import { bufferedRender } from 'discourse-common/lib/buffered-render'; import { on, observes } from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators'; import { iconHTML } from 'discourse-common/lib/icon-library'; export default Ember.Component.extend(bufferedRender({ tagName: 'select', attributeBindings: ['tabindex', 'disabled'], classNames: ['combobox'], valueAttribute: 'id', nameProperty: 'name', buildBuffer(buffer) { const nameProperty = this.get('nameProperty'); const none = this.get('none'); let noneValue = null; // Add none option if required if (typeof none === "string") { buffer.push('"); } else if (typeof none === "object") { noneValue = Em.get(none, this.get('valueAttribute')); buffer.push(``); } let selected = this.get('value'); if (!Em.isNone(selected)) { selected = selected.toString(); } let selectedFound = false; let firstVal = undefined; const content = this.get('content'); if (content) { let first = true; content.forEach(o => { let val = o[this.get('valueAttribute')]; if (typeof val === "undefined") { val = o; } if (!Em.isNone(val)) { val = val.toString(); } const selectedText = (val === selected) ? "selected" : ""; const name = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(Ember.get(o, nameProperty) || o); if (val === selected) { selectedFound = true; } if (first) { firstVal = val; first = false; } buffer.push(``); }); } if (!selectedFound && !noneValue) { if (none) { this.set('value', null); } else { this.set('value', firstVal); } }'afterRender', this, this._updateSelect2); }, @observes('value') valueChanged() { const $combo = this.$(), val = this.get('value'); if (val !== undefined && val !== null) { $combo.select2('val', val.toString()); } else { $combo.select2('val', null); } }, @observes('content.[]') _rerenderOnChange() { this.rerenderBuffer(); }, didInsertElement() { this._super(); // Workaround for // Can be removed when fixed. Without it, the wrong option is selected this.$('option').each((i, o) => o.selected = !!$(o).attr('selected')); // observer for item names changing (optional) if (this.get('nameChanges')) { this.addObserver('content.@each.' + this.get('nameProperty'), this.rerenderBuffer); } const $elem = this.$(); const caps = this.capabilities; const minimumResultsForSearch = this.get('minimumResultsForSearch') || ((caps && caps.isIOS) ? -1 : 5); if (!this.get("selectionTemplate") && this.get("selectionIcon")) { this.selectionTemplate = (item) => { let name = Em.get(item, 'text'); name = Handlebars.escapeExpression(name); return iconHTML(this.get('selectionIcon')) + name; }; } const options = { minimumResultsForSearch, width: this.get('width') || 'resolve', allowClear: true }; if (this.comboTemplate) { options.formatResult = this.comboTemplate.bind(this); } if (this.selectionTemplate) { options.formatSelection = this.selectionTemplate.bind(this); } $elem.select2(options); const castInteger = this.get('castInteger'); $elem.on("change", e => { let val = $(; if (val && val.length && castInteger) { val = parseInt(val, 10); } this.set('value', val); });'afterRender', this, this._triggerChange); }, _updateSelect2() { this.$().trigger('change.select2'); }, _triggerChange() { this.$().trigger('change'); }, @on('willDestroyElement') _destroyDropdown() { this.$().select2('destroy'); } }));