# frozen_string_literal: true require 'ostruct' module FlagQuery def self.plugin_post_custom_fields @plugin_post_custom_fields ||= {} end # Allow plugins to add custom fields to the flag views def self.register_plugin_post_custom_field(field, plugin) plugin_post_custom_fields[field] = plugin end def self.flagged_posts_report(current_user, opts = nil) Discourse.deprecate("FlagQuery is deprecated, use the Reviewable API instead.", since: "2.3.0beta5", drop_from: "2.4") opts ||= {} offset = opts[:offset] || 0 per_page = opts[:per_page] || 25 reviewables = ReviewableFlaggedPost.default_visible.viewable_by(current_user, order: 'created_at DESC') reviewables = reviewables.where(topic_id: opts[:topic_id]) if opts[:topic_id] reviewables = reviewables.where(target_created_by_id: opts[:user_id]) if opts[:user_id] reviewables = reviewables.limit(per_page).offset(offset) if opts[:filter] == 'old' reviewables = reviewables.where("status <> ?", Reviewable.statuses[:pending]) else reviewables = reviewables.pending end total_rows = reviewables.count post_ids = reviewables.map(&:target_id).uniq posts = DB.query(<<~SQL, post_ids: post_ids) SELECT p.id, p.cooked as excerpt, p.raw, p.user_id, p.topic_id, p.post_number, p.reply_count, p.hidden, p.deleted_at, p.user_deleted, NULL as post_action_ids, (SELECT created_at FROM post_revisions WHERE post_id = p.id AND user_id = p.user_id ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1) AS last_revised_at, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM post_actions WHERE (disagreed_at IS NOT NULL OR agreed_at IS NOT NULL OR deferred_at IS NOT NULL) AND post_id = p.id)::int AS previous_flags_count FROM posts p WHERE p.id in (:post_ids) SQL post_lookup = {} user_ids = Set.new topic_ids = Set.new posts.each do |p| user_ids << p.user_id topic_ids << p.topic_id p.excerpt = Post.excerpt(p.excerpt) post_lookup[p.id] = p end all_post_actions = [] reviewables.each do |r| post = post_lookup[r.target_id] post.post_action_ids ||= [] r.reviewable_scores.order('created_at desc').each do |rs| action = { id: rs.id, post_id: post.id, user_id: rs.user_id, post_action_type_id: rs.reviewable_score_type, created_at: rs.created_at, disposed_by_id: rs.reviewed_by_id, disposed_at: rs.reviewed_at, disposition: ReviewableScore.statuses[rs.status], targets_topic: r.payload['targets_topic'], staff_took_action: rs.took_action? } action[:name_key] = PostActionType.types.key(rs.reviewable_score_type) if rs.meta_topic.present? meta_posts = rs.meta_topic.ordered_posts conversation = {} if response = meta_posts[0] action[:related_post_id] = response.id conversation[:response] = { excerpt: excerpt(response.cooked), user_id: response.user_id } user_ids << response.user_id if reply = meta_posts[1] conversation[:reply] = { excerpt: excerpt(reply.cooked), user_id: reply.user_id } user_ids << reply.user_id conversation[:has_more] = rs.meta_topic.posts_count > 2 end end action.merge!(permalink: rs.meta_topic.relative_url, conversation: conversation) end post.post_action_ids << action[:id] all_post_actions << action user_ids << action[:user_id] user_ids << rs.reviewed_by_id if rs.reviewed_by_id end end post_custom_field_names = [] plugin_post_custom_fields.each do |field, plugin| post_custom_field_names << field if plugin.enabled? end post_custom_fields = Post.custom_fields_for_ids(post_ids, post_custom_field_names) # maintain order posts = post_ids.map { |id| post_lookup[id] } # TODO: add serializer so we can skip this posts.map! do |post| result = post.to_h if cfs = post_custom_fields[post.id] result[:custom_fields] = cfs end result end guardian = Guardian.new(current_user) users = User.includes(:user_stat).where(id: user_ids.to_a).to_a User.preload_custom_fields(users, User.whitelisted_user_custom_fields(guardian)) [ posts, Topic.with_deleted.where(id: topic_ids.to_a).to_a, users, all_post_actions, total_rows ] end def self.flagged_post_actions(opts = nil) Discourse.deprecate("FlagQuery is deprecated, please use the Reviewable API instead.", since: "2.3.0beta5", drop_from: "2.4") opts ||= {} scores = ReviewableScore.includes(:reviewable).where('reviewables.type' => 'ReviewableFlaggedPost') scores = scores.where('reviewables.topic_id' => opts[:topic_id]) if opts[:topic_id] scores = scores.where('reviewables.target_created_by_id' => opts[:user_id]) if opts[:user_id] if opts[:filter] == 'without_custom' return scores.where(reviewable_score_type: PostActionType.flag_types_without_custom.values) end if opts[:filter] == "old" scores = scores.where('reviewables.status <> ?', Reviewable.statuses[:pending]) else scores = scores.where('reviewables.status' => Reviewable.statuses[:pending]) end scores end def self.flagged_topics Discourse.deprecate("FlagQuery has been deprecated. Please use the Reviewable API instead.", since: "2.3.0beta5", drop_from: "2.4") params = { pending: Reviewable.statuses[:pending], min_score: Reviewable.min_score_for_priority } results = DB.query(<<~SQL, params) SELECT rs.reviewable_score_type, p.id AS post_id, r.topic_id, rs.created_at, p.user_id FROM reviewables AS r INNER JOIN reviewable_scores AS rs ON rs.reviewable_id = r.id INNER JOIN posts AS p ON p.id = r.target_id WHERE r.type = 'ReviewableFlaggedPost' AND r.status = :pending AND r.score >= :min_score ORDER BY rs.created_at DESC SQL ft_by_id = {} user_ids = Set.new results.each do |r| ft = ft_by_id[r.topic_id] ||= OpenStruct.new( topic_id: r.topic_id, flag_counts: {}, user_ids: Set.new, last_flag_at: r.created_at, ) ft.flag_counts[r.reviewable_score_type] ||= 0 ft.flag_counts[r.reviewable_score_type] += 1 ft.user_ids << r.user_id user_ids << r.user_id end all_topics = Topic.where(id: ft_by_id.keys).to_a all_topics.each { |t| ft_by_id[t.id].topic = t } Topic.preload_custom_fields(all_topics, TopicList.preloaded_custom_fields) { flagged_topics: ft_by_id.values, users: User.where(id: user_ids) } end end