import selectKit from "helpers/select-kit-helper"; import componentTest from "helpers/component-test"; moduleForComponent("combo-box", { integration: true, beforeEach: function() { this.set("subject", selectKit()); } }); componentTest("default", { template: "{{combo-box content=items}}", beforeEach() { this.set("items", [ { id: 1, name: "hello" }, { id: 2, name: "world" } ]); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal(this.subject.header().name(), "hello"); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue(1).name(), "hello"); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue(2).name(), "world"); } }); componentTest("with valueAttribute", { template: '{{combo-box content=items valueAttribute="value"}}', beforeEach() { this.set("items", [ { value: 0, name: "hello" }, { value: 1, name: "world" } ]); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue(0).name(), "hello"); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue(1).name(), "world"); } }); componentTest("with nameProperty", { template: '{{combo-box content=items nameProperty="text"}}', beforeEach() { this.set("items", [ { id: 0, text: "hello" }, { id: 1, text: "world" } ]); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue(0).name(), "hello"); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue(1).name(), "world"); } }); componentTest("with an array as content", { template: "{{combo-box content=items value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.set("items", ["evil", "trout", "hat"]); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue("evil").name(), "evil"); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue("trout").name(), "trout"); } }); componentTest("with value and none as a string", { template: '{{combo-box content=items none="test.none" value=value}}', beforeEach() { I18n.translations[I18n.locale].js.test = { none: "none" }; this.set("items", ["evil", "trout", "hat"]); this.set("value", "trout"); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal(this.subject.noneRow().name(), "none"); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue("evil").name(), "evil"); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue("trout").name(), "trout"); assert.equal(this.subject.header().name(), "trout"); assert.equal(this.value, "trout"); await this.subject.selectNoneRow(); assert.equal(this.value, null); } }); componentTest("with value and none as an object", { template: "{{combo-box content=items none=none value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.set("none", { id: "something", name: "none" }); this.set("items", ["evil", "trout", "hat"]); this.set("value", "evil"); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal(this.subject.noneRow().name(), "none"); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue("evil").name(), "evil"); assert.equal(this.subject.rowByValue("trout").name(), "trout"); assert.equal(this.subject.header().name(), "evil"); assert.equal(this.value, "evil"); await this.subject.selectNoneRow(); assert.equal(this.value, null); } }); componentTest("with no value and none as an object", { template: "{{combo-box content=items none=none value=value}}", beforeEach() { I18n.translations[I18n.locale].js.test = { none: "none" }; this.set("none", { id: "something", name: "none" }); this.set("items", ["evil", "trout", "hat"]); this.set("value", null); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal(this.subject.header().name(), "none"); } }); componentTest("with no value and none string", { template: "{{combo-box content=items none=none value=value}}", beforeEach() { I18n.translations[I18n.locale].js.test = { none: "none" }; this.set("none", "test.none"); this.set("items", ["evil", "trout", "hat"]); this.set("value", null); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal(this.subject.header().name(), "none"); } }); componentTest("with no value and no none", { template: "{{combo-box content=items value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.set("items", ["evil", "trout", "hat"]); this.set("value", null); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal( this.subject.header().name(), "evil", "it sets the first row as value" ); } }); componentTest("with empty string as value", { template: "{{combo-box content=items value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.set("items", ["evil", "trout", "hat"]); this.set("value", ""); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal( this.subject.header().name(), "evil", "it sets the first row as value" ); } }); componentTest("with noneLabel", { template: "{{combo-box content=items allowAutoSelectFirst=false noneLabel=noneLabel}}", beforeEach() { I18n.translations[I18n.locale].js.test = { none: "none" }; this.set("items", ["evil", "trout", "hat"]); this.set("noneLabel", "test.none"); }, async test(assert) { await this.subject.expand(); assert.equal( this.subject.header().name(), "none", "it displays noneLabel as the header name" ); } });