import { on } from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators"; export default Ember.Mixin.create({ init() { this._super(...arguments); this._previousScrollParentOverflow = null; this._previousCSSContext = null; this.selectionSelector = ".choice"; this.filterInputSelector = ".filter-input"; this.rowSelector = ".select-kit-row"; this.collectionSelector = ".select-kit-collection"; this.headerSelector = ".select-kit-header"; this.bodySelector = ".select-kit-body"; this.wrapperSelector = ".select-kit-wrapper"; this.scrollableParentSelector = ".modal-body"; this.fixedPlaceholderSelector = `.select-kit-fixed-placeholder-${ this.elementId }`; }, $findRowByValue(value) { return this.$(`${this.rowSelector}[data-value='${value}']`); }, $header() { return this.$(this.headerSelector); }, $body() { return this.$(this.bodySelector); }, $wrapper() { return this.$(this.wrapperSelector); }, $collection() { return this.$(this.collectionSelector); }, $scrollableParent() { return $(this.scrollableParentSelector); }, $fixedPlaceholder() { return $(this.fixedPlaceholderSelector); }, $rows() { return this.$(`${this.rowSelector}:not(.no-content):not(.is-hidden)`); }, $highlightedRow() { return this.$rows().filter(".is-highlighted"); }, $selectedRow() { return this.$rows().filter(".is-selected"); }, $filterInput() { return this.$(this.filterInputSelector); }, _adjustPosition() { this._applyDirection(); this._applyFixedPosition(); this._positionWrapper(); }, @on("willDestroyElement") _clearState() { this.$fixedPlaceholder().remove(); }, // use to collapse and remove focus close(event) { this.setProperties({ isFocused: false }); this.collapse(event); }, focus() { this.focusFilterOrHeader(); }, // try to focus filter and fallback to header if not present focusFilterOrHeader() { const context = this; // next so we are sure it finised expand/collapse => {"afterRender", () => { if ( !context.$filterInput() || !context.$filterInput().is(":visible") || context .$filterInput() .parent() .hasClass("is-hidden") ) { if (context.$header()) { context.$header().focus(); } else { $(context.element).focus(); } } else { if ( && { this.expand(); } else { context.$filterInput().focus(); } } }); }); }, expand() { if (this.get("isExpanded")) return; this.setProperties({ isExpanded: true, renderedBodyOnce: true, isFocused: true }); this.focusFilterOrHeader(); this.autoHighlight(); => { this._boundaryActionHandler("onExpand", this);"afterRender", () => { if (!this.isDestroying && !this.isDestroyed) { this._adjustPosition(); } }); }); }, collapse() { if (!this.get("isExpanded")) return; this.set("isExpanded", false); => { this._boundaryActionHandler("onCollapse", this);"afterRender", () => { if (!this.isDestroying && !this.isDestroyed) { this._removeFixedPosition(); } }); }); }, // lose focus of the component in two steps // first collapse and keep focus and then remove focus unfocus(event) { if (this.get("isExpanded")) { this.collapse(event); this.focus(event); } else { this.close(event); } }, _destroyEvent(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }, _applyDirection() { let options = { left: "auto", bottom: "auto", top: "auto" }; const discourseHeader = $(".d-header")[0]; const discourseHeaderHeight = discourseHeader ? discourseHeader.getBoundingClientRect().top + this._computedStyle(discourseHeader, "height") : 0; const bodyHeight = this._computedStyle(this.$body()[0], "height"); const componentHeight = this._computedStyle(this.get("element"), "height"); const offsetTop = this.get("element").getBoundingClientRect().top; const offsetBottom = this.get("element").getBoundingClientRect().bottom; const windowWidth = $(window).width(); if ( this.get("fullWidthOnMobile") && ( && ) { const margin = 10; const relativeLeft = this.$().offset().left - $(window).scrollLeft(); options.left = margin - relativeLeft; options.width = windowWidth - margin * 2; options.maxWidth = options.minWidth = "unset"; } else { const parentWidth = this.$scrollableParent().length ? this.$scrollableParent().width() : windowWidth; const bodyWidth = this._computedStyle(this.$body()[0], "width"); let spaceToLeftEdge; if (this.$scrollableParent().length) { spaceToLeftEdge = this.$().offset().left - this.$scrollableParent().offset().left; } else { spaceToLeftEdge = this.get("element").getBoundingClientRect().left; } let isLeftAligned = true; const spaceToRightEdge = parentWidth - spaceToLeftEdge; const elementWidth = this.get("element").getBoundingClientRect().width; if (spaceToRightEdge > spaceToLeftEdge + elementWidth) { isLeftAligned = false; } if (isLeftAligned) { this.$() .addClass("is-left-aligned") .removeClass("is-right-aligned"); if (this._isRTL()) { options.right = this.get("horizontalOffset"); } else { options.left = -bodyWidth + elementWidth - this.get("horizontalOffset"); } } else { this.$() .addClass("is-right-aligned") .removeClass("is-left-aligned"); if (this._isRTL()) { options.right = -bodyWidth + elementWidth - this.get("horizontalOffset"); } else { options.left = this.get("horizontalOffset"); } } } const fullHeight = this.get("verticalOffset") + bodyHeight + componentHeight; const hasBelowSpace = $(window).height() - offsetBottom - fullHeight >= -1; const hasAboveSpace = offsetTop - fullHeight - discourseHeaderHeight >= -1; const headerHeight = this._computedStyle(this.$header()[0], "height"); if (hasBelowSpace || (!hasBelowSpace && !hasAboveSpace)) { this.$() .addClass("is-below") .removeClass("is-above"); = headerHeight + this.get("verticalOffset"); } else { this.$() .addClass("is-above") .removeClass("is-below"); options.bottom = headerHeight + this.get("verticalOffset"); } this.$body().css(options); }, _applyFixedPosition() { if (this.get("isExpanded") !== true) return; if (this.$fixedPlaceholder().length) return; if (!this.$scrollableParent().length) return; const width = this._computedStyle(this.get("element"), "width"); const height = this._computedStyle(this.get("element"), "height"); this._previousScrollParentOverflow = this._previousScrollParentOverflow || this.$scrollableParent().css("overflow"); this._previousCSSContext = this._previousCSSContext || { width, minWidth: this.$().css("min-width"), maxWidth: this.$().css("max-width"), top: this.$().css("top"), left: this.$().css("left"), marginLeft: this.$().css("margin-left"), marginRight: this.$().css("margin-right"), position: this.$().css("position") }; const componentStyles = { top: this.get("element").getBoundingClientRect().top, width, left: this.get("element").getBoundingClientRect().left, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, minWidth: "unset", maxWidth: "unset", position: "fixed" }; const $placeholderTemplate = $( `
` ); $placeholderTemplate.css({ display: "inline-block", width, height, "margin-bottom": this.$().css("margin-bottom"), "vertical-align": "middle" }); this.$() .before($placeholderTemplate) .css(componentStyles); this.$scrollableParent().css({ overflow: "hidden" }); }, _removeFixedPosition() { this.$fixedPlaceholder().remove(); if (!this.element || this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) return; if (this.$scrollableParent().length === 0) return; this.$().css(this._previousCSSContext || {}); this.$scrollableParent().css( "overflow", this._previousScrollParentOverflow || {} ); }, _positionWrapper() { const elementWidth = this._computedStyle(this.get("element"), "width"); const headerHeight = this._computedStyle(this.$header()[0], "height"); const bodyHeight = this._computedStyle(this.$body()[0], "height"); this.$wrapper().css({ width: elementWidth, height: headerHeight + bodyHeight }); }, _isRTL() { return $("html").css("direction") === "rtl"; }, _computedStyle(element, style) { if (!element) return 0; let value; if (window.getComputedStyle) { value = window.getComputedStyle(element, null)[style]; } else { value = $(element).css(style); } return this._getFloat(value); }, _getFloat(value) { value = parseFloat(value); return $.isNumeric(value) ? value : 0; } });