to_first_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now).count).to eq(0) end it "should have no results if there is only a topic with no replies" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 1.hour.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 1) expect(Topic.time_to_first_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now).count).to eq(0) expect(Topic.time_to_first_response_total).to eq(0) end it "should have no results if reply is from first poster" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 1.hour.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 1) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 2) expect(Topic.time_to_first_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now).count).to eq(0) expect(Topic.time_to_first_response_total).to eq(0) end it "should have results if there's a topic with replies" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 1, created_at: 3.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 2, created_at: 2.hours.ago) r = Topic.time_to_first_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now) expect(r.count).to eq(1) expect(r[0]["hours"].to_f.round).to eq(1) expect(Topic.time_to_first_response_total).to eq(1) end it "should only count regular posts as the first response" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 1, created_at: 5.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 2, created_at: 4.hours.ago, post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 3, created_at: 3.hours.ago, post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action]) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 4, created_at: 2.hours.ago, post_type: Post.types[:small_action]) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 5, created_at: 1.hour.ago) r = Topic.time_to_first_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now) expect(r.count).to eq(1) expect(r[0]["hours"].to_f.round).to eq(4) expect(Topic.time_to_first_response_total).to eq(4) end end describe '#with_no_response' do it "returns nothing with no topics" do expect(Topic.with_no_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now).count).to eq(0) end it "returns 1 with one topic that has no replies" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 1, created_at: 5.hours.ago) expect(Topic.with_no_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now).count).to eq(1) expect(Topic.with_no_response_total).to eq(1) end it "returns 1 with one topic that has no replies and author was changed on first post" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: Fabricate(:user), post_number: 1, created_at: 5.hours.ago) expect(Topic.with_no_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now).count).to eq(1) expect(Topic.with_no_response_total).to eq(1) end it "returns 1 with one topic that has a reply by the first poster" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 1, created_at: 5.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 2, created_at: 2.hours.ago) expect(Topic.with_no_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now).count).to eq(1) expect(Topic.with_no_response_total).to eq(1) end it "returns 0 with a topic with 1 reply" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago) _post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 1, created_at: 5.hours.ago) _post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 2, created_at: 2.hours.ago) expect(Topic.with_no_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now).count).to eq(0) expect(Topic.with_no_response_total).to eq(0) end it "returns 1 with one topic that doesn't have regular replies" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, post_number: 1, created_at: 5.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 2, created_at: 4.hours.ago, post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 3, created_at: 3.hours.ago, post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action]) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 4, created_at: 2.hours.ago, post_type: Post.types[:small_action]) expect(Topic.with_no_response_per_day(5.days.ago, Time.zone.now).count).to eq(1) expect(Topic.with_no_response_total).to eq(1) end end describe '#pm_with_non_human_user?' do let(:robot) { Fabricate(:user, id: -3) } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:topic) do Fabricate(:private_message_topic, topic_allowed_users: [ Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: robot), Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: user) ]) end describe 'when PM is between a human and a non human user' do it 'should return true' do expect(topic.pm_with_non_human_user?).to be(true) end end describe 'when PM contains 2 human users and a non human user' do it 'should return false' do Fabricate(:topic_allowed_user, topic: topic, user: Fabricate(:user)) expect(topic.pm_with_non_human_user?).to be(false) end end describe 'when PM only contains a user' do it 'should return true' do topic.topic_allowed_users.first.destroy! expect(topic.reload.pm_with_non_human_user?).to be(true) end end describe 'when PM contains a group' do it 'should return false' do Fabricate(:topic_allowed_group, topic: topic) expect(topic.pm_with_non_human_user?).to be(false) end end describe 'when topic is not a PM' do it 'should return false' do topic.convert_to_public_topic(Fabricate(:admin)) expect(topic.pm_with_non_human_user?).to be(false) end end end describe '#remove_allowed_user' do let(:another_user) { Fabricate(:user) } describe 'removing oneself' do it 'should remove onself' do topic.allowed_users << another_user expect(topic.remove_allowed_user(another_user, another_user)).to eq(true) expect(topic.allowed_users.include?(another_user)).to eq(false) post = Post.last expect(post.user).to eq(Discourse.system_user) expect(post.post_type).to eq(Post.types[:small_action]) expect(post.action_code).to eq('user_left') end end end describe '#featured_link_root_domain' do let(:topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic) } [ "https://meta.discourse.org", "https://meta.discourse.org/", "https://meta.discourse.org/?filter=test", "https://meta.discourse.org/t/中國/1", ].each do |featured_link| it "should extract the root domain from #{featured_link} correctly" do topic.featured_link = featured_link expect(topic.featured_link_root_domain).to eq("discourse.org") end end end describe "#reset_bumped_at" do it "ignores hidden and deleted posts when resetting the topic's bump date" do post = create_post(created_at: 10.hours.ago) topic = post.topic expect { topic.reset_bumped_at }.to_not change { topic.bumped_at } post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 2, created_at: 9.hours.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 3, created_at: 8.hours.ago, deleted_at: 1.hour.ago) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 4, created_at: 7.hours.ago, hidden: true) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 5, created_at: 6.hours.ago, user_deleted: true) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 6, created_at: 5.hours.ago, post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) expect { topic.reset_bumped_at }.to change { topic.bumped_at }.to(post.reload.created_at) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 7, created_at: 4.hours.ago, post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action]) expect { topic.reset_bumped_at }.to change { topic.bumped_at }.to(post.reload.created_at) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 8, created_at: 3.hours.ago, post_type: Post.types[:small_action]) expect { topic.reset_bumped_at }.to change { topic.bumped_at }.to(post.reload.created_at) end end end