# encoding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe ThemeField do fab!(:theme) before do SvgSprite.clear_plugin_svg_sprite_cache! ThemeJavascriptCompiler.disable_terser! SiteSetting.experimental_objects_type_for_theme_settings = true end after { ThemeJavascriptCompiler.enable_terser! } describe "scope: find_by_theme_ids" do it "returns result in the specified order" do theme2 = Fabricate(:theme) theme3 = Fabricate(:theme) (0..1).each do |num| ThemeField.create!(theme: theme, target_id: num, name: "header", value: "html") ThemeField.create!(theme: theme2, target_id: num, name: "header", value: "html") ThemeField.create!(theme: theme3, target_id: num, name: "header", value: "html") end expect(ThemeField.find_by_theme_ids([theme3.id, theme.id, theme2.id]).pluck(:theme_id)).to eq( [theme3.id, theme3.id, theme.id, theme.id, theme2.id, theme2.id], ) end end it "does not insert a script tag when there are no inline script" do theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "body_tag", value: "
new div
") theme_field.ensure_baked! expect(theme_field.value_baked).to_not include(" HTML theme_field.ensure_baked! expect(theme_field.error).to include(I18n.t("themes.errors.optimized_link")) theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "scss", value: <<~SCSS) body { background: url(http://mysite.invalid/uploads/default/optimized/1X/6d749a141f513f88f167e750e528515002043da1_2_1282x1000.png); } SCSS theme_field.ensure_baked! expect(theme_field.error).to include(I18n.t("themes.errors.optimized_link")) theme_field.update(value: <<~SCSS) body { background: url(http://notdiscourse.invalid/optimized/my_image.png); } SCSS theme_field.ensure_baked! expect(theme_field.error).to eq(nil) end it "only extracts inline javascript to an external file" do html = <<~HTML HTML theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "header", value: html) theme_field.ensure_baked! expect(theme_field.value_baked).to include( "", ) expect(theme_field.value_baked).to include("external-script.js") expect(theme_field.value_baked).to include(' HTML extracted = <<~JS var a = 10 var b = 10 JS theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "header", value: html) theme_field.ensure_baked! expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include(extracted) end it "correctly extracts and generates errors for transpiled js" do html = < badJavaScript(; HTML field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "header", value: html) field.ensure_baked! expect(field.error).not_to eq(nil) expect(field.value_baked).to include( "", ) expect(field.javascript_cache.content).to include("[THEME 1 'Default'] Compile error") field.update!(value: "") field.ensure_baked! expect(field.error).to eq(nil) end it "allows us to use theme settings in handlebars templates" do html = <
HTML ThemeField.create!( theme_id: 1, target_id: 3, name: "yaml", value: "string_setting: \"test text \\\" 123!\"", ).ensure_baked! theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "head_tag", value: html) theme_field.ensure_baked! javascript_cache = theme_field.javascript_cache expect(theme_field.value_baked).to include( "", ) expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("testing-div") expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("string_setting") expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("test text \\\" 123!") expect(javascript_cache.content).to include( "define(\"discourse/theme-#{theme_field.theme_id}/discourse/templates/my-template\"", ) end it "correctly generates errors for transpiled css" do css = "body {" field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "scss", value: css) field.ensure_baked! expect(field.error).not_to eq(nil) field.value = "@import 'missingfile';" field.save! field.ensure_baked! expect(field.error).to include("Error: Can't find stylesheet to import.") field.value = "body {color: blue};" field.save! field.ensure_baked! expect(field.error).to eq(nil) end it "allows importing scss files" do main_field = theme.set_field( target: :common, name: :scss, value: ".class1{color: red}\n@import 'rootfile1';\n@import 'rootfile3';", ) theme.set_field( target: :extra_scss, name: "rootfile1", value: ".class2{color:green}\n@import 'foldername/subfile1';", ) theme.set_field(target: :extra_scss, name: "rootfile2", value: ".class3{color:green} ") theme.set_field( target: :extra_scss, name: "foldername/subfile1", value: ".class4{color:yellow}\n@import 'subfile2';", ) theme.set_field( target: :extra_scss, name: "foldername/subfile2", value: ".class5{color:yellow}\n@import '../rootfile2';", ) theme.set_field(target: :extra_scss, name: "rootfile3", value: ".class6{color:green} ") theme.save! result = main_field.compile_scss[0] expect(result).to include(".class1") expect(result).to include(".class2") expect(result).to include(".class3") expect(result).to include(".class4") expect(result).to include(".class5") expect(result).to include(".class6") end it "correctly handles extra JS fields" do js_field = theme.set_field( target: :extra_js, name: "discourse/controllers/discovery.js.es6", value: "import 'discourse/lib/ajax'; console.log('hello from .js.es6');", ) _js_2_field = theme.set_field( target: :extra_js, name: "discourse/controllers/discovery-2.js", value: "import 'discourse/lib/ajax'; console.log('hello from .js');", ) hbs_field = theme.set_field( target: :extra_js, name: "discourse/templates/discovery.hbs", value: "{{hello-world}}", ) raw_hbs_field = theme.set_field( target: :extra_js, name: "discourse/templates/discovery.hbr", value: "{{hello-world}}", ) hbr_field = theme.set_field( target: :extra_js, name: "discourse/templates/other_discovery.hbr", value: "{{hello-world}}", ) unknown_field = theme.set_field( target: :extra_js, name: "discourse/controllers/discovery.blah", value: "this wont work", ) theme.save! js_field.reload expect(js_field.value_baked).to eq("baked") expect(js_field.value_baked).to eq("baked") expect(js_field.value_baked).to eq("baked") # All together expect(theme.javascript_cache.content).to include( "define(\"discourse/theme-#{theme.id}/discourse/templates/discovery\", [\"exports\", ", ) expect(theme.javascript_cache.content).to include('addRawTemplate("discovery"') expect(theme.javascript_cache.content).to include( "define(\"discourse/theme-#{theme.id}/discourse/controllers/discovery\"", ) expect(theme.javascript_cache.content).to include( "define(\"discourse/theme-#{theme.id}/discourse/controllers/discovery-2\"", ) expect(theme.javascript_cache.content).to include("const settings =") expect(theme.javascript_cache.content).to include( "[THEME #{theme.id} '#{theme.name}'] Compile error: unknown file extension 'blah' (discourse/controllers/discovery.blah)", ) # Check sourcemap expect(theme.javascript_cache.source_map).to eq(nil) ThemeJavascriptCompiler.enable_terser! js_field.update(compiler_version: "0") theme.save! expect(theme.javascript_cache.source_map).not_to eq(nil) map = JSON.parse(theme.javascript_cache.source_map) expect(map["sources"]).to contain_exactly( "discourse/controllers/discovery-2.js", "discourse/controllers/discovery.blah", "discourse/controllers/discovery.js", "discourse/templates/discovery.js", "discovery.js", "other_discovery.js", ) expect(map["sourceRoot"]).to eq("theme-#{theme.id}/") expect(map["sourcesContent"].length).to eq(6) end def create_upload_theme_field!(name) ThemeField .create!( theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, value: "", type_id: ThemeField.types[:theme_upload_var], name: name, ) .tap { |tf| tf.ensure_baked! } end it "ensures we don't use invalid SCSS variable names" do expect { create_upload_theme_field!("42") }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) expect { create_upload_theme_field!("a42") }.not_to raise_error end def get_fixture(type) File.read("#{Rails.root}/spec/fixtures/theme_settings/#{type}_settings.yaml") end def create_yaml_field(value) field = ThemeField.create!( theme_id: 1, target_id: Theme.targets[:settings], name: "yaml", value: value, ) field.ensure_baked! field end let(:key) { "themes.settings_errors" } it "forces re-transpilation of theme JS when settings YAML changes" do settings_field = ThemeField.create!( theme: theme, target_id: Theme.targets[:settings], name: "yaml", value: "setting: 5", ) html = <<~HTML HTML js_field = ThemeField.create!( theme: theme, target_id: ThemeField.types[:html], name: "header", value: html, ) old_value_baked = js_field.value_baked settings_field.update!(value: "setting: 66") js_field.reload expect(js_field.value_baked).to eq(nil) js_field.ensure_baked! expect(js_field.value_baked).to be_present expect(js_field.value_baked).not_to eq(old_value_baked) end it "generates errors for bad YAML" do yaml = "invalid_setting 5" field = create_yaml_field(yaml) expect(field.error).to eq(I18n.t("#{key}.invalid_yaml")) field.value = "valid_setting: true" field.save! field.ensure_baked! expect(field.error).to eq(nil) end it "generates errors when default value's type doesn't match setting type" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("invalid")) expect(field.error).to include( I18n.t("#{key}.default_not_match_type", name: "no_match_setting"), ) end it "generates errors when no default value is passed" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("invalid")) expect(field.error).to include( I18n.t("#{key}.default_value_missing", name: "no_default_setting"), ) end it "generates errors when invalid type is passed" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("invalid")) expect(field.error).to include( I18n.t("#{key}.data_type_inclusion", name: "invalid_type_setting"), ) end it "generates errors when default value is not within allowed range" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("invalid")) expect(field.error).to include( I18n.t( "#{key}.default_value_not_valid", name: "default_out_of_range", error_messages: [I18n.t("#{key}.number_value_not_valid_min_max", min: 1, max: 20)].join( " ", ), ), ) expect(field.error).to include( I18n.t( "#{key}.default_value_not_valid", name: "string_default_out_of_range", error_messages: [I18n.t("#{key}.string_value_not_valid_min", min: 20)].join(" "), ), ) end it "generates the right errors when setting of type objects have default values which does not matches the schema" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("invalid")) expect(field.error).to include( "Setting `invalid_default_objects_setting` default value isn't valid. The property at JSON Pointer '/0/required_string' must be present. The property at JSON Pointer '/1/min_5_chars_string' must be at least 5 characters long. The property at JSON Pointer '/1/children/0/required_integer' must be present.", ) end it "works correctly when valid yaml is provided" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("valid")) expect(field.error).to be_nil end describe "locale fields" do let!(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme) } let!(:theme2) { Fabricate(:theme) } let!(:theme3) { Fabricate(:theme) } let!(:en1) do ThemeField.create!( theme: theme, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "en", value: { en: { somestring1: "helloworld", group: { key1: "enval1", }, }, }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml, ) end let!(:fr1) do ThemeField.create!( theme: theme, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "fr", value: { fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld", group: { key2: "frval2", }, }, }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml, ) end let!(:fr2) do ThemeField.create!( theme: theme2, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "fr", value: "", ) end let!(:en2) do ThemeField.create!( theme: theme2, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "en", value: "", ) end let!(:ca3) do ThemeField.create!( theme: theme3, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "ca", value: "", ) end let!(:en3) do ThemeField.create!( theme: theme3, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "en", value: "", ) end describe "scopes" do it "filter_locale_fields returns results in the correct order" do expect( ThemeField.find_by_theme_ids([theme3.id, theme.id, theme2.id]).filter_locale_fields( %w[en fr], ), ).to eq([en3, en1, fr1, en2, fr2]) end it "find_first_locale_fields returns only the first locale for each theme" do expect( ThemeField.find_first_locale_fields([theme3.id, theme.id, theme2.id], %w[ca en fr]), ).to eq([ca3, en1, en2]) end end describe "#raw_translation_data" do it "errors if the top level key is incorrect" do fr1.update(value: { wrongkey: { somestring1: "bonjourworld" } }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) expect { fr1.raw_translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end it "errors if there are multiple top level keys" do fr1.update( value: { fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld", }, otherkey: "hello", }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml, ) expect { fr1.raw_translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end it "errors if YAML includes arrays" do fr1.update(value: { fr: %w[val1 val2] }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) expect { fr1.raw_translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end it "errors if YAML has invalid syntax" do fr1.update(value: "fr: 'valuewithoutclosequote") expect { fr1.raw_translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end it "works when locale file doesn't contain translations" do fr1.update(value: "fr:") expect(fr1.translation_data).to eq( fr: { }, en: { somestring1: "helloworld", group: { key1: "enval1", }, }, ) end end describe "#translation_data" do it "loads correctly" do expect(fr1.translation_data).to eq( fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld", group: { key2: "frval2", }, }, en: { somestring1: "helloworld", group: { key1: "enval1", }, }, ) end it "raises errors for the current locale" do fr1.update(value: { wrongkey: "hello" }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) expect { fr1.translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end it "doesn't raise errors for the fallback locale" do en1.update(value: { wrongkey: "hello" }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) expect(fr1.translation_data).to eq( fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld", group: { key2: "frval2", }, }, ) end it "merges any overrides" do # Overrides in the current locale (so in tests that will be english) theme.update_translation("group.key1", "overriddentest1") theme.reload expect(fr1.translation_data).to eq( fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld", group: { key2: "frval2", }, }, en: { somestring1: "helloworld", group: { key1: "overriddentest1", }, }, ) end end describe "javascript cache" do it "is generated correctly" do fr1.ensure_baked! expect(fr1.value_baked).to include( "", ) expect(fr1.javascript_cache.content).to include("bonjourworld") expect(fr1.javascript_cache.content).to include("helloworld") expect(fr1.javascript_cache.content).to include("enval1") end it "is recreated when data changes" do t = Fabricate(:theme) t.set_field( target: "translations", name: "fr", value: { fr: { mykey: "initial value" } }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml, ) t.save! field = t.theme_fields.find_by(target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "fr") expect(field.javascript_cache.content).to include("initial value") t.set_field( target: "translations", name: "fr", value: { fr: { mykey: "new value" } }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml, ) t.save! field = t.theme_fields.find_by(target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "fr") expect(field.javascript_cache.reload.content).to include("new value") end it "is recreated when fallback data changes" do t = Fabricate(:theme) t.set_field( target: "translations", name: "fr", value: { fr: {} }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml, ) t.set_field( target: "translations", name: "en", value: { en: { myotherkey: "initial value" } }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml, ) t.save! field = t.theme_fields.find_by(target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "fr") expect(field.javascript_cache.content).to include("initial value") t.set_field( target: "translations", name: "en", value: { en: { myotherkey: "new value" } }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml, ) t.save! field = t.theme_fields.find_by(target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "fr") expect(field.javascript_cache.reload.content).to include("new value") end end describe "prefix injection" do it "injects into JS" do html = <<~HTML HTML theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: theme.id, target_id: 0, name: "head_tag", value: html) theme_field.ensure_baked! javascript_cache = theme_field.javascript_cache expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("inline discourse plugin") expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("theme_translations.#{theme.id}.") end end end describe "SVG sprite theme fields" do let :svg_content do "" end let :upload_file do tmp = Tempfile.new("test.svg") File.write(tmp.path, svg_content) tmp end after { upload_file.unlink } let(:upload) do UploadCreator.new(upload_file, "test.svg", for_theme: true).create_for( Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, ) end let(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme) } let(:theme_field) do ThemeField.create!( theme: theme, target_id: 0, name: SvgSprite.theme_sprite_variable_name, upload: upload, value: "", value_baked: "baked", type_id: ThemeField.types[:theme_upload_var], ) end it "is rebaked when upload changes" do fname = "custom-theme-icon-sprite.svg" sprite = UploadCreator.new(file_from_fixtures(fname), fname, for_theme: true).create_for(-1) theme_field.update(upload: sprite) expect(theme_field.value_baked).to eq(nil) end it "clears SVG sprite cache when upload is deleted" do theme_field expect(SvgSprite.custom_svgs(theme.id).size).to eq(1) theme_field.destroy! expect(SvgSprite.custom_svgs(theme.id).size).to eq(0) end it "crashes gracefully when svg is invalid" do FileStore::LocalStore.any_instance.stubs(:path_for).returns(nil) expect(theme_field.validate_svg_sprite_xml).to match("Error with icons-sprite") end it "raises an error when sprite is too big" do fname = "theme-icon-sprite.svg" symbols = "" 3500.times do |i| id = "icon-id-#{i}" path = "M#{rand(1..100)} 2.18-2.087.277-4.216.42-6.378.42s-4.291-.143-6.378-.42c-1.085-.144-1.872-1.086-1.872-2.18v-4.25m16.5 0a2.18 2.18 0 00.75-1.661V8.706c0-1.081-.768-2.015-1.837-2.175a48.114 48.114 0 00-3.413-.387m4.5 8.006c-.194.165-.42.295-.673.38A23.978 23.978 0 0112 15.75c-2.648 0-5.195-.429-7.577-1.22a2.016 2.016 0 01-.673-.38m0 0A2.18 2.18 0 013 12.489V8.706c0-1.081.768-2.015 1.837-2.175a48.111 48.111 0 013.413-.387m7.5 0V5.25A2.25 2.25 0 0013.5 3h-3a2.25 .008z" symbols += "\n" end contents = "#{symbols}" sprite = UploadCreator.new(file_from_contents(contents, fname), fname, for_theme: true).create_for( -1, ) theme_field.update(upload: sprite) expect(theme_field.validate_svg_sprite_xml).to match("Error with icons-sprite") end end describe "local js assets" do let :js_content do "// not transpiled; console.log('hello world');" end let :upload_file do tmp = Tempfile.new(%w[jsfile .js]) File.write(tmp.path, js_content) tmp end after { upload_file.unlink } it "correctly handles local JS asset caching" do upload = UploadCreator.new(upload_file, "test.js", for_theme: true).create_for( Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, ) js_field = theme.set_field( target: :common, type_id: ThemeField.types[:theme_upload_var], name: "test_js", upload_id: upload.id, ) common_field = theme.set_field( target: :common, name: "head_tag", value: "", type: :html, ) theme.set_field(target: :settings, type: :yaml, name: "yaml", value: "hello: world") theme.set_field( target: :extra_js, name: "discourse/controllers/discovery.js.es6", value: "import 'discourse/lib/ajax'; console.log('hello from .js.es6');", ) theme.save! # a bit fragile, but at least we test it properly [ theme.reload.javascript_cache.content, common_field.reload.javascript_cache.content, ].each do |js| js_to_eval = <<~JS var settings; var window = {}; var require = function(name) { if(name == "discourse/lib/theme-settings-store") { return({ registerSettings: function(id, s) { settings = s; } }); } } window.require = require; #{js} settings JS ctx = MiniRacer::Context.new val = ctx.eval(js_to_eval) ctx.dispose expect(val["theme_uploads"]["test_js"]).to eq(js_field.upload.url) expect(val["theme_uploads_local"]["test_js"]).to eq(js_field.javascript_cache.local_url) expect(val["theme_uploads_local"]["test_js"]).to start_with("/theme-javascripts/") end # this is important, we do not want local_js_urls to leak into scss expect(theme.scss_variables).to include("$hello: unquote(\"world\");") expect(theme.scss_variables).to include("$test_js: unquote(\"#{upload.url}\");") expect(theme.scss_variables).not_to include("theme_uploads") end end describe "migration JavaScript field" do it "must match a specific format for filename" do field = Fabricate(:migration_theme_field, theme: theme) field.name = "12-some-name" expect(field.valid?).to eq(false) expect(field.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t("themes.import_error.migrations.invalid_filename", filename: "12-some-name"), ) field.name = "00012-some-name" expect(field.valid?).to eq(false) expect(field.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t("themes.import_error.migrations.invalid_filename", filename: "00012-some-name"), ) field.name = "0012some-name" expect(field.valid?).to eq(false) expect(field.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t("themes.import_error.migrations.invalid_filename", filename: "0012some-name"), ) field.name = "0012" expect(field.valid?).to eq(false) expect(field.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t("themes.import_error.migrations.invalid_filename", filename: "0012"), ) field.name = "0012-something" expect(field.valid?).to eq(true) end it "doesn't allow weird characters in the name" do field = Fabricate(:migration_theme_field, theme: theme) field.name = "0012-ëèard" expect(field.valid?).to eq(false) expect(field.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t("themes.import_error.migrations.invalid_filename", filename: "0012-ëèard"), ) end it "imposes a limit on the name part in the filename" do stub_const(ThemeField, "MIGRATION_NAME_PART_MAX_LENGTH", 10) do field = Fabricate(:migration_theme_field, theme: theme) field.name = "0012-#{"a" * 11}" expect(field.valid?).to eq(false) expect(field.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t("themes.import_error.migrations.name_too_long", count: 10), ) field.name = "0012-#{"a" * 10}" expect(field.valid?).to eq(true) end end end end