module ::PollPlugin class Poll def initialize(post) @post = post end def is_poll? if !@post.post_number.nil? and @post.post_number > 1 # Not a new post, and also not the first post. return false end topic = @post.topic # Topic is not set in a couple of cases in the Discourse test suite. return false if topic.nil? if @post.post_number.nil? and topic.highest_post_number > 0 # New post, but not the first post in the topic. return false end topic.title =~ /^#{I18n.t('poll.prefix')}/i end # Called during validation of poll posts. Discourse already restricts edits to # the OP and staff, we want to make sure that: # # * OP cannot edit options after 5 minutes. # * Staff can only edit options after 5 minutes, not add/remove. def ensure_can_be_edited! # Return if this is a new post or the options were not modified. return if || (options.sort == details.keys.sort) # First 5 minutes -- allow any modification. return unless @post.created_at < 5.minutes.ago if User.find(@post.last_editor_id).staff? # Allow editing options, but not adding or removing. if options.length != details.keys.length @post.errors.add(:poll_options, I18n.t('poll.cannot_add_or_remove_options')) end else # Regular user, tell them to contact a moderator. @post.errors.add(:poll_options, I18n.t('poll.cannot_have_modified_options')) end end def options cooked = PrettyText.cook(@post.raw, topic_id: @post.topic_id) parsed = Nokogiri::HTML(cooked) poll_list = parsed.css(".poll-ui ul").first || parsed.css("ul").first if poll_list poll_list.css("li").map {|x| x.children.to_s.strip }.uniq else [] end end def update_options! return unless self.is_poll? return if details && details.keys.sort == options.sort if details.try(:length) == options.length # Assume only renaming, no reordering. Preserve votes. old_details = self.details old_options = old_details.keys new_details = {} new_options = self.options rename = {} 0.upto(options.length-1) do |i| new_details[ new_options[i] ] = old_details[ old_options[i] ] if new_options[i] != old_options[i] rename[ old_options[i] ] = new_options[i] end end self.set_details! new_details # Update existing user votes. # Accessing PluginStoreRow directly isn't a very nice approach but there's # no way around it unfortunately. # TODO: Probably want to move this to a background job. PluginStoreRow.where(plugin_name: "poll", value: rename.keys).where('key LIKE ?', vote_key_prefix+"%").find_each do |row| # This could've been done more efficiently using `update_all` instead of # iterating over each individual vote, however this will be needed in the # future once we support multiple choice polls. row.value = rename[ row.value ] end else # Options were added or removed. new_options = self.options new_details = self.details || {} new_details.each do |key, value| unless new_options.include? key new_details.delete(key) end end new_options.each do |key| new_details[key] ||= 0 end self.set_details! new_details end end def details @details ||= ::PluginStore.get("poll", details_key) end def set_details!(new_details) ::PluginStore.set("poll", details_key, new_details) @details = new_details end def get_vote(user) user.nil? ? nil : ::PluginStore.get("poll", vote_key(user)) end def set_vote!(user, option) return if @post.topic.closed? # Get the user's current vote. vote = get_vote(user) vote = nil unless details.keys.include? vote new_details = details.dup new_details[vote] -= 1 if vote new_details[option] += 1 ::PluginStore.set("poll", vote_key(user), option) set_details! new_details end def serialize(user) return nil if details.nil? {options: details, selected: get_vote(user)} end private def details_key "poll_options_#{}" end def vote_key_prefix "poll_vote_#{}_" end def vote_key(user) "#{vote_key_prefix}#{}" end end end